Bournemouth University
校址 :伯恩茅斯 校园组成:该校目前有3个校区(HULL市中心校区,HULL Cottingham路校区和Lincoln Brayford Pool校区)
学校类型:大学 专业设置:大学共有7所学院:商学院、环境保护学院、工程设计学院、法律及财经学院、生命科学院、现代传媒学院、服务产业学院
位于黄金海岸和绿茵花园于一身的“晚会之都”; 一流的教学质量; 就业率名列前茅; 70%课程带薪实习; 24小时开放的计算机中心及其他先进教学、娱乐设施; 专设海外学生奖学金。
现代传媒学院和服务产业学院,其中现代传媒学院开设的多门课程极为优秀,在最近的教学品质评估中该学院获得满分24分中的22分。大学的课程设置以职业为中心,富有创意。大学曾赢得英国高等教育“女王年度奖”,该奖项由英国政府颁发用以表彰在教学方面具有开创性的高等学府。伯恩茅斯大学的课程是结合各职业特点设立的,反映了当今商业的需求。其金融服务、税法、新媒体制作、公共关系、遗产保护、法学考古等课程在英国都首屈一指。伯恩茅斯大学在科研及社会学研究方面的成绩卓越,很多专业在全国性评审中名列前茅。除了七所学院以外,伯恩茅斯大学还设有许多研究中心,如国家计算机动画中心、烹调研究中心和旅游饭店管理国际研究中心等。伯恩茅斯大学课程设置的目的就是要发展学生的实际技能,提高学生素质。学校会经常从企业聘请一些专家与学生交流,把专业知识和实际工作经验带入课堂。学校70%以上的课程都有在以下公司实习的机会,如:BBC、BMW、英国航空公司、惠普(Hewlett-Packard)、希尔顿国际集团(Hilton International)、IBM、PricewaterhoueCooper、劳斯莱斯(Roll Royce)和西门子公司等。伯恩茅斯大学以成功职业为导向的教学风格吸引了众多的求学者前去深造学习,目前该校有在校生12000人左右,其中海外学生人数占2%。该校毕业生的就业率名列全英第二位。伯恩茅斯大学所在城市伯恩茅斯位于英格兰南海岸,有黄金海岸之称。七英里长的绵延海岸线,素有南部海滨“晚会之都”的美誉。该城市气候温和,阳光充足,是英国最著名的旅游城市之一。交通便利,距伦敦约两个小时的路程。同时伯恩茅斯也是通往法国和其它欧洲国家的大门。伯恩茅斯市是最快乐、最安全、最具英式生活气息的海岸城市,是英国南部商业重镇,欧洲商业会议中心,具有英国高质量教育品牌的区域。
Master of Business Administration (工商管理)
MSc Events Marketing (会展营销)
MSc International Economics and Finance (国际经济与金融)
MSc International Investment and Finance (国际投资与金融)
MSc Professional Development (Human Resources Management) (专业发展(人力资源管理))
International Year One in Business (商科国际大一)
Pre-Master’s for Business, Law or Finance (商业,法律或金融硕士预科)
BA (Hons) Business & Management (with Foundation year Option) (商业管理(预科可选))
BSc (Hons) Business Computing with Analytics with placement (商务计算机与分析(含实习))
MSc Finance (金融)
MSc Hotel and Food Services Management (酒店和食品服务管理)
MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (创新管理和创业精神)
MSc International Accounting and Finance (国际会计与金融)
MSc Retail Management & Marketing (零售管理与营销)
MSc Tourism Management and Marketing (旅游管理与营销)
BA (Hons) Business & Management – Top-up ()
Foundation Certificate for Events, Tourism and Hospitality Management (活动,旅游和酒店管理基础证书)
Foundation Certificate for Business, Law or Finance (商业,法律或财务基础证书)
MSc International Finance (国际金融)
MSc Professional Development (Loss Adjusting) (专业发展(损失调整))
MSc Management with Business Analytics ()
International Tourism and Hospitality Management ()
Foundation Certificate for Tourism and Hospitality Management (until February 2017) (旅游和酒店管理基础证书(至2017年2月))
Pre-Master's for Events, Tourism and Hospitality Management (活动,旅游和酒店管理硕士预科)
MSc International Risk Management and Finance (国际风险管理与金融)
MSc International Taxation and Finance (国际税收与金融)
MSc Management with Human Resources (人力资源管理)
MSc Management with Project Management (管理与项目管理)
BSc (Hons) Sport Management ()
BA (Hons) International Hospitality and Business Management (国际酒店与商业管理)
BA (Hons) International Tourism & Business Management (国际旅游与商务管理)
BA (Hons) International Tourism & Business Management(with placement) (国际旅游与商务管理(含实习))
BA (Hons) Tourism Management(with sandwich placement) (旅游管理(含实习))
MSc International Finance and Economics(with placement) (国际金融与经济(含实习))
MSc Sustainable Economic Development and Emerging Markets (可持续经济发展与新兴市场)
MSc International Management-16 months (国际管理)
MSc Management with Human Resources (人力资源管理学)
MSc Sport Management(with placement) (体育管理(含实习))
MSc Sport Management (18 months with optional study exchange) (体育管理(含海外学习))
LLM Public International Law (January start) (国际公法)
MSc Marketing and User Experience (市场营销与用户体验)
MSc Marketing Management (Digital)-16 months (市场营销管理(数字))
MSc Marketing Management (Retail)-16 months (市场营销管理(零售))
MSc Tourism Marketing Management (18 months with optional study exchange) (旅游营销管理(含海外学习))
MSc Events Management (活动管理)
MSc Tourism Management-1 year (旅游管理)
MSc Tourism Management(with placement) (旅游管理(含实习))
MSc Tourism Management (16 months with optional study exchange) (旅游管理(含海外学习))
MSc Finance-January (金融-1月入学)
MSc International Accounting & Finance-January (国际会计与金融-1月入学)
MSc Marketing Management-January (营销管理-1月入学)
MSc Marketing Management with placement (营销管理(含实习))
MSc Marketing & User Experience (市场营销与用户体验)
MSc Marketing & User Experience-January (市场营销与用户体验-1月入学)
MSc Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship (创新管理与创业)
MSc Tourism Marketing Management with placement (旅游营销管理(含实习))
MSc International Hospitality & Tourism Management with optional study exchange (国际酒店与旅游管理(可选择交换学习))
MSc Management with Human Resources with placement (人力资源管理(含实习))
MSc Organisational Project Management-January (组织项目管理-1月入学)
MSc Sport Business Leadership with placement (体育商业领导力(含实习))
MSc Sport Management-January (体育管理-1月入学)
MSc International Accounting & Finance (国际会计与金融)
BA (Hons) Accounting With foundation year (会计学(含预科))
BA (Hons) International Tourism & Business Management(With foundation year) (国际旅游与商务管理(含预科))
BA (Hons) International Tourism & Business Management(With foundation year and placement) (国际旅游与商务管理(含预科和实习))
MSc Finance(with placement) (金融(含实习))
MSc International Finance and Economics-16 months (国际金融与经济)
MSc Sustainable Economic Development and Emerging Markets(with placement) (可持续经济发展与新兴市场(含实习))
MSc International Management(with placement) (国际管理(含实习))
MSc Marketing Management -1 year (市场营销管理)
MSc Sport Management (16 months with optional study exchange) (体育管理(含海外学习))
BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance with placement (会计与金融(含实习))
BA (Hons) Finance (金融学)
BA (Hons) Finance With foundation year and placement (金融学(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Economics With foundation year (经济学(含预科))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (商业与管理)
BA (Hons) Business & Management with placement (商业与管理(含实习))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Economics) With foundation year (商业与管理(经济学)(含预科))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Finance) With foundation year (商业与管理(金融)(含预科))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Entrepreneurship) With foundation year and placement (商业与管理(创业)(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Finance) with placement (商业与管理(金融)(含实习))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Global Operations) With foundation year (商业与管理(全球运营)(含预科))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Marketing) With foundation year (商业与管理(市场营销)(含预科))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Marketing) With foundation year and placement (商业与管理(市场营销)(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Project Management) With foundation year and placement (商业与管理(项目管理)(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Top-up) (商业与管理(Top-up))
LLM International Commercial Law (国际商业法)
LLM Public International Law (国际公法)
MSc Marketing Management (Digital)-with placement (市场营销管理(数字)(含实习))
MSc Marketing Management (Retail)-with placement (市场营销管理(零售)(含实习))
MSc Events Management(with placement) (活动管理(含实习))
MSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management-1 year (国际酒店与旅游管理)
MSc Finance with placement (金融(含实习))
MSc Marketing Management (Digital) (营销管理(数字))
MSc Marketing & User Experience with placement (市场营销与用户体验(含实习))
MSc Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship with placement (创新管理与创业(含实习))
MSc International Management (国际管理)
MSc Marketing Management (营销管理)
MSc Tourism Management (旅游管理)
MSc Tourism Marketing Management-January (旅游营销管理-1月入学)
MSc Tourism Management with optional study exchange (旅游管理(可选择交换学习))
MSc Management with Business Analytics (商业分析管理)
MSc Management with Human Resources-January (人力资源管理-1月入学)
BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance-4 years (会计与财务)
BA (Hons) International Finance (Top-up) (国际金融 (Top-up))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Entrepreneurship) (商业与管理(创业学))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Finance) (商业与管理(金融))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Global Operations) (商业与管理(全球运营))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Marketing) (商业与管理(市场营销))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Retail Management) (商业与管理(零售管理))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Economics) (商业与管理(经济学))
BA (Hons) International Business & Management-4 years (国际商务与管理)
BA International Hospitality & Business Management ()
MSc Organisational Project Management with placement (组织项目管理(含实习))
MSc Safe Sport with placement (安全运动(含实习))
MSc Sport Management (体育管理)
MSc Sport Management-January with optional study exchange (体育管理-1月入学(可选择交换学习))
BA (Hons) International Tourism & Hospitality Management (国际酒店及旅游管理)
BA (Hons) Tourism Management-5 years (旅游管理)
MSc Sustainable Economic Development & Emerging Markets (可持续经济发展与新兴市场)
MSc Management with Human Resources-2 years (人力资源管理)
MA Marketing Communications-2 years (市场传播)
MSc Marketing & User Experience (市场营销和用户体验)
MSc Marketing Management (Digital)-16 months (营销管理(数字))
MSc Tourism Marketing Management (旅游营销管理)
MSc International Hospitality & Tourism Management (国际酒店与旅游管理)
Sport Management MSc (运动管理)
MRes Disaster Managment ()
BA (Hons) Accounting with placement (会计学(含实习))
BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance With foundation year (会计与金融(含预科))
BA (Hons) Finance with sandwich placement (金融学(含实习))
BA (Hons) Finance With foundation year (金融学(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Economics (经济学)
BSc (Hons) Economics with placement (经济学(含实习))
BA (Hons) Business & Management With foundation year (商业与管理(含预科))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Entrepreneurship) With foundation year (商业与管理(创业)(含预科))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Entrepreneurship) with placement (商业与管理(创业)(含实习))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Finance) With foundation year and placement (商业与管理(金融)(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Global Operations) With foundation year and placement (商业与管理(全球运营)(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (HRM) With foundation year (商业与管理(人力资源管理)(含预科))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Project Management) With foundation year (商业与管理(项目管理)(含预科))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Project Management) with placement (商业与管理(项目管理)(含实习))
BA (Hons) International Business & Management With foundation year and placement (国际商务与管理(含预科和实习))
International Hospitality Management ()
BA (Hons) Politics & Economics (政治经济学)
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Entrepreneurship)-4 years (商业与管理(创业学))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Finance)-4 years (商业与管理(金融))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (HRM)-4 years (商业与管理(人力资源管理))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Retail Management)-4 years (商业与管理(零售管理))
BA (Hons) International Hospitality & Tourism Management (Top-up) (国际酒店及旅游管理(Top-up))
BA (Hons) Tourism Management (旅游管理)
MSc International Finance & Economics (国际经济学)
MSc Marketing Management (市场管理)
MA Marketing Communications-16 months (市场传播)
MSc Marketing & User Experience-2 years (市场营销和用户体验)
MSc Marketing Management (Digital) (营销管理(数字))
MSc Marketing Management (Retail) (营销管理(零售))
MSc Events Management-16 months (会展)
MSc Events Management (会展)
MSc International Hospitality & Tourism Management-16 months (国际酒店与旅游管理)
MRes Tourism and Hospitality ()
BSc (Hons) Marketing with placement (市场营销(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Marketing With foundation year and placement (市场营销(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) International Tourism and Hospitality Management(with placement) (国际旅游与酒店管理(含实习))
BA (Hons) International Tourism and Hospitality Management(With foundation year and placement) (国际旅游与酒店管理(含预科和实习))
MSc International Accounting and Finance(with placement) (国际会计与金融(含实习))
MSc Finance-16 months (金融)
MSc International Accounting and Finance-16 months (国际会计与金融)
MSc International Finance and Economics (国际金融与经济)
Master of Business Administration(with placement) (工商管理(含实习))
MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (创新管理与创业)
MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship(with placement) (创新管理与创业(含实习))
MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship-16 months (创新管理与创业)
MSc International Management-1 year (国际管理)
MSc Management with Human Resources(with placement) (人力资源管理学(含实习))
MSc Management with Human Resources-16 months (人力资源管理学)
MSc Marketing and User Experience(with placement) (市场营销与用户体验(含实习))
MSc Marketing and User Experience-16 months (市场营销与用户体验)
MSc Marketing Management (Digital) (市场营销管理(数字))
MSc Marketing Management (Retail) (市场营销管理(零售))
MSc Events Management-January Start (活动管理)
MSc Events Management (16 months with optional study exchange) (活动管理(含海外学习))
MSc Events Management-January Start( (18 months with optional study exchange)) (活动管理(含海外学习))
MSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management(with placement) (国际酒店与旅游管理(含实习))
MSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management-January Start (国际酒店与旅游管理)
MSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management (16 months with optional study exchange) (国际酒店与旅游管理(含海外学习))
MSc International Hospitality and Tourism Management (18 months with optional study exchange) (国际酒店与旅游管理(含海外学习))
MSc International Finance & Economics (国际金融与经济)
MSc Sustainable Economic Development & Emerging Markets with placement (可持续经济发展与新兴市场(含实习))
MSc Marketing Management (Digital)-January (营销管理(数字)-1月入学)
MSc Marketing Management (Digital) with placement (营销管理(数字)(含实习))
MSc Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship-January (创新管理与创业-1月入学)
MSc International Management with placement (国际管理(含实习))
MSc International Hospitality & Tourism Management-January (国际酒店与旅游管理-1月入学)
MSc International Hospitality & Tourism Management-January with optional study exchange (国际酒店与旅游管理-1月入学(可选择交换学习))
MSc International Hospitality & Tourism Management with placement (国际酒店与旅游管理(含实习))
MSc Disaster Management (灾害管理)
MSc Management with Business Analytics-January (商业分析管理-1月入学)
MSc Management with Business Analytics with placement (商业分析管理(含实习))
MSc Organisational Project Management (组织项目管理)
MSc Safe Sport (安全运动)
MSc Sport Business Leadership (体育商业领导力)
MSc Sport Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (体育创新管理与创业)
MSc Sport Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship with placement (体育创新管理与创业(含实习))
MSc Sport Management with placement (体育管理(含实习))
MSc Sport Management with optional study exchange (体育管理(可选择交换学习))
BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance (会计与金融)
BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance With foundation year and placement (会计与金融(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Politics & Economics With foundation year and placement (政治与经济学(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Business & Management With foundation year and placement (商业与管理(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Entrepreneurship) (商业与管理(创业))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Finance) (商业与管理(金融))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Global Operations) (商业与管理(全球运营))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Global Operations) with placement (商业与管理(全球运营)(含实习))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (HRM) with placement (商业与管理(人力资源管理)(含实习))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (HRM) With foundation year and placement (商业与管理(人力资源管理)(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Marketing) with placement (商业与管理(市场营销)(含实习))
MSc Marketing & User Experience ()
BA (Hons) Accounting (会计学)
BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance (会计与财务)
BA (Hons) Accounting-4 year (会计学)
BA (Hons) Finance-4 years (金融学)
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Marketing)-4 years (商业与管理(市场营销))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Project Management) (商业与管理(项目管理))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Project Management)-4 years (商业与管理(项目管理))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Economics)-4 years (商业与管理(经济学))
BA (Hons) Events Management(with sandwich placement) (活动管理(含实习))
BA (Hons) Events Management(With foundation year and sandwich placement) (活动管理(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) International Hospitality & Tourism Management (Top-up) (国际酒店与旅游管理(Top-up))
BA (Hons) International Hospitality and Business Management With foundation year (国际酒店与商业管理(含预科))
BA (Hons) International Hospitality and Business Management(with placement) (国际酒店与商业管理(含实习))
BA (Hons) International Hospitality and Business Management(With foundation year and placement) (国际酒店与商业管理(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Tourism Management(With foundation year and sandwich placement) (旅游管理(含预科和实习))
MSc Sustainable Economic Development and Emerging Markets-16 months (可持续经济发展与新兴市场)
MSc Management with Business Analytics-16 months (商业分析管理)
MSc Management with Business Analytics(with placement) (商业分析管理(含实习))
MSc Marketing Management -16 months (市场营销管理)
MSc Marketing Management(with placement) (市场营销管理(含实习))
MSc Organisational Project Management(with placement) (组织项目管理(含实习))
MSc Organisational Project Management-16 months (组织项目管理)
MSc Sport Management-16 months (体育管理)
BA (Hons) Events Management (事件管理)
Master of Business Administration-2 years (工商管理)
MSc Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship (创业管理和创业学)
MSc Marketing Management-2 years (市场管理)
LLM International Commercial Law (January start) (国际商业法)
LLM International Tax Law (国际税法)
LLM International Tax Law (January start) (国际税法)
MSc Tourism Marketing Management(with placement) (旅游营销管理(含实习))
MSc Tourism Marketing Management(January Start) (旅游营销管理)
MSc Tourism Marketing Management (16 months with optional study exchange) (旅游营销管理(含海外学习))
MA International Political Communication (国际政治传播)
MA International Political Communication (January start) (国际政治传播)
MSc Tourism Management-January Start (旅游管理)
MSc International Accounting & Finance with placement (国际会计与金融(含实习))
MSc International Finance & Economics-January (国际金融与经济-1月入学)
MSc International Finance & Economics with placement (国际金融与经济(含实习))
MSc International Management-January (国际管理-1月入学)
MSc Tourism Management with placement (旅游管理(含实习))
MSc Tourism Marketing Management-January with optional study exchange (旅游营销管理-1月入学(可选择交换学习))
Master of Business Administration with placement (工商管理(含实习))
MSc Events Management with optional study exchange (活动管理(可选择交换学习))
MSc Events Management with placement (活动管理(含实习))
BA (Hons) Accounting With foundation year and placement (会计学(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) International Finance (Top-up) (国际金融学(Top-up))
BA (Hons) Politics & Economics (政治与经济学)
BA (Hons) Politics & Economics With foundation year (政治与经济学(含预科))
BA (Hons) Politics & Economics with placement (政治与经济学(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Economics With foundation year and placement (经济学(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Economics) with placement (商业与管理(经济学)(含实习))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Economics) With foundation year and placement (商业与管理(经济学)(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (HRM) (商业与管理(人力资源管理))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Marketing) (商业与管理(市场营销))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Project Management) (商业与管理(项目管理))
BA (Hons) International Business & Management (国际商务与管理)
BA (Hons) International Business & Management With foundation year (国际商务与管理(含预科))
BA (Hons) International Business & Management with placement (国际商务与管理(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Business Computing with Analytics (商务计算机与分析)
MSc International Hotel and Tourism Management ()
BA (Hons) Politics & Economics-4 years (政治经济学)
BSc (Hons) Economics-4 years (经济学)
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Global Operations)-4 years (商业与管理(全球运营))
BA (Hons) Business & Management (HRM) (商业与管理(人力资源管理))
BA (Hons) Business & Management-4 years (商业与管理)
BA (Hons) Business & Management (Top-up) (商业与管理(Top-up))
MSc Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship-2 years (创业管理和创业学)
MSc International Management-2 years (国际管理)
MSc Management with Business Analytics-2 years (商业分析管理)
MSc Disaster Management (灾害管理)
MA Marketing Communications (市场传播)
MSc Marketing Management (Retail)-16 months (营销管理(零售))
MSc Tourism Marketing Management-16 months (旅游营销管理)
MSc Sport Management-16 months (运动管理)
MSc Tourism Management-16 months (旅游管理)
MRes Accounting, Finance and Economics ()
MRes Sport and Event Management ()
MRes Marketing, Strategy & Innovation ()
BSc (Hons) Design Engineering with placement (设计工程(含实习))
MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering With foundation year and placement (机械工程(本硕连读)(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Software Engineering (软件工程)
BSc (Hons) Software Engineering With foundation year (软件工程(含预科))
MSc Engineering Project Management (工程项目管理)
MSc Mechanical Engineering Design (机械工程设计)
BSc (Hons) Software Engineering with placement (软件工程(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Software Engineering With foundation year and placement (软件工程(含预科和实习))
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering with sandwich placement (机械工程(含实习))
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering With foundation year and sandwich placement (机械工程(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Design Engineering (设计工程)
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering With foundation year (机械工程(含预科))
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
BSc (Hons) Design Engineering With foundation year (设计工程(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Design Engineering With foundation year and placement (设计工程(含预科和实习))
MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering with placement (机械工程(本硕连读)(含实习))
MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering With foundation year (机械工程(本硕连读)(含预科))
MSc Mechanical Engineering Design (January start) (机械工程设计)
BSc (Hons) Games Software Engineering (游戏软件工程)
BSc (Hons) Games Software Engineering With Creative Industries Foundation Year and placement (游戏软件工程(含创意产业预科年和实习年))
MSc Engineering Project Management-January start (工程项目管理-1月入学)
BSc (Hons) Games Software Engineering With Technology Foundation Year (游戏软件工程(含技术预科年))
BSc (Hons) Games Software Engineering With Technology Foundation Year and placement (游戏软件工程(含技术预科年和实习年))
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering-4 years (机械工程)
MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (机械工程(本硕连读))
MSc Engineering Project Management (September start) (工程项目管理)
MSc Engineering Project Management (January start) (工程项目管理)
BSc (Hons) Design Engineering-4 years (设计工程)
MSc Mechanical Engineering Design-January start (机械工程设计-1月入学)
BSc (Hons) Games Software Engineering With Creative Industries Foundation Year (游戏软件工程(含创意产业预科年))
BSc (Hons) Games Software Engineering with placement (游戏软件工程(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Software Engineering-4 years (软件工程)
MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering-4 years (机械工程(本硕连读))
MSc Engineering Project Management-2 years (工程项目管理)
MSc Mechanical Engineering Design-15 months (机械工程设计)
MSc Green Economy (绿色经济)
MA Political Psychology (政治心理学)
BSc (Hons) Educational Psychology with placement (教育心理学(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Educational Psychology With foundation year and placement (教育心理学(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) English (英语)
BA (Hons) English-4 years (英语)
BSc (Hons) Educational Psychology (教育心理学)
BSc (Hons) Educational Psychology With foundation year (教育心理学(含预科))
MSc Computer Animation and Visual Effects (电脑动画与视觉效果)
MSc Information Technology (信息科技)
MSc Artificial Intelligence for Media (媒介人工智能)
BSc (Hons) Computing With foundation year and sandwich placement (计算机(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Cyber Security Management (网络安全管理)
BSc (Hons) Networks and Cyber Security (网络与网络安全)
BSc (Hons) Data Science and Artificial Intelligence with placement (数据科学与人工智能(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Networks and Cyber Security with placement (网络与网络安全(含实习))
Foundation Certificate for Computing (计算基础证书)
BSc (Hons) Computer Science (计算机科学)
BSc (Hons) Computer Science With foundation year (计算机科学(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Computer Science with sandwich placement (计算机科学(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Computer Science With foundation year and sandwich placement (计算机科学(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Computing (计算机)
BSc (Hons) Computing With foundation year (计算机(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Data Science and Artificial Intelligence With foundation year (数据科学与人工智能(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Networks and Cyber Security With foundation year (网络与网络安全(含预科))
MSc Applied Data Analytics (应用数据分析)
BA (Hons) Computer Animation & Visual Effects (计算机动画与视觉效果)
BSc (Hons) Business Computing with Analytics With foundation year and placement (商务计算机与分析(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Computing with sandwich placement (计算机(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (数据科学与人工智能)
BSc (Hons) Data Science and Artificial Intelligence With foundation year and placement (数据科学与人工智能(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Networks and Cyber Security With foundation year and placement (网络与网络安全(含预科和实习))
MA Digital Effects (数字特效)
BSc (Hons) Cyber Security with Digital Forensics (网络安全与数字取证)
BSc (Hons) Cyber Security Management With foundation year (网络安全管理(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Cyber Security with Digital Forensics With foundation year (网络安全与数字取证(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Cyber Security Management with placement (网络安全管理(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Cyber Security Management With foundation year and placement (网络安全管理(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Cyber Security with Digital Forensics with placement (网络安全与数字取证(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Cyber Security with Digital Forensics With foundation year and placement (网络安全与数字取证(含预科和实习))
MA 3D Computer Animation(including an optional 3-month placement) (3D 计算机动画(含3个月实习))
MSc Cyber Security and Human Factors (网络安全与人为因素)
MSc Cyber Security and Human Factors-16 months (网络安全与人为因素)
MSc Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence (数字健康与人工智能)
MSc Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence-16 months (数字健康与人工智能)
MSc Information Technology-16 months (信息技术)
MSc Internet of Things with Data Analytics (物联网与数据分析)
MSc Internet of Things with Cyber Security-16 months (物联网与网络安全)
MSc Robotics (机器人学)
MSc Robotics(January start) (机器人学)
MSc Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (数据科学与人工智能)
MSc Information Technology-January start (信息技术-1月入学)
MSc Digital Health (数字健康)
MSc Robotics-January start (机器人-1月入学)
MA Digital Effects(including an optional 3-month placement) (数字特效(含3个月实习))
MSc Human Centred Artificial Intelligence for Games Development (以人为本的游戏开发人工智能)
MSc Cyber Security and Human Factors(with placement) (网络安全与人为因素(含实习))
MSc Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (数据科学与人工智能)
MSc Digital Health-16 months (数字健康)
MSc Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence(with placement) (数字健康与人工智能(含实习))
MSc Information Technology(with placement) (信息技术(含实习))
MSc Internet of Things (物联网)
MSc Internet of Things with Cyber Security(with placement) (物联网与网络安全(含实习))
MSc Internet of Things with Data Analytics(with placement) (物联网与数据分析(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Games Design with placement (游戏设计(含实习))
BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art & Design-4 years (计算机动画艺术与设计)
BSc (Hons) Games Design (游戏设计)
BSc (Hons) Business Computing with Analytics (商业计算机与分析)
BSc (Hons) Computing-4 years (计算机)
BSc (Hons) Cyber Security Management-4 years (网络安全管理)
MSc Information Technology (信息技术)
MSc Digital Health-January start (数字健康-1月入学)
MSc Human Centred Artificial Intelligence (以人为本的人工智能)
MSc Computer Animation & Visual Effects (计算机动画与视觉效果)
MSc Digital Health (数字医疗)
MSc Digital Health & Artificial Intelligence (数字健康&人工智能)
MSc Internet of Things with Cyber Security (物联网与网络安全)
BSc (Hons) Games Design With foundation year (游戏设计(含预科))
BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art & Design (计算机动画艺术与设计)
BSc (Hons) Games Design-4 years (游戏设计)
BSc (Hons) Games Software Engineering-4 years (游戏软件工程)
BSc (Hons) Cyber Security with Digital Forensics (数字取证的网络安全)
BSc (Hons) Data Science and Artificial Intelligence-4 years (数据科学与人工智能)
BSc (Hons) Networks and Cyber Security-4 years (网络与网络安全)
MSc Artificial Intelligence for Media (媒体人工智能)
MSc Digital Health-2 years (数字医疗)
MSc Internet of Things-2 years (物联网)
MSc Internet of Things with Cyber Security-2 years (物联网与网络安全)
MSc Games Design and Development (游戏设计与开发)
MSc Human Centred Artificial Intelligence for Games Development(with placement) (以人为本的游戏开发人工智能(含实习))
MSc Human Centred Artificial Intelligence for Games Development-16 months (以人为本的游戏开发人工智能)
MSc Human Centred Artificial Intelligence(with placement) (以人为本的人工智能(含实习))
MSc Human Centred Artificial Intelligence-16 months (以人为本的人工智能)
MSc Internet of Things with Data Analytics-16 months (物联网与数据分析)
MA 3D Computer Animation (3D电脑动画)
MSc Cyber Security & Human Factors (网络安全与人为因素)
MSc Robotics (机器人)
MSc Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (数据科学和人工智能)
BA (Hons) Computer Animation & Visual Effects with placement (计算机动画与视觉效果(含实习))
BA (Hons) Computer Animation & Visual Effects With foundation year (计算机动画与视觉效果(含预科))
BA (Hons) Computer Animation & Visual Effects With foundation year and placement (计算机动画与视觉效果(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Games Design With foundation year and placement (游戏设计(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Computer Animation Technical Arts (计算机动画技术艺术)
BA (Hons) Computer Animation Technical Arts-4 years (计算机动画技术艺术)
BA (Hons) Visual Effects (视觉效果)
BA (Hons) Visual Effects-4 years (视觉效果)
BSc (Hons) Cyber Security with Digital Forensics-4 years (数字取证的网络安全)
MSc Artificial Intelligence for Media(including an optional 3-month placement) (媒体人工智能(含3个月实习))
MSc Computer Animation and Visual Effects(including an optional 3-month placement) (计算机动画与视觉效果(含3个月实习))
MSc Games Design and Development. (游戏设计与开发)
MSc Digital Health & Artificial Intelligence-2 years (数字健康&人工智能)
MSc Information Technology-2 years (信息技术)
MSc Data Science and Artificial Intelligence(with placement) (数据科学与人工智能(含实习))
MSc Data Science and Artificial Intelligence-16 months (数据科学与人工智能)
MSc Digital Health(with placement) (数字健康(含实习))
MSc Internet of Things(with placement) (物联网(含实习))
MSc Internet of Things-16 months (物联网)
MSc Cyber Security & Human Factors-January start (网络安全与人为因素-1月入学)
MSc Data Science & Artificial Intelligence-January start (数据科学与人工智能-1月入学)
MSc Internet of Things with Cyber Security-January start (物联网与网络安全-1月入学)
MSc Human Centred Artificial Intelligence-January start (以人为本的人工智能-1月入学)
MSc Human Centred Artificial Intelligence for Games Development-January start (以人为本的游戏开发人工智能-1月入学)
MSc Human Centred Artificial Intelligence for Games Development with placement (以人为本的游戏开发人工智能(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Business Computing with Analytics With foundation year (商务计算机与分析(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Business Computing with Analytics-4 years (商业计算机与分析)
BSc (Hons) Computer Science-4 years (计算机科学)
MSc Cyber Security & Human Factors (网络安全与人机工程)
MSc Cyber Security & Human Factors-2 years (网络安全与人机工程)
MSc Data Science & Artificial Intelligence-2 years (数据科学与人工智能)
MSc Internet of Things with Data Analytics-2 years (物联网与数据分析)
BA (Hons) Product Design (产品设计)
BA (Hons) Product Design with sandwich placement (产品设计(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Product Design (产品设计)
MA Cinematography for Film and Television (影视摄影)
MA Sound Design for Film and Television (影视声音设计)
MA Industrial Design (工业设计)
MSc Product Design (产品设计)
BA (Hons) Product Design ()
MDes (Hons) Product Design (产品设计(本硕连读))
MDes (Hons) Product Design with placement (产品设计(本硕连读)(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Product Design with placement (产品设计(含实习))
MA Graphic Design ()
MDes (Hons) Product Design-4 years (产品设计(本硕连读))
BSc (Hons) Product Design-4 years (产品设计)
MA Corporate Communication (企业传播)
MA Post Production Editing (后期制作编辑)
BA(Hons) Fim Production and Cinematography ()
BA (Hons) Film Production & Cinematography (电影制作和摄影)
Foundation Certificate for Media and Communications (媒体和传播基础证书)
BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Digital Media with placement (数字媒体营销传播(含实习))
BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Public Relations With foundation year and placement (公共关系营销传播(含预科和实习))
MA Advertising (广告学)
MA Media and Communication (媒体与传媒)
MA Multimedia Journalism (多媒体新闻)
Pre-Master's for Media and Communications (媒体和通信的硕士预科)
MA Literary Media (文学传媒)
MA Producing Film and Television (影视制作)
BA(Hons) Advertising ()
BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism With foundation year (多媒体新闻(含预科))
BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism With foundation year and placement (多媒体新闻(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Media Production (媒体制作)
MA Creative Media Arts: Data and Innovation (创意媒体艺术:数据与创新)
MA Directing Film and Television (影视制作)
MA Radio Production (广播制作)
MA Scriptwriting (编剧)
BA (Hons) Communication & Media (传播与媒体)
BA (Hons) Communication & Media With foundation year (传播与媒体(含预科))
BA (Hons) Communication & Media with placement (传播与媒体(含实习))
BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Advertising With foundation year and placement (广告营销传播(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Digital Media With foundation year and placement (数字媒体营销传播(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism (多媒体新闻)
BA (Hons) Communication & Media With foundation year and placement (传播与媒体(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Advertising with placement (广告营销传播(含实习))
BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Public Relations with placement (公共关系营销传播(含实习))
BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism with placement (多媒体新闻(含实习))
BA (Hons) Multimedia Sports Journalism (多媒体体育新闻)
LLB (Hons) Law, Media & Creative Industries With foundation year (法律、媒体与创意产业(含预科))
BA (Hons) Media Production With foundation year (媒体制作(含预科))
MA English & Literary Media-16 months (英语与文学媒体)
MA Media and Communication (January start) (媒体与传播)
MA Marketing Communications-16 months (营销传播)
MA Multimedia Journalism-January start (多媒体新闻-1月入学)
MA Sound Design for Screen (银幕声音设计)
MA Creative Writing & Publishing (创意写作与出版)
MA Creative Writing & Publishing-January start (创意写作与出版-1月入学)
MA International Political Communication-January start (国际政治传播-1月入学)
MA Media and Communication(with placement) (媒体与传播(含实习))
MA Multimedia Journalism (多媒体新闻学)
MA Marketing Communications(with placement) (营销传播)
MA Advertising with placement (广告(含实习))
MA Marketing Communications (营销传播)
MA Cinematography for Film & Television (电影与电视摄影)
MA Scriptwriting (剧本创作)
MA Film & Television (电影与电视)
BA (Hons) Communication & Media (传媒学)
BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Digital Media-5 years (数字媒体营销传播)
BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Public Relations-5 years (公共关系营销传播)
BA (Hons) Music & Sound Production-4 years (录音和音乐制作)
BA (Hons) Photography (摄影)
MA Film and Television (影视)
MA Producing Film & Television (影视制作)
MA Sound Design Screen (声音设计)
MA International Political Communication (国际政治传播学)
BA (Hons) Communication & Media (传媒)
BA (Hons) Communication & Media-4 years (传媒学)
BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Digital Media (数字媒体营销传播)
BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Public Relations (公共关系营销传播)
BA (Hons) Film-4 years (电影学)
BA (Hons) Photography-4 years (摄影)
BA (Hons) Television Production-4 years (影视制作)
MA Directing Film & Television (影视导演)
MA International Political Communication-16 months (国际政治传播学)
LLB (Hons) Law, Media & Creative Industries (法律、媒体与创意产业)
MA Creative Writing and Publishing (创意写作与出版)
MA Creative Writing and Publishing (January start) (创意写作与出版)
MA English & Literary Media (英语与文学媒体)
MA Media and Communication (媒体与传播)
MA Advertising (广告)
MA Advertising(with placement) (广告(含实习))
MA Advertising (January start) (广告)
MA Cinematography for Film and Television (电影与电视摄影)
MA Producing Film and Television (电影电视制作)
MA Production Management (生产管理)
MA Advertising-January start (广告-1月入学)
MA Marketing Communications-January (营销传播-1月入学)
MA Marketing Communications with placement (营销传播(含实习))
MA Digital Effects (数字效果)
BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with placement (营销传播(含实习))
BA (Hons) Marketing Communications With foundation year and placement (营销传播(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Multimedia Sports Journalism With foundation year (多媒体体育新闻(含预科))
BA (Hons) Multimedia Sports Journalism with placement (多媒体体育新闻(含实习))
BA (Hons) Multimedia Sports Journalism With foundation year and placement (多媒体体育新闻(含预科和实习))
LLB (Hons) Law, Media & Creative Industries with placement (法律、媒体与创意产业(含实习))
LLB (Hons) Law, Media & Creative Industries With foundation year and placement (法律、媒体与创意产业(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Marketing Communications (市场传播)
BA (Hons) Marketing Communications-5 years (市场传播)
BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Advertising (广告营销传播)
BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Advertising-5 years (广告营销传播)
BA (Hons) Media Production with placement (媒体制作(含实习))
BA (Hons) Media Production With foundation year and placement (媒体制作(含预科和实习))
MA Sound Design for Screen (声屏障设计)
MA Multimedia Journalism (January start) (多媒体新闻学)
MA Directing Film and Television. (电影电视导演)
MA Media & Communication-January start (媒体与传播-1月入学)
MA Media & Communication with placement (媒体与传播(含实习))
MA Directing Film & Television (电影与电视导演)
BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism-4 years (多媒体新闻)
BA (Hons) Multimedia Sports Journalism-4 years (多媒体体育新闻)
BA (Hons) Film (电影学)
BA (Hons) Film Production & Cinematography-4 years (电影制作与摄影)
BA (Hons) Media Production-4 years (媒体制作)
BA (Hons) Music & Sound Production (录音和音乐制作)
BA (Hons) Television Production (影视制作)
MA Media & Communication (媒体与传播)
MA Media & Communication-2 years (媒体与传播)
MA Multimedia Journalism-16 months (多媒体新闻)
MA Cinematography for Film & Television (电影电视摄影)
MA Cinematography for Film and Television (电影电视摄影)
BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art and Design (计算机动画艺术与设计)
BA(Hous) Media Production ()
MA Sound Design for Film & Television (影视声音设计)
3D Computer Animation MA ()
Creative Industries Foundation Year (创意产业)
BA (Hons) Film (电影)
BA (Hons) Film Production and Cinematography (电影制作与摄影)
BA (Hons) Television Production With foundation year and placement (电视制作(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Film Production & Cinematography ()
BA (Hons) Film Production and Cinematography with placement (电影制作与摄影(含实习))
Marketing Communications with Advertising BA (Hons) ()
MA Producing Film & Television (电影与电视制作)
BA (Hons) Film With foundation year (电影(含预科))
BA (Hons) Film with placement (电影(含实习))
BA (Hons) Film With foundation year and placement (电影(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Photography With foundation year (摄影(含预科))
BA (Hons) Television Production (电视制作)
BA (Hons) Television Production With foundation year (电视制作(含预科))
MA Sound Design for Screen ()
BA (Hons) Computer Animation Technical Arts ()
BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art & Design (with Foundation Year option) ()
BA (Hons) Music and Sound Production (音乐与声音制作)
BA (Hons) Music and Sound Production with sandwich placement (音乐与声音制作(含实习))
BA (Hons) Photography with placement (摄影(含实习))
BA (Hons) Photography With foundation year and placement (摄影(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Television Production with placement (电视制作(含实习))
BA (Hons) Computer Animation and Visual Effects ()
BA (Hons) English with placement (英语(含实习))
BA (Hons) English With foundation year (英语(含预科))
BA (Hons) Archaeology with placement (考古学(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Archaeological, Anthropological & Forensic Sciences (考古学、人类学与法医学)
MA Creative Writing and Publishing (文学创作和出版)
MA English & Literary Media (英语与文学传媒)
BA (Hons) Archaeology (考古学)
MA Creative Writing and Publishing-17 months (文学创作和出版)
MA English & Literary Media-16 months (英语与文学传媒)
BA (Hons) Archaeology & Anthropology (考古学与人类学)
BSc (Hons) Archaeology (考古学)
BA (Hons) English With foundation year and placement (英语(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Archaeology & Anthropology with placement (考古学与人类学(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Archaeological, Anthropological & Forensic Sciences with placement (考古学、人类学与法医学(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Archaeology with placement (考古学(含实习))
MSc Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology (临床和发育神经心理学)
MSc Investigative Forensic Psychology (调查和法医心理学)
BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences (生物科学)
BSc (Hons) Forensic Biology With foundation year (法医生物学(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Forensic Biology With foundation year and placement (法医生物学(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Forensic Investigation With foundation year (法医调查(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Cyberpsychology With foundation year (网络心理学(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Forensic Investigation (法医调查心理学)
BSc (Hons) Psychology With foundation year and placement (心理学(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Counselling With foundation year and sandwich placement (心理学与咨询(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Ecology & Wildlife Conservation (生态学与野生动物保护)
BSc (Hons) Environmental Science With foundation year (环境科学(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Forensic Biology with one placement year (法医生物学(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences With foundation year (生物科学(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Geography (地理学)
BSc (Hons) Cyberpsychology (网络心理学)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Counselling (心理学与咨询)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Counselling with sandwich placement (心理学与咨询(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Forensic Investigation with sandwich placement (法医调查心理学(含实习))
MSc Biodiversity Conservation (生物多样性保护)
MSc Digital Health & Artificial Intelligence-January start (数字健康与人工智能-1月入学)
Mres- Faculty of Science and Technology ()
MSc Bioarchaeology (生物考古学)
MRes - Health & Social Science ()
MSc Clinical & Developmental Neuropsychology-January start (临床与发育神经心理学-1月入学)
MSc Foundations of Clinical Psychology-January start (临床心理学基础-1月入学)
MSc Psychology (conversion course) (心理学(转换课程))
BSc (Hons) Psychology-4 years (心理学)
MSc Clinical & Developmental Neuropsychology (临床与发展神经心理学)
MSc Foundations of Clinical Psychology (临床心理学基础)
BSc (Hons) Psychology (心理学)
MSc Cognitive Neuroscience (认知神经科学)
BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences with placement (生物科学(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Environmental Science (环境科学)
BSc (Hons) Forensic Biology (法医生物学)
BSc (Hons) Forensic Investigation (法医调查)
BSc (Hons) Forensic Investigation with one placement year (法医调查(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Forensic Investigation With foundation year and placement (法医调查(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences With foundation year and placement (生物科学(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Geography with placement (地理学(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Geography With foundation year and placement (地理学(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Psychology With foundation year (心理学(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Counselling With foundation year (心理学与咨询(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Forensic Investigation With foundation year (法医调查心理学(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Psychology with placement (心理学(含实习))
MSc Digital Health & Artificial Intelligence (数字健康与人工智能)
MSc Clinical & Developmental Neuropsychology (临床与发育神经心理学)
MSc Investigative Forensic Psychology (法医心理学调查)
MSc Health Psychology (健康心理学)
MSc Research Methods (研究方法)
BSc (Hons) Ecology & Wildlife Conservation With foundation year (生态学与野生动物保护(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Counselling (心理咨询)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Counselling-4 years (心理咨询)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Forensic Investigation-4 years (法医调查心理学)
BSc (Hons) Ecology & Wildlife Conservation with placement (生态学与野生动物保护(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Ecology & Wildlife Conservation With foundation year and placement (生态学与野生动物保护(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Environmental Science with placement (环境科学(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Environmental Science With foundation year and placement (环境科学(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Geography With foundation year (地理学(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Cyberpsychology with sandwich placement (网络心理学(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Cyberpsychology With foundation year and sandwich placement (网络心理学(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Forensic Investigation With foundation year and sandwich placement (法医调查心理学(含预科和实习))
MSc Investigative Forensic Psychology-January start (法医心理学调查-1月入学)
MSc Psychology (conversion course)-January start (心理学(转换课程)-1月入学)
MSc Forensic and Neuropsychological Perspectives in Face-Processing (法医在和神经心理学中的人脸识别)
BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing With foundation year (成人护理(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing (精神健康护理)
BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing (Advanced Standing) (精神健康护理(高级资格))
BSc (Hons) Midwifery-Portsmouth (助产士)
BSc (Hons) Nutrition With foundation year and placement (营养学(含预科和实习))
BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy With foundation year (职业疗法(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice With foundation year (手术部实践(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science (辅助医疗科学)
BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy (运动疗法)
MSc Nutrition and Behaviour (营养与行为学)
MSc Public Health (公共卫生)
MA Social Care (社会保健)
BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching (体育教练)
MA Sports Media (运动媒体)
BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing (成人护理)
BSc (Hons) Midwifery (助产士)
BSc (Hons) Midwifery With foundation year (助产士(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy (职业疗法)
BSc (Hons) Children’s & Young People’s Nursing (儿童与青少年护理)
BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing With foundation year (精神健康护理(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Nutrition with placement (营养学(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy (物理治疗)
BSc (Hons) Sport Management (体育管理)
BSc (Hons) Sport Management with sandwich placement (体育管理(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science With foundation year and placement (体育与运动科学(含预科和实习))
MSc Medical Imaging with Management (医学影像与管理)
MSc Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology-16 months (临床与发育神经心理学)
MSc Mental Health Nursing (心理健康护理)
BSc (Hons) Sport Management With foundation year (体育管理(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Sport Management With foundation year and sandwich placement (体育管理(含预科和实习))
PG Dip Physician Associate Studies (医生助理研究)
MSc Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology (临床与发育神经心理学)
BA (Hons) International Hospitality & Tourism Management (Top-up) ()
MSc Sports Performance Analysis (运动表现分析)
MSc Adult Nursing (成人护理)
MA Political Psychology-January start (政治心理学-1月入学)
BSc (Hons) Sport & Exercise Science (体育与运动科学)
BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching (运动指导)
BSc (Hons) Sport Management-4 years (体育管理学)
BSc/PG Dip Public Health Nurse (Health Visiting) (公共卫生护士(健康访问))
BSc (Hons) Forensic Investigation-4 years (法医鉴定)
BSc (Hons) Sport & Exercise Science-4 years (体育与运动科学)
MA Advanced Practice (高级实践)
MSc Medical Imaging with Management (医学影像学与管理学)
BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching With foundation year (体育教练(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching with sandwich placement (体育教练(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching With foundation year and sandwich placement (体育教练(含预科和实习))
MSc Nutrition & Behaviour (营养与行为)
MSc Foundations of Clinical Psychology-16 months (临床心理学基础)
PG Dip Advanced Mental Health Practice (高级心理健康实践)
BSc (Hons) Nutrition (营养学)
BSc (Hons) Nutrition With foundation year (营养学(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice (手术部实践)
BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy with placement (运动疗法(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science (体育与运动科学)
BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science With foundation year (体育与运动科学(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science with placement (体育与运动科学(含实习))
MSc Nutrition & Behaviour (营养与行为学)
MSc Physician Associate Studies (副医师研究)
PG Dip Physician Associate Studies (副医师研究)
MSc Public Health (公共安全)
MSc Physician Associate Studies (医生助理研究)
MSc Investigative Forensic Psychology-16 months (法医心理学调查)
MSc Psychology (conversion course) (心理学)
MSc Psychology (conversion course)-January start (心理学)
MSc Sport and Exercise Science (运动与锻炼科学)
MSc Strength and Conditioning (力量与调理)
BSc (Hons) Forensic Biology-4 YEARS (法医生物学)
BSc (Hons) Forensic Investigation (法医鉴定)
BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching-4 years (运动指导)
MSc Marine and Freshwater Management (海洋和淡水管理)
BA (Hons) Social Work (社会工作)
BA (Hons) Criminology with Psychology (犯罪学与心理学)
BA (Hons) History (历史学)
BA (Hons) Politics With foundation year and placement (政治学(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Sociology with placement (社会学(含实习))
BA (Hons) Sociology & Criminology with placement (社会学与犯罪学(含实习))
MA Social Work (社会工作)
International College--Media & Communication Foundation Year ()
MSc Biological Anthropology (生物人类学)
LLB (Hons) Law with Politics with placement (法律与政治(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Marine Ecology & Conservation (Top-up) (海洋生态与保护(Top-up))
PhD – Faculty of Media & Communication ()
Master of research ()
BA (Hons) Criminology with Law (法学犯罪学)
BA (Hons) History with placement (历史学(含实习))
BA (Hons) History With foundation year and placement (历史学(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Politics (政治学)
BA (Hons) Politics With foundation year (政治学(含预科))
LLB (Hons) Law with Politics (法律与政治)
LLB (Hons) Law with Politics With foundation year (法律与政治(含预科))
BA (Hons) Criminology with placement (犯罪学(含实习))
BA (Hons) Criminology with Psychology with placement (犯罪学与心理学(含实习))
BA (Hons) History With foundation year (历史学(含预科))
BA (Hons) Politics with placement (政治学(含实习))
BA (Hons) Sociology & Criminology (社会学与犯罪学)
LLB (Hons) Law with Politics With foundation year and placement (法律与政治(含预科和实习))
MA Political Psychology (January start) (政治心理学)
MA Social Work (Children & Families) (社会工作(儿童与家庭))
MA Criminology & Criminal Justice (犯罪学与刑事司法)
BA (Hons) Sociology & Social Anthropology (社会学与社会人类学)
MA Criminology and Criminal Justice (犯罪学与刑事司法)
PG Dip Social Work (Children & Families) (社会工作(儿童与家庭))
MSc Artificial Intelligence for Media ()
BA (Hons) Archaeology & Anthropology (考古与人类学)
BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing-4 years (成人护理)
MSc Human Centred Artificial Intelligence for Games Development ()
BA (Hons) History-4 years (历史)
BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences-4 years (生物科学)
BSc (Hons) Ecology & Wildlife Conservation-4 years (生态学与野生动物保护)
BSc (Hons) Forensic Science (法医学)
BSc (Hons) Geography (地理)
BSc (Hons) Anthropology (人类学)
BSc (Hons) Anthropology with placement (人类学(含实习))
BA (Hons) Archaeology-4 years (考古学)
BSc (Hons) Archaeological, Anthropological & Forensic Sciences (考古学、人类学和法医学)
BA (Hons) History (历史)
BA (Hons) Sociology & Social Anthropology-4 years (社会学与社会人类学)
LLB (Hons) Law with Politics (政治法律学)
BSc (Hons) Forensic Science-4 years (法医学)
MRes People & Organisations ()
MSc Organizational Project Management ()
BA (Hons) Sociology & Social Anthropology with placement (社会学与社会人类学(含实习))
BA (Hons) Criminology (犯罪学)
BA (Hons) Criminology with Law With foundation year (法学犯罪学(含预科))
BA (Hons) Criminology with Law with placement (法学犯罪学(含实习))
BA (Hons) Criminology with Law With foundation year and placement (法学犯罪学(含预科和实习))
BA (Hons) Sociology (社会学)
BA (Hons) Sociology-4 years (社会学)
BA (Hons) Sociology & Criminology-4 years (社会学与犯罪学)
LLB (Hons) Law with Politics-4 years (政治法律学)
LLB (Hons) Law, Media & Creative Industries (法律、媒体和创意产业)
LLB (Hons) Law, Media & Creative Industries-4 years (法律、媒体和创意产业)
BSc (Hons) Geography-4 years (地理)
BA (Hons) Archaeology & Anthropology-4 years (考古与人类学)
BSc (Hons) Anthropology-4 years (人类学)
BSc (Hons) Archaeological, Anthropological & Forensic Sciences-4 years (考古学、人类学和法医学)
BSc (Hons) Archaeology-4 years (考古学)
BA (Hons) Politics-4 years (政治学)
BSc (Hons) Environmental Science-4 years (环境科学)
MA Political Psychology-16 months (政治心理学)
MSc Forensic Anthropology (法医人类学)
MSc Forensic Archaeology (法医考古学)
BSc (Hons) Forensic Science with one placement year (法医学(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Medical Science (医学科学)
BSc (Hons) Forensic Science With foundation year and placement year (法医学(含预科和实习年))
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science (生物医学)
BSc (Hons) Medical Science With foundation year (医学科学(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Medical Science With foundation year and one placement year (医学科学(含预科和实习年))
BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy (物理疗法)
BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy-4 years (运动疗法)
BSc (Hons) Children’s & Young People’s Nursing (儿童及青少年护理)
BSc (Hons) Midwifery-4 years (助产学)
BSc (Hons) Nutrition-4 years (营养学)
BSc (Hons) Medical Science-4 years (医学科学)
BSc (Hons) Forensic Science With foundation year (法医学(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science With foundation year (生物医学(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science with one placement year (生物医学(含实习年))
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science With foundation year and one placement year (生物医学(含预科和实习年))
BSc (Hons) Medical Science with one placement year (医学科学(含一年实习))
BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing (心理健康护理)
BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing-4 years (心理健康护理)
BSc (Hons) Midwifery (助产学)
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science-4 years (生物医学)
BSc (Hons) Cyberpsychology-4 years (网络心理学)
BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy-4 years (职业疗法)
BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice (临床护理)
BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice-4 years (临床护理)
BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science (护理科学)
LLM International Commercial Law (国际商法)
LLM Public International Law (公共国际法)
LLB (Hons) Law With foundation year and placement (法学(含预科和实习))
LLM Intellectual Property (知识产权法学)
LLB (Hons) Law with placement (法学(含实习))
LLM Intellectual Property (知识产权法)
LLM International Tax Law-January start (国际税法-1月入学)
LLM in Legal Practice (法律实践)
BA (Hons) Criminology with Law-4 years (法律犯罪学)
LLB (Hons) Law-4 years (法学)
LLM International Tax Law-16 months (国际税法)
LLB (Hons) Law (法学)
Graduate Diploma in Law/CPE (法律)
LLM in Legal Practice (法律实务)
LLM Public International Law-January start (国际公法-1月入学)
LLB (Hons) Law With foundation year (法学(含预科))
BA (Hons) Criminology-4 years (犯罪学)
BA (Hons) Criminology with Law (法律犯罪学)
LLM Intellectual Property (知识产权)
LLM Intellectual Property-16 months (知识产权)
LLM International Commercial Law-16 months (国际商法)
LLM Intellectual Property (January start) (知识产权法学)
LLM Intellectual Property-January start (知识产权法-1月入学)
LLM International Commercial Law-January start (国际商法-1月入学)
LLM Public International Law-16 months (公共国际法)
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