Swansea University
Swanea Univerity(英国斯望西大学) 原名 Univerity of Wale Swanea(威尔士斯望西大学)。2007年正式更名为Swanea Univerity (斯望西大学),2005 斯望西大学荣获全英170 所高校“Bet Student Experience” 排名第一,Time Higher (November 2005)(该奖项综合测评了就业、设施、课业满意度和社会生活等多项指标)。
地理位置: 英国 威尔士斯旺西市
学校性质:公立大学 提供双录取
斯旺西大学 (威尔士语:Prifygol Abertawe) 拥有悠久历史,可追溯到1853年,1920年由当时的英国皇帝乔治五世亲自主持了大学的奠基仪式,并确认斯旺西大学为英国的第29所公立大学,是英国成立最早的红砖大学之一,成为威尔士大学联盟中的第四所大学。斯旺西大学因为学生数量众多而成为威尔士第二大高校。作为一所老牌传统的公立大学,其拥有高质量的教学水平和世界级的科研水平。在国家高教研究拨款委员会的评估中,斯旺西大学的土木工程和材料工程获满分。大学70%以上的院系在最近的官方RAE评估中达到4分以上,将近三分之一的院系达到5分或者5*(最高级别)。大学拥有英国教育史上多个“第一”,如“英国历史上的第一名女教授”等。大学前任校长为威尔士亲王-查尔斯王子,现任校长为威廉-大卫爵士,他担任英国女王法律顾问,在1989-1996长达7年的时间内担任剑桥大学校长,现任剑桥大学名誉校长。斯旺西大学共设有 529 种本科学位课程和 130 多个硕士课程,与欧美 100 多所院校有合作关系,其中也包括交换学生等项目。大学现有 12,500多名学生,包括来自于世界 118 多个国家及地区的 2,200 名留学生。威尔士大学在全球广受认可,无论质量、名气和重要性在世界范围内都享有盛誉。
艺术学院:这两个学院是近期合并的,包括:美国学、古代史与埃及古物学 、应用语言学、古典文学、威尔士语、英语、法语、德语、历史、意大利语、中古研究、传媒学、政治与国际关系、哲学政治学与经济学、西班牙语与西班牙研究、翻译以及战争与社会学
人类与健康科学学院: 成人学、生物医学研究、儿童健康研究、临床学、急救护理、电子健康学、卫生经济学与政策研究、助产学与性别研究、精神健康学、医疗保健的哲学人文学及法规、基础医疗、公共卫生与老年人、心理学、应用社会科学、幼儿教育学体育科学
工程学院: 航空航天、生物化学、土木、电机与电子、资讯、通讯与计算机技术、物资、机械、医药、纳米技术、产品设计医学院: 硕士入门医学、健康资讯中心、科研与评估、生命科学研究所、生物医学研究、遗传学研究组
法学院: 国际海商法、贸易与商法、商贸与法律、法律实务课程、法学硕士预科课程、IISTL、CEELP、法学学士文凭
物理科学学院: 计算机科学、数学与物理学
工程学院是斯旺西大学最负盛名的学院,以其卓越的创新能力而蜚声国际,被视为世界最知名的科研中心之一。在最新公布的英国大学科研测评中,即2008年RAE(Reearch Aement Exercie)排名中,斯旺西大学工程学院名列全英大学工程学院第三位。其中专业排名如下:土木工程列第2位、普通工程学列第5位、材料工程学列第8位。同时,73%的科研项目被评为国际领先(4*)或国际优秀(3*)水平,是全英仅有的几个科研获得最高等级且教学参评获&lquo;优秀&rquo;的工程学院。开展与包括美国斯坦福大学、IBM公司、中国科学院、清华大学等众多世界知名高校和科研机构合作。
斯旺西大学工程学院与国际诸多著名公司和机构进行广泛的合作,在2007年,斯旺西大学产业科研资金获得量在英国高校中排名第一,遥遥领先于排名第二的剑桥大学和第三的曼彻斯特大学。这不但为工程学院带来重要的资金支持,也带给学生进入世界顶级公司的实习机会,使我们的毕业生具有更优秀的职业前景。这些知名的国际企业和机构包括:雀巢公司(Netle)、联合利华(Unilever)、宝洁公司(P&G)、英国电信(BT)、空中客车(Airbu)、博世(Boch)、劳斯莱斯(Roll Royce)、英国国防部(Minitry of Defene)、英国石油公司(BP)、爱立信(Ericon Telecom)、西门子(Siemen)、加拿大帝国商业银行(CIBC)、北大西洋公约组织(NATO)等数百家国际企业和机构。
土木工程授课式理学硕士 MSc Civil Engineering
计算力学授课式理学硕士 MSc Computational Mechanic
计算模型与有限元授课式理学硕士 MSc Computational Modelling and Finite Element
计算模型工程研究式硕士 MRe Computer Modelling in Engineering
土木和计算工程研究式硕士 MPhil Civil and Computational Engineering
通信系统授课式理学硕士 MSc Communication Sytem
网络通信系统授课式理学硕士 MSc Communication Sytem (Network)
光通信系统授课式理学硕士 MSc Communication Sytem (Photonic)
无线通信系统授课式理学硕士 MSc Communication Sytem (Wirele)
通信工程学硕士 MEng Telecommunication Engineering
通信工程学硕士(含1年国外学习或工厂实习) MEng Telecommunication Engineering with a year out
通信系统研究式硕士 MRe Communication Sytem
光子学和通信系统研究式硕士 MRe Photonic and Communication Sytem
材料工程授课式理学硕士 MSc Material Engineering
材料科学与工程学硕士 MEng Material Science and Engineering
钢铁技术研究式硕士 MRe Steel Technology
材料工程研究式硕士 MRe Material Engineering
材料工程研究式硕士 MPhil Material Engineering
电子电气工程授课式理学硕士 MSc Electronic and Electrical Engineering
可持续能源电子技术授课式理学硕士 MSc Electronic Technology for Sutainable Energy
电子电气工程学硕士 MEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering
电子电气工程学硕士(含1年国外学习或工厂实习) MEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering with a year out
电子与计算机科学工程学硕士 MEng Electronic with Computer Science
电子与计算机科学工程学硕士(含1年国外学习或工厂实习) MEng Electronic with Computer Science with a year out
电子系统设计工程研究式硕士 MPhil Electronic Sytem Deign Engineering
机械工程授课式理学硕士 MSc Mechanical Engineering
机械工程学硕士 MEng Mechanical Engineering
机械工程研究式硕士 MPhil Mechanical Engineering
化学工程授课式理学硕士 MSc Chemical Engineering
化学工程研究式硕士 MPhil Chemical Engineering
化学和生物化学工程学硕士 MEng Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
纳米医学授课式理学硕士 MSc Nanomedicine
纳米科学与纳米技术授课式理学硕士 MSc Nanocience to Nanotechnology
纳米电子工程学硕士 MEng NanoElectronic
纳米科学与纳米技术研究式硕士 MRe Nanocience to Nanotechnology
纳米技术研究式硕士 MPhil Nanotechnology
航空航天工程授课式理学硕士 MSc Aeropace Engineering
航空航天工程学硕士 MEng Aeropace Engineering
航空航天工程学硕士(含一年工厂实习) MEng Aeropace Engineering (with a year in Indutry)
动力及航空航天高性能材料研究式硕士 MRe High Performance Material for Power and Aeropace Application
体育科学授课式理学硕士MSc Sport Science
体育科学管理授课式理学硕士 MSc Sport Science with Management
环境管理研究式硕士 MRe Environmental Management
医疗放射物理授课式理学硕士 MSc Medical Radiation Phyic
医学工程学硕士 MEng Medical Engineering
医学工程研究式硕士 MPhil Medical Engineering
产品设计工程学硕士 MEng Product Deign Engineering
产品设计工程学硕士(含1年工厂实习) MEng Product Deign Engineering with a year in Indutry
环境工程学硕士 MEng Environmental Engineering
环境工程研究式硕士 MPhil Environmental Engineering
斯望西大学以其优秀的教育水平斐声国际,连续五年被英国泰晤士(Time)与伦敦金融时报(Financial Time)评为全英顶尖50名的著名大学。其中, 14 个院系被英国的高等教育委员会( Higher Education Quality Aurance Teaching Quality Aement Exercie ) 评为优秀,包括计算机学、数学、心理学、管理、法律、 经济学、地理、社会学、生化、护理学、英语等学科。 其中土木工程和计算机分别曾被英国《卫报》 (Guardian) 评为全英第一位与第三位, 2002 年《泰晤士报》( TIMES )大学排名中,材料工程排名第 4 名、化学工程排第 4 名、电子工程第 9 名、计算机排第 9 名。法学院和新闻媒体系均属英国发展最快的院系之一。在英国《每日电讯报》的英国大学专业院系优秀百分比的排名表中,斯旺西大学名列甲级,被该报列为英国21个一流大学之一。
在国家高教研究拨款委员会的评估中,斯望西大学的土木工程和材料工程获满分。大学 70% 以上的院系在五年一度的 2001 年的官方 RAE 评估中达到 4 分以上,将近三分之一的院系达到 5 分或者 5* (最高级别)。研究获星级排名的有:数学、材料工程、土木工程、 电子工程、计算机科学、机械工程、经济学、心理学、化学工程、商科和管理等。 70% 系的研究水平居于世界先进水平, 92% 的学术人员活跃在不同的领域开展各种课题研究,这一比例名列英国各大学第五,多项研究成果名列全英和世界第一。
大学的工程系拥有世界一流的科研能力与研究成果,研制出了世界上第一辆超音速汽车---Thrut SSC(Super Sonic Car)。在制造世界上最大的客机 A380 中,斯望西大学做出了很大的贡献, 其中的CFD( 计算流体力学体系 ) 就是由斯望西大学和英国 SOWERBY 航空研究中心共同研制成功的。大学的计算机系与IBM 公司合作开发的“生命科学学院”,拥有世界最大的计算设备之一,该项目的运作将对研究疾病发展、提供解决方案和推动健康科学的发展做出重要贡献。同时,投资三千万英镑的纳米技术研究将进入一个新阶段,斯望西大学是世界范围内在纳米技术研究领域著名的大学之一。IBM 产品生命周期管理项目、高级电讯学院、高科技企业园项目等也令斯望西大学再次在英国并世界范围占有重要地位。大学与许多世界性的企业和机构广泛地进行各类项目合作,如美国宇航局、欧洲航天局、英国皇家空军、英国电信、空中客车、西门子、爱立信、微软、IBM、思科、劳斯莱斯等。
独立拥有世界最大运算速度最快的科研用计算机“Blue C”;
斯望西大学坐落在斯旺西中心地带,是英国少有独立校园区的大学,更是少有的花园海滨式大学。大学面海靠山,坐落在巨大的辛格顿公园( Singleton Park )内。校园与海滩进紧紧相依,只需几步就可以到达海边,在教室里和宿舍里都可以随时随地的欣赏美丽的海滩和迷人的大西洋。主校园被数个公园包围着,其中最著名的是辛格顿公园,里面有“园中园”植物园和百草园,公园里的树林、樱花、松鼠、天鹅,湖泊,各种鸟儿组成了一幅完美图片。恍惚间感觉漫步在天堂里,尤其当你看到漂亮可爱的鸟儿到人的手中取食物的那一刻, 感觉太不可思议了。 斯旺西大学校园被英国大学生评选为“英国最美的大学校园”之一 ,是众多英国学生的首选大学。斯旺西市在世界工业革命史和英国历史上占有重要地位。二战以前,斯旺西是世界上最繁忙的码头之一,也是英国重要的工业基地之一。二战之后,城市支柱产业转型&mdah;&mdah;独一无二的自然风光,数量众多的沙滩(beach,斯旺西共有54个有名字的沙滩,加上无名沙滩,共计近70个),斯旺西市发展成为欧洲著名的旅游胜地,由游客评选出来的“英国第一自然美景”Gower Peninula就位于斯旺西;城市西部的Rhoili在夕阳景色排名中名列世界第七。
埃及古物博物馆(埃及中心)埃及古物博物馆(埃及中心) 埃及中心是对公众开放的埃及古物博物馆,它坐落在 塔利辛楼(Taliein)内。馆内展出了四千多件藏品。 其中大部分都是由药剂师亨瑞威尔柯姆收藏的。其它的展品来自于:大英博物馆、爱丁堡皇家博物馆、国家博物馆和威尔士卡迪夫美术馆、国家音乐厅和艺术馆以及个人捐赠。 埃及中心工作人员会定期在大学博物馆、社会大众和志愿者,对参观团队及其它校外参与者进行演讲和解说。学校会定期邀请学生参与一些有启发性的互动活动项目。
世界第一列客运火车是由斯 望 西开向世界的。由于其独一无二的自然风光,斯 望 西市发展成为欧洲著名的旅游胜地,也是英国首批旅游城市之一, 由游客评选出来的“英国第一自然美景” Gower Peninula 就位于斯 望 西;城市西部的 Rhoili 在夕阳景色排名中名列世 界第七 。作为好莱坞巨星凯瑟琳 · 泽塔琼斯、安东尼 · 霍普金斯和诺贝尔奖得主克莱夫 · 戈兰格的故乡,这里每年这里都吸引着来自世界各地的无数游客。这里还是英国著名的游泳 、 冲浪 、 游艇 、 滑翔 、 骑马 、 越野和攀岩的活动中心,十四世纪的城堡等。斯 望 西不仅拥有风光旖旎的海滩、峭壁耸立的悬崖、峻秀延绵的山麓、 20 多个高尔夫球场,还有古老教堂清脆悠扬的钟声和古典的欧洲城镇风光。
作为好莱坞巨星凯瑟琳.泽塔琼斯的故乡,这里每年这里都吸引着无数游客,绵延的海岸线是度假者和冲浪爱好者的天堂.半岛南部吸引着徒步旅行者、攀岩者还有那些滑翔机爱好者。此外,你也可北上游览传统的威尔士乡村和历史遗迹,比如,CARREGCENNEN 城堡BEACONS 国家公园,你还可以游览至今保留着始于中世纪的市场,在那里可以购买到保留传统风味的地方食品。
西大学拥有英国教育系统内最吸引人的也最舒适的学生宿舍群之一。 在这里,学生可以选择部分包伙的宿舍也可选择自己举炊的合用单元,可以选择男女合住的宿舍或男女分住的宿舍,宿舍种类分为单人间、双人间、套间和家庭公寓等不同种类。每处学生宿舍楼都有独立的洗衣房。书房兼卧室的宿舍内都装有电话线和上网线,二者的基本月租全部免费,打电话到同一学生区的其它宿舍和使用大学的内部电话网络均为免费。
特别值得一提的是学校管理的住宿区内,包括校内宿舍,研究生宿舍区(点头示意众议院)和学生村的学生还可以享受到校方提供的无线上网服务,并且上网费全部为免费。这在英国大学中首屈一指。 各个学校宿舍区都设有接待办公室,负责解决学生的日常问题。在非办公时间内,学生可以去住宿区内另外增设的舍区辅导员处寻求帮助。
在英国,斯望西大学是最受雇主欢迎的十所英国大学之一。斯望西毕业生在毕业后六个月内找到工作的就业率为 95%-97.5% ,这在英国高校中名列前茅。大学内部拥有英国最大的学生职业中心之一,共有 11 名“学生职业顾问”,其中一名为专门负责国际学生就业辅导的“国际学生职业顾问” ,这使得斯 望 西大学成为全英范围内仅有的设立了“国际学生职业顾问”的四所大学之一。中国留学生依赖大学的就业指导辅助和实习工作计划在英国就业取得重大成功。
大学设有中国代表处接受学生咨询,免费协助学生申请课程。目前,所有新注册的硕士研究生均可以申请一次性 1,000 英镑的奖学金,最高奖学金达 5000 英镑;部分院系也提供相应的部门奖学金。如果学生在斯旺西大学获得了第一学位,在申请第二个学位时则可申请大学提供的“奖学金套餐”,只需交纳 8,800 英镑即可包括全部学费和 51 周学生村的学生住宿费用。来自亚洲香港、马来西亚和新加坡的学生也可以额外获得“奖学金套餐”。除了以上的奖学金机会之外,任何学生如果一次性缴清全部学费,均可在原来基础上获得 2.5% 的学费折扣。
威尔士思旺西大学位于威尔士南部斯旺西市的郊区。斯旺西市距离威尔士首府卡地夫约50分钟的火车路程。大学的主要部分坐落于Singleton Park,是一处公园式校园,在斯旺西湾(Swanea Bay)处临海。海湾将斯旺西市同古老的渔村-- The Mumble连接起来。具有陡峭悬崖和美丽海滩的Gower半岛就在斯旺西市的西边。海岸线和大学周围的乡村为娱乐和运动提供了绝佳的场所。
斯旺西市机场有航班来往于爱尔兰,很快还将开辟航班来往于阿姆斯特丹和布鲁塞尔。大学离威尔士国际机场只有一小时的路程;乘坐往返公共汽车和火车去布里斯托尔(Britol)国际机场大约需90分钟。M4高速公路(通往伦敦的主要公路)经过斯旺西市的北郊区。斯旺西市的火车站位于铁路主干线上,离起点站伦敦的帕丁顿(Paddington)站,只有不到三小时的路程。此外,斯旺西市还有频繁的轮渡往返于爱尔兰共和国的科克市(Cork)。当地的交通运输有定时服务的公共汽车,直达车将Singleton校园同位于Clyne Catle的学生宿舍和Hendrefoilan的学生村连接起来。
斯旺西大学是英国在图书及信息资源方面最为丰富而管理水平先进的大学之一,大学每年都要对图书、电脑和网络等都进行大量的投资。目前,大学下属一个主图书馆和五个分图书馆,馆藏近百万册图书期刊,拥有近 2,000 多台专门供学生使用的电脑和 1,000 多个自习座位。同时,学校拥有庞大的电子书库,学生可以自由浏览数量庞大的电子期刊和学术资料,从平时作业到毕业论文、从搜索文献到学术研究,所有资料都可以在电子书库找到。真正令斯旺西大学与众不同的,是这里拥有极少数高校才会拥有的无线通讯网络。
学校现有供学生使用的近2000台电脑,人均电脑拥有量在英国大学中名列前茅。同时每隔 3-4 年,大学就要进行一次电脑更换。学校的电脑全部通过超高速宽带上网,学生可以无限制免费使用英特网和电子邮件服务。同时,多数电脑具备 MSN 聊天工具和中文输入功能,这就保证了学生可以自由地与国内的家人朋友通过网络聊天工具进行沟通。尤其,大学独一无二的无线通讯网络保证学生可以用自己的笔记本电脑在校内任何一处无需网线、随意上网&mdah;&mdah;除了不受时间和空间的限制外,这种服务更是对学生完全免费。
除了可以借阅图书期刊之外,图书信息中心还有大量的电脑应用程序,录像带,数字化视频光,报纸,杂志等材料提供给学生,这其中还包括 45 台笔记本电脑可供学生借用。
Taliean 艺术中心设有电影院、剧院和展览厅。在斯旺西市郡、威尔士艺术委员会的资助下,威尔士思旺西大学拥有和经营该中心。它于1984年开放,其名称来自于六世纪的一位凯尔特吟游诗人Taliean。在过去十五年间,中心的节目和活动已发展为内容广泛的表演和展览。
由于斯旺西大学的国际学生(含欧盟学生)只占学生总数的 16% ,这个数据相对于多数英国大学而言是较低的,因此,国际学生有机会享受到质量更高而且更加个性化的服务。由于斯旺西大学向在校学生提供了出色的学生服务和就业指导,同时,斯旺西校内各类社团和本地不同社区向学生提供了格外丰富多彩的社会生活和社会体验,因此,在 2005 年 11 月新进结束的由英国大学生参与的《英国高等教育》“最佳学生体验/ 最适合学习的大学”评选中,斯旺西大学在英国 170 多所高校中脱颖而出,成为第一名。
大学有五个学生宿舍楼,供男女生居住。The Clyne 宿舍楼位于校园外,是两幢传统式宿舍楼。Singleton 宿舍楼位于校园内,是三幢带附加建筑的塔楼。宿舍的某些房间自带卫生间,但绝大多数都有洗手池。每处学生宿舍楼都有洗衣房。大学还在市里经营一些住房,称为&lquo;租赁房屋&rquo;。其中的一些出租给新生。像学生村的住房那样,这些宿舍有书房兼卧室和共用的厨房及卫生间。某些还有起居室。学生宿舍不提供床上用品,电和煤气的燃料费单收。
Business Management (Business Analytics) (with two six month placements in industry), BSc (商务管理(商业分析))
Business Management (Business Analytics) (with a year in industry), BSc (商务管理(商业分析学))
Undergraduate Pathway: Business and Economics (商务和经济本科预科)
Undergraduate Pathway: Business and Economics(NQF6) (商科和经济)
MSc Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
MSc Finance (金融)
MSc Finance and Business Analytics (金融与商业分析)
MSc Financial Management (金融管理)
MSc International Banking and Finance (国际银行金融)
MSc Investment Management (投资管理)
MSc Management (市场营销)
MSc Management (Business Analytics) (管理(商业分析))
MSc Management (Entrepreneurship) (管理(企业))
MSc Management (Finance) (管理(金融))
MSc Management (Human Resource Management) (管理(人力资源管理))
MSc Management (International Management) (管理(国际管理))
MSc Management (Marketing) (管理(市场营销))
MSc Management (Operations and Supply Management) (管理(运营与供应管理))
Accounting & Finance (with a year in industry), BSc (会计与金融)
Accounting & Finance, BSc (会计与金融)
Accounting (with a yr in industry), BSc (会计)
Accounting, BSc (Hons) (会计)
BA English Language and French (4 year) (英语语言与法语)
BSc Business Management (商务管理)
BSc Business Management (Marketing) (商务管理(市场营销))
BSc Business Management (Marketing) with year work placement (商务管理(市场营销))
BSc Economics (经济学)
BSc Economics and Business with year work placement (经济学与商务)
BSc Economics and Finance with year work placement (经济学与法语)
BSc Economics with year work placement (经济学)
BSc Finance (金融)
BSc Finance with year work placement (金融)
Business Management (Business Analytics), BSc (商务管理(商业分析))
Business Management (e-Business) (with a year in industry), BSc (商务管理(电子商务))
Business Management (e-Business), BSc (商务管理(电子商务))
Business Management (Entrepreneurship) (with a year in industry), BSc (商务管理(企业))
Business Management (Entrepreneurship), BSc (商务管理(企业))
Business Management (Finance) (with a year in industry), BSc (商务分析(金融))
Business Management (Finance), BSc (商务分析(金融))
Business Management (Human Resource Management) (with a year in industry), BSc (商务分析(人力资源管理))
Business Management (Human Resource Management), BSc (商务分析(人力资源管理))
Business Management (Management Consulting) (with a year in industry), BSc (商务管理(管理咨询))
Business Management (Management Consulting), BSc (商务管理(管理咨询))
Business Management (Operations & Supply) (with a year in industry), BSc (商务管理(运营与供应))
Business Management (Operations and Supply Management), BSc (商务管理(运营与供应))
Business Management (with a year in industry), BSc (商务管理)
First Year Degree in Business Management and Economics (国际大一)
Business Management (Marketing), BSc (Hons) (市场营销本科)
Finance and Big Data Analytics, MSc ()
Business Management and Economics Pathway ()
Strategic Marketing MSc ()
Management Pre-Master's Pathway ()
Economics and Finance MSc ()
Accounting and Finance, BSc (Hons) ()
Business Administration ()
Business Management (Enterprise and Innovation), BSc (Hons) ()
International Tourism Management ()
Business Management (e-Business) with a Foundation Year,BSc (Hons) ()
International Foundation Programme in Business ()
MSc International Finance ()
International Financial Management, MSc ()
Management (Sustainable Business), MSc (管理学(可持续发展商务))
Business Management Pathways from The College ()
MSc International Accounting and Finance ()
Management (Sport), MSc (管理(运动))
Business Management with a Foundation Year, BSc (Hons) (商业管理与基础年,理学士(荣誉))
MSc Economics ()
Accounting and Finance Pre-Master's Pathway from The College ()
Finance and Big Data Analytics, MSc (金融与大数据分析)
International Accounting and Finance, MSc (国际会计与金融)
International Financial Management, MSc (国际金融管理)
International Banking and Finance, MSc (国际银行与金融)
International Finance, MSc (国际金融)
Investment Management, MSc (投资管理)
Strategic Accounting, MSc (战略会计)
Financial Analytics, MSc (金融分析)
Sustainable Finance, MSc (可持续金融)
Professional Accounting, MSc (专业会计)
Business Management, MSc by Research (商业管理)
Business Management, M.Phil. (商业管理)
Management, MSc (管理学)
Management, PGDip (管理学)
Management (Artificial Intelligence), MSc (管理学(人工智能))
Management (Business Analytics), MSc (管理(商业分析))
Management (Digital Business), MSc (管理(数字商业))
Management (Enterprise and Innovation), MSc (管理(企业与创新))
Management (Finance), MSc (管理(金融))
Management (Human Resource Management), MSc (管理学(人力资源管理))
Management (International Management), MSc (管理学(国际管理))
Management (Marketing), MSc (管理(市场营销))
Management (Operations and Supply Management), MSc (管理学(运营与供应管理))
Management (Sport), MSc (管理(体育))
Management (Sustainable Business), MSc (管理(可持续商业))
Human Resource Management, MSc (人力资源管理)
International Business, MSc (国际商务)
Business Administration, MBA (工商管理)
Advanced Management (Complex Systems), MSc (高级管理(复杂系统))
Advanced Management (Health Innovation and Transformation), PGDip (高级管理(卫生创新与改革))
Advanced Health and Care Management (Value-Based), MSc (高级健康与护理管理(基于价值))
Advanced Health and Care Management (Value-Based), PGDip (高级健康与护理管理(基于价值))
Human Resource Management, PGDip (人力资源管理)
Strategic Marketing, MSc (战略营销)
International Tourism Management, MSc (国际旅游管理)
International Commercial Law, LLM (国际商法)
International Commercial and Maritime Law, LLM (国际商法与海事法)
Financial Technology (FinTech), MSc (金融技术)
Economics, MSc (经济学)
Economics and Finance, MSc (经济与金融)
Economics, M.Phil. (经济学)
Advanced Management (Health Innovation and Transformation), MS (高级管理(卫生创新与改革))
Global Business Management (Top Up Degree), BSc (Hons) ()
International Financial Management, MSc (国际财务管理)
Financial Technology (FinTech), MSc (金融科技(FinTech))
Management, MSc(January) (管理学)
Management (Business Analytics), MSc (管理学(商业分析))
Management (Finance), MSc (管理学(金融))
Management (Marketing), MSc (管理学(市场营销))
Management (Media), MSc (管理学(媒体))
Management (Operations and Supply Management), MSc (管理学(运营与供应管理))
Management (Sport), MSc (管理学(体育))
Management (Sustainable Business), MSc (管理学(可持续商务))
International Business, MSc(January) (国际商务)
Marketing, MSc (市场营销)
Marketing, MSc:Market Research Analyst (市场营销:市场研究分析师)
Marketing, MSc:Brand Assistant (市场营销:品牌助理)
Marketing, MSc:Marketing Management Consultant (市场营销:营销管理顾问)
Chemical Engineering with a foundation year, BEng (Hons) (化学工程)
Chemical Engineering with a year in industry, BEng (Hons) (化学工程)
Chemical Engineering, BEng (Hons) (化学工程)
Civil Engineering with a Foundation year, BEng (Hons) (土木工程)
Civil Engineering with a year in Industry, BEng (Hons) (土木工程)
Civil Engineering, BEng (Hons) (土木工程)
MSci Medical Biochemistry (医学生物化学)
MEng Aerospace Engineering (航空航天工程)
MEng Chemical Engineering (化学工程)
MSc Aerospace Engineering (航空航天工程)
MSc Chemical Engineering (化学工程)
MSc Civil Engineering (土木工程)
MSc Communication Systems (通信系统)
MSc Computer Modelling and Finite Elements in Engineering Mechanics (计算机建模与有限元机械工程)
MSc Electronic and Electrical Engineering (电子电气工程)
MSc Materials Engineering (材料工程)
MSc Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
MSc Nanoscience to Nanotechnology (纳米科学与纳米技术)
MSc Power Engineering and Sustainable Energy (电力工程与可持续性能源)
Aerospace Engineering (with a yr in industry), BEng (Hons) (航空航天工程)
Aerospace Engineering with a foundation year, BEng (Hons) (航空航天工程)
Aerospace Engineering, BEng (Hons) (航空航天工程)
BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering (电子与电气工程)
BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering with a Foundation Year (电子与电气工程(本科预科))
BEng Engineering with a Foundation Year (工程(含预科学年))
BEng Materials Engineering with a Foundation Year (材料科学与工程(含预科学年))
BEng Materials Science and Engineering (材料科学与工程)
BEng Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
BEng Mechanical Engineering with a Foundation Year (机械工程(含预科学年))
BEng Medical Engineering (医学工程)
BEng Medical Engineering with a Foundation Year (医学生物化学(含预科学年))
Civil Engineering (Industry), MEng (Hons) (土木工程)
MEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering (电子与电气工程)
MEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering (Year Out) (电子与电气工程)
MEng Materials Science and Engineering (材料科学与工程)
MEng Materials Science and Engineering (Industry) (材料科学与工程)
MEng Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
MEng Medical Engineering (医学工程)
Engineering Pre-Master's Pathway (工程硕预)
Data Science, MSc ()
Communications Engineering, MSc (通信工程)
BSc (Hons) Environmental Geoscience ()
Engineering Pathway (工程)
Semiconductor Technology and Applications, MSc (Semiconductor Technology and Applications, MSc)
Space Engineering, MSc (空间工程)
Computational Engineering, MSc (计算工程)
Aerospace Engineering, M.Phil. (航空航天工程)
Civil Engineering, MSc (土木工程)
Civil Engineering, MSc (with optional Industry Placement year) (土木工程(含实习))
Computational Engineering, MSc (with optional Industry Placement year) (计算工程(含实习))
Engineering Leadership and Management, MSc (工程领导与管理)
Structural Engineering, MSc (结构工程)
Structural Engineering, MSc (with optional Industry Placement year) (结构工程(含实习))
Sustainable Engineering Management, MSc (可持续工程管理)
Computer Modelling in Engineering, MRes (工程学计算机建模)
Civil Engineering, M.Phil. (土木工程)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering, MSc (电子电气工程)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering, MSc (with optional Industry Placement year) (电子电气工程(含实习))
Power Engineering and Sustainable Energy, MSc (电力工程与可持续能源)
Power Engineering and Sustainable Energy, MSc (with optional Industry Placement year) (电力工程与可持续能源(含实习))
Electronic and Electrical Engineering, MSc by Research (电子与电气工程)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering, M.Phil. (电子与电气工程)
Mechanical Engineering, MSc (机械工程)
Mechanical Engineering, MSc (with optional Industry Placement year) (机械工程(含实习))
Mechanical Engineering, MSc by Research (机械工程)
Mechanical Engineering, M.Phil. (机械工程)
Materials Engineering, MSc by Research (材料工程)
Aerospace Engineering, MSc (航空航天工程)
Engineering (Aerospace), MSc (工程(航空航天))
Sustainable Aviation, MSc (可持续航空)
Computational Engineering, MSc (计算机工程)
Computational Mechanics, MSc (计算力学)
Aerospace Engineering, MSc by Research (航天航空工程)
Aerospace Engineering, M.Phil. (航天航空工程)
Computational Engineering, MSc-With a Year in Industry (计算机工程-含实习)
Civil Engineering, MSc-With a Year in Industry (土木工程-含实习)
Structural Engineering, MSc-With a Year in Industry (结构工程-含实习)
Civil Engineering, MSc by Research (土木工程)
Computer Modelling in Engineering, MRes (工程中的计算机建模)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering, MSc (电子与电气工程)
Electronic and Electrical Engineering, MSc-With a Year in Industry (电子与电气工程-含实习)
Power Engineering and Sustainable Energy, MSc-With a Year in Industry (电力工程与可持续能源-含实习)
Micro Sensors and Actuators, MSc by Research (微传感器和致动器)
Nanoelectronics, MSc by Research (纳米电子学)
Nanotechnology, MSc by Research (纳米技术)
Nanotechnology, M.Phil. (纳米技术)
Telecommunication Systems, MSc by Research (电信系统)
Telecommunications, M.Phil. (电讯学)
Virtual Reality, MSc (虚拟现实)
Virtual Reality, MSc-With a Year in Industry (虚拟现实-含实习)
Simulation Driven Product Design, MSc by Research (仿真驱动产品设计)
Advanced Computer Science, MSc (高级计算机科学)
Advanced Software Technology, MSc (高级软件技术)
Artificial Intelligence, MSc (人工智能)
Computer Science, MSc (计算机科学)
Cyber Security, MSc (网络安全)
Data Science, MSc (数据科学)
Computer Science - Informatique (Swansea), MSc (计算机科学-信息学)
Computing and Future Interaction Technologies, MRes (计算和未来交互技术)
Visual Computing, MRes (视觉计算)
Logic and Computation, MRes (逻辑与计算)
Human Computer Interaction, MSc by Research (人机交互)
Theoretical Computer Science, MSc by Research (理论计算机科学)
Visual and Interactive Computing, MSc by Research (视觉与交互计算)
Computer Science, MSc by Research (计算机科学)
Computer Science, M.Phil. (计算机科学)
Biomedical Engineering, MSc (生物医学工程)
Biomedical Engineering, MSc:Biomechanics (生物医学工程:生物力学)
Biomedical Engineering, MSc:Biomaterials (生物医学工程:生物材料)
Chemical Engineering, MSc (化学工程)
Materials Engineering, MSc (材料工程)
Materials Engineering, MSc-With a Year in Industry (材料工程-含实习)
Advanced Sport Performance Science, MSc (高级运动表现科学)
Sport Psychology, MSc (运动心理学)
BA TESOL and English Language (3 year) (对外英语教学与英语语言)
BA TESOL and English Literature(3 year) (对外英语教学与英国文学)
BA TESOL and French (4 year) (对外英语教学与法语)
BA TESOL and Spanish (4 year) (对外英语教学与西班牙语)
Education and Psychology BSc (Hons) (教育和心理学)
MA Education (教育)
Education (教育)
Education MA (教育)
Education, Ph.D ()
Secondary PGCE with QTS: English, PGCert (中学英语)
Secondary PGCE with QTS: Modern Foreign Languages (French, Spanish), PGCert (中等教育:现代外语(法语、西班牙语))
Secondary PGCE with QTS: Welsh, PGCert (中学教育:威尔士语)
Developmental and Therapeutic Play, MA (发展与治疗)
Developmental and Therapeutic Play, PGDip (发展与治疗)
Developmental and Therapeutic Play, PGCert (发展与治疗)
Education, MA (教育)
Primary with QTS, PGCert (小学教育,有合格教师资格)
Secondary PGCE with QTS: Biology, PGCert (中等教育:生物学)
Secondary PGCE with QTS: Chemistry, PGCert (中等教育:化学)
Secondary PGCE with QTS: Computer Science, PGCert (中等教育:计算机)
Secondary PGCE with QTS: Design and Technology, PGCert (中等教育: 设计与技术)
Secondary PGCE with QTS: Mathematics, PGCert (中等教育:数学)
Secondary PGCE with QTS: Physics, PGCert (中等教育:物理学)
Education, M.Phil. (教育学)
Childhood Studies, MA (儿童研究)
Childhood Studies, PGDip (儿童研究研究生文凭)
Childhood Studies, PGCert (儿童研究研究生证书)
Primary with QTS, PGCert (小学)
Computer Science (with Integrated Foundation Year), BSc (计算机科学(整合基础学年))
Computer Science (with a year in Industry), BSc (Hons) (计算机科学)
Computer Science, BSc (计算机科学)
Computing (with a year in Industry), MEng (Hon) (计算)
BSc Software Engineering with a Year in Industry (软件工程)
BSc Software Engineering (软件工程)
MSc Advanced Computer Science (高级计算机科学)
MSc Advanced Software Technology (高级软件技术)
MSc Computer Science (计算机科学)
Computer Science, MSci (Hons) (计算机科学)
MEng Computing (计算)
Cyber Crime and Terrorism, MA (网络犯罪与恐怖主义)
Computer Science - Informatique (Swansea), MSc (计算机科学 - 信息学)
Computer Science - Informatique (Grenoble), MSc (计算机科学 - 信息学)
Computing and Future Interaction Technologies, MRes (计算与未来交互技术)
Visual and Interactive Computing, MSc by Research (视觉与交互式计算)
Management (Media), MSc ()
Communication, Media Practice and Public Relations, MA (传播、媒体实践与公共关系)
Digital Media, Culture and Society, MA (数字媒体、文化与社会)
International Journalism, MA (国际新闻学)
Management (Media), MSc (管理(媒体))
Sports Communication and Journalism, MA (体育传播与新闻学)
Media Studies, M.Phil. (媒体研究)
Digital Media, M.Phil. (数字媒体)
Digital Media, MA by Research (数字媒体)
Media Studies, MA by Research (媒体研究)
Screening/Staging Europe, MA by Research (欧洲放映/舞台表演)
Digital Media, M.Phil.:Media and Cultural Theory (数字媒体:媒介与文化理论)
Digital Media, M.Phil.:The History and Philosophy of Media Technology (数字媒体:媒体技术的历史与哲学)
Digital Media, M.Phil.:New Media (数字媒体:新媒体)
Digital Media, M.Phil.:Contemporary Digital Media developments in the UK, European mainland, USA and China (数字媒体:当代数字媒体在英国、欧洲大陆、美国和中国的发展)
Digital Media, M.Phil.:Global Media and Journalism (数字媒体:全球媒体与新闻业)
Professional Translation, MA (专业翻译)
Professional Translation (Extended), MA (专业翻译(扩展))
Translation and Interpreting, MA (笔译与口译)
Translation and Interpreting (Extended), MA (笔译与口译(拓展))
Translation and Interpreting (Extended with Université Grenoble Alpes), MA (翻译与口译(与格勒诺布尔阿尔卑斯大学扩展))
Translation and Interpreting, MA:German > English (笔译与口译:德语>英语)
Translation and Interpreting, MA:English > German (笔译与口译:英语>德语)
Translation and Interpreting, MA:French > English (笔译与口译:法语>英语)
Translation and Interpreting, MA:English > French (笔译与口译:英语>法语)
Translation and Interpreting, MA:English > Italian (笔译与口译:英语>意大利语)
Translation and Interpreting, MA:Spanish > English (笔译与口译:西班牙语>英语)
Translation and Interpreting, MA:English > Spanish (笔译与口译:英语>西班牙语)
Translation and Interpreting, MA:English > Arabic (笔译与口译:英语>阿拉伯语)
Translation and Interpreting, MA:English > Mandarin (笔译与口译:英语>普通话)
Professional Translation, MA:German > English (专业翻译:德语>英语)
Professional Translation, MA:English > German (专业翻译:英语>德语)
Professional Translation, MA:French > English (专业翻译:法语>英语)
Professional Translation, MA:English > French (专业翻译:英语>法语)
Professional Translation, MA:English > Italian (专业翻译:英语>意大利语)
Professional Translation, MA:Spanish > English (专业翻译:西班牙语>英语)
Professional Translation, MA:English > Spanish (专业翻译:英语>西班牙语)
Professional Translation, MA:English > Welsh (专业翻译:英语>威尔士语)
Professional Translation, MA:English > Arabic (专业翻译:英语>阿拉伯语)
Professional Translation, MA:English > Mandarin (专业翻译:英语>普通话)
Postgraduate Pathway: Languages, Politics and Culture (硕士预科-语言政治与文化方向)
BA Cymraeg (first language / 3 years) (威尔士语)
BA Cymraeg / Welsh (second language / 3 years) (威尔士语)
BA English Literature (3 year) (英国文学)
BA English Literature (4 year) (英国文学)
BA English Literature and German (4 year) (英国文学与德语)
BA English Literature and History (3 year) (英国文学与历史)
BA English Literature and History (4 year) (英国文学与历史)
BA English Literature and Spanish (4 year) (英国文学与西班牙语)
BA English Literature and Welsh (First language /3 year) (英国文学与威尔士语)
BA English Literature and Welsh (second language / 3 year) (英国文学与威尔士语)
Ancient History, MA by Research (古代史)
Classics, MA by Research (古典文学)
Ancient History, M.Phil (古代史)
Classics, M.Phil. (古典文学)
Chinese-English Translation and Language Teaching, MA (汉英翻译与语言教学)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, MA (对外英语教学)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, PGDip (对外英语教学)
Applied Linguistics, MA by Research (应用语言学)
Applied Linguistics, M.Phil. (应用语言学)
Creative Writing, MA (创意写作)
Creative Writing (Extended), MA (创意写作(扩展))
English Literature, MA (英国文学)
Welsh Writing in English, MA (威尔士英语写作)
Creative Writing, M.Phil. (创意写作)
History, MA (历史)
History, MA by Research (历史)
Professional Translation (Extended,with Université Grenoble Alpes), MA (专业翻译(扩展,与格勒诺布尔阿尔卑斯大学合作))
Translation and Interpreting, MA (笔译和口译)
Translation and Interpreting (Extended), MA (笔译和口译(扩展))
Translation and Interpreting (Extended with Université Grenoble Alpes), MA (笔译和口译(与格勒诺布尔阿尔卑斯大学扩展))
Literary Translation, MA by Research (文学翻译)
Modern Languages, MA by Research (现代语言)
Modern Languages, M.Phil. (现代语言学)
Translation, M.Phil. (翻译)
Philosophy, MA by Research (哲学)
MMath Mathematics (数学)
BSc Physical Earth Science (自然地球科学)
BSc Physical Geography (自然地理)
MPhys Physics with a year abroad (物理)
BSc Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology (物理与粒子物理学、宇宙物理学)
BSc Physics with a year abroad (物理)
BSc Physics (物理)
MPhys Physics (物理)
BSc Pure Mathematics (理论数学)
BSc Theoretical Physics (理论物理学)
MPhys Theoretical Physics (理论物理学)
BSc Zoology (动物学)
MSc Environmental Biology: Conservation & Resource Management (环境生物:保护与资源管理)
MSc Environmental Dynamics and Climate Change (环境变化与气候变化)
MSc Geographic Information and Climate Change (地理信息与气候变化)
MSc Mathematics and Computing for Finance (数学与金融计算)
MSc Applied Analytical Science (LCMS) (应用分析科学)
Applied Mathematics, BSc (应用数学)
BA Geography (地理)
BEng Materials Science and Engineering (Industry) (材料科学与工程)
BSc Geography (地理)
BSc Geography (with Integrated Foundation) (地理(整合预科学年))
BSc Geography and Geo-Informatics (地理与地质信息科学)
BSc Marine Biology (海洋生物学)
BSc Mathematics (数学)
BSc Mathematics (with Integrated Foundation) (数学(整合预科学年))
BSc Mathematics and Sports Science (数学与运动科学)
BSc Mathematics for Finance (数学与法语)
Computer Science Pre-Master's Pathway from The College ()
Sports Science, MSc by Research (体育科学(研究型))
Engineering (Aerospace), MSc (工程学(航空航天))
Aerospace Engineering, MSc by Research (航空航天工程)
Micro Sensors and Actuators, MSc by Research (微型传感器与执行器)
Telecommunications, M.Phil. (电信)
Virtual Reality, MSc (with optional Industry Placement year) (虚拟现实(含实习))
Actuarial Science, MSc (精算学)
Applied Data Science, MSc (应用数据科学)
Applied Data Science, PGDip (应用数据科学)
Mathematics and Computing for Finance, MSc (金融数学与计算)
Mathematics, MSc (数学)
Mathematics, MSc by Research (数学)
Mathematics, M.Phil. (数学)
Global Biodiversity and Conservation, MSc (全球生物多样性与保护)
Behavioural Ecology and Evolution, MRes (行为生态学与进化)
Biodiversity and Ecosystems, MRes (生物多样性与生态系统)
Marine and Freshwater Systems, MRes (海洋与淡水系统)
Natural Products and Environmental Resources, MRes (自然产品与环境资源)
Biological Sciences, M.Phil. (生物科学)
Environmental Drone Remote Sensing, MSc (环境无人机遥感)
Environmental Dynamics and Climate Change, MSc (环境动力学与气候变化)
Geographic Information and Climate Change, MSc (地理信息与气候变化)
Society, Environment and Global Change, MSc (社会、环境与全球变化)
Earth Observation, MSc by Research (地球观测)
Environmental Dynamics, MSc by Research (环境动力学)
Glaciology, MSc by Research (冰川学)
Global Environmental Modelling, MSc by Research (全球环境建模)
Global Migration, MSc by Research (全球移民)
Media Geographies, MSc by Research (媒体地理学)
Social Theory and Space, MSc by Research (社会理论与空间)
Urban Studies, MSc by Research (城市研究)
Human Geography, M.Phil. (人文地理)
Physical Geography, M.Phil. (自然地理)
Applied Physics and Materials, MSc by Research (应用物理与材料)
Theoretical Physics, MSc by Research (理论物理)
Experimental Physics, MSc by Research (实验物理学)
Physics, MPhil (物理学)
Biomedical Engineering, MSc-Biomechanics (生物医学工程-生物力学)
Biomedical Engineering, MSc-Biomaterials (生物医学工程-生物材料学)
Medical Engineering, MSc by Research (医学工程)
Semiconductor Technology and Applications, MSc (半导体技术与应用)
Chemistry, MSc by Research (化学)
Chemistry, M.Phil. (化学)
Chemistry, MSc by Research-Energy (化学-能源)
Chemistry, MSc by Research-Health (化学-健康)
Chemistry, MSc by Research-New and advanced molecules and materials (化学-新型和先进分子与材料)
Chemistry, MSc by Research-Water and the environment (化学-水与环境)
Bio-process Engineering, MSc by Research (生物工艺工程)
Chemical Engineering, M.Phil. (化学工程)
Chemical Engineering, MSc by Research (化学工程)
Desalination and Water Re-use, MSc by Research (海水淡化与水再利用)
Energy Innovation, MSc by Research (能源创新)
Membrane Technology, MSc by Research (膜技术)
Materials Engineering, MSc (with optional Industry Placement year) (材料工程)
Materials Engineering, M.Phil. (材料工程)
Sports Science, MSc by Research (运动科学)
Sports Science, M.Phil. (体育科学)
Mathematics and Computing for Finance, MSc (数学与金融计算)
Mathematics, MSc by Research:Algebra and Topology (数学:代数与拓扑)
Mathematics, MSc by Research:Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (数学:分析与非线性偏微分方程)
Mathematics, MSc by Research:Probability (数学:可能性)
Mathematics, MSc by Research:Computational Mathematics (数学:计算数学)
Mathematics, MSc by Research:Biomaths (数学:生物数学)
Biodiversity and Ecosystems, MRes (生物多样性和生态系统)
Behavioural Ecology and Evolution, MRes (行为生态学和进化)
Behavioural Ecology and Evolution, MRes:Behavioural ecology and endocrinology (行为生态学和进化:行为生态学和内分泌学)
Behavioural Ecology and Evolution, MRes:Biomove (行为生态学和进化:生物分子)
Behavioural Ecology and Evolution, MRes:Evolutionary and sensory ecology (行为生态学和进化:进化与感觉生态学)
Behavioural Ecology and Evolution, MRes:Evolutionary genetics of social behaviour (行为生态学和进化:社会行为的进化遗传学)
Behavioural Ecology and Evolution, MRes:Fish behaviour, ecology and evolution (行为生态学和进化:鱼类行为、生态学和进化)
Behavioural Ecology and Evolution, MRes:Macroevolution and ecology of toxic animals (行为生态学和进化:有毒动物的宏观进化与生态学)
Behavioural Ecology and Evolution, MRes:Sociality, heterogeneity, organisation and leadership (SHOAL) (行为生态学和进化:社会性、异质性、组织和领导力(SHOAL))
Behavioural Ecology and Evolution, MRes:Swansea lab for animal movement (行为生态学和进化:斯旺西动物运动实验室)
Behavioural Ecology and Evolution, MRes:Social evolution (行为生态学和进化:社会演变)
Behavioural Ecology and Evolution, MRes:Coastal resilience (SPACEPOP) (行为生态学和进化:海岸恢复力(SPACEPOP))
Biodiversity and Ecosystems, MRes:Biomove (生物多样性和生态系统:生物群系)
Biodiversity and Ecosystems, MRes:Computational ecology (生物多样性和生态系统:计算生态)
Biodiversity and Ecosystems, MRes:Coastal resilience (SPACEPOP) (生物多样性和生态系统:海岸恢复力(SPACEPOP))
Biodiversity and Ecosystems, MRes:Evolutionary and sensory ecology (生物多样性和生态系统:进化与感觉生态学)
Biodiversity and Ecosystems, MRes:Fungal molecular ecology (FUME) (生物多样性和生态系统:真菌分子生态学(FUME))
Biodiversity and Ecosystems, MRes:Invasive species (生物多样性和生态系统:入侵物种)
Biodiversity and Ecosystems, MRes:Long-term ecology, conservation and ecosystem restoration (生物多样性和生态系统:长期生态保护和生态系统修复)
Biodiversity and Ecosystems, MRes:Seagrass ecosystem (生物多样性和生态系统:海草生态系统)
Biodiversity and Ecosystems, MRes:Swansea lab for animal movement (生物多样性和生态系统:斯旺西动物运动实验室)
Biodiversity and Ecosystems, MRes:Vegetation ecology group (VEG) (生物多样性和生态系统:植被生态群(VEG))
Marine and Freshwater Systems, MRes (海水与淡水系统)
Marine and Freshwater Systems, MRes:Algal Research (海水与淡水系统:藻类研究)
Marine and Freshwater Systems, MRes:Biomove (海水与淡水系统:生物群系)
Marine and Freshwater Systems, MRes:Coastal Resilience (SPACEPOP) (海水与淡水系统:海岸复原力(SPACEPOP))
Marine and Freshwater Systems, MRes:Comparative Immunology and Pathobiology (海水与淡水系统:比较免疫学与病理生物学)
Marine and Freshwater Systems, MRes:Ecology and Biogeochemistry in Marine and Freshwater Systems (海水与淡水系统:海洋和淡水系统中的生态学和生物地球化学)
Marine and Freshwater Systems, MRes:Fish Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution (海水与淡水系统:鱼类行为、生态学和进化)
Marine and Freshwater Systems, MRes:Invasive Species (海水与淡水系统:入侵物种)
Marine and Freshwater Systems, MRes:Marine Conservation and Ecology Group (MARCEL) (海水与淡水系统:海洋保育及生态小组(MARCEL))
Marine and Freshwater Systems, MRes:Marine Microbial Ecology (海水与淡水系统:海洋微生物生态学)
Marine and Freshwater Systems, MRes:Seagrass Ecosystems (海水与淡水系统:海草生态系统)
Marine and Freshwater Systems, MRes:Social Evolution (海水与淡水系统:社会演变)
Natural Products and Environmental Resources, MRes (天然产品和环境资源)
Natural Products and Environmental Resources, MRes:Algal research (天然产品和环境资源:藻类研究)
Natural Products and Environmental Resources, MRes:Biocontrol and natural products (天然产品和环境资源:生物防治和天然产物)
Natural Products and Environmental Resources, MRes:Comparative immunology and pathobiology (天然产品和环境资源:比较免疫学和病理生物学)
Natural Products and Environmental Resources, MRes:Fungal molecular ecology (fume) (天然产品和环境资源:真菌分子生态学(烟))
Natural Products and Environmental Resources, MRes:Marine microbial ecology (天然产品和环境资源:海洋微生物生态学)
Human Geography, M.Phil. (人文地理学)
Physical Geography, M.Phil. (自然地理学)
Physical Geography, M.Phil.:Environmental Dynamics (自然地理学:环境动力学)
Physical Geography, M.Phil.:Glaciology (自然地理学:冰河学)
Physical Geography, M.Phil.:Global Environmental Modelling and Earth Observation (自然地理学:全球环境模拟与地球观测)
Physical Geography, M.Phil.:Migration, Boundaries and Identity (自然地理学:移民、边界和身份)
Physical Geography, M.Phil.:Social Theory and Urban Space (自然地理学:社会理论与城市空间)
Physics, MPhil:Analytical laser spectroscopy (物理学:分析激光光谱学)
Physics, MPhil:Ultrafast Dynamics, Imaging and Microscopy, Optomechanics (物理学:超快动力学,成像和显微镜,光学力学)
Physics, MPhil:Antihydrogen, positronium and positrons (物理学:反氢,正电子和正电子)
Physics, MPhil:Cold atom physics (物理学:冷原子物理)
Physics, MPhil:Nano-scale physics and the life sciences (物理学:纳米物理和生命科学)
Experimental Physics, MSc by Research (实验物理)
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, MSc by Research (组织工程和再生医学)
Bio-process Engineering, MSc by Research (生物过程工程)
Bio-process Engineering, MSc by Research:Bioengineering, biomedical engineering (生物过程工程:生物工程,生物医学工程)
Bio-process Engineering, MSc by Research:Desalination (生物过程工程:海水淡化)
Bio-process Engineering, MSc by Research:Pharmaceutical engineering (生物过程工程:制药工程)
Bio-process Engineering, MSc by Research:Polymer engineering (生物过程工程:高分子工程学)
Bio-process Engineering, MSc by Research:Separation processes (生物过程工程:分离过程)
Bio-process Engineering, MSc by Research:Transport processes (生物过程工程:输运过程)
Bio-process Engineering, MSc by Research:Water and wastewater engineering (生物过程工程:水与废水工程)
Desalination and Water Re-use, MSc by Research (海水淡化和水再利用)
Sport and Exercise Science, MSc by Research (体育与运动科学)
Sport and Exercise Science, M.Phil. (体育与运动科学)
Chemical Engineering, MSc by Research:Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) (化学工程:高级氧化工艺(AOPs))
Chemical Engineering, MSc by Research:Membrane separation (化学工程:膜分离技术)
Chemical Engineering, MSc by Research:Biochemical engineering (化学工程:生物化学工程)
Chemical Engineering, MSc by Research:Biomanufacturing (化学工程: 生物制造)
Chemical Engineering, MSc by Research:Engineering applications of nanotechnology (化学工程:纳米技术的工程应用)
Chemical Engineering, MSc by Research:Cell and tissue engineering (化学工程:细胞与组织工程)
Chemical Engineering, MSc by Research:Non-thermal Plasma Technology (化学工程:非热等离子体技术)
Chemical Engineering, MSc by Research:Colloid science and engineering (化学工程:胶体科学与工程)
Chemical Engineering, MSc by Research:Desalination (化学工程:海水淡化)
Chemical Engineering, MSc by Research:Ozonation Processes (化学工程:臭氧化过程)
Chemical Engineering, MSc by Research:Pharmaceutical engineering (化学工程:制药工程)
Chemical Engineering, MSc by Research:Rheology (化学工程:流变学)
Chemical Engineering, MSc by Research:Polymer engineering (化学工程:聚合体工程)
Chemical Engineering, MSc by Research:Separation processes (化学工程:分离过程)
Chemical Engineering, MSc by Research:Transport processes (化学工程:输运过程)
Chemical Engineering, MSc by Research:Water and wastewater treatment (化学工程:运输过程水和废水处理)
Sport and Exercise Science, MSc by Research(January) (体育与运动科学)
Criminology and Psychology, BSc (犯罪学与心理学)
M.Ost Osteopathy (整骨学)
Postgraduate Pathway: Health Science and Informatics (硕士预科-健康科学与信息学)
MA Childhood Studies (儿童研究)
MA Developmental and Therapeutic Play (发育与疗法)
MSc Abnormal and Clinical Psychology (畸形与临床心理学)
MSc Child Public Health (儿童公共健康)
MSc Gerontology and Ageing Studies (老年医学与老龄化研究)
MSc Health Care Management (卫生保健研究)
MSc International Gerontology and Ageing Studies (国际老年医学与老龄化研究)
MSc Long Term and Chronic Conditions Management (长期与慢性病健康管理)
MSc Research Methods in Psychology (心理学研究法)
MSc Social Research Methods (社会研究方法)
BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing (成人护理)
BSc (Hons) Child Nursing (儿童护理)
BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care (健康与保健)
BSc (Hons) Healthcare Science (Audiology) (健康保健科学(听力))
BSc (Hons) Healthcare Science (Cardiac Physiology) (健康保健科学(心脏生理学))
BSc (Hons) Healthcare Science (Nuclear Medicine) (健康保健科学(核医学))
BSc (Hons) Healthcare Science (Radiotherapy Physics) (健康保健科学(放射疗法))
BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing (心里健康护理)
BSc (Hons) Psychology (心理学)
BSc (Hons) Social Policy (社会政策)
BSc (Hons) Social Work (社会工作)
Public Health and Management Pre-Master's Pathway from The College (硕士预科-公共健康与管理)
Advanced Sport Performance Science, MSc (高级运动表现)
Sport and Exercise Science ()
Applied Analytical Science (LCMS), M.Res. (应用分析科学)
Toxicology and Pharmacology, MSc by Research (毒理学与药理学)
Medical and Health Care Studies, M.Phil. (医疗与保健研究)
Medical and Health Care Studies, MSc by Research (医疗与保健研究)
Research in Health Professions Education (RiHPE), M.Res. (卫生职业教育研究)
Psychology, MSc by Research (心理学)
Psychology, M.Phil. (心理学)
Health Psychology, M.Phil (健康心理学)
Public Health and Health Promotion, MSc (公共卫生与健康促进)
Public Health and Health Promotion, PGDip (公共卫生与健康促进)
Gerontology and Ageing Studies, M.Phil. (老年学和老龄化研究)
Health and Wellbeing, MSc by Research (健康与幸福)
Health Economics, MSc by Research (卫生经济学)
Health Economics, M.Phil (卫生经济学)
Health Policy, M.Phil (卫生政策)
Health Science, M.Phil. (健康科学)
Healthcare Management, M.Phil (医疗保健管理)
Mental Health, M.Phil. (心理健康)
Nursing, M.Phil. (护理学)
Public Health, M.Phil. (公共卫生)
Social Work and Social Care, M.Phil. (社会工作与社会关怀)
Health Informatics, MSc (健康信息学)
Health Informatics, PGDip (健康信息学)
Health Informatics, PGCert (健康信息学)
Medical Education, MSc (医学教育)
Medical Education, PGDip (医学教育)
Medical Radiation Physics, MSc (医学放射物理学)
Medical Radiation Physics, PGDip (医学放射物理学)
Medical Radiation Physics, PGCert (医学放射物理学)
Nanomedicine, MSc (纳米医学)
Nanomedicine, PGDip (纳米医学)
Nanomedicine, PGCert (纳米医学)
Applied Analytical Science (LCMS), M.Res. (应用分析科学(LCMS))
Clinical Psychology and Mental Health, MSc (临床心理学与心理健康)
Forensic Psychology, MSc (法医心理学)
Psychology (Conversion), MSc (心理学(转化))
Psychology (Conversion), MSc:Cognitive Psychology (心理学(转化):认知心理学)
Psychology (Conversion), MSc:Social Psychology (心理学(转化):社会心理学)
Psychology (Conversion), MSc:Developmental Psychology (心理学(转化):发展心理学)
Psychology (Conversion), MSc:Biological Psychology (心理学(转化):生物心理学)
Psychology (Conversion), MSc:Individual Differences (心理学(转化):个体差异)
Psychology (Conversion), MSc:Research Methods (心理学(转化):研究方法)
Research Methods in Psychology, MSc (心理学研究方法)
Social Work, MSc (社会工作)
Health Care Management, MSc (医疗保健管理)
Health Economics, MSc by Research (健康心理学)
Health Economics, M.Phil (健康心理学)
Health Policy, M.Phil (健康政策)
Public Health, M.Phil (公共健康)
Classical Civilisation and English Language, BA (古典文明与英语语言)
Classical Civilisation and English Literature, BA (古典文明与英国文学)
Classical Civilisation and French, BA (古典文明与法语)
Classical Civilisation and German, BA (古典文明与德语)
Classical Civilisation and Greek, BA (古典文明与希腊语)
Classical Civilisation and History, BA (古典文明与历史)
Classical Civilisation and Latin, BA (古典文明与拉丁语)
Classical Civilisation and Medieval Studies, BA (古典文明与中世纪研究)
Classics, BA (古典学)
Cymraeg gyda Almaeneg (Welsh with German), BA (威尔士语与德语)
Cymraeg gyda Ffrangeg (Welsh with French), BA (威尔士语与法语)
Cymraeg gyda Sbaeneg (Welsh with Spanish), BA (威尔士语与德语)
English - Chinese Translation and Interpreting (英中翻译与口译)
BSc Medical Biochemistry (医学生物化学)
MA Ancient History and Classical Culture (古代史与古典文化)
MA Ancient Narrative Literature (古代叙事文学)
MA Chinese-English Translation and Language Teaching (中英翻译与语言教学)
MA Classics (古典学)
MA Communication, Media Practice and PR (通信、媒体实践与公共关系)
MA Creative Writing (创意写作)
MA Development and Human Rights (发展与人权)
MA Digital Media (数字媒体)
MA English Literature (英国文学)
MA History (历史)
MA International Journalism (国际新闻学)
MA International Relations (国际关系)
MA International Security and Development (国际安全与发展)
MA Medieval Studies (中世纪研究)
MA Modern History (现代史)
MA Politics (政治)
MA Professional Translation (Extended) (专业翻译(扩展))
MA Public Policy (公共政策)
MA Teaching English as a Foreign Language (对外英语教学)
MA Translation and Interpreting (翻译与口译)
MA War and Society (战争与社会)
MA Welsh Writing in English (英语威尔士语写作)
American Studies (3 yrs), BA (美国研究)
American Studies and History with an Intercalary Year, BA (美国研究与历史)
American Studies and History, BA (美国研究与历史)
American Studies and Politics with an Intercalary Year, BA (美国研究与政治)
American Studies and Politics, BA (美国研究与政治)
American Studies with an Intercalary Year (4 yrs), BA (美国研究)
Ancient and Medieval History, BA (古代史与中世纪史)
Ancient History and English Literature, BA (古代史与英国文学)
Ancient History and History (with a year abroad), BA (古代史与历史)
Ancient History and History, BA (古代史与历史)
Ancient History and Politics, BA (古代史与政治)
Ancient History, BA (古代史)
BA American Studies and English Literature (3 year) (美国研究与英国文学)
BA American Studies and International Relations (4 year) (美国研究与国际关系)
BA Egyptology (3 year) (埃及学)
BA Egyptology and Ancient History (3 year) (埃及学与古代史)
BA Egyptology and Classical Civilisation (3 year) (埃及学与古典文明)
BA English Language (3 year) (英语语言)
BA English Language and English Literature (3 year) (英语语言与英国文学)
BA English Language and German (4 year) (英语语言与德语)
BA English Language and Spanish (4 year) (英语语言与西班牙语)
BA English Language with a year abroad (4 year) (英语语言)
BA English Literature and English Language with a year abroad (4 year) (英国文学与英语语言)
BA English Literature and French (4 year) (英国文学与法语)
BA English Literature and Media (3 year) (英国文学与媒体)
BA English Literature and Politics (英国文学与政治)
BA English with Gender (3 year) (英语与性别)
BA English with Gender (4 year) (英语与性别)
BA French and History (4 year) (法语与历史)
BA French and Media (4 year) (法语与媒体)
BA French and Politics (4 year) (法语与政治)
BA French and Welsh (second language / 4 year) (法语与威尔士语)
BA German and History (4 year) (德语与历史)
BA German and Media (4 year) (德语与媒体)
BA German and Politics (4 year) (德语与政治)
BA German and Welsh (second language / 4 year) (德语与威尔士语)
BA History (3 year) (历史)
BA History (4 year) (历史)
BA History and Politics (3 year) (历史与政治)
BA History and Social Policy (3 year) (历史与社会政策)
BA History and Spanish (4 year) (历史与西班牙语)
BA History and Welsh (first language / 3 year) (历史与威尔士语)
BA History and Welsh (second language /3 year) (历史与威尔士语)
BA Human Geography (人文地理学)
BA International Relations (3 year) (国际关系)
BA International Relations (with French) (4 year) (国际关系(含法语))
BA International Relations with Spanish (4 year) (国际关系含西班牙语)
BA Media and Communication (3 year) (媒体与沟通)
BA Media and Spanish (4 year) (媒体与西班牙语)
BA Modern History and International Relations (3 year) (现代史与国际关系)
BA Modern Languages, Translation and Interpreting (4 year) (现代语言翻译与口译)
BA Politics (政治)
BA Politics and Social Policy (政治与社会政治)
BA Public Relations and Media (3 year) (公共关系与媒体)
BA Spanish and Welsh (second language / 4 year) (西班牙语与威尔士语)
BA War and Society (3 year) (战争与社会)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, MA ()
International Tourism Management, MSc ()
Sociology and Psychology, BSc (Hons) (社会学与心理学)
MSc Social Work ()
American Studies, MA by Research (美国研究)
Ancient History and Classical Culture, MA (古代历史与古典文化)
Public History and Heritage, MA (公共历史与遗产)
Public History and Heritage, MA (Extended) (公共历史与遗产)
Egyptology, MA by Research (埃及学)
Egyptology, M.Phil (埃及学)
English Literature, MA by Research (英国文学)
English Literature, M.Phil. (英国文学)
Medieval Studies, MA (中世纪研究)
War and Society, MA (战争与社会)
History, M.Phil. (历史)
War and Society, MA by Research (战争与社会)
Digital Humanities, MA by Research (数字人文)
Latin American Studies, MA by Research (拉丁美洲研究)
Welsh, MA by Research (威尔士)
Welsh, M.Phil. (威尔士)
Social Research Methods, MSc (社会研究方法)
Criminology, M.Phil. (犯罪学)
Health Humanities, M.Phil (健康人文)
Social Policy, MSc by Research (社会政策)
Social Policy, M.Phil. (社会政策)
Sociology, M.Phil. (社会学)
Childhood Studies, PGDip (儿童研究)
Childhood Studies, PGCert (儿童研究)
Children and Young People, M.Phil. (儿童与青少年)
Development and Human Rights, MA (发展与人权)
International Relations, MA (国际关系)
International Relations (Extended), MA (国际关系(扩展))
International Security and Development, MA (国际安全与发展)
International Security and Development (Extended), MA (国际安全与发展(扩展))
Politics, MA (政治)
Public Policy, MA (公共政策)
Public Policy (Extended), MA (公共政策(扩展))
Development Studies, M.Phil. (发展研究)
International Development, MA by Research (国际发展)
International Relations, MA by Research (国际关系)
International Relations, M.Phil. (国际关系)
Philosophy, M.Phil. (哲学)
Politics, MA by Research (政治)
Politics and International Relations, M.Phil. (政治与国际关系)
International Relations, MA by Research-International Development (国际关系-国际发展)
International Relations, MA by Research-International Security and Strategic Studies (国际关系-国际安全与战略研究)
International Relations, MA by Research-Conflict (国际关系-冲突)
International Relations, MA by Research-US Foreign Policy (国际关系-美国外交政策)
International Relations, MA by Research-Intelligence (国际关系-情报)
Business Management, MSc by Research (商务管理)
Business Management, MSc by Research-july (商务管理)
American Studies, MA by Research-july (美国研究)
Ancient History and Classical Culture, MA (古代历史和古典文化)
Public History and Heritage, MA (Extended) (公共历史与遗产文学(扩展))
Classics, MA by Research (古典学)
Applied Linguistics, MA by Research:Computer Assisted Language Learning (应用语言学:电脑辅助语言学习)
Applied Linguistics, MA by Research:Cognitive Psychology of Language (应用语言学:语言认知心理学)
Applied Linguistics, MA by Research:Discourse analysis (应用语言学:话语分析)
Applied Linguistics, MA by Research:Lexical Studies (应用语言学:词汇研究)
Applied Linguistics, MA by Research:Pragmatics (应用语言学:语用学)
Applied Linguistics, MA by Research:Psycholinguistics (应用语言学:心理语言学)
Applied Linguistics, MA by Research:Second language acquisition (应用语言学:二语习得)
Applied Linguistics, MA by Research:Sociolinguistics (应用语言学:社会语言学)
Applied Linguistics, MA by Research:Vocabulary learning (应用语言学:词汇学习)
English Literature, MA by Research: Welsh writing in English (英国文学:威尔士语英语写作)
English Literature, MA by Research:American literature (英国文学:美国文学)
English Literature, MA by Research:Gender (英国文学:性别)
English Literature, MA by Research:Medieval, renaissance, eighteenth and nineteenth-century writing and culture (英国文学:中世纪,文艺复兴,18和19世纪的写作和文化)
English Literature, MA by Research:Modernism and postmodernism (英国文学:现代主义和后现代主义)
English Literature, MA by Research:Irish poetry (英国文学:爱尔兰诗歌)
English Literature, MA by Research:Contemporary literature (英国文学:当代文学)
English Literature, MA by Research:Critical and cultural theory (英国文学:批判与文化理论)
English Literature, MA by Research:Science Fiction and Ecology/Environmentalism (英国文学:科幻小说与生态/环境保护主义)
English Literature, MA by Research:Human-Animal Studies (英国文学:人与动物的研究)
War and Society, MA by Research:American Civil War (战争与社会:美国内战)
War and Society, MA by Research:Spanish Civil War (战争与社会:西班牙内战)
War and Society, MA by Research:The impact of war on society (战争与社会:战争对社会的影响)
War and Society, MA by Research:Conflict and legal structures (战争与社会:冲突和法律结构)
War and Society, MA by Research:Armed conflict and post-war reconstruction in Africa (战争与社会:非洲的武装冲突与战后重建)
War and Society, MA by Research:European diplomatic history (战争与社会:欧洲外交史)
War and Society, MA by Research:Strategic Studies (战争与社会:战略研究)
Digital Media, Culture and Society, MA (数字媒体,文化与社会)
Digital Media, MA by Research:Media and Cultural Theory (数字媒体:媒介与文化理论)
Digital Media, MA by Research:The History and Philosophy of Media Technology (数字媒体:媒体技术的历史与哲学)
Digital Media, MA by Research:New Media (数字媒体:新媒体)
Digital Media, MA by Research: Contemporary Digital Media developments in the UK, European mainland, USA and China (数字媒体:当代数字媒体在英国、欧洲大陆、美国和中国的发展)
Digital Media, MA by Research:Global Media and Journalism (数字媒体:全球媒体与新闻业)
Professional Translation (Extended, with Université Grenoble Alpes), MA (专业翻译(扩展,与格勒诺布尔阿尔卑斯大学合作))
Welsh, MA by Research (威尔士语)
Applied Criminal Justice and Criminology, MA (应用刑事司法与犯罪学)
Cyber Crime and Terrorism, MA (网络犯罪和恐怖主义)
Social Research Methods, ESRC DTP MSc (社会研究方法)
Social Policy, MSc by Research:Childhood, the family and social justice (社会政策:童年、家庭和社会的正义)
Social Policy, MSc by Research:Co-production (社会政策: 合作生产)
Social Policy, MSc by Research:Social welfare in theory and policy (社会政策:社会福利理论与政策)
Social Policy, MSc by Research:Welsh devolution (社会政策:威尔士权力下放)
Developmental and Therapeutic Play, MA (发展与治疗性游戏)
Developmental and Therapeutic Play, PGDip (发展与治疗性游戏研究生文凭)
Developmental and Therapeutic Play, PGCert (发展与治疗性游戏研究生证书)
Education, MA (教育学)
Secondary PGCE with QTS: Design and Technology, PGCert (中学教育研究生证书,含QTS:设计与技术)
Secondary PGCE with QTS: Biology, PGCert (中学教育研究生证书,含QTS:生物学)
Secondary PGCE with QTS: English, PGCert (中学教育研究生证书,含QTS:英语)
Secondary PGCE with QTS: Mathematics, PGCert (中学教育研究生证书,含QTS:数学)
Secondary PGCE with QTS: Modern Foreign Languages (French, Spanish), PGCert (中学教育研究生证书,含QTS:现代外语(法语,西班牙语))
Secondary PGCE with QTS: Physics, PGCert (中学教育研究生证书,含QTS:物理学)
Secondary PGCE with QTS: Chemistry, PGCert (中学教育研究生证书,含QTS:化学)
Secondary PGCE with QTS: Computer Science, PGCert (中学教育研究生证书,含QTS:计算机科学)
Secondary PGCE with QTS: Welsh, PGCert (中学教育研究生证书,含QTS:威尔士)
Criminology, M.Phil.(Criminal justice in Wales) (犯罪学(威尔士的刑事司法))
Criminology, M.Phil.(Cybercrime and terrorism) (犯罪学(网络犯罪与恐怖主义))
Criminology, M.Phil.(Digital technology in the criminal justice system) (犯罪学(刑事司法系统中的数字技术))
Criminology, M.Phil.(Desistance) (犯罪学(犯罪中止))
Criminology, M.Phil.(Gender based violence and violence against women domestic and sexual violence) (犯罪学(基于性别的暴力和针对妇女的暴力、家庭暴力和性暴力))
Criminology, M.Phil.(Illegal and informal economies) (犯罪学(非法和非正规经济))
Criminology, M.Phil.(Maritime security and crime) (犯罪学(海上安全与犯罪))
Criminology, M.Phil.(Policing, governance and political economy) (犯罪学(警务、治理和政治经济))
Criminology, M.Phil.(Probation and offender management services) (犯罪学(缓刑和罪犯管理服务))
Criminology, M.Phil.(Organised crime) (犯罪学(有组织犯罪))
Criminology, M.Phil.(Sentencing and courts) (犯罪学(量刑和法庭))
Criminology, M.Phil.(Sex work) (犯罪学(性工作))
Criminology, M.Phil.(Social harms) (犯罪学(社会危害))
Criminology, M.Phil.(Sports-based violence and criminality) (犯罪学(基于体育的暴力和犯罪))
Criminology, M.Phil.(Violent and sex offenders) (犯罪学(暴力及性犯罪者))
Criminology, M.Phil.(Youth justice) (犯罪学(青少年司法))
International Relations (Extended), MA (国际关系(拓展))
International Security and Development (Extended), MA (国际安全与发展(拓展))
Public Policy, MA (政治政策)
International Relations, MA by Research:International Relations (国际关系:国际关系)
International Relations, MA by Research:International Development (国际关系:国际发展)
International Relations, MA by Research:International Security and Strategic Studies (国际关系:国际安全与战略研究)
International Relations, MA by Research:Conflict (国际关系:冲突)
International Relations, MA by Research:US Foreign Policy (国际关系:美国外交政策)
International Relations, MA by Research:Intelligence (国际关系:情报)
Politics, MA by Research (政治学)
Philosophy, MA by Research:Political theory (哲学:政治理论)
Philosophy, MA by Research:Moral philosophy (哲学:道德哲学)
Philosophy, MA by Research:Applied ethics (哲学:应用伦理学)
Philosophy, MA by Research:Phenomenology (哲学:现象学)
Philosophy, MA by Research:Philosophy of emotion (哲学:情感哲学)
Philosophy, MA by Research:Philosophy of psychiatry (哲学:精神病学哲学)
Philosophy, MA by Research:Economic justice (哲学:经济公正)
Philosophy, MA by Research:Social theory (哲学:社会理论)
Sociology, M.Phil.(Critical disability studies) (社会学(重残研究))
Sociology, M.Phil.(Cultural sociology) (社会学(文化社会学))
Sociology, M.Phil.(Families and social changes in China) (社会学(中国的家庭与社会变迁))
Sociology, M.Phil.(Feminist theory and activism) (社会学(女权主义理论与行动主义))
Sociology, M.Phil.(Intervention development and process evaluation) (社会学(干预发展和过程评价))
Sociology, M.Phil.(Mental health) (社会学(心理健康))
Sociology, M.Phil.(Migration) (社会学(移民))
Sociology, M.Phil.(Political sociology) (社会学(政治社会学))
Sociology, M.Phil.(Racisms) (社会学(种族主义者))
Sociology, M.Phil.(Sexuality, LGBT+, and queer studies) (社会学(性、LGBT+和酷儿研究))
Sociology, M.Phil.(Social Class) (社会学(社会阶级))
Sociology, M.Phil.(Social exclusion and justice) (社会学(社会排斥与正义))
Sociology, M.Phil.(Sociology of education) (社会学(教育社会学))
Sociology, M.Phil.(Trade unions) (社会学(工会))
Sociology, M.Phil.(Latin American, and East Asia) (社会学(拉丁美洲和东亚))
Sociology, M.Phil.(Qualitative research including narrative and biographical methods) (社会学(定性研究包括叙述和传记方法))
Sociology, M.Phil.(Wales and devolution) (社会学(威尔士和权力下放))
Sociology, M.Phil.(Youth culture) (社会学(青年文化))
Biomedical Science (Clinical Biochemistry), MSc (生物医学科学(临床生物化学))
Biomedical Science (Clinical Microbiology), MSc (生物医学科学(临床微生物学))
Health Data Science, MSc (健康数据科学)
Biomedical Science (Clinical Biochemistry), PGDip (生物医学科学(临床生物化学)研究生文凭)
Biomedical Science (Clinical Microbiology), PGDip (生物医学科学(临床微生物学)研究生文凭)
Health Data Science, PGDip (健康数据科学)
Health Data Science, PGCert (健康数据科学)
Medical Neuroscience, MSc (医学神经科学)
MSci Genetics (遗传学)
BSc Medical Genetics (医学遗传学)
MSci Medical Genetics (医学遗传学)
PGCert Health Informatics (健康信息学)
MSc Autism and Related Conditions (自闭症及相关病症)
MSc Health Data Science (健康数据科学)
MSc Health Informatics (健康信息学)
MSc Medical Radiation Physics (医学放射物理学)
MSc Nanomedicine (纳米医学)
MSc Public Health and Health Promotion (公共卫生与健康促进)
Biochemistry and Genetics, BSc (生物化学与遗传学)
Biochemistry and Genetics, MSci (Hons) (生物化学与遗传学)
Biochemistry, BSc (生物化学)
Biochemistry, MSci (Hons) (生物化学)
Biological Science with deferred choice of specialisation, BSc (生物科学)
Biology with Foundation Year, BSc (生物)
Biology, BSc (生物)
BSc Genetics (遗传学)
Medicine (Graduate Entry), MBBCH (医学(研究生入学))
Biomedical Science (Clinical Biochemistry), MSc (生物医学(临床生物化学))
Biomedical Science (Clinical Biochemistry), PGDip (生物医学(临床生物化学))
Biomedical Science (Clinical Microbiology), MSc (生物医学(临床微生物学))
Biomedical Science (Clinical Microbiology), PGDip (生物医学(临床微生物学))
Diabetes Practice, MSc (糖尿病实践)
Diabetes Practice, PGDip (糖尿病实践)
Diabetes Practice, PGCert (糖尿病实践)
Genomic Medicine, MSc (基因组医学)
Physician Associate Studies, MPAS (医生助理研究)
Cognitive Neuroscience, MSc (认知神经科学)
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, MSc by Research (组织工程与再生医学)
Criminology and Criminal Justice, BSc (犯罪学与犯罪司法)
Criminology and Social Policy, BSc (犯罪学与社会政策)
LLB Law (Crime & Criminal Justice) (法律(犯罪与犯罪司法))
LLB Law and American Studies (with an Intercalary Year) (法律与美国研究)
LLB Law and American Studies (法律与美国研究)
LLB Law and Criminology (法律与犯罪学)
LLB Law and French (法律与法语)
LLB Law and German (法语与德语)
LLB Law and History (法律与历史)
LLB Law and Italian (法律与意大利语)
LLB Law and Politics (法律与政治)
LLB Law and Spanish (法语与西班牙语)
LLB Law and Welsh (法律与威尔士语)
LLB Single Honours Law (法律)
LLB Business Law (商务法)
LLM in International Commercial and Maritime Law (国际商法与海洋法)
LLM in International Commercial Law (国际商法)
LLM in International Maritime Law (国际海洋法)
LLM in International Trade Law (国际贸易法)
LLM in Legal Practice and Advanced Drafting (法务实践与起草)
MA Applied Criminal Justice & Criminology (应用犯罪司法与犯罪学)
LLB Law and Media (法律与媒体)
Oil, Gas and Renewable Energy Law, LLM (石油天然气和可再生能源)
LegalTech and Commercial Law, LLM (法律技术与商业法)
Human Rights, LLM (人权)
Intellectual Property and Innovation, LLM (知识产权与创新)
International Maritime Law, LLM (国际海事法)
International Trade Law, LLM (国际贸易法)
Oil, Gas and Renewable Energy Law, LLM (石油、天然气和可再生能源法)
Professional Legal Practice, LLM (专业法律实践)
Law and Legal Practice, LLM (法律与法律实践)
Legal Practice and Advanced Drafting, LLM (法律实践与高级起草)
Applied Criminal Justice and Criminology, MA (应用刑事司法和犯罪学)
LegalTech and Commercial Law, LLM (法律技术与商法)
Human Rights, LLM (人权法)
International Commercial and Maritime Law, LLM (国际商法与海商法)
International Maritime Law, LLM (国际海洋法)
Oil, Gas and Renewable Energy Law, LLM (石油,天然气和可再生能源法)
Professional Legal Practice, LLM (专业法律实务)
Law and Legal Practice, LLM (法律与法律实务)
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