Aberystwyth University
阿伯斯威大学有9个主要住宿区,分布在主Penglai校区、城镇上和海岸边。大多数宿舍都有自己的洗衣房和电脑室,另外一些还有游戏房和休息室。在Cwrt Mawr还有一个酒吧。
9个宿舍为别是:Penbryn , Pantycelyn , Cwrt Mawr , Trefloyne , Roer , Pentre Jane Morgan , Brynderw , Seafront reidence和Rent。
另外学生会还有一支专业的咨询队伍,还有学生服务夜间热线电话:01970 621717(1717内线)。
MSc International Business Management (国际商务管理)
MSc International Finance (国际金融)
MSc International Finance and Banking (国际金融与银行)
MSc Management and Marketing (管理与银行)
MSc Management of Library and Information Services (图书馆管理与信息服务)
BSc Accounting and Finance with Computer Science (会计与金融含计算机科学)
BSc Business Economics with Computer Science (商务经济学含计算机科学)
BSc Business and Management with Computer Science (商务与管理含计算机科学)
BSc Economics with Human Geography (经济学含人类地理)
BA Human Geography with Business and Management (人类地理含商务与管理)
BA Human Geography with Economics (人类地理含经济学)
BA Human Geography with Education (人类地理学含教育)
BA Human Geography with International Politics (人类地理含国际政治)
BA Human Geography with Politics (人类地理含政治)
BSc Business and Management with International Politics (商务与管理含国际政治)
BSc Business and Management with Politics (商务与管理含政治)
BSc Economics with International Politics (经济学含国际政治)
BSc Economics with Politics (经济学含政治)
BA International Politics with Economics (国际政治含经济学)
BSc Accounting and Finance with Law (会计与金融含法律)
BSc Business and Management with Law (商务与管理含法律)
BSc Economics with Law (经济学含法律)
BA Law with Accounting and Finance (法律含会计与金融)
BSc Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
BSc Agriculture with Business Studies (农业含商务研究)
BSc Business Economics (商务经济学)
BSc Business Finance (商务金融)
BSc Economics (经济学)
BSc Marketing (市场营销)
BSc Tourism Management (旅游管理)
BSc Accounting and Finance with Management (会计与金融含管理)
BSc Business and Management with German (商务与管理含德语)
BSc Accounting and Finance with French (会计与金融含法语)
BSc Accounting and Finance with Marketing (会计与金融含市场营销)
BSc Accounting and Finance with Mathematics (会计与金融含数学)
BSc Accounting and Finance with Statistics (会计与金融含统计)
BSc Business and Management with Mathematics (商务与管理含数学)
BSc Business and Management with Spanish (商务与管理含西班牙语)
BSc Economics with Management (经济学含管理)
BSc Economics with Mathematics (经济学含数学)
BA German with Business and Management (德语含商务与管理)
BSc Marketing with Accounting and Finance (市场营销含会计与金融)
BSc Marketing with Economics (市场营销含经济学)
BSc Marketing with Management (市场营销含管理)
BSc Mathematics with Accounting and Finance (数学含会计与金融)
BSc Mathematics with Business and Management (数学含商务与管理)
BSc Mathematics with Economics (数学含经济学)
BA Modern Languages with Business and Management (现代语言含商务与管理)
BSc Physics with Business and Management (物理含商务与管理)
BA Spanish with Marketing (西班牙语含市场营销)
BSc Tourism Management with French (旅游管理含法语)
MBA ()
BA Business Finance TOP-UP ()
Finance MSc (金融)
BSc Accounting and Finance and Computing (财务金融与计算机)
BSc Business and Management and Computing (商务管理与计算机)
BSc Accounting and Finance / Business and Management (会计金融与商务管理)
BSc Accounting and Finance / Economics (会计与金融/经济学)
BSc Accounting and Finance / Marketing (会计金融与市场营销)
BSc Accounting and Finance / Spanish (会计与金融/西班牙语)
LLB Law and Accounting & Finance (法律与会计金融)
BSc Mathematics / Accounting and Finance (数学与会计金融)
BA Welsh in the Professional Workplace / Accounting and Finance (威尔士语与会计金融)
BSc Business and Climate Change (商业与气候变化学)
BSc Business and Management / French (商务管理与法语)
BSc Business and Management / German (商务管理与德语)
BSc Business and Management / Spanish (商务管理与西班牙语)
BSc Economics / Business and Management (经济学与商务管理)
LLB Law and Business & Management (法律与商务管理)
BSc Marketing / Business and Management (市场营销与商务管理)
BSc Mathematics / Business and Management (数学与商务管理)
BSc Psychology and Business and Management (心理学与商务管理)
BA Welsh in the Professional Workplace / Business and Management (威尔士语与商务管理)
BSc Economics and Climate Change (经济学与气候变化)
BSc Economics and International Relations (经济学与国际关系)
BSc Economics and Politics (经济与政治学)
BSc Mathematics / Economics (数学与经济学)
BSc Adventure Tourism Management (探险旅游管理)
BSc Digital Marketing (数字营销)
BSc Marketing / German (市场营销/德语)
BSc Psychology and Marketing (心理学与市场营销)
BSc Spanish and Adventure Tourism Management (西班牙语与探险旅游管理)
BSc Tourism Management / German (旅游管理/德语)
BSc Tourism Management / Marketing (旅游管理/市场营销)
BSc Tourism Management / Spanish (旅游管理/西班牙语)
MSc Finance (金融学)
PhD Accounting (会计)
MSc International Business and Marketing (国际商务和市场营销)
MBA Master of Business Administration (工商管理硕士)
PhD Management and Business (管理与商务)
PhD Economics (经济学)
BSc Agriculture with Business Management (农业与商业管理)
MBA Corporate Social Responsibility (工商管理(MBA)- 企业社会责任)
MBA Engineering Management (工商管理(MBA) - 工程管理)
MBA Global Supply Chain Management (工商管理(MBA) - 全球供应链管理)
MBA International Marketing (工商管理(MBA) - 国际市场营销)
MBA Project Management (工商管理(MBA) - 项目管理)
MSc Management and Finance (管理与财务)
BSc Business and Management (商务与管理)
Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
Accounting and Finance-4 years (会计与金融)
Business Finance (商务金融)
Business Finance-4 years (商务金融)
Accounting and Finance / Business and Management (会计与金融/商业与管理)
Accounting and Finance / Economics (会计和金融/经济学)
Accounting and Finance and Computing (会计与金融与计算机)
Mathematics / Accounting and Finance (数学/会计和金融)
Business Economics (商业经济学)
Business Economics- 4 years (商务经济学)
Business and Climate Change (商业与气候变化)
Business and Management (商业管理)
Business and Management-4 years (商业管理)
Business and Management and Computing (商业、管理和计算机)
Economics / Business and Management (经济学/商业和管理)
Marketing / Business and Management (市场营销/商业与管理)
Mathematics / Business and Management (数学/商业与管理)
Psychology and Business and Management (心理学,商业和管理)
Economics (经济学)
Economics-4 years (经济学)
Economics and Climate Change (经济与气候变化)
Mathematics / Economics (数学/经济)
Adventure Tourism Management (探险旅游管理)
Digital Marketing (数字营销)
Marketing (市场营销)
Marketing-4 years (市场营销)
Tourism Management (旅游管理)
Tourism Management-4 years (旅游管理)
Psychology and Marketing (心理学与市场营销)
Tourism Management / Marketing (旅游管理/市场营销)
Finance (财政学)
International Finance (国际财政学)
International Finance and Banking (国际金融与银行)
Management and Finance (管理与财务)
International Business Management (国际商务管理)
Corporate Social Responsibility (企业社会责任)
Engineering Management (工程管理)
Global Supply Chain Management (全球供应链管理)
International Marketing (国际市场营销)
Master of Business Administration (工商管理硕士)
Project Management (项目管理)
BSc Business and Management (Top-up) ()
MSc International Finance and Banking (国际金融与银行学)
MPhil Accounting (会计学)
MSc International Business Management (国际商业管理)
MSc International Business and Marketing (国际商务与市场营销)
MSc Product Innovation and Entrepreneurship (产品创新与创业)
MBA Corporate Social Responsibility (企业社会责任)
MBA Engineering Management (工程管理)
MBA Global Supply Chain Management (全球供应链管理)
MBA International Marketing (国际市场营销)
MBA Business Administration (工商管理)
MBA Project Management (项目管理)
MPhil Management and Business (管理与商务)
MPhil Economics (经济学)
BEng Robotics and Embedded Systems Engineering (机器人与嵌入式系统工程)
BEng Robotics and Embedded Systems Engineering (with integrated year in industry) (机器人与嵌入式系统工程(含专业实习))
BEng Software Engineering (with integrated year in industry) (软件工程(含专业实习))
BSc Web Development (前端开发)
BEng Engineering Physics (工程物理)
BEng Engineering Physics (with integrated year in industry) (工程物理(含专业实习))
MSc Radio Spectrum Engineering (MSc, 1 Year) (无线电频谱工程)
BSc Web Development (with integrated year in industry) (前端开发(含专业实习))
MEng Robotics and Embedded Systems Engineering (with integrated year in industry) (机器人与嵌入式系统工程(含专业实习)(本硕连读))
MEng Software Engineering (with integrated year in industry) (软件工程(含专业实习)(本硕连读))
MPhy Space Science and Robotics (空间科学与计算机(本硕连读))
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (with integrated year in industry) (人工智能与机器人(含实习))
Computer Graphics, Vision and Games (with integrated year in industry) (计算机图形学、视觉与游戏(含实习))
Robotics and Embedded Systems Engineering (机器人与嵌入式系统工程)
Robotics and Embedded Systems Engineering (with integrated year in industry) (机器人与嵌入式系统工程(含实习))
Software Engineering (with integrated year in industry) (软件工程(含实习))
MEng Engineering Physics (with integrated year in industry) (工程物理(本硕连读)(含专业实习))
MSc Engineering Management (工程管理)
BA Education and International Development (教育与国际发展)
BA Education / French (教育/法语)
BA Irish / Education (爱尔兰语/教育)
BA Education with History (教育含历史)
BA Education with Human Geography (教育含人类地理)
BA Education with Mathematics (教育含数学)
BA History and TESOL (历史与对外英语教学)
BA Childhood Studies (儿童研究)
BA Early Childhood Studies with Early Years Practitioner Status (儿童早期研究与从业者现状)
BA Education (教育学)
BA Education / Drama and Theatre Studies (教育/戏剧与剧院研究)
BA Education / History (教育/历史)
BA Education with Spanish (教育含西班牙语)
BA English Literature / Education (英国文学/教育)
BA English Studies and TESOL (英语语言研究与对外英语教学)
BA English Studies and TESOL (with integrated year in industry) (英语语言研究与对外英语教学(含专业实习))
BA English Studies and TESOL (with integrated year studying abroad) (英语语言研究与对外英语教学(含海外学习))
BA History and TESOL (with integrated year studying abroad) (历史与对外英语教学(含海外学习))
BA Media and Education (媒体与教育学)
BA Welsh / Education (威尔士语/教育)
BSc Mathematics / Education (数学/教育)
BSc Psychology and Education (心理学与教育)
PGCE Biology with Balanced Science (平衡科学生物学)
PGCE Chemistry with Balanced Science (化学含平衡科学)
PGCE Drama (戏剧)
PGCE English (英语)
PGCE Geography (地理)
PGCE Mathematics (数学)
PGCE Modern Languages (French) (现代语言(法语))
PGCE Modern Languages (Spanish) (现代语言(西班牙语))
PGCE Physics with Balanced Science (物理含平衡科学)
PGCE Primary (3-11) (小学教育3-11岁)
MA Education (Wales) ()
Early Childhood Studies with Early Years Practitioner Status (幼儿研究与早期从业者地位)
Education (教育)
Education-4 years (教育)
Education / Drama and Theatre (教育/戏剧和戏剧)
Education / History (教育/历史)
Mathematics / Education (数学/教育)
Media and Education (媒体与教育)
Psychology and Education (心理学与教育学)
Welsh / Education (威尔士语/教育)
Education with Spanish (西班牙语教育)
Mathematics with Education (数学与教育)
Physical Geography with Education (自然地理与教育)
Drama and Theatre-4 years (戏剧和剧院)
English Literature / Education (英国文学/教育)
Education (Wales) (教育(威尔士))
Education (Wales): Additional Learning Needs (教育(威尔士):额外的学习需求)
Education (Wales): Curriculum (教育(威尔士):课程)
Education (Wales): Equity in Education (教育(威尔士):教育公平)
Biology with Balanced Science (科学平衡的生物学)
Chemistry with Balanced Science (平衡科学的化学)
English (英语)
History (历史)
Modern Languages (French) (现代语言(法语))
Modern Languages (Spanish) (现代语言(西班牙语))
Physics with Balanced Science (平衡科学的物理学)
Primary (3-11) (初级(3-11))
Biology with Balanced Science(welsh) (科学平衡的生物学(威尔士语))
Chemistry with Balanced Science(welsh) (平衡科学的化学(威尔士语))
Drama (Welsh Medium) (戏剧(威尔士语))
English(welsh) (英语(威尔士语))
Modern Languages (Spanish)(welsh) (现代语言(西班牙语)(威尔士语))
Physics with Balanced Science(welsh) (物理与平衡科学(威尔士语))
Primary (3-11)(welsh) (小学 (3-11)(威尔士语))
International Politics (Dual Degree) (国际政治(双学位))
International Relations (Research Training) (国际关系(研究培训))
War, Strategy and Intelligence (Research Training) (战争、战略和情报(研究训练))
War, Strategy and Intelligence (Specialist) (战争、战略和情报(专家))
MPhil International Politics (国际政治)
BSc Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (人工智能与机器人)
BSc Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (inc Integrated Industrial and Professional Training) (人工智能与机器人)
BSc Business Information Technology (商务信息系统)
BSc Business Information Technology (inc Integrated Industrial and Professional Training) (商务信息系统)
BSc Computer Graphics, Vision and Games (计算机图像与游戏)
BSc Computer Graphics, Vision and Games (inc Integrated Industrial and Professional Training) (计算机图像与游戏)
BSc Computer Science (计算机科学)
BSc Computer Science (inc Integrated Industrial and Professional Training) (计算机科学)
BSc Computer Science (includes foundation year) (计算机科学(含预科学年))
BSc Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (计算机科学与人工智能)
BSc Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (inc Integrated Industrial and Professional Training) (计算机科学与人工智能)
BSc Data Science (数据科学)
BSc Data Science (inc Integrated Industrial and Professional Training) (数据科学)
BSc Internet Computing and Systems Administration (网络计算与系统管理)
BSc Internet Computing and Systems Administration (inc Integrated Industrial and Professional Training) (网络计算与系统管理)
BEng Software Engineering (inc Integrated Industrial and Professional Training) (软件工程)
BSc Computer Science / Mathematics (计算机科学/数学)
BSc Computer Science / Physical Geography (计算机科学/自然地理)
BSc Computer Science / Physics (计算机科学/物理)
BSc Computer Science and Welsh (for beginners) (计算机科学与威尔士语(初学者))
MEng Software Engineering (inc Integrated Industrial and Professional Training) (软件工程)
BSc Business Information Technology (with integrated year in industry) (商务信息系统(含专业实习))
BSc Computer Graphics, Vision and Games (with integrated year in industry) (计算机图像与游戏(含专业实习))
BSc Computer Science (with integrated year in industry) (计算机科学(含专业实习))
BSc Computer Science (with integrated year studying abroad) (计算机科学(含海外学习))
BSc Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (with integrated year in industry) (计算机科学与人工智能(含专业实习))
BSc Data Science (with integrated year in industry) (数据科学(含专业学习))
MSc Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)
MSc Data Science (数据科学)
MSc Statistics for Computational Biology (计算机生物学统计)
MSc Advanced Computer Science (高级计算机科学)
MSc Advanced Computer Science (with integrated year in industry) (高级计算机科学(含专业实习))
MSc Computer Science (计算机科学)
PhDPW Computer Science (计算机科学)
PhD Computer Science (计算机科学)
Mcomp Computer Science (with integrated year in industry) (计算机科学(含专业学习)(本硕连读))
Mcomp Computer Science (计算机科学(本硕连读))
MEng Robotics and Embedded Systems Engineering (机器人与嵌入式系统工程(本硕连读))
MPhys Space Science and Robotics (空间科学与机器人(本硕连读))
Business Information Technology (商业资讯科技)
Business Information Technology (with integrated year in industry) (商业资讯科技(含实习))
Computer Graphics, Vision and Games (计算机图形,视觉和游戏)
Computer Science (计算机科学)
Computer Science-4 years (计算机科学)
Business Information Technology-4 years (商业资讯科技)
Computer Science (with integrated year in industry) (计算机科学(含实习))
Computer Science (with integrated year studying abroad) (计算机科学(含海外年))
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (人工智能与机器人)
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (计算机科学与人工智能)
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (with integrated year in industry) (计算机科学与人工智能(含实习))
Data Science (数据科学)
Data Science (with integrated year in industry) (数据科学(含实习))
Space Science and Robotics (空间科学与机器人)
Web Development (网站开发)
Web Development-4 years (网站开发)
Web Development (with integrated year in industry) (网站开发(含实习))
Computer Science / Mathematics (计算机科学/数学)
Computer Science / Physical Geography (计算机科学/自然地理)
Computer Science / Physics (计算机科学/物理)
Advanced Computer Science (高级计算机科学)
Advanced Computer Science-2 years (高级计算机科学)
Advanced Computer Science (with integrated industrial placement) (高级计算机科学(含实习))
Advanced Computer Science (with integrated year in industry) (高级计算机科学(含实习))
Advanced Media Production (高级媒体制作)
Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)
Computer Science MSc (计算机科学)
Data Science MSc (数据科学)
Statistics for Computational Biology (计算生物学统计)
Digital Information and Media Management (数字信息和媒体管理)
Digital Information and Media Management-5 years (数字信息和媒体管理)
Digital Information and Media Management-2years (数字信息和媒体管理)
Radio Spectrum Engineering (无线电频谱工程)
Space Engineering (空间工程)
Advanced Computer Science (with integrated industrial placement)-3 years (高级计算机科学(含实习))
MSc Advanced Computer Science-2 years (高级计算机科学)
MSc Advanced Computer Science (with integrated industrial placement) (高级计算机科学(含实习))
MSc Advanced Computer Science (with integrated year in industry) (高级计算机科学(含实习))
MSc Advanced Computer Science (with integrated year in industry)-3 years (高级计算机科学(含实习))
MSc Statistics for Computational Biology (计算生物学统计学)
MPhil Computer Science (计算机科学)
MA Film Studies (电影研究)
MA Politics, Media and Performance (政治媒体与表现)
BA Drama and Theatre Studies (戏剧与剧院研究)
BA Scenography and Theatre Design (配景图法与剧院设计)
BA Film and Television Studies / Fine Art (电影与电视研究/美术)
BA Scenography and Theatre Design / Drama and Theatre Studies (配景图法与剧院设计/戏剧与剧院研究)
BA Scenography and Theatre Design / Film and Television Studies (配景图法与剧院设计/电影电视研究)
BA Photography / Flim and Television Studies (摄影/电影电视研究)
BA Media and History (媒体与历史)
BA International Relations and Media (国际关系与媒体)
MA Documentary Filmmaking: Landscape and Ecology (纪录片制作:景观与生态)
MA Film Producing (电影制作)
BA Photography / Art History (摄影/艺术史)
BA Photography / English Literature (摄影/英语文学)
BA Photography / Creative Writing (摄影/创意写作)
BA Creating Media (创意媒体)
BA Creative Writing and the Publishing Industry (创意写作和出版业)
BA Drama and Theatre (戏剧与剧场)
BA Film and Television Studies (电影电视研究)
BA Film and Television Studies / Drama and Theatre Studies (电影电视研究/戏剧与剧院研究)
BA Film and Television Studies / English Literature (电影电视研究/英国文学)
BA Film and Television Studies / French (电影电视研究/法语)
BA Film and Television Studies / Mathematics (电影电视研究/数学)
BA Film-making (电影制作)
BA Media and Creative Writing (媒体与创意写作)
BA Media and English Literature (媒体与英语文学)
BA Media and Theatre Studies (媒体和剧院研究)
BA Theatre and Performance Design (戏剧与表演设计)
BA Theatre and Performance Design / Film and Television Studies (剧院和表演设计/电影电视研究)
BA Welsh / Film and Television Studies (威尔士语/电影电视研究)
BA Writing for Broadcasting, Media and Performance (广播,媒体,表演类写作)
MSc Advanced Media Production (高级媒体制作)
BA Media and Communication Studies (媒体与传播研究)
Film and Television Studies / Fine Art (影视研究/美术)
Photography / Creative Writing (摄影/创意写作)
Photography / Film and Television Studies (摄影/电影及电视研究)
Childhood Studies (儿童研究)
Drama and English (戏剧与英语)
Creative Writing and Drama and Theatre (创意写作和戏剧)
French / Drama and Theatre (法语/戏剧和戏剧)
Media and Creative Writing (媒体与创意写作)
Drama and Theatre (戏剧与剧院)
Drama and Theatre (with integrated year in professional practice) (戏剧与剧院(含实习))
Theatre and Performance Design (戏剧与表演设计)
Creating Performance (创意表演)
Drama and Theatre / History (戏剧和剧院/历史)
Film and Television Studies / Drama and Theatre (电影及电视研究/戏剧及剧场)
Mathematics / Drama and Theatre (数学/戏剧和剧院)
Media and Theatre Studies (传媒及戏剧研究)
Theatre and Performance Design / Drama and Theatre (戏剧和表演设计/戏剧和剧院)
Theatre and Performance Design / Film and Television Studies (戏剧和表演设计/电影和电视研究)
Film and Television Studies (影视研究)
Film-making (制片)
Media and Communication Studies (传媒与传播学)
Writing for Broadcasting, Media and Performance (为广播、媒体和表演写作)
Creating Media (新媒体)
Film and Television Studies / Mathematics (影视研究/数学)
Drama (戏剧)
MA Documentary Filmmaking: Landscape and Ecology (纪录片制作: 景观与生态)
MA Fine Art (美术)
BA Creative Arts (创意艺术)
BA Fine Art (美术)
BA Art History / French (文学史/法语)
BA Creative Writing and Art History (创意写作与文学史)
BA Creative Writing and Fine Art (创意写作与美术)
BA Drama and Theatre Studies / Fine Art (戏剧与剧院研究/美术)
BA Education / Fine Art (教育/美术)
BA English Literature / Art History (英国文学/文学史)
BA Fine Art / English Literature (美术/英国文学)
BA History / Fine Art (历史/美术)
BA Irish / Fine Art (爱尔兰语/美术)
BA Fine Art with Art History (美术含文学史)
BA Drama and Theatre / History (戏剧和剧场/历史学)
PhD Art (艺术学)
PhD Geography (Arts) (地理(艺术))
BA Fine Art / Art History (美术/艺术史)
BA Drama and Theatre (with integrated year in professional practice) (戏剧与剧场(含专业实习))
BA Theatre and Performance Design / Drama and Theatre (剧院和表演设计/戏剧和剧院)
BA Welsh / Drama and Theatre (威尔士语/戏剧和剧院)
MA Theatre Practice: Performance and Scenography (戏剧实务:表演及透视学)
Art History (艺术史)
Creative Arts (创造艺术)
Fine Art (美术)
Creative Writing and Fine Art (创意写作和美术)
Fine Art / Art History (美术/艺术史)
Fine Art / English Literature (美术/英国文学)
Photography / Art History (摄影/艺术史)
Fine Art with Art History (美术与艺术史)
MA Art History (艺术史)
MPhil Art (艺术)
MA Performance Making (表演制作)
MPhil Theatre, Film and Television Studies (戏剧、电影和电视研究)
MA Archive Administration (文档管理)
MA Art and Art History (文学与文学史)
MA Creative Writing (创意写作)
MA Eighteenth Century Britain (十八世纪英国)
MA History and Heritage (历史与遗产)
MA History of Wales (威尔士历史)
MA Information and Library Studies (信息与图书馆研究)
MA Literary Studies (文学研究)
MA Literature and Creative Writing (文学与创意写作)
MA Media History (媒体史)
MA Medieval Britain & Europe (中世纪英国与欧洲)
MA Modern British History (近代英国史)
MA Modern European History (近代欧洲史)
MA Modern History (近代史)
BA Art History with Fine Art (文学史含美术)
BA History with Education (历史含教育)
BA Spanish with Education (西班牙语含教学)
BA Creative Writing and German (创意写作与德语)
BA Creative Writing and Scenography and Theatre Design (创意写作与配景图法与剧院设计)
BA German / English Literature (德语/英国文学)
BA History / English Literature (历史/英国文学)
BA International Politics / English Literature (国际政治/英国文学)
BA Irish Language and Literature / English Literature (爱尔兰语言与文学/英国文学)
BA Spanish / English Literature (西班牙语/英国文学)
BA European History (欧洲史)
BA History / Economic and Social History (历史/经济学与社会史)
BA History and Media (历史与媒体)
BA History and Welsh History (历史与威尔士历史)
BA Modern and Contemporary History (现代与当代史)
BA Drama and Theatre Studies / History (戏剧与剧院研究/历史)
BA French / History (法语/文学史)
BA German / History (德语/英国文学)
BA History / Film and Television Studies (历史/电影电视研究)
BA History / Mathematics (历史/数学)
BA History / Spanish (历史/西班牙语)
BA Human Geography / History (人类地理/历史)
BA International Politics / Economic and Social History (国际政治/经济学与社会史)
BA International Politics / History (国际政治/历史)
BA Politics / History (政治/历史)
BA Politics / Welsh History (政治/威尔士历史)
BSc Business and Management with Economic and Social History (商务与管理含经济学与社会史)
BSc Economics with Economic and Social History (经济学含经济与社会史)
BA Drama and Theatre Studies / International Politics (戏剧与剧院研究/国际政治)
BA French / International Politics (法语/国际政治)
BA Human Geography / International Politics (人类地理/国际政治)
BA International Politics / Film and Television Studies (国际政治/电影与电视研究)
BA International Politics / Spanish (国际政治/西班牙语)
BSc Psychology / Criminology (心理学/犯罪学)
BSc Economics / Marketing (经济学/市场营销)
BSc Marketing / French (市场营销/法语)
BSc Marketing / Spanish (市场营销/西班牙语)
BA German / Mathematics (德语/数学)
BA European Languages (欧洲语言)
BA French with German (法语含德语)
BA French with Spanish (法语含西班牙语)
BA German with French (德语含西班牙语)
BA German with Spanish (德语含西班牙语)
BA Liberal Arts (文学)
BA Modern German Studies (现代德语研究)
BA Romance Languages (罗马语言)
BA Spanish with French (西班牙语含法语)
BA Spanish with German (西班牙语含德语)
BA Film and Television Studies / Spanish (电影电视研究/西班牙语)
BSc Business and Management with French (商务与管理含法语)
BA Geography / Welsh History (地理学/威尔士历史)
BA History (with integrated year studying abroad) (历史(含海外学习))
BA History / International Relations (历史/国际关系)
BA International Relations / History (国际关系/历史)
BA Welsh / History (威尔士语/历史)
BA Welsh / Welsh History (威尔士/威尔士语)
BA French / International Relations (法语/国际关系)
BA German / International Relations (德语/国际关系)
BA International Relations / Spanish (国际关系/西班牙语)
BA Welsh / International Relations (威尔士语/国际关系)
LLB Law and French (法律与法语)
LLB Law and German ((法学士)法律和德语)
LLB Law and Spanish (法律和西班牙语)
BA Welsh (威尔士语)
PhD Creative Writing (创意写作)
PhD English (英语)
PhD History (历史学)
PhD European Languages (欧洲语言)
BA Art History (艺术史)
BA Creative Writing (创意写作)
BA Creative Writing and Drama and Theatre Studies (创意写作与戏剧剧院研究)
BA Creative Writing and Film and Television Studies (创意写作与电影电视研究)
BA Creative Writing and French (创意写作与法语)
BA Creative Writing and History (创意写作与历史)
BA Creative Writing and Spanish (创意写作与西班牙语)
BA Drama and English (戏剧与英语)
BA English Literature (英国文学)
BA English Literature / Drama and Theatre Studies (英国文学/戏剧与剧院研究)
BA English Literature and Creative Writing (英国文学与创意写作)
BA English Studies and Climate Change (英语语言研究与气候变化)
BA French (法语)
BA French / Drama and Theatre Studies (法语/戏剧与剧院研究)
BA French / English Literature (法语/英国文学)
BA French / German (法语/德语)
BA French / Mathematics (法语/数学)
BA German / Spanish (德语/西班牙语)
BA History (历史)
BA History / Welsh History (历史/威尔士历史)
BA Human Geography / English Literature (人类地理/英国文学)
BA Italian and French (意大利语与法语)
BA Italian and German (意大利语与德语)
BA Italian and Spanish (意大利语与西班牙语)
BA Mathematics / Drama and Theatre Studies (数学/戏剧与剧院研究)
BA Modern Languages (现代语言)
BA Spanish / Drama and Theatre Studies (西班牙语/戏剧与剧院研究)
BA Spanish and Latin American Studies (西班牙语与拉丁美文化研究)
BA Welsh (for Beginners) (威尔士语(初学者))
BA Welsh / Mathematics (威尔士语/数学)
BSc Mathematics / Physics (数学/物理)
BA Welsh / Geography (威尔士语/地理学)
English Literature (英国文学)
English Literature and Creative Writing (英国文学与创意写作)
English Literature and Creative Writing-4 years (英国文学与创意写作)
Criminology and Criminal Psychology (犯罪学与犯罪心理学)
Psychology and Criminology (心理学与犯罪学)
Celtic Studies (凯尔特研究)
Creative Writing and the Publishing Industry (创意写作与出版业)
Professional Welsh (威尔士专业)
Welsh (威尔士)
Welsh and the Celtic Languages (威尔士语和凯尔特语)
Literary Studies (文学研究)
MPhil European Languages (欧洲语言)
MPhil European Languages-French (欧洲语言-法语)
MPhil European Languages-German (欧洲语言-德语)
MPhil European Languages-Spanish (欧洲语言-西班牙语)
MA Welsh and Celtic studies (威尔士和凯尔特研究)
MA Professional Translation Studies (专业翻译研究)
MPhil Welsh (威尔士语)
MSc Digital Curation (数字策展)
MSc Digital Information services (数字信息服务)
MSc Environmental Monitoring and Analysis (环境监督与分析)
MSc Equine Science (马类科学)
MSc Glaciology (冰川学)
MSc Livestock Science (家畜科学)
MA Practising Human Geography (实践人类地理学)
MA Regional and Environmental Policy (地区与环境政策)
MSc Remote Sensing and Computing Science (远程遥感与计算科学)
MSc Remote Sensing and Planetary Science (远程遥感与行星科学)
MSc Remote Sensing and the Living Environment (远程遥感与生活环境)
BSc Agriculture (农业)
BSc Agriculture with Animal Science (农业含动物科学)
BSc Agriculture with Countryside Management (农业含乡村管理)
BSc Animal Behaviour (动物行为学)
BSc Animal Science (动物科学)
BSc Biochemistry (生物化学)
BSc Biology (生物学)
BSc Ecology (生物学)
BSc Environmental Biosciences (环境生物科学)
BSc Equine and Veterinary Bioscience (马学与兽医生物科学)
BSc Genetics (遗传学)
BSc Genetics and Biochemistry (遗传学与生物化学)
BSc Marine and Freshwater Biology (海洋与淡水生物学)
BSc Microbiology (微生物学)
BSc Microbiology and Zoology (微生物学与动物学)
BSc Plant Biology (植物生物学)
BSc Sport and Exercise Science (体育运动科学)
BSc Veterinary Biosciences (兽医生物学)
BSc Zoology (动物学)
BSc Space Science and Robotics (空间科学与机器人)
BSc Environmental Earth Studies with Education (环境地球科学含教育)
BSc Physical Geography with Education (自然地理学含教育)
BSc Physics with Education (物理含教育)
BSc Environmental Earth Science (环境地球科学)
BSc Environmental Science (环境科学)
BSc Geography (地理)
BA French / Human Geography (法语/人类地理)
BA Human Geography / Politics (人类地理/政治)
BSc Physical Geography / Mathematics (自然地理/数学)
BSc Mathematics with Physical Geography (数学含自然地理)
BSc Physical Geography with Mathematics (自然地理含数学)
BSc Physical Geography with Statistics (自然地理含统计)
BSc Information and Library Studies (信息与图书馆研究)
BSc Applied Mathematics / Statistics (应用数学/统计学)
BSc Mathematics (includes foundation year) (数学(含预科学年))
BSc Astrophysics (天体物理学)
BSc Physics (物理)
BSc Physics with Planetary and Space Physics (物理含行星与空间物理)
BSc Psychology (心理学)
BSc Psychology (inc integrated year in industry) (心理学)
BSc Psychology (inc integrated year studying abroad) (心理学)
BSc Countryside Conservation (乡村保护)
BSc Countryside Management (乡村管理)
BSc Equine Science (马类科学)
FdSc Countryside Management and Conservation (inc work placement year) (乡村管理与保护)
FdSc Agriculture and Countryside Management (inc work placement year) (农业与乡村管理)
FdSc Agriculture (inc work placement year) (农业)
FdSc Agriculture and Countryside Management (FD) (农业与乡村管理)
FdSc Countryside Management and Conservation (FD) (乡村管理与保护)
FdSc Equine Studies (马学研究)
FdSc Agriculture (FD) (农业)
BSc Wildlife Conservation (野生生物保护)
BSc Biology and Climate Change (生物与气候变化学)
Ecology (with integrated year in industry) (生态学(含专业实习))
BSc Plant Biology (with integrated year in industry) (植物生物学(含专业实习))
BSc Life Sciences (生命科学)
BSc Veterinary Biosciences (with integrated year in industry) (兽医生物学(含专业实习))
BSc Environmental Earth Science (with integrated year in industry) (环境地球科学(含专业实习))
BSc Environmental Earth Science (with integrated year studying abroad) (环境地球科学(含海外学习))
BSc Environmental Science (with integrated year in industry) (环境科学(含专业实习))
BSc Environmental Science (with integrated year studying abroad) (环境科学(含海外学习))
BSc Geography (with integrated year in industry) (地理学(含专业实习))
BA Human Geography (人文地理)
BA Human Geography (with integrated year in industry) (人文地理(含专业实习))
BA Human Geography (with integrated year studying abroad) (人文地理(含海外学习))
BSc Physical Geography (with integrated year in industry) (自然地理学(含专业实习))
BSc Physical Geography (with integrated year studying abroad) (自然地理学(含海外学习))
BSc Physics (with integrated year in industry) (物理学(含专业实习))
MSc BioInnovation (生物创新)
MRes Agriculture (农学)
MRes BioInnovation (生物创新)
DAg Professional Doctorate in Agriculture (农学专业博士)
DProf Professional Doctorate in BioInnovation (生物创新专业博士)
MRes Animal Science (动物科学)
MRes Equine Science (马类科学)
MSc Biotechnology (生物技术)
PhD Biological Sciences (生物科学)
MRes Biosciences (生物科学)
MRes Parasite Control (寄生虫控制)
PhD Sport and Exercise Science (运动科学)
PhD Geography and Earth Sciences (Science) (地理和地球科学(科学))
PhD Mathematics (数学)
BSc Agriculture (with integrated year in industry) (农业(含专业实习))
BSc Equine Studies ( Top up) (马类研究(专升本))
BSc Biology and Climate Change (with integrated foundation year) (生物学与气候变化(含预科))
BSc Applied Mathematics / Pure Mathematics (应用数学/纯数学)
BSc Financial Mathematics (金融数学)
BSc Mathematical and Theoretical Physics (数学与理论物理)
BSc Mathematical Modelling (数学建模)
BSc Mathematics (数学)
BSc Mathematics (with integrated year in industry) (数学(含专业实习))
BSc Mathematics with Education (数学含教育)
BSc Pure Mathematics / Statistics (纯数学/统计学)
MSc Environmental Change, Impact and Adaptation (环境变化、影响及适应)
MSc Remote Sensing and GIS (遥感地理信息系统)
MSc Sustainable and Efficient Food Production (可持续性与高效食品产品)
MBiol Microbiology (微生物学 (本硕连读))
MAg Agriculture (农业(本硕连读))
MAg Agriculture with Animal Science (农业与动物科学(本硕连读))
MBiol Biology (生物学(本硕连读))
MMath Mathematical and Theoretical Physics (数学与理论物理(本硕连读))
MMath Mathematics (数学(本硕连读))
MPhys Astrophysics (天体物理学(本硕连读))
MPhys Physics (物理学(本硕连读))
MPhys Physics with Planetary and Space Physics (物理含行星与空间物理(本硕连读))
Applied Mathematics / Pure Mathematics (应用数学/纯数学)
Financial Mathematics (金融数学)
Financial Mathematics-4 years (金融数学)
Mathematical Modelling (数学建模)
Mathematical and Theoretical Physics (数学与理论物理)
Mathematics (数学)
Mathematics-4 years (数学)
Mathematics (with integrated year in industry) (数学(含实习))
Pure Mathematics / Statistics (纯数学/统计学)
Physical Geography / Mathematics (自然地理/数学)
Mathematics / Physics (数学/物理)
Astrophysics (天体物理学)
Engineering Physics (工程物理学)
Engineering Physics (with integrated year in industry) (工程物理(含实习))
Physics (物理)
Astrophysics-4 years (天体物理学)
Physics-4 years (物理)
Physics (with integrated year in industry) (物理学(含实习))
Physics with Planetary and Space Physics (物理与行星和空间物理)
MPhys Physics (with integrated year in industry) (物理学(本硕连读)(含专业实习))
Agriculture (Top-up) (农业(Top-up))
MBiol Marine and Freshwater Biology (海洋及淡水生物学(本硕连读))
MBiol Zoology (动物学(本硕连读))
MBiol Biochemistry (生物化学(本硕连读))
Sustainable and Efficient Food Production (可持续和高效的食品生产)
MPhil Mathematics (数学)
MSc Space Engineering (太空工程学)
MSc Wireless Communications and Radio Frequency Systems Engineering (无线通信与射频系统工程)
MSc Biodiversity and Conservation Management (生物多样性与保护管理)
MPhil Biological Sciences (生物科学)
MSc Animal Science (动物科学)
MSc Equine Science (马科学)
MRes Equine Science (马科学)
MPhil Sport and Exercise Science (体育与运动科学)
MSc Environmental Change, Impact and Adaptation (环境变化、影响与适应)
MSc Remote Sensing and GIS (遥感与地理信息系统)
MA Society and Space (社会与空间)
MPhil Psychology (心理学)
MA Information and Library Studies (信息与图书馆学)
BSc Nursing (Adult) (护理学(成人))
BSc Biomedical Sciences (Nutrition, Health and Exercise) (生物医学(营养,健康与运动))
BSc Biomedical Sciences (Nutrition, Health and Exercise) (with integrated year in industry) (生物医学(营养,健康与运动)(含专业实习))
BSc Human Biology and Health (人体生理健康学)
BSc Human Biology and Health (with integrated year in industry) (人体生理健康学(含专业实习))
BSc Nursing (Mental Health) (护理学(心理健康))
BSc Sport and Exercise Science (with integrated year in industry) (体育运动健康(含专业实习))
BA International Politics and International History (国际政治与国际史)
BA International Politics and Military History (国际政治与军事史)
BA Politics and Modern History (政治与近代史)
BA International Politics (国际政治)
BA International Politics and Intelligence Studies (国际政治与情报研究)
BA International Politics and Strategic Studies (国际政治与统计研究)
BA International Politics and the Non Western World (国际政治与非西方世界)
BA Political Studies (政治研究)
BSc Social Science (社会科学)
BA International Politics (Major) (国际政治(主修))
BA International Politics with Law (国际政治含法律)
BA Politics with Law (政治含法律)
BA Professional Welsh (专业威尔士)
BA Welsh (威尔士)
BA Sociology (社会学)
BA Sociology (with integrated year in Industry) (社会学(含专业实习))
BA Sociology (with integrated year studying abroad) (社会学(含海外学习))
BA International Relations (with integrated year in Industry) (国际关系(含专业实习))
BA International Relations (with integrated year studying abroad) (国际关系(含海外学习))
BA International Relations and Climate Change (国际关系与气候变化)
BA International Relations and Climate Change (with integrated year in industry) (国际关系与气候变化(含专业实习))
BA International Relations and Global Development (国际关系与全球发展)
BA International Relations and Military History (国际关系与军事历史)
BA Politics (政治学)
BA Politics and International Relations (政治和国际关系)
BSc Sociology and Politics (社会学与政治学)
BA Strategy, Intelligence and Security (战略,情报和安全)
BA Law and International Relations (法律与国际关系)
BSc Criminology and Criminal Psychology (犯罪学与犯罪心理学)
BSc Criminology and Sociology (犯罪学与社会学)
LLB Law and Criminology (法律与犯罪学)
BSc Psychology and Criminology (心理学和犯罪学)
BSc Psychology (with integrated year in industry) (心理学(含专业实习))
BSc Psychology (with integrated year studying abroad) (心理学(含海外学习))
BSc Psychology and Sociology (心理学与社会学)
BSc Psychology with Counselling (心理咨询)
MA Society, Space and Place (社会,空间和场所)
MA International Politics (Dual Degree) (国际政治(双学位))
PhD International Politics (国际政治)
MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice (犯罪学与刑事司法)
MSc Youth Justice (青年正义)
MA Criminology and Criminal Justice (犯罪学和刑事司法)
MPhil Criminology (犯罪学)
MPhil Law (法学)
PhD Criminology (犯罪学)
PhD Law (法学)
LLM By Research (研究型法学硕士)
BA Celtic Studies (凯尔特研究)
BA Drama and Theatre / International Relations (戏剧和剧场/国际关系)
BA International Relations (国际关系)
MA War, Strategy and Intelligence (Research Training) (战争,战略和情报(科研训练))
MA War, Strategy and Intelligence (Specialist) (战争、战略与情报(专业课程))
International Relations (Specialist) (国际关系(专业课程))
MA International Relations (Research Training) (国际关系(科研训练))
MSc Behaviour Change (行为改变)
International Foundation Certificate ()
Creative Writing (创意写作)
English Studies and Climate Change (英语研究与气候变化)
English Studies and TESOL (英语学习和TESOL)
English Studies and TESOL-4 years (英语学习和TESOL)
English Studies and TESOL (with integrated year in industry) (英语学习和TESOL(含实习))
Creative Writing and Film and Television Studies (创意写作与影视研究)
Creative Writing and French (创意写作和法语)
Creative Writing and History (创意写作与历史)
Creative Writing and Spanish (创意写作和西班牙语)
English Literature / Drama and Theatre (英国文学/戏剧和剧院)
Film and Television Studies / English Literature (影视研究/英国文学)
French / English Literature (法国/英国文学)
History / English Literature (历史/英国文学)
Human Geography / English Literature (人文地理/英国文学)
Media and English Literature (传媒与英国文学)
International Relations (国际关系)
International Relations-4 years (国际关系)
International Relations (with integrated year in Industry) (国际关系(含实习))
International Relations (with integrated year studying abroad) (国际关系(含全年海外学习))
International Relations and Climate Change (国际关系与气候变化)
International Relations and Climate Change (with integrated year in industry) (国际关系与气候变化(含实习))
International Relations and Global Development (国际关系与全球发展)
International Relations and Military History (国际关系和军事历史)
Politics (政治)
Politics and International Relations (政治与国际关系)
Politics and Modern History (政治与近代史)
Sociology and Politics (社会学与政治学)
Strategy, Intelligence and Security (战略,情报和安全)
International Relations-552L (国际关系)
Drama and Theatre / International Relations (戏剧与戏剧/国际关系)
Economics and International Relations (经济与国际关系)
Economics and Politics (经济与政治)
French / International Relations (法语/国际关系)
German / International Relations (德语/国际关系)
International Relations / History (国际关系/历史)
International Relations / Spanish (国际关系/西班牙语)
Law and International Relations (法律与国际关系)
History / International Relations (历史/国际关系)
International Relations and Media (国际关系与传媒)
Welsh / International Relations (威尔士语/国际关系)
Criminology and Sociology (犯罪学与社会学)
Law and French (法律与法语)
Law and German (法语与德语)
French (法语)
Modern Languages (现代语言)
Spanish and Latin American Studies (西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究)
Accounting and Finance / Spanish (会计与金融/西班牙语)
Business and Management / French (商业与管理/法语)
Business and Management / German (商业与管理/德语)
Business and Management / Spanish (商业与管理/西班牙语)
Film and Television Studies / French (电影和电视研究/法语)
French / German (法语/德语)
French / Mathematics (法语/数学)
International Relations and Military History-4 years (国际关系和军事历史)
French / Spanish (法语/西班牙语)
German / History (德语/历史)
German / Spanish (德语/西班牙语)
Italian and French (意大利语和法语)
Italian and German (意大利语和德语)
Italian and Spanish (意大利语和西班牙语)
Marketing / French (市场营销/法语)
Marketing / Spanish (市场营销/西班牙语)
Spanish / Drama and Theatre (西班牙语/戏剧和戏剧)
Spanish and Adventure Tourism Management (西班牙语和探险旅游管理)
Tourism Management / Spanish (旅游管理/西班牙语)
Welsh (for Beginners) (威尔士语(初学者))
Welsh / Mathematics (威尔士/数学)
Welsh / Geography (威尔士/地理)
Welsh / History (威尔士/历史)
Welsh in the Professional Workplace / Business and Management (威尔士(工作场合)/商业和管理)
Cultural Heritage Studies: Libraries, Archives and Museums (文化遗产研究:图书馆、档案馆和博物馆)
Agriculture (农业)
Agriculture (with integrated year in industry) (农业(含实习))
Agriculture with Animal Science (农业与动物科学)
Agriculture with Animal Science (with integrated year in industry) (农业与动物科学(含实习))
Agriculture with Business Management (农业与商业管理)
Agriculture with Business Management (with integrated year in industry) (农业与商业管理(含实习))
FDSc Agriculture (农业)
FDSc Agriculture (with integrated year in industry) (农业(含实习))
Animal Behaviour (动物行为)
Animal Behaviour-4 years (动物行为)
Animal Behaviour (with integrated year in industry) (动物行为(含实习))
Animal Science (动物科学)
Animal Science (with integrated year in industry) (动物科学(含实习))
Equine Science (马科学)
Equine Science (with integrated year in industry) (马科学(含实习))
Equine and Veterinary Bioscience (马与兽医生物科学)
Equine and Veterinary Bioscience (with integrated year in industry) (马与兽医生物科学(含实习))
Life Sciences (生命科学)
Marine and Freshwater Biology (海洋及淡水生物学)
Marine and Freshwater Biology-4 years (海洋及淡水生物学)
Marine and Freshwater Biology (with integrated year in industry) (海洋及淡水生物学(含实习年))
Veterinary Biosciences (兽医生物科学)
Veterinary Biosciences (with integrated year in industry) (兽医生物科学(含实习))
Wildlife Conservation (野生动植物保护)
Wildlife Conservation (with integrated year in industry) (野生动植物保护(含实习))
Zoology (动物学)
Zoology-4 years (动物学)
Zoology (with integrated year in industry) (动物学(含实习))
Biochemistry (生物化学)
Biochemistry (with integrated year in industry) (生物化学(含实习))
Genetics (遗传学)
Genetics (with integrated year in industry) (遗传学(含实习))
Biology (生物学)
Biology-4 years (生物学)
Biology (with integrated year in industry) (生物学(含实习))
Biology and Climate Change (生物与气候变化)
Biology and Climate Change (with integrated year in industry) (生物与气候变化(含实习))
Microbiology (微生物学)
Microbiology (with integrated year in industry) (微生物学(含实习))
Ecology (生态学)
Ecology (with integrated year in industry) (生态学(含实习))
Plant Biology (植物生物学)
Plant Biology (with integrated year in industry) (植物生物学(含实习))
Biomedical Sciences (Nutrition, Health and Exercise) (生物医学科学(营养、健康和运动))
Biomedical Sciences (Nutrition, Health and Exercise) (with integrated year in industry) (生物医学科学(营养、健康和运动)(含实习))
Human Biology and Health (人类生物学与健康)
Human Biology and Health (with integrated year in industry) (人类生物学与健康(含实习))
Nursing (Adult) (护理学(成人))
Nursing (Mental Health) (护理学(心理健康))
Sport and Exercise Science (体育与运动科学)
Sport and Exercise Science-4 years (体育与运动科学)
Sport and Exercise Science (with integrated year in industry) (体育与运动科学(含实习))
Environmental Earth Science (环境地球科学)
Environmental Earth Science-4 years (环境地球科学)
Environmental Earth Science (with integrated year in industry) (环境地球科学(含实习))
Environmental Science (环境科学)
Environmental Science-4 years (环境科学)
Environmental Science (with integrated year in industry) (环境科学(含实习))
Environmental Science (with integrated year studying abroad) (环境科学(含海外年))
Geography (地理)
Geography-4 years (地理)
Geography (with integrated year in industry) (地理(含实习年))
Geography (with integrated year studying abroad) (地理(含海外年))
Human Geography (人文地理)
Human Geography-4 years (人文地理)
Human Geography (with integrated year in industry) (人文地理(含实习))
Human Geography (with integrated year studying abroad) (人文地理(含海外年))
Physical Geography (自然地理学)
Physical Geography-4 years (自然地理学)
Physical Geography (with integrated year in industry) (自然地理学(含实习))
Physical Geography (with integrated year studying abroad) (自然地理学(含海外年))
Geography(Welsh-speaking lecturers) (地理学)
Sociology (社会学)
Sociology-4 years (社会学)
Sociology (with integrated year in Industry) (社会学(含实习))
Sociology (with integrated year studying abroad) (社会学(含海外年))
Psychology (心理学)
Psychology and Sociology (心理学与社会学)
Psychology-4 years (心理学)
Psychology (with integrated year studying abroad) (心理学(含海外年))
Psychology with Counselling (心理学与辅导)
Psychology with Forensic Psychology (心理学与犯罪学)
Psychology with Forensic Psychology (with integrated year in industry) (心理学与犯罪心理学(含实习))
History(welsh) (历史(威尔士))
PGCE Mathematics(welsh) (数学(威尔士))
Modern Languages (French)(welsh) (现代语言(法语)(威尔士语))
History and Heritage (历史与遗产)
History of Wales (威尔士历史)
Medieval Britain & Europe (中世纪的英国和欧洲)
Modern History (近代史)
International Relations (Specialist) (国际关系(专家))
Criminology and Criminal Justice (犯罪学和刑事司法)
Youth Justice (青少年法)
Criminology and Criminal Justice MA (犯罪学和刑事司法)
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (人权和人道主义法)
International Commercial Law (国际商法)
LLM Law (法律)
European Languages (欧洲语言)
Theatre Practice: Performance and Scenography (戏剧实践:表演和场景设计)
Theatre, Film and Television Studies (戏剧、电影和电视研究)
Agrifood Innovation (农业食品创新)
Archives and Records Management (档案和记录管理)
Archives and Records Management-5 years (档案和记录管理)
Archives and Records Management-2 years (档案和记录管理)
Information and Library Studies (信息和图书馆研究)
Information and Library Studies-5 years (信息和图书馆研究)
Information and Library Studies-2 years (信息和图书馆研究)
BioInnovation (生物创新)
Biodiversity and Conservation Management (生物多样性和保护管理)
Livestock Science (畜牧科学)
MRes Agriculture (农业)
Parasite Control (寄生虫控制)
Behaviour Change (行为变化)
Environmental Change, Impact and Adaptation (环境变化、影响和适应)
Remote Sensing and GIS (遥感和地理信息系统)
Society, Space and Place (社会、空间和场所)
Psychology (with integrated year in industry) (心理学(含实习))
MA Medieval Britain & Europe (中世纪的英国和欧洲)
MA International Relations (Research Training) (国际关系(研究培训))
MA International Relations (Specialist) (国际关系)
MA War, Strategy and Intelligence (Research Training) (战争、战略与情报(研究培训))
MA War, Strategy and Intelligence (Specialist) (战争、战略与情报(专家))
MA Archives and Records Management (档案与记录管理)
LLM Information Technology Law (信息技术法)
LLM International Commercial Law (国际商法)
LLM International Commercial Law and Human Rights (国际商法与人权)
LLM International Commercial Law and the Environment (国际商法与环境)
LLM International Law and Criminology of Armed Conflict (国际法与武装冲突犯罪学)
LLM Internet Commerce and Law (网络商务与法律)
BA Law with International Politics (法律含国际政治)
BA Law with Politics (法律含政治)
LLB Business Law (商业法)
LLB Criminal Law (刑法)
BSc Criminology (犯罪学)
BSc Criminology with Applied Psychology (犯罪学含应用心理学)
LLB European Law (欧洲法)
LLB Human Rights (人权)
BA Law (法律)
GDIP Law (法律)
BA Law with Business and Management (法律含商务与管理)
BA Law with Criminology (法律与犯罪学)
BA Law with Economics (法律与经济学)
LLB Law with French (法律含法语)
BA Law with French (法律含法语)
LLB Law with German (法律含德语)
BA Law with German (法律含德语)
BA Law with Marketing (法律含市场营销)
BA Law with Mathematics (法律含数学)
LLB Law with Spanish (法律含西班牙语)
BA Law with Spanish (法律含西班牙语)
BSc Marketing with Law (市场营销含法律)
LLM Rights, Gender and International Law (权利、性别与国际法)
LLB Senior Status Law (高级地位法)
LLM Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (人权与人道主义法)
LLM Human Rights and Humanitarian Law(Distance Learning) (人权与人道主义法(远程教育))
LLM International Commercial Law(Distance Learning) (国际商法(远程教育))
Business Law (商法)
Criminal Law (刑法)
Criminology (犯罪学)
Criminology-4 years (犯罪学)
European Law (欧洲法)
Human Rights (人权法)
Law (法学)
Law BA (法学)
Law-4 years (法学)
Law and Criminology (法律与犯罪学)
Law and Accounting & Finance (法律、会计与金融)
Law and Business & Management (法律、商业与管理)
Law and Cymraeg Proffesiynol (法律与法学教授)
Law and Spanish (法律与西班牙语)
Psychology and Criminology (with integrated year in industry) (心理学与犯罪学(含实习))
MSc Youth Justice (青年司法)
MA Criminology and Criminal Justice (犯罪学与刑事司法)
LLM By Research (法学)
LLM Law (法学)
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