York St John University
目前学校图书馆藏书175,000册和超过2,000本期刊,并保存有电子版。另外还有视听材料,比如DVD、录像带等资源。其它服务包括与约克大学图书馆连网,可获得大量文献资料和相关数据。学校拥有上百台计算机可供教学和开放式使用,24小时可进入学习中心学习。学校使用Microsoft Office办公软件和其它多种硬件,包括DVD,光盘驱动器,激光打印机和媒体编辑器。您使用的是高速、可靠和免费的互联网。学校提供咨询服务。您可以和顾问探讨的问题包括学业压力、思念故乡、个人问题和人际关系的方方面面。无论你的问题多么微不足道,你都可以和咨询顾问讨论,说说你的担忧和紧张情绪。学校关心学生的健康问题,所以在Medical Officer的指导下对学生开展医疗服务。医生门诊定期开放,每天都由实习护士在诊所值班,为学生提供多种服务。健康促进活动会定期展开,一些专家会给学生传授一些和健康相关的知识。从校园步行就能看到所有的大商店和一些小商品店。既有一些一流的品牌商店,而市中心的室外购物大卖场Newgate出售水果、蔬菜和服饰等各种商品,价格和非常公道。
在学期期间的任何一年,你都可以选择住在学生公寓,学校提供广泛的选择范围。学校每年五六月份发送申请信息,并在8月份安排分配房间。Accommodation Office的员工会给你在住宿方面的建议并帮助你找到合适的住处。那里的员工都很有经验,可以为您解决各种问题,包括在签订各种合同或保险时候的注意事项。请注意,由于约克圣约翰大学是一所市中心大学,因此校园里的停车位非常紧缺。不过学校周边有条件非常好的公共停车点。如果有需要,您可以向Facilities Administration Team寻求帮助。
Business Management BA (Hons) (4 years full time with placement) (商务管理(含实习))
International Business BA (Hons) (国际商务)
International Business BA (Hons) (4 years full time with placement) (国际商务(含实习))
International Tourism and Hospitality Management BA (Hons) (国际旅游与酒店管理)
Digital Marketing and Data Analytics BSc (Hons) (数字营销与数据分析)
Digital Marketing and Data Analytics BSc (Hons) (4 years full time with placement) (数字营销与数据分析(含实习))
Fashion Marketing BA (Hons) (时尚营销)
Marketing BA (Hons) (市场营销)
Accounting and Finance with Foundation Year (会计与金融(含预科))
Fashion Marketing with Foundation Year (时尚营销(含预科))
Economics with Foundation Year (经济学(含预科))
Financial and Investment Management with Foundation Year (金融与投资管理(含预科))
Human Resource Management with Foundation Year (人力资源管理(含预科))
Entrepreneurship and Innovation MSc (创业与创新)
International Fashion Marketing MSc (2 years full time with year in industry) (国际时尚营销(含实习))
International Project Management MSc (2 years full time with Professional Experience) (国际项目管理(含实习))
Marketing MSc (2 years full time with year in industry) (市场营销(含实习))
Accounting and Finance BA (Hons) (4 years full time with placement) (会计与金融(含实习))
Business Management BA (Hons) (商务管理)
Politics, Philosophy and Economics BA (Hons) (4 years with placement year) (政治、哲学与经济学(含实习))
Events and Experience Management BA (Hons) (4 years full time with placement year) (活动和体验管理(含实习))
Fashion Marketing BA (Hons) (4 years full time with placement year) (时尚营销(含实习))
Sports Business Management BA (Hons) (4 years full time with placement year) (运动事业管理(含实习))
Accounting and Finance BA (Hons) (会计与金融)
Economics BSc (Hons) (经济学)
Politics, Philosophy and Economics BA (Hons) (政治、哲学与经济学)
Sports Business Management BA (Hons) (运动事业管理)
International Business with Foundation Year (国际商务(含预科))
Marketing with Foundation Year (市场营销(含预科))
Entrepreneurship and Innovation MSc (2 years full time with Professional Experience) (创业与创新(含实习))
Human Resource Management MSc (2 years full time with year in industry) (人力资源管理(含实习))
International Business MSc (国际商务)
International Project Management MSc (国际项目管理)
Leadership and Management MSc (2 years full time with year in industry) (领导与管理学(含实习))
York Business School Foundation Year (商科)
Business Management with Foundation Year (商业管理(含预科))
Digital Marketing and Data Analytics with Foundation Year (数字营销与数据分析(含预科))
Events and Experience Management with Foundation Year (活动与体验管理(含预科))
Sports Business Management with Foundation Year (体育商务管理(含预科))
Digital Marketing MSc (数字营销)
Digital Marketing MSc (2 years full time with Professional Experience) (数字营销(含实习))
International Business MSc (2 years full time with year in industry) (国际商务(含实习))
International Entrepreneurship and Innovation MSc (国际创业与创新)
MSc International Project Management (国际项目管理)
Economics BSc (Hons) (4 years with placement year) (经济学(含实习))
Events and Experience Management BA (Hons) (活动和体验管理)
International Tourism and Hospitality Management BA (Hons) (4 years full time with placement year) (国际旅游与酒店管理(含实习))
Marketing BA (Hons) (4 years full time with placement) (市场营销(含实习))
Leadership and Management MSc (领导与管理学)
Marketing MSc (市场营销)
BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
Entrepreneurship and Innovation MSc(2 years full time with year in industry) (创业与创新(含实习))
Healthcare Management MBA (医疗保健管理)
Human Resource Management MSc (人力资源管理)
International Fashion Marketing MSc(2 years full time with year in industry) (国际时尚营销(含实习))
Master of Business Administration MBA (工商管理)
MBA: Human Resource Management (工商管理:人力资源管理)
MSc International Business Management (国际商务管理)
MSc International Marketing (国际市场营销)
MSc Leadership and Management (领导与管理)
Master of Business Administration (工商管理)
Digital Marketing MSc(2 years full time with Professional Experience) (数字营销(含实习))
International Fashion Marketing MSc (国际时尚营销)
International Project Management MSc(2 years full time with Professional Experience) (国际项目管理(含实习))
Human Resource Management BA (Hons) (人力资源管理)
Global Healthcare Management MSc(2 years full time with Professional Experience) (全球医疗保健管理(含实习))
Healthcare Management MBA(2 years full time with year in industry) (医疗保健管理(含实习))
Master of Business Administration MBA( London campus) (工商管理)
Financial and Investment Management BSc (Hons) (金融与投资管理)
Football Business Management BA (Hons) (足球商业管理)
International Tourism and Hospitality Management with Foundation Year (国际旅游与酒店管理(含预科))
Politics, Philosophy and Economics with Foundation Year (政治、哲学与经济学(含预科))
Executive MBA (高级工商管理)
International Entrepreneurship and Innovation MSc (2 years full time with professional experience) (国际创业与创新(含实习))
Economics and Business BA (Hons) (经济学与商业)
Economics and Geography BA (Hons) (经济学与地理)
Global Healthcare Management MSc (全球医疗保健管理)
Human Resource Management MSc(2 years full time with year in industry) (人力资源管理(含实习))
International Business MSc(2 years full time with year in industry) (国际商务(含实习))
Leadership and Management MSc(2 years full time with year in industry) (领导与管理学(含实习))
Marketing MSc(2 years full time with year in industry) (市场营销(含实习))
Tourism and Destination Management BA (Hons) (旅游和目的地管理)
MSc Digital Marketing (数字营销)
Business School Foundation (商学预科)
Economics and Finance BSc (Hons) (经济学与金融)
Management and Entrepreneurship BA (Hons) (管理和创业)
Politics and Economics BA (Hons) (政治与经济学)
Software Engineering BSc (Hons) (软件工程)
Korean, TESOL and Linguistics BA (Hons) (韩语、对外英语教学和语言学)
Early Years Education and Care (with Graduate Practitioner Competencies) BA (Hons) (早期教育和护理(具有研究生能力))
Early Years Education and Care (with Graduate Practitioner Competencies) with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (幼儿教育与保育(具备毕业实习能力)(含预科))
Pre-sessional Programme (硕士预科)
Primary Education (3 to 7) BA (Hons) (小学教育(3-7岁))
Japanese, TESOL and Linguistics BA (Hons) (日语、对外英语教育与语言学)
Korean, Intercultural Communication and Linguistics BA (Hons) (韩语、跨文化交际和语言学)
Primary Education 5-11 Years with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (小学教育(5-11年级)(含预科))
Primary (University Centred) PGCE (小学教育)
Education, SEN and Mental Health BA (Hons) (教育、特殊教育和心理健康)
Primary Education (5 to 11) BA (Hons) (小学教育(5-11岁))
Education, Children and Counselling Foundation Year (教育、儿童和咨询)
Education, SEN and Mental Health Foundation Year BA (Hons) (教育、特殊教育需要和心理健康(含预科))
TESOL with Thai MA (对外英语教学-泰语)
TESOL with Japanese MA (对外英语教学-日语)
Development & Education of Children & Young People: Early Years Top-Up (儿童和青少年的发展和教育:早期教育 专升本)
TESOL MA (对外英语教学)
Primary (School Direct) PGCE (小学教育)
TESOL with Korean MA (对外英语教学-韩语)
Secondary (School Direct) PGCE (中学教育)
Primary Education 3-7 Years with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (小学教育(3-7年级)(含预科))
Development & Education of Children & Young People Top-Up (儿童和青少年的发展和教育 专升本)
Development and Education of Children and Young People: (SENI) Top-Up (儿童和青少年的发展和教育:(SENI) 专升本)
Master's by Research MA (研究型硕士)
Master's by Research MSc (研究型硕士)
Practice-led Master's by Research MA (以实践为主导的研究型硕士)
Liberal Arts Foundation Year (博雅教育)
Development and Education of Children and Young People: Youth & Community Top-Up (儿童和青少年的发展和教育:青少年和社区 专升本)
English Language, Linguistics and TESOL BA (Hons) (英语语言、语言学与对外英语教学)
Practice-led Master's by Research MSc (以实践为主导的研究型硕士)
Computer Science MSc (2 years full time with year in industry) (计算机科学(含实习))
Cyber Security BSc (Hons) (网络安全)
Games Development BSc (Hons) (4 years full time with placement) (游戏开发(含实习))
Computer Science BSc (Hons) (4 years full time with placement) (计算机科学(含实习))
Games Development BSc (Hons) (游戏开发)
Data Science MSc (数据科学)
Computer Science BSc (Hons) (计算机科学)
Cyber Security BSc (Hons) (4 years full time with year in industry) (网络安全(含实习))
Software Engineering BSc (Hons) (4 years full time with placement) (软件工程(含实习))
Computer Science MSc (计算机科学)
Computer Science MSc( 2 years full time with year in industry) (计算机科学)
Data Science MSc ( 2 years full time with professional experience year) (数据科学(含实习))
Games Design BA (Hons) (游戏设计)
Virtual and Augmented Reality MA (虚拟和增强现实)
Interior Design MA (室内设计)
Interior Design BA (Hons) (室内设计)
Animation BA (Hons) (动画)
Product Design MSc (产品设计)
Graphic Design MA (平面设计)
Graphic Design BA (Hons) (平面设计)
Product Design BA (Hons) (产品设计)
Illustration BA (Hons) (插画)
Media and English Literature BA (Hons) (媒体与英国文学)
Film and Television Production BA (Hons) (电影和电视制作)
Film Studies and Media BA (Hons) (电影研究和媒体)
Sports Journalism BA (Hons) (体育新闻学)
Media and Communication BA (Hons) (媒体与传播)
Film Studies BA (Hons) (电影研究)
Journalism BA (Hons) (新闻学)
Media Production BA (Hons) (媒体制作)
Film and Screen Studies MA (电影和屏幕研究)
Media Production MA (媒体制作)
Music Production and Music Business BA (Hons) (音乐制作与音乐商务)
Creative Writing and Media BA (Hons) (创意写作与媒体)
Drama: Education and Community BA (Hons) (戏剧:教育与社区)
Musical Theatre BA (Hons) (音乐剧院)
English Literature and Film Studies BA (Hons) (英国文学与电影研究)
Community Music MA (社区音乐)
Illustration MFA (插画)
Music Composition MA (音乐作曲)
Musical Leadership MA (音乐领导力)
Drama and Dance BA (Hons) (戏剧与舞蹈)
Music Technology BSc (Hons) (音乐技术)
Fine Art BA (Hons) (美术)
Music BA (Hons) (音乐)
Music: Community Music BA (Hons) (音乐:社区音乐)
Photography MFA (摄影)
Fine Art MFA (美术)
Acting BA (Hons) (表演)
Drama and Theatre BA (Hons) (戏剧与剧院)
Photography BA (Hons) (摄影)
Music Production BA (Hons) (音乐制作)
Theatre and Performance MA (戏剧与表演)
MA Music Composition (音乐作曲)
MA Theatre and Performance (戏剧与表演)
MA Fine Arts (美术)
Applied Theatre MA (应用戏剧学)
Music Production MA (音乐制作)
Music Technology BA (Hons) (音乐技术)
English Literature and History BA (Hons) (英国文学与历史)
English Literature and Religion BA (Hons) (英国文学与宗教)
American Studies and War Studies with Foundation Year (美国研究与战争研究(含预科))
English Literature and Religion with Foundation Year (英国文学与历史(含预科))
Film studies and Media with Foundation Year (电影研究与媒体(含预科))
Media and English Literature with Foundation Year (媒体与英国文学(含预科))
Environmental Geography with Foundation Year (环境地理学(含预科))
Film Studies with Foundation Year (电影学(含预科))
Publishing and Contemporary Literature MA (出版与当代文学)
Publishing and Creative Writing MA (出版与创意写作)
Publishing MA (出版)
American Studies and Film Studies with Foundation Year (美国研究和电影(含预科))
English Literature with Foundation Year (英国文学(含预科))
English Literature and History with Foundation Year (英国文学与历史(含预科))
Geography with Foundation Year (地理 (含预科))
History and American Studies with Foundation Year (历史与美国研究(含预科))
Creative Writing with Foundation Year (创意写作(含预科))
Creative Writing and English Literature with Foundation Year (创意写作和英国文学(含预科))
Human Geography with Foundation Year (人文地理学(含预科))
Media and Communication with Foundation Year (媒体与传播(含预科))
English Language and Linguistics with Foundation Year (英语语言和语言学(含预科))
English Language, Linguistics and TESOL with Foundation Year (英语语言、语言学和 TESOL(含预科))
Contemporary Literature MA (当代文学)
Creative Writing MA (创意写作)
Creative Writing MFA (创意写作)
War Studies and History with Foundation Year (战争研究与历史(含预科))
Creative Writing and English Literature BA (Hons) (创意写作与英国文学)
Creative Writing BA (Hons) (创意写作)
English Language and Linguistics BA (Hons) (英语语言与语言学)
English Literature BA (Hons) (英国文学)
MA Creative Writing (创意写作)
Language and Social Justice MA (语言和社会正义)
Religion in Society MA (社会宗教)
MA Contemporary Literature (当代文学)
Language and Social Justice with British Sign Language MA (语言和社会正义-手语)
Religion in Society PGDip (社会宗教)
Politics and History BA (Hons) (政治与历史)
Politics and International Relations BA (Hons) (政治与国际关系)
Liberal Arts Foundation Year (文科预科)
Creative Writing and Media with Foundation Year (创意写作与媒体(含预科))
English Literature and Film Studies with Foundation Year (英国文学与电影研究 (含预科))
History with Foundation Year (历史(含预科))
History and Religion with Foundation Year (历史与宗教(含预科))
History BA (Hons) (历史)
MA Applied Theatre (应用戏剧)
Environment and Social Justice MA (环境与社会正义)
History MA (历史)
Politics, Philosophy and Ethics BA (Hons) (政治、哲学和伦理学)
Religion in Society PGCert (社会宗教)
History and Religion BA (Hons) (历史与宗教)
Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration) MSc (职业治疗(注册前))
Environmental Geography BSc (Hons) (环境地理)
Human Geography BA (Hons) (人文地理)
Paramedic Science (Pre-registration) MSc (护理科学(注册前))
Psychology MRes (心理学)
Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons) (法医心理学)
Psychology with Counselling BSc (Hons) (心理学与咨询)
Psychology Foundation Year (心理学)
Applied Biosciences: Bioinformatics BSc (Hons) (应用生物科学:生物信息学)
Applied Biosciences: Cancer Biology BSc (Hons) (应用生物科学:癌症生物学)
Biomedical Science BSc (Hons) (生物医学科学)
Counselling and Mental Health BA (Hons) (咨询与心理健康)
Disability and Mental Health Social Work MA (残疾和心理健康社会工作)
Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration) MSc (物理治疗(注册前))
Psychology of Child and Adolescent Development MSc (儿童和青少年发展心理学)
Psychology BSc (Hons) (心理学)
Psychology with Child Development BSc (Hons) (儿童发展心理学)
Applied Biosciences: Medical Biochemistry BSc (Hons) (应用生物科学:医学生物化学)
Geography BSc (Hons) (地理)
Psychology with foundation year BSc (Hons) (心理学(含预科))
Psychology with Counselling with foundation year BSc (Hons) (心理学与咨询(含预科))
Psychology with Child Development with foundation year BSc (Hons) (心理学与儿童发展(含预科))
Occupational Therapy BSc (Hons) (职业理疗)
Sports and Exercise Therapy BSc (Hons) (运动和运动治疗)
Physiotherapy BSc (Hons) (物理治疗)
Physical Education and Sports Coaching BSc (Hons) (体育与运动教练)
Physical Education and Sports Coaching MSci (体育与运动教练(本硕连读))
Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons) (体育与运动科学)
Sport and Exercise Science MSci (体育与运动科学(本硕连读))
Counselling and Mental Health with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (咨询与心理健康(含预科))
Sport Foundation Year (体育)
Sport and Exercise Science MSci with Foundation Year (体育与运动科学(本硕连读)(含预科))
Physical Education and Sport Coaching MSci with Foundation Year (体育与运动教练(本硕连读)(含预科))
Physical Education and Sport Coaching BSc (Hons) with Foundation Year (体育与运动教练(含预科))
Sport and Exercise Therapy with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) (体育与运动疗法(含预科))
Sport and Exercise Science with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) (体育与运动科学(含预科))
MSc Psychology of Child & Adolescent Development (儿童与青少年发育心理学)
MSc Strength and Conditioning (健康与疾病)
Forensic Psychology with foundation year BSc (Hons) (法证心理学(含预科))
Sport and Exercise Therapy MSci with Foundation Year (体育与运动疗法(本硕连读)(含预科))
Physical Education and Sports Coaching MArt (体育和运动教练 本硕连读)
Public Health MSc (公共卫生)
Public Health MSc (2 years full time with Professional Experience) (公共卫生(含实习))
Sport and Exercise Science MSci (体育与运动科学 本硕连读)
Physical Education and Sports Coaching BA (Hons) (体育和运动教练)
Politics BA (Hons) (政治)
Religion, Philosophy and Ethics BA (Hons) (宗教、哲学与伦理学)
Sociology with Criminology with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (社会学与犯罪学(含预科))
American Studies and War Studies BA (Hons) (美国研究和战争研究)
Sociology with Criminology BA (Hons) (社会学与犯罪学)
War Studies and History BA (Hons) (战阵研究与历史)
Japanese, Intercultural Communication and Linguistics BA (Hons) (日语、跨文化交际和语言学)
Law and Social Sciences Foundation Year (法律与社会科学预科)
Criminology with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (犯罪学(含预科))
Professional Policing with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (专业警务(含预科))
Politics and History with Foundation Year (政治与历史(含预科))
Religion, Philosophy and Ethics with Foundation Year (宗教、哲学与伦理学(含预科))
Law with Foundation Year LLB (Hons) (法律(含预科))
American Studies and Film Studies BA (Hons) (美国研究和电影研究)
History and American Studies BA (Hons) (历史与美国研究)
British Sign Language, Deaf Studies and Linguistics BA (Hons) (英国手语、聋人研究和语言学)
Children, Young People and Society BA (Hons) (儿童、青少年和社会)
Religion and Theology BA (Hons) (宗教与神学)
Sociology BA (Hons) (社会学)
MA Publishing and Contemporary Literature ()
Law and Social Sciences with Foundation Year (法律和社会科学)
Social Sciences MRES (社会科学)
Criminology with Police Studies BA (Hons) (犯罪学与警察研究)
Degree in Professional Policing BA (Hons) (职业警务)
Politics and War Studies BA (Hons) (政治与战争研究)
Children, Young People and Society with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (儿童、青少年与社会(含预科))
MLaw with Foundation Year (法律(本硕连读)(含预科))
Criminology with Police Studies with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (犯罪学与警察研究(含预科))
Sociology with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (社会学(含预科))
Politics with Foundation Year (政治 (含预科))
Politics and International Relations with Foundation Year (政治与国际关系(含预科))
Religion and Theology with Foundation Year (宗教与神学(含预科))
International Politics and Security MA (国际政治与安全)
International Relations BA (Hons) (国际关系)
Social Sciences MRes (社会科学)
MA Contemporary Religion (当代宗教)
International Relations and History BA (Hons) (国际关系与历史)
International Relations BA (Hons) ()
Criminology BA (Hons) (犯罪学)
International Relations and War Studies BA (Hons) (国际关系与战争研究)
Biomedical Science BSc (Hons) ( 4 years full time with placement) (生物医学科学(含实习))
Global Healthcare Management MSc (2 years full time with Professional Experience) (全球医疗保健管理(含实习))
Healthcare Management MBA (2 years full time with year in industry) (医疗保健管理(含实习))
Law LLB (Hons) (法律)
MLaw Legal Practice (法律(本硕连读)含实习)
Professional Policing BA (Hons) (职业警务)
Criminology MSc (犯罪学)
MLaw (法律(本硕连读))
Legal Practice LLM (LPC) (法律实践)
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