Queen's University Belfast
英文名:Queen&rquo; Univerity of Belfat
本科课程及研究生课程包括: 医学、药学、牙科、各种工程、法律、财务、信息管理、经济、社会科学、文科、农业及食品科学,各种理科专业。
1999年The Time评估等级:评估总分第43名,教学质量第15名,科研质量第25名,入学标准第28名,师生比例第26名,图书电脑经费第13名,设备经费第5名,获荣誉学位的学生比例第17名,毕业去向第6名
1999年Sunday Time评估等级:第36名
2000年The Time评估等级:评估总分第33名
2000年Financial Time评估等级:第33名(99年:第27名)
从2006年至2011年,女王大学将投入2.59亿英镑(近40亿人民币)作为学校的建设与发展基金。学校投资900万英镑扩建了学生会大楼,增添了各种休闲与活动场所。学校投资4500万英镑建造的Sir Anthony O&rquo;Reily 图书馆于2009年投入使用,这个图书馆将会是全英所有大学中设施最好的图书馆。
学校投资4500万英镑新修建了学生宿舍 - Elm Student Village。现在学校有2100多间各种类型的学生宿舍。主要的宿舍区Elm Village位于贝尔法斯特市最高档的居民住宅区内,从宿舍到学校主楼只需步行10分钟左右。 学校保证为国际留学生提供至少第一年的宿舍,费用从每周55英镑到78英镑不等,住房内配有厨房与网络。
学校投入700万英镑扩建的体育教育中心是全英所有大学中最大的运动中心。体育教育中心(PEC)的运动设施有:配有120件健身器材的健身厅、舞厅、25米长的游泳池、潜水池、桑拿室、多功能运动厅、壁球场、武术馆等。 学校的竞技场可为橄榄球、英式足球、盖尔足球、曲棍球、康华尔足球、板球等运动提供场地。 学校还拥有划艇中心和高尔夫球场。 女王大学的学生会设有50多个运动俱乐部为学生提供各种比赛及休闲娱乐运动。
欧共体新生人数和所占比例:162 ( 5.4% )
海外新生人数和所占比例:44( 1.5% )
Economics (MSc) (经济学)
International Business (Major) with Spanish (国际商务含西班牙语)
International Year One in Accounting (会计专业国际大一)
International Year One in Management and Finance (管理与金融国际大一)
International Business (MSc) (国际商务)
Risk and Investment Management [full-time option] (MSc) (风险与投资管理)
Finance with a Year in Industry (金融含实习)
Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
Human Resource Management MSc (人力资源管理)
Economics MSc (经济学)
International Business MSc (国际商务)
Accounting and Finance (MSc) (会计与金融)
Management (MSc) (管理)
International Business (Major) with French (国际商务含法语)
International Business (Major) With Mandarin (国际商务含普通话)
Accounting (Major) with French BSc (会计含法语)
Business Analytics MSc (商务分析)
Management MSc (管理学)
Marketing MSc (市场营销)
Risk and Investment Management MSc (风险与投资管理)
Actuarial Science and Risk Management BSc Honours (精算与风险管理)
Business Economics BSc Honours (商务经济)
Economics (Major) with Spanish BSC HONS (西班牙经济)
International Business (Major) with Portuguese BSc Honours (国际商务(葡萄牙语))
International Business (Major) with Spanish BSc Honours (国际商务(西班牙语))
Accounting (会计)
Economics (Major) with Spanish (经济学含西班牙语)
Economics and Accounting (经济学与会计)
Finance with a Year in Industry (金融学(含实习))
International Business (Major) with German (国际商务含德语)
Business Information Technology Incl Professional Experience (商业信息技术(含实习))
Finance (MSc) (金融)
Human Resource Management (MSc) (人力资源管理)
Marketing (MSc) (市场营销)
International Business (Major) with Portuguese (国际商务含葡萄牙语)
Accounting (Major) with French (会计含法语)
Accounting (Major) with Spanish (会计与西班牙语)
Actuarial Science and Risk Management (精算科学与风险管理)
BSc Economics and Accounting ()
Business Economics (商务经济学)
Actuarial Science (精算科学)
Finance MSc (金融)
Master of Business Administration MBA (工商管理)
Quantitative Finance MSc (计量金融)
Finance with a Year in Industry BSc Honours (金融(含企业实习))
International Business with German BSc Honours (国际商务(德语))
Economics BSc Hons (经济学)
Economics (Major) with Finance BSc Hons (金融经济学)
International Business (Major) with French BSc Honours (国际商务(法语))
Graduate Diploma in Social Sciences (硕预)
Mechanical Engineering with Management (机械工程与管理)
Economics and Accounting BSc Hons (经济学与会计)
Economics (Major) with French BSc HONS (法国经济)
Economics (经济学)
Economics (Major) with French (经济学含法语)
Economics (Major) with Finance (金融经济学)
Accounting (Major) with Hispanic Studies (会计含西班牙研究)
Mathematics with Finance (数学与金融)
Pre-Master's in Management ()
Business Management with Placement (商务管理含实习)
Graduate Diploma in Finance (金融专业硕士预科)
Graduate Diploma in Finance with Pre-Sessional English (金融学硕士预科含语言课程)
Graduate Diploma in Management (管理学硕士预科)
International Foundation in Business, Humanities and Social Sciences (商务、人文与社科专业本科预科)
Graduate Diploma in Management with Pre-sessional English (管理专业硕士预科含语言课程)
Actuarial Science (精算学)
Economics (Major) with Finance (经济学含金融)
Finance (金融)
Master of Business Administration (with Internship) (工商管理(含实习))
Risk and Investment Management (风险与投资管理)
Financial Analytics (金融分析)
Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
Management (管理)
Marketing (市场营销)
Business Analytics (商业分析)
International Business (国际商务)
Master of Business Administration (工商管理)
International Year One in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (机械工程与制造工程国际大一)
Environmental and Civil Engineering MEng (环境与土木工程(本硕连读))
Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
MSc Applied Cyber Security (网络安全)
Product Design Engineering - Sandwich (产品设计工程含实习)
Product Design Engineering MEng (产品设计工程(本硕连读))
Aerospace Engineering MPhil (航空航天工程)
Construction and Project Management MSc (建造与项目管理)
Environmental Engineering MSc (环境工程)
Mechanical Engineering Sandwich MEng (机械工程(本硕连读含实习))
Environmental Engineering PgDip (环境工程)
International Diploma in Chemical Engineering (化学工程国际大一)
International Year One in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (电子电气工程国际大一)
Chemical Engineering with a Year in Industry (化学工程含实习)
Environmental and Civil Engineering with a year in industry MEng (环境与土木工程(本硕连读含实习))
Mechanical Engineering with Management MSc (机械工程与管理)
Mechanical Engineering with Management and Industrial Internship MSc (机械工程与管理含实习)
Civil Engineering MPhil (土木工程)
Mechanical Engineering BEng Honours (机械工程)
Product Design Engineering BEng Honours (产品设计工程)
Mechanical Engineering FD (机械工程)
Mechanical Engineering MEng (机械工程(本硕连读))
Product Design Engineering (产品设计工程)
Electrical & Electronic Engineering MPhil (电气与电子工程)
Aerospace Engineering BEng Honours (航天航空工程)
Mechanical Engineering MEng Honours (机械工程)
MSc Applied Cyber Security with Professional Internship (应用网络安全与专业实习)
MSc Materials Science and Engineering (材料科学与工程)
Mechanical Engineering Sandwich (机械工程(含实习))
Mechanical Engineering Sandwich MEng (机械工程(本硕连读)(含实习))
International Year One in Aerospace Engineering (航空航天工程国际大一)
International Diploma in Civil Engineering (土木工程)
Chemical Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng (化学工程(本硕连读课程含实习))
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (电气和电子工程)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng (电子和电气工程(本硕连读))
Software Engineering With Placement (软件工程(含实习))
Software Engineering With Placement MEng (软件工程(本硕连读)(含实习))
Chemical Engineering (化学工程)
Chemical Sciences FD (化学科学)
Civil Engineering with a year in industry MEng (土木工程(本硕连读含实习))
Mechanical Engineering Sandwich (机械工程含实习)
Product Design Engineering - Sandwich MEng (产品设计工程(本硕连读含实习))
Product Design Engineering - Sandwich (产品设计工程(含实习))
Civil Engineering MEng (土木工程(本硕连读))
Materials Science and Engineering MSc (材料科学与工程)
Mechanical Engineering with Management PgDip (机械工程与管理)
Net Zero Engineering with Year in Industry MSc (净零工程含实习)
Mechanical Engineering MPhil (机械工程)
Construction and Project Management with Industrial Internship MSc (建造与项目管理含企业实习)
Materials Science and Engineering with Professional Internship MSc (材料科学与工程含实习)
Net Zero Engineering MSc (净零工程)
Chemical Engineering MPhil (化学工程)
Applied Cyber Security with Professional Internship (MSc) (应用网络安全 (带实习))
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Sandwich (电气和电子工程(含实习))
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Sandwich MEng (电子和电气工程(本硕连读)(含实习))
Product Design Engineering - Sandwich MEng (产品设计工程(本硕连读)(含实习))
Civil Engineering with a year in industry MEng (土木工程(本硕连读)(含实习))
Aerospace Engineering Sandwich MEng (航空航天工程(本硕连读课程,含实习))
Chemical Engineering MEng (化学工程(本硕连读课程))
Civil Engineering Year in Industry (土木工程含实习)
Computer Engineering (计算机工程)
Computer Engineering (with Year in Industry) (计算机工程含实习)
Civil Engineering (土木工程)
Civil Engineering Year in Industry (土木工程(含实习))
Environmental and Civil Engineering with a year in industry MEng (环境与土木工程(本硕连读)(含实习))
Aerospace Engineering MEng (航空航天工程(本硕连读课程))
Aerospace Engineering Sandwich (航空航天工程(含实习))
Aerospace Engineering (航空航天工程)
Computer Engineering MEng (计算机工程(本硕连读))
Computer Engineering (with Year in Industry) MEng (计算机工程(本硕连读含实习))
Aerospace Engineering MEng Honours (航天航空工程)
MSc Construction Management and Engineering ()
International Year One in Engineering ()
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Sandwich MEng (电子和电气工程(本硕连读含实习))
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Sandwich (电气和电子工程含实习)
International Foundation in Engineering and Science (工程与理学本科预科)
Mechanical Engineering Msc ()
Electronics with Professional Internship (电子(含实习))
Industrial Pharmaceutics (工业制药学)
Mechanical Engineering with Management and Industrial Internship (机械工程与管理(含实习))
Environmental Engineering (MSc) (环境工程)
Violence, Terrorism and Security (MA) (暴力、恐怖主义与安全)
Building Information Modelling Project Management (MSc) (建筑信息模型项目管理)
Construction and Project Management with Industrial Internship (MSc) (施工与项目管理(含企业实习))
Future Urbanism MSc (未来城市化)
City Planning and Design MSc (城市规划与设计)
Architecture (MArch) (建筑)
European Planning MPlan (欧洲规划(本硕连读))
Planning MPhil (规划)
Planning, Environment and Development BSc Honours (规划、环境与开发)
Structural Engineering with Architecture MEng (结构工程与建筑(本硕连读))
Building Information Modelling Project Management MSc (建筑信息模型项目管理)
Architecture MPhil (建筑学)
MSc Construction and Project Management (施工与项目管理)
Planning and Development (MSc) (规划与发展)
Planning, Environment and Development (规划,环境与发展)
Structural Engineering with Architecture with a year in industry MEng (结构工程与建筑(本硕连读含实习))
Architecture MArch (建筑学)
City Planning and Design PgCert (城市规划与设计)
Structural Engineering with Architecture with a year in industry MEng (结构工程与建筑(本硕连读)(含实习))
Planning and Development MSc (规划与发展)
Advanced Architectural Design MSc (高级建筑设计)
Planning and Development PgCert (规划与发展)
Construction and Project Management (MSc) (施工与项目管理)
Architecture BSc Honours (建筑)
Civil Engineering BEng Honours (土木工程)
City Planning and Design ()
Architecture (建筑学)
PHD Environmental Planning ()
Construction and Project Management with Industrial Internship (建筑与项目管理(含实习))
International Foundation in Architecture (建筑专业本科预科)
Advanced Architectural Design (高级建筑设计)
Building Information Modelling Project Management (建筑信息模型项目管理)
City Planning and Design (城市规划与设计)
Planning and Development (规划与发展)
Construction and Project Management (建筑与项目管理)
Applied Behaviour Analysis (MSc) (高级行为分析)
Educational Leadership (MSc) (教育领导)
Educational Studies (MEd) (教育研究)
Autism Spectrum Disorders (MSc) (自闭症谱系障碍)
MSc in Children's Rights (儿童权)
Education (Religious Education) PGCE (教育(宗教教育))
Education (Science) PGCE (教育(科学))
Educational Studies MEd (教育研究)
Education (English) PGCE (教育(英语))
Educational Leadership MSc (教育领导学)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (MSc) (对外英语教学)
History (MA) (历史)
Education (Modern Languages) PGCE (教育(现代语言))
Education (Social Science) PGCE (教育(社会科学))
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MSc (对外英语教学)
Inclusion and Special Educational Needs (MEd) (包容与特殊需要教育)
Clinical Education PgCert (临床医学教育)
Education (Mathematics) PGCE (教育(数学))
Inclusion and Special Educational Needs MEd (包容与特殊需求教育)
English - Poetry (MA) (英语 - 诗)
Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages and Applied Linguistics (对外英语教学和应用语言学)
Inclusion and Special Educational Needs (融合与特殊教育需求)
Educational Studies (教育研究)
Educational Leadership (教育领导力)
Mathematics and Computer Science (数学与计算机科学)
Software Engineering MEng (软件工程(本硕连读))
Electronics (MSc) (电子)
Electronics with Professional Internship (MSc) (电子含专业实习)
Software Development MSc (软件开发)
Software Engineering With Placement MEng (软件工程(本硕连读含实习))
Business Information Technology Incl Professional Experience BSc Honours (商务信息技术(含企业实习))
Computer Science MEng Honours (计算机科学)
Software and Electronic Systems Engineering MEng (软件与电子系统工程)
Computer Engineering (with Year in Industry) (计算机工程(含实习))
Mathematics and Computer Science MSci (数学与计算机科学(本硕连读))
Software Development (MSc) (软件开发)
Data Science with Year of Professional Experience (数据科学(含实习))
Software Engineering with Digital Technology Partnership (软件工程与数字技术合作)
Computer Science Incl Professional Experience MEng (计算机科学(本硕连读含实习))
Software Engineering With Placement (软件工程含实习)
Applied Cyber Security MSc (应用网络安全)
Applied Cyber Security with Professional Internship MSc (应用网络安全含实习)
Information Technology and Computing PGCE (信息技术与计算机)
Computer Science MPhil (计算机科学)
Software and Electronic Systems Engineering BEng Honours (软件与电子系统工程)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (电子与电气工程)
Computer Science MEng (计算机科学(本硕连读))
Computer Science Professional Experience (计算机科学(含实习))
Computer Engineering (with Year in Industry) MEng (计算机工程(本硕连读)(含实习))
Computer Science Incl Professional Experience MEng (计算机科学(本硕连读)(含实习))
Computing and Information Technology Incl Professional Experience (计算机与信息技术(含实习))
Computer Science BEng (计算机科学)
Computer Science Professional Experience (计算机科学含实习)
BSc Mathematics and Computer Science (计算机科学与数学学士)
Business Information Technology Incl Professional Experience (商业信息技术含实习)
Computing and Information Technology Incl Professional Experience (计算机与信息技术含实习)
MSc Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)
Computer Engineering BEng (计算机工程)
International Year One ()
Applied Cyber Security (应用网络安全)
Applied Cyber Security with Professional Internship (应用网络安全(含实习))
Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)
Data Analytics (数据分析)
BSc Computer Science Professional Experience ()
Electronics (电子产品)
Software Development (软件开发)
Film MA (电影)
Media and Broadcast Production PgDip (媒体与广播制作)
Broadcast Production (广播节目制作)
Media and Broadcast Production MA (媒体与广播制作)
Film and Theatre Making (电影与剧院制作)
Film Studies and Production (电影研究与制作)
Arts Management MA (艺术管理)
Music (音乐)
Music Performance (音乐表演)
Music and Sound Design (音乐与音效设计)
Drama and English BA Honours (戏剧与英语)
Drama BA Honours (戏剧)
French and Irish (法语与爱尔兰语)
English and Film Studies (英语与电影研究)
English and French (英语与法语)
Music and Audio Production (音乐与音频制作)
Film Studies and Production BA HONS (电影研究)
Drama (戏剧)
Music BMus Honours (音乐)
Drama and English (戏剧与英语)
English and History (英语与历史)
Media and Broadcast Production (媒体与广播制作)
Audio Engineering (音频工程)
Audio-visual Post Production PgCert (音像后期制作)
Arts and Humanities (艺术与人文)
Arts Management (艺术管理)
Film (电影)
Anthropology (MA) (人类学)
Politics (MA) (政治)
French and International Relations (法语与国际关系)
History (历史)
English (英语)
French (法语)
French and Spanish (法语与西班牙语)
History and Sociology (历史与社会学)
History and Spanish (历史与西班牙语)
Irish and Spanish (爱尔兰语与西班牙语)
Politics (政治)
Spanish (西班牙语)
English - Literary Studies PgDip (英语-文学研究)
Philosophy and Politics (哲学与政治)
Politics, Philosophy and Economics (政治,哲学与经济学)
English - Creative Writing PgDip (英语-创意写作)
English - Creative Writing MA (英语-创意写作)
Interpreting (MA) (翻译)
English Literary Studies (MA) (英国文学研究)
International Relations (MA) (国际关系)
English and Linguistics (英语与语言学)
English and Philosophy (英语与哲学)
English with Creative Writing (英语与创意写作)
French and History (法语与历史)
French and Portuguese (法语与葡萄牙语)
History and Philosophy (历史与哲学)
Politics PgDip (政治)
Politics MA (政治)
Public History MA (公共历史)
Philosophy MPhil (哲学)
History and Irish BA Joint Honours (历史与爱尔兰)
History and Politics BA Joint Honours (历史与政治)
Irish and Politics BA Joint Honours (爱尔兰语与政治)
Irish and Spanish BA Joint Honours (爱尔兰语与西班牙)
Spanish BA Single Honours (西班牙语)
Irish (爱尔兰语)
Liberal Arts (文学)
Philosophy (哲学)
Politics and Spanish (政治与西班牙语)
Spanish and Portuguese (西班牙语与葡萄牙语)
English - Poetry PgDip (英语-诗歌)
International Politics and Conflict Studies BA Honours (国际政治与冲突研究)
Politics BA Single Honours (政治)
Politics and Spanish BA Joint Honours (政治与西班牙)
Politics, Philosophy and Economics BA Honours (政治、哲学与经济)
English and Politics BA HONS (英语与政治)
English and Sociology BA HONS (英语与社会学)
English and Spanish BA HONS (英语与西班牙语)
History and International Studies BA Honours (历史与国际研究)
History and Philosophy BA Honours (历史与哲学)
English and Sociology (英语与社会学)
English and Spanish (英语与西班牙语)
French and Politics (法语与政治)
Anthropology and French (人类学和法语)
International Relations and Irish (国际关系与爱尔兰语)
English - Creative Writing (MA) (英语[创意写作])
English and Film Studies (BA HONS) (英语与电影研究)
English and French BA HONS (英语与法语)
English BA HONS (英语)
French and History BA HONS (法语与历史)
French and Irish BA HONS (法语与爱尔兰语)
French and Politics BA Honours (法语与政策)
English and Irish (英语与爱尔兰语)
English and Politics (英语与政治)
International Relations and Spanish (国际关系与西班牙语)
Irish Studies (MA) (爱尔兰研究)
Theology (MTh) (神学)
Arts Management (MA) (文学管理)
Translation (MA) (翻译)
Conflict Transformation and Social Justice (MA) (冲突转型与社会正义)
History and International Relations (历史与国际关系)
History and Politics (历史与政治)
Anthropology and History (人类学与历史)
Mathematics with French (数学与法语)
Mathematics with Spanish (数学与西班牙语)
Archaeology with Portuguese (考古学与葡萄牙语)
Archaeology with Spanish (考古学与西班牙语)
Archaeology-Palaeoecology (考古学-古生态学)
Physics with Medical Applications MSci (物理与医学应用(本硕连读))
Physics with Spanish (物理与西班牙语)
Geography with a Language (地理与语言)
Interpreting MA (口译)
International Studies and Politics BA Joint Honours (国际研究与政治)
Irish BA Single Honours (爱尔兰)
Philosophy and Politics BA Joint Honours (哲学与政治)
English - Literary Studies MA (英语-文学研究)
English - Poetry MA (英语-诗歌)
History MA (历史)
Translation MA (翻译)
History BA Honours (历史)
History and Spanish BA Joint Honours (历史与西班牙)
International Studies and Irish BA Joint Honours (国际研究与爱尔兰)
English and History BA Hons (英语与历史)
English and Linguistics BA HONS (英语与语言学)
French and Portuguese BA Honours (法语与葡萄牙语)
French and Spanish BA Honours (法语与西班牙语)
French BA Honours (法语)
History and Sociology BA Honours (历史与社会学)
Irish and Politics (爱尔兰语与政治)
Anthropology and English (人类学与英语)
Anthropology and Spanish (人类学与西班牙语)
International Studies and Spanish BA Joint Honours (国际研究与西班牙)
Philosophy BA Single Honours (哲学)
English and Irish BA HONS (英语与爱尔兰)
English and Philosophy BA HONS (英语与哲学)
Law (Major) with Spanish (法学与西班牙语)
Physics with French MSci (物理与法语(本硕连读))
Physics with French MPhys (物理与法语(本硕连读))
Physics with Spanish MSci (物理与西班牙语(本硕连读))
Physics with Spanish MPhys (物理与西班牙语(本硕连读))
English with Creative Writing BA HONS (英语与创意写作)
French and History (法语和历史)
Irish and History (爱尔兰语与历史)
Philosophy and Politics (Philosophy and Politics)
Archaeology MSci (考古学(本硕连读))
Archaeology with French (考古学与法语)
Physics with French (物理与法语)
Archaeology (考古学)
Archaeology and Irish (考古学与爱尔兰语)
Interpreting (口译)
English - Creative Writing PgDip (英语 - 创意写作)
Linguistics PgDip (语言学)
Linguistics (语言学)
Philosophy PgDip (哲学)
Philosophy MA (哲学)
English - Creative Writing (英语 - 创意写作)
English - Literary Studies (英语 - 文学研究)
English - Poetry (英语 - 诗歌)
Translation (翻译)
Irish Studies (爱尔兰研究)
Public History (公共历史)
Leadership for Sustainable Development (MSc) (领导可持续发展)
Leadership for Sustainable Rural Development (MSc) (领导乡村可持续发展)
Clinical Anatomy (MSc) (临床解剖学)
Youth Justice (MSc) (青少年司法)
Geography with a Language (地理学含语言)
Mathematics (数学)
Mathematics MSci (数学(本硕连读))
Microbiology MSci (微生物学(本硕连读))
Microbiology with Professional Studies MSci (微生物学(本硕连读含实习))
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (MSc) (分子生物学与生物技术)
Environmental Management with Professional Studies (环境管理含专业实习)
Human Biology (人类生物学)
Mathematics and Statistics & Op Research MSci (数学与统计学(本硕连读))
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (Sandwich) (医药生物技术含实习)
Pharmaceutical Sciences (医药科学)
Physics with Medical Applications (物理与医学应用)
Psychology (心理学)
Theoretical Physics (理论物理学)
Theoretical Physics MSci (理论物理学(本硕连读))
Animal Behaviour and Welfare (MSc) (动物行为与福利)
Medicinal Chemistry (医药化学)
Physics (物理)
Physics MSci (物理(本硕连读))
Physics with Astro-Physics (物理与天体物理学)
Clinical Health Psychology PgDip (临床健康心理学)
Ecological Management and Conservation Biology MSc (生态管理和保护生物学)
Electronics MSc (电子学)
Electronics with Professional Internship MSc (电子学)
Advanced Food Safety (MSc) (高级食物安全)
Pharmaceutical Analysis (MSc) (药物分析)
Psychological Science MSc (心理科学)
Chemistry MPhil (化学)
Physics MPhil (物理)
Psychology MPhil (心理学)
Archaeology and History BA Joint Honours (考古学与历史)
Archaeology with French BA Single Honours (考古学与法国)
Archaeology with Portuguese BA Single Honours (考古学与葡萄牙)
Chemistry with Study Abroad MSci Honours (化学含海外学习)
Physics with Medical Applications BSc Honours (物理与医学应用)
Agricultural Technology with Professional Studies BSc Honours (农业技术与专业研究)
Biochemistry BSc Honours (生物化学)
Marine Biology with Professional Studies MSci (海洋生物学(本硕连读含实习))
Medicinal Chemistry with a Year in Industry (医药化学含实习)
Microbiology with Professional Studies (微生物学含实习)
Physics with Astro-Physics MSci (物理与天体物理学(本硕连读))
Applied Developmental Psychology MSc (应用发展心理学)
Data Analytics MSc (数据分析)
Pharmaceutical Analysis MSc (药物分析)
Pharmaceutical Analysis with Industrial Placement MSc (药物分析含实习)
Pharmaceutical Analysis with International Industrial Placement MSc (药物分析含国际实习)
Mathematics MPhil (数学)
Chemical Engineering BEng Honours (化学工程)
Mathematics BSc Honours (数学)
Mathematics MSci Honours (数学)
Mathematics and Computer Science BSc Honours (数学与计算机科学)
Physics BSc Honours (物理)
Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition with Professional Studies BSc Honours (食品质量、安全与营养(专业研究))
Chemical Engineering MEng Honours (化学工程)
Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Rural Enterprise Development (MSc) (农业食品与乡镇企业商务(乡镇企业发展))
Biochemistry with Professional Studies BSc Honours (生物化学与专业研究)
Marine Biology BSc Honours (海洋生物)
Marine Biology with Professional Studies BSc Honours (海洋生物与专业研究)
Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Business Communication (MSc) (农业食品与乡镇企业商务(商业通信))
Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Innovation Management (MSc) (农业食品与乡镇企业商务(创新管理))
Archaeology and Irish BA Honours (考古学与爱尔兰)
Biochemistry with Professional Studies BSc (生物化学)
Physics with Medical Applications MSci Honours (物理与医学应用)
Pharmacy (Doctor of Philosophy) (药学)
Global Food Security (Food Safety) MSc (食品安全)
Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition MSCI HONS (食品质量、安全与营养)
Physics with Astro-Physics BSc Honours (物理与考古学)
Chemical Engineering with a Year in Industry (化学工程(含实习))
Mathematics MMath (数学(本硕连读))
Mathematics and Statistics & Op Research (数学与统计和 Op 研究)
Ecological Management and Conservation Biology (MSc) (生态治理与保护生物学)
MSc in Leadership for Sustainable Rural Development (领导乡村可持续发展)
Environmental Management (环境管理)
Geography (地理学)
Marine Biology (海洋生物学)
Marine Biology with Professional Studies (海洋生物学含实习)
Marine Biology MSci (海洋生物学(本硕连读))
Chemistry with a Year in Industry (化学(含实习))
Chemistry with a Year in Industry MChem (化学(本硕连读)(含实习))
Chemistry with Study Abroad MChem (化学(本硕连读)(含国外学习))
Medicinal Chemistry MChem (医药化学(本硕连读))
Archaeology-Palaeoecology and Geography (考古学-古生态学与地理)
Biochemistry (生物化学)
Biochemistry MSci (生物化学(本硕连读))
Biochemistry with Professional Studies (生物化学(含实习))
Biochemistry with Professional Studies MSci (生物化学(本硕连读)(含实习))
Biological Sciences FD (生物科学)
Environmental Management with Professional Studies (环境管理(含实习))
Marine Biology with Professional Studies (海洋生物学(含实习))
Marine Biology with Professional Studies MSci (海洋生物学(本硕连读)(含实习))
Biochemistry with Professional Studies MSci (生物化学(本硕连读课程,含实习))
Biological Sciences (FD) (生物科学)
Biomedical Science (生物医学科学)
Chemistry (化学)
Mathematics and Statistics & Op Research (数学与统计学)
Medicinal Chemistry with a Year in Industry MChem (医药化学(本硕连读含实习))
Microbiology (微生物学)
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (医药生物技术)
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Sandwich) (医药科学含实习)
Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics MSc (生物信息学和计算基因组学)
Physics with Medical Applications MPhys (物理与医学应用(本硕连读))
Aerospace Engineering Sandwich MEng (航空航天工程(本硕连)(含实习))
Geography BSc (地理学)
Biological Sciences MSci (生物科学(本硕连读))
Biological Sciences with Professional Studies (生物科学(含实习))
Biological Sciences with Professional Studies MSci (生物科学(本硕连读)(含实习))
Data Science with Year of Professional Experience (数据科学含实习)
Chemistry with Study Abroad MChem (化学(本硕连读含国外学习))
Applied Mathematics and Physics* MSci Honours (高数与物理)
Archaeology MSci Honours (考古学)
Archaeology with Spanish BA Single Honours (考古学与西班牙)
Chemistry BSc Honours (化学)
Medicinal Chemistry BSc Honours (药物化学)
Theoretical Physics* MSci Honours (理论物理)
Biological Sciences with Professional Studies BSc Honours (生物科学与专业研究)
Microbiology BSc Honours (微生物)
Clinical Health Psychology MSc (临床健康心理学)
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology MSc (分子生物学与生物技术)
Biological Sciences MPhil (生物科学)
Agricultural Technology BSc (农业技术)
BSc Chemistry with a Year in Industry (化学含实习)
Zoology with Professional Studies BSc Honours (兽医学(专业研究))
Advanced Professional and Clinical Practice (MSc) (高级专业与临床实践)
Archaeology-Palaeoecology and Geography BSc Honours (考古学、古生态学与地理学)
Chemistry with a Year in Industry MSCI HONS (化学(含企业实习))
Civil Engineering Sandwich BEng (土木工程)
Geography with a Language BSc Hons (地理与语言)
Medicinal Chemistry with a Year in Industry MSci Honours (药物化学(含企业实习))
Applied Mathematics and Physics* BSc Honours (高数与物理)
Archaeology BA Single Honours (考古学)
Archaeology-Palaeoecology BSc Single Honours (考古学语古生态学)
Chemistry MSci Honours (化学)
Mathematics with Finance BSc Honours (金融数学)
Medicinal Chemistry MSci Honours (药物化学)
Theoretical Physics* BSc Honours (理论物理)
Agricultural Technology BSc Honours (农业技术)
Biochemistry with Professional Studies MSci Honours (生物化学与专业研究)
Biological Sciences BSc Honours (生物科学)
Microbiology with Professional Studies BSc Honours (微生物与专业研究)
Zoology BSc Honours (兽医学)
Chemical Sciences (化学科学)
Chemistry MChem (化学(本硕连读))
Medicinal Chemistry with a Year in Industry MChem (医药化学(含实习)(本硕连读))
Applied Mathematics and Physics (应用数学与物理)
Applied Mathematics and Physics MSci (应用数学与物理(本硕连读))
Mathematics and Statistics & Op Research MMath (数学与统计学及 Op研究(本硕连读))
Physics MPhys (物理(本硕连读))
Geography BSc Honours (地理学)
Physics with Astro-Physics MSci Honours (物理与考古学)
Chemical Engineering with a Year in Industry MEng (化学工程(含实习)(本硕连读))
Medicinal Chemistry with a Year in Industry (医药化学(含实习))
Geography BA (地理学)
Agricultural Technology (农业技术)
Biochemistry with Professional Studies (生物化学含实习)
Biochemistry MSci (生物化学(本硕连读课程))
Biological Sciences MSci (生物科学(本硕连读课程))
Physics with Astro-Physics MPhys (物理与天体物理学(本硕连读))
Theoretical Physics MPhys (理论物理学(本硕连读))
Archaeology and History (考古学与历史)
Biological Sciences (生物科学)
Applied Mathematics and Physics MSci (应用数学与物理(本硕连读课程))
Microbiology with Professional Studies (微生物学(含实习))
Microbiology with Professional Studies MSci (微生物学(本硕连读)(含实习))
Physics MSci Honours (物理)
Agricultural Technology with Professional Studies (农业技术含实习)
Energy, Environment and Sustainability FD (能源、环境与可持续发展)
BSc Environmental Management ()
MA Geopolitics ()
Biomedical Science (生物医学)
Professional Nursing (Children and Young People) (专业护理学(青少年))
Professional Nursing (Learning Disabilities) (专业护理(学习障碍))
Ecological Management and Conservation Biology (生态管理与保护生物学)
Parasitology and Pathogen Biology (寄生虫学和病原体生物学)
Net Zero Engineering (净零工程)
Net Zero Engineering with Year in Industry (净零工程(含实习))
Pharmaceutical Analysis (药物分析)
Pharmaceutical Analysis with Industrial Placement (药物分析(含实习))
Biological Sciences with Professional Studies (生物科学含实习)
Biological Sciences with Professional Studies MSci (生物科学(本硕连读课程,含实习))
Chemistry with a Year in Industry MChem (化学(本硕连读含实习))
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (Sandwich) (医药生物技术(含实习))
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Sandwich) (医药科学(含实习))
Materials Science and Engineering (材料科学与工程)
Materials Science and Engineering with Professional Internship (材料科学与工程(含实习))
Climate Change PgDip (气候变化)
Environmental Engineering (环境工程)
Advanced Professional Practice (高级专业实践)
Pharmaceutical Analysis with International Industrial Placement (制药分析与国际实习)
Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics (生物信息学和计算基因组学)
Applied Developmental Psychology (应用发展心理学)
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (分子生物学和生物技术)
Climate Change PgCert (气候变化)
Climate Change (气候变化)
Clinical Health Psychology (临床健康心理学)
Public Health (MPH) (公共健康)
MSc Advanced Professional and Clinical Practice (专业临床经验)
Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Rural Enterprise Development MSc (农业粮食与乡村企业商务-乡村企业发展)
Caring for Children and Young People with Complex Needs MSc (青少年复杂需求护理)
Advanced Food Safety (高级食品安全)
Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise PgCert (农业粮食与乡村企业商务)
Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Business Communication PgDip (农业粮食与乡村企业商务-商业传播)
Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Business Communication MSc (农业粮食与乡村企业商务-商业传播)
Global Health MPH (全球健康)
Leadership for Sustainable Development MSc (可持续发展领导力)
MSc Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics (生物信息学与计算基因组学)
Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition with Professional Studies (食品质量,安全与营养含实习)
Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition with Professional Studies MSci (食品质量,安全与营养(本硕连读含实习))
Parasitology and Pathogen Biology MSc (寄生虫学与病原生物学)
Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Innovation Management MSc (农业粮食与乡村企业商务-创业管理)
Leadership for Sustainable Rural Development MSc (农村可持续发展领导力)
Professional Nursing Learning Disabilities Nursing MSc (专业护理学(学习障碍护理学))
Food Safety and Biotechnology MPhil (食品安全与生物技术)
Professional Nursing (Children and Young People) BSc (February intake) (专业护理学(青少年)(二月开学))
MSc Advanced Professional Practice (高级专业实践)
Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition (食品质量,安全与营养)
Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition MSci (食品质量,安全与营养(本硕连读))
Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Innovation Management PgDip (农业粮食与乡村企业商务-创业管理)
Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Rural Enterprise Development PgDip (农业粮食与乡村企业商务-乡村企业发展)
Public Health MPH (公共健康)
Professional Nursing Children and Young People MSc (专业护理学-青少年)
Professional Nursing (Adult) BSc (February intake) (专业护理学(成人)(二月开学))
Professional Nursing Mental Health Nursing MSc (专业护理学-心理健康)
Professional Nursing Adult Nursing MSc (专业护理学-成人护理)
Psychological Science (MSc) (心理学)
Psychology BSc Honours (心理学)
Caring for Children and Young People with Complex Needs (MSc) (关爱儿童与青少年与复合健康需求)
MSc Postgraduate Taught Applied Developmental Psychology ()
Professional Nursing (Children and Young People) - Feb intake (专业护理(儿童与青少年) - 2 月招生)
Professional Nursing (Adult) (专业护理学(成人))
Public Health (公共卫生)
Caring for Children and Young People with Complex Needs (护理有复杂需求的儿童和青少年)
Professional Nursing (Adult) - Feb intake (专业护理(成人) - 2 月入学)
Professional Nursing (Mental Health) - Feb intake (专业护理(心理健康) - 2 月入学)
Psychological Science (心理科学)
Global Health (全球健康)
International Relations and Conflict Studies (国际关系与冲突研究)
International Relations and Politics (国际关系与政治)
Sociology (社会学)
Zoology (动物学)
Zoology with Professional Studies (动物学含实习)
Global Security and Borders MA (全球安全与边界)
Social Work (社会工作)
Social Work Relevant Degree Entry (社会工作相关学位课程)
Anthropology PgDip (人类学)
Anthropology MA (人类学)
Applied Behaviour Analysis MSc (应用行为分析)
Cognitive Behavioural Practice PgCert (认知行为实践)
Geopolitics MA (地缘政治学)
International Public Policy PgDip (国际公共政策)
International Public Policy MSc (国际公共政策)
International Relations MA (国际关系)
International Relations PgDip (国际关系)
Archaeology and Palaeoecology MPhil (考古学与古生态学)
Zoology with Professional Studies MSci (动物学(本硕连读含实习))
Arts and Humanities MRes (艺术和人文学科)
Autism Spectrum Disorders MSc (自闭症谱系障碍)
Conflict Transformation and Social Justice MA (冲突转化与社会公正)
Social Science Research PgDip (社会科学研究)
Social Science Research MRes (社会科学研究)
MSc International Public Policy (国际公共政策)
Sociology BA Single Honours (社会学)
Anthropology and International Relations (人类学与国际关系)
Criminology (犯罪学)
Criminology and Social Policy (犯罪学与社会政策)
Criminology and Sociology (犯罪学和社会学)
Social Policy and Sociology (社会政策与社会学)
Zoology MSci (动物学(本硕连读))
Children's Rights MSc (儿童权益)
Agricultural Technology with Professional Studies (农业技术(含实习))
Geopolitics PgDip (地缘政治学)
Violence, Terrorism and Security MA (暴力、恐怖主义与安全)
Criminology BA Single Honours (犯罪学)
Criminology and Sociology BA Joint Honours (犯罪学与社会学)
Social Work BSW Honours (社会工作)
Irish Studies MA (爱尔兰研究)
Violence, Terrorism and Security PgDip (暴力、恐怖主义与安全)
Criminology and Social Policy BA Joint Honours (犯罪学与社会政策)
Anthropology (人类学)
Anthropology and Philosophy (人类学与哲学)
Social Policy and Sociology BA Joint Honours (社会政策与社会学)
MA Public History (公众历史学)
Anthropology and Archaeology (人类学和考古学)
Anthropology and Irish (人类学与爱尔兰语)
Anthropology and Politics (人类学与政治)
Law (Major) with Politics (法律与政治学)
Food Science and Nutrition MSci (食品科学与营养学(本硕连读))
Anthropology and French (人类学与法语)
Food Science and Nutrition (食品科学与营养)
Food Science and Nutrition with Professional Studies MSci (食品科学与营养学(专业研究)(本硕连读))
Food Science and Nutrition with Professional Studies (食品科学与营养(专业研究))
Archaeology MSci (考古学(本硕连读课程))
Criminology and Sociology (犯罪学与社会学)
Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages and Applied Linguistics ()
Zoology with Professional Studies MSci (动物学(本硕连读)(含实习))
Leadership for Sustainable Development (领导力促进可持续发展)
Animal Behaviour and Welfare (动物行为与福祉)
Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Business Communication (农业食品和农村企业业务 - 商业交流)
Conflict Transformation and Social Justice (冲突转化与社会正义)
Applied Behaviour Analysis (应用行为分析)
Autism Spectrum Disorders (自闭症)
BA History and Spanish ()
Zoology with Professional Studies (动物学(含实习))
Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Innovation Management (农业食品和农村企业业务 - 创新管理)
Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Rural Enterprise Development (农业食品和农村企业业务 - 农村企业发展)
Leadership for Sustainable Rural Development (领导力促进农村可持续发展)
Geopolitics PgDip (地缘政治)
Global Security and Borders (全球安全与边界)
International Relations (国际关系)
International Public Policy (国际公共政策)
Geopolitics (地缘政治)
Violence, Terrorism and Security (暴力、恐怖主义与安全)
Youth Justice (青年司法)
Msc Sociology and Global Inequality ()
Children's Rights (儿童权利)
Social Science Research (社会科学研究)
Youth Justice PgDip (青年司法)
Medicine MB (医学(本硕连读))
Professional Nursing (Mental Health) (专业护理学(心理健康))
Cancer Medicine MSc(Res) (癌症医学)
Industrial Pharmaceutics MSc (工业制药学)
Advanced Professional and Clinical Practice (高级职业和医学临床实践)
Midwifery MSc (助产学)
Midwifery (助产学)
Pharmacy MPharm (药学(本硕连读))
Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics (MSc) (生物信息学与计算基因组学)
Dentistry BDS Honours (口腔外科)
Nursing Learning Disability Nursing BSc Hons (护理(学习障碍))
Nursing Mental Health Nursing BSc Hons (护理(精神健康))
Professional Nursing Learning Disabilities Nursing (专业护理学(学习障碍护理学))
Clinical Anatomy MSc (临床解剖学)
Medicine MPhil (医学)
Midwifery Sciences BSc Honours (助产)
Experimental Medicine MSc (实验医学)
Pharmacy MPhil (药学)
Nursing & Midwifery PhD ()
Biomedical Science BSc Honours (生物医学科学)
Human Biology BSc Honours (人类生物学)
Pharmaceutical Sciences BSc Honours (药物科学)
MSc(Res) Cancer Medicine (癌症医学)
Professional Nursing (Adult) BSc ()
Dentistry (牙科)
Medicine (医药)
Experimental Medicine ()
Advanced Professional and Clinical Practice (高级专业与临床实践)
Cancer Medicine (癌症医学)
Experimental Medicine (实验医学)
Clinical Anatomy (临床解剖学)
Human Rights Law (LLM) (人权法)
Law (法学)
Law (Major) and Politics (法学与政治)
Law (Major) with French (法学与法语)
Criminology and Criminal Justice LLM (犯罪学与刑事司法)
Human Rights Law LLM (人权法)
Human Rights and Criminal Justice (LLM) (人权与刑事司法)
Law LLB Honours (法律)
Law MPhil (法学)
Law (LLM) (法律)
Common and Civil Law (Major) with French LLB Honours (普通法、民法与法语)
Law Senior Status (法学高级职称)
Law LLM (法律)
Youth Justice MSc (青少年法)
International Commercial and Business Law LLM (国际商业与商法)
Law and Technology LLM (法律与科技)
Masters in Law MLaw (法学硕士)
Youth Justice PgDip (青少年法)
Common and Civil Law (Major) with Hispanic Studies LLB Honours (普通法、民法与西班牙语研究)
Criminology and Criminal Justice (犯罪学与刑事司法)
Intellectual Property Law (知识产权法)
International Commercial and Business Law (国际商业和企业法)
International Human Rights Law (国际人权法)
Masters in Law (法学)
Law and Technology (法律与技术)
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