University College London
伦敦大学学院(Univerity College London,简称UCL),也称伦敦学院大学。 学校图书馆
是一所创建于1826年的综合性大学,也是伦敦大学联盟(Univerity of London,简称UOL)的创校学院。创校之初名为伦敦大学(Univerity of London),1836年放弃原伦敦大学校名,改名为伦敦大学学院。UCL通常被认为是继牛津大学、剑桥大学之后英格兰第三古老的大学。UCL是第一个在招生上不论种族,宗教和政治信仰的英国大学,被认为是英国教育平权的先锋。UCL还是第一所提供女性受高等教育平等权利的英国大学,历史上第一个学生会和大学剧院也诞生于此。
所在州 欧洲
所属国家 英国
地区 英格兰东部
城市 伦敦
具体地址 Univerity College London 26 Bedford Way London WC1H 0AP
院校类型 大学
院校性质 公立
课程阶段 博士,本科,研究生
创立时间 1826
综合排名 7
资助体系 伦敦大学学院的全球优秀奖学金 ,每年5000英镑在整个本科学位,伦敦大学学院系本科优秀奖学金 3000~5000英镑 .
申请截止 本科:次年6月30日前(热门专业次年1月15日前).硕士;3月1日
入学时间 10
2010年The Time 世界大学排名第4名
2009年The Time 世界大学排名第7名
2009年 THE-QS 世界大学排名第4名
2008年The Time 世界大学排名第9名
2008年上海交大版 世界大学排名第22名
2000年The Time评估等级:评估总分第5名
2000年Financial Time评估等级:第4名
1999年The Time评估等级:评估总分第5名
1999年Sunday Time评估等级:第5名
UCL一直以来与牛津大学,剑桥大学,帝国理工学院和伦敦政治经济学院一起并称“G5超级精英”大学,它也是英国顶尖研究型大学联盟---罗素大学集团的一员,代表了英国最顶尖的科研实力、师生质量、经济实力。“罗素大学集团” (The Ruel Group) 成立于1994年,由二十所英国研究型大学组成,包含了所谓的金三角名校(牛津大学,剑桥大学与伦敦大学),被称为英国的长春藤联盟,代表着英国的优秀大学。历史上有21位来自UCL的学者或毕业生获得诺贝尔奖,仅次于牛津,剑桥。
UCL学生人数大约有18,000人,其中研究生占7,273。教职员人数约3,800人,其中39位英国皇家协会(Royal Society)院士,27位英国科学院(Britih Academy)院士,13位皇家工程科学院院士(Royal Academy of Engineering)和83位英国医学科学院(Academy of Medical Science)院士。同时,UCL过去的成员中,有21位诺贝尔奖得主,其中有11名是诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主,2009年度华裔诺贝尔物理奖得主高锟毕业于UCL,1965年在UCL获得博士学位;UCL 2007,2009分别有两位校友获得诺贝尔奖。伦敦大学学院历史上的重大科研突破促进了现代社会的发展,例如激素的辨认,维生素的辨认,氖等惰性气体的发现,热离子管的发明(因此才有了无线电和现代电子学)等。
UCL的全球综合排名一直保持在前25强,近几年由于科研水平和经济实力的迅速发展,跨入了世界前十大学的顶尖行列。在2010 Time Higher Education世界大学TOP 200排名中跃居世界第四。在2009 Time Higher Education世界大学TOP 200排名中名列世界第七。在2009 US New世界大学排名中排位第七。
UCL与2004年被星期日泰晤士报评为年度最佳大学. 该报2005年的大学入学指南中将UCL描述为" 无论规模或学术上,都在伦敦大学中处于中心地位". 经过一连串的整合,UCL已经成为一个在学科多样性上可以与牛津,剑桥比肩的尖端科研与教学机构.
2006年一月,UCL决定成为"欧洲科研大学联盟"(LERU)的一员,此联盟是建立在共同高端教育与科研方针的立场上的科研实力雄厚的大学网络. LERU的成员交替的评估一系列高质高量的标准,诸如科研卷宗,影响力与基金募集,博士生培养,研究规模与深度以及认可的学术荣誉. UCL的校长马尔克姆.格兰特教授对此评价道:" 欧洲的科研大学有着共同的价值观和目的,我们非常荣幸加入这个如此优秀的科研网络.我认为这个计划的创想和实施正是关键时刻,欧盟正在严肃认真的思考科研型大学的功能,同时也在积极构想欧洲科研委员会以及将来可能实现的欧洲理工学院的设想. 此举同时也反映了UCL的全球化眼光,我们一直贯彻的加强于全球大学之间的联系的举措,最近刚与三所巴黎的大学宣布了神经科学方面的合作项目."
与很多伦敦的大学一样,UCL是一个开放式的大学,由众多分散的建筑组成。尽管UCL的建筑遍布伦敦,但学校主要部分在伦敦中心的Bloombury,高尔街。高尔街的校区包括UCl的科学及主要图书馆,语言系,历史系,Bloombury剧院,生物与物理系,Petrie埃及考古博物馆。在高尔街周边及高尔街广场,有着一系列更多的建筑,包括考古学院,化学系, Bartlett建筑环境学院,斯拉夫与东欧研究学院.
距UCL最近的地铁站是Euton Square。其他相近的地铁站有Warren Street, Ruell Square 和Goodge Street, Euton火车站也在UCL附近。
该校学科种类齐全,文科、理科、工科专业众多。是英国第一所开设法律、建筑、医学专业的大学。除此之外,学校还不断地发展PC.Mac和Unix worktation等电脑器材、电脑软件,务求能提升教师教育、学生学习方面的素质。同时,多媒体、视像会议都被用作教学媒介,科技力量十分发达。
解剖学和生理学,人类学,考古,建筑,艺术与设计,古代、古罗马及古希腊历史,牙科,荷兰语,经济学,电力与电子工程,英语,地理学,地质学,德语,历史,艺术史,法律,图书与信息管理,语言学,数学、统计学及运筹研究,医学,医学相关学科,生物学,哲学,物理学和天文学,政治学,心理学,斯堪的那维亚研究 。
由于UCL学术水平极高,因此吸引了多达120个国家的学生报读,校内的 Language Center能帮助学生提高英语能力。International Office则会为海外生提供帮助,在海外生入学前更会特别准备为期四日的迎新活动,让海外生能更了解学校。
由于各学科均有其入学要求,详情需与校方联络。申请联系部门:Admiion and General Enquirie Office 英语要求:TOEFL分数,580分至630分;IELTS分数6.5分至7.5分
文科类:12700英镑/年,MBA 18855英镑/年, 理科类:16725英镑/年,医学类:30415英镑/年
Translation: Research MA (翻译:研究)
Global Prosperity MSc (全球繁荣理学)
Business Analytics (with specialisation in Management Science) MSc (业务分析(专业管理科学))
Computational Finance MSc (计算金融学)
Engineering with Finance MSc (金融工程)
Finance MSc (金融)
Financial Risk Management MSc (金融风险管理)
Financial Systems Engineering MSc (金融系统工程)
Biological Physics MSc (生物物理学)
Space Risk and Disaster Reduction MSc (空间风险和减灾)
Engineering with Innovation and Entrepreneurship MSc (工程创新与企业)
Advanced Materials Science MSc (高级材料科学硕士)
Applied Analytical Chemistry MSc (应用分析化学)
Management of Complex Projects MSc (复杂项目管理)
Scientific Computing MSc (科学计算)
UCL International Pre-Master's Course (UCL国际硕士预科课程)
Undergraduate Preparatory Certificate for the Humanities (UPCH) (本科预备课程-人文方向)
Health, Wellbeing and Sustainable Buildings MSc (健康和可持续建筑)
Risk and Disaster Science MSc (风险和灾害科学)
MSc Banking and Digital Finance ()
Digital Innovation in Built Asset Management MSc ()
Sustainable Resources MSc (可持续资源)
Biochemical Engineering MSc (生物医学工程)
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering MSc (生物材料与组织工程)
Countering Organised Crime and Terrorism MSc (反组织犯罪与恐怖主义)
Entrepreneurship MSc (创业)
Machine Learning MSc (机械学习)
Spatio-temporal Analytics and Big Data Mining MSc (时空分析与大数据挖掘)
Web Science and Big Data Analytics MSc (网络科学与大数据分析)
Chemical Process Engineering MSc (化学过程工程)
Civil Engineering MSc (土木工程)
Crime Science MSc (犯罪科学)
Energy, Technology and Climate Policy MPA (能源,技术和气候政策)
Environmental Systems Engineering MSc (环境系统工程)
Internet Engineering MSc (网络工程)
Managing Archaeological Sites MA (考古现场管理)
Mechanical Engineering MSc (机械工程)
Policing MSc (监管)
Telecommunications MSc (电信学)
Undergraduate Preparatory Certificate for Science and Engineering (UPCSE) (本科预备课程-科学与工程方向)
Design for Manufacture MArch (制造设计)
Design for Performance and Interaction MArch (性能设计和互动)
Business Analytics (with specialisation in Computer Science) MSc (商务分析(计算机科学专业))
Civil Engineering (with Geographic Information Science) MSc (土木工程(与地理信息科学))
Civil Engineering (with Integrated Design) MSc (土木工程(与整合性设计))
Civil Engineering (with Seismic Design) MSc (土木工程(与抗震设计))
Civil Engineering (with Surveying) MSc (土木工程(与测量))
Development, Technology and Innovation Policy MPA (发展 技术和创新政策)
Earthquake Engineering with Disaster Management MSc (地震工程与灾难管理)
Engineering for International Development MSc (国际发展工程)
Geoinformatics for Building Information Modelling MSc (建筑信息建模的地理信息学)
Naval Architecture MSc (造船学)
Physics and Engineering in Medicine: Biomedical Engineering and Medical Imaging MSc (物理与医学工程:生物医学工程与药物图像)
Software Systems Engineering MSc (软件系统工程)
Transport with Business Management MSc (运输与商务管理)
Situated Practice MA (情景实践)
Civil Engineering (with Environmental Systems) MSc (土木工程(与环境系统))
Crime and Forensic Science MSc (犯罪与法医学)
Information Security MSc (信息安全)
Management MSc (管理)
Marine Engineering (Mechanical and Electrical Options) MSc (海洋工程(工程与电子))
Nanotechnology MSc (纳米技术)
Physics and Engineering in Medicine: Radiation Physics MSc (物理与医学工程:放射物理学)
Power Systems Engineering MSc (电力系统工程)
Science, Engineering and Public Policy MPA (科学、工程与公共政策)
Telecommunications with Business MSc (电信学与商务)
Urban Innovation and Policy MPA (城市创新与政策)
Wireless and Optical Communications MSc (无线与光学通信)
Quantum Technologies MSc (量子技术)
Engineering (Mechanical with Business Finance) MEng (工程(机械与商务金融))
Engineering (Mechanical) BEng (工程(机械))
Engineering (Mechanical) MEng (工程(机械))
Digital Technologies and Policy MPA (数字技术和政策公共管理硕士)
Computer Science MEng (计算机科学)
Engineering (Biomedical) BEng (工程(生物医学))
Engineering (Biomedical) MEng (工程(生物医学))
Engineering (Chemical) BEng (工程(化学))
Engineering (Chemical) MEng (工程(化学))
Information Management for Business BSc (商务信息管理)
Information Management for Business MSci (商务信息管理)
Physics with Medical Physics BSc (物理与医学物理)
Security and Crime Science BSc (安全与犯罪科学)
Bioprocessing of New Medicines (Science and Engineering) BSc (新医药生物工艺(科学与工程))
Computer Science BSc (计算机科学)
Engineering (Biochemical) MEng (工程(生物化学))
Engineering (Civil) BEng (工程(土木))
Engineering (Electronic and Electrical) BEng (工程(电子电气))
Engineering (Mechanical with Business Finance) BEng (工程(机械与商务金融))
Management Science MSci (管理科学)
Data Science MSc (数据科学)
MSc Responsible Finance and Alternative Assets (责任金融与另类资产理学硕士)
Bioprocessing of New Medicines (Business and Management) BSc (新医药生物工艺(商务与管理))
Engineering (Biochemical) BEng (工程(生物化学))
Engineering (Civil) MEng (工程(土木))
Engineering (Electronic and Electrical) MEng (工程(电子电气))
Management Science BSc (管理科学)
Construction Economics and Management MSc (建设经济学与管理)
Environment and Sustainable Development MSc (环境与可持续性发展)
Urban Design and City Planning MSc (城市设计与规划)
Urban Economic Development MSc (城市经济发展)
Urban Regeneration MSc (城市再生)
Urban Studies MSc (城市研究)
Built Environment: Environmental Design and Engineering MSc (建造环境:环境设计)
Smart Cities and Urban Analytics MSc (智能城市与城市分析)
Urban Design MArch (城市设计)
Architectural Computation MSc (建筑计算)
Building and Urban Design in Development MSc (建筑与城市设计发展)
Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment MSc (经济学、能源政策与环境)
Architectural Design MArch (建筑设计)
Architectural History MA (建筑史)
Architecture and Historic Urban Environments MA (建筑与历史城市环境)
Built Environment: Sustainable Heritage MSc (建造环境:可持续性遗产)
City Planning MPlan (城市规划)
Development Administration and Planning MSc (发展管理与规划)
Infrastructure Investment and Finance MSc (基础设施投资与金融)
International Planning MSc (国际规划)
International Real Estate and Planning MSc (国际地产与规划)
Project and Enterprise Management MSc (项目与企业管理)
Strategic Management of Projects MSc (项目战略管理)
Transport and City Planning MSc (运输与城市规划)
Housing and City Planning MSc (房屋与城市规划)
Light and Lighting MSc (光与照明)
Social Development Practice MSc (社会发展实践)
Spatial Planning MSc (空间规划)
Sustainable Urbanism MSc (可持续性城市化)
Architectural and Interdisciplinary Studies BSc (建筑与跨学科研究)
Planning and Real Estate BSc (规划与房地产)
Urban Planning, Design and Management BSc (城市规划、设计与管理)
Urban Studies BSc (城市研究)
Architectural and Interdisciplinary Studies with a Year Abroad BSc (建筑与跨学科研究)
Project Management for Construction (Sandwich) BSc (建设项目管理)
Architecture BSc (建筑)
Project Management for Construction BSc (建设项目管理)
Speech, Language and Communication Needs in Schools: Advanced Practice (January 2017 entry) MSc (在校演讲、语言与沟通:高级实践)
Translation: Translation and Culture MA (翻译:翻译和文化)
Translation: Translation Studies MA (翻译:翻译研究)
Applied Linguistics MA (应用语言学)
Child Development MSc (儿童发育)
Digital Media, Culture and Education MA (数字媒体、文化与教育)
Education (Psychology) MA (教育(心理学))
Education and International Development MA (教育与国际发展)
Education and Technology MA (教育与技术)
Education MA (教育)
Educational Neuroscience MA/MSc (教育神经科学)
Literacy Learning and Literacy Difficulties MA (识字教育与识字障碍)
Policy Studies in Education MA (政策研究教育)
Reading Recovery and Literacy Leadership MA (阅读复原与识字领导力)
Special and Inclusive Education MA (特殊与全纳教育)
TESOL (Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages) Pre-Service MA (对外英语教学)
Systematic Reviews for Public Policy and Practice (January 2017 entry) MSc (公共政策与实践的系统评级)
Advanced Educational Practice MA (高级教育实践)
Citizenship, History or Religious Education (Humanities) MA (公民、历史与宗教研究)
Education, Health Promotion and International Development MA (教育、健康提升与国际发展)
Educational Planning, Economics and International Development MA (教育规划、经济学与国际国际发展)
Music Education MA (音乐教育)
Science Education MA (科学教育)
Social Justice and Education MA (社会司法与教育)
Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA (对外英语教学)
Education MPhil/PhD (教育博士)
Leadership MA (领导力)
Art and Design in Education MA (艺术与设计教育)
Comparative Education MA (比较教育)
Developmental and Educational Psychology MSc (发展与教育心理学)
Effective Learning and Teaching MA (高效学习与教学)
Higher and Professional Education MA (高等专业教育)
Mathematics Education MA (数学教育)
Early Years Education MA (早期教育)
Education, Gender and International Development MA (教育、性别与国际发展)
Educational Assessment MA (教育评估)
English Education MA (英语教育)
Museums and Galleries in Education MA (博物馆与美术馆教育)
Primary Education (Policy and Practice) MA (初中教育(政策与实践))
Speech, Language and Communication Needs in Schools: Advanced Practice MSc (在校演讲、语言与沟通:高级实践)
Philosophy of Education MA (哲学教育)
Professional Education and Training MA (专业教育训练)
Psychology of Education MSc (心理学教育)
Social Policy and Social Research MSc (社会政策与社会研究)
Sociology of Childhood and Children's Rights MA (儿童社会学与儿童法)
Sociology of Education MA (社会学教育)
Psychology with Education BA (心理学与教育)
Psychology with Education BSc (心理学与教育)
Social Sciences with Quantitative Methods BSc (社会科学与量化方法)
Digital Media: Education MA (数字媒体:教育)
Education Studies BA (教育研究)
Social Sciences BSc (社会科学)
Education (History) MA ()
Human-Computer Interaction MSc (人机交互)
Computational Statistics and Machine Learning MSc (计算统计学与机械学习)
Computer Science MSc (计算机科学)
Computer Graphics, Vision and Imaging MSc (计算机图形,视觉与图像)
Robotics and Computation MSc (机器人与计算)
Data Science and Machine Learning MSc (数据科学与机器学习)
Film Studies MA (电影研究)
Digital Media: Critical Studies MA (数字媒体:批判性学习)
Digital Media: Production MA (数字媒体:制作)
Fine Art MA (美术)
Fine Art MFA (美术)
German BA (德语)
Classics MA (古典学)
Health data science (健康数据科学)
Greek and English BA (希腊语与英语)
Greek with Latin BA (希腊语与拉丁语)
Greek with Latin with Study Abroad BA (希腊语与拉丁语)
Hebrew and Jewish Studies BA (希伯来语与犹太研究)
Icelandic BA (冰岛语)
Italian BA (意大利语)
Language and Culture BA (语言与文化)
Modern Language Plus BA (现代语言)
Modern Languages BA (现代语言)
French BA (法语)
German and History BA (德语与历史)
Hebrew and Jewish Studies with Year Abroad BA (希伯来语与犹太研究)
History (Central and East European) and Jewish Studies BA (历史(中欧与东欧)与犹太研究)
Latin with Greek BA (拉丁语与希腊语)
Latin and English BA (拉丁语与英语)
Latin with Greek with Study Abroad BA (拉丁语与希腊语)
Drug Discovery and Development MSc (药物探索与发展)
Drug Discovery and Pharma Management MSc (药物探索与药物管理)
Pharmaceutical Formulation and Entrepreneurship MSc (制药配方与企业)
Molecular Modelling MSc (分子建模)
Planetary Science MSc (植物科学)
Technology Management MSc (技术管理)
自然资源全球管理 (Global Management of Natural Resources MSc)
Genetics of Human Disease MSc (人类疾病遗传学)
Pharmaceutics MSc (制药学)
Financial Mathematics MSc (金融数学)
History and Philosophy of Science MSc (历史与哲学科学)
Science, Technology and Society MSc (科学、技术与社会)
Space Science and Engineering: Space Science MSc (空间科学与工程:空间科学)
Systems Engineering Management MSc (系统工程管理)
Biomedical Sciences MSc (生物医学科学)
Clinical Pharmacy, International Practice and Policy MSc (临床药学、国际实践与政策)
Neuroscience MSc (神经科学)
Geophysical Hazards MSc (地球物理危机)
Geoscience MSc (地理科学)
Materials for Energy and Environment MSc (能源与环境材料)
Mathematical Modelling MSc (数学建模)
Physics MSc (物理)
Risk, Disaster and Resilience MSc (风险、灾难与恢复)
Statistics (Medical Statistics) MSc (统计学(医学统计))
Statistics MSc (统计学)
Astrophysics MSc (天体物理学)
Chemical Research MSc (化学研究)
Space Science and Engineering: Space Technology MSc (空间科学与工程:空间技术)
Geospatial Sciences MSc ()
Biochemistry BSc (生物化学)
Biological Sciences BSc (生物科学)
Biological Sciences MSci (生物科学)
Pharmacology MSci (药理学)
Astrophysics BSc (天体物理学)
Astrophysics MSci (天体物理学)
Chemistry with Management Studies BSc (化学与管理研究)
Chemistry with Management Studies MSci (化学与管理研究)
Chemistry with Mathematics BSc (化学与数学)
Chemistry with Mathematics MSci (化学与数学)
Economics and Statistics BSc (Econ) (经济学与统计学)
Geology BSc (地质学)
Mathematics with Management Studies BSc (数学与管理研究)
Mathematics with Management Studies MSci (数学与管理研究)
Mathematics with Mathematical Physics BSc (数学与数学物理)
Mathematics with Mathematical Physics MSci (数学与数学物理)
Mathematics with Modern Languages BSc (数学与现代语言)
Chemical Physics BSc (化学物理)
Medical Physics MSci (医学物理)
Biomedical Sciences BSc (生物科学)
Human Sciences BSc (人类科学)
Neuroscience MSci (神经科学)
Chemistry (International Programme) MSci (化学)
Chemistry with a European Language MSci (化学与一门欧洲语言)
Earth Sciences MSci (地球科学)
Environmental Geoscience BSc (环境地球科学)
Geology MSci (地质学)
Geophysics MSci (地球物理学)
Mathematics and Statistical Science MSci (数学与统计科学)
Mathematics with Economics MSci (数学与经济学)
Medicinal Chemistry MSci (医学化学)
Natural Sciences MSci (自然科学)
Physics BSc (物理)
Theoretical Physics BSc (理论物理)
Statistical Science (International Programme) MSci (统计科学)
Statistics and Management for Business BSc (统计学与商务管理)
Statistics BSc (统计学)
Statistics, Economics and a Language BSc (统计学、经济学与一门语言)
Chemical Physics MSci (化学物理)
Chemistry BSc (化学)
Earth Sciences BSc (地球科学)
Mathematics and Physics BSc (数学与物理)
Mathematics and Physics MSci (数学与物理)
Mathematics BSc (数学)
Mathematics MSci (数学)
Natural Sciences BSc (自然科学)
Physics MSci (物理与医学物理学)
Science and Society BSc (科学与社会)
Mathematical Computation MEng (数学计算)
Biotechnology BSc (生物技术)
Human Sciences and Evolution MSci (人类科学与进化)
Neuroscience BSc (神经科学)
Pharmacology BSc (药理学)
Chemistry MSci (化学)
Chemistry with a European Language BSc (化学与一门欧洲语言)
Earth Sciences (International Programme) MSci (地球科学(国际项目))
Environmental Geoscience MSci (环境地球科学)
Geophysics BSc (地球物理学)
History and Philosophy of Science BSc (历史与科学哲学)
Mathematics and Statistical Science BSc (数学与统计科学)
Mathematics with Economics BSc (数学与经济学)
Mathematics with Modern Languages MSci (数学与现代语言)
Medicinal Chemistry BSc (医学化学)
Statistics, Economics and Finance BSc (统计学、经济学与金融)
Theoretical Physics MSci (理论物理)
Advanced Audiology MSc (高级声学)
Biology of Vision MSc (视觉生物学)
Clinical Mental Health Sciences MSc (临床心理健康科学)
Clinical Neurology MSc (临床神经学)
Clinical Neuroscience MSc (临床神经科学)
Language Sciences (with specialisation in Language Development) MSc (语言科学(语言演变专业))
Language Sciences (with specialisation in Linguistics with Neuroscience) MSc (语言科学(语言神经科学专业))
Language Sciences (with specialisation in Neuroscience and Communication) MSc (语言科学(神经科学与沟通专业))
Language Sciences (with specialisation in Sign Language and Deaf Studies) MSc (语言科学(专业手语和聋人研究))
Linguistics with a specialisation in Pragmatics MA (语言学(语用学专业))
Linguistics with a specialisation in Semantics MA (语言学(语义学专业))
Linguistics with a specialisation in Syntax MA (语言学(语法专业))
Mental Health Sciences Research MSc (心理健康科学研究)
Applied Paediatric Neuropsychology MSc (应用儿科神经心理学)
Global Health and Development MSc (全球健康与发展)
Global Health and Development: tropEd programme MSc (全球健康与发展)
Paediatrics and Child Health: Molecular and Genomic Paediatrics MSc (儿科与儿童健康:分子与遗传儿科)
Palaeoanthropology and Palaeolithic Archaeology MSc (古人类学与旧石器时代考古学)
Advanced Neuroimaging MSc (高级神经图像)
Audiological Science MSc (听力科学)
Brain and Mind Sciences MSc (大脑与心理科学)
Cognitive and Decision Sciences MSc (认知与决策科学)
Industrial/Organisational and Business Psychology MSc (行业/组织与商务心理学)
Language Sciences (with specialisation in Speech and Hearing Sciences) MSc (语言科学(语言与听力专业))
Linguistics MA (语言学)
Social Cognition: Research and Applications MSc (社会认知:研究与应用)
Theoretical Psychoanalytic Studies (Non-Clinical) MSc (理论心理分析研究)
Advanced Physiotherapy: Neurophysiotherapy MSc (高级物理治疗:神经生理学)
Cardiovascular Science MSc (心血管科学)
Audiological Science with Clinical Practice MSc (听力科学与临床实践)
Cognitive Neuroscience MSc (认知神经科学)
Developmental Psychology and Clinical Practice MSc (发展心理学与临床实践)
Linguistics with a specialisation in Phonology MA (语言学(语音学专业))
Speech and Language Sciences MSc (言语与语言科学)
Child and Adolescent Mental Health MSc (儿童与青春期心理健康)
Clinical Paediatric Neuropsychology MSc (临床儿童神经心理学)
Health and Society: Social Epidemiology MSc (健康与社会:社会流行病学)
Health Psychology MSc (健康心理学)
Paediatrics and Child Health: Advanced Paediatrics MSc (儿科与儿童健康:高级儿科学)
Paediatrics and Child Health: Global Child Health MSc (儿科与儿童健康:全球儿童健康)
Physiotherapy Studies: Cardiorespiratory MSc (物理疗法研究:心肺)
Prenatal Genetics and Fetal Medicine MSc (胎儿遗传学与胎儿医学)
Reproductive Science and Women's Health MSc (生殖科学与妇女健康)
Neuromuscular Diseases MSc (神经肌肉疾病)
Psychoanalytic Developmental Psychology MSc (心理分析发育心理学)
Stroke Medicine MSc (中风医学)
Data Science for Research in Health and Biomedicine MSc (健康与生物医学的数据科学研究)
Advanced Physiotherapy: Cardiorespiratory MSc (高级物理疗法:心肺)
Health Informatics MSc (健康信息学)
Paediatrics and Child Health: Community Child Health MSc (儿科与儿童健康:社区儿童健康)
Physiotherapy Studies: Paediatrics MSc (物理疗法研究:儿科)
Linguistics BA (语言学)
Psychology and Language Sciences BSc (心理学与语言科学)
Psychology BSc (心理学)
Linguistics (International Programme) BA (语言学)
Population Health BSc (大众健康)
Obesity and Clinical Nutrition ()
European Social and Political Studies: Dual Degree BA (欧洲社会与政治研究)
Archaeology Grad Dip (考古学)
Reception of the Classical World MA (古典世界)
Specialised Translation (Audiovisual) MSc (专业翻译(视听))
Specialised Translation (Scientific, Technical and Medical) MSc (专业翻译(科学、技术与医学))
Behaviour Change MSc (行为改变学)
Economy, State and Society: Politics and the International Economy MA (International) (经济、国家与社会:政治与国际经济学)
Political Analysis (Russia and Eastern Europe) MA (政治分析(俄罗斯与东欧))
Political Sociology (Russia and Eastern Europe) MA (政治社会学(俄罗斯与东欧))
Aquatic Science MSc (水生科学)
Bioarchaeological and Forensic Anthropology MSc (生物考古学与鉴识人类学)
Caribbean and Latin American Studies MA (加勒比和拉丁美洲研究)
Chinese Health and Humanity MA (中国健康与人道)
Conservation for Archaeology and Museums MSc (考古与博物馆保护)
Environment, Politics and Society MSc (环境、政策与社会)
Digital Humanities MSc (数字人文学)
Early Modern Studies MA (早期现代研究)
English Linguistics MA (英语语言学)
European Culture and Thought: Culture MA (欧洲文化与思想:文化)
French and Francophone Studies: Language, Culture and History MA (法语与法语使用者:语言文化与历史)
German Studies: Language, Culture and History MA (德国研究:语言、文化与历史)
Information Science MSc (信息科学)
Jewish Studies MA (犹太研究)
Archaeological Science: Technology and Materials MSc (考古科学)
Digital Humanities MA (数字人文学)
Dutch Studies: Language, Culture and History MA (荷兰研究:语言、文化与历史)
English: Issues in Modern Culture MA (英语:现代文化事项)
Gender, Society and Representation MA (性别、社会与表述)
German History: Language, Culture and History MA (德国史:语言、文化与历史)
Italian Studies: Language, Culture and History MA (意大利研究:语言文化与历史)
Library and Information Studies MA (图书馆与信息研究)
Philosophy MA (哲学)
Publishing MA (出版)
Scandinavian Studies: Language, Culture and History MA (斯堪的纳维亚研究:语言文化与历史)
Specialised Translation (with Interpreting) MSc (专业翻译(含口译))
Economy, State and Society: Economics and Business MA (International) (经济、国家与社会:经济学与商务)
Economy, State and Society: Politics and Security MA (International) (经济、国家与社会:政治与安全)
Anthropology, Environment and Development MSc (人类学、环境与发展)
Archaeology MA (考古学)
Artefact Studies MA (人工制品研究)
Climate Change MSc (气候变化)
Comparative Art and Archaeology MA (比较文学与考古学)
Digital Anthropology MSc (数字人类学)
Late Antique and Byzantine Studies MA (晚期古董与拜占庭研究)
Material and Visual Culture MA (素材与视觉文化)
Medieval and Renaissance Studies MA (中世纪与文艺复兴研究)
Museum Studies MA (博物馆研究)
Principles of Conservation MA (保护法则)
Public Administration and Management MPA (公共治理与管理)
Public Policy MSc (公共政策)
Research Methods for Archaeology MA (考古学研究方法)
Ancient Languages BA (古代语言)
Arts and Sciences with Study Abroad BASc (文学与科学)
Classics BA (古典)
Comparative Literature BA (比较文学)
French and an Asian or African Language BA (法语与一门亚洲或非洲语言)
African Studies with Environment MSc (非洲研究与环境)
African Studies with Health MSc (非洲研究与健康)
African Studies with Heritage MA (非洲研究与遗产)
Archives and Records Management MA (文档与记录管理)
Comparative Literature MA (比较文学)
European Culture and Thought: Thought MA (欧洲文化与思想:思想)
European Studies: European Society MA (欧洲研究:欧洲社会)
European Studies: Modern European Studies MA (欧洲研究:现代欧洲研究)
Hispanic Studies: Language, Culture and History MA (西班牙研究:语言文化与历史)
Philosophy, Politics and Economics of Health MA (哲学、政治与健康经济学)
Urban Development Planning MSc (城市发展规划)
Comparative Business Economics MA (比较商务经济学)
Comparative Economics and Policy MA (比较经济学与政策)
History (SSEES) MA (历史)
Russian and East European Literature and Culture MA (俄国与东欧文学文化)
Russian and Post-Soviet Politics MA (俄国与后苏联政治)
Russian Studies MA (俄国研究)
Democracy and Comparative Politics MSc (民主与比较政治学)
Economics MSc (经济学)
European History MA (欧洲史)
European Public Policy MSc (欧洲公共政策)
History MA (历史)
International Public Policy MSc (国际公共政策)
Latin American Studies MA (拉丁美洲研究)
Central and South-East European Studies MA (中欧与东欧南欧研究)
Ancient History MA (古代史)
Anthropology MRes (人类学)
Archaeology and Heritage of Asia MA (考古学与亚洲遗产)
Conservation MSc (环保)
Creative and Collaborative Enterprise MA (创意和企业协作)
Cultural Heritage Studies MA (文化遗产研究)
Environmental Modelling MSc (环境建模)
Ethnographic and Documentary Film (Practical) MA (民族志学与纪录片电影)
Global Governance and Ethics MSc (全球治理与伦理学)
Globalisation and Latin American Development MSc (全球化与拉丁美洲发展)
History of Art MA (文学史)
International Relations of the Americas MSc (美洲国际关系)
Latin American Politics MSc (拉丁美洲政治)
Medical Anthropology MSc (医学人类学)
Mediterranean Archaeology MA (地中海考古学)
Public Archaeology MA (公共考古学)
Social and Cultural Anthropology MSc (社会与文化人类学)
United States Studies: History and Politics MA (美国研究:历史与政治)
Legal and Political Theory MA (法律与政治理论)
Materials, Anthropology and Design MA (材料、人类学与设计)
Transnational Studies MA (翻译研究)
Ancient Languages with Year Abroad BA (古代语言)
Ancient World BA (古代世界)
Ancient World with a Year Abroad BA (古代世界)
English BA (英语)
Philosophy BA (哲学)
Environmental Archaeology MSc (环境考古学)
Global Migration MSc (全球迁徙)
Global Public Policy and Management EMPA (全球公共政策与管理)
Human Evolution and Behaviour MSc (人类进化与行为)
Human Rights MA (人权)
Security Studies MSc (安全研究)
Technology and Analysis of Archaeological Materials MSc (考古素材技术与分析)
Dutch BA (荷兰语)
European Social and Political Studies BA (欧洲社会与政治研究)
Fine Art BA (美术)
Fine Art BFA (美术)
Scandinavian Studies and History BA (斯堪的纳维亚研究与历史)
Scandinavian Studies BA (斯堪的纳维亚研究)
Viking and Old Norse Studies BA (维京与古挪威研究)
Arts and Sciences BASc (文学与科学)
Classics with Study Abroad BA (古典)
Philosophy and History of Art BA (哲学与文学史)
Economics and Business with East European Studies with a Year Abroad BA (经济学与商务含东欧研究)
Anthropology BSc (人类学)
Economics and Geography BSc (Econ) (经济学与地理)
Economics with a Year Abroad BSc (Econ) (经济学)
Geography (International Programme) BA (地理)
Geography (International Programme) BSc (地理)
Geography BSc (地理)
History of Art BA (文学史)
History of Art with Material Studies BA (文学史与素材研究)
History with a European Language BA (历史与一门欧洲语言)
History with a Year Abroad BA (历史)
Bulgarian and East European Studies BA (比利时与东欧研究)
Czech (with Slovak) and East European Studies BA (捷克(与斯洛伐克)与东欧研究)
Polish and East European Studies BA (波兰与欧洲研究)
Archaeology and Anthropology BA (考古学与人类学)
Archaeology BSc (考古学)
Archaeology with a Year Abroad BA (考古学)
PhD in Innovation and Public Policy (创新与公共政策博士学位)
Philosophy and Greek BA (哲学与希腊学)
Philosophy, Politics and Economics BSc (哲学、政治与经济学)
Spanish and Latin American Studies BA (西班牙与拉丁美洲研究)
Economics and Business with East European Studies BA (经济学与商务含东欧研究)
Finnish and East European Studies BA (芬兰与东欧研究)
History, Politics and Economics BA (历史、政治与经济学)
Russian and History BA (俄罗斯与历史)
Russian with an East European Language BA (俄国与东欧研究)
Serbian/Croatian and East European Studies BA (西伯利亚/克罗地亚与东欧研究)
Ancient History BA (古代史)
Anthropology with a Year Abroad BSc (人类学)
History BA (历史)
Politics, Violence and Crime MSc (政治、暴力与犯罪人类学硕士)
Hungarian and East European Studies BA (匈牙利与东欧研究)
Romanian and East European Studies BA (罗马尼亚与东欧研究)
Russian Studies BA (俄国研究)
Slovak (with Czech) and East European Studies BA (斯洛伐克(与捷克)与东欧研究)
Ukrainian and East European Studies BA (乌克兰与东欧研究)
Archaeology BA (考古学)
Classical Archaeology and Classical Civilisation BA (古典考古学与古典文明)
Economics BSc (Econ) (经济学)
Egyptian Archaeology BA (埃及考古学)
Geography BA (地理)
Clinical Ophthalmology MSc (临床眼科学硕士)
Ophthalmology with Clinical Practice MSc (眼科与临床实践)
Experimental Pharmacology and Therapeutics MSc (实验药理学和治疗学)
Medicinal Natural Products and Phytochemistry MSc (医药天然产品和植物化学)
Drug Design MSc (药物设计)
Endodontics MSc (牙髓学)
Musculoskeletal Science MSc (肌骨骼科学)
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery MSc (口腔颌面外科)
Performing Arts Medicine MSc (表演艺术医学)
Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technologies MSc (康复工程与辅助技术)
Special Care Dentistry MSc (特殊护理牙科)
Dental Public Health MSc (牙科公共卫生)
Health Humanities MA (健康人文学)
Dementia: Causes, Treatments and Research (Mental Health) MSc (痴呆:原因,治疗和(心理健康)研究)
Advanced Biomedical Imaging MSc (高级生物医学图像)
Clinical Drug Development MSc (临床药物开发)
Human Tissue Repair MSc (人类组织修复学)
Oral Medicine MSc (口腔医学)
Sports Medicine, Exercise and Health MSc (体育医学、锻炼与健康)
Dementia: Causes, Treatments and Research (Neuroscience) MSc (痴呆:原因 治疗和(神经学科)研究)
Otology and Audiology MSc (耳科和听力学)
Infancy and Early Childhood Development MSc (婴儿期和幼儿发展)
Paediatrics and Child Health with Clinical Practice MSc (儿科和儿童健康与临床实践)
Burns, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery MSc (烧伤、整形与再造外科)
Cancer MSc (癌症)
Clinical Education MA (临床教育)
Eating Disorders and Clinical Nutrition MSc (饮食紊乱与临床临床营养学)
Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine MSc (纳米技术与再生医学)
Physical Therapy in Musculoskeletal Healthcare and Rehabilitation MSc (肌骨健康与恢复的物理疗法)
Clinical Trials MSc (临床试验)
Physiotherapy Studies: Neurophysiotherapy MSc (物理治疗研究:神经生理学)
Clinical and Public Health Nutrition MSc (临床与公共健康营养学)
Evidence-Based Healthcare MSc (基于迹象的卫生保健)
Infection and Immunity MSc (感染与免疫)
Surgical and Interventional Sciences MSc (外科和介入科学)
Cell and Gene Therapy MSc (细胞和基因治疗)
Population Health MSc (人口健康)
Applied Medical Sciences BSc (应用医学科学)
Medicine MBBS BSc (医学)
Applied Medical Sciences MSci (应用医学科学)
Law LLM (法律)
Law with French Law LLB (法律与法国法律)
Law with German Law LLB (法律与德国法律)
Law with Hispanic Law LLB (法律与西班牙法律)
Law LLB (法律)
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