The University of Aberdeen
阿伯丁大学(Univerity of Aberdeen)成立于1495年,它是英国第五所古老的大学,其学生总数将近 14000。该大学的教学和研究质量举世闻名,在过去这些年里该大学一共出了4名诺贝尔奖得主。目前该大学大约19%的学生是国际学生,来自120个不同的国家。
所在州 欧洲
所属国家 英国
地区 苏格兰
城市 阿伯丁
院校类型 大学
院校性质 公立
课程阶段 预科,语言,专科,博士,本科,研究生
创立时间 1495
综合排名 26
资助体系 有奖学金和助学金为国际学生愿意在英国学习,一些政府和非政府机构,包括教育慈善机构,提供财政援助,以各种不同的学生在海外寻求教育。有国际奖学金及助学金,德里克Ogton音乐奖学金,约翰罗伯逊体育奖学金[1],
申请截止 本科生次年6月30日,研究生额满为止
入学时间 9
阿伯丁大学(英文:Univerity of Aberdeen;拉丁文:Univerita Aberdoneni)创立于1495年,是著名的教育和研究中心,为中世纪时期建立的四所苏格兰古大学之一,也是全英校龄第五长的大学。
该校是苏格兰申请竞争最为激烈的大学之一。前任香港总督卫奕信勋爵(David Clive Wilon, Baron Wilon of Tillyorn)于1997年起出任阿伯丁大学校监,而英国前首相温斯顿.丘吉尔 (Sir Winton Leonard Spencer Churchill) 亦曾担任此职。
1495年2月,当时的阿伯丁主教威廉·艾尔芬斯通受苏格兰国王詹姆士四世差遣,到罗马求见教皇亚历山大六世,希望教皇御许于阿伯丁老城区(Old Aberdeen)成立一所大学,称国王学院(King' College)。教皇在1495年2月6日与艾尔芬斯会面,在细细询问过为何要于阿伯丁成立大学、以及财政方面如何维持之后,覆以教皇训令(Papal Bull),阿伯丁大学正式成立。大学在刚成立的时候一共只有36名教师和学生。
1593年,第五代马修伯爵乔治·基斯在南面阿伯丁的新城区中心地区创立了阿伯丁第二所的大学马修学院(Marichal College)。
1860年,两所学院根据英国议会通过的“1858年苏格兰大学法案”(Univeritie (Scotland) Act 1858)合并,正式称为阿伯丁大学。法案还同时规定大学的校龄从国王学院起算,因而是苏格兰第三和英国第五老的大学。之前的四所大学按建校时间先后顺序分别是牛津大学、剑桥大学、圣安德鲁斯大学和格拉斯哥大学。
阿伯丁大学是英国最古老的六所大学之一, 世界大学排名第129位(据2009年《泰晤士》报世界大学综合排名) 英国大学排名前33位(据2010年《泰晤士》报英国大学综合排名) 曾有四位研究员获得诺贝尔奖,包括胰岛素的发明者,生物科学是该校最强的学科,环境科学、社会科学、法律,MBA及金融投资等也是大学的强势领域,该校向海外学生在学期内免费教授英语,大学也安排机场或有轨电车站迎新。在最近的一次科研评估中,阿伯丁大学有10个系部获得了5分的高评级,这表明它们达到了国际领先水平。因此,阿伯丁大学有85%的教职员工工作在那些被认为是国内或国际学术中心的系部中。
2.该学校450个本科和研究生专业中89%的专业被评为优秀或优良。其中法学院被 认为是英国的顶级法学院之一,所开设的国际法和商法尤其适合中国学生学习。
4.对所有国际学生提供四周免费课前英语强化课程。申请工程专业本科课程的国际学 生还可以申请大学的奖学金,成功的申请人第一年的学费和住宿费仅为8000英镑。
5.无语言成绩的学生,可先在该校的语言中心培训语言,完成课程的学生可直接读学 位课程,无需再考IELTS/TOEFL。
商业管理工程, 会计, 金融,商业法,计算学,计算机科学,信息系统和计算学,信息系统和管理,国际关系,土地管理,生化, 分子化学,农村商业管理,城市规划,等等。
在最近的一次科研评估中,阿伯丁大学有10个系部获得了很高的评级 - 5,这表明它们达到了国际领先水平。因此,阿伯丁大学有85%的教职员工工作在那些被认为是国内或国际卓越中心的系部中。
阿伯丁大学的图书馆服务目前分布在四个地点。有Taylor library, the Medical library at Foreterhill, the pecial archive以及the Queen Mother Library (QML)。
QML有六层楼(包括地下室),也是英国为数不多的藏书量超过一百万的图书馆之一。1978年建造,由Queen Mother开馆。
住宿区位于三个主要区域(Hillhead, Crombie/Johnton, Elphintone Road)。所有三个区域均设有就近的24小时门房或保安员,无线网络和洗衣设施。学校为您准备了包办伙食和半包办伙食的宿舍。
IELTS 不低于6.5分,写作6分;TOEFL不低于580,写作4.5。
IELTS 不低于6分,写作6分;TOEFL不低于550,写作4.5。
大学分六个学院:人文艺术学院(Faculty of Art)、科学学院(Faculty of Science)、工程学院(Faculty of Engineering)、 医学与牙医学院(Faculty of Medicine and Dentitry)、 社会科学与法律学院(Faculty of Social Science and Law)、医学科学与兽医科学学院(Faculty of Medical and Veterinary Science)。
提供涵盖文学、生物、物理、地质科学、地理、古典学(古代史为主)、历史研究、牙医学、戏剧、经济、会计与金融、管理、历史、语言、法律、医药、政治、社会学、公共政策、社会政策及兽医学等领域的120多个学士学位课程, 100多门授课式硕士和研究生文凭课程以及传统的博士研究项目。学校的航空航天工程、电子工程、医学、地球大气工程、地质学、法律、经济学、教育学、政治学、会计与金融学、媒体艺术等课程都达到世界一流的水准。
医学院 阿伯丁大学医学院有三个系--医学,牙医学和兽医学,再加上跨越医学和科学系的为学生提供基本医药生物课程的医药科学系一共有四个系; 本科生课程有医学,牙医学,兽医学,兽医以及公共管理学。
工程学院 一共有六个系,1200多个本科生.课程包括航空工程学,土木工程学,电机工程,通讯和多媒体工程,工程设计和机械工程。
法学院 有下列课程:法学和欧洲法研究, 法学和法语,法学和德语,化学和法律。
艺术学院 艺术学院有十五个系,除了教学,教职员工以出色的研究成果而出名。
本科生课程包括考古学,艺术史,英语,哲学,音乐和各类语言. 学生也可跨学科地学习,部门例如考古学和地质学,或戏剧和英语。
BA in Accountancy (会计学)
BSc in Economic (经济学)
BA in Information Sytem & Management (信息系统管理)
BA in Pychology (哲学)
BSc in Statitic (统计学)
BSc in Engineering (工程学)
LLB (法学)
BSc in Medical Science (医药学)
BSc in Biochemitry (生物化学)
BSc in Biology (生物学)
BA in Philoophy (哲学)
BSc in Computing Science (计算机科学)
BSc in Microbiology (微生物学)
MSc in Buine & Management (商业管理)
MSc in Economic (经济学)
MSc in Human Reource Management (人力资源管理)
LLM in International Law (国际法)
MA in Philoophy (哲学)
MSc in Information Technology (信息技术)
MSc in Finance & Invetment Management (金融投资管理)
MSc in Project Management (工程项目管理)
MSc in Oil & Ga Engineering (石油天然气工程)
Business Management and Information Systems (商务管理与信息系统)
Business Management and Real Estate (商务管理与不动产)
MA (Hons) Business Management and International Relations (商务管理与国际关系)
MA (Hons) Business Management and Legal Studies (商务管理与法律研究)
MA (Hons) Economics and Geography (经济学与地理)
MA (Hons) Economics and German (经济学德语)
MA (Hons) Economics and Hispanic Studies (经济学与西班牙研究)
MA (Hons) Economics and History (经济学与历史)
MA (Hons) Finance and International Relations (金融与国际关系)
MA (Hons) Accountancy and Economics (会计与经济学)
MA (Hons) Accountancy and French (会计与法语)
MA (Hons) Business Management and Economics (商务管理与经济学)
MA (Hons) Business Management and Geography (商务管理与地理)
MA (Hons) Business Management and Hispanic Studies (商务管理与西班牙研究)
MA (Hons) Business Management and Politics (商务管理与政治)
MA (Hons) Business Management and Sociology (商务管理与社会学)
MA (Hons) Economics and Gaelic Studies (经济学与盖尔研究)
MA (Hons) Economics and International Relations (经济学与国际关系)
MA (Hons) Economics and Mathematics (经济学与数学)
MA (Hons) Finance and German (金融与德语)
Business Management and Data Science, MSc (商业管理与数据科学)
MA (Hons) Real Estate (不动产)
Finance and German (金融与德语)
MA (Hons) Accountancy and Finance (会计与金融)
MA (Hons) Business Management (商务管理)
MA (Hons) Business Management and German (商务管理与德语)
MA (Hons) Business Management and History (商务管理与历史)
MA (Hons) Business Management and Mathematics (商务管理与数学)
MA (Hons) Business Management and Psychology (商务管理与心理学)
MA (Hons) Economics (经济学)
MA (Hons) Economics and French (经济学与法语)
MA (Hons) Economics and Legal Studies (经济学与法律研究)
MA (Hons) Economics and Philosophy (经济学与哲学)
MA (Hons) Finance and French (金融与法语)
MA (Hons) Economics and Finance (经济学与金融)
MA (Hons) Finance and Hispanic Studies (金融与西班牙研究)
Business Law and Sustainable Development, LLM (商业法与可持续发展)
Rural Surveying & Rural Property Management, MLE (农村测量和农村财产管理)
MSc International Accounting and Financial Management (国际会计与财务管理)
Accounting and Finance, MScEcon (会计与金融)
Energy Economics and Law, MSc (能源经济与法律)
Corporate Finance and Law, LLM (企业财务与法律)
MBA (工商管理)
Business Consulting and Psychology, MSc (商业咨询和心理学)
Real Estate (International Option), MSc (房地产(国际))
MA (Hons) Accountancy and Business Management (会计与商务管理)
MA (Hons) Accountancy and German (会计与德语)
MA (Hons) Accountancy and Hispanic Studies (会计与西班牙研究)
MA (Hons) Accountancy and Legal Studies (会计与法律研究)
MA (Hons) Business Management and English (商务管理与英语)
MA (Hons) Business Management and Finance (商务管理与金融)
MA (Hons) Business Management and French (商务管理与法语)
MA (Hons) Business Management and Gaelic Studies (商务管理与盖尔研究)
MA (Hons) Economics and Politics (经济学与政治)
MA (Hons) Economics and Psychology (经济学与心理学)
MA (Hons) Economics and Sociology (经济学与社会学)
Energy, Economics and Finance, MScEcon (能源、经济与金融)
Finance ()
Energy Economics and Law, LLM (能源经济与法律)
Petroleum, Energy Economics and Finance, MScEcon (石油、能源经济和金融)
MBA (Business Analytics), MBA (商业分析MBA)
MBA Energy Management, MBA (能源管理)
Real Estate (Commercial Option), MSc (房地产(商业))
International Political Economy, MSc (国际政治经济学)
MSc International Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
Corporate Finance and Law, MSc (企业财务与法律)
Marketing Management, MSc (营销管理)
International Human Resource Management, MSc (国际人力资源管理)
International Tourism Management, MSc (国际旅游管理)
The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)-management stuides (管理学研究)
Undergraduate Foundation Programme in Physical Sciences & Engineering ()
Computing Science, BSc ()
Finance and Investment Management (with CFA Level 1 Examination) (金融与投资管理)
Undergraduate Foundation Programme pathway Economics, Accounting & Real Estate ()
Executive MBA (London, UK), MBA (执行MBA)
Economics and French, MA(4 year) (经济学与法语)
Business Management ()
Accountancy and French, MA (会计与法语(本硕连读))
Accountancy and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (会计学和西班牙语与拉丁美洲研究(本硕连读))
Business Management and English, MA (商务管理与英语 (本硕连读))
Applied Health Sciences, MSc ()
International Relations and Management MSc ()
Corporate Finance and Law, LLM or MSc (公司财务及法律)
Executive MBA (Shanghai, China), MBA (执行MBA)
MBA Finance, MBA (金融学MBA)
Accountancy and Business Management MA ()
Economics and German (5 years), MA (经济学德语)
International Tourism Management (国际旅游管理)
International Finance MSc ()
Finance MSc ()
Finance and Investment Management, MScEcon (金融和投资管理)
International Business and Finance, MSc (国际商业和金融)
Financial Technology, MSc (金融技术)
Finance and Real Estate (with CFA Level 1 Examination), MSc (金融与房地产)
Finance and Investment Management (with CFA Level 1 Examination), MScEcon (金融与投资管理)
International Business Management, MSc (国际商务管理)
MSc Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
Pre-Masters in Business & Law ()
Finance and Real Estate (with CFA Level 1 Examination) (金融与不动产)
Accountancy, MA (会计(本硕连读))
Accountancy and Business Management, MA (会计与商业管理(本硕连读))
Accountancy and Economics, MA (会计与经济学(本硕连读))
Accountancy and German, MA (会计和德语(本硕连读))
Accountancy and Legal Studies, MA (会计与法律研究(本硕连读))
Business Management and French, MA (商务管理与法语(本硕连读))
Business Management and Information Systems, MA (商务管理与信息系统(本硕连读))
Business Management and Mathematics, MA (商务管理和数学 (本硕连读))
Economics and Finance, MA (经济学与金融(本硕连读))
Economics and Mathematics, MA (经济学与数学(本硕连读))
Economics and Politics, MA (经济学与政治(本硕连读))
Business Management, MA (商务管理(本硕连读))
Business Management and Economics, MA (商务管理与经济学(本硕连读))
Business Management and Finance, MA (商务管理与金融(本硕连读))
Business Management and History, MA (商务管理和历史 (本硕连读))
Business Management and Legal Studies, MA (商务管理和法律研究(本硕连读))
Business Management and Politics, MA (商务管理和政治(本硕连读))
Economics and French, MA (经济学与法语(本硕连读))
Economics and Gaelic Studies, MA (经济学与盖尔语研究(本硕连读))
Economics and International Relations, MA (经济学与国际关系(本硕连读))
Economics and Legal Studies, MA (经济学与法律研究(本硕连读))
Economics and Philosophy, MA (经济学与哲学(本硕连读))
Undergraduate Foundation Programme in Business, Economics, Accounting & Real Estate ()
Accountancy and Finance, MA (会计与金融(本硕连读))
Business Management and Gaelic Studies, MA (商务管理和盖尔语研究(本硕连读))
Business Management and Geography, MA (商务管理和地理学 (本硕连读))
Business Management and German, MA (商务管理和德语(本硕连读))
Business Management and Psychology, MA (商务管理与心理学(本硕连读))
Business Management and Real Estate, MA (商务管理和房地产 (本硕连读))
Business Management and Sociology, MA (商务管理和社会学(本硕连读))
Business Management and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (商务管理和西班牙及拉丁美洲研究(本硕连读))
Business Management and Information Systems, BSc (商务管理与信息系统)
Business Management and International Relations, MA (商务管理和国际关系 (本硕连读))
Economics and Psychology, MA (经济学与心理学(本硕连读))
Economics and Sociology, MA (经济学与社会学(本硕连读))
Economics and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (经济学与西班牙及拉丁美洲研究(本硕连读))
Finance, MA (金融(本硕连读))
International Business with Gaelic, MA (国际商务与盖尔语研究(本硕连读))
International Business with Mandarin, MA (国际商务与中文(本硕连读))
MBus International Business with French (5 years), MBus (国际商务与法语(5年)(本硕连读))
MBus International Business with German (5 years), MBus (国际商务与德语(5年)(本硕连读))
Economics and Spanish & Latin American Studies (5 years), MA (经济学、西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究(5年)(本硕连读))
Finance and French, MA (金融与法语(本硕连读))
Finance and German, MA (金融与德语(本硕连读))
International Business with German, MA (国际商务与德语(本硕连读))
International Business with Spanish, MA (国际商务与西班牙语(本硕连读))
Business Management and German (5 years), MA (商业管理与德语(5年)(本硕连读))
Economics and French (5 years), MA (经济学与法语(5年)(本硕连读))
Finance and French (5 years), MA (金融与法语(5年)(本硕连读))
Finance and German (5 years), MA (金融与德语(5年)(本硕连读))
Finance and Spanish & Latin American Studies (5 years), MA (金融和西班牙及拉丁美洲研究(5年)(本硕连读))
Economics, MA (经济学(本硕连读))
Economics and Geography, MA (经济学与地理学(本硕连读))
Economics and German, MA (经济学与德语(本硕连读))
Economics and History, MA (经济学与历史(本硕连读))
Finance and International Relations, MA (金融与国际关系(本硕连读))
Finance and Real Estate, MA (金融与房地产(本硕连读))
Finance and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (金融和西班牙及拉丁美洲研究(本硕连读))
Finance and Real Estate, MSc (金融与房地产)
International Commercial Law with Professional Skills, LLM (国际商法含专业技能)
International Commercial Law with Dissertation, LLM (国际商法(带论文))
Global Business Communication, PgDip (全球商业通讯)
Global Business Communication, PgCert (全球商业通讯)
Rural Surveying and Rural Property Management MLE (农村调查与农村物业管理)
Financial Mathematics, MSc (金融数学)
MSc Environmental Partnership Management (环境伙伴关系管理)
International Year Two in Business Management & Finance (商务管理与金融)
International Finance and Political Relations, MSc (国际金融和政治关系)
International Business, MA (国际商务(本硕连读))
International Business with French, MA (国际商务与法语(本硕连读))
MBus International Business with Spanish (5 years), MBus (国际商务与西班牙语(5年)(本硕连读))
Business Management and French (5 years), MA (商务管理与法语(5年)(本硕连读))
Economics and German (5 years), MA (经济学德语(5年)(本硕连读))
Global Business Communication, MSc (全球商业通讯)
MSc International Business Management (国际商务管理)
MSc Marketing Management (市场营销管理)
MSc Real Estate (不动产)
MSc(Econ) Petroleum, Energy Economics and Finance (石油、能源经济学与金融)
Accountancy and Business Management,MA (会计与商务管理 本硕连读)
Accountancy and Economics,MA (会计与经济学 本硕连读)
Business Management and German(5 years), MA (商务管理和德语 本硕连读)
Business Management and History, MA (商务管理和历史 本硕连读)
Business Management and Sociology, MA (商务管理和社会学 本硕连读)
MSc Global Business Communication ()
Accountancy PHD ()
Accountancy and French, MA (会计与法语 本硕连读)
Business Management and International Relations, MA (商务管理和国际关系 本硕连读)
Business Management and Mathematics, MA (商务管理和数学 本硕连读)
Business Management and English, MA (商务管理与英语 本硕连读)
Business Management and French, MA (商务管理与法语 本硕连读)
Business Management and Real Estate, MA (商务管理和房地产 本硕连读)
Business Management and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (商务管理和西班牙及拉丁美洲研究 本硕连读)
Business Management and French (5 years), MA (商务管理与法语)
Business Management and Geography, MA (商务管理和地理学 本硕连读)
Business Management and German, MA (商务管理和德语 本硕连读)
Business Management and Spanish & Latin American Studies(5 years), MA (商务管理和西班牙及拉丁美洲研究 本硕连读)
International Business (5 years), MBus (国际商务(5年)(本硕连读))
Real Estate, MA (房地产(本硕连读))
MBus International Business with Gaelic (5 years), MBus (国际商务与盖尔语研究(5年)(本硕连读))
MBus International Business with Mandarin (5 years), MBus (国际商务与中文(5年)(本硕连读))
Business Management and Spanish & Latin American Studies (5 years), MA (商业管理与西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究(5年)(本硕连读))
Economics and Philosophy, MA (经济学与哲学 本硕连读)
Economics and French (5 years), MA (经济学与法语 本硕连读)
Economics and Geography, MA (经济学与地理学 本硕连读)
Finance and French, MA (金融与法语 本硕连读)
Economics and Psychology, MA (经济学与心理学 本硕连读)
Finance and German, MA (金融与德语 本硕连读)
Economics and German(5 years), MA (经济学与德语 本硕连读)
Economics and History, MA (经济学与历史 本硕连读)
Economics and Legal Studies, MA (经济学与法律研究 本硕连读)
Economics and International Relations, MA (经济学与国际关系 本硕连读)
Finance and Real Estate, MA (金融与房地产 本硕连读)
Finance and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (金融和西班牙及拉丁美洲研究 本硕连读)
Finance and Spanish & Latin American Studies (5 years), MA (金融和西班牙及拉丁美洲研究 本硕连读)
International Business (5 years), MBus (国际商务 本硕连读)
International Business with Gaelic, MA (国际商务与盖尔语研究 本硕连读)
Entrepreneurship, MSc (创业学)
MBA, MBA (工商管理)
MBA Business Administration (工商管理)
MBA Energy Management (能源管理)
Finance and German (5 years), MA (金融与德语 本硕连读)
Finance and International Relations, MA (金融与国际关系 本硕连读)
MBus International Business with French (5 years), MBus (国际商务与法语(5年) 本硕连读)
MBus International Business with German (5 years), MBus (国际商务与德语(5年) 本硕连读)
Mechanical Engineering with Management, MEng (机械工程与管理 本硕连读)
Financial Technology MSc ()
Accounting and Finance, MSc (会计与金融)
MBA (Business Analytics), MBA (商业分析)
Law with options in Accountancy, LLB (法律含会计方向)
Law with options in Economics, LLB (法律含经济学方向)
Accountancy, MA (会计 本硕连读)
Business Management and Economics, MA (商务管理与经济学 本硕连读)
Business Management and Information Systems, MA (商务管理与信息系统 本硕连读)
Economics and Finance, MA (经济学与金融 本硕连读)
Economics and Sociology, MA (经济学与社会学 本硕连读)
Economics, MA (经济学 本硕连读)
Economics and Spanish & Latin American Studies(5 years), MA (经济学与西班牙及拉丁美洲研究 本硕连读)
Economics and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (经济学与西班牙及拉丁美洲研究 本硕连读)
International Business with Mandarin, MA (国际商务与中文 本硕连读)
MBus International Business with Spanish (5 years), MBus (国际商务与西班牙语(5年) 本硕连读)
Art and Business (艺术与商业)
MSc Finance & Investment Management - Taught Programme (金融与投资管理)
MSc Finance and Real Estate (金融与不动产)
International Business with German, MA (国际商务与德语 本硕连读)
International Business with Spanish, MA (国际商务与西班牙语 本硕连读)
Real Estate, MA (房地产 本硕连读)
MBus International Business with Mandarin (5 years), MBus (国际商务与中文(5年) 本硕连读)
Accountancy and Finance, MA (会计与金融 本硕连读)
Accountancy and Legal Studies, MA (会计与法律研究 本硕连读)
Business Management and Finance, MA (商务管理与金融 本硕连读)
Business Management and Gaelic Studies, MA (商务管理和盖尔语研究 本硕连读)
Business Management and Psychology, MA (商务管理与心理学 本硕连读)
Business Management and Legal Studies, MA (商务管理和法律研究 本硕连读)
Business Management and Politics, MA (商务管理和政治 本硕连读)
Business Management, MA (商务管理 本硕连读)
Economics and Gaelic Studies, MA (经济学与盖尔语研究 本硕连读)
Economics and Politics, MA (经济学与政治 本硕连读)
Economics and French, MA (经济学与法语 本硕连读)
Economics and German, MA (经济学与德语 本硕连读)
Finance and French (5 years), MA (金融与法语 本硕连读)
Economics and Mathematics, MA (经济学与数学 本硕连读)
Finance, MA (金融 本硕连读)
International Business, MA (国际商务 本硕连读)
International Business with French, MA (国际商务与法语 本硕连读)
MBus International Business with Gaelic (5 years), MBus (国际商务与盖尔语研究(5年) 本硕连读)
MSc Project Management (项目管理硕士)
BEng (Hons) Civil and Environmental Engineering (土木与环境工程)
BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering (土木工程)
Engineering (Civil) (BSc Eng) (工程(土木))
Engineering (Electrical and Electronic) (BEng) (工程(电子与电气))
MEng (Hons) Civil and Environmental Engineering (土木与环境工程)
MEng (Hons) Civil and Structural Engineering (土木与结构工程)
MEng (Hons) Petroleum Engineering (石油工程)
BEng (Hons) Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (机械与电子工程)
MEng (Hons) Civil Engineering (土木工程)
MEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering (电子与电气工程)
MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
Energy Transition Systems and Technologies, MSc (能源转型系统和技术)
Sustainable Product, Process and Energy Engineering, MSc (可持续产品、工艺和能源工程)
Advanced Chemical Engineering, MSc (高级化学工程)
Advanced Structural Engineering, MSc (高级结构工程)
BEng (Hons) Civil and Structural Engineering (土木与结构工程)
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering with Oil and Gas Studies (机械工程与石油及天然气的研究)
BEng (Hons) Petroleum Engineering (石油工程)
MEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering (化学工程)
MEng (Hons) Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (机械与电子工程)
BEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering (化学工程)
MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering with Management (机械工程与管理)
Engineering (Electrical) (BSc Eng) (工程)
Advanced Mechanical Engineering, MSc (高级机械工程)
Offshore Engineering Msc (近海工程)
Oil and Gas Enterprise Management, MSc (石油和天然气企业管理)
Advanced Energy Materials - Energy Generation and Storage Technology, MSc (高级能源材料-能源能源储存科技)
Safety and Reliability Engineering, MSc (安全与可靠性工程)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Renewable Energy, MEng (电气和电子工程与可再生能源(本硕连读))
Engineering, MEng (工程(本硕连读))
Engineering (Mechanical and Electrical), BEng (工程(机械与电气))
Engineering (Mechanical), BEng (工程(机械))
Civil and Structural Engineering, MEng (土木结构工程(本硕连读))
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Robotics, MEng (电气与电子工程与机器人(本硕连读))
Engineering, BEng (工程)
Engineering (Electronic and Software), BEng (工程(电子与软件))
Engineering (Mechanical with Oil and Gas Studies), BEng (工程(机械与石油和天然气研究))
Engineering in Electronic and Software Engineering, MEng (电子和软件工程(本硕连读))
Engineering (Civil and Environmental), BEng (工程(土木与环境))
Engineering (Civil and Structural), BEng (工程(土木与结构))
Engineering (Civil), BEng (工程(土木))
Engineering (Electrical and Electronic), BEng (工程(电气与电子))
Mechanical Engineering with Biomechanics, MEng (机械工程与生物力学(本硕连读))
Mechanical Engineering with Management, MEng (机械工程与管理(本硕连读))
Mechanical Engineering with Subsea Technology, MEng (机械工程与海底技术(本硕连读))
Petroleum Engineering, MEng (石油工程(本硕连读))
Mechanical Engineering, MEng (机械工程(本硕连读))
Civil Engineering, MEng (土木工程(本硕连读))
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, MEng (电气与电子工程(本硕连读))
Petroleum Engineering, MSc (石油工程)
Renewable Energy Engineering, MSc (可再生能源工程)
Subsea Engineering, MSc (海底工程)
Artificial Intelligence MSc (人工智能)
Oil and Gas Engineering, MSc (石油和天然气工程)
Process Safety, MSc (流程安全)
MSc Industrial Robotics ()
Civil Engineering with Subsea Technology (5 years), MEng (土木工程与海底技术(5年)(本硕连读))
Safety & Reliability Engineering for Oil & Gas (安全与可靠性工程(石油与天然气))
Chemical Engineering, BEng (化学工程)
Civil and Environmental Engineering, MEng (土木环境工程 本硕连读)
Civil Engineering with Subsea Technology (5 years), MEng (土木工程与海底技术 本硕连读)
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (5 years), MEng (机械和电气工程(5年)(本硕连读))
Petroleum Engineering, BEng (石油工程)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Robotics, MEng (电气与电子工程与机器人 本硕连读)
Civil and Structural Engineering, MEng (土木结构工程 本硕连读)
MSc Renewable Energy Engineering (再生能源工程)
Petroleum Engineering (石油工程)
Reservoir Engineering (油藏工程)
Subsea Engineering MSc (水下工程)
Offshore Engineering, MSc (海洋工程)
Petroleum Engineering, MEng (石油工程 本硕连读)
Engineering PHD ()
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Renewable Energy, MEng (电气和电子工程与可再生能源 本硕连读)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, MEng (电气与电子工程 本硕连读)
Science and Engineering Pre-Masters ()
Cybersecurity MSc ()
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (5 years), MEng (机械和电气工程(5年) 本硕连读)
Mechanical Engineering, MEng (机械工程 本硕连读)
Chemical Engineering, MEng (化学工程 本硕连读)
Civil Engineering, MEng (土木工程 本硕连读)
Engineering in Electronic and Software Engineering, MEng (电子和软件工程 本硕连读)
Engineering, MEng (工程 本硕连读)
Mechanical Engineering with Subsea Technology, MEng (机械工程与海底技术 本硕连读)
Civil and Environmental Engineering, MEng (土木环境工程(本硕连读))
MSc Environmental and Forest Management (环境与林业管理)
Transport and Intelligent Mobility, MSc (交通和智能交通)
Secondary Education, PGDE (中学教育)
PhD Education ()
TESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, MSc (对外英语教学)
TESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, PgDip (对外英语教学)
TESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, PgCert (对外英语教学)
MA (Hons) Primary Education (小学教育)
Music Education, BMus (音乐教育)
Primary Education (小学教育)
Music, MMus( music education) (音乐(音乐教育))
TESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages,PgCert (对外英语教学)
Primary Education, MA (小学教育(本硕连读))
Primary Education, PGDE (小学教育)
Primary Education, MA (小学教育 本硕连读)
Social and Educational Research MSc (社会与教育研究)
TESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages,PgDip (对外英语教学)
MA (Hons) Computing and Music Studies (计算与音乐研究)
MA (Hons) Computing (计算)
MA (Hons) Computing With Industrial Placement (计算(含企业实习))
MSci (Hons) Computing Science with Industrial Placement (计算机科学(含企业实习))
Industrial Robotics, MSc (工业机器人学)
Information Technology with Cybersecurity, MSc (信息技术与网络安全)
BSc (Hons) Computing Science (计算机科学)
BSc (Hons) Computing Science and Physics (计算机科学与物理)
BSc (Hons) Computing Science with Mathematics (计算机科学与数学)
Cybersecurity and Machine Learning, MSc (网络安全与机器学习)
Data Science, MSc( 15 months) (数据科学)
Computing Science Phd ()
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, MSc (机器人与人工智能)
Artificial Intelligence, MSc (人工智能)
Artificial Intelligence, MSc(15 months) (人工智能)
Cybersecurity, MSc (网络安全)
Computing Science and Physics, BSc (计算机科学与物理)
Computing Science and Mathematics, BSc (计算机科学与数学)
Computing Science, BSc (计算机科学)
Computing Science (5 years), MEng (计算机科学(5年)(本硕连读))
Computing and Music, MA (计算机与音乐(本硕连读))
Computing Science with Industrial Placement, MSci (计算机科学(含实习)(本硕连读))
Computing, MA (计算机(本硕连读))
Information Technology, MSc (信息技术)
Data Science, MSc (数据科学)
Behavioural Studies and Computing Science (行为研究与计算科学)
Geographical Information Systems, MSc (地理信息系统)
Global Business Communication,PgDip (全球商业通讯)
Computing and Music, MA (计算机与音乐 本硕连读)
Computing, MA (计算机 本硕连读)
Information Technology, MSc( 15 months) (信息技术)
Computing Science (5 years), MEng (计算机科学 本硕连读)
International Year Two:Computing Science ()
Computing Science with Industrial Placement, MSci (计算机科学含实习 本硕连读)
Cultural and Creative Communication, MSc (文化与创意传播)
Cultural and Creative Communication,PgCert (文化与创意传播)
Cultural and Creative Communication,PgDip (文化与创意传播)
Anthropology and Film & Visual Culture, MA (人类学和电影与视觉文化(本硕连读))
Art History and Film & Visual Culture, MA (艺术史和电影与视觉文化(本硕连读))
Film & Visual Culture and International Relations, MA (电影和视觉文化与国际关系(本硕连读))
Film & Visual Culture, MA (电影和视觉文化(本硕连读))
Film & Visual Culture and German, MA (电影和视觉文化与德语(本硕连读))
Film & Visual Culture and History, MA (电影和视觉文化与历史(本硕连读))
Film & Visual Culture and Sociology, MA (电影和视觉文化与社会学(本硕连读))
Film & Visual Culture and Philosophy, MA (电影和视觉文化与哲学(本硕连读))
Film & Visual Culture and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (电影和视觉文化和西班牙与拉丁美洲研究(本硕连读))
Film & Visual Culture and German (5 years), MA (电影和视觉文化与德语(5年)(本硕连读))
Film & Visual Culture and Gaelic Studies, MA (电影和视觉文化与盖尔语研究(本硕连读))
Art History and Film & Visual Culture,MA (艺术史和电影与视觉文化 本硕连读)
Film, Visual Culture and Arts Management,PgDip (电影、视觉文化和艺术管理)
Film & Visual Culture and French (5 years), MA (电影和视觉文化与法语(5年)(本硕连读))
Film & Visual Culture and Spanish & Latin American Studies (5 years), MA (电影和视觉文化和西班牙与拉丁美洲研究(5年)(本硕连读))
Film & Visual Culture and German, MA (电影和视觉文化与德语 本硕连读)
Film & Visual Culture and Spanish & Latin American Studies (5 years), MA (电影和视觉文化和西班牙与拉丁美洲研究 本硕连读)
Film & Visual Culture and French (5 years), MA (电影和视觉文化与法语 本硕连读)
English and Film & Visual Culture, MA (英语和电影与视觉文化 本硕连读)
Film & Visual Culture and History, MA (电影和视觉文化与历史 本硕连读)
Film & Visual Culture and French, MA (电影和视觉文化与法语 本硕连读)
Film & Visual Culture, MA (电影和视觉文化 本硕连读)
Film & Visual Culture and International Relations, MA (电影和视觉文化与国际关系 本硕连读)
Film & Visual Culture and Philosophy, MA (电影和视觉文化与哲学 本硕连读)
Film & Visual Culture and Sociology, MA (电影和视觉文化与社会学 本硕连读)
Film & Visual Culture and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (电影和视觉文化和西班牙与拉丁美洲研究 本硕连读)
Film, Visual Culture and Arts Management,PgCert (电影、视觉文化和艺术管理)
Anthropology and Film & Visual Culture, MA (人类学和电影与视觉文化 本硕连读)
Film & Visual Culture and Gaelic Studies, MA (电影和视觉文化与盖尔语研究 本硕连读)
Film & Visual Culture and German (5 years), MA (电影和视觉文化与德语 本硕连读)
BMus (Hons) Music and Communities (音乐与社区)
BMus (Hons) Bachelor of Music (音乐)
Film, Visual Culture and Arts Management, PgDip (电影、视觉文化和艺术管理)
Music, MMus: Musicology (音乐:音乐学)
Music, MMus: Sonic Arts (音乐:声乐艺术)
Film, Visual Culture and Arts Management, PgCert (电影、视觉文化和艺术管理)
Music, MMus: Music Education (音乐:音乐教育)
Music, MMus: Performance (音乐:表演)
Music, MMus: Community Music (音乐:社区音乐)
Music, MMus: Composition (音乐:作曲)
Art History and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (艺术史与西班牙和拉丁美洲研究(本硕连读))
Art History and Theology & Religion, MA (艺术史和神学与宗教学(本硕连读))
Film, Visual Culture and Arts Management, MLitt (电影、视觉文化和艺术管理)
Art History and French, MA (艺术史与法语(本硕连读))
Art History and History, MA (艺术史与历史(本硕连读))
Christianity and the Visual Arts, MLitt (基督教与视觉艺术)
Art History, MA (艺术史(本硕连读))
Performance Studies, MLitt (表演学系)
Archaeology and Art History, MA (考古学与艺术史(本硕连读))
Art History and French (5 years), MA (艺术史与法语(5年)(本硕连读))
Film & Visual Culture and French, MA (电影和视觉文化与法语(本硕连读))
Music, MMus (音乐)
Music, MMus(composition) (音乐,硕士(作曲))
Music, MMus(musicology) (音乐,硕士(音乐学))
Music, MMus(sonic arts) (音乐,硕士(声乐艺术))
Music, MMus(community music) (音乐, 硕士(社区音乐))
MLitt Visual Culture (视觉文化)
Mmus Sonic Arts (声波艺术)
Music, PgCert (音乐)
Music, MMus(composition) (音乐(作曲))
Music, MMus(sonic arts) (音乐(声学))
Music, MMus(community music) (音乐(社区音乐))
Music, PgCert( performance) (音乐(表演))
Music, PgCert(community music) (音乐(社区音乐))
Music, MMus(performance) (音乐,硕士(表演))
MSc Vocal Music (声乐)
Music, MMus( performance) (音乐(表演))
Music, MMus(musicology) (音乐(乐理))
Music, PgCert(composition) (音乐(作曲))
Music, PgCert(sonic arts) (音乐(声学))
Music, BMus (音乐)
Art History and Spanish & Latin American Studies (5 years), MA (艺术史与西班牙和拉丁美洲研究(5年)(本硕连读))
German with Music Studies (5 years), MA (德语与音乐研究 本硕连读)
Mmus Vocal Music (声乐)
MMus Sonic Arts (声波艺术)
German with Music Studies, MA (德语与音乐研究 本硕连读)
English with Music Studies, MA (英语与音乐研究 本硕连读)
French with Music Studies (5 years), MA (法语与音乐研究 本硕连读)
Music Industry Studies MA (音乐行业研究)
History with Music Studies, MA (历史和音乐研究 本硕连读)
French with Music Studies, MA (法语与音乐研究 本硕连读)
Music, MMus(music education) (音乐,硕士(音乐教育))
Mmus Music (音乐)
Music, PgCert(musicology) (音乐(乐理))
Music, PgCert( music education) (音乐(音乐教育))
Law with options in Music, LLB (法律含音乐方向)
MA (Hons) Anthropology and Geography (人类学与地理)
MA (Hons) Anthropology and German (人类学与德语)
MA (Hons) Anthropology and Hispanic Studies (人类学与西班牙研究)
MA (Hons) Anthropology and History (人类学与历史)
MA (Hons) Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies and Language & (凯尔特语&盎格鲁研究与语言)
MA (Hons) Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies and History (凯尔特语&盎格鲁研究与历史)
MA (Hons) English (英语)
MA (Hons) Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies and History of Art (凯尔特语&盎格鲁研究与艺术史)
MA (Hons) English with Creative Writing (英语与创意写作)
MA (Hons) French with Music Studies (法语与音乐研究)
MA (Hons) English and Scottish Literature (英语与苏格兰文学)
MA (Hons) Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies and Literature in a World Context (凯尔特语&盎格鲁研究与文学世界环境)
MA (Hons) French and Sociology (法语与社会学)
MA (Hons) French Studies (法语研究)
MA (Hons) German and History (德语与历史)
MA (Hons) German and History of Art (德语与艺术史)
MA (Hons) German and International Relations (德语与国际关系)
MA (Hons) German with Hispanic Studies (德语与西班牙研究)
MA (Hons) Language and Linguistics (语言与语言学)
MA (Hons) International Relations and Language and Linguistics (国际关系与语言及语言学)
MA (Hons) English with Music Studies (英语与音乐研究)
MA (Hons) Behavioural Studies (行为研究)
MA (Hons) Gaelic Studies (盖尔研究)
MA (Hons) Gaelic Studies and Geography (盖尔研究与地理)
MA (Hons) Language and Linguistics and Philosophy (语言与语言学及哲学)
MA (Hons) Anthropology (人类学)
MA (Hons) Anthropology and French (人类学与法语)
MA (Hons) Anthropology and Philosophy (人类学与哲学)
MA (Hons) Anthropology and Psychology (人类学与心理)
MA (Hons) Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies and Geography (凯尔特语&盎格鲁研究与地理)
MA (Hons) Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies and Sociology (凯尔特语&盎格鲁研究与社会学)
MA (Hons) English and Gaelic Studies (英语与盖尔研究)
MA (Hons) English and Hispanic Studies (英语与西班牙研究)
MA (Hons) English and Philosophy (英语与哲学)
MA (Hons) French and German (法语与德语)
MA (Hons) Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies and Philosophy (凯尔特语&盎格鲁研究与哲学)
MA (Hons) Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies and Anthropology (凯尔特人与盎格鲁-撒克逊研究与人类学)
MA (Hons) French and Gaelic Studies (法语与盖尔研究)
MA (Hons) English and Sociology (英语与社会学)
MA (Hons) German and Language and Linguistics (德语与语言及语言学)
MA (Hons) German and Mathematics (德语与数学)
MA (Hons) German and Politics (德语与政治)
MA (Hons) German Studies (德语研究)
MA (Hons) German with Music Studies (德语与音乐研究)
MA (Hons) Religious Studies (宗教研究)
MA (Hons) Behavioural Studies and Sociology (行为研究与社会学)
MA (Hons) Behavioural Studies with French (行为研究与法语)
MA (Hons) Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies and Hispanic Studies (凯尔特语&盎格鲁研究与西班牙研究)
MA (Hons) French and Mathematics (法语与数学)
MA (Hons) French and Politics (法语与政治)
MA (Hons) Gaelic Studies and Hispanic Studies (盖尔研究与西班牙研究)
MA (Hons) Gaelic Studies and History of Art (盖尔研究与艺术史)
MA (Hons) Gaelic Studies and Literature in a World Context (盖尔研究与文学世界背景)
MA (Hons) Anthropology and English (人类学与英语)
MA (Hons) Anthropology and Gaelic (人类学与盖尔语)
MA (Hons) Anthropology and International Relations (人类学与国际关系)
MA (Hons) Anthropology and Politics (人类学与政治)
MA (Hons) Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies and German (凯尔特语&盎格鲁研究与德语)
MA (Hons) Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies and Gaelic Studies (凯尔特语&盎格鲁研究与盖尔研究)
MA (Hons) English and French (英语与法语)
MA (Hons) English and German (英语与德语)
MA (Hons) French and Geography (法语与地理)
MA (Hons) English and Religious Studies (英语与宗教研究)
MA (Hons) German and Legal Studies (德语与法律研究)
MA (Hons) German and Philosophy (德语与哲学)
MA (Hons) Hispanic Studies and Philosophy (西班牙研究与哲学)
MA (Hons) English and Literature in a World Context (英语与文学世界环境)
MA (Hons) Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies and Religious Studies (凯尔特语&盎格鲁研究与宗教研究)
MA (Hons) Behavioural Studies with Gaelic Studies (行为研究与盖尔研究)
MA (Hons) Behavioural Studies with German (行为研究与德语)
MA (Hons) French and Hispanic Studies (法语与西班牙研究)
MA (Hons) French and Philosophy (法语与哲学)
MA (Hons) French and Religious Studies (法语与宗教研究)
MA (Hons) Gaelic Studies and German (盖尔研究与德语)
MA (Hons) Hispanic Studies and Language and Linguistics (西班牙研究与语言及语言学)
MA (Hons) Languages and Literature of Scotland (文学与苏格兰语言)
MA (Hons) Legal Studies and Psychology (法律研究与心理学)
MA (Hons) Language and Linguistics and Sociology (语言与语言学及社会学)
MA (Hons) Hispanic Studies and International Relations (西班牙研究与国际关系)
MA (Hons) International Relations and Legal Studies (国际关系与法律研究)
MA (Hons) International Relations and Religious Studies (国际关系与宗教研究)
MA (Hons) European Studies (欧洲研究)
MA (Hons) Hispanic Studies and History of Art (西班牙研究与艺术史)
MA (Hons) History of Art (艺术史)
Behavioural Biology (行为生物学)
MA (Hons) Legal Studies and Politics (法律研究与政治)
MA (Hons) Politics and International Relations (政治与国际关系)
MA (Hons) Politics and Sociology (政治与社会学)
MA (Hons) Literature in a World Context (文学世界背景)
MA (Hons) Film and Visual Culture and French (电影与视觉文化与法语)
MA (Hons) Film and Visual Culture and German (电影与视觉文化及德语)
MA (Hons) Hispanic Studies (Latin America) (西班牙研究(拉美))
MA (Hons) Hispanic Studies and Mathematics (西班牙研究与数学)
MA (Hons) Hispanic Studies and Politics (西班牙研究与政治)
MA (Hons) History and International Relations (艺术与国际关系)
BSc (Hons) Archaeology (考古学)
MA (Hons) Behavioural Studies and Philosophy (行为研究与哲学)
MA (Hons) Hispanic Studies and History (西班牙研究与历史)
MA (Hons) History and Legal Studies (历史与法律研究)
MA (Hons) History and Religious Studies (历史与宗教研究)
MA (Hons) History and Sociology (历史与社会学)
MA (Hons) Natural Philosophy (自然哲学)
MA (Hons) Philosophy with Music Studies (哲学与音乐研究)
MA (Hons) Religious Studies and Sociology (宗教研究与社会学)
Hispanic Studies and International Relations (西班牙研究与国际关系)
MA (Hons) Film and Visual Culture and Gaelic Studies (电影与视觉文化及盖尔研究)
MA (Hons) Film and Visual Culture and Hispanic Studies (电影与视觉文化及西班牙研究)
MA (Hons) Hispanic Studies (Spain) (西班牙研究(西班牙))
BSc (Hons) Human Embryology and Developmental Biology (人类胚胎学、发育生物学)
MA (Hons) Psychology with German (心理学与德语)
MSci (Hons) Human Embryology and Developmental Biology (人类胚胎学、发育生物学)
MA (Hons) Archaeology and History (考古学与历史)
MA (Hons) Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies and Archaeology (凯尔特人与盎格鲁-撒克逊研究与考古学)
History with Music Studies (历史与音乐研究)
MA (Hons) History (历史)
MA (Hons) History and Politics (历史与政治)
MA (Hons) History of Art and Religious Studies (艺术史与宗教研究)
MA (Hons) Philosophy and Sociology (哲学与社会学)
MA (Hons) Anthropology and Archaeology (人类学与考古学)
MA (Hons) Anthropology and Film and Visual Culture (人类学与电影、视觉文化)
MA (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology (人类学与社会学)
MA (Hons) Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies and French (凯尔特语&盎格鲁研究与法语)
MA (Hons) Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies (凯尔特语&盎格鲁研究)
MA (Hons) Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies and Divinity (凯尔特语&盎格鲁研究与神学)
MA (Hons) Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies and Film & Visual (凯尔特语&盎格鲁研究与电影及视觉)
MA (Hons) Celtic & Anglo-Saxon Studies and English (凯尔特语&盎格鲁研究与英语)
MA (Hons) English and History (英语与历史)
MA (Hons) English and International Relations (英语与国际关系)
MA (Hons) French and History (法语与历史)
MA (Hons) English and History of Art (英语与艺术史)
MA (Hons) English and Language and Linguistics (英语与语言及语言学)
MA (Hons) French and Language and Linguistics (法语与语言及语言学)
MA (Hons) French and Legal Studies (法语与法律研究)
MA (Hons) Gaelic Studies and Language and Linguistics (盖尔研究与语言及语言学)
MA (Hons) German and Literature in a World Context (德语与文学世界背景)
MA (Hons) German and Religious Studies (德语与宗教研究)
MA (Hons) German and Sociology (德语与社会学)
MA (Hons) Hispanic Studies and Sociology (西班牙研究与社会学)
MA (Hons) French and History of Art (法语与艺术史)
MA (Hons) French and International Relations (法语与国际关系)
MA (Hons) French and Literature in a World Context (法语与文学世界背景)
MA (Hons) Gaelic Studies and Politics (盖尔研究与政治)
MA (Hons) Gaelic Studies and Sociology (盖尔研究与社会学)
MA (Hons) Gaelic Studies and Religious Studies (盖尔研究与宗教研究)
Translating and Interpreting Studies, MSc (翻译与口译研究)
Masters in Education (教育硕士)
Creative Writing, MLitt (创意写作)
MA (Hons) Hispanic Studies and Literature in a World Context (西班牙研究与文学世界背景)
MA (Hons) Film and Visual Culture (电影与视觉文化)
MA (Hons) Film and Visual Culture and History of Art (电影与视觉文化及艺术史)
MA (Hons) Film and Visual Culture and International Relations (电影与视觉文化及国际关系)
MA (Hons) Film and Visual Culture and Philosophy (电影与视觉文化及哲学)
MA (Hons) Hispanic Studies with Music Studies (西班牙研究与音乐研究)
BSc (Hons) Physical Sciences (物理哲学)
MA (Hons) Archaeology (考古学)
MA (Hons) Archaeology and History of Art (考古学与艺术史)
MA (Hons) Gaelic Studies and History (盖尔研究与历史)
MA (Hons) History and History of Art (历史与艺术史)
MA (Hons) History and Philosophy (历史与哲学)
MA (Hons) Legal Studies and Philosophy (法律研究与哲学)
MA (Hons) Politics and Religious Studies (政治与宗教研究)
German Studies (德语研究)
BSc (Hons) Behavioural Studies (行为研究)
MA (Hons) Anthropology and Religious Studies (人类学与宗教研究)
MA (Hons) Hispanic Studies and Religious Studies (西班牙研究与宗教研究)
MA (Hons) Philosophy and Physics (哲学与物理)
MA (Hons) Philosophy and Politics (哲学与政治)
MA (Hons) Philosophy and Psychology (哲学与心理学)
MA (Hons) Philosophy and Religious Studies (哲学与宗教研究)
Comparative Literature, MLitt (比较文学)
Creative Writing, PgDip (创意写作)
Creative Writing,PgDip (创意写作)
Linguistics, MRes (语言学)
Translation Studies, MSc (翻译研究)
English Language and Literature, MLitt (英语语言与文学)
PhD in Linguistics (语言学)
Cultural Heritage, MSc (文化遗产)
Community Music, BMus (社区音乐)
Secondary Education (中学研究)
steoarchaeology, MSc (骨质考古学)
Anthropology and French, MA (人类学与法语(本硕连读))
Anthropology and Philosophy, MA (人类学与哲学(本硕连读))
Anthropology and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (人类学和西班牙语与拉丁美洲研究(本硕连读))
Anthropology and Spanish & Latin American Studies (5 years), MA (人类学与西班牙和拉美研究)
Anthropology and English, MA (人类学与英语(本硕连读))
Anthropology and Gaelic Studies, MA (人类学和盖尔语研究(本硕连读))
English, MA (英语(本硕连读))
English and Film & Visual Culture, MA (英语和电影与视觉文化(本硕连读))
English and International Relations, MA (英语与国际关系(本硕连读))
English and Scottish Literature, MA (英国和苏格兰文学(本硕连读))
English with Creative Writing, MA (英语与创意写作(本硕连读))
English and French, MA (英语与法语(本硕连读))
English and History, MA (英语与历史(本硕连读))
English and Language & Linguistics, MA (英语与语言及语言学(本硕连读))
English and Philosophy, MA (英语与哲学(本硕连读))
English with Music Studies, MA (英语与音乐研究(本硕连读))
Anthropology and German, MA (人类学与德语(本硕连读))
English and Sociology, MA (英语与社会学(本硕连读))
English and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (英语和西班牙语及拉丁美洲研究(本硕连读))
English and Theology & Religion, MA (英语和神学与宗教(本硕连读))
French and Gaelic Studies, MA (法语与盖尔语研究(本硕连读))
French and German, MA (法语与德语(本硕连读))
French and History, MA (法语与历史(本硕连读))
French and International Relations, MA (法语与国际关系(本硕连读))
Gaelic Studies and Geography, MA (盖尔语研究与地理(本硕连读))
Gaelic Studies and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (盖尔语研究与西班牙及拉丁美洲研究(本硕连读))
German and International Relations, MA (德语与国际关系(本硕连读))
German and Sociology, MA (德语与社会学(本硕连读))
Language & Linguistics, MA (语言及语言学(本硕连读))
Anthropology and German (5 years), MA (人类学与德语(5年)(本硕连读))
German and History, MA (德语与历史(本硕连读))
German and Language & Linguistics, MA (德语与语言及语言学(本硕连读))
German and Legal Studies, MA (德语与法律研究(本硕连读))
German and Mathematics, MA (德语与数学(本硕连读))
Language & Linguistics and Sociology, MA (语言及语言学与社会学(本硕连读))
Language & Linguistics and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (语言及语言学与西班牙和拉丁美洲研究(本硕连读))
Language and Linguistics with Mandarin, MA (语言及语言学与中文(本硕连读))
French and Politics, MA (法语与政治学(本硕连读))
French and Sociology, MA (法语与社会学(本硕连读))
French Studies, MA (法语研究(本硕连读))
Gaelic Studies, MA (盖尔语研究(本硕连读))
Gaelic Studies and Theology & Religion, MA (盖尔语研究和神学与宗教(本硕连读))
German and Philosophy, MA (德语与哲学(本硕连读))
German and Politics, MA (德语与政治(本硕连读))
German Studies, MA (德语研究(本硕连读))
Language & Linguistics and Philosophy, MA (语言及语言学与哲学(本硕连读))
English and Spanish & Latin American Studies (5 years), MA (英语和西班牙语及拉丁美洲研究(5年)(本硕连读))
French and Legal Studies (5 years), MA (法语与法律研究(5年)(本硕连读))
German and Language & Linguistics (5 years), MA (德语与语言及语言学(5年)(本硕连读))
German and Legal Studies (5 years), MA (德语与法律研究(5年)(本硕连读))
Language & Linguistics and Spanish & Latin American Studies (5 years), MA (语言及语言学与西班牙和拉丁美洲研究(5年)(本硕连读))
Politics and Sociology, MA (政治与社会学(本硕连读))
Spanish & Latin American Studies (5 years), MA (西班牙和拉美研究(本硕连读))
Spanish & Latin American Studies and Theology & Religion, MA (西班牙和拉丁美洲研究以及神学和宗教(本硕连读))
Spanish & Latin American Studies and Theology & Religion (5 years), MA (西班牙和拉丁美洲研究以及神学和宗教(5年)(本硕连读))
Spanish & Latin American Studies with Music Studies, MA (西班牙和拉丁美洲研究与音乐研究(本硕连读))
Anthropology and Spanish & Latin American Studies (5 years), MA (人类学和西班牙语与拉丁美洲研究(5年)(本硕连读))
French and Philosophy (5 years), MA (法语与哲学(5年)(本硕连读))
French and Politics (5 years), MA (法语与政治学(5年)(本硕连读))
French and Sociology (5 years), MA (法语与社会学(5年)(本硕连读))
French Studies (5 years), MA (法语研究(5年)(本硕连读))
German and History (5 years), MA (德语与历史(5年)(本硕连读))
German and Mathematics, MA (5 years) (德语和数学(本硕连读)(5年))
German and Philosophy (5 years), MA (德语与哲学(5年)(本硕连读))
German with Music Studies (5 years), MA (德语与音乐研究(5年)(本硕连读))
Philosophy and Physics, MA (哲学与物理(本硕连读))
English and Gaelic Studies, MA (英语与盖尔语研究(本硕连读))
English and German, MA (英语与德语(本硕连读))
Philosophy and Society, MLitt (哲学和社会)
Scottish Cultural Studies (苏格兰凯尔特文化研究)
Mlitt Ethnology & Folklore (人类学与民俗学)
Mlitt Islamic Studies (爱尔兰研究)
Mlitt Modern History (近代史)
Mlitt Creative Writing (创意写作)
MSc Translation Studies MSc (翻译研究)
Human Rights (LLM) (人权)
Human Rights and Criminal Justice (LLM) (人权与犯罪司法)
MSc Latin American Studies (拉美研究)
French and Geography, MA (法语与地理学(本硕连读))
French and Language & Linguistics, MA (法语与语言及语言学(本硕连读))
French and Legal Studies, MA (法语与法律研究(本硕连读))
French and Philosophy, MA (法语与哲学(本硕连读))
French with Music Studies, MA (法语与音乐研究(本硕连读))
French and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (法语和西班牙语及拉丁美洲研究(本硕连读))
Gaelic Studies and Language & Linguistics, MA (盖尔语研究与语言及语言学(本硕连读))
Gaelic Studies and History, MA (盖尔语研究与历史(本硕连读))
Gaelic Studies and Politics, MA (盖尔语研究与政治(本硕连读))
Gaelic Studies and Sociology, MA (盖尔语研究与社会学(本硕连读))
German and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (德语及西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究(本硕连读))
German with Music Studies, MA (德语与音乐研究(本硕连读))
Anthropology and French (5 years), MA (人类学与法语(5年)(本硕连读))
English and French (5 years), MA (英语与法语(5年)(本硕连读))
English and German (5 years), MA (英语与德语(5年)(本硕连读))
Mlitt Celtic and Anglo Saxon Studies (凯尔特人与盎格鲁-撒克逊的研究)
Sex, Gender, Violence (性、性别、暴力)
Biblical Studies (圣经研究)
Mlitt Medieval and Early Modern Studies (中世纪与早期现代研究)
Theological Ethics MTh (神学伦理学)
Mlitt English Literary Studies (英国文学研究)
Criminal Justice & Human Rights (LLM) (犯罪司法与人权)
Mlitt Museum Studies (博物馆研究)
Process Safety MSc (过程安全)
French and Language & Linguistics (5 years), MA (法语与语言及语言学(5年)(本硕连读))
French with Music Studies (5 years), MA (法语与音乐研究(5年)(本硕连读))
German and Sociology (5 years), MA (德语与社会学(5年)(本硕连读))
German Studies (5 years), MA (德语研究(5年)(本硕连读))
Modern Languages and Translation & Interpreting Studies with Overseas Placement, MA (现代语言和笔译与口译研究含海外实习(本硕连读))
Philosophy and Politics, MA (哲学与政治(本硕连读))
Philosophy and Psychology, MA (哲学与心理学(本硕连读))
Philosophy and Sociology, MA (哲学与社会学(本硕连读))
Philosophy and Theology & Religion, MA (哲学和神学与宗教(本硕连读))
Scottish Studies, MA (苏格兰研究(本硕连读))
French and History (5 years), MA (法语与历史(5年)(本硕连读))
French and International Relations (5 years), MA (法语与国际关系(5年)(本硕连读))
German and International Relations (5 years), MA (德语与国际关系(5年)(本硕连读))
German and Politics (5 years), MA (德语与政治(5年)(本硕连读))
Philosophy, MA (哲学(本硕连读))
Philosophy, Politics and Economics, MA (哲学、政治与经济学(本硕连读))
French and Sociology, MA (法语与社会学 本硕连读)
French Studies (5 years), MA (法语研究 本硕连读)
English and French (5 years), MA (英语与法语 本硕连读)
French and Philosophy, MA (法语与哲学 本硕连读)
French and Politics, MA (法语与政治学 本硕连读)
English and Gaelic Studies, MA (英语与盖尔语研究 本硕连读)
English and German (5 years), MA (英语与德语 本硕连读)
English and Language & Linguistics, MA (英语与语言及语言学 本硕连读)
German Studies (5 years), MA (德语研究 本硕连读)
Philosophy and Society, PgCert (哲学和社会)
Philosophy and Society, PgDip (哲学和社会)
MScs Ecology and Environmental Sustainability (生态与环境可持续性)
English and History, MA (英语与历史 本硕连读)
English and International Relations, MA (英语与国际关系 本硕连读)
German and International Relations, MA (德语与国际关系 本硕连读)
English, MA (英语 本硕连读)
German and Language & Linguistics, MA (德语与语言及语言学 本硕连读)
Language & Linguistics, MA (语言及语言学 本硕连读)
Language & Linguistics and Spanish & Latin American Studies (5 years), MA (语言及语言学与西班牙和拉丁美洲研究 本硕连读)
Law with options in Mandarin, LLB, LLB (法律含中文方向)
German and Legal Studies (5 years), MA (德语与法律研究 本硕连读)
German and Mathematics(5 years), MA (德语与数学 本硕连读)
German and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (德语及西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究 本硕连读)
Archaeology (考古学)
Archaeology of the North (北方考古学)
Global Conflict and Peace Processes MSc (全球冲突与与平发展)
MSc Religion and Society (宗教与社会)
Modern History, MLitt (现代史)
Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (西班牙和拉丁美洲研究(本硕连读))
Spanish & Latin American Studies with Music Studies (5 years), MA (西班牙和拉丁美洲研究与音乐研究 (5 年)(本硕连读))
Literatures, Environments and Places, MLitt (文学、环境和地点)
German and Language & Linguistics (5 years), MA (德语与语言及语言学 本硕连读)
History, MA (历史 本硕连读)
Language & Linguistics and Philosophy, MA (语言及语言学与哲学 本硕连读)
Language & Linguistics and Sociology, MA (语言及语言学与社会学 本硕连读)
Psychology with French, BSc (心理学与法语)
Psychology with Gaelic, MA (心理学与盖尔语 本硕连读)
History and Politics, MA (历史与政治 本硕连读)
Anthropology and French (5 years), MA (人类学与法语 本硕连读)
French and History, MA (法语与历史 本硕连读)
French and International Relations, MA (法语与国际关系 本硕连读)
English with Creative Writing, MA (英语与创意写作 本硕连读)
German and Philosophy, MA (德语与哲学 本硕连读)
German and Politics, MA (德语与政治 本硕连读)
Mathematics with Gaelic, MA (数学和盖尔语研究 本硕连读)
Law with options in Spanish, LLB (法律含西班牙语方向)
Legal Studies and Philosophy, MA (法律研究与哲学 本硕连读)
German and Philosophy (5 years), MA (德语与哲学 本硕连读)
German and Politics (5 years), MA (德语与政治 本硕连读)
Modern Languages and Translation & Interpreting Studies with Overseas Placement, MA (现代语言和笔译与口译研究含海外实习 本硕连读)
Scandinavian Studies (Viking and Medieval Studies) (斯堪的纳维亚研究(维京与中世纪研究))
MSc Professional Communication (过程交流)
TESOL, MSc (对外英语教学)
Criminal Justice (LLM) (犯罪司法)
MSc International Relations (国际关系)
MSc International Relations and International Law (国际关系与国际法)
History and Spanish & Latin American Studies (5 years), MA (历史与西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究 本硕连读)
French and Gaelic Studies, MA (法语与盖尔语研究 本硕连读)
French and German, MA (法语与德语 本硕连读)
French and Language & Linguistics, MA (法语与语言及语言学 本硕连读)
French and Legal Studies, MA (法语与法律研究 本硕连读)
English and German, MA (英语与德语 本硕连读)
English and Philosophy, MA (英语与哲学 本硕连读)
German and Legal Studies, MA (德语与法律研究 本硕连读)
German and Mathematics, MA (德语与数学 本硕连读)
Language & Linguistics and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (语言及语言学与西班牙和拉丁美洲研究 本硕连读)
German and History (5 years), MA (德语与历史 本硕连读)
German and Sociology (5 years), MA (德语与社会学 本硕连读)
German Studies, MA (德语研究 本硕连读)
Language and Linguistics with Mandarin, MA (语言及语言学与中文 本硕连读)
Law with options in German, LLB (法律含德语方向)
MA (Hons) Divinity and German (神学与德语)
MA (Hons) Divinity and English (神学与英语)
MA (Hons) Geography (地理)
MA (Hons) Geography and German (地理与德语)
MPhys (Hons) Physics with Complex Systems Modelling (物理与复杂系统建模)
MA (Hons) Divinity and French (神学与法语)
MA (Hons) Divinity and Gaelic Studies (神学与盖尔研究)
MA (Hons) Geography and Hispanic Studies (地理与西班牙研究)
MA (Hons) Geography and International Relations (地理与国际关系)
MA (Hons) Divinity and Language and Linguistics (神学与语言及语言学)
MA (Hons) Divinity and History (神学与历史)
MA (Hons) Divinity and History of Art (神学与艺术史)
MA (Hons) Geography and History (地理与历史)
MA (Hons) Geography and Sociology (地理与社会学)
MA (Hons) Divinity and Politics (神学与政治)
MA (Hons) Divinity and Hispanic Studies (神学与西班牙研究)
MA (Hons) Mathematics with Gaelic (数学与盖尔语)
MChem (Hons) Environmental Chemistry (环境化学)
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences (Anatomy) (生物医学科学(解剖学))
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences (Developmental Biology) (生物医学科学(发展生物))
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Biology) (生物医学科学(分子生物学))
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences (Pharmacology) (生物医学科学(药物学))
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences (Physiology) (生物医学科学(生理学))
BSc (Hons) Genetics (Immunology) (遗传学(免疫学))
MSci (Hons) Genetics (Immunology) with Industrial Placement (遗传学(免疫学)(含企业实习))
MChem (Hons) Oil and Gas Chemistry (石油与天然气化学)
MA (Hons) Psychology with Gaelic (心理学与盖尔语)
BSc (Hons) Biology (生物)
MSci (Hons) Biochemistry with Industrial Placement (生物化学(含企业实习))
MSci (Hons) Genetics with Industrial Placement (遗传学(含企业实习))
MSci (Hons) Physiology with Industrial Placement (生理学(含企业实习))
BSc (Hons) Mathematics with French (数学与法语)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Gaelic (数学与盖尔语)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics with German (数学与德语)
BSc (Hons) Physics with Modern Languages (物理与现代语言)
Mathematics with Spanish (数学与西班牙语)
BSc (Hons) Physiology (生理学)
Geophysics (Geophysics Pathway), MSc (地球物理学)
Geophysics (Energy Resources Geophysics Pathway), MSc (地球物理学,能源资源)
MChem (Hons) Chemistry (化学)
BSc (Hons) Biochemistry (生物化学)
BSc (Hons) Biotechnology (Applied Molecular Biology) (生物技术(应用分子生物))
BSc (Hons) Conservation Biology (生物保护)
BSc (Hons) Genetics (遗传学)
BSc (Hons) Molecular Biology (分子生物)
MSci (Hons) Biological Sciences (生物科学)
MSci (Hons) Molecular Biology with Industrial Placement (分子生物(含企业实习))
MSci (Hons) Sports and Exercise Science with Industrial Placement (运动与锻炼科学(含企业实习))
Biotechnology (Applied Molecular Biology) with Industrial Placement (生物技术(应用分子生物)(含企业实习))
BSc (Hons) Applied Mathematics (应用数学)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Physics (数学与物理)
BSc (Hons) Physics (物理)
BSc (Hons) Physics with Geology (物理与地质学)
Ecology and Conservation, MSc (生态与保护)
MA (Hons) Divinity and Philosophy (神学与哲学)
MGeol (Hons) Geology (地质学)
Geophysics (with Pathways), MSc (地球物理学)
Analytical Chemistry, MSc (分析化学)
Archaeology, MSc (考古学)
BD (Hons) Bachelor of Divinity (神学)
BSc (Hons) Ecology (生态学)
BSc (Hons) Marine Biology (海洋生物)
BSc (Hons) Geology and Physics (地质学与物理)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics (数学)
BSc (Hons) Physics with Philosophy (物理与哲学)
BSc (Hons) Plant and Soil Science (植物与土壤科学)
BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science (运动与锻炼科学)
BTh (Hons) Theology (神学)
MA (Hons) Divinity (神学)
Applied Marine Ecology and Conservation, MSc (应用海洋生态学与保护)
BSc (Hons) Chemistry (化学)
BSc (Hons) Environmental Chemistry (环境化学)
BSc (Hons) Geography (地理)
BSc (Hons) Geography and Geoscience (地理与地理科学)
BSc (Hons) Geology and Petroleum Geology (地质学与石油地质学)
BSc (Hons) Oil and Gas Chemistry (石油与天然气化学)
MA (Hons) Applied Mathematics (应用数学)
MA (Hons) Mathematics (数学)
MA (Hons) Divinity and Sociology (神学与社会学)
MA (Hons) Mathematics and Philosophy (数学与哲学)
BSc (Hons) Zoology (动物学)
Biomolecular Archaeology, MSc (生物分子考古学)
Bioarchaeological Science, MSc (生物考古科学)
Biomedical Engineering, MSc (生物医学工程)
Biotechnology and Bioinformatics , MSc (生物技术与生物信息学)
Reproductive and Developmental Biology, MSc (生殖与发育生物学)
Subsurface Energy Engineering, MSc (地下能源工程)
Mathematics and Engineering Mathematics (数学与工程数学)
Applied Marine and Fisheries Ecology, MSc (应用海洋和渔业生态学)
Biotechnology and Bioinformatics , MSc (生物技术和生物信息学)
Archaeology of the North, ISS or MSc (北部考古学)
Drug Discovery and Development, MSc (药物发现与开发)
Environmental Pollution and Remediation, MSc (环境污染与治理)
Environmental Science, MRes (环境科学)
Environmental Science,MSc (环境科学)
Reproductive and Developmental Biology MSc ()
Decommissioning, MSc (退役)
Environmental Management, MSc (环境管理)
Global Subsea Engineering, MSc (全球海底工程)
Applied Sports Science, BSc (应用运动科学)
Biomedical Sciences (Physiology), BSc (生物医学科学(生理学))
Biological Sciences,Bsc (生物科学)
Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Biology), BSc (生物医学科学(分子生物学))
Microbiology, MSc (微生物学)
Clinical Pharmacology, MSc (临床药理学)
Cardiovascular Science and Diabetes,Msc (心血管科学与糖尿病)
Industrial Biotechnology, MSc (工业生物技术)
Biomedical Sciences (Pharmacology) with Industrial Placement, MSci (生物医学科学(药物学)含实习 (本硕连读))
Biomedical Sciences (Physiology) with Industrial Placement, MSci (生物医学科学(生理学)含实习(本硕连读))
Biotechnology (Applied Molecular Biology) with Industrial Placement, MSci (生物技术(应用分子生物学)含实习(本硕连读))
Chemistry, BSc (化学)
Environmental Science, BSc (环境科学)
Biomedical Sciences (Pharmacology), BSc (生物医学科学(药理学))
Biotechnology (Applied Molecular Biology), BSc (生物技术(应用分子生物学))
Petroleum Data Management (石油数据管理)
Animal Behaviour, BSc (动物行为学)
Anthropology and Geography, MA (人类学与地理学 (本硕连读))
Biomedical Sciences (Developmental Biology), BSc (生物医学科学(发育生物学))
Biomedical Sciences (Developmental Biology) with Industrial Placement, MSci (生物医学科学(发展生物学)含实习 (本硕连读))
Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Biology) with Industrial Placement, MSci (生物医学科学(分子生物学)含实习(本硕连读))
Biology, BSc (生物学)
Genetics (Immunology), BSc (遗传学(免疫学))
Genetics (Immunology) with Industrial Placement, MSci (遗传学(免疫学)含实习(本硕连读))
Genetics with Industrial Placement, MSci (遗传学含实习(本硕连读))
Genetics, BSc (遗传学(本硕连读))
Geography and German, MA (地理学与德语(本硕连读))
Geography and International Relations, MA (地理学与国际关系(本硕连读))
Geography and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (地理和西班牙及拉丁美洲研究(本硕连读))
Geoscience, BSc (地球科学)
Mathematics, BSc (数学)
Mathematics and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (数学与西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究(本硕连读))
Mathematics with Gaelic, BSc (数学和盖尔语研究)
Geology, BSc (地质学)
Geology and Petroleum Geology, BSc (地质学和石油地质学)
Geology and Physics, BSc (地质学和物理)
Mathematics, MA (数学(本硕连读))
Mathematics and Philosophy, MA (数学与哲学(本硕连读))
Mathematics and Physics, BSc (数学与物理)
Applied Mathematics, MA (应用数学 (本硕连读))
Chemical Engineering, MEng (化学工程(本硕连读))
Geography, MA (地理学(本硕连读))
Geography, BSc (地理学)
Geography and German, MA (LR72) (地理和德语(本硕连读))
Geography and Sociology, MA (地理学与社会学(本硕连读))
Mathematics and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA(5 years) (数学和西班牙及拉丁美洲研究(本硕连读)(5年))
Physics with Geology, BSc (物理与地质学)
Physiology with Industrial Placement, MSci (生理学含实习(本硕连读))
Plant and Soil Science, BSc (植物和土壤科学)
Microbiology, BSc (微生物学)
Molecular Biology, BSc (分子生物学)
Physics, BSc (物理学)
Physiology, BSc (生理学)
Ecology, BSc (生态学)
Applied Mathematics, BSc (应用数学)
Biochemistry with Industrial Placement, MSci (生物化学(本硕连读)(含实习))
Biochemistry, BSc (生物化学)
Biological Sciences, BSc (生物科学)
Environmental Chemistry, BSc (环境化学)
Zoology, BSc (动物学)
Integrated Petroleum Geoscience, MSc (综合石油地质科学)
Oil and Gas Enterprise Management MSc (石油与天然气企业管理)
MSc Human Nutrition (人类营养学)
MSc Immunology (免疫学)
MSc Soil Science (土壤科学)
LLM Oil & Gas Law with Professional Skills (LLM) (石油天然气法律与专业技能)
MSc Strategic Studies (战略研究)
MSc Environmental Science (环境科学)
Chemistry for Sustainable Energy, MSc (可持续能源化学)
International Dispute Resolution with Dissertation, LLM (国际争端解决(含论文))
Advanced Energy Materials, MSc (高级能源材料)
Geophysics, MSc (地球物理学)
Health Data Science, MSc (健康数据科学)
Medical Imaging, MSc (医学影像学)
Petroleum Data Management, MSc (石油数据管理)
Psychological Studies, MSc (心理学研究)
Strategic Studies and Energy Security, MSc (战略研究和能源安全)
Human Embryology and Developmental Biology, BSc (人类胚胎学和发育生物学)
Human Embryology and Developmental Biology with Industrial Placement, MSci (人类胚胎学和发育生物学含实习(本硕连读))
Chemistry (5 years), MChem (化学(5年)(本硕连读))
Environmental Chemistry (5 years), MChem (环境化学(5年)(本硕连读))
Psychological Studies with Organisational Psychology MSc (心理研究与组织心理学)
Psychological Studies with Applied Developmental Psychology MSc (心理研究与应用发展心理学)
MSc Oil & Gas Chemistry (石油与天然气化学)
Oil and Gas Innovation MSc (石油与天然气创新)
Anthropology and Archaeology, MA (人类学与考古学 本硕连读)
Biomedical Sciences (Anatomy) with Industrial Placement, MSci (生物医学科学(解剖学)含实习 本硕连读)
Biomedical Sciences (Anatomy), BSc (生物医学科学(解剖学))
Psychological Studies with Applied Developmental Psychology, MSc (心理学研究与应用发展心理学)
Psychological Studies with Organisational Psychology, MSc (心理学研究与组织心理学)
Soil Science, MSc (土壤科学)
Applied Mathematics, MA (应用数学 本硕连读)
Biotechnology (Applied Molecular Biology) with Industrial Placement, MSci (生物技术(应用分子生物学)含实习 本硕连读)
Biochemistry with Industrial Placement, MSci (生物化学含实习)
Biomedical Sciences (Developmental Biology) with Industrial Placement, MSci (生物医学科学(发展生物学)含实习 本硕连读)
Biomedical Sciences (Pharmacology) with Industrial Placement, MSci (生物医学科学(药物学)含实习 本硕连读)
Biomedical Sciences (Physiology) with Industrial Placement, MSci (生物医学科学(生理学)含实习 本硕连读)
Chemistry (5 years), MChem (化学 本硕连读)
Molecular Biology with Industrial Placement, MSci (分子生物学含实习(本硕连读))
Marine Biology, BSc (海洋生物学(本硕连读))
Mathematics with Gaelic, MA (数学和盖尔语研究(本硕连读))
Microbiology with Industrial Placement, MSci (微生物学含实习(本硕连读))
Physical Sciences, BSc (物理科学)
Physics with Philosophy, BSc (物理与哲学)
Environmental Chemistry (5 years), MChem (环境化学 本硕连读)
Conservation Biology, BSc (保护生物学)
Gaelic Studies and Geography, MA (盖尔语研究与地理 本硕连读)
Geography and International Relations, MA (地理学与国际关系 本硕连读)
German and History, MA (德语与历史 本硕连读)
French and Geography, MA (法语与地理学 本硕连读)
Immunology and Pharmacology with Industrial Placement, MSci (免疫学与药理学含实习 本硕连读)
MSc Applied Marine and Fisheries Ecology (应用海洋与渔业生态学)
Human Embryology and Developmental Biology with Industrial Placement, MSci (人类胚胎学和发育生物学含实习 本硕连读)
Genetics (Immunology) with Industrial Placement, MSci (遗传学(免疫学)含实习 本硕连读)
Genetics with Industrial Placement, MSci (遗传学含实习 本硕连读)
Medicine, MBChB (医学 本硕连读)
Geographical Information Systems MSc (地理信息系统)
Geophysics MSc (地球物理学)
Marine Conservation, MSc (海洋保护)
Molecular Medicine, MSc (分子医学)
Geography, MA (地理学 本硕连读)
Mathematics and Philosophy, MA (数学与哲学 本硕连读)
Mathematics and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (数学和西班牙及拉丁美洲研究 本硕连读)
Microbiology with Industrial Placement, MSci (微生物学含实习 本硕连读)
Immunology and Pharmacology, BSc (免疫学与药理学)
Immunology, BSc (免疫学)
Philosophy and Physics, MA (哲学与物理 本硕连读)
Philosophy and Psychology, MA (哲学与心理学 本硕连读)
Psychology and Sociology, MA (心理学与社会学 本硕连读)
Psychology, BSc (心理学)
Mathematics, MA (数学 本硕连读)
Pharmacology, BSc (药理学)
Animal Behaviour and Welfare, BSc (动物行为学及福祉)
Archaeology, BSc (考古学)
Archaeology, MA (考古学 本硕连读)
Geography and Spanish & Latin American Studies(5 years), MA (地理和西班牙及拉丁美洲研究 本硕连读)
Geology (5 years), MGeol (地质学 本硕连读)
Mathematics and Spanish & Latin American Studies(5 years), MA (数学和西班牙及拉丁美洲研究(5 years) 本硕连读)
Psychology with French, MA (心理学与法语 本硕连读)
Molecular Biology with Industrial Placement, MSci (分子生物学含实习 本硕连读)
Neuroscience with Psychology, BSc (神经科学与心理学)
Psychology with German, MA (心理学与德语 本硕连读)
Geography and Spanish & Latin American Studies, MA (地理和西班牙及拉丁美洲研究 本硕连读)
Legal Studies and Psychology, MA (法律研究与心理学 本硕连读)
Psychological Studies with Mental Health MSc (心理研究与心理健康)
Analytical Chemistry (分析化学)
MSc Genetics (遗传学)
MSc Microbiology (微生物学)
MTh Systematic Theology (系统神学)
LLM Oil and Gas Law with Dissertation (LLM) (石油与天然气法律论文)
MSc People and the Environment (人与环境)
MSc Strategic Studies and International Law (战略研究与国际法)
MSc Strategic Studies and Management (战略研究与管理)
Integrated Petroleum Geoscience MSc (综合石油地球科学)
Health Psychology, MSc (健康心理学)
Physiology with Industrial Placement, MSci (生理学含实习 本硕连读)
Medical Physics, MSc (医学物理学)
Osteoarchaeology, MSc (骨质考古学)
Planetary Sciences, MSc (行星科学)
Psychological Studies with Mental Health, MSc (心理学研究与心理健康)
Soil Science, MRes (土壤科学)
Sustainable Energy Geoscience, MSc (可持续能源地球科学)
Anthropology and Geography, MA (人类学与地理学 本硕连读)
Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Biology) with Industrial Placement, MSci (生物医学科学(分子生物学)含实习 本硕连读)
Genetics, BSc (遗传学)
Immunology with Industrial Placement, MSci (免疫学含实习 本硕连读)
Geography and German, MA (地理学与德语 本硕连读)
Geography and Sociology, MA (地理学与社会学 本硕连读)
Neuroscience with Psychology with Industrial Placement, MSci (神经科学与心理学含实习 本硕连读)
Pharmacology with Industrial Placement, MSci (药理学含实习 本硕连读)
Law with Computing Science, LLB (法律和计算机科学)
Marine Biology, BSc (海洋生物学)
Psychology, MA (心理学 本硕连读)
Sports and Exercise Science, BSc (体育和运动科学)
Psychology with Counselling Skills, MA (心理学与咨询 本硕连读)
BSc (Hons) Exercise and Health Science (锻炼与健康科学)
BSc (Hons) Neuroscience with Psychology (神经科学与心理学)
MSci (Hons) Exercise and Health Science with Industrial Placement (锻炼与健康科学(含企业实习))
MSci (Hons) Neuroscience with Psychology with Industrial Placement (神经科学与心理学(含企业实习))
BSc (Hons) Psychology with French (心理学与法语)
MA (Hons) Psychology (心理学)
MA (Hons) Mental Philosophy (心理哲学)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with German (心理学与德语)
MA (Hons) Psychology and Sociology (心理学与社会学)
MA (Hons) Psychology with French (心理学与法语)
Psychological Studies with Organisational Psychology (心理研究与组织心理学)
BSc (Hons) Psychology (心理学)
Global Health and Management, MSc (全球健康与管理)
Psychology with Gaelic (心理学与盖尔语)
Person-Centred Counselling, PgCert (咨询)
Psychological Studies with Mental Health (心理研究与心理健康)
Person-Centred Counselling, PgDip (咨询)
Environmental Management,Msc (环境管理)
Anthropology and Psychology, MA (人类学与心理学(本硕连读))
Exercise and Health Science, BSc (运动与健康科学)
Exercise and Health Science with Industrial Placement, MSci (运动与健康科学(含实习)(本硕连读))
Psychology, MA (心理学(本硕连读))
Psychology and Sociology, MA (心理学与社会学(本硕连读))
Psychology with French, MA (心理学与法语(本硕连读))
Applied Health Sciences,PgCert (应用健康科学)
Psychological Studies (MSc) (心理学研究)
Psychology with Gaelic, MA (心理学与盖尔语(本硕连读))
Sports and Exercise Science with Industrial Placement, MSci (体育和运动科学含实习(本硕连读))
Applied Health Sciences,MSc (应用健康科学)
Human Nutrition, MSc (人类营养学)
Person-Centred Counselling, MSc (咨询)
Person - Centred Counselling (Children and Young People) MSc (咨询(儿童和青少年))
MSc Health Psychology (健康心理学)
Anthropology and Psychology, MA (人类学与心理学 本硕连读)
Psychology with German, MA (心理学与德语(本硕连读))
Psychology with Counselling Skills, MA (心理学与咨询(本硕连读))
Immunology & Immunotherapy, MSc (免疫学和免疫疗法)
Psychology, MRes (心理学)
Master of Public Health (公共健康)
MScp Global Health and Management (全球健康与管理)
Exercise and Health Science with Industrial Placement, MSci (运动与健康科学含实习 本硕连读)
Applied Health Sciences,PgDip (应用健康科学)
Sports and Exercise Science with Industrial Placement, MSci (体育和运动科学含实习 本硕连读)
Master of Public Health, MPH (公共健康)
Physician Associate Studies, MSc (医师助理研究)
MA (Hons) Sociology (社会学)
MA (Hons) International Relations and Sociology (国际关系与社会学)
Global Business Communication,PgCert (全球商业通讯)
Public Policy, MSc (公共政策)
Strategic Studies and Diplomacy, MSc (战略研究与外交)
Sustainable Water Management, MSc-Hydrological sciences pathway (可持续水资源管理-水文科学方向)
Sustainable Water Management, MSc-Open pathway (可持续水资源管理-开放式课程)
Archaeology of the North, MSc (北方考古学)
Energy Politics and Law, MSc (能源政治与法律)
Environmental Science, MSc (环境科学)
Museum Studies, MLitt (博物馆研究)
Person - Centred Counselling (Children, Young People and Adults), MSc (以人为本的辅导(儿童、青少年和成人))
Sustainable Water Management, MSc-Water and Society pathway (可持续水资源管理-水与社会方向)
Sustainability Transitions, MSc (可持续发展转型)