University of Leeds
利兹大学(The Univerity of Leed)的前身是建立于1831年的利兹医学院,以及建立于1874年的约克郡科学院。在1887年以上两个学校与曼彻斯特欧文学院、利物浦大学学院合并为维多利亚联合大学。
利兹大学(The University of Leeds),世界百强名校,英国顶尖学府,英国常春藤名校联盟“罗素大学集团”成员,红砖大学成员, 世界大学联盟成员,白玫瑰大学联盟成员。其校史可追溯于1831年,建校至今共培养出6位诺贝尔奖得主以及包括约翰·托尔金、 张国荣在内的其它众多著名校友。学校在教学与科研方面享有崇高声誉, 2014年12月18日,英国唯一由官方组织的研究卓越框架 (REF)评估中,利兹大学综合实力位居全英第10位。[1] 2016年TIMES英国大学排名上位居全英第14位[2] 。 在2015/16QS世界大学排名上位居英国第18位,世界第87位[3] 。最新U.S.NEWs世界大学排名中全英第12名。 在2016年1月发布的QS世界大学就业能力排名中利兹大学位居全英第3位,世界第20位。
利兹是一座充满活力和多元文化的城市。 它为学生提供了一个国际中心,到处都是咖啡吧、餐厅、商店、博物馆、剧院和夜总会。 利兹常被评为英国最受欢迎的旅游城市,也是欧洲发展最快的商业和金融中心。 位于英格兰北部约克郡的利兹周围都是美丽的乡村,风景迷人的约克郡宽谷和荒原也在这里。 大学主校园就在市中心,离购物中心只有10分钟的步行路程。 和英国很多地区相比,利兹的生活费用相对低廉。 皇家苏格兰银行2007年学生生活指数 &ndah; 大学生活费用的年度报告 &ndah; 显示利兹是英国成本效益最高的本科学习城市。
* 图书馆藏书量排名全英第4。
* 网络数据库先进,可查询图书馆内超过260万册藏书及资料。
* 宽带网络电脑中心
* 有超过9000台个人电脑席位,24小时开放电脑室。
* 语言中心提供40余种语言学习。
* 为国际学生专门设计英语课程,学生拥有免费一对一英语练习的机会。
* 透过先进的网络数据库,可查询图书馆内超过260万册藏书及资料。
* 拥有学习40余种语言的语言中心,专为国际学生设计英语课程。
* 设医疗中心、顾问服务、就业辅导、学生福利办公室、校友会等多元学生服务。
* 保证所有大一新生及单身大学/研究所国际学生有学校宿舍可住。
* 设国际学生顾问与国际学生中心,协助国际学生顺利融入校园生活。
* 一流的运动设施,拥有体育馆、重量训练室、健身房、游泳池、羽球场、网球场、壁球场以及多功能足球场。学生活动中心支援学生社团超过220个。
* 步行15分钟即达市中心,生活机能便利。
利兹活跃快乐的学生气氛远近闻名。 学校里有各种各样的俱乐部和社团,市区一流的休闲和社交设施也让学生受益匪浅。
利兹是文化之城,主办了著名的利兹国际钢琴比赛,也经常会举办交响音乐会和室内音乐会。 在这里你可以欣赏各种各样的电影、音乐会、芭蕾舞、歌剧和戏剧,Wet Yorkhire Playhoue也是著名的国家级剧院。
设在国际中心的国际学生办公室积极帮助他们解决入学前后可能遇到的各种问题,保证国际学子们能顺利完成在利兹大学的学业。 这样一个友好的团队提供实际性的帮助和建议,例如怎样续签签证、在英国工作和短期寄住英国当地的家庭。 它还组织各种社交活动,其中包括周末出游。 国际学生休息室也在这个中心里。它是学生们会面、喝一杯免费咖啡或茶和阅读国际报纸的地方。
利兹大学宗教中心关怀学校的全体师生,给予他们支持和精神信仰上的咨询指导。 大部分宗教信仰在此都有代表。 利兹市内也有很多不同宗教的礼拜场所。
学校也鼓励各种学生宗教社团的发展。 它们包括有自己的祈祷室的伊斯兰教社团、犹太教社团、印度教学生论坛、佛教冥想社团、天主教社团和基督教社团。
利兹大学还有很多经过精心设计的其他支持性服务,旨在帮助全体学生。欲了解这些服务的详情,请登陆利兹大学的网站。 利兹的学生医疗中心也在校园服务,还开设了保密的咨询服务。 学科系为学生安排了个人导师;技能中心负责提高你的学习技能。 利兹大学的帮助决不止于你毕业之际,因为我们还开展了就业咨询和校友联络活动等服务。
1. 文科学院:英语、历史、古典文学、神学和宗教研究、殖民时期研究、人学研究、中古世纪研究、阿拉伯人和中东研究、法语、东亚研究、德语、意大利语、语言学和语音学、西班牙语和拉丁美洲研究、世界电影艺术等;
2. 生物科学学院:系统生物、分子细胞生物学、综合与比较生物学、生物科学、抗菌剂研究、地球和生物圈研究等;
3. 商学院:会计与财务管理、经济、国际贸易、管理、市场、工作与雇佣关系等;
4. 教育、社会科学和法律学院:儿童教育、语言教育、教育心理学、社会政策、法律、社会学、政治和国际研究等;
5. 工程学院:土木工程、计算机工程、电子电力工程、机械工程、环境工程、材料工程等;
6. 环境学院:地球与环境、地理、地球科学、环境地理、环境与商业、环境与运输、气象学等;
7. 数学和物理科学学院:化学、食品科学、应用数学、研究数学、统计学、物理学和天文学等;
8. 医学卫生学院:儿童精神健康、牙科手术、口头生物学、牙医、心脑血管和糖尿病研究、流行病和生物科学、医药物理学、卫生保健、健康和社会服务、医学教育、肿瘤学、眼科、病理学等;
9. 表演、视觉艺术和通信学院:设计、美术、美术历史与文化、表演、通信研究等。
大学预科:高中毕业生, 18周岁以上;IELTS 5.5(听说读写各项5分),TOEFL 530
本科:完成中国大一或英国预科,平均成绩在80%以上,IELTS 6.0,(听力和阅读5.5分,写作口语5分)TOEFL 550分,(TOEFL机考220分)。
硕 士:需持有相关专业领域本科学士学位;平均成绩在80%以上,IELTS 6.5, TOEFL 550分,同声传译等课程IELTS7.0,TOEFL580分。
MBA: 本科毕业生,平均成绩在80%以上,有2年以上相关工作经验,GMAT 600分以上IELTS 6.5,TOEFL 580分,(TOEFL机考220分)。
Claic经典、Philoophy哲学、Religiou Studie宗教学、Arabic and Middle Eatern Studie阿拉伯和中欧研究、Eat Aia Studie东亚研究、French法语、German德语、Italian意大利语、Linguitic and Phonetic 语言学与语音学、Ruian Studie俄罗斯研究、Spanih西班牙语、Accounting and Finance 会计和金融、Economic经济学
MSc Law and Finance (法律与金融)
MA in Critical and Cultural Theory (批判与文化理论)
International Year One (International Relations subject route) (国际大一(国际关系方向))
MA in Art Gallery and Museum Studies (艺术画廊与博物馆研究)
BSc Business Analytics (商业分析)
BA Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
BA Management (管理)
BA Management and the Human Resource (管理与人力资源)
BA Management with Marketing (管理与市场营销)
BSc Economics (经济学)
BSc Economics and Finance (经济学与金融)
BSc Economics and Management (经济学与管理)
BSc International Business and Finance (国际商务与金融)
BSc International Business and Marketing (国际商务与市场营销)
Global Fashion Management MA ()
Fashion, Enterprise and Society MA (时尚,企业和社会)
Financial Risk Management MSc (金融风险管理)
Financial Mathematics MSc (金融数学)
Business Analytics and Decision Sciences MSc (商业分析与决策科学)
Management Consulting MSc (管理咨询)
Management MSc (管理学)
Management of Information Systems and Digital Innovation MSc (信息系统管理和数字创新)
Global Strategy and Innovation Management MSc (全球战略与创新管理)
Global Supply Chain Management MSc (全球供应链管理)
Consumer Analytics and Marketing Strategy MSc (消费分析与营销策略)
Consumer Analytics and Marketing Strategy MSc (消费者分析和营销策略)
Human Resource Management MA (人力资源管理)
Data Analytics and Human Resource Management MSc (数据分析与人力资源管理)
Economics and Finance MSc (经济与金融)
Economics MSc (经济学)
Foundation Certificate for Business, Laws and Social Sciences ()
International Banking and Finance Law LLM (国际银行与金融法)
BSc Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
BSc Business Economics (商业经济学)
Global Political Economy MA (全球政治经济学)
International Foundation in Business and Humanities-2 Terms (商业与人文)
International Foundation in Business and Humanities-4 Terms (商业与人文)
Master's Preparation (硕士预科课程)
International Year One in International Business, Accounting and Finance (国际商务、会计与金融)
Banking and Finance BSc ()
Business Management and the Human Resource (8H67) ()
International Year One in Business Management (商务管理国际大一)
MSc Business Analytics and Decision Sciences (商业分析与决策科学)
MSc International Business (国际商务)
MSc Management (管理)
MA Culture Creativity and Entrepreneurship ()
Interdisciplinary Science with Foundation Year BSc ()
Arts Management and Heritage Studies MA (艺术管理和遗产研究)
Finance and Investment MSc (金融与投资)
Accounting and Finance MSc (会计与金融)
Audiences, Engagement, Participation MA ()
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship MSc (企业与创业)
International Business MSc (国际商务)
Corporate Communications, Marketing and Public Relations MA (企业传播,市场营销和公共关系)
Law and Finance MSc (法律与金融)
International Business Law LLM (国际商法)
Business Management and the Human Resource BA (企业管理与人力资源)
Economics BSc (经济学)
Economics and Finance BSc (经济与金融)
Human Resource Management BA (人力资源管理)
International Business BSc (国际商务)
Global Governance and Diplomacy MA ()
Marketing Management with Advertising MSc ()
MA by Research (研究型硕士)
MSc Financial Risk Management (金融风险管理)
MSc Global Supply Chain Management (全球供应链管理)
MSc International Marketing Management (国际市场营销管理)
MSc Management Consulting (管理咨询)
Corporate Communications, Marketing and Public Relations MA (企业传播、市场营销和公共关系)
International Marketing Management MSc (国际营销管理)
Business and Public Service Interpreting and Translation Studies MA (商业与公共服务口译和翻译研究)
Accounting and Finance BSc (会计与金融)
Banking and Finance BSc (银行与金融)
Business Management BA (商业管理)
International Business and Finance BSc (国际商务与金融)
Master's Preparation-2 Terms (硕士预科课程)
International Foundation Year(Business, Law and Social Studies subject route) (本科预科(商务、法律与社会研究主题路线))
Financial Mathematics ()
Organizational Psychology and Business MSc (Organizational Psychology and Business MSc)
MA Advertising and Marketing (广告与市场营销)
MSc Actuarial Finance (精算金融)
MSc Banking and International Finance (银行与国际金融)
MSc Business Psychology (商业心理学)
MSc Economics and Finance (经济学与金融)
MSc Financial Mathematics (金融数学)
MSc Organizational Psychology (组织心理学)
NCUK Pre-Masters Preparation ()
Economics MSc (经济硕士)
PHD in Business School-Management (管理博士)
English Language Preparation for Undergraduate Studies ()
Banking and International Finance MSc (银行与国际金融)
Management of Information Systems and Digital Innovation MSc (信息系统管理与数字创新)
Consumer Analytics and Marketing Strategy MSc (消费者分析与营销战略)
Organizational Psychology and Business MSc (组织心理学与商业)
MSc Organizational Psychology and Business (组织心理学与商业)
Banking and International Finance MSc (银行和国际金融)
Marketing Management with Advertising MSc (营销管理与广告)
Organizational Psychology and Business MSc (组织心理学和商业)
Business Economics BSc (商业经济)
Business Management with Marketing BA (企业管理与市场营销)
Mathematics MSc ()
International Corporate Law LLM (国际公司法)
International Business and Marketing BSc (国际商务与市场营销)
International Foundation in Business and Humanities (商业与人文)
International Year One in International Business, Accounting and Finance-4 Terms (国际商务、会计与金融)
BSc International Business (国际商务)
BSc Business Studies With Foundation Year (商务研究含基础学年)
Digital Information Management and Systems Innovation MSc (电子信息管理与系统创新)
Railway Operations, Management and Policy MSc ()
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship MSc (企业和企业家)
Full-time MBA (工商管理)
MA Corporate Communications, Marketing and Public Relations (企业沟通、市场营销与公共关系)
MA Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
MSc Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
MSc Economics (经济学)
MSc Finance and Investment (金融与投资)
MSc Information Systems and Information Management (信息系统与信息管理)
Advertising and Design MA (广告与设计)
Management MSc ()
Business Management BA (商务管理)
Business Management with Marketing BA ()
Chemical Engineering MSc (化学工程)
Medical Engineering MSc (医学工程)
Digital Communications Networks MSc (Eng) (数字通信网络)
Oilfield Corrosion Engineering MSc (Eng) (油田腐蚀工程)
Fire and Explosion Engineering MSc (火灾与爆炸工程)
Petroleum Production Engineering MSc (石油产品工程)
Embedded Systems Engineering MSc (Eng) (植入式系统工程)
Electronics and Computer Engineering MEng (电子与计算机工程)
Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems MEng (电子与再生能源工程)
Aviation Technology and Management BSc (航空技术与管理)
Aviation Technology with Pilot Studies BSc (航空技术与飞行员研究)
Chemical and Energy Engineering BEng (化学与能源工程)
Chemical and Energy Engineering MEng (化学与能源工程)
Chemical and Materials Engineering MEng (化学与材料工程)
Product Design MDes (产品设计)
Chemical Engineering BEng (化学工程)
Civil and Environmental Engineering BEng (土木与环境工程)
Civil and Structural Engineering BEng (土木与结构工程)
Civil and Structural Engineering MEng (土木与结构工程)
Electronic Engineering MEng (电子工程)
Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering BEng (航空航天工程)
Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering MEng (航空航天工程)
Automotive Engineering BEng (汽车工程)
Civil Engineering PhD (土木工程)
Materials Science and Engineering MSc (材料科学与工程)
Engineering Project Management MSc (Eng) (工程项目管理)
International Construction Management and Engineering MSc(Eng) (国际建筑工程管理与工程)
Environmental Engineering and Project Management MSc(Eng) (环境工程与项目管理)
Structural Engineering MSc ( Eng) (结构工程)
Structural Engineering MSc (Eng) (结构工程)
Water, Sanitation and Health Engineering MSc ( Eng) (水体、卫生系统与健康工程)
Automotive Engineering MSc (Eng ) (汽车工程)
Data Science and Analytics MSc (数据科学与分析)
Advanced Chemical Engineering MSc (高级化学工程)
Advanced Computer Science (Cloud Computing) MSc (高级计算机科学(云计算))
Advanced Computer Science (Data Analytics) MSc (高级计算机科学(数据分析))
Advanced Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) MSc (高级计算机科学(人工智能))
Statistics MSc (统计学)
Mathematics MSc (数学)
Statistics with Applications to Finance MSc (统计学与金融)
Advanced Computer Science MSc (高级计算机科学)
Embedded Systems Engineering MSc (Eng) (嵌入式系统工程)
Engineering, Technology and Business Management MSc (Eng) (工程、科技及商业管理)
Chemical Engineering (Industrial) BEng (化学工程(工业))
Materials Science and Engineering BEng (材料科学与工程)
Chemistry with a Year in Industry MChem, BSc (化学含实习(本硕连读))
Chemistry and Mathematics MChem, BSc (化学与数学(本硕连读))
Medicinal Chemistry MChem, BSc (药物化学(本硕连读))
Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) MEng, BSc (计算机科学(人工智能) (本硕连读))
Computer Science MEng, BSc (计算机科学(本硕连读))
Computer Science (High-Performance Graphics and Games Engineering) MEng, BSc (计算机科学(高性能图形与游戏工程)(本硕连读))
Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering MEng, BEng (机电一体化与机器人(本硕连读))
Electronics and Computer Engineering MEng, BEng (电子与计算机工程(本硕连读))
Medical Engineering BEng (医学工程)
Mechanical Engineering BEng (机械工程)
Aerospace Engineering MSc (航空航天工程)
Automotive Engineering MSc (Eng) (汽车工程)
Transport Planning and Engineering MSc (Eng) (交通规划与工程)
Chemical and Materials Engineering BEng (化学与材料工程)
Chemical and Nuclear Engineering BEng (化学与核工程)
Chemical Engineering MEng (化学工程)
Petroleum Engineering MEng (石油工程)
Architectural Engineering MEng (建筑工程)
Civil and Environmental Engineering MEng (土木与环境工程)
Civil Engineering with Project Management MEng (土木工程与项目管理)
Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering MEng, BEng (航空航天工程(本硕连读))
Electronic and Communications Engineering MEng (电子通信工程)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering MEng (电子电气工程)
Medical Engineering MEng (医学工程)
Chemical Process Engineering MSc ()
Transport Infrastructure: Design and Construction MSc (Eng) (运输基础设施:设计及建造)
BEng Materials Science and Engineering ()
Foundation Certificate for Science and Engineering (科学与工程学基础证书)
International Year One in Civil Engineering ()
MA Transport Economics (运输经济学)
MSc Transport Planning (运输规划)
MSc Transport Planning and Engineering (运输规划与工程)
MSc Transport Planning and the Environment (运输规划与环境)
Railway Engineering with Project Management MSc (Eng) ()
Materials Science and Engineering (Industrial) BEng ()
Geotechnical Engineering MSc (Eng) (岩土工程学)
Energy and Environment MSc (能源与环境)
Science and Technology for Sustainability MSc (可持续发展科学与技术)
Environmental Engineering and Project Management MSc (Eng) (环境工程与项目管理)
International Construction Management and Engineering MSc (Eng) (国际建筑管理与工程)
Transport Infrastructure: Design and Construction MSc (Eng ) (交通基础设施:设计与建造理学)
Mechatronics and Robotics MSc (Eng) (机电一体化与机器人)
Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc (Eng ) (高级机械工程)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering (电子电气工程)
Water, Sanitation and Health Engineering MSc (Eng) (水、卫生与健康工程)
High-Performance Graphics and Games Engineering MSc (高性能图形和游戏工程)
Architectural Engineering MEng, BEng (建筑工程 (本硕连读))
Architecture MEng, BEng (建筑 (本硕连读))
Civil Engineering MEng, BEng (土木工程 (本硕连读))
Civil and Environmental Engineering MEng, BEng (土木与环境工程(本硕连读))
Mathematics BSc (数学)
Economics and Mathematics BSc (经济学与数学)
Mathematics MMath, BSc (数学(本硕连读))
International Foundation Year(Science, Engineering and Computing subject route) (本科预科(科学、工程与计算主题路线))
International Foundation Year in Science, Engineering and Computing ()
Mathematical Modelling for Transport MSc (运输数学模型)
Railway Engineering with Project Management MSc (Eng) (铁路工程与项目管理)
Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy Systems MSc (Eng) (电气工程与可再生能源系统)
Materials Science and Engineering MEng, BEng (材料科学与工程(本硕连读))
Architectural Engineering BEng (建筑工程)
Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering BEng (机电一体化与机器人工程)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering MEng, BEng (电子与电气工程(本硕连读))
Data Science BSc (数据科学)
Financial Mathematics BSc (金融数学)
Automotive Engineering MEng, BEng (汽车工程(本硕连读))
Medical Engineering MEng, BEng (医学工程(本硕连读))
Dental Materials MSc ()
PhD Electronic & Electrical Engineering ()
Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence MEng, BSc ()
Electronic and Electrical Engineering MSc (Eng) (电子与电气工程)
Chemical and Nuclear Engineering MEng (化学与核工程)
Petroleum Engineering BEng (石油工程)
Automotive Engineering MEng (汽车工程)
Geotechnical Engineering MSc (Eng) (岩土工程)
Railway Engineering with Project Management MSc (Eng) (铁路工程及项目管理)
Communications and Signal Processing MSc (通信与信号处理)
PhD Measuring the climate-smart practices using crop modelling, machine learning and remote sensing ()
Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering MSc(Eng) (机电一体化与机器人工程)
Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc (Eng) (高级机械工程)
Chemical Engineering MEng, BEng (化学工程(本硕连读))
Chemical Engineering (Industrial) MEng, BEng (化学工程(工业)(本硕连读))
Civil Engineering BEng (土木工程)
Civil and Structural Engineering MEng, BEng (土木与结构工程(本硕连读))
Computer Science BSc (计算机科学)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering BEng (电子与电气工程)
Electronics and Computer Engineering BEng (电子与计算机工程)
Actuarial Mathematics BSc (精算数学)
Mathematics and Statistics BSc (数学与统计学)
Mechanical Engineering MEng, BEng (机械工程(本硕连读))
Civil Engineering ()
Civil Engineering with Project Management BEng (土木工程与项目管理)
MSc Sustainability in Transport (可持续性运输)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering MSc(Eng) ()
MSc Geotechnical Engineering (岩土工程)
Energy and Environmental Engineering MSc (能源与环境工程)
Transport Infrastructure: Design and Construction MSc (Eng) (交通基础设施: 设计与施工)
Engineering, Technology and Business Management MSc (Eng) (工程、技术与商业管理)
Sustainable Cities MSc ()
Transport Planning MSc (交通规划)
Transport Planning and the Environment MSc (交通规划与环境)
Architecture BEng (建筑学)
Railway Operations, Management and Policy MSc (铁路运营、管理与政策)
Architecture Design MSc (建筑设计)
Transport Economics MSc (运输经济学)
MSc Sustainable Cities (可持续城市硕士)
MA American Literature and Culture (美国文学与文化)
MA English Literature (英国文学)
Chinese and Management MA (中文与管理)
MA English Literature (Modern and Contemporary pathway) (英国文学(当代文学))
MA English Literature (Romantic pathway) (英国文学(浪漫文学))
MA English Literature (Victorian pathway) (英国文学(维多利亚文学))
MA Childhood Studies (儿童研究)
MA Education (教育)
MA TESOL Studies (对外英语教学研究)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Teacher Education) MA (对外英语教学)
MA Special Educational Needs (特殊教育需求)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and Information and Communications Technology MA (对外英语教学与信息沟通技术)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MEd (对外英语教学)
Linguistics and English Language Teaching MA (语言学和英语教学)
MA Critical and Cultural Theory (English Studies) (批判文化研究(英国研究))
MA Technology, Education and Learning (技术、教育与学习)
Childhood Studies BA (儿童研究)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA:Technology-Enhanced Language Learning (TESOL:科技促进语言学习)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA:Teacher Education in TESOL (TESOL:教师教育)
TESOL Studies MA (英语语言教学研究)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA-China (对外英语教学(在中国授课))
Global Development and Education MA (全球发展与教育)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA (TESOL)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA:Teaching English for Academic Purposes (TESOL:学术英语教学)
TESOL Studies (对外英语教学研究)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA (对外英语教学)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA(Technology-Enhanced Language Learning) (对外英语教学(技术强化语言学习))
Education BA (教育)
Linguistics MA (语言学)
Linguistics for English Language Teaching MA (英语语言教学语言学)
Education MA (教育学)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA(Teaching Languages to Young Learners) (对外英语教学(向青年学生教授语言))
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA(English Medium Instruction) (对外英语教学(英语授课))
PhD in Education ()
Psychology with Education BSc (心理学与教育)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages for Young Learners MA ()
Psychology with Education BSc (心理学和教育)
BA (Hons) Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (对外英语教育)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MEd (TESOL) (对外英语教学)
Childhood Studies MA (儿童研究)
Education MA (教育)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA:Teaching Languages to Young Learners (TESOL:教授年轻学习者)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA:English Medium Instruction (TESOL:英语媒介教学)
TESOL Studies MA (英语教学研究)
Undergraduate pre-sessional English ()
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA(Teacher Education in TESOL) (对外英语教学(TESOL 师范教育))
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA(Teaching English for Academic Purposes) (对外英语教学(学术英语教学))
MA Leadership and Digital Education ()
MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages ()
Digital Education MA ()
High Performance Graphics and Games Engineering MSc (高性能图形与游戏工程)
Advanced Computer Science (Data Analytics) (高级计算机科学(数据分析))
Advanced Computer Science (Intelligent Systems) (高级计算机科学(智能系统))
Computer Science with Mathematics BSc (计算机科学与数学)
Applied Computer Science MEng (应用计算机科学)
High-Performance Graphics and Games Engineering MSc ()
Chemistry MSc (化学)
Data Science BSc ()
Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence BSc (计算机科学与人工智能)
Health Informatics with Data Science MSc (健康信息学与数据科学)
Urban Data Science and Analytics MSc (城市数据科学与分析)
Communications and Signal Processing MSc (Eng) (通信与信号处理)
Advanced Computer Science (Cloud Computing) MSc (高级计算机科学(云计算))
Advanced Computer Science (Data Analytics) MSc (高级计算机科学(数据分析))
MSc Artificial Intelligence ()
Computer Science BSc-废 (计算机科学)
Advanced Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) MSc ()
MSc Advanced Computer Science (Data Analytics) ()
Advanced Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) MSc (高级计算机科学(人工智能))
Computer Science MEng (计算机科学)
Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence MEng (计算机科学与人工智能)
Advanced Computer Science (Cloud Computing) MSc (高级计算机科学(云计算))
MSc Air Quality Solutions with Data Science ()
Statistical Modelling vs. Machine Learning in Prediction of Extremes ()
Engineering Technology and Business Management MSc (材料科学与工程 BEng)
Computer Science with High-Performance Graphics and Games Engineering MEng, BSc (计算机科学和高性能平面设计工程)
MA Design Future Society (未来社会设计)
Performance Design MA (性能设计)
MA Graphic Design (平面设计)
Design (Graphic and Visual Communication Design) (设计(平面与视觉传达设计))
Global Fashion Management MA (全球时尚管理)
Art and Design MA (艺术与设计硕士)
Design MA (设计)
Art and Design BA (艺术与设计)
Fashion Marketing BA (时尚营销)
Digital Design and Communication MA ()
BA Art and Design (艺术与设计)
BA Fashion Design (时装设计)
BA Fashion Marketing (时装营销)
Digital Design Futures MA (数码设计未来)
Curating Science and Technology MA ()
Fashion Design Innovation BA (时装设计创新)
Sustainable Fashion BA (可持续时尚)
BA Textile Design (纺织设计)
Fashion, Enterprise and Society MA (时尚、企业与社会)
Textile Sustainability and Innovation MSc (纺织品可持续性与创新)
BA Graphic and Communication Design (平面与传达设计)
MSc Textiles (纺织品)
BSc Product Design ()
Fashion Design Innovation BA (服装设计创新)
Digital Design Futures MA (未来数字设计)
MA Art and Design (艺术与设计)
Graphic and Communication Design BA (平面与传播设计)
Textile Innovation and Sustainability BSc (纺织创新与可持续发展)
BA Fashion Technology (时装技术)
Performance Design MA (表演设计)
MA Film, Photography and Media (电影、摄像与媒体)
MA Public Relations and Society (公共关系与社会)
MA Political Communication (政治沟通)
MA International Communication (国际沟通)
MA Communication and Media (通信与媒体)
MA International Journalism (国际新闻学)
MA Media Industries (媒体产业)
Writing for Performance and Digital Media MA (表演与数字媒体写作)
Audiences, Engagement, Participation PGDip (观众、约会、参与)
Media Industries MA (传媒产业)
Promotional Media MA (推广传媒)
Culture, Creativity and Entrepreneurship MA (文化、创意与创业)
Applied Theatre and Social Change MA (应用戏剧与社会变革)
Digital Media BA (数字媒体)
Film, Photography and Media BA (电影、摄影和媒体)
Theatre and Performance with Enterprise BA (戏剧和表演与企业)
BA Hons Digital Media (数字媒体)
Film Studies MA (电影研究)
Global Performance and Cultural Industries MA (全球表演与文化产业)
Audiences, Engagement, Participation PGCert (观众、约会、参与)
International Journalism MA (国际新闻学)
Digital Media MA (数字媒体)
Media Industries MA (媒体产业)
Promotional Media MA ()
BA Sustainable Fashion (可持续时尚)
Audiovisual Translation and Localisation MA (视听翻译和本地化)
MA Media and Communication (媒体与传播)
MA New Media (新媒体)
Communication and Media BA (交流与传媒)
Political Communication MA (政治传播)
Promotional Media MA (宣传媒体)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (哲学博士)
BA Art Gallery and Museum Studies (美术馆与博物馆研究)
BA Hons Communication and Media (通信与媒体)
BA Hons Film, Photography and Media (电影摄影与媒体)
Cultural and Media Studies BA (文化与媒体)
Writing for Performance and Digital Media MA ()
Film, Photography and Media MA (电影、摄影与媒体)
International Journalism MA (国际新闻)
Communication and Media MA (传播与传媒)
Film, Photography and Media MA (电影、摄影和媒体)
Political Communication MA (政治传播学)
International Communication MA (国际传播)
English and Film Studies BA (英语及电影研究)
Theatre and Performance BA (戏剧及表演)
Communication and Media MA (传播与媒体)
MA History of Health, Medicine and Society (健康、医学与社会史)
Music and Management MA (音乐与管理)
Critical and Applied Musicology MA (应用音乐学)
MA Applied Psychology of Music (应用音乐心理学)
Writing for Performance and Publication MA (写作(表演与出版方向))
Art Gallery and Museum Studies MA (艺术画廊与博物馆研究)
Applied Psychology of Music MA (应用音乐心理学)
Musicology MA (音乐学)
Critical and Experimental Composition MMus (批判性和实验性作曲)
Music and Wellbeing PGDip (音乐和健康)
Music and Wellbeing PGCert (音乐与健康)
Colour MSc (色彩)
Digital Design Futures MA ()
Arts Management and Heritage Studies MA:Arts Management and Cultural Leadership (艺术管理与遗产研究:艺术管理和文化领导)
Arts Management and Heritage Studies MA:Cultural Participation and Participatory Cultures (艺术管理与遗产研究:文化参与和参与性文化)
Performance MMus (表演)
Music and Wellbeing MA (音乐与健康文学)
Performance PGDip (表演)
Culture, Creativity and Entrepreneurship MA (文化创意与企业管理)
History of Art with Cultural Studies BA (艺术史与文化研究)
Music BA (音乐)
Music with Enterprise BA (音乐与企业)
Music and Music Psychology MArts, BA (音乐与音乐心理学)
Music (Performance) BMus-旧 (音乐-表演)
Fine Art with History of Art BA (美术与艺术史)
Fine Art with Contemporary Cultural Theory BA (美术与当代文化理论)
Music (Performance) BMus:Music Technology (音乐(表演):音乐心理学)
Music (Performance) BMus:Popular Music (音乐(表演):流行音乐)
BA Film Studies (电影研究)
MMus Performance (表演)
Social History of Art MA (艺术社会史)
Professional Language and Intercultural Studies MA (专业语言与跨文化研究)
Fine Art MA (美术)
Applied Psychology of Music MA (音乐应用心理学)
Fine Art BA (美术)
Global Creative Industries BA (全球创意产业)
Applied Theatre and Intervention MA (应用剧院管理)
Curating Science MA ()
Textile Sustainability and Innovation ()
Internation foundation program-Arts and SOCIAL SCIENCES ()
International Foundation Year - Design Route ()
International Foundation Year - Arts and Social Science Route (艺术与社会科学预科)
Music Management MA (音乐管理)
Writing for Performance and Digital Media MA (表演和数字媒体写作)
Audiences, Engagement, Participation MA (观众、参与、参与)
Audiences, Engagement, Participation PGDip (观众、参与、参与)
Mathematics and Music BSc (数学与音乐)
Music, Multimedia and Electronics BSc (音乐、多媒体及电子学)
Music (Performance) BMus (音乐(表演))
Music (Performance) BMus:Film Music (音乐(表演):影视音乐)
Music (Performance) BMus:Music Psychology (音乐(表演):音乐心理学)
BA History of Art (文学史)
Film, Photography and Media BA ()
Critical and Experimental Composition MMus (批判与实验作曲)
Music and Wellbeing PGCert (音乐与福祉)
Music and Wellbeing MA (音乐与福祉)
Audiences, Engagement, Participation PGCert (观众、参与、参与)
Textile Sustainability and Innovation MSc (纺织可持续发展与创新)
Critical and Cultural Theory MA (批评与文化理论)
Arts Management and Heritage Studies MA (艺术管理与遗产研究)
History of Art BA (艺术史)
Music and Music Technology BA (音乐与音乐技术)
Music (Performance) BMus:Contemporary Composition (音乐(表演):当代作曲)
Music (Performance) BMus:Music Business (音乐(表演):音乐商务)
BA Fine Art (美术)
Theatre and Performance BA (戏剧表演)
BA Music (音乐)
Film Studies MA ()
Social History of Art MA ()
MA Applied Theatre and Social Change ()
Critical and Experimental Composition MMus (作曲)
Electronic and Computer Music MA (电子和计算机音乐)
MA in Fine Art (美术)
Provisional PhD ()
Music and Wellbeing MA ()
Music and Wellbeing PGDip (音乐与福祉)
Classics MRes (古典学)
History and Philosophy of Science MA (科学史与科学哲学)
Medieval History MA (中世纪史)
War and Strategy MA (战争与战略)
BA Arabic and Classical Literature (阿拉伯语与经典文学)
BA Arabic and English (阿拉伯语与英语)
BA Arabic and Film Studies (阿拉伯语与电影研究)
BA Arabic and French (阿拉伯语与法语)
BA Arabic and Spanish (阿拉伯语与西班牙语)
BA Arabic and Theatre and Performance (阿拉伯语与戏剧表演)
BA Arabic and Theology and Religious Studies (阿拉伯语与神学宗教研究)
BA Asia Pacific Studies and Economics (亚太研究与经济学)
History of Science, Technology and Medicine MA (科学、技术与医学史)
Race and Resistance MA (种族与抗争)
Social and Cultural History MA (社会与文化历史)
BA Chinese and Italian B (中文与意大利语B)
BA Chinese and Linguistics (中文与语言学)
BA Chinese and Management (中文与管理)
BA Chinese and Philosophy (中文与哲学)
BA Chinese and Politics (中文与政治)
BA Classical Literature and English (古典文学与英语)
BA Classical Literature and French (古典文学与法语)
BA Classical Literature and History (古典文学与历史)
BA Classical Literature and Italian A (古典文学与意大利语A)
BA Economics and Japanese (经济学与日语)
BA Economics and Philosophy (经济学与哲学)
BA Economics and Politics (经济学与政治)
BA English and Italian B (英语与意大利语B)
BA English and Japanese (英语与日语)
BA English and Music (英语与音乐)
BA English and Philosophy (英语与哲学)
BA European Studies and Portuguese (欧洲研究与葡萄牙语)
BA European Studies and Spanish (欧洲研究与西班牙语)
BA Film Studies and Russian A (电影研究俄语A)
BA Film Studies and Russian B (电影研究与俄语B)
BA Film Studies and Spanish (电影研究西班牙语)
BA Film Studies and Thai Studies (电影研究泰国研究)
BA French and German (法语与德语)
BA French and Middle Eastern Studies (法语与中东研究)
BA French and Music (法语与音乐)
BA French and Philosophy (法语与哲学)
BA French and Politics (法语与政治)
BA German and International Business (德语与国际商务)
BA German and International Relations (德语与国际关系)
BA German and Italian A (德语与意大利语A)
BA German and Italian B (德语与意大利语B)
BA German and Japanese (德语与日语)
BA German and Spanish (德语与西班牙语)
BA German and Theatre and Performance (德语与戏剧表演)
BA German and Theology and Religious Studies (德语与神学宗教研究)
BA History and Philosophy of Science and Italian A (历史科学哲学与意大利语A)
BA History and Philosophy of Science and Italian B (历史科学哲学与意大利语B)
BA Ancient History and English (古代史与英语)
BA Ancient History and History (古代史与历史)
BA Arabic and Italian (阿拉伯语与意大利语)
BA Arabic and Japanese (阿拉伯语与日语)
BA Arabic and Linguistics (阿拉伯语与语言学)
BA Arabic and Management (阿拉伯语与管理)
BA Asia Pacific Studies and Management (亚太研究与管理)
BA Asia Pacific Studies and Politics (亚太研究与政治)
BA Asia Pacific Studies and Russian Civilisation (亚太研究与俄国文明)
BA Asia Pacific Studies and Spanish (亚太研究与西班牙语)
BA Chinese and Film Studies (中文与电影研究)
BA Chinese and French (中文与法语)
BA Chinese and German (中文与德语)
BA Chinese and History (中文与历史)
BA Chinese and Sociology (中文与社会学)
BA Chinese and Spanish (中文与西班牙语)
BA Chinese and Theatre and Performance (中文与戏剧表演)
BA Classical Civilisation (古典文明)
BA Classical Civilisation and English (古典文明与英语)
BA Classical Literature and Russian Civilisation (古典文学与俄国文学)
BA Classical Literature and Spanish (古典文学与西班牙语)
BA Economics and French (经济学与法语)
BA English and French (英语与法语)
BA English and Social Policy (英语与社会政策)
BA English and Sociology (英语与社会学)
BA English and Spanish (英语与西班牙语)
BA English and Thai Studies (英语与泰国研究)
BA Film Studies and French (电影研究与法语)
BA Film Studies and German (电影研究与德语)
BA French and International Development (法语与国际发展)
BA French and International Relations (法语与国际关系)
BA French and Italian A (法语与意大利语A)
BA French and Italian B (法语与意大利语B)
BA History of Art and Italian A (文学史与意大利语A)
BA History of Art and Italian B (文学史与意大利语B)
BA History of Art and Philosophy (文学史与哲学)
BA History of Art and Spanish (文学史与西班牙语)
BA International Development and Thai Studies (国际发展与泰国研究)
BA International Relations and Italian A (国际关系与意大利语A)
BA International Relations and Italian B (国际关系与意大利语B)
BA International Relations and Japanese (国际关系与日语)
BA Italian A and Russian A (意大利语A与俄语A)
BA Italian A and Russian B (意大利语A与俄语B)
BA Italian A and Russian Civilisation (意大利语A与俄国文化)
BA Italian A and Social Policy (意大利语A与社会政策)
BA Italian B and Russian Civilisation (意大利语B与俄国文化)
BA Italian B and Social Policy (意大利语B与社会政策)
BA Italian B and Sociology (意大利语B与社会学)
BA Italian B and Spanish (意大利语B与西班牙语)
BA Italian B and Theatre and Performance (意大利语B与戏剧表演)
BA Liberal Arts (文学)
BA Liberal Arts (International Language) (文学)
BA Linguistics and Philosophy (语言学与哲学)
BA Management and Philosophy (管理与哲学)
BA Management and Portuguese (管理与葡萄牙语)
BA Politics and Portuguese (政治与葡萄牙语)
BA Politics and Russian A (政治与俄语A)
BA Politics and Russian B (政治与俄语B)
BA Politics and Russian Civilisation (政治与俄国文化)
BA Russian A (俄语A)
BA Russian A and Sociology (俄语A与社会学)
BA Russian A and Spanish (俄语A与西班牙语)
BA Russian A and Theatre and Performance (俄语A与戏剧表演)
BA Russian B (俄语B)
BA Thai Studies and Theatre and Performance (泰国研究与戏剧表演)
BSc History and Philosophy of Science and Physics (历史科学哲学与物理)
BA Ancient History and History and Philosophy of Science (古代史与历史哲学)
BA Ancient History and Theology and Religious Studies (古代史与神学地区研究)
BA Arabic and International Relations (阿拉伯语与国际关系)
BA Arabic and Politics (阿拉伯语与政治)
BA Arabic and Russian A (阿拉伯语与俄语A)
BA Asia Pacific Studies and French (亚太研究与法语)
BA Asia Pacific Studies and History (亚太研究与历史)
BA Chinese and Economics (中文与经济学)
BA Chinese and International Development (中文与国际发展)
BA Chinese and Italian A (中文与意大利语A)
BA Chinese and Russian A (中文与俄语A)
BA Chinese and Russian Civilisation (中文与俄国文化)
BA Classical Civilisation and History (古典文明与历史)
BA Classical Civilisation and Philosophy (古典文明与哲学)
BA Classical Literature and Philosophy (古典文学与哲学)
BA Classical Literature and Russian B (古典文学与俄语B)
BA Economics and German (经济学与德语)
BA Economics and Italian A (经济学与意大利语A)
BA Economics and Russian B (经济学与俄语B)
BA Economics and Spanish (经济学与西班牙语)
BA English and History (英语与历史)
BA English and Italian A (英语与意大利语A)
BA English and Portuguese (英语与葡萄牙语)
BA French and Social Policy (法语与社会政策)
BA French and Sociology (法语与社会学)
BA French and Spanish (法语与西班牙语)
BA French and Theatre and Performance (法语与系戏剧表演)
BA French and Theology and Religious Studies (法语与神学宗教研究)
BA Geography and History (地理与历史)
BA German and Philosophy (德语与哲学)
BA German and Politics (德语与政治)
BA German and Portuguese (德语与葡萄牙语)
BA German and Russian A (德语与俄语A)
BA History and History and Philosophy of Science (历史与科学哲学)
BA History and History of Art (历史与文学史)
BA History and Portuguese (历史与葡萄牙语)
BA History and Russian A (历史与俄语A)
BA History and Russian B (历史与俄语B)
BA History and Russian Civilisation (历史与俄国研究)
BA International Development and Italian A (国际发展与意大利语A)
BA International Development and Italian B (国际发展与意大利语B)
BA International Development and Japanese (国际发展与日语)
BA International Development and Portuguese (国际发展与葡萄牙语)
BA International Relations and Spanish (国际关系与西班牙语)
BA International Relations and Thai Studies (国际关系与泰国研究)
BA Italian A and Japanese (意大利语A与日语)
BA Italian A and Linguistics (意大利语A与语言学)
BA Italian A and Management (意大利语A与管理学)
BA Italian B and Japanese (意大利语B与日语)
BA Italian B and Linguistics (意大利语B与语言学)
BA Italian B and Management (意大利语B与管理)
BA Italian B and Music (意大利语B与音乐)
BA Japanese and Philosophy (日语与哲学)
BA Japanese and Politics (日语与政治)
BA Japanese and Russian A (日语与俄语A)
BA Japanese and Russian B (日语与俄语B)
BA Linguistics and Thai Studies (语言学与泰国研究)
BA Management and Thai Studies (管理与泰国研究)
BA Middle Eastern Studies and Politics (中东研究与政治)
BA Philosophy (哲学)
Medieval Studies MA (中世纪研究)
BA Philosophy and Russian B (哲学与俄语B)
BA Philosophy and Russian Civilisation (哲学与俄国文化)
BA Philosophy and Social Policy (哲学与社会政策)
BA Philosophy and Sociology (哲学与社会学)
BA Philosophy and Spanish (哲学与西班牙语)
BA Politics and Theology and Religious Studies (政治与神学宗教研究)
BA Portuguese and Russian A (葡萄牙语与俄语A)
BA Portuguese and Russian B (葡萄牙语与俄语B)
BA Portuguese and Russian Civilisation (葡萄牙语与俄国文明)
BA Russian B and Theology and Religious Studies (俄语B与神学宗教研究)
BA Russian Civilisation and Sociology (俄国文化与社会学)
BA Russian Civilisation and Spanish (俄国文化与西班牙语)
BA Russian Civilisation and Thai Studies (俄国文化与泰国研究)
BA Sociology and Spanish (社会学与西班牙语)
BA Sociology and Theology and Religious Studies (社会学与神学宗教研究)
BA Spanish and Theatre and Performance (西班牙语与戏剧表演)
BSc Mathematics and Philosophy (数学与哲学)
BA English and Comparative Literature (英语与比较文学)
BA English and Film Studies (英语与电影研究)
BA English Language and Linguistics (英语语言与语言学)
BA Ancient History and Philosophy (古代史与哲学)
BA Arabic and Chinese (阿拉伯语与中文)
BA Arabic and German (阿拉伯语与德语)
BA Arabic and International Development (阿拉伯语与国际发展)
BA Arabic and Portuguese (阿拉伯语与葡萄牙语)
BA Arabic and Russian B (阿拉伯语与俄语B)
BA Asia Pacific Studies and German (亚太研究与德语)
BA Asia Pacific Studies and International Relations (亚太研究与国际关系)
BA Chinese and Cultural Studies (中文与文化研究)
BA Chinese and English (中文与英语)
BA Chinese and International Business (中文与国际商务)
BA Chinese and International Relations (中文与国际关系)
BA Chinese and Portuguese (中文与葡萄牙语)
BA Chinese and Russian B (中文与俄语B)
BA Classical Civilisation and History and Philosophy of Science (古典文明与历史科学哲学)
BA Classical Civilisation and Theology and Religious Studies (古典文明与神学宗教研究)
BA Classical Literature and Italian B (古典文学与意大利语B)
BA Classical Literature and Russian A (古典文学与俄语A)
BA Economics and History (经济学与历史)
BA Economics and Italian B (经济学与意大利语B)
BA Economics and Russian A (经济学与俄语A)
BA Economics and Russian Civilisation (经济学与俄国文明)
BA Economics and Thai Studies (经济学与泰国研究)
BA English and German (英语与德语)
BA English and History of Art (英语与文学史)
BA English and Russian A (英语与俄语A)
BA English and Russian Civilisation (英语与俄国文化)
BA English and Theology and Religious Studies (英语与神学宗教研究)
BA English Language and Literature (英语语言与文学)
BA European Studies and German (欧洲研究与德语)
BA European Studies and Italian B (欧洲研究与意大利语B)
BA Film Studies and Italian B (电影研究与意大利语B)
BA Film Studies and Portuguese (电影研究与葡萄牙语)
BA French and History and Philosophy of Science (法语与历史科学哲学史)
BA French and International Business (法语与国际商务)
BA English and Russian B (英语与俄语B)
BA European Studies and French (欧洲研究与法语)
BA European Studies and Italian A (欧洲研究与意大利语A)
BA Film Studies and Italian A (电影研究与意大利语A)
BA Film Studies and Japanese (电影研究与日语)
BA French and History (法语与历史)
BA French and History of Art (法语与文学史)
BA French and Linguistics (法语与语言学)
BA French and Portuguese (法语与葡萄牙语)
BA French and Russian B (法语与俄语B)
BA Geography and Spanish (地理与西班牙语)
BA German and History and Philosophy of Science (德语与历史科学哲学)
BA German and Linguistics (德语与语言学)
BA German and Russian Civilisation (德语与俄国文化)
BA German and Sociology (德语与社会学)
BA History and Italian A (历史与意大利语A)
BA History and Music (历史与音乐)
BA History and Philosophy of Science and Russian Civilisation (历史科学哲学与俄国研究)
BA History and Philosophy of Science and Theology and Religious Studies (历史科学哲学与神学宗教研究)
BA History and Social Policy (历史与社会政策)
BA History and Spanish (历史与西班牙语)
BA History and Theology and Religious Studies (历史与神学宗教研究)
BA International Development and Russian A (国际发展与俄语A)
BA International Development and Russian Civilisation (国际发展与俄国文化)
BA International Relations and Russian Civilisation (国际关系与俄国文化)
BA Italian A and Philosophy (意大利语A与哲学)
BA Italian A and Portuguese (意大利语A与葡萄牙语)
BA Italian A and Sociology (意大利语A与社会学)
BA Italian A and Theatre and Performance (意大利语A与戏剧表演)
BA Italian B and Politics (意大利语B与政治)
BA Italian B and Russian A (意大利语B与俄语A)
BA Japanese and Linguistics (日语与语言学)
BA Japanese and Russian Civilisation (日语与俄国文化)
BA Linguistics and Russian A (语言学与俄语A)
BA Linguistics and Russian Civilisation (语言学与俄国文化)
BA Management and Russian B (管理与俄语B)
BA Management and Spanish (管理与西班牙语)
BA Middle Eastern Studies and Sociology (中东研究与社会学)
BA Music and Spanish (音乐与西班牙语)
BA Philosophy and Portuguese (哲学与葡萄牙语)
BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics (哲学与、政治与经济学)
BA Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Thought (哲学、心理学与科学思想)
BA Politics and Sociology (政治与社会学)
BA Politics and Thai Studies (政治与泰国研究)
BA Portuguese and Theatre and Performance (葡萄牙语与戏剧表演)
BA Russian A and Theology and Religious Studies (俄语A与神学宗教研究)
BA Russian B and Spanish (俄语B与西班牙语)
BA Theology and Religious Studies (神学与宗教研究)
BSc Biology and History and Philosophy of Science (生物、历史与科学哲学)
BSc French and Mathematics (法语与数学)
BSc German and Mathematics (德语与数学)
BA English Literature (英国文学)
Creative Writing and Critical Life ()
Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies MA (会议口译与翻译研究)
Critical and Cultural Theory MA (批判与文化理论)
Social and Cultural History MA (社会与文化史)
East Asian Cultures and Societies (Language Pathway) MA (东亚文化与社会(语言方向))
East Asian Cultures and Societies MA (东亚文化与社会)
Philosophy MA ()
MA Linguistics for English Language Teaching (英语语言教学)
Creative Writing MA (创意写作)
Applied Translation Studies MA (应用翻译研究)
Religion PGDip (宗教学)
Religion PGCert (宗教学)
English Literature MA (英国文学)
Conference Interpreting PGDip (会议口译)
Science, History and Society MA (科学、历史与社会)
BA French and Japanese (法语与日语)
BA French and Management (法语与管理)
BA French and Russian A (法语与俄语A)
BA French and Russian Civilisation (法语与俄国研究)
BA German and History (德语与历史)
BA German and History of Art (德语与文学史)
BA German and Management (德语与管理)
BA German and Music (德语与音乐)
BA German and Russian B (德语与俄语B)
BA German and Social Policy (德语与社会政策)
BA History and Italian B (历史与意大利语B)
BA History and Philosophy (历史与哲学)
BA History and Philosophy of Science and Politics (历史科学哲学与政治)
BA History and Sociology (历史与社会学)
BA International Development and Russian B (国际发展与俄语B)
BA International Development and Spanish (国际发展与西班牙语)
BA International Relations and Portuguese (国际关系与葡萄牙语)
BA International Relations and Russian B (国际关系与俄语B)
BA Italian A and Music (意大利语A与音乐)
BA Italian A and Politics (意大利语A与政治)
BA Italian A and Spanish (意大利语A与西班牙语)
BA Italian A and Theology and Religious Studies (意大利语A与神学宗教研究)
BA Italian B and Philosophy (意大利语B与哲学)
BA Italian B and Portuguese (意大利语B与葡萄牙语)
BA Italian B and Theology and Religious Studies (意大利语B与神学宗教研究)
BA Japanese and Management (日语与管理)
BA Japanese and Spanish (日语与西班牙语)
BA Linguistics and Portuguese (语言学与葡萄牙语)
BA Linguistics and Russian B (语言学与俄语B)
BA Linguistics and Spanish (语言学与西班牙语)
BA Management and Russian A (管理与俄语A)
BA Management and Russian Civilisation (管理与俄国文化)
BA Music and Philosophy (音乐与哲学)
BA Philosophy and Politics (哲学与政治)
BA Philosophy and Russian A (哲学与俄语A)
BA Philosophy and Theology and Religious Studies (哲学与神学宗教研究)
BA Philosophy, Ethics and Religion (哲学伦理与宗教)
BA Politics and Social Policy (政治与社会政策)
BA Politics and Spanish (政治与西班牙语)
BA Portuguese and Theology and Religious Studies (葡萄牙语与神学宗教研究)
BA Religion, Politics & Society (地区、政治与社会)
BA Russian B and Sociology (俄语B与社会学)
BA Russian B and Theatre and Performance (俄语B与戏剧表演)
BA Russian Civilisation and Theology and Religious Studies (俄国文化与神学宗教研究)
BA Social Policy and Spanish (社会政策与西班牙语)
BSc Biology and Mathematics (生物与数学)
BA English Literature and Theatre Studies (英国文学与戏剧研究)
BA History (历史)
BA History and Thai Studies (历史与泰国研究)
Modern History MA (现代历史)
BA Modern Languages and English ()
East Asian Studies MRes (东亚研究)
Postcolonial Studies MA (后殖民研究)
Modern History MA (现代史)
International History MA (国际历史)
Audiovisual Translation and Localisation MA (音像翻译与本地化)
Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies MA (会议口译和翻译研究)
Philosophy MA (哲学)
Religion MA (宗教学)
MSc Infection, Immunity and Human Disease (感染、免疫与人类疾病)
MSc Biodiversity and Conservation (生物多样性与保护)
MSc Bioscience (生物科学)
MSc Plant Science and Biotechnology (植物科学与生物技术)
MSc Mathematics (数学)
MSc Statistics with Applications to Finance (金融应用统计学)
MSc Food Quality and Innovation (食品质量与创新)
MSc Food Science (食品科学)
MSc Nutrition (营养学)
BSc Biology with Enterprise (生物与企业)
BSc Neuroscience (神经科学)
BSc Zoology (动物学)
MBiol Biology with Enterprise (Integrated Masters) (生物与企业)
MSc Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics (大气-海洋动态学)
MSc Food Science and Nutrition (食品科学与营养)
MSc Physics and Business Management (物理与商务管理)
MSc Chemical Biology and Drug Design (化学生物与药物设计)
MSc Food Science (Food Biotechnology) (食品科学(食品生物技术))
MSc Mathematics and Computer Science (数学与计算机科学)
MSc Medical Statistics (医学统计学)
MSc Polymers, Colorants and Fine Chemicals (聚合物、着色剂与精制化学药品)
MSc Statistics (统计学)
MBiol Neuroscience (Integrated Masters) (神经科学)
MBiol Zoology (Integrated Masters) (动物学)
BSc Natural Sciences (自然科学)
MChem Chemistry (化学)
BSc Geological Science (地质科学)
MGeol Geological Sciences (International) (地质科学)
Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems BEng (电子与再生能源工程)
Mechanical Engineering MEng (机械工程)
Mechatronics and Robotics BEng (机电与机器人)
Mechatronics and Robotics MEng (机电与机器人)
Music, Multimedia and Electronics BSc (音乐、多媒体与电子学)
BSc Geography - Geology (地理-地质学)
BSc Medical Sciences (医学科学)
BSc Pharmacology (制药学)
MBiol Medical Sciences (Integrated Masters) (医学科学)
MBiol Pharmacology (Integrated Masters) (制药学)
BSc Economics and Mathematics (经济学与数学)
BSc Management and Mathematics (管理与数学)
BSc Theoretical Physics (理论物理)
PHD Physics and Astronomy ()
Drug Discovery and Development MSc (药物发现与开发)
Biopharmaceutical Development MSc (生物制药开发)
Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation MRes (体育,运动和康复)
Biodiversity and Conservation MSc (生物多样性与保护)
Biodiversity and Conservation with African Field Course MSc (生物多样性和保护与非洲实地课程)
BSc Medicinal Chemistry (医学化学)
BA Environment and Business (环境与商务)
BSc Meteorology and Climate Science (气象学与气候科学)
BSc Food Science and Nutrition (食品科学与营养)
BA Economics and Geography (经济学与地理)
BSc Geography and Management (地理与管理)
BSc Mathematics and Music (数学与音乐)
Plant Science and Biotechnology MSc (植物科学与生物技术)
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production MSc (可持续农业和粮食生产)
Engineering, Technology and Business Management MSc (工程、技术与商务管理)
Astrophysics MSc (天体物理学)
Transport Planning and the Environment MSc (运输规划与环境)
Dental Public Health MSc (牙科公共卫生)
Oral Surgery MSc (口腔外科)
Public Health (International) MPH (公共健康(国际))
Cognitive Development and Disorders MSc (认知发展与障碍)
Psychological Approaches to Health MSc (健康心理学方法)
Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy Systems MSc (电子工程与再生能源)
Air Quality Solutions with Data Science MSc (空气质量解决方案与数据科学)
Environment and Development (环境与发展)
Sustainability and Business MSc (可持续发展与商业)
Sustainability in Transport MSc (运输可持续发展)
Transport Planning MSc (运输规划)
Nutrition MSc (营养学)
Food Science and Nutrition MSc (食品科学与营养)
Food Product Innovation MSc (食品产品创新)
Food Science (Food Biotechnology) MSc (食品科学(食品生物技术))
Clinical Embryology and Assisted Reproduction Technology MSc (临床胚胎学和辅助生殖技术)
Biology BSc (生物)
Genetics BSc(Study abroad) (遗传学(含海外年))
Zoology BSc (动物学)
Zoology BSc(Work placement) (动物学(含实习))
Sport and Exercise Sciences BSc (体育与运动科学)
Biomedical Sciences MBiol, BSc (生物医学科学(本硕连读))
Human Physiology, Physical Activity & Health MBiol, BSc (人体生理学,体育活动与健康(本硕连读))
Neuroscience MBiol, BSc (神经科学(本硕连读))
International Health MSc (国际健康)
Biology BSc(Work placement) (生物(含实习))
Biology BSc(Study abroad) (生物(含海外学习))
Ecology and Conservation Biology BSc (生态学与保护生物学)
Ecology and Conservation Biology BSc(Work placement) (生态学与保护生物学(含实习))
Genetics BSc (遗传学)
Ecology and Conservation Biology MBiol, BSc (生态学与保护生物学(本硕连读))
Genetics MBiol, BSc (遗传生物学(本硕连读))
Zoology MBiol, BSc (动物学(本硕连读))
Microbiology BSc (微生物学)
Biochemistry MBiol, BSc (生物化学(本硕连读))
Biological Sciences MBiol, BSc (生物科学(本硕连读))
Environment and Business BA (环境及商业)
Sustainability and Environmental Management BSc (可持续发展与环境管理)
Food Science BSc (食品科学)
Natural Sciences BSc, MNatSc (自然科学(本硕连读))
Geography with Environmental Mathematics BSc (地理及环境数学)
Civil Engineering with Transport BEng (土木工程及运输工程)
Biological Sciences (Biotechnology with Enterprise) MBiol, BSc (生物科学(生物技术与企业))
Electronic and Electrical Engineering BEng-废 (电子电气工程)
Physics MSc(Bio Soft Matter Physics) (物理学(生物软物质物理学))
Physics MSc(Theoretical Physics) (物理学(理论物理学))
Physics MSc(Physics Applied to Medicine) (物理学(医学应用物理学))
Food Science and Nutrition MSc (食品科学与营养学)
Environmental Data Science and Analytics MSc (环境数据科学与分析)
Statistics with Applications to Finance MSc (统计学与金融应用)
Physics MSc (物理学)
Climate Futures: Science, Society and Politics MSc (气候未来: 科学、社会与政治)
Sustainable Food Systems and Food Security MSc (可持续粮食系统与粮食安全)
Sustainability in Transport MSc (运输可持续性)
BSc Genetics (遗传学)
BSc Sports Science and Physiology (体育科学与生理学)
MBiol Biochemistry (Integrated Masters) (生物化学)
MBiol Biology (Integrated Masters) (生物学)
MBiol Human Physiology (Integrated Masters) (人类生理学)
MBiol Microbiology (Integrated Masters) (微生物学)
BSc Chemistry and Mathematics (化学与数学)
BSc Medical Biochemistry (医学生物化学)
Nutrition MSci, BSc:Food Composition (营养学(本硕连读):食物成分)
Nutrition MSci, BSc:New Food Product Development and Quality Control (营养学(本硕连读):新食品开发和质量控制)
Nutrition MSci, BSc:Sensory Science (营养学(本硕连读):感官科学)
Nutrition MSci, BSc:Sport and Exercise Nutrition (营养学(本硕连读):体育和运动营养)
Graduate Diploma in Mathematics (数学)
BSc Food Science (食品科学)
BA Geography (地理)
BSc Mathematics (数学)
BSc Mathematics and Statistics (数学与统计)
BSc Physics with Astrophysics (物理与天文学)
BSc Psychology (心理学)
Drug Discovery and Development MSc= (药物发现与开发)
Biopharmaceutical Development (Industrial Placement) MSc (生物制药开发(工业实习))
Sport and Exercise Medicine MSc (体育与运动医学)
Neuroscience MRes:Exercise and rehabilitation (神经科学:运动与康复)
Chemical Biology and Drug Design MSc ()
Climate and Atmospheric Science MRes ()
Geographical Information Systems MSc (地质信息系统)
MSc Structural Geology with Geophysics (结构地质学与地球物理学)
Chemistry MSc ()
Neuroscience MRes:Neurobiology (神经科学:神经生物学)
Infection, Immunity and Human Disease MSc (感染,免疫和人类疾病)
International Year One (BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES) ()
Science and Technology for Sustainability MSc (科技促进可持续性)
Digital and Automated Chemistry MSc (数字与自动化化学)
Biodiversity and Conservation with African Field Course MSc (生物多样性与保护(非洲实地课程))
Neuroscience MRes (神经科学)
Infection, Immunity and Human Disease MSc (感染、免疫与人类疾病)
Mechatronics and Robotics MSc ( Eng) (机电与机器人)
Ecological Economics MSc (生态经济学)
Climate Futures: Science, Society and Politics MSc (气候未来:科学、社会与政治)
Environment and Development MSc (环境与发展)
Sustainability and Consultancy MSc (可持续发展与咨询)
Sustainable Food Systems and Food Security MSc (可持续粮食系统和粮食安全)
Engineering Geology MSc (工程地质学)
Geographical Information Systems MSc (地址信息系统)
Railway Operations, Management and Policy MSc (铁路运营,管理和政策)
Cancer Biology and Therapy MSc (癌症生物学与治疗)
Medical Imaging MSc (医学影像)
Biomedical Sciences BSc (生物医学)
Neuroscience BSc (神经科学)
Pharmacology MBiol, BSc (药物学(本硕连读))
Biological Sciences BSc (生物科学)
Food Science BSc:Food Biotechnology (食品科学:食品生物技术)
Food Science BSc:Functional Foods (食品科学:功能性食品)
Food Science BSc:Food Science and Nutritional research (食品科学:食品科学与营养研究)
Geography BSc (地理)
Physics with Astrophysics BSc (物理学与天体物理学)
Theoretical Physics BSc (理论物理)
Physics MPhys, BSc (物理学(本硕连读))
Physics with Astrophysics MPhys, BSc (物理学与天体物理学(本硕连读))
Theoretical Physics MPhys, BSc (理论物理(本硕连读))
Nutrition MSci, BSc:Traditional Alcoholic Beverages (营养学(本硕连读):传统酒精饮料)
Graduate Diploma in Financial and Actuarial Mathematics (金融与精算数学)
Physics MSc ()
Physics with Astrophysics BSc (物理与天体物理)
Physics BSc ()
Global Conservation Science MSc (全球保护科学)
Climate Futures: Science, Society and Politics MSc (气候学:科学、社会和政治学)
Environmental Data Science and Analytics MSc (环境数据科学与分析理学)
Astrophysics MSc ()
Biomedical and Healthcare Ethics PGDip (生物医学与保健伦理学)
Sport and Exercise Medicine MSc (运动与锻炼医学)
Biomedical Sciences BSc ()
Physics MSc(Quantum Condensed Matter) (物理学(量子凝聚态物质))
Sustainability, Environment and Development MSc (可持续性、环境与发展)
Sustainability and Consultancy MSc (可持续性与咨询)
Sustainable Cities MSc (可持续城市)
Food Science (Food Biotechnology) MSc (食品科学(食品生物技术))
Geographical Information Science MSc (地理信息科学)
Environmental Science BSc (环境科学)
Food Science BSc:Food Allergy and Food Intolerance (食品科学:食物过敏和食物不耐受)
Food Science MSci, BSc (食品科学(本硕连读))
Food Science and Nutrition MSci, BSc (食品科学与营养学(本硕连读))
Nutrition MSci, BSc (营养学(本硕连读))
Economics and Geography BA (经济学与地理学)
Chemistry BSc (化学)
Nutrition MSci, BSc:Sustainable Food Consumption (营养学(本硕连读):可持续食物消费)
BSc Earth and Environmental Sciences with Foundation Year (地球环境科学含基础学年)
Clinical Embryology and Assisted Reproduction Technology MSc ()
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production MSc ()
MSc Sustainability and Consultancy (可持续性与咨询)
Environmental Water Consultancy MSc (水源环境咨询)
MA Science History & Society ()
Biotechnology with Business Enterprise MSc (生物技术与商业企业)
BSc Biochemistry (生物化学)
BSc Biology (生物学)
BSc Human Physiology (人类生理学)
BSc Microbiology (微生物学)
MBiol Genetics (Integrated Masters) (遗传学)
BSc Chemistry (化学)
BSc Geophysical Sciences (地球物理科学)
Electronic and Communications Engineering BEng (电子通信工程)
Electronic Engineering BEng (电子工程)
BSc Nutrition (营养学)
BA Geography with Transport Studies (地理与运输研究)
BSc Actuarial Mathematics (精算数学)
BSc Mathematical Studies (数学研究)
MMath Mathematics & Statistics (数学与统计)
MPhys Physics (物理)
MPhys Theoretical Physics (理论物理)
MSc Precision Medicine: Genomics & Analytics (精确医学:基因组学与分析)
Precision Medicine: Genomic Data Science MSc (精准医学:基因组数据科学)
Neuroscience MRes:Neuro-engineering (神经科学:神经工程)
Neuroscience MRes:Cognitive neuroscience (神经科学:认知神经科学)
Bioscience MSc (生物科学)
Physics MSc (物理)
Climate and Atmospheric Science MRes (气候与大气科学)
Exploration Geophysics MSc (勘探地球物理)
Transport Planning and Engineering MSc (Eng) (运输规划及工程)
Food Science MSc (食品科学)
Dental Materials MSc (牙科材料)
Cardiovascular Health and Disease (心血管健康与疾病)
Medicine MRes (医学)
Molecular Medicine MSc (分子医学)
Ecology and Conservation Biology BSc(Study abroad) (生态学与保护生物学(含海外学习))
Genetics BSc(Work placement) (遗传学(含实习年))
Zoology BSc(Study abroad) (动物学(含海外年))
Biology MBiol, BSc (生物(本硕连读))
Human Physiology, Physical Activity & Health BSc (人体生理学,体育活动与健康)
Pharmacology BSc (药物学)
Biochemistry BSc (生物化学)
Biological Sciences (Biotechnology with Enterprise) BSc (生物科学(生物技术与企业))
Microbiology MBiol, BSc (微生物学(本硕连读))
Environmental Science MSc (环境科学)
Food Product Innovation MSc (食品创新)
Food Science BSc:Traditional Alcoholic Beverages (食品科学:传统酒精饮料)
Nutrition BSc (营养科学)
Natural Sciences BSc (自然科学)
Geography BA (地理)
Geography with Transport Studies BA (地理及运输学)
Physics BSc (物理)
Nutrition MSci, BSc:Food Allergy and Food Intolerance (营养学(本硕连读):食物过敏和食物不耐受)
Nutrition MSci, BSc:Food Systems and Sustainability (营养学(本硕连读):粮食系统与可持续发展)
Nutrition MSci, BSc:Leadership and Enterprise (营养学(本硕连读):领导力与企业)
Urban Data Science and Analytics MSc ()
Biotechnology with Business Enterprise MSc (生物科技和商业)
Climate Change and Environmental Policy MSc (气候变化与环境政策)
Environment and Development with Integrated International Fieldwork MSc (环境与发展与国际综合性实地调查)
MSc Engineering Geology (工程地质学)
MSc Exploration Geophysics (探测地球物理学)
MSc in River Basin Dynamics and Management with GIS (河流盆地力学与管理)
MSc Sustainability and Business (可持续性与商务)
Environmental Science BSc ()
Biomedical and Healthcare Ethics MA (生物医学与保健伦理学)
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production MSc (可持续农业与食品生产)
Precision Medicine: Genomic Data Science MSc (精准医学: 基因组数据科学)
Biopharmaceutical Development (Industrial Placement) MSc (生物制药开发(工业实习))
MSc Epidemiology and Biostatistics (流行病学和生物统计学)
MSc Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care (领导与健康管理)
BA Social Work (社会工作)
BSc Nursing (Adult) (护理(成人))
Audiology BSc (听力)
Healthcare Science (Cardiac Physiology) BSc (医疗科学(心脏生理学))
Psychological Approaches to Health (心理学健康)
Nursing (Adult) BSc (护理(成人))
Nursing (Child) BSc (护理(儿童))
Nursing (Mental Health) BSc (护理(心理健康))
Public Health (International) MPH (公共卫生(国际))
Air Quality Solutions MSc ()
BSc Healthcare Science (Audiology) (卫生保健科学(声学))
BSc Midwifery (助产)
BSc Nursing (Mental Health) (护理(心理健康))
Bionanotechnology (生物纳米技术)
Dental Surgery MChD/BChD, Oral Science BSc (口腔外科(本硕连读),口腔科学学士)
Midwifery (Blended Learning) BSc (助产学(混合学习))
Diagnostic Radiography BSc (放射诊断学)
Medicine and Surgery MBChB (医学与外科(本硕连读))
Clinical Embryology and Assisted Reproduction Technology MSc (临床胚胎学与辅助生殖技术)
Cardiovascular Health and Disease MSC (心血管健康与疾病)
International Health MSc (国际卫生)
Food Science and Nutrition BSc:Functional Food (食品科学与营养:功能性食品)
Food Science and Nutrition BSc:Food Biotechnology (食品科学与营养:食品生物技术)
Food Science and Nutrition BSc:Nutrition Policy (食品科学与营养:营养政策)
Food Science and Nutrition BSc:Obesity and Personalised Nutrition (食品科学与营养:肥胖和个性化营养)
Sport and Exercise Sciences MSci, Bsc ()
Pharmacy Practice MSc ()
Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation MRes (运动、锻炼与康复)
Food Science and Nutrition BSc:Traditional Alcoholic Beverages (食品科学与营养:传统酒精饮料)
BSc Advanced Psychology (高级心理学)
BSc Healthcare Science (Cardiac Physiology) (卫生保健科学(心脏生理学))
Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation MRes ()
BSc Nursing (Child) (护理(儿童))
Cognitive Development and Disorders (认知发展与障碍)
Social Work BA (社会工作)
Medical Ultrasound (Sonography) BSc (医学超声(超音波))
Advanced Psychology MPsyc, BSc (高级心理学(本硕连读))
Psychology BSc (心理学)
Food Science and Nutrition BSc (食品科学与营养)
Food Science and Nutrition BSc:Food Allergy and Food Intolerance (食品科学与营养:食物过敏和食物不耐受)
Food Science and Nutrition BSc:Ingredient Interactions (食品科学与营养:成分相互作用)
MPsyc Advanced Psychology (高级心理学)
Arabic/English Translation MA (阿拉伯语、英语翻译)
MA Conflict, Development and Security (冲突、发展与安全)
MA Gender Studies (性别研究)
MA Global Development and Education (全球发展与教育)
Audiovisual Translation Studies MA (视听翻译研究)
MA Disability Studies (残疾研究)
MA Global Development (全球发展)
MA Global Development and Africa (全球发展与非洲)
MA Politics (政治)
Public Administration MPA (公共管理)
Religious Studies and Global Development MA (宗教研究与全球发展)
MA International Relations (国际关系)
MA International Relations and Politics of the Middle East (国际关系与中东政治)
MA Security, Terrorism and Insurgency (安全、恐怖主义与暴乱)
MA Social Research (社会调查)
MA Global Development and International Political Economy (全球发展与国际政治经济)
MA Social and Political Thought (社会与政治思想)
Politics (Political Theory) MA (政治(政治理论))
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies MA (中东伊斯兰研究)
International Education Leadership and Policy MA (国际教育领导与政策)
MA Global Development and Gender (全球发展与性别)
MA Global Development and Political Economy of International Resources (全球发展与国际资源政治经济)
MA Social and Public Policy (社会与公共政策)
BA Social Policy with Enterprise (社会政策与企业)
BA Sociology (社会学)
BA Professional Studies (专业研究)
BA Asia Pacific Studies (亚太研究)
BA Asia Pacific Studies (International) (亚太研究(国际))
BA Chinese (Modern) (儿童研究)
BA Chinese and Japanese (中文与日语)
BA Cultural Studies and Russian B (文化研究与俄语B)
BA Cultural Studies and Russian Civilisation (文化研究与俄国文化)
BA Cultural Studies and Thai Studies (文化研究与泰国文化)
BA International Business and Italian A (国际商务与意大利语A)
BA International Business and Italian B (国际商务与意大利语B)
BA International Business and Japanese (国际商务与日语)
BA Geography and Sociology (地理与社会学)
BA International Business and Portuguese (国际商务与葡萄牙语)
BA Italian B (意大利语B)
BA Linguistics and Phonetics (语言学与语音学)
BA Politics (政治)
English Literature MA (英语文学)
BA Cultural Studies and French (文化研究与法语)
BA Cultural Studies and German (文化研究与德语)
BA Cultural Studies and Italian A (文化研究与意大利语A)
BA French (法语)
BA Philosophy and History and Philosophy of Science (哲学历史与科学哲学)
BA International Development (国际发展)
Religion MA (宗教)
Science, History and Society MA (科学、历史与社会文学)
Global Ethical Challenges MA (全球道德挑战)
Biomedical and Healthcare Ethics PGDip (生物医学和医疗保健伦理)
Religion PGCert (宗教)
Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding MA (冲突、发展与建设和平)
Society, Culture and Media (社会、文化与传媒)
Society, Culture and Media MA (社会、文化与传媒文学)
Criminal Justice and Criminal Law LLM (刑事司法与刑法)
International Law and Global Governance LLM (国际法与全球治理)
Law (Graduate Programme) LLB (法律(研究生课程))
English Language and Literature BA (英语语言文学)
English Language and Linguistics BA (英语语言与语言学)
Modern Languages and English BA (现代语言和英语)
Modern Languages and English BA(Arabic) (现代语言和英语(阿拉伯语))
English and Music BA (英语及音乐)
English and Sociology BA (英语与社会学)
Liberal Arts BA (人文科学)
History BA (历史)
Modern Languages and History BA(Chinese) (现代语言与历史(中文))
Modern Languages and Linguistics BA(Japanese) (现代语言与语言学(日语))
Modern Languages and Linguistics BA(Portuguese) (现代语言与语言学(葡萄牙语))
Modern Languages and Linguistics BA(Spanish) (现代语言与语言学(西班牙语))
Modern Languages and Linguistics BA(Thai) (现代语言与语言学(泰语))
Arabic and Russian A BA (阿拉伯语和俄语)
Global Security Challenges MA (全球安全挑战)
International Relations MA (国际关系)
Criminal Justice and Criminology MSc (刑事司法与犯罪学)
Intellectual Property Law LLM (知识产权法)
Arabic and Russian B BA (阿拉伯语和俄语)
Ancient History and Philosophy BA (古代史与哲学)
Italian BA (意大利语)
German BA (德语)
Philosophy BA (哲学)
Classical Literature and English BA (古典文学和英语)
Modern Languages and English BA(Portuguese) (现代语言和英语(葡萄牙语))
Modern Languages and English BA(Russian) (现代语言和英语(俄罗斯语))
Modern Languages and English BA(Spanish) (现代语言和英语(西班牙语))
Modern Languages and English BA(Thai) (现代语言和英语(泰语))
Classical Civilisation and History BA (古典文明与历史)
International History and Politics BA (国际历史与政治)
Modern Languages and History BA(Russian) (现代语言与历史(俄罗斯语))
Modern Languages and History BA(Spanish) (现代语言与历史(西班牙语))
History and Sociology BA (历史与社会学)
Modern Languages BA (现代语言)
Modern Languages and Economics BA (现代语言与经济学)
Modern Languages and Film Studies BA (现代语言与电影研究)
Modern Languages and International Relations BA (现代语言与国际关系)
Modern Languages and Philosophy BA (现代语言与哲学)
Modern Languages and Linguistics BA(Arabic) (现代语言与语言学(阿拉伯语))
Arabic and Portuguese BA (阿拉伯语和葡萄牙语)
Arabic and Chinese BA (阿拉伯语和中文)
Chinese and Japanese Studies BA (中文与日语)
Chinese and Portuguese BA (中文与葡萄牙语)
Chinese and Thai Studies BA (中文与泰研究)
Japanese and Russian A BA (日语与意大利语)
Japanese and Russian B BA (日语与俄语)
Thai Studies BA (泰研究)
East Asian Studies and International Relations BA (东亚研究与国际关系)
Linguistics BA (语言学)
Linguistics and Philosophy BA (语言学与哲学)
Journalism BA (新闻业)
Philosophy and Politics BA (哲学与政治)
Philosophy, Politics and Economics BA (哲学、政治和经济学)
Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Thought BA (哲学、心理学与科学思想)
Mathematics and Philosophy BSc (数学与哲学)
BA Social Policy (社会政策)
BA Sociology and International Relations (社会政策与国际关系)
Political Science MSc (政治学)
Terrorism and Insurgency MA (恐怖主义和叛乱)
Gender Studies MA (性别研究)
Society, Culture and Media MA (社会、文化与媒体)
International Relations BA (国际关系)
Economics and Politics BA (经济与政治)
Social Policy, Sociology & Crime BSc (社会政策、社会学与犯罪)
Social and Political Sciences BSc (社会及政治科学)
BA Social Science (社会科学)
BA Arts and Humanities with Foundation Year (文学与人文学科含基础学年)
BA Arabic and International Business (阿拉伯语与国际商务)
BA Asia Pacific Studies and Chinese (亚太研究与中国)
BA Asia Pacific Studies and Thai Studies (亚太研究与泰国研究)
BA Cultural Studies and Japanese (文化研究与日语)
BA Cultural Studies and Russian A (文化研究与俄语A)
BA International Business and Russian B (国际商务俄语B)
BA International Business and Thai Studies (国际商务与泰国研究)
BA International Relations and Russian A (国际关系与俄语A)
BA Italian A (意大利语A)
BA Japanese (日语)
BA Philosophy and Thai Studies (哲学与泰国研究)
BA Spanish (西班牙语)
BA Thai Studies (泰国研究)
BA International Relations (国际关系)
Inequalities and Social Science MSc (不平等与社会科学)
Sustainable Food Systems MSc (可持续食物系统)
International Foundation Year (本科预科)
Arabic/English Translation MA (阿拉伯语/英语翻译)
Audiovisual Translation and Localisation MA (视听翻译与本地化)
Religion PGDip (宗教)
Journalism BA (新闻学)
Colour MSc ()
MA in Applied Theatre and Social Change (应用戏剧与社会变革)
Global Governance and Diplomacy MA (全球治理与外交)
Social Research MA (社会研究)
Law and Social Justice LLM (法律与社会公正)
English, Theatre and Performance BA (英语、戏剧和表演)
English and History of Art BA (英语和艺术史)
Modern Languages and English BA(Chinese) (现代语言和英语(中文))
Modern Languages and English BA(German) (现代语言和英语(德语))
Modern Languages and English BA(Japanese) (现代语言和英语(日语))
English Literature with Creative Writing BA (英国文学与创意写作)
English and Comparative Literature BA (英语与比较文学)
Economics and History BA (经济学与历史)
Modern Languages and History BA(French) (现代语言与历史(法语))
Modern Languages and History BA(Italian) (现代语言与历史(意大利语))
Modern Languages and History BA(Thai) (现代语言与历史(泰语))
Modern Languages and Business BA (现代语言与商务)
Modern Languages and Linguistics BA (现代语言与语言学)
Modern Languages and Linguistics BA(Chinese) (现代语言与语言学(中文))
Modern Languages and Linguistics BA(French) (现代语言与语言学(法语))
Modern Languages and Politics BA (现代语言与政治)
Chinese and Italian B BA (中文与意大利语)
Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding MA (冲突、发展与和平建设)
Geology BSc ()
Politics and International Studies (政治与国际研究)
BSc Sustainability and Environmental Management ()
PhD in Media and Communication (传媒)
PHD Sociology and Social Policy (社会学与社会政策)
History of Art with Cultural Studies (艺术史与文化研究)
Arabic, Islamic, Middle Eastern and North African Studies BA (阿拉伯、伊斯兰、中东和北非研究)
Middle Eastern Studies and Politics BA (中东研究与政治学)
Ancient History BA (古代史)
Classical Civilisation and Philosophy BA (古典文明与哲学)
Japanese BA (日语)
East Asian Studies BA (东亚研究)
East Asian Studies and Chinese BA (东亚研究与中文)
Film Studies BA (电影研究)
Linguistics BA:language processing, development and evolution (语言学:语言的加工、发展和演变)
Portuguese and Russian A BA (葡萄牙语和俄语)
Communication and Media BA (传播与媒体)
Global Development MA (全球发展)
Philosophy, Ethics and Religion BA (哲学、伦理与宗教)
Religion, Theology and Society BA (宗教、神学与社会)
International Development BA (国际发展)
Global Creative Industries (W900) ()
Biological Sciences MBiol, BSc (生物科学)
Social and Political Sciences BSc ()
BA Social Policy and Crime (社会政策与犯罪)
Arabic and Islamic Studies BA (阿拉伯与伊斯兰研究)
BA Asia Pacific Studies and Japanese (亚太研究与日本)
BA Chinese and Thai Studies (中文与泰语研究)
BA Cultural Studies and Italian B (文化研究与意大利语B)
BA Cultural Studies and Portuguese (文化研究与葡萄牙语)
BA East Asian Religions and Cultures (东亚地区与文化)
BA German (德语)
BA History and Philosophy of Science and Thai Studies (历史科学哲学与泰国研究)
BA International Business and Russian A (国际商务与俄语A)
BA International Business and Spanish (国际商务与西班牙语)
BA Islamic Studies (伊斯兰研究)
BA Middle Eastern Studies (中东研究)
BA Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies (西班牙语、葡萄牙语与拉丁美洲研究)
BA International History and Politics (国际历史与政治)
Business and Public Service Interpreting and Translation Studies MA (商业与公共服务口译与翻译研究)
Social and Cultural History MA (社会文化史)
Biomedical and Healthcare Ethics MA (生物医学和医疗保健伦理学)
Audiences, Engagement, Participation MA (受众,约会,参与)
Political Science MSc (政治科学)
Social and Public Policy MA (社会与公共政策)
International Human Rights Law LLM (国际人权法)
International Trade Law LLM (国际税法)
Ancient History and English BA (古代史和英语)
Modern Languages and English BA(French) (现代语言和英语(法语))
Modern Languages and English BA(Italian) (现代语言和英语(意大利语))
English Literature BA (英语文学)
Classical Civilisation and English BA (古典文明和英语文学)
English and History BA (英语及历史)
Ancient History and History BA (古代史和历史)
History and Philosophy BA (历史与哲学)
Modern Languages and History BA (现代语言与历史)
Modern Languages and History BA(German) (现代语言与历史(德语))
Modern Languages and History BA(Portuguese) (现代语言与历史(葡萄牙语))
Modern Languages and Linguistics BA(German) (现代语言与语言学(德语))
Modern Languages and Linguistics BA(Italian) (现代语言与语言学(意大利语))
Arabic and Japanese BA (阿拉伯语和日语)
Islamic, Middle Eastern and North African Studies BA (伊斯兰、中东和北非研究)
Classical Civilisation BA (古典文明)
Classical Literature and Philosophy BA (古典文学与哲学)
Italian B and Japanese BA (意大利语与日语)
East Asian Studies and Japanese BA (东亚研究与日语)
French BA (法语)
Linguistics BA:formal analysis of language structure and sound (语言学:语言结构和声音的形式分析)
Linguistics BA:discourse studies and sociolinguistics (语言学:话语研究与社会语言学)
Italian B and Russian A BA (意大利语和俄语)
Portuguese and Russian B BA (葡萄牙语和俄语)
Biology and History and Philosophy of Science BSc (生物学、历史和科学哲学)
English and Philosophy BA (英语和哲学)
Philosophy and Physics BSc (哲学与物理)
Politics BA (政治)
Sociology BA (社会学)
Political Science MSc ()
Business and Public Service Interpreting and Translation Studies (商业和公共服务口译和翻译研究)
Health Management, Planning and Policy MA (健康管理、计划与政策)
Paediatric Dentistry MSc (儿童牙医)
Translational Research in Oral Sciences MSc (口腔医学翻译研究)
Advanced General Dental Practice MClinDent (高级综合牙科实践)
MSc Medical Imaging (医学影像)
Biomedical and Healthcare Ethics MA (生物医学与医疗伦理)
Clinical Research Methods MSc (临床研究)
Health Informatics MSc (健康信息学)
Public Health (International) (公共卫生(国际))
PGDip Diagnostic Imaging (诊断性影像学)
Cancer Biology and Therapy (癌症生物学与治疗)
Medical Imaging MSc (医学成像)
Sport and Exercise Medicine ()
Health Data Analytics MSc ()
Biopharmaceutical Development MSc ()
LLM Intellectual Property Law (国际物权法)
LLM Criminal Justice and Criminal Law (犯罪司法与刑事法)
LLM International Trade Law (国际贸易法)
LLM International Law (国际法)
LLM International Business Law (国际商务法)
MA Criminal Justice and Criminology (犯罪司法与犯罪学)
LLM International Corporate Law (国际企业法)
LLM International Banking and Finance Law (国际银行与金融法)
BA Criminal Justice and Criminology (犯罪司法与犯罪学)
International Trade Law LLM (国际贸易法)
Law and Social Justice LLM (法律与社会正义)
Criminal Justice and Criminology BA (刑事司法与犯罪学)
LLB Law (法律)
International Law and Global Governance LLM ()
PhD in Law ()
MSc Security, Conflict and Justice (安全、冲突与司法)
Law (Graduate Programme) LLB (法律(研究生课程))
Law with German Law LLB (德国法律)
Law with French Law LLB (法国法律)
Law and Social Justice LLM (法律与社会司法)
LLB Law with French Law (法律与法国法)
Law LLB (法学)
Law with Hispanic Law LLB (西班牙法律)
LLM International Human Rights Law (国际人权法)
MSc Criminal Justice and Criminology ()
Global Fashion Management ()
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