University of Stirling
斯特林大学-Univerity of Stirling(又译斯特灵)于1967年建校,是最具现代化特色、最有创新精神的苏格兰大学之一,它在英国率先实施两个各长达15周的学期制,即分别于当年九月和次年二月开始的两个学期,以及第三个从六月下旬到八月中旬稍短的夏季学期。在教学和科研品质方面,斯特林大学一直名列前茅。该校开设课程的宗旨是:为来自不同背景的人们提供高质量的教育,鼓励学生发挥他们在学术上面的潜力。这种平等的教育理念一直传承至今,92.2%的学生来自公立学校或者继续教育。斯特林大学同时作为英国顶尖的科研机构,在环境,人文与社会,经济,体育,企业,医学等领域都有杰出的贡献。在2008年,英国泰晤士日报的英国综合大学评比当中,斯特林大学被评为苏格兰第5名,全英第37名。
斯特林大学,以其高质量教学与研究闻名。目前学校有文学院、人文科学学院、管理学院和自然科学学院四个学院提供的课程涵盖了会计、经济、商业、财经、市场、货币、金融、计算机、人力资源、生物、护士、助产、哲学等诸多领域。该大学是欧洲最好的大学校园之一,享有苏格兰地区最佳大学的盛誉。 其校园堪称苏格兰最美丽的地方,陡峻的Ochil 山,300多公顷风景如画的森林公园,古老的Airthrey城堡和Airthrey湖上成群结队的鸟群,让每位前来学习的学生心旷神怡。学生宿舍、演播厅、实验室、图书馆和各种各样的体育场馆就分布在这些美丽的景色之中。
2006年,斯特林大学在英国《泰晤士报》大学排名第40名。有8500 多名学生在此就读,其中 13 %为留学生,来自世界各个不同国家。
斯特林大学位于苏格兰的中心,距离拥有四万人口的历史名城&mdah;&mdah;斯特林约2英里,坐车不到10分钟的距离。爱丁堡和格拉斯哥两市都有国际机场,距大学仅有不到1小时的车程。斯特林兼具历史名城和忙碌现代都市的魅力。两位传奇的苏格兰英雄William Wallance和Robert the Bruce颇有渊源,再加上一所中世纪的古堡,这一切都让斯特林充满神秘的色彩。同时学校的周边设施完善,有购物中心、银行、咖啡厅、学生活动中心、图书馆和极具吸引力的MacRobert艺术中心,同时还有丰富的运动设施。
在2001年研究评审工作中 ,斯特林大学一半以上的大学研究中心被评定为“ 5 ”的高级别(这表明,大多数研究在这些领域被认为是至少符合国家卓越标准,或符合国际卓越标准)。大学一半的学术部门在苏格兰排名第一。 被评为“ 5 ”的科目包括:会计,金融和法律;水产养殖;电影及媒体研究;英文研究报告;法国;历史;心理学;哲学社会工作;宗教研究。其他学科领域同时也获得了高度评价, 包括:生物 科学,商业和管理;经济;教育;德国;体育研究。
大学的教学水平一直得到高度评价。政治,会计,金融,经济学,社会学,宗教学,商学,心理学和英语等学科的优秀教学评级证明,斯特灵在艺术和社会科学方面的专业都引人注目。在自然科 学,环境科学方面它也获得极高的评价。除了一个科目以外,所有其它科目的教学质量评估均至少被评为“非常满意” ,并在泰晤士报高等教育副刊的教学评估中位列英国前十名。哲学评审报告将斯特林大学的联合研究生课程与圣安德鲁斯大学并列为英国第二,英语国家第十三。尽管新生入学人数有所下降,但毕业生毕业后的6个月的就业率不断升高。根据2006年星期日泰晤士报优秀大学指南, 斯特灵毕业生的就业能力位列全英第三。
会计、动物生物学、水产养殖、生物学、商业计算、商业研究、计算机科学、保护科学、犯罪学、生态学、经济学、教育学、英国研究、环境科学和室外教育、欧洲电影和媒体、欧洲社会政策、电影和媒体研究、金融、法语、淡水科学、地理、德语、历史、人力资源管理、信息系统、国际管理和跨文化研究、新闻学、法律和商法、管理学 海洋生物学、市场营销、数学和应用、货币、银行和金融 护理学和助产学、哲学,计算机科学与心理学、政治学和国际政治、哲学和经济学、心理学 公共管理宗教研究、零售营销、社会学和社会政策、软件工程 西班牙语、体育研究、旅游管理等 入学要求:雅思:6.0/6.5 托福:550
学费:文学、艺术学院等:GBP: 8250~9800;自然科学院:GBP:9880
英语入学要求: 雅思:6.5/7.0 ; 托福ibt:71
学费:文学、艺术学院等:GBP8250至GBP9800; 自然科学院,生命科学等:GBP9800至GBP10870; 水产学:GBP12,270
完成本科证书课程后,可以进入斯特林大学 50 个本科学位之第二学年课程学习,学习科目包括:会计学、生物学、商学、计算机科学、生态学、经济学、环境科学、电影与传媒、财政学、信息系统、新闻学、管理学、市场营销学、社会学、软件工程。
一学期英语语言准备课程 (ELP) - 入学时间:六月、九月;英语要求:雅思 4.0 分
二学期英语语言准备课程 (ELP) - 入学时间:一月、四月、六月;英语要求:雅思 3.0 分
本科预科入学:九月、一月;英语要求:雅思 5.0 分
二学期硕士预科课程入学: 一月、四月;英语要求:雅思 5.5 分
三学期硕士预科课程入学: 九月、一月;英语要求:雅思 4.5 分
预科开设机构:Study Group
大学在全部四个学院学科内开设范围广泛的研究生授课课程 (理科硕士MSc,工商管理硕士MBA,哲学硕士MPhil,教育学硕士MEd)。 课程包括银行和金融(Banking & Finance),投资分析(Invetment Analyi),市场学(Marketing),公共关系(Public Relation),媒体管理(Media Management),环境管理(Environmental Management),水产养殖学(Aquaculture) 和英语为其他语言教学(TESOL)。此外,斯特林大学还在所有学院学科内,为从事研究工作的人员提供研究生学位(博士、哲学硕士)。学生凡具备相当于四年制学士学位者将给予考虑。
在最近的全国教学品质评估中, Stirling Univerity获得优级的科目包括经济学、环境科学、宗教研究和社会学。Stirling大学大学下设四个学院:文学院、人文科学、管理和自然科学学院. 斯特林大学拥有二十多个院系,斯特林大学中的商科管理类,特别是经济金融类专业, 在英国比较出名。
*在加强高等教育,教学和研究的标准的可用性上排名全英第一,课程未完成率低(泰晤士报高等教育副刊, 2002年)
*英国大学最佳学生体验奖前10名 (泰晤士报2006年高等教育副刊)
*排名前20的专业有: “教育” (第6),“哲学” (第14), “通信和媒体研究”(第 14)“酒店,休闲,娱乐,体育和旅游“(第 15)(星期日泰晤士报)
*英国拥有5星级体育设施的16所大学之一 (2003年星期日泰晤士)
*苏格兰最佳学生会奖排名第一 (娱乐和舞蹈协会, 2003年)
斯特林大学距离拥有四万人口的历史名城斯特林约三公里,位于苏格兰的正中心。斯特林市的城堡曾是苏格兰国王的王宫。附近是Bannockburn古战场遗址;1314年Robert the Bruce在这里击败了三倍于己的英格兰军队。斯特林大学的阿兰桥(Bridge of Allan )校园建于Airthrey湖湖畔,四周是陡峭、林木繁茂的Ochil山区。大学的白色大楼闪现于树梢之间,轮廓明朗,颇为壮观。瓦利斯纪念碑俯瞰校园,纪念的是为争取苏格兰独立而献身的著名战士&mdah;&mdah;威廉·华莱士(William Wallace);十三世纪时,他曾在此地赢得大战胜利。这一地区保留着苏格兰历史上神圣的石碑,喜欢历史的人们慕名而来。此外斯特林校园被警察称为是英国最安全的校园之一。
斯特林市旅行交通比较方便。海外留学生通常乘飞机抵达伦敦、爱丁堡或格拉斯哥机场。从格拉斯哥和爱丁堡机场到斯特林市约需一个小时。有短期航班穿梭于伦敦和格拉斯哥或爱丁堡之间。频繁的公共汽车服务将大学和斯特林市连接起来。斯特林的铁路服务准时、清洁、高效,分别与格拉斯哥和爱丁堡连接;也有到伦敦、珀斯(Perth) 和阿伯丁的直达列车。
校园是大学生活的焦点。斯特林大学(univertiy)所有的学生都可以住在校内。辅助设施包括咖啡室、商店和McRobert 艺术中心,该中心也可以放映电影,举办音乐会或戏剧欣赏。所有学生都会有一个辅导员帮助策划课程,完成进度和目标。海外学生可以选修英语课,学生信息服务处则提供专业指导和建议。学校有8处校舍411个宿位,研究生需要的单间大都在距大学3至4.5英里范围内。
淋浴和卫生设施: A K Davidon的宿舍房间里配备盥洗盆,房间附近有淋浴和卫生间设施。Andrew Stewart提供套间(房间内配备淋浴和卫生间设施)或者带独立卫浴设施的房间(淋浴和卫生间设施就在附近)。
房间清洁: 棉被、枕头和被单均由大学提供以及进行清洁。校园内有许多公共洗衣房可供学生使用。
厨房: 所有宿舍均为自炊式,提供设备完善的厨房。厨房配备炉具和储物设施,学生只需要准备炊具和餐具。
社交设施: 每栋学生宿舍都有活动休息设施。休息室内有宽屏幕电视机、DVD和VCR。活动室里有乒乓球台和桌球台。
保安: 宿舍大门都安装了监控系统。接待处全天有员工值班。
残障学生设施: 大学还为残障学生提供专门的住宿设施。
* 国家游泳协会的50米游泳池
* Gannochy国家网球中心
* 高尔夫球场以及高尔夫球协会
* 壁球场
* 健身及力量训练中心
* 大型体育中心
* 舞蹈室
* 草地球场和灯光球场
* 湖上可钓鱼或单人划艇
* 400米竞技跑道
* 崭新的足球运动场地及设施
Behavioural Science for Management MSc (行为科学管理)
Business and Management MSc (商务与管理)
Investment Analysis MSc (投资分析)
MSc Investment Analysis (投资分析)
MRes Business and Management (商务与管理)
International Graduate Diploma in Business, Finance and Sport (国际研究生文凭课程--商务、金融和体育方向)
MSc Financial Technology (FinTech)(January ) (金融科技)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) (工商管理)
MSc Business Analytics (商务分析)
MSc Marketing (市场营销)
MSc Marketing Analytics (营销分析)
BA (Hons) Retail Marketing (零售营销)
BAcc (Hons) Accountancy (会计)
BAcc (Hons) Accountancy(Year 2 entry) (会计)
BA (Hons) Finance (金融)
BAcc (Hons) Accountancy and Finance (会计与金融)
MSc Behavioural Science (行为科学)
Banking and Finance MSc (银行与金融)
Business and Management Research Methods Mres MSc (商务与管理研究方法)
International Business MSc (国际商务)
Marketing MSc (市场营销)
MSc Data Science for Business (商务数据科学)
MSc International Business (国际商务)
MSc Finance and Risk Management (金融与风险管理)
MSc Finance (金融)
MSc Marketing and Brand Management (营销与品牌管理)
Finance MSc (金融)
International Human Resource Management MSc (国际人力资源管理)
International Accounting and Finance MSc (国际会计与金融)
International Year One (国际大一)
MSc Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
MSc Finance and Data Analytics (金融与数据分析)
MSc International Accounting and Finance (国际会计与金融)
MSc Business and Management (商务与管理)
MSc Digital Banking and Finance (数字银行与金融)
International Foundation in Business, Finance, Economics and Marketing (商务、金融、经济学与市场营销本科预科)
MSc Finance and Economics ()
MSc Data Science for Business ()
MSc Business Analytics ()
MSc Marketing and Brand Management ()
Postgraduate Certificate Business and Management (商务与管理)
Postgraduate Certificate Digital Banking and Finance (数字银行与金融)
MSc Financial Technology (FinTech) (金融科技)
Postgraduate Certificate Financial Technology (FinTech) (金融科技)
Postgraduate Diploma Financial Technology (FinTech) (金融科技)
BA (Hons) Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
BA (Hons) Economics(Year 2 entry) (经济学)
BA (Hons) Professional Accountancy (专业会计)
BAcc (Hons) Accountancy and Finance(Year 2 entry) (会计与金融)
Sport Management (with internship) MSc (体育管理)
Undergraduate Degree with International Year Two ()
Undergraduate Degree with International Year One ()
Postgraduate Certificate Behavioural Science (行为科学)
Postgraduate Certificate Business Analytics (商务分析)
Business and Management Postgraduate Certificate (商务与管理)
Postgraduate Certificate Data Science for Business (商务数据科学)
MSc Digital Marketing and Brand Management (数字营销与品牌管理)
Postgraduate Diploma Finance (金融)
Postgraduate Diploma Finance and Risk Management (金融与风险管理)
MSc Financial Technology (FinTech)-January Start (金融科技)
BA (Hons) Sport Business Management (体育商业管理)
Postgraduate Diploma Marketing (市场营销)
Postgraduate Certificate Marketing Analytics (营销分析)
MSc Finance and Risk Management ()
Business Studies and Finance (NN13) ()
Postgraduate Certificate Investment Analysis (投资分析)
Postgraduate Diploma Investment Analysis (投资分析)
MBA Master of Business Administration (工商管理)
BA (Hons) Human Resource Management(Year 2 entry) (人力资源管理)
BSc (Hons) Management(Year 2 entry ) (管理学)
BA (Hons) Business Studies (商务研究)
BA (Hons) Economics (经济学)
Integrated International Graduate Diploma in Business, Finance and Sport or Graduate Diploma in Business, Finance and Sport (商务,金融和体育硕士文凭)
MSc Financial Technology (FinTech) ()
International Diploma in Business, Finance, Marketing and Humanities (商务,金融,市场与人文)
Business and Management (商务与管理)
Accountancy BAcc(Hons) (会计)
Human Resource Management BA (Hons) (人力资源管理)
Marketing BA, BA (Hons) (市场营销)
BAcc (Hons) Accountancy combined with BA (Hons) Business Studies (会计和商业研究结合)
BA (Hons) Business Studies combined with BA (Hons) English Studies (商业研究与英语研究结合)
BA (Hons) Retail Marketing(Year 2 entry) (零售营销)
BSc (Hons) Management (管理学)
BA (Hons) Business Studies(Year 2 entry) (商务研究)
BA (Hons) Marketing (市场营销)
BA (Hons) Marketing(Year 2 entry) (市场营销)
BA (Hons) Finance(Year 2 entry) (金融)
BA (Hons) Sport Business Management(Year 2 entry ) (体育商业管理)
MSc Translation and Conference Interpreting ()
BA (Hons) Sport Business Management ()
Postgraduate Diploma Behavioural Science (行为科学)
Postgraduate Diploma Business Analytics (商务分析)
Postgraduate Diploma Business and Management (商务与管理)
Business and Management Postgraduate Diploma (商务与管理)
Postgraduate Diploma Data Science for Business (商务数据科学)
Postgraduate Diploma Digital Banking and Finance (数字银行与金融)
Postgraduate Certificate Finance (金融)
Postgraduate Certificate Finance and Risk Management (金融与风险管理)
Accountancy and Finance BAcc (Hons) (会计与金融)
Business Studies BA (Hons) (商务研究)
Economics BA (Hons) (经济学)
Finance BA (Hons) (金融)
MSc Behavioural Decision Making for Finance ()
BAcc (Hons) Accountancy combined with BA (Hons) Business Law (会计和商业法结合)
BAcc (Hons) Accountancy combined with BA (Hons) Economics (会计和经济学结合)
BA (Hons) Business Studies combined with Sport (商业研究与体育结合)
BA (Hons) Marketing combined with Sport (市场营销与体育结合)
BA (Hons) Business Studies combined with BA (Hons) Human Resource Management (商业研究与人力资源管理结合)
BA (Hons) Business Studies combined with BA (Hons) Law (商业研究与法律结合)
BA (Hons) Business Studies combined with BA (Hons) Finance (商业研究与金融学结合)
BA (Hons) Business Studies combined with BA (Hons) French (商业研究与法语结合)
BA (Hons) Business Studies combined with BA (Hons) Politics (商业研究与政治学结合)
BA (Hons) Business Studies combined with BA (Hons) Spanish and Latin American Studies (商业研究与西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究结合)
BA (Hons) Economics combined with BSc (Hons) Environmental Science (经济学与环境科学结合)
BA (Hons) Business Studies combined with BSc (Hons) Management (商业研究与管理结合)
BA (Hons) Business Studies combined with BA (Hons) Marketing (商业研究与市场营销结合)
Postgraduate Certificate Digital Marketing and Brand Management (数字营销与品牌管理)
Postgraduate Diploma Digital Marketing and Brand Management (数字营销与品牌管理)
Postgraduate Certificate Finance and Data Analytics (金融与数据分析)
Postgraduate Diploma Finance and Data Analytics (金融与数据分析)
Postgraduate Diploma Marketing Analytics (营销分析)
Postgraduate Certificate Marketing (市场营销)
BA (Hons) Film and Media combined with BA (Hons) Marketing (电影与媒体与市场营销结合)
BA (Hons) Marketing combined with BA (Hons) Psychology (市场营销与心理学结合)
BA (Hons) Marketing combined with BA (Hons) Spanish and Latin American Studies (市场营销与西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究结合)
BA (Hons) Finance combined with BSc (Hons) Mathematics (金融学与数学结合)
Postgraduate Certificate Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
Postgraduate Certificate International Accounting and Finance (国际会计与金融)
Postgraduate Diploma International Accounting and Finance (国际会计与金融)
Postgraduate Certificate International Business (国际商务)
Postgraduate Diploma Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
Postgraduate Diploma International Business (国际商务)
BA (Hons) Sport Business Management(Year 2 entry) (体育商务管理)
Management BSc, BSc (Hons) (管理)
Retail Marketing BA, BA (Hons) (零售营销)
Computing for Financial Markets MSc (金融市场计算)
BA (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with Sport (教育(中学)与体育结合)
BA (Hons) Business Studies combined with BA (Hons) Film and Media (商业研究与电影与媒体结合)
BA (Hons) Business Studies combined with BSc (Hons) Psychology (商业研究与心理学结合)
BA (Hons) Business Studies combined with Modern Languages degrees (商业研究与现代语言结合)
BA (Hons) French combined with BA (Hons) Human Resource Management (法语与人力资源管理结合)
BA (Hons) Human Resource Management combined with BA (Hons) Psychology (人力资源管理与心理学结合)
Computing for Business MSc (商务计算)
MSc Economics for Business and Policy ()
BA (Hons) Business Law (商业法)
BAcc (Hons) Accountancy combined with BA (Hons) Marketing (会计和市场营销结合)
BAcc (Hons) Accountancy combined with BA (Hons) Spanish and Latin American Studies (会计和西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究结合)
BAcc (Hons) Accountancy combined with BSc (Hons) Mathematics (会计和数学结合)
BAcc (Hons) Accountancy combined with Sport (会计与体育结合)
BA (Hons) Business Studies combined with BA (Hons) Economics (商业研究与经济学结合)
BA (Hons) Business Studies combined with BA (Hons) Psychology (商业研究与心理学结合)
BA (Hons) Economics combined with BA (Hons) Finance (经济学与金融结合)
BA (Hons) Economics combined with BA (Hons) Marketing (经济学与市场营销结合)
BA (Hons) Economics combined with BSc (Hons) Mathematics (经济学与数学结合)
BA (Hons) Economics combined with BA (Hons) Politics (经济学与政治学结合)
BA (Hons) Human Resource Management combined with BA (Hons) Law (人力资源管理与法律结合)
BA (Hons) Human Resource Management combined with BA (Hons) Marketing (人力资源管理与市场营销结合)
BA (Hons) Human Resource Management combined with BSc (Hons) Psychology (人力资源管理与心理学结合)
BA (Hons) Human Resource Management combined with BA (Hons) Spanish and Latin American Studies (人力资源管理与西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究结合)
BA (Hons) Marketing combined with BSc (Hons) Psychology (市场营销与心理学结合)
International Graduate Diploma in Science, Computing and Engineering (国际硕士文凭课程--理学、计算与工程方向)
Software Engineering BSc (Hons) (软件工程)
Software Engineering MSc (软件工程)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MSc (对外英语教学)
MSc Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (对外英语教学)
BSc (Hons) Education (Primary)-Additional Support Needs (教育学(小学)-附加支持需求)
BA(Hons) Education (Primary)-Environment (教育学(小学)-环境)
BSc (Hons) Education (Primary)-Modern Languages (教育学(小学)-现代语言)
BA (Hons)Education (Secondary)-Biology (教育学(中学)-生物)
BSc (Hons) Education (Secondary)-Biology (教育学(中学)-生物)
BA (Hons)Education (Secondary)-French (教育学(中学)-法语)
BA (Hons)Education (Secondary)-French and Spanish and Latin American Studies (教育学(中学)-法语与西班牙语及拉美研究)
BA (Hons)Education (Secondary)-History and Politics (教育学(中学)-历史与政治)
BA (Hons)Education (Secondary)-History (教育学(中学)-历史)
BA (Hons)Education (Secondary)-History and Sociology and Social Policy (教育学(中学)-历史与社会学及社会政策)
BA (Hons)Education (Secondary)-Philosophy and Religion (教育学(中学)-哲学与宗教)
BA (Hons)Education (Secondary)-Religion (教育学(中学)-宗教)
BA (Hons)Education (Secondary)-Sports Studies (教育学(中学)-运动研究)
BSc (Hons)Education (Secondary)-Mathematics (教育学(中学)-数学)
BSc (Hons)Education (Secondary)-Philosophy and Religion (教育学(中学)-哲学与宗教)
BSc (Hons)Education (Secondary)-Religion (教育学(中学)-宗教)
MSc Education (教育学)
BSc (Hons) Environmental Geography and Outdoor Education (环境地理和户外教育)
BSc (Hons) Environmental Science and Outdoor Education (环境科学与户外教育)
BSc (Hons) Education (Primary)-Numeracy (教育学(小学)-算术)
BA(Hons) Education (Primary)-Numeracy (教育学(小学)-算术)
BSc (Hons) Education (Primary)-Early Years (教育学(小学)-早教)
BSc (Hons) Education (Primary)-Environment (教育学(小学)-环境)
BA (Hons)Education (Secondary)-English Studies (教育学(中学)-英语研究)
BA (Hons)Education (Secondary)-Environmental Geography (教育学(中学)-环境地理)
BA (Hons) Professional Education (Secondary) with Physics (职业教育(中学)-物理)
BSc (Hons)Education (Secondary)-English Studies (教育学(中学)-英语研究)
BSc (Hons)Education (Secondary)-History and Sociology and Social Policy (教育学(中学)-历史与社会学及社会政策)
BSc (Hons)Education (Secondary)-History (教育学(中学)-历史)
BSc (Hons)Education (Secondary)-Sports Studies (教育学(中学)-运动研究)
BA(Hons) Education (Primary)-Additional Support Needs (教育学(小学)-附加支持需求)
BA(Hons) Education (Primary)-Literacy (教育学(小学)-识字)
BA (Hons)Education (Secondary)-English Studies and Religion (教育学(中学)-英语研究与宗教)
BA (Hons)Education (Secondary)-Mathematics (教育学(中学)-数学)
BSc (Hons)Education (Secondary)-French and Spanish and Latin American Studies (教育学(中学)-法语与西班牙语及拉美研究)
BSc (Hons)Education (Secondary)-History and Politics (教育学(中学)-历史与政治)
MSc Management and English Language Teaching ()
MSc Educational Leadership (Specialist Qualification for Headship) ()
Postgraduate Diploma English Language Teaching and Management (英语教学与管理)
BSc (Hons) Environmental Geography and Outdoor Education(Year 2 entry) (环境地理和户外教育)
BSc (Hons) Environmental Science and Outdoor Education(Year 2 entry ) (环境科学与户外教育)
MSc TESOL and Computer Assisted Language Learning (TESOL 和计算机辅助语言学习)
MSc English Language Teaching and Management (英语教学与管理)
Postgraduate Diploma Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (对外英语教学)
PGDip Tertiary Education with Teaching Qualification (Further Education) - pre-service (大专教育深造(带教师资格)(继续教育)--职前教育)
BSc (Hons) Education (Primary)-Literacy (教育学(小学)-识字)
BA(Hons) Education (Primary)-Modern Languages (教育学(小学)-现代语言)
BSc(Hons)Education (Secondary)-English Studies and Religion (教育学(中学)-英语研究与宗教)
BSc (Hons)Education (Secondary)-Environmental Geography (教育学(中学)-环境地理)
BSc (Hons)Education (Secondary)-French (教育学(中学)-法语)
MSc Education Studies and TESOL ()
Education (Primary) BA (Hons), BSc (Hons) (教育(小学))
BSc (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with Sport (教育(中学)与体育结合)
Postgraduate Certificate English Language Teaching and Management (英语教学与管理)
MSc Professional Education and Leadership (专业教育及领导)
BSc (Hons) Biology combined with BSc (Hons) Education (Secondary) (生物学和教育(中学)结合)
BSc (Hons) Education (Primary)-Early Years (教育学(小学)- 幼儿教育)
BA (Hons) Education (Primary)-Literacy (教育学(小学)- 读写能力)
BSc (Hons) Education (Primary)-Modern Languages (教育学(小学)- 现代语言)
BA (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BA (Hons) English Studies (教育(中学)与英语研究结合)
BA (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BA (Hons) Philosophy and Religion (教育(中学)与哲学与宗教结合)
BSc (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BA (Hons) English Studies and Religion (教育(中学)与英语研究和宗教结合)
BSc (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BA (Hons) History and Politics (教育(中学)与历史与政治结合)
BA (Hons) Education (Primary)-Modern Languages (教育学(小学)- 现代语言)
BA (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BA (Hons) English Studies and Religion (教育(中学)与英语研究和宗教结合)
BA (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BSc (Hons) Mathematics (教育(中学)与数学结合)
BSc (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BA (Hons) English Studies (教育(中学)与英语研究结合)
BSc (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BA (Hons) History and Sociology and Social Policy (教育(中学)与历史、社会学和社会政策结合)
MSc TESOL and Methodology (TESOL 与教学法)
Postgraduate Certificate Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (对外英语教学)
BA (Hons) Professional Education (Secondary) with Chemistry (职业教育(中学)- 化学)
BA (Hons) Professional Education (Secondary) Physics (职业教育(中学)- 物理)
BSc (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BSc (Hons) Environmental Geography (教育(中学)与环境地理结合)
BSc (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BSc (Hons) Mathematics (教育(中学)与数学结合)
MSc TESOL and Applied Linguistics (TESOL 和应用语言学)
Education (Secondary) BA (Hons), BSc (Hons) (教育(中学))
BSc (Hons) Biology combined with BA (Hons) Education (Secondary) (生物学和教育(中学)结合)
BA (Hons) Education (Primary)-Early Years (教育学(小学)- 幼儿教育)
BA (Hons) Education (Primary)-Environment (教育学(小学)- 环境)
BSc (Hons) Education (Primary)-Inclusive Practice (教育学(小学)- 全纳实践)
BSc (Hons) Education (Primary)-Literacy (教育学(小学)- 读写能力)
BA (Hons) Education (Primary)-Numeracy (教育学(小学)- 算术)
BSc (Hons) Education (Primary)-Numeracy (教育学(小学)- 算术)
BA (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BA (Hons) French (教育(中学)与法语结合)
BA (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BA (Hons) History and Sociology and Social Policy (教育(中学)与历史、社会学和社会政策结合)
BA (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BSc (Hons) Environmental Geography (教育(中学)与环境地理结合)
BSc (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BA (Hons) French and Spanish and Latin American Studies (教育(中学)与法语、西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究结合)
Educational Research MRes (教育研究)
BSc (Hons) Education (Primary)-Environment (教育学(小学)- 环境)
BA (Hons) Education (Primary)-Inclusive Practice (教育学(小学)- 全纳实践)
BA (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BA (Hons) French and Spanish and Latin American Studies (教育(中学)与法语、西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究结合)
BA (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BA (Hons) History (教育(中学)与历史结合)
BA (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BA (Hons) History and Politics (教育(中学)与历史与政治结合)
BSc (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BA (Hons) French (教育(中学)与法语结合)
BSc (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BA (Hons) History (教育(中学)与历史结合)
BSc (Hons) Education (Secondary) combined with BA (Hons) Philosophy and Religion (教育(中学)与哲学与宗教结合)
MSc Big Data (大数据)
BSc (Hons) Software Engineering(Year 2 entry) (软件工程)
BSc (Hons) Software Engineering (软件工程)
MSc Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)
MSc Artificial Intelligence(January ) (人工智能)
MSc Big Data(January ) (大数据)
MSc Artificial Intelligence ()
BSc (Hons) Computing Science (计算机科学)
BSc (Hons) Software Development with Cyber Security (软件开发与网络安全)
Postgraduate Certificate Big Data (大数据)
BSc (Hons) Business Computing (商务计算机)
BSc (Hons) Business Computing(Year 2 entry ) (商务计算机)
BSc (Hons) Computing Science(Year 2 entry ) (计算机科学)
MSc Environmental Management (Informatics) (环境管理(信息学))
MSc Artificial Intelligence(January Start) (人工智能)
Postgraduate Certificate Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)
Postgraduate Diploma Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)
MSc Big Data(January Start) (大数据)
Postgraduate Diploma Big Data (大数据)
BSc (Hons) Computing Science combined with BA (Hons) French (计算机科学和法语结合)
BSc (Hons) Computing Science combined with BSc (Hons) Mathematics (计算机科学和数学结合)
BSc (Hons) Computing Science combined with BA (Hons) Philosophy (计算机科学和哲学结合)
BSc (Hons) Computing Science combined with BA (Hons) Spanish and Latin American Studies (计算机科学和西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究结合)
Postgraduate Diploma Advanced Computing with Artificial Intelligence (人工智能高级计算机)
Postgraduate Certificate Advanced Computing with Artificial Intelligence (人工智能高级计算机)
MSc Advanced Computing with Artificial Intelligence (人工智能高级计算机)
MSc Strategic Communication and Public Relations (Joint Degree UPF Barcelona) (战略传播和公共关系)
MSc Media Management (媒体管理)
MSc International Journalism (国际新闻学)
BA (Hons) Digital Media (数字媒体)
BA (Hons) Journalism Studies (新闻学研究)
BA (Hons) Film and Media (电影与媒体)
Media Management MSc (媒体管理)
MRes Media Research (媒体研究)
MSc Digital Media and Communication (数字媒体与传播)
Postgraduate Certificate Digital Media and Communication (数字媒体与传播)
Postgraduate Diploma Digital Media and Communication (数字媒体与传播)
International Foundation in Media, Humanities and Social Sciences (媒体、人文与社会科学本科预科)
Postgraduate Diploma Public Relations and Strategic Communication (公共关系和战略传播)
MSc International Journalism ()
Postgraduate Diploma Media Management (媒体管理)
Digital Media BA (Hons) (数字媒体)
MSc Public Relations and Strategic Communication (公共关系和战略传播)
Journalism Studies BA (Hons) (新闻学研究)
Media and Communications Management (Vietnam) MSc (媒体与通信管理)
BA (Hons) Journalism Studies combined with Sport (新闻研究与体育结合)
Postgraduate Certificate Media Research (媒体研究)
Postgraduate Diploma Media Research (媒体研究)
Postgraduate Certificate Media Management (媒体管理)
Postgraduate Certificate Public Relations and Strategic Communication (公共关系和战略传播)
BA (Hons) Film and Media combined with BA (Hons) French (电影与媒体与法语结合)
BA (Hons) Film and Media combined with BA (Hons) History (电影与媒体与历史结合)
BA (Hons) Film and Media combined with BA (Hons) Journalism Studies (电影与媒体与新闻研究结合)
BA (Hons) Film and Media combined with BA (Hons) Politics (电影与媒体与政治学结合)
BA (Hons) Film and Media combined with BA (Hons) Sociology and Social Policy (电影与媒体与社会学与社会政策结合)
BA (Hons) French combined with BA (Hons) Journalism Studies (法语与新闻研究结合)
Postgraduate Diploma International Journalism (国际新闻学)
Communications, Media and Culture-Public Relations PhD ()
Film and Media BA (Hons) (电影与媒体)
BA (Hons) Film and Media combined with BA (Hons) Philosophy (电影与媒体与哲学结合)
BA (Hons) Film and Media combined with BSc (Hons) Psychology (电影与媒体与心理学结合)
Postgraduate Certificate International Journalism (国际新闻学)
Media Research MSc (媒体研究)
BA (Hons) English Studies combined with BA (Hons) Film and Media (英语研究与电影与媒体结合)
BA (Hons) English Studies combined with BA (Hons) Journalism Studies (英语研究与新闻研究结合)
BA (Hons) Film and Media combined with BA (Hons) Psychology (电影与媒体与心理学结合)
BA (Hons) Film and Media combined with BA (Hons) Spanish and Latin American Studies (电影与媒体与西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究结合)
MSc Digital Media and Society ()
Applied Social Research (Social Statistics and Social Research) MSc (应用社会研究(社会统计学与社会研究))
International Graduate Diploma in Media, Humanities and Social Sciences (国际硕士文凭课程--传媒、人文与社会科学)
Pre-Master's (硕士预科)
MSc English Language and Linguistics (英语语言和语言学)
BA (Hons) Politics (政治)
English Language and Linguistics MSc (英语语言与语言学)
MLitt Philosophy (哲学)
MLitt Publishing Studies (出版研究)
BA (Hons) Politics(Year 2 entry) (政治)
BA (Hons) Modern Languages (现代语言)
BA (Hons) French(Year 2 entry) (法语)
BA (Hons) History(Year 2 entry ) (历史)
BA (Hons) French (法语)
BA (Hons) Philosophy (哲学)
BA (Hons) English Studies (英语研究)
BA (Hons) English Studies(Year 2 entry) (英语研究)
BA (Hons) Politics, Philosophy and Economics(Year 2 entry ) (政治、哲学和经济学)
MLitt Creative Writing (创意写作)
BA (Hons) Philosophy(Year 2 entry) (哲学)
BA (Hons) Heritage and Tourism (遗产与旅游)
BA (Hons) Spanish and Latin American Studies(Year 2 entry ) (西班牙和拉丁美洲研究)
BA (Hons) Politics, Philosophy and Economics (政治、哲学和经济学)
Child Development MSc (儿童发展)
Gender Studies (Applied) MSc (性别研究(应用))
MRes Publishing Studies (出版研究)
BA (Hons) Spanish and Latin American Studies (西班牙和拉丁美洲研究)
BA (Hons) Religion (宗教)
BA (Hons) Scottish History (苏格兰历史)
BA (Hons) Scottish History(Year 2 entry ) (苏格兰历史)
Postgraduate Certificate Creative Writing (创意写作)
BA (Hons) International Management Studies with European Languages and Society (国际管理研究与欧洲语言和社会)
BA (Hons) History (历史)
Postgraduate Diploma Philosophy (哲学)
BA (Hons) Philosophy combined with BSc (Hons) Psychology (哲学与心理学结合)
Postgraduate Certificate Publishing Studies (出版研究)
Postgraduate Diploma Publishing Studies (出版研究)
Psychological Research Methods MSc (心理学研究方法)
Psychology (accredited conversion course) MSc (心理学)
MSc Digital Media and Communication ()
Applied Social Research (Criminology) (应用社会研究(犯罪学))
Applied Social Research (MSc) (应用社会研究)
English Studies BA (Hons) (英语研究)
Modern Languages BA (Hons) (现在语言)
Philosophy BA (Hons) (哲学)
Politics BA (Hons) (政治)
Politics (International Politics) BA (Hons) (政治(国际政治))
Creative Writing (MLitt) (创意写作)
Translation Studies with TESOL (MSc) (翻译研究与对外英语教学)
European Film and Media BA (Hons) (欧洲电影与媒体)
French BA(Hons) (法语)
Politics, Philosophy and Economics: PPE BA (Hons) (政治、心理学与经济学)
Scottish History BA (Hons) (苏格兰历史)
Applied Social Research (Social Statistics and Social Research) (应用社会研究(社会统计学与社会研究))
Housing Studies (with Internship) MSc (房屋研究)
Postgraduate Diploma Creative Writing (创意写作)
Postgraduate Certificate English Language and Linguistics (英语语言和语言学)
Postgraduate Diploma English Language and Linguistics (英语语言和语言学)
Postgraduate Certificate Philosophy (哲学)
Psychology of Faces MSc (面部心理学)
BA (Hons) French combined with BA (Hons) History (法语与历史结合)
BA (Hons) History combined with BA (Hons) Journalism Studies (历史与新闻研究结合)
Modern Languages degrees combined with BA (Hons) International Politics (现代语言与国际政治结合)
Modern Languages degrees combined with BA (Hons) Psychology (现代语言与心理学结合)
BA (Hons) Journalism Studies combined with BA (Hons) Politics (新闻研究与政治学结合)
BA (Hons) Journalism Studies combined with BA (Hons) Spanish and Latin American Studies (新闻研究与西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究结合)
BA (Hons) English Studies combined with BA (Hons) Psychology (英语研究与心理学结合)
BA (Hons) English Studies combined with Religion degrees (英语研究与宗教结合)
BA (Hons) History combined with BA (Hons) Law (历史与法律结合)
BA (Hons) History and Heritage(Year 2 entry ) (历史与遗产)
Modern Languages degrees combined with BSc (Hons) Psychology (现代语言与心理学结合)
BA (Hons) Philosophy combined with BA (Hons) Politics (哲学与政治学结合)
BA (Hons) Philosophy combined with BA (Hons) Psychology (哲学与心理学结合)
Heritage and Tourism BA, BA (Hons) (遗产与旅游业)
History BA (Hons) (历史)
International Management and Intercultural Studies BA (Hons) (国际管理与跨文化研究)
International Management Studies with European Languages and Society BA (Hons) (国际惯例研究与澳洲语言社会)
BA (Hons) Sociology and Social Policy combined with BA (Hons) Spanish and Latin American Studies (社会学与社会政策与西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究结合)
International Conflict and Cooperation (MSc) (国际冲突与合作)
Modern Scottish Writing (MLitt) (现代苏格兰语写作)
Publishing Studies (MLitt) (出版研究)
Global Cinema BA (Hons) (全球影院)
Religion BA(Hons) (宗教)
Spanish and Latin American Studies BA (Hons) (西班牙语与拉丁美洲研究)
Social Enterprise MSc (社会企业)
BA (Hons) Criminology and Social Policy combined with BA (Hons) Philosophy (犯罪学与社会政策和哲学结合)
BA (Hons) English Studies combined with BA (Hons) French (英语研究与法语结合)
BA (Hons) English Studies combined with BSc (Hons) Psychology (英语研究与心理学结合)
BA (Hons) English Studies combined with BA (Hons) Spanish and Latin American Studies (英语研究与西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究结合)
BA (Hons) History combined with BA (Hons) Philosophy (历史与哲学结合)
BA (Hons) History and Heritage (历史与遗产)
BA (Hons) International Management Studies with European Languages and Society(36 months) (国际管理研究与欧洲语言和社会)
Environment, Heritage and Policy MSc (环境、遗产与政策)
BA (Hons) English Studies combined with BA (Hons) History (英语研究与历史结合)
BA (Hons) English Studies combined with BA (Hons) Philosophy (英语研究与哲学结合)
BA (Hons) French combined with BA (Hons) Law (法语与法律结合)
BA (Hons) French combined with BSc (Hons) Mathematics (法语与数学结合)
BA (Hons) French combined with Religion degrees (法语与宗教结合)
BA (Hons) French combined with BA (Hons) Spanish and Latin American Studies (法语与西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究结合)
BA (Hons) History combined with BA (Hons) Politics (历史与政治学结合)
BA (Hons) History combined with Religion degrees (历史与宗教结合)
BA (Hons) History combined with BA (Hons) Sociology and Social Policy (历史与社会学与社会政策结合)
BA (Hons) History combined with BA (Hons) Spanish and Latin American Studies (历史与西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究结合)
BA (Hons) Law combined with BA (Hons) Spanish and Latin American Studies (法律与西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究结合)
BA (Hons) Philosophy combined with Religion degrees (哲学与宗教结合)
Big Data MSc (大数据)
MSc Human-Animal Interaction (人与动物的互动)
MSc Environmental Management (环境管理)
MSc Environmental Management (Conservation) (环境管理(保护))
MA Human-Animal Interaction (人与动物的互动)
MSc Mathematics and Data Science (数学与数据科学)
BSc (Hons) Cell Biology (细胞生物学)
BSc (Hons) Animal Biology(Year 2 entry ) (动物生物学)
BSc (Hons) Environmental Geography (环境地理学)
BA (Hons) Psychology(Year 2 entry) (心理学)
BSc (Hons) Psychology (心理学)
BSc (Hons) Psychology(Year 2 entry) (心理学)
BSc (Hons) Biology(Year 2 entry) (生物学)
BSc (Hons) Environmental Science (环境科学)
MSc Autism Research (自闭症研究)
MSc Environmental Management (Energy) (环境管理(能源))
MSc Psychological Research Methods (心理学研究方法)
MSc Mathematics and Data Science(January ) (数学与数据科学)
MSc Health Psychology (健康心理学)
BSc (Hons) Applied Mathematics (应用数学)
BSc (Hons) Biology (生物学)
MSc Aquatic Pathobiology (水生生物学)
MSc Psychology (accredited conversion course) (心理学(经认证的转换课程))
MSc Sustainable Aquaculture (可持续水产养殖)
MSc Aquatic Veterinary Studies (水生兽医研究)
Postgraduate Diploma Aquatic Veterinary Studies (水生兽医研究)
Postgraduate Certificate Environmental Remote Sensing and Geospatial Sciences (环境遥感与地理空间科学)
Postgraduate Diploma Environmental Remote Sensing and Geospatial Sciences (环境遥感与地理空间科学)
BSc (Hons) Sport Psychology(Year 2 entry ) (运动心理学)
BSc (Hons) Animal Biology (动物生物学)
BSc (Hons) Environmental Geography(Year 2 entry) (环境地理学)
BSc (Hons) Cell Biology(Year 2 entry) (细胞生物学)
BSc (Hons) Data Science (数据科学)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics (数学)
BSc (Hons) Marine Biology (海洋生物学)
BSc (Hons) Marine Biology(Year 2 entry) (海洋生物学)
BSc (Hons) Applied Biological Sciences (应用生物科学)
Postgraduate Diploma Autism Research (自闭症研究)
MSc Environmental Management (Conservation) (环境管理(自然保护))
Postgraduate Diploma Environmental Management (环境管理)
BSc (Hons) Sport Psychology (运动心理学)
BSc Nursing - Mental Health (护理学-心理健康)
BSc (Hons) Applied Mathematics(Year 2 entry) (应用数学)
BSc (Hons) Data Science(Year 2 entry) (数据科学)
BSc (Hons) Ecology and Conservation (生态与保护)
BSc (Hons) Ecology and Conservation(Year 2 entry) (生态与保护)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics(Year 2 entry) (数学)
BA (Hons) Psychology (心理学)
BSc (Hons) Environmental Science(Year 2 entry ) (环境科学)
Postgraduate Certificate Health Psychology (健康心理学)
MSc Psychological Research Methods(Child Development) (心理学研究方法(儿童发展))
Postgraduate Diploma Psychological Research Methods (心理学研究方法)
MSc Psychological Therapy in Primary Care (初级保健心理治疗)
Postgraduate Diploma Psychology (accredited conversion course) (心理学(经认证的转换课程))
MSc Sustainable Aquaculture (Aquaculture Development and Food Security) (可持续水产养殖(水产养殖发展与粮食安全))
MSc Environmental Remote Sensing and Geospatial Sciences (环境遥感与地理空间科学)
Aquaculture: Sustainable Aquaculture MSc (水产养殖:可持续水产养殖)
Business Computing BSc (Hons) (商务计算)
Cell Biology BSc (Hons) (细胞生物学)
Postgraduate Diploma Aquatic Pathobiology (水生生物学)
Aquaculture: Sustainable Aquaculture (水产养殖:可持续水产养殖)
Applied Biological Sciences BSc, BSc (Hons) (应用生物科学)
Aquaculture BSc (Hons) (水产养殖)
Environmental Geography and Outdoor Education BSc (Hons) (环境地理与户外教育)
Environmental Science (Integrated Masters) MSci (环境科学)
Psychology BA (Hons), BSc (Hons) (心理学)
Environmental Management (Energy); formerly Energy and the Environment MSc (环境管理(能源):旧时能源与环境)
BSc (Hons) Biology combined with BA (Hons) Psychology (生物学和心理学结合)
Postgraduate Certificate Aquatic Pathobiology (水生生物学)
Postgraduate Certificate Autism Research (自闭症研究)
Postgraduate Certificate Environmental Management (环境管理)
Computing Science BSc (Hons) (计算科学)
Conservation Biology and Management BSc (Hons) (保护生物学与管理)
Environmental Policy and Governance MSc (环境政策与治理)
Evolutionary Psychology MSc (进化心理学)
Marine Biotechnology MSc (海洋生物技术)
BSc (Hons) Biology combined with BSc (Hons) Mathematics (生物学和数学结合)
BSc (Hons) Environmental Science combined with BA (Hons) Politics (环境科学与政治学结合)
MSc Mathematics and Data Science(January Start) (数学与数据科学)
Postgraduate Certificate Mathematics and Data Science (数学与数据科学)
Postgraduate Diploma Mathematics and Data Science (数学与数据科学)
MSc Psychological Research Methods(Cognition and Neuropsychology) (心理学研究方法(认知与神经心理学))
MSc Psychological Research Methods(Perception and Action) (心理学研究方法(感知与行动))
MSc Psychological Research Methods(Evolutionary Psychology) (心理学研究方法(进化心理学))
Postgraduate Certificate Psychological Research Methods (心理学研究方法)
MSc Sustainable Aquaculture (Aquaculture Nutrition) (可持续水产养殖 (水产养殖营养学))
Postgraduate Certificate Sustainable Aquaculture (可持续水产养殖)
Postgraduate Diploma Health Psychology (健康心理学)
Postgraduate Certificate Psychology (accredited conversion course) (心理学(经认证的转换课程))
MSc Sustainable Aquaculture (Environmental Management) (可持续水产养殖(环境管理))
MSc Sustainable Aquaculture (Aquaculture Breeding and Genetics) (可持续水产养殖(水产养殖育种与遗传学))
Aquaculture: Sustainable Aquaculture(Named Degree Outcomes) (水产养殖:可持续水产养殖)
Aquaculture: Sustainable Aquaculture(Named Degree Outcomes) MSc (水产养殖:可持续水产养殖)
Human Animal Interaction MSc (人类与动物互动)
Perception and Action MSc (知觉与行动)
BA (Hons) Politics combined with BA (Hons) Psychology (政治学与心理学结合)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics combined with BSc (Hons) Psychology (数学与心理学结合)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics combined with BA (Hons) Psychology (数学与心理学结合)
Postgraduate Diploma Sustainable Aquaculture (可持续水产养殖)
Aquatic Food Security MSc (水产食品安全)
Aquatic Pathobiology MSc (水产动物病理学)
Aquatic Veterinary Studies MSc (水生动物兽医研究)
BA (Hons) Politics combined with BSc (Hons) Psychology (政治学与心理学结合)
BSc (Hons) Psychology combined with BA (Hons) Sociology and Social Policy (心理学与社会学与社会政策结合)
BA (Hons) Psychology combined with BA (Hons) Sociology and Social Policy (心理学与社会学与社会政策结合)
Postgraduate Certificate Human-Animal Interaction (人与动物的互动)
Postgraduate Diploma Human-Animal Interaction (人与动物的互动)
Master of Science in Aquaculture (Breeding and Genetics) (可持续水产养殖(育种与遗传学))
Master of Science in Aquaculture (Aquaculture Nutrition) (可持续水产养殖(水产养殖营养学))
Master of Science in Aquaculture (Aquaculture Development and Food Security) (可持续水产养殖(水产养殖发展与粮食安全))
Master of Science in Aquaculture (Environmental Management) (可持续水产养殖(环境管理))
Applied Computing BSc (Hons) (应用计算)
Biology BSc(Hons) (生物学)
Ecology BSc (Hons) (生态学)
Environmental Science BSc (Hons) (环境科学)
Environmental Management (Conservation); formerly Conservation and Sustainability MSc (环境管理(保护):旧时保护与可持续性)
Information Technology MSc (信息技术)
BSc (Hons) Biology combined with BSc (Hons) Psychology (生物学和心理学结合)
Animal Biology BSc (Hons) (动物生物学)
Environmental Science and Outdoor Education BSc (Hons) (环境科学与户外教育)
Geography BSc (Hons) (地理)
Marine Biology BSc (Hons) (海洋生物学)
Mathematics and its Applications BSc (Hons) (数学与数学应用)
Environmental Management MSc (环境管理)
BSc (Hons) Environmental Science combined with BSc (Hons) Mathematics (环境科学与数学结合)
MSc Psychological Research Methods-Child Development (心理学研究方法-儿童发展)
MSc Psychological Research Methods-Cognition and Neuropsychology (心理学研究方法-认知与神经心理学)
MSc Psychological Research Methods-Evolutionary Psychology (心理学研究方法-进化心理学)
MSc Psychological Research Methods-Perception and Action (心理学研究方法-知觉与行动)
Autism Research MSc (自闭症研究)
MRes Health Research (Online) (健康研究(网课))
BSc Nursing - Adult (护理学-成人)
BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science (体育与运动科学)
BA (Hons) Sport Development and Coaching (运动发展与教练)
MSc Psychology of Sport (Accredited) (运动心理学)
MSc Sport Nutrition (运动营养学)
MSc Sport Management (运动管理学)
MSc Early Years Practice Health Visiting (健康访问)
BSc Paramedic Science (护理学)
BA (Hons) Sports Studies (运动研究)
BA (Hons) Sports Studies(Year 2 entry) (运动研究)
BSc (Hons) Nursing – Adult (护理学-成人)
BA (Hons) Sport Development and Coaching(Year 2 entry) (运动发展与教练)
BSc (Hons) Nursing - Mental Health (护理学-心理健康)
Postgraduate Certificate Psychology of Sport (Accredited) (运动心理学)
Health Psychology MSc (健康心理学)
Postgraduate Certificate Sport Management (运动管理学)
Postgraduate Diploma Sport Management (运动管理学)
Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons) (运动与体育科学)
Postgraduate Diploma Psychology of Sport (Accredited) (运动心理学)
Nursing - Adult BSc (护理—成人)
MPH Master of Public Health (公共卫生)
Sports Studies BA (Hons) (运动研究)
Sport Management MSc (运动管理)
Postgraduate Certificate of Public Health (公共卫生)
Nursing - Mental Health BSc (护理—精神健康)
Psychology of Sport (Accredited) MSc (运动心理学)
Sport Nutrition MSc (运动营养学)
Postgraduate Diploma of Public Health (公共卫生)
MRes Humanities (人文科学)
MSc Human Rights and Diplomacy (人权与外交)
MRes Educational Research (教育研究)
MSc Substance Use (Online) (物质运用(网课))
MSc Social Work Studies (社会工作研究)
MSc Housing Studies(with internship) (住房研究(含实习))
MSc Criminology (犯罪学)
MPP Public Policy (公共政策)
MSc Historical Research (历史研究)
MLitt Gender Studies (Applied) (性别研究(应用))
MSc Applied Social Research (应用社会研究)
BA (Hons) International Politics (国际政治)
BA (Hons) Sociology and Social Policy (社会学与社会政策)
MSc International Conflict and Cooperation (国际冲突与合作)
MSc Gender Studies (Applied) (性别研究(应用))
MSc Heritage (遗产学)
MSc Global Ageing (Online) (全球老龄化(网课))
PgDip Social Work Studies (社会工作研究)
MSc Disaster Interventions and Humanitarian Aid (灾难干预和人道主义援助)
BA (Hons) International Politics(Year 2 entry) (国际政治)
BA (Hons) Criminology and Sociology (犯罪学与社会学)
BA (Hons) Criminology and Sociology(Year 2 entry ) (犯罪学与社会学)
BA (Hons) Social Work (社会工作)
MRes Historical Research (历史研究)
MSc Criminological Research (犯罪学研究)
Postgraduate Certificate Applied Social Research (应用社会研究)
Postgraduate Diploma Applied Social Research (应用社会研究)
Postgraduate Diploma Criminological Research (犯罪学研究)
BA (Hons) Sociology and Social Policy(Year 2 entry ) (社会学与社会政策)
BA (Hons) Criminology and Social Policy (犯罪学与社会政策)
BA (Hons) Criminology and Social Policy(Year 2 entry) (犯罪学与社会政策)
MSc Social Statistics and Social Research (社会统计和社会研究)
MSc Human Resource Management ()
Postgraduate Certificate Educational Research (教育研究)
Postgraduate Certificate Gender Studies (Applied) (性别研究(应用))
MSc Global Politics (全球政治)
Postgraduate Certificate Social Statistics and Social Research (社会统计和社会研究)
BA (Hons) Politics combined with Religion degrees (政治学与宗教结合)
Postgraduate Certificate Historical Research (历史研究)
PhD Program in Organisational Studies ()
Social Work BA (Hons) (社会工作研究)
Sociology and Social Policy BA (Hons) (社会学与社会政策)
Politics PhD ()
MSc Housing Studies (with internship) (住房研究(带实习))
Public Policy (MPP) (公共政策)
Strategic Communication & Public Relations (Joint Degree) MSc (战略沟通与公共关系)
MSc Public Relations and Strategic Communication (Online) (公共关系和战略传播(网课))
Pre-sessional English language courses (语言课程)
Postgraduate Certificate Criminological Research (犯罪学研究)
Postgraduate Diploma Educational Research (教育研究)
Social Work Studies MSc (社会工作研究)
BA (Hons) Criminology and Social Policy combined with BA (Hons) Law (犯罪学与社会政策和法律结合)
BA (Hons) Criminology and Social Policy combined with BA (Hons) Politics (犯罪学与社会政策和政治学结合)
Postgraduate Certificate Criminology (犯罪学)
Postgraduate Diploma Criminology (犯罪学)
Postgraduate Diploma Global Politics (全球政治)
Postgraduate Diploma Gender Studies (Applied) (性别研究(应用))
Postgraduate Certificate Global Politics (全球政治)
Postgraduate Diploma Social Statistics and Social Research (社会统计和社会研究)
PhD Management and Organisation ()
BA (Hons) Politics combined with Social Policy (政治学与社会政策结合)
LLM Human Rights and Diplomacy (人权与外交)
Postgraduate Diploma Human Rights and Diplomacy (人权与外交)
Postgraduate Certificate Human Rights and Diplomacy (人权与外交)
Postgraduate Diploma Historical Research (历史研究)
BA (Hons) Politics combined with Sociology (政治学与社会学结合)
Religion degrees combined with BA (Hons) Sociology and Social Policy (宗教与社会学与社会政策结合)
PG Dip Housing Studies (with internship) (住房研究(带实习))
Strategic Public Relations & Communication Management MSc (战略公共关系与通信管理)
BA (Hons) Law combined with BA (Hons) Politics (法律与政治结合)
MSc Gender and Diplomatic Practice (性别与外交实践)
Postgraduate Certificate Humanities (人文科学)
Postgraduate Certificate International Conflict and Cooperation (国际冲突与合作)
Postgraduate Diploma International Conflict and Cooperation (国际冲突与合作)
LLM International Energy and Environmental Law (国际能源与环境法)
BA (Hons) Law (法律)
Criminology and Sociology BSc (Hons) (犯罪学与社会学)
International Energy Law and Policy (LLM) (国际能源与政策)
Law: LLB LLB (Hons) (法律)
LLM Environmental Law and Climate Justice (环境法与气候正义)
Postgraduate Certificate Environmental Law and Climate Justice (环境法与气候正义)
Postgraduate Diploma Environmental Law and Climate Justice (环境法与气候正义)
LLB (Hons) Law (法律(本硕连读))
Law: Accelerated Graduate LLB (法律)
Law:BA BA (Hons) (法律)
BA (Hons) Law(36 months) (法律)
LLB Law: Accelerated Graduate (法律(加速本硕连读课程))
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