The University of Edinburgh
爱丁堡大学(Univerity of Edinburgh)位于苏格兰的首府爱丁堡市,成立于1583年,是英国第6古老的大学。
2011-2012年泰晤士世界大学排名: 世界第36,欧洲第7,英国第5
爱丁堡大学(10张)2010年QS世界大学排名:世界第22, 欧洲第6, 英国第6
2010年THE排名:世界第40, 欧洲第7, 英国第6.
2010年英国本地大学Time排名:11 (2009年-第14)
2010年英国本地大学Guardian排名: 15 (2009年-第7)
1582年,与早年许多在教廷特许(Papal Charter)下成立的大学不同,爱丁堡大学在苏格兰国王詹姆斯六世(Jame VI)的特许(Royal Charter)和爱丁堡市议会(Town Council)的资助下展开筹建;翌年,大学正式成立,作为欧洲宗教改革运动之后的第一所市立大学(Civic Univerity),其最初的名称是“唐尼斯学院”(Touni College),这是苏格兰的第四所也是整个英语圈的第六所大学。
在18世纪欧洲启蒙运动的浪潮中,爱丁堡大学逐渐成为学术中心和欧洲主要大学之一。著名的大哲学家休谟(David Hume)年轻时便在学校受教和成长。在1789年老学院(Old College)兴建之前,学校并没有专属的校园,如今这座建筑物仍然屹立于爱丁堡老城的南桥街(South Bridge)和钱伯街(Chamber Street)交接处;当初它的设计者是罗伯特·亚当(Robert Adam)。
大学预科:年满17岁的高三毕业生。IELTS 6.5,TOEFL 92 分
本科: 重点高中优秀毕业生,平均成绩在85%以上,IELTS 6.5,TOEFL 92分,每一项超过5.5,(TOEFL单科不低于23分)。
硕士: 需持有相关专业领域本科学士学位;平均成绩在80%以上,IELTS6.5- 7.0,TOEFL 100分。TOEFL iBT 92,部分商科、法学、文学要求100分。
MBA: 本科毕业生,平均成绩在80%以上,有2年以上相关工作经验,IELTS 7.0,TOEFL 100分(iBT 92分)。
文学院是爱大最大的学院,它的崇高声誉吸引了国内外各方面的学生和教师。该学院下设11 个系:考古学系、古典文学系、英语系、艺术系、历史系、语言学系、数学系、现代欧洲语言系、东方语言系、哲学系和苏格兰研究系。
爱大的医学院也是世界著名的医学教育中心之一,建于1927 年,在这儿求学或执教过的世界著名医学家大有人在,如第一个将清洁消毒引入外科手术的约瑟夫·里斯特以及发现氯仿可用于手术麻醉的詹姆斯 ·扬 ·辛普森等。爱丁堡大学的医学院拥有两百多年的历史,具有悠久的良好传统,是五年制的课程。
社会科学院下设14 个系:建筑系、建筑历史系、商业研究系、经济与社会历史系、经济系、地理系、护理系、政治学系、心理学系、社会政策系、社会人类学系、社会学系、非洲研究中心和加拿大研究中心等,这些系科乍看似乎互不相关,但它们都是“ 人在社会中” 的一个个侧面。
爱大的音乐学院是由该校毕业生、音乐爱好者及业余作曲家吉纳罗· 约翰· 里德出资建立的,拥有英国一流的图书馆、教学经验、音乐厅及由作曲家、演奏家、历史学家等组成的精良师资。音乐学院的学生不但可以学习音乐理论,学院还会经常安排演奏会以丰富学生的经验。课程: 作曲学,音乐历史。
兽医学院由威廉·狄克于 1823 年建立,并于1951 年并入爱大,是英国最大、历史最久的兽医学院之一,吸引了国内外许多学生慕名前来攻读学士、硕士及博士学位,其开设的课程范围广,且分布比较平衡,能为学生今后参加任何医疗实践和研究打下扎实基础爱丁堡大学的兽医学院是全英历史最为悠久、最大的兽医学院,其声誉名扬海外,每年都有大量全世界各地的兽医医生申请就读该学院。(本科五年制)课程: 免疫与感染,动物护理,诊断学。
神学院在爱大占有极重要的地位,是英国最大的神学院之一,拥有英国最大的神学图书馆,下设5 个系:犹太人和旧约研究系、新约语言、文学与神学系、基督教历史系、神学与宗教研究系、基督教伦理与实践神学系等。 爱丁堡大学只授予商科硕士学位(MBA), 学士学位的课程只开设有经济学, 包括: 经济学原理、经济学与法律等课程。
电机和电子工程学,化学,计算机科学,地质学,数学和统计学,物理学,金融学和会计学,历史学,社会工作,社会学,细胞和分子生物学,有机生物学,兽医学,社会政策。 爱丁堡大学的热门课程
在18世纪欧洲启蒙运动的浪潮中,爱丁堡大学逐渐成为学术中心和欧洲主要大学之一。著名的大哲学家休谟(David Hume)年轻时便在学校受教和成长。在1789年老学院(Old College)兴建之前,学校并没有专属的校园,如今这座建筑物仍然屹立于爱丁堡老城的南桥街(South Bridge)和钱伯街(Chamber Street)交接处;当初它的设计者是罗伯特·亚当(Robert Adam)。 爱丁堡大学是罗素集团(Ruell Group)(成员大学都是以研究为引导的英国大学)的一个成员。它也是唯一一所 (除牛津和剑桥外) 成为Coimbra group和 the LERU : 两个欧洲大学领导协会成员的大学。依据在2005 年泰晤士报排名,在大约120个英国学院中,爱丁堡名列第五。在 2005 年,它被苏格兰星期天泰晤士报评为年度苏格兰大学。在上海交通大学最近的世界大学排名中, 爱丁堡在欧洲排列第十,在全世界排名第30 。爱丁堡大学是Univerita 21(研究型大学的国际协会)的一员。
依照Sutton Tru(2002),爱丁堡有在英国大学之中有第三大的共1亿6千万英镑的财政捐助。 它也是第三大的学生捐助的学校。
艺术,文化和环境、神学 、管理学院和经济、历史和古典、法律 、文学,语言和文化、社会科学中的健康 、哲学,心理学和语言科学、社会和政治学习 、教育学
生物医学科学、临床科学和群落健康 、分子和临床医学、兽医学习
生物学科学、化学 、地球科学、工程学和电子学·信息学 、数学、物理学
爱丁堡位于苏格兰北部边境靠海的海滨,是苏格兰首府。爱丁堡大学则位于爱丁堡市中心,是公认的欧洲最富吸引力的城市之一,也是英国主要的社交、文化中心。爱丁堡市是历史名城,有许多名胜古迹,如艺术长廊和音乐厅、苏格兰皇家博物馆、皇家植物园、苏格兰国家图书馆、圣伍德皇宫、议会大厦、圣支来大教堂、爱丁堡古城堡等等。城中一半以上的场所是露天的,如皇后公园、亚瑟剧院等。爱丁堡交通便利,搭乘飞机从爱丁堡国际机场飞抵伦敦仅需1小时,而爱丁堡作为苏格兰首府,其公路与铁路线十分发达,可以通往英国的各个角落。 爱丁堡也被称为“北方的雅典”。爱丁堡大学在爱丁堡扮演一个必不可少的角色
MSc Finance Technology and Policy (金融技术与政策)
business with marketing ()
MA Business and Law (商务与法律)
MA Business Management (商务管理)
MA Business with Decision Sciences (商务与决策科学)
MA Business with Enterprise and Innovation (商务与企业创新)
MA International Business with German (国际商务与德语)
MA International Business with Italian (国际商务与意大利语)
MA International Business with Japanese (国际商务与日语)
MA International Business with Russian (国际商务与俄语)
Economics / Economics (Econometrics) / Economics (Finance) (经济学(计量经济学))
Management PhD (管理博士)
Entrepreneurship and Innovation MSc (创业与创新)
MSc in Business Analytics (商务分析)
Accounting and Finance MSc ()
Business Analytics MSc ()
MA Economics and Politics (经济学与政治)
MA Economics and Sociology (经济学与社会学)
MA Economics and Statistics (经济学与统计学)
MA Economics with Environmental Studies (经济学与环境研究)
MSc Marketing ()
SGPE Summer School ()
Business Administration, Master of MBA (工商管理)
International Business and Emerging Markets MSc (国际商务与新兴市场)
International Human Resource Management MSc (国际人力资源管理)
Marketing and Business Analysis MSc (市场研究与商务分析)
Marketing MSc (市场营销)
MSc in Finance (金融)
MA Business and Economics (商务与经济学)
MA Business and Geography (商务与地理)
MA Business with Human Resource Management (商务与人力资源管理)
MA Business with Strategic Economics (商务与战略经济学)
MA International Business with Arabic (国际商务与阿拉伯语)
MA International Business with French (国际商务与法语)
MA International Business with Spanish (国际商务与西班牙语)
MA Economics and Accounting (经济学与会计)
MA Economics and Mathematics (经济学与数学)
MA Economics with Finance (经济学与金融)
Finance, Technology and Policy MSc ()
Accounting & Finance MSc (会计与金融)
Carbon Finance MSc (碳经济)
Management MSc (管理)
MSc Economics (Finance) (经济学(金融))
MA Business and Accounting (商务与会计)
MA Business and Finance (商务与金融)
MA Business with Marketing (商务与市场营销)
MA International Business (国际商务)
MA International Business with Chinese (国际商务与中文)
MA Economics (经济学)
MA Economics with Management Science (经济学与管理科学)
International Business ()
Banking & Risk MSc (银行与风险)
Human Resource Management MSc (人力资源管理)
MA Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
BEng Chemical Engineering (化学工程)
MEng Electronics and Computer Science (电子与计算机科学)
BEng Electronics and Electrical Engineering (电子与电气工程)
BEng/MEng Engineering (工程)
BEng Structural and Fire Safety Engineering (结构与火灾安全工程)
BEng Civil Engineering (土木工程)
Applied Geoscience (Geoenergy) ()
International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering (火灾安全工程)
BEng Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (电子与机械工程)
MEng Structural Engineering with Architecture (结构工程与建筑)
Electrical Power Engineering MSc (电力工程)
Electronics MSc (电子学)
Sensor and Imaging Systems MSc (传感器与图形系统)
BEng Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
Signal Processing and Communications MSc (信号处理与通讯)
Structural and Fire Safety Engineering MSc (结构与火灾安全工程)
Sustainable Energy Systems MSc (可持续性能源系统)
Science and Engineering Global Select Pathway Programme (国际本科预科项目(科学与工程))
Advanced Chemical Engineering MSc (高级化学工程)
Advanced Sustainable Design MSc (高级可持续性设计)
Architectural & Urban Design MSc (建筑与城市设计)
Landscape Architecture MLA (景观建筑)
Architectural History & Theory MSc (建筑史与理论)
EMiLA Landscape Architecture (European Masters) (景观建筑(欧洲硕士))
Architecture, Master of (ARB/RIBA Part 2) ()
Architectural Conservation MSc (建筑保护)
MSc Landscape and Wellbeing (建筑与福祉)
Urban Strategies and Design MSc (城市战略与设计)
Interior Design MA (eca) (室内设计)
Landscape Architecture (景观建筑)
BSc Applied Sport Science (应用体育科学)
BA Community Education (社区教育)
MA Primary Education with Gaelic (Fluent Speakers) (盖尔语与小学教育(语言流利))
BSc Sport and Recreation Management (体育与娱乐管理)
MA Physical Education (体育教育)
Language Education MSc (语言教育)
MSc Education (教育学)
Language Teaching MSc (语言教学)
Sport Policy, Management and International Development MSc (运动策略、管理与国际发展)
Strength and Conditioning MSc (力量与健身)
MSc Physical Activity for Health (健康体育锻炼)
MSc Transformative Learning and Teaching (Mathematics) (变革性学习与教学(数学))
MSc Transformative Learning and Teaching (Physics) (变革性学习与教学(物理))
Transformative Learning and Teaching (变革性学习与教学(计算机科学))
MA Primary Education with Gaelic (Learners) (盖尔语与小学教育(初学))
Dance Science and Education MSc (舞蹈科学与教育)
MSc Learning for Sustainability (可持续性学习)
MSc Outdoor Education (户外教育)
MSc Outdoor Environmental and Sustainability Education (户外环境与可持续性教育)
MSc Transformative Learning and Teaching (English) (变革性学习与教学(英语))
MSc Transformative Learning and Teaching (Generalist) (变革性学习与教学(多方向))
Performance Psychology MSc (表现心理学)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MSc (对外英语教学)
Education MSc (教育)
MSc Inclusive Education (全纳教育)
Foundation Programme in Arts, Humanities and Social Science (国际本科预科项目(艺术、人文与社会科学))
BSc Computer Science ()
Design Informatics MA (eca) (设计信息学)
Advanced Design Informatics MSc (高级设计信息学)
Computer Science MSc (计算机科学)
Design Informatics MSc (设计信息学)
Informatics MSc (信息学)
Data Science MSc (数据科学)
Artificial Intelligence MSc (人工智能)
Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (人工智能与计算机科学)
Cognitive Science (认知科学)
Computer Science and Physics (计算机科学与物理)
Computer Science with Management (计算机科学与管理)
Informatics (5-year undergraduate Masters Programme) (信息学)
Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering (人工智能与软件工程)
Computer Science (计算机科学)
Computer Science and Management Science (计算机科学与管理科学)
Software Engineering with Management (软件工程与开发)
Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (人工智能与数学)
Artificial Intelligence with Management (人工智能与管理)
Computer Science and Mathematics (计算机科学与数学)
BA/MA Architecture ()
Graphic Design MA (eca) (平面设计)
Illustration MA (eca) (插画)
Jewellery Master of Fine Art (珠宝)
MFA Graphic Design (平面设计)
Performance Costume Master of Fine Art (演出服装)
Textiles Master of Fine Art (纺织)
Design and Digital Media MSc (设计与数字媒体)
Design Informatics Master of Fine Art (设计信息学)
Fashion Master of Fine Art (时装)
Illustration Master of Fine Art (插画)
Product Design MA (eca) (产品设计)
Sound Design MSc (声音设计)
Product Design (产品设计)
Fashion (时装)
Graphic Design (平面设计)
Textiles (纺织)
Interior Design (室内设计)
Jewellery and Silversmithing (珠宝与银器)
Performance Costume (服装)
Intermediality: Literature, Film and the Arts in Dialogue MSc (媒介性:对话中的文学、电影和艺术)
Film Directing MA (eca) (电影导演)
Film Directing Master of Fine Art (电影导演)
MFA Animation (动画)
Animation (动画)
Film and Television (电影与电视)
Intermedia Art (媒体文学)
Design for Change ()
Digital Media & Culture ()
Acoustics & Music Technology MSc (声学与音乐技术)
Composition for Screen MSc (影视作曲)
Composition MMus (作曲)
Material Practice MSc (素材实践)
BA Art (艺术)
Design Informatics MA ()
Creative Industries MSc (创意产业)
Digital Composition and Performance MSc (数字作曲与表演)
Glass, MA (eca) (玻璃)
Musical Instrument Research MMus (音乐乐器研究)
Glass Master of Fine Art (玻璃艺术)
Musicology MMus (音乐理论)
Fine Art (5-year programme) (美术(五年课程))
Music (音乐)
Illustration (插画)
Painting (绘画)
Sculpture (雕刻)
Photography (摄影)
Contemporary Art Theory MA (eca) (当代艺术理论)
Cultural Landscapes MSc (文化景观)
Cultural Studies MSc (文化研究)
Modern and Contemporary Art: History, Curating and Criticism MSc (现代与当代文学:历史、策展与评论)
Classical Art and Archaeology MSc (古代文学与考古)
Classics MSc (古典学)
Intellectual History MSc (思想文化史)
Mediterranean Archaeology MSc (地中海考古)
Applied Linguistics MSc (应用语言学)
Mind, Language and Embodied Cognition MSc (心理、语言与植入认知)
Psychological Research MSc (心理研究)
Psychology of Individual Differences MSc (个体差异心理研究)
Psychology of Language MSc (语言心理学)
Speech and Language Processing MSc (言语与语言处理)
Art in the Global Middle Ages MSc (中世纪文学)
Art, Space & Nature Master of Fine Art (艺术、空间与自然)
Contemporary Art Practice Master of Fine Art (当代艺术实践)
American History MSc (美洲史)
MSc Ancient History (古代史)
Scottish History MSc (苏格兰史)
Ancient Philosophy MSc (古代哲学)
Developmental Linguistics MSc (发展语言学)
Evolution of Language and Cognition MSc (语言变革与认知)
Human Cognitive Neuropsychology MSc (人类认知神经心理学)
Philosophy MSc (哲学)
Art, Space & Nature MA (eca) (艺术、空间与自然)
Contemporary Art Practice MA (eca) (当代艺术实践)
History of Art, Theory and Display MSc (文学史、理论与陈列)
Human Osteoarchaeology MSc (人类骨质考古学)
Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies MSc (后期古董、伊斯兰与拜占庭研究)
Medieval History MSc (中世纪史)
English Language MSc (英语语言)
Book History & Material Culture MSc (图书史与材料文化)
MSc Chinese Society and Culture (中国社会与文化)
MSc in Health Policy (Health Inequalities) (卫生政策(健康不平等))
Developmental Cognitive Science MSc (发展认知科学)
Chinese Studies MCS (中文研究)
Film Studies MSc (电影研究)
Film, Exhibition and Curation MSc (电影、展览与策展)
MSc Linguistics (语言学)
MSc Middle Eastern Studies with Arabic (中东研究(阿拉伯语))
Theatre and Performance Studies MSc (戏剧与表演研究)
MSc in Digital Society (数字社会)
Architectural History (建筑史)
History of Art (文学史)
History of Art and Architectural History (文学史与考古史)
History of Art and Chinese Studies (文学史与中文研究)
Ancient Mediterranean Civilisations (古代地中海文明)
Archaeology and Social Anthropology (考古学与社会人类学)
Economic History (经济史)
Archaeology MSc (考古学)
Contemporary History MSc (当代历史)
European Archaeology MSc (欧洲考古学)
History MSc (历史)
Cognition in Science and Society MSc (科学与社会认知)
East Asian Relations MSc (东亚关系)
English Literature: Literature and Modernity: 1900 to the Present MSc (英语文学:文学与现代性)
English Literature: US Literature - Cultural Values from Revolution to Empire MSc (英语文学:美国文学-从革命到帝国的文化价值观)
Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies MSc (伊斯兰与中东研究)
Medieval Literatures and Cultures MSc (中世纪文学与文化)
MSc Comparative Literature (比较文学)
MSc Middle Eastern Studies with Advanced Arabic (中东研究(高级阿拉伯语))
Playwriting MSc (剧本写作)
Cognitive Science MSc (认知科学)
Celtic and Scottish Studies MSc (凯尔特与苏格兰研究)
English Literature: Literature and Society: Enlightenment, Romantic and Victorian MSc (英语文学:文学与社会:启蒙、浪漫主义与维多利亚风格)
Japanese Society and Culture MSc (日本社会与文化)
MSc Advanced Arabic (高级阿拉伯语)
MSc Creative Writing (创意写作)
Persian Civilisation MSc (波斯文明)
Translation Studies MSc (翻译研究)
History of Art and History of Music (文学史与音乐史)
Ancient History and Classical Archaeology (古代史与古典考古学)
Ancient History and Latin (古代史与拉丁文)
Classics (古典)
Classics and Linguistics (古典与语言学)
Cognitive Science (Humanities) (认知科学(人文))
Philosophy and English Literature (哲学与英语文学)
Philosophy and Greek (哲学与希腊语)
Philosophy and Linguistics (哲学与语言学)
Philosophy and Mathematics (哲学与数学)
Arabic (阿拉伯语)
Celtic and Scottish Literature (凯尔特语与苏格兰文学)
Chinese (中文)
Chinese and Economics (中文与经济学)
Chinese and French (中文与法语)
Chinese and German (中文与德语)
French (法语)
French and Business (法语与商务)
French and Scottish Literature (法语与苏格兰语研究)
French and Social Policy (法语与社会政策)
French and Spanish (法语与西班牙语)
German and Politics (德语与政治)
German and Portuguese (德语与葡萄牙语)
German and Russian Studies (德语与俄语研究)
German and Scandinavian Studies (德语与斯堪的纳维亚研究)
Italian and Linguistics (意大利语与语言学)
Italian and Politics (意大利语与政治)
Italian and Portuguese (意大利语与葡萄牙语)
Italian and Russian Studies (意大利语与俄语研究)
Italian and Scandinavian Studies (意大利语与斯堪的纳维亚研究)
MA Portuguese and Business (葡萄牙语与商务)
Russian Studies and Linguistics (俄语研究与语言学)
Russian Studies and Philosophy (俄语研究与哲学)
Russian Studies and Politics (俄语研究与政治)
Russian Studies and Scandinavian Studies (俄语研究与斯堪的纳维亚研究)
Ancient and Medieval History (古代史与中世纪史)
Classical and Middle East Studies (古典与中东研究)
Classical Archaeology and Greek (古典考古学与希腊语)
Classical Archaeology and Latin (古典考古学与拉丁语)
Greek Studies (希腊语研究)
History (历史)
History and Archaeology (历史与考古学)
Latin Studies (拉丁语研究)
English Language and Literature (英语语言与文学)
Linguistics (语言学)
Linguistics and English Language (语言学与英语语言)
Arabic and History (阿拉伯语与历史)
Arabic and History of Art (阿拉伯语与艺术史)
Arabic and Persian (阿拉伯语与波斯语)
Arabic and Politics (阿拉伯语与政治)
Celtic (凯尔特语)
Celtic and Archaeology (凯尔特语与人类学)
Celtic and English Language (凯尔特语与英语语言)
Celtic and English Literature (凯尔特语与英语文学)
English Literature (英语文学)
English Literature and Classics (英语文学与古典学)
English Literature and History (英语文学与历史)
French and History (法语与历史)
French and History of Art (法语与文学史)
French and Italian (法语与意大利语)
French and Linguistics (法语与语言学)
French and Philosophy (法语与哲学)
Russian Studies and Scottish Literature (俄语研究与苏格兰文学)
Scandinavian Studies and Spanish (斯堪的纳维亚研究与西班牙语)
Scottish Ethnology (苏格兰民族学)
Scottish Ethnology and Archaeology (苏格兰民族学与人类学)
Scottish Ethnology and Celtic (苏格兰民族学与凯尔特语)
Spanish and Scottish Literature (西班牙语与苏格兰文学)
Spanish and Social Policy (西班牙语与社会政策)
History and Classics (历史与古典学)
History and Politics (历史与政治)
English Language (英语语言)
Philosophy and Economics (哲学与经济学)
Philosophy and Psychology (哲学与心理学)
Arabic and Ancient Greek (阿拉伯语与古希腊语)
Arabic and French (阿拉伯语与法语)
Arabic and Religious Studies (阿拉伯语与宗教研究)
Arabic and Spanish (阿拉伯语与西班牙语)
Celtic and German (凯尔特语与德语)
Celtic and Scandinavian Studies (凯尔特语与斯堪的纳维亚研究)
Chinese and Italian (中文与意大利语)
Chinese and Russian Studies (中文与俄语研究)
French and Classics (法语与古典学)
French and English Literature (法语与英国文学)
French and Politics (法语与政治)
French and Scandinavian Studies (法语与斯堪的纳维亚研究)
German (德语)
German and Italian (德语与意大利语)
German and Philosophy (德语与哲学)
German and Scottish Literature (德语与苏格兰文学)
History of Art and English Literature (文学史与英语文学)
History of Art and Scottish Literature (文学史与苏格兰文学)
Ancient History (古代史)
Ancient History and Greek (古代史与希腊语)
Archaeology (考古学)
Classical Studies (古典研究)
Classics and English Language (古典与英语语言)
History and History of Art (历史与文学史)
History and Scottish History (历史与苏格兰历史)
Philosophy (哲学)
Philosophy and English Language (哲学与英语语言)
Philosophy and Politics (哲学与政治学)
Philosophy and Scottish Literature (哲学与苏格兰文学)
German and Classics (德语与古典学)
German and English Language (德语与英语语言)
German and English Literature (德语与英语文学)
German and History (德语与历史)
Islamic Studies (伊斯兰研究)
Italian (意大利语)
Italian and Business (意大利语与商务)
Italian and Classics (意大利语与古典学)
Japanese and Linguistics (日语与语言学)
Persian and Middle Eastern Studies (波斯与中东研究)
Persian and Politics (波斯语政治)
Persian and Social Anthropology (波斯语社会人类学)
Persian Studies (波斯研究)
Portuguese and Linguistics (葡萄牙语与语言学)
Portuguese and Philosophy (葡萄牙语与哲学)
Portuguese and Russian Studies (葡萄牙语与俄语研究)
Portuguese and Scandinavian Studies (葡萄牙语与斯堪的纳维亚研究)
Russian Studies (俄语研究)
Russian Studies and Business (俄语研究与商务)
Scandinavian Studies and English Language (斯堪的纳维亚研究与英语语言)
Scandinavian Studies and English Literature (斯堪的纳维亚研究与英语文学)
Scandinavian Studies and History (斯堪的纳维亚研究与历史)
Scandinavian Studies and Linguistics (斯堪的纳维亚研究与语言学)
Scottish Ethnology and Scottish Literature (苏格兰民族学与苏格兰文学)
Scottish Literature (苏格兰文学)
Scottish Literature and Classics (苏格兰文学与古代学)
Scottish Literature and History (苏格兰文学与历史)
Spanish and English Language (西班牙语与英语语言)
Spanish and English Literature (西班牙语与英国文学)
Spanish and History (西班牙语与历史)
Spanish and History of Art (西班牙语与艺术史)
German and Spanish (德语与西班牙语)
Italian and English Literature (意大利语与英语文学)
Italian and History of Art (意大利语与文学史)
Italian and Social Policy (意大利语与社会政策)
Japanese (日语)
MA Spanish and Business (西班牙语与商务)
Middle Eastern Studies (中东研究)
Persian and English Literature (波斯与英国文学)
Portuguese and English Language (葡萄牙语与英语语言)
Portuguese and History (葡萄牙语与历史)
Russian Studies and English Language (俄语研究与英语语言)
Russian Studies and History (俄语研究与历史)
Russian Studies and Social Policy (俄语研究与社会政策)
Scandinavian Studies (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish) (俄语研究(丹麦、挪威与瑞典))
Scandinavian Studies and Politics (斯堪的纳维亚研究与政治学)
Scandinavian Studies and Social Policy (斯堪的纳维亚研究与社会政策)
Scottish Ethnology and English Language (苏格兰民族学与英语语言)
Scottish Ethnology and Scandinavian Studies (苏格兰民族学与斯堪的纳维亚研究)
Scottish Literature and Scottish History (苏格兰文学与苏格兰史)
Spanish and Philosophy (西班牙语与哲学)
Spanish and Portuguese (西班牙语与葡萄牙语)
Arabic & Economics (阿拉伯语与经济学)
Arabic and Business (阿拉伯语与商务)
Arabic and Social Anthropology (阿拉伯语与社会人类学)
Celtic and French (凯尔特语与法语)
Celtic and Linguistics (凯尔特语与语言学)
Celtic and Scottish History (凯尔特语与苏格兰历史)
Chinese and History (中文与历史)
Chinese and Linguistics (中文与语言学)
Chinese and Spanish (中文与西班牙语)
English and Scottish Literature (英语与苏格兰文学)
French and English Language (法语与英语语言)
French and German (法语与德语)
French and Portuguese (法语与葡萄牙语)
French and Russian Studies (法语与俄语研究)
German and Business (德语与商务)
German and History of Art (德语与文学史)
German and Linguistics (德语与语言学)
German and Social Policy (德语与社会政策)
Italian and English Language (意大利语与英语语言)
Italian and History (意大利语与历史)
Italian and Scottish Literature (意大利语与苏格兰文学)
Italian and Spanish (意大利语与西班牙语)
Portuguese and English Literature (葡萄牙语与英语文学)
Portuguese and History of Art (葡萄牙语与艺术史)
Portuguese and Scottish Literature (葡萄牙语与苏格兰研究)
Russian Studies and English Literature (俄语研究与英语文学)
Russian Studies and History of Art (俄语研究与文学史)
Russian Studies and Spanish (俄语研究与西班牙语)
Scandinavian Studies and Classics (斯堪的纳维亚研究与古典学)
Scandinavian Studies and Philosophy (斯堪的纳维亚研究与哲学)
Scandinavian Studies and Scottish Literature (斯堪的纳维亚研究与苏格兰文学)
Scottish Ethnology and English Literature (苏格兰民族学与英国文学)
Scottish Ethnology and Scottish History (苏格兰民族学与苏格兰历史)
Scottish Studies (苏格兰研究)
Spanish (西班牙语)
Spanish and Classics (西班牙语与古典学)
Spanish and Linguistics (西班牙语与语言学)
Spanish and Politics (西班牙语与政治)
Language and Intercultural Communication MSc (语言与跨文化交流)
Biochemistry MSc (生物化学)
Biodiversity & Taxonomy of Plants MSc (生物多样性与植物分类学)
Veterinary Medicine (Graduate Entry Programme - 4-year programme) (兽医医学)
Evolutionary Genetics MSc (进化遗传学)
Human Complex Trait Genetics MSc (人类复杂性状遗传学)
Synthetic Biology and Biotechnology MSc (合成生物学与生物技术)
Systems and Synthetic Biology MSc (系统与合成生物学)
Materials Chemistry MSc (材料化学)
Animal Breeding & Genetics MSc (动物繁殖与遗传)
Bioinformatics MSc (生物信息学)
Biotechnology MSc (生物技术)
Drug Discovery and Translational Biology MSc (药物探索与转译生物学)
Quantitative Genetics and Genome Analysis MSc (量化遗传与基因组分析)
Computational Applied Mathematics MSc (计算应用数学)
MSc Operational Research with Data Science (运筹与数据科学)
Statistics and Operational Research MSc (统计学与运筹学)
Statistics with Data Science MSc (数据科学统计)
High Performance Computing MSc (高性能计算)
Science Communication and Public Engagement MSc (科学传播与公众参与)
Computational Mathematical Finance MSc (计算性数学金融)
Operational Research with Risk MSc (运筹与风险)
Mathematical Physics MSc (数学物理)
Food Security MSc (食品安全)
Geographical Information Science and Archaeology MSc (地理信息科学与考古学)
Geographical Information Science MSc (地理信息科学)
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry MSc (医学与生物化学)
Financial Mathematics MSc (金融数学)
Operational Research with Computational Optimization MSc (运筹学研究与计算优化)
High Performance Computing with Data Science MSc (高性能计算与数据科学)
Earth Observation and Geoinformation Management MSc (地球观测与地质信息管理)
MSc Energy, Society and Sustainability (能源、社会与可持续性)
Sustainable Plant Health MSc (可持续性植物健康)
Biological Sciences (生物科学)
Biological Sciences with Management (生物科学与管理)
Biotechnology (生物技术)
BSc Biological Sciences (Biochemistry) (生物科学(生物化学))
Development, Regeneration and Stem Cells (发育、再生与干细胞)
Immunology (免疫学)
Zoology (动物学)
Chemistry with a Year Abroad (化学)
Chemistry with Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry (环境化学与可持续性化学)
Chemistry with Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry and a Year Abroad (环境化学与可持续性化学)
Chemistry with Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry and Industrial Experience (环境化学与可持续性化学)
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry (医学与生物化学)
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry with a Year Abroad (医学与生物化学)
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry with Industrial Experience (医学与生物化学)
Applied Animal Behaviour & Animal Welfare MSc (应用动物行为学与动物福祉)
Ecological Economics MSc (生态经济学)
Environment and Development MSc (环境与发展)
Environment, Culture and Society MSc (环境、文化与社会)
Chemical Physics (化学物理)
Applied Mathematics (应用数学)
Mathematics and Music (数学与音乐)
Mathematics and Physics (数学与物理)
Mathematics and Statistics (数学与统计学)
Financial Modelling and Optimization MSc (金融建模与最优化)
Operational Research MSc (运筹学研究)
Theoretical Physics MSc (理论物理)
Animal Biosciences MSc (动物生物学)
Carbon Management MSc (碳管理)
Environmental Protection and Management MSc (环境保护与管理)
Environmental Sustainability MSc (环境可持续性)
Marine Systems and Policies MSc (海洋系统与政治)
Soils and Sustainability MSc (土壤与可持续性)
Genetics (遗传学)
Molecular Biology (分子生物)
Plant Science (植物科学)
Chemical Physics with Industrial Experience (化学工程)
Chemistry Global Select Pathway (化学)
Chemistry with Industrial Experience (化学含行业经历)
Chemistry with Materials Chemistry and a Year Abroad (化学与材料化学)
Computational Physics (计算物理)
Geophysics (地球物理学)
Geophysics and Geology (地球物理学与地质学)
Geophysics and Geology with Professional Placement (地球物理学与地质学)
Geophysics and Meteorology (地球物理学与气象学)
Physics (物理)
Physics and Music (物理与音乐)
Geography and Economics (地理与经济学)
Geography and Politics (地理与政治)
Geography and Social Anthropology (地理与社会人类学)
Mathematics (数学)
Mathematics and Business (数学与商务)
Mathematics with Management (数学与管理)
Astrophysics (天体物理学)
Physics with Meteorology (物理与气象学)
Theoretical Physics (理论物理)
Ecological and Environmental Sciences with Management (经济与环境科学(管理))
Environmental Geoscience (环境地质学)
Geography and Archaeology (地理与考古学)
Geography and Social Policy (地理与社会政策)
Geography with Environmental Studies (地理与环境管理)
Geology and Physical Geography (地质学与自然地理学)
Geophysics and Meteorology with Professional Placement (地球物理学与气象学)
Cell Biology (细胞生物)
Ecology (生态学)
Evolutionary Biology (进化生物学)
Molecular Genetics (分子遗传)
Chemical Physics with a Year Abroad (化学物理)
Chemistry (化学)
Chemistry with Materials Chemistry (化学与材料化学)
Chemistry with Materials Chemistry and Industrial Experience (化学与材料化学)
Medicine (6-year programme) (医学(六年课程))
Mathematics and Biology (数学与生物)
MMath (数学)
Mathematical Physics (数学物理)
Physics with a Year Abroad (物理)
Ecological and Environmental Sciences (经济与环境科学)
Geography (地理)
Geography and Sociology (地理与社会学)
Geology (地质学)
Geophysics with Professional Placement (地球物理学)
Cancer (Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre) ()
Advanced Nursing MSc ()
Public Health MPH (公共卫生)
Counselling Studies MSc (咨询研究)
Counselling (Interpersonal Dialogue) MCouns (咨询(人际对话))
Psychology of Mental Health (Conversion) MSc (心理健康心理学(转换))
Applied Psychology (Healthcare) For Children & Young People MSc (儿童与青年应用心理学)
Children and Young People's Mental Health and Psychological Practice MSc (儿童、青年心理健康与心理学实践)
BSc Psychology (心理学)
Psychology and Business (心理学与商务)
Health, Science and Society (健康、科学与社会学)
Psychology and Linguistics (心理学与语言学)
Psychology and Economics (心理学与经济学)
Economics MSc (经济学)
MSc Economics ()
Biblical Studies MSc (圣经研究)
MSc Public Policy (公共政策)
Science and Religion MSc (科学与宗教)
World Christianity MSc (世界基督教)
World Christianity MTh (世界基督教)
Sociology and Global Change MSc (社会学与全球变化)
Digital Sociology MSc (数字社会学)
MSc Social Psychology (社会心理学)
BA Childhood Practice ()
Biblical Studies MTh (圣经研究)
MSc Theology in History (神学史)
MTh Theology in History (神学史)
MSc Childhood Studies (儿童研究)
MSc Education (Child and Adolescent Psychology) ()
Religious Studies MSc (宗教研究)
Renaissance and Early Modern Studies MSc (文艺复兴与早期现代研究)
International Development MSc (国际发展)
MSc International and European Politics (国际与欧洲政治)
MSc International Political Theory (国际政治理论)
MSc International Relations of the Middle East with Advanced Arabic (国际关系(中东与高级阿拉伯语))
MSc Policy Studies (政策研究)
Divinity (神学)
Religious Studies and Scottish Literature (宗教研究与苏格兰文学)
Global Environment, Politics and Society MSc (全球环境、政治与社会)
MSc International Relations of the Middle East (中东国际关系)
MSc International Relations of the Middle East With Arabic (国际关系(中东与阿拉伯))
MSc Management of Bioeconomy, Innovation and Governance (生物经济,创新和治理)
MSc Medical Anthropology (药物人类学)
MSc Nationalism Studies (民族研究)
Global Environment and Climate Change Law LLM (全球环境与气温变化法)
MSc Global Crime, Justice and Security (全球犯罪、司法与安全)
MSc in African Studies (非洲研究)
MSc Science and Technology in Society (社会科技)
MSc Social Anthropology (社会人类学)
International Relations MSc (国际关系)
LLM Human Rights (via School of Law) (人权)
MPP Public Policy (公共政策)
MSc Comparative Public Policy (比较公共政策)
MSc Global Health Policy (全球健康政策)
MSc in Africa and International Development (非洲与国际发展)
MSc Social Research (社会研究)
MSc in Health Policy (卫生政策)
Divinity and Classics (神学与古典文学)
Philosophy and Theology (哲学与神学)
Religious Studies and English Literature (宗教研究与英国文学)
Politics (政治)
Politics and Economic and Social History (政治经济与社会历史)
Politics with Quantitative Methods (政治与计量法)
Social Anthropology (社会人类学)
Social Anthropology and Politics (社会人类学与政治)
Social Anthropology with Development (社会人类学与发展)
Social Anthropology with Social History (社会人类学与社会史)
Sociology and Social Anthropology (社会学与社会人类学)
Sociology with Quantitative Methods (社会学计量方法)
Global Premodern Art: History, Heritage and Curation MSc ()
MSc Sociology and Global Change (社会学与全球变迁)
Social Work, Master of MSW (社会服务)
Divinity - Graduate Entry (神学)
Religious Studies (宗教研究)
Theology (神学)
Social Policy and Politics (社会政策与政治)
Social Policy and Social and Economic History (社会政策与社会经济史)
Social Policy with Quantitative Methods (社会政策与量化法)
International Relations and Law (国际关系与法律)
Social Policy and Law (社会政策与法律)
Social Work (社会服务)
Sociology and Politics (社会学与政治)
Government, Policy and Society (治理、政策与社会学)
International Relations (国际关系)
International Relations with Quantitative Methods (国际关系与计量法)
Social Policy and Economics (社会政策与经济学)
Sociology (社会学)
Sociology and Psychology (社会学与心理学)
Sustainable Development (可持续性发展)
Mental Health in Children and Young People: Psychological Approaches MSc (儿童青少年心理健康:心理学研究)
BSc Biomedical Sciences (生物医学)
Paediatric Dentistry MClinDent (儿童牙科)
Human Anatomy MSc (人类解剖学)
Advancing Nursing Practice MSc (高级护理实践)
Orthodontics MClinDent (正牙学)
Prosthodontics MClinDent (假牙修复学)
Regenerative Medicine: Clinical and Industrial Delivery MSc (再生医学:临床与行业讲演)
Nursing Studies (护理研究)
Pharmacology (药理学)
Infectious Diseases (传染病)
Medical Sciences (医学科学)
Reproductive Biology (再生生物学)
Oral Health Sciences (口腔卫生科学)
BSc Physiology (生理学)
LLB Law and Celtic (法律与凯尔特语)
LLB Law and Economics (法律与经济学)
LLB Law and French (法律与法语)
LLB Law and German (法律与德语)
LLB Law and Social Policy (法律与社会政策)
LLB Law and Sociology (法律与社会学)
LLB Law and Spanish (法律与西班牙语)
LLB Law (Graduate Entry) (法律)
LLB Law and Accountancy (法律与会计)
LLB Law and International Relations (法律与国际关系)
LLB Law and Social Anthropology (法律与社会人类学)
Criminal Law and Criminal Justice LLM (刑法与刑事司法)
Criminology and Criminal Justice MSc (刑法与刑事司法)
Innovation, Technology and the Law LLM (创新、技术与法律)
Commercial Law LLM (商业法)
European Law LLM (欧洲法)
International Economic Law LLM (国际经济法)
LLM Law (法律)
LLB Law (Ordinary and Honours) (法律)
LLB Law and Business (法律与商务)
LLB Law and History (法律与历史)
LLB Law and Politics (法律与政治)
Corporate Law LLM (企业法)
Global Crime, Justice and Security MSc (全球犯罪、司法与安全)
Human Rights LLM (人权)
Intellectual Property Law LLM (知识产权法)
Medical Law and Ethics LLM (医法伦理)
Comparative and European Private Law (比较学与欧洲私法)
International Banking Law and Finance LLM (国际银行法与金融)
International Law LLM (国际法)
Law and Chinese LLM (法律与中文)
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