University of Sunderland
桑德兰大学位于英格兰东北部沿海地区。毗邻泰恩河畔纽卡斯尔(乘坐Metro城铁约需30分钟),,毗邻北海,是英国为数不多的海滨城市, 人口约30万,该市是美国第一任总统乔治●华盛顿的故乡,是英国东北部的重要海港城市。附近风景名胜密布,铁路及公路交通网络发达,前往附近的海岸以及乡村交通都十分方便。桑德兰拥有一座大型室内购物中心,两座剧院以及电影院,乘坐Metro城铁从市中心到纽卡斯尔国际机场约需45分钟。乘坐火车到伦敦大约需要4小时。冬季温暖湿润,夏季气候宜人(很少高于30摄氏度),桑德兰的玻璃业闻名全英
桑德兰大学 桑德兰大学拥有两个个图书馆(Murry library, St, Peter library),和一系列的信息服务中心,为保证学生能够更有效的学习。学校提供拥有2000个坐位,可供小组工作的场所,其中很多拥有多媒体工作站。目前,学校图书馆藏有400000册图书,1800种杂志,90000幻灯片以及5000个录像。除此之外,一些电子信息也可以通过学校的网络获得。各个学院也有自己的资源中心,可以为个体和小组的学习提供帮助。大学和城市都能为学生体用休闲娱乐已经运动的场所,学生们的社会活动和运动设施可以有很多选择。桑德兰大学自己的运动中心在切斯特路主校区包括25米游泳馆,2个室内体操场,和一些室外设施,以及由学生会组织的60余个俱乐部。市中心有一个室内大型购物中心,2个剧院和影院。
学校为每一个需要住宿的同学提供房间,大学一年级学生、欧洲学生及国际学生有相对的优先权。学校的所有住宿区都提供免费网络、泊车服务及独立的洗衣室,学生可乘坐免费班车从公寓到其他地方,桑德兰共有6处学校寝室(HALL OF RESIDENCE),另外有一些叫做学校管理的出租房,也都安上了学校的FLAT的标记。一般住寝室的话,不推荐住学校管理的出租房。六处学校的寝室为:CLANNY HOUSE,FORGE,PRICINT,ALL SAINTS、PANNS BANK,SCOTIA QUAY。(以地理位置由南到北排列)。在学校宿舍的里面,都是安全的,24小时保安,但是学校宿舍外面就不保证了。各宿舍都有校车接送。各宿舍都有个洗脸池。各FLAT都有电视接口,一般可以逃LICENSE的,插上就可以看电视。每个FLAT都有电话,内线免费。SCOTIA QUAY是一个房间一个。
Master of Business Administration MBA (工商管理)
Master of Business Administration MBA Top-up (工商管理)
Master of Business Administration MBA Dissertation Stage Only MBA (工商管理)
Master of Business Management MBM (工商管理)
Master of Business Administration (HRM) MBA ()
International Tourism and Hospitality Management (Top-Up) ()
Master’s Foundation Programme (硕士预科项目)
Business and Marketing Management (Stage 3) BA (Hons) (商业和市场营销管理(阶段3))
Accounting and Financial Management (Top-Up) BA (Hons) (会计与金融管理(专升本))
Applied Business Computing (Top-Up) BSc (Hons) (应用商业计算(专升本))
International Management MA (国际管理)
Business and Management BA (Hons) (商务与管理)
Business and Management BA (Hons) (商业和管理)
Business and Marketing Management BA (Hons) (商务与市场营销管理)
Business and Human Resource Management BA (Hons) (商业和人力资源管理)
Accounting and Finance (with Professional Exemptions) BA (Hons) (会计与金融(含专业豁免))
Master of Business Administration MBA (Finance) MBA (工商管理)
Master of Business Administration MBA (Marketing) (工商管理(市场营销))
Master of Business Administration MBA (Supply Chain Management) MBA (工商管理(供应量管理))
Finance and Management MSc (金融与管理)
Human Resource Management (CIPD Accredited) MSc (人力资源管理)
Business and Financial Management BA (Hons) (商业和金融管理)
Business and Management (Stage 3) BA (Hons) (商业和管理(阶段3))
Marketing MA (市场营销)
Tourism and Events MSc (旅游与事件)
Tourism and Hospitality London Campus MSc (旅游与酒店)
International Business Management MSc ()
Accounting and Financial Management (Top-up) ()
Business and Marketing Management (Stage 3) BA (Hons) (商务与市场管理)
Marketing BA (Hons) (市场营销)
Events Management BA (Hons) (会展管理)
International Tourism and Hospitality Management BSc (Hons) (国际旅游与酒店管理)
International Tourism and Hospitality Management (Top-Up) BSc (Hons) (国际旅游与酒店管理(专升本))
Master of Business Administration (Marketing) MBA (工商管理:市场营销)
Master of Business Administration (HRM) MBA (工商管理:人力资源)
Master of Business Administration MBA / PgCert (工商管理)
Professional Practice MBA (专业实践MBA)
Marketing (Professional Practice) MA (市场营销(专业实践))
Human Resource Management (CIPD accredited) MSc (人力资源管理(CIPD认证))
Extended Award MA (延长学位)
BA ( Hons ) Business & financial management (商业与金融管理)
International Year One (国际大一)
Tourism and Aviation Management BSc (Hons) (旅游与航空管理)
Master of Business Administration (Finance) MBA (工商管理(金融))
International Business Management MSc (国际商业管理)
Extended Award MBM (延长学位)
Business Education PGCE (商业教育)
MBA Top-Up MBA (工商管理(专升硕))
Extended Award MSc (延长学位)
Tourism and Events MSc (旅游与会展)
Tourism and Hospitality MSc (旅游与酒店)
Undergraduate Foundation Programme (UFP) (本科预科)
Tourism and Aviation MSc (旅游和航空)
Business Management and Entrepreneurship (Top-Up) BA (Hons) ()
BSc (Hons) Applied Business Computing Top Up ()
Master's Foundation Programme (MFP) (硕士预科)
MBA Master of Business Administration (Sustainability) MBA (工商管理硕士(可持续发展方向))
MBA Top-Up MBA (MBA Top-Up)
Master of Business Administration (Marketing) MBA (工商管理硕士(市场营销))
Extended Award MBM (扩展学位)
Extended Award MSc (扩展学位)
Management Studies PgCert (管理学研究)
BA (Hons) Business Management Top Up ()
Professional Practice MBA (专业实践)
Master of Business Administration (Sports Management) MBA (工商管理硕士(体育管理))
Marketing (Professional Practice) MA (市场营销(专业实践))
Human Resource Management (CIPD accredited) MSc (人力资源管理(CIPD认证))
Human Resource Management PgCert (人力资源管理)
Human Resource Management PgDip (人力资源管理)
Master of Business Administration (Finance) MBA (工商管理硕士(金融))
Master of Business Administration (HRM) MBA (工商管理硕士(人力资源管理))
International Business Management MSc (国际商务管理)
Digital Marketing and Analytics PgCert (数字营销与分析)
Digital Marketing and Analytics PgDip (数字营销与分析)
Business and Marketing (Top-Up) BA (Hons) ()
Master of Business Administration MBA (工商管理硕士)
Extended Award MA (扩展学位)
Management Studies PgDip (管理学研究)
Manufacturing Engineering BEng (Hons) (制造工程)
Mechanical Engineering MEng (机械工程(本硕连读))
Engineering Management MSc (工程管理)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering BEng (Hons) (电子与电气工程)
Manufacturing Engineering MEng (制造工程(本硕连读))
Electronic and Electrical Engineering (Top-Up) BEng (Hons) (电子与电气工程(专升本))
Mechanical Engineering (Top-Up) BEng (Hons) (机械工程(专升本))
Project Management MSc (项目管理)
Engineering Technologies BEng (Hons) (工程科技)
Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons) (机械工程)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering MEng (电子与电气工程(本硕连读))
Manufacturing Engineering (Top-Up) BEng (Hons) (制造工程(专升本))
Automotive Engineering (Top-Up) BEng (Hons) (汽车工程(专升本))
Applied Project Management MSc (应用项目管理)
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering ()
Computer Systems Engineering (Top-Up) BSc (Hons) (计算机系统工程)
Advanced Engineering Design MSc (高级工程设计)
Sustainable Design and Manufacture MSc (可持续设计与制造)
Primary Education with SEND BA (Hons) (小学教育与SEND)
Education MA (教育学)
Computing Education with QTS BSc (Hons) (计算机教育与QTS)
Chemistry Education with QTS BSc (Hons) (化学教育与QTS)
Physics with Mathematics Education (11-16 years) with QTS BSc (Hons) (物理学与数学教育(11-16岁)与QTS)
Early Years Teaching PGCE ()
Primary Education with QTS BA (Hons) (小学教育与QTS)
Engineering Education with QTS BSc (Hons) (工程教育与QTS)
Design Technology Education with QTS BSc (Hons) (设计技术教育与QTS)
Mathematics Education (11-16 years) with QTS BSc (Hons) (数学教育(11-16岁)与QTS)
Computer Science Secondary Education PGCE (计算机科学中学教育)
Geography Secondary Education PGCE (地理中学教育)
Secondary Religious Education (11-16) with QTS (宗教中学教育)
Secondary History Education (11-16) with QTS PGCE (中学历史教育(11-16岁)带QTS)
Modern Foreign Languages (MfL) Education with recommendation for QTS PGCE (现代外语(MfL)教育和有推荐的QTS)
Physical Education with QTS BSc (Hons) (物理教育与QTS)
Biology Education with QTS BSc (Hons) (生物教育与QTS)
Education Studies BA (Hons) (教育研究)
Mathematics Education - 1 Year with QTS PGCE (数学教育 - 1年带QTS)
English Secondary Education PGCE (英语中学教育)
Science with Biology Secondary Education PGCE (科学与生物中学教育)
Science with Chemistry Secondary Education PGCE (科学与化学中学教育)
Primary Education PGCE (小学教育)
Science with Physics Secondary Education PGCE (科学与物理中学教育)
School Direct (Salaried and Tuition Fees) PGCE (学校直属(薪资和学费))
Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion MA (特殊教育需求、残疾和融合)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA (对外英语教学(TESOL))
Education MA (教育)
Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion MA (特殊教育需要、残疾及共融)
PGCE Further Education and Skills (FES) PGCE (继续教育和技能教育)
Inequality and Society MSc (不平等与社会)
Mathematics Education - 1 Year with QTS PGCE (数学教育)
MA Education (Early Years Teaching) (教育学硕士(早期教学))
MA Childhood and Youth Studies MA (儿童与青年研究)
Computer Science Secondary Education PGCE (计算机科学中等教育)
English Secondary Education PGCE (英国中学教育)
Secondary History Education (11-16) with QTS PGCE (中学历史教育(11-16))
Geography Secondary Education PGCE (地理中等教育)
MA Education (Generic) (教育学硕士(通识))
Computer Science BSc (Hons) (计算机科学)
Information and Communication Technology (Top-up) BSc (Hons) (信息与通信技术(专升本))
Networks and Cybersecurity BSc (Hons) (网络与网络安全)
Business Intelligence Data Analytics (Top-Up) (商业智能数据分析(专升本))
Telecommunications Engineering MSc (电信工程)
Game Development BSc (Hons) (游戏开发)
Network Systems Engineering (Top-Up) BSc (Hons) (网络系统工程(专升本))
Radio (Production and Management) MA (无线电(生产与管理))
Information Technology Management MSc (信息技术管理)
Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics BSc (Hons) (网络安全与数字取证)
Computer Systems Engineering (Top-Up) BSc (Hons) (计算机系统工程(专升本))
Cybersecurity MSc (网络安全)
Computing MSc (计算机)
Applied Data Science MSc (应用数据科学)
Applied Cybersecurity MSc (应用网络安全)
Data Science MSc (数据科学)
Applied Computing MSc (应用计算)
BSc (Hons) Computer Science ()
Applied Computing MSc (应用计算机)
Computing MSc (计算)
Graphic Design BA (Hons) (平面设计)
Fashion Design and Promotion BA (Hons) (时尚设计与推广)
Glass MA (眼镜)
Visual Practice MA (视觉实践)
MA Visual Practice: Contemporary Fine Art (视觉实践:当代美术)
Design MA (设计)
MA Design: Animation (设计:动画)
MA Design: Fashion (设计:时尚)
MA Design: Graphics (设计:平面)
MA Visual Practice: Photography (视觉实践:摄影)
MA Visual Practice: Ceramics (视觉实践:陶艺)
MA Design: Games Art (设计:游戏艺术)
MA Design: Illustration (设计:插图)
MA Visual Practice: Glass (视觉实践:玻璃)
MA Design: Animation (设计:动画)
MA Design: Games Art (设计:游戏美术)
MA Design: Illustration (设计:插画)
MA Design: Fashion (设计:时尚)
MA Design: Graphics (设计:图形学)
Media Production (Film and Television) MA (媒体制作(影视))
Magazine Journalism MA (杂志新闻)
Mass Communications (Top-Up) BA (Hons) (大众传媒(专升本))
Journalism MA (新闻)
Media and Cultural Studies (Dissertation Stage only) MA (媒体与文化研究)
Film and Media BA (Hons) (电影与媒体)
Social Media Management BA (Hons) (社媒管理)
Sports Journalism BA (Hons) (体育新闻)
Media Production BA (Hons) (媒体制作)
Media, Culture and Communication BA (Hons) (媒体、文化与传播)
Sports Journalism MA (体育新闻)
Fashion Journalism BA (Hons) (时尚新闻学)
Film and Media BA (Hons) (电影和媒体)
Journalism BA (Hons) (新闻学)
Radio, Audio and Podcasting MA (广播,音频和播客)
Media Production (Film and Television) MA (媒体制作(电影和电视))
Photography MA (摄影)
Illustration and Design BA (Hons) (插图和设计)
Fine Art MA (美术)
Ceramics MA (陶瓷)
Artist Designer Maker: Glass and Ceramics BA (Hons) (艺术家设计师制造商:玻璃和陶瓷)
Fine Art BA (Hons) (艺术)
Photography, Video and Digital Imaging BA (Hons) (摄影、视频和数字成像)
Animation and Games Art BA (Hons) (动画和游戏艺术)
Screen Performance BA (Hons) (银幕表演)
Music (Top-Up) BA (Hons) (音乐(专升本))
Film Production BA (Hons) (电影制作)
Curating MA (策展)
Professional Dance BA (Hons) (专业舞蹈)
English: Creative and Professional Writing BA (Hons) (英语:创意与专业写作)
Performing Arts BA (Hons) (表演艺术)
Radio, Audio and Podcasting MA (电台、音频和播客)
Glass and Ceramics MA ()
MA Visual Practice: Contemporary Fine Art (视觉实践:当代美术)
MA Visual Practice: Glass (视觉实践:玻璃)
Music (Top-Up) BA (Hons) (音乐)
MA Visual Practice: Photography (视觉实践:摄影)
MA Visual Practice: Ceramics (视觉实践:陶瓷)
English Studies MA (英语研究)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA (对外英语教学)
Education (Generic) MA (教育)
EAP Pre-Sessional Course D Distance Learning (EAP预科课程 (远程学习))
Pharmacy Pre-registration Training Programme (药剂学)
Pharmaceutical Sciences for the Overseas Pharmacist Assessment Programme (OSPAP) MSc (制药科学)
Drug Discovery and Development MSc (药物发现与开发)
Physiological Sciences BSc (Hons) (生理科学)
Medicine MBChB (药学(本硕连读))
Adult Nursing Practice BSc (Hons) (成人护理实践)
Children's and Young People's Nursing Practice BSc (Hons) (儿童与青少年护理实践)
Nursing (Top-Up) BSc (Hons) (护理(专升本))
Counselling (Top-Up) BA (Hons) (咨询(专升本))
Biomedical Science BSc (Hons) (生物医学科学)
Pharmaceutical and BioPharmaceutical Formulations MSc (制药与生物制药配方)
Learning Disability Nursing Practice BSc (Hons) (学习障碍护理实践)
Pharmaceutical Sciences for the Overseas Pharmacist Assessment Programme PgDip (海外药剂师评估项目的制药科学)
Psychology (Conversion) MSc (心理学(转换))
Pharmacy MPharm (药学(本硕连读))
Medicinal Chemistry BSc (Hons) (药物化学)
Biopharmaceutical Science BSc (Hons) (生物制药科学)
Cosmetic Science BSc (Hons) (化妆品科学)
Cosmetic Science MSc (化妆品科学)
Mental Health Nursing Practice BSc (Hons) (精神健康护理实践)
Biochemistry BSc (Hons) (生物化学)
Psychology BSc (Hons) (心理学)
Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons) (法医心理学)
Psychology with Counselling BSc (Hons) (心理学与咨询)
Clinical Psychology BSc (Hons) (临床心理学)
Pharmaceutical and BioPharmaceutical Formulations MSc (制药和生物制药配方)
Psychological Research Methods MSc (心理学研究方法)
Information Technology Management via Study Centres MSc (资讯科技管理)
Pharmaceutical Sciences for the Overseas Pharmacist Assessment Programme MSc (海外药剂师评估项目的制药科学)
Psychology MSc (心理学)
Public Health MSc (公共卫生)
Sport and Exercise Sciences MSc (体育与运动科学)
Environment, Health and Safety MSc (环境、卫生与安全)
Nursing MSc (护理)
Sport and Exercise Sciences BSc (Hons) (体育与运动科学)
Master of Philosophy MPhil (哲学)
MNurse (Adult) MNurse (成人护理)
Pharmaceutical and BioPharmaceutical Formulations MSc (制药和生物制药制剂)
Pharmaceutical Sciences for the Overseas Pharmacist Assessment Programme PgDip (药剂学海外药剂师评估计划)
Clinical Pharmacy via Study Centres MSc (临床药学)
Psychology (Conversion) MSc (心理学(转化))
Pharmaceutical Sciences for the Overseas Pharmacist Assessment Programme MSc (药剂学海外药剂师评估计划)
Social Work MA (社会工作)
Public Relations (Accredited by the Chartered Institute of Public Relations) MA (公共关系(通过公共关系的特许协会认可))
Childhood and Society Studies (Top-Up) BA (Hons) (儿童与社会研究)
Sociology BSc (Hons) (社会学)
Social Work BA (Hons) (社会工作)
Criminology BSc (Hons) (犯罪学)
Childhood Studies BA (Hons) (儿童研究)
Policing Studies (Top-Up) BSc (Hons) (警务研究(专升本))
BSc (Hons) Professional Policing (Accelerated) (专业治安学(加速))
Professional Policing BSc (Hons) (专业治安学)
Master of Philosophy MPhil (哲学硕士)
Leadership in Criminal Justice and Policing MSc (刑事司法和警务领导力)
BSc (Hons) Criminology: Vulnerability and Social Care (犯罪学:脆弱性与社会关怀)
Health and Social Care BSc (Hons) (健康与社会关怀)
BSc (Hons) Sociology: Research and Social Policy (社会学:研究与社会政策)
Sport and Rehabilitation Therapy BSc (Hons) (运动与康复治疗)
BSc (Hons) Criminology: Criminology and Criminal Justice (犯罪学:犯罪学与刑事司法)
BSc (Hons) Criminology: Inequality and Social Justice (犯罪学:不平等与社会正义)
Community and Youth Work Studies BA (Hons) (社区与青年工作研究)
BSc (Hons) Sociology: Gender and Inequality (社会学:性别与不平等)
BSc (Hons) Sociology: Research in Practice (社会学:实践研究)
MA Childhood and Youth Studies (儿童和青年研究)
Public Relations MA (公共关系)
Media, Culture and Communication BA(Hons) (媒体文化与沟通)
Law LLM (法律)
International Human Rights LLM (国际人权法)
Criminal Law and Procedure LLM (刑法和诉讼法)
Commercial Law and International Trade LLM (商法和国际贸易)
Tourism and Events MSc (旅游及活动)
Tourism and Aviation MSc (旅游及航空)
Terrorism and Cyber Warfare LLM (恐怖主义和网络战)
Journalism / Journalism (Sports) MA (新闻学/新闻学(体育))
Sustainable Tourism MSc (可持续旅游)
LLM Advanced Legal Practice (SQE 1 and SQE 2) LLM (高级法律实务(SQE 1和SQE 2))
Nursing (Top-Up) BSc (Hons) (护理)
Commercial Law and International Trade LLM (商业法和国际贸易法)
Legal Practice Course PgD (法律实践课程)
Law LLB (Hons) (法学)
Legal Practice LLM (法律实践)
Law LLM (法学)
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