University of Bath
自从罗马时代起,巴斯市就一直是全球游客的观光胜地。两千年前的占领者罗马人遵从了土著凯尔特人的信仰,即巴斯的热泉是神圣的,并把自己故乡习以为常的澡堂,照搬到了巴斯。18世纪早期,在社会名流波.纳什(Beau Nah)的指导之下,巴斯市成为英格兰一流的温泉城市,上流社会有钱和有名望的人云集此处“泡澡”,并观享巴斯市戏院和音乐间的表演。在那个时期,著名的建筑设计师约翰.伍德(John Wood)为兴建乔治式风格的新巴斯市奠定了基础。他采用蜂蜜色砖石作为建材,后者赋予了巴斯市古色古香风格和一种难以言传的品质。
巴斯市的魅力不仅仅在于其古老的建筑。除了每年举行的巴斯节(目前被公认为是欧洲最负盛名的节日之一)之外,全年都有丰富多彩的文化活动进行。维多利亚美术馆(Victoria Art Gallery)、巴斯大学管理的霍尔本博物馆(Holburne Mueum)和许多气氛怡人的画廊与商店,都永久地展览艺术作品。巴斯市还是皇家摄影协会的故乡。
巴斯矿泉(Bath Spa)干线火车站位于伦敦到布里斯托尔(Britol)铁路线上。该站每半个小时有车发往伦敦帕丁顿(Paddington)站,旅途约需90分钟。与英国中部(Midland)、北部和西南地区接壤的布里斯托尔市,它离巴斯市只有15分钟路程。National Expre长途客运车从巴斯市开往伦敦维多利亚车站和其他许多城市。想寻找安静去处的人,巴斯市四周环绕着美丽的乡村;北边为Cotwold,西南是Mendip。越过塞汶河(Severn)大桥就是怀河(Wye)河谷区与Dean森林。滨海韦斯顿(Weton-uper-Mare)或南威尔士的海岸,都离巴斯市不远。
巴斯大学一般被认为是一所英国排名前十和世界排名前两百的大学。 由于国内和国际排行榜的排名方法和所侧重的统计数据类型不同,巴斯大学在国内和国际的排名情况有差异。巴斯大学在英国国内有极高的影响力而其国际影响力和国内影响力相比略逊。
根据英国独立报大学排名,巴斯大学的26个学科中有20个位列全英前十。 根据最新的政府官方评估,巴斯大学有15个学科被评为“杰出”(最高等级)。这15个学科分别是: 医药、药理学、商业和管理(通过AMBA认证)、建筑与土木工程、经济学、计算机科学、电子和电气工程、机械工程(通过IMechE认证)、数学,统计学和运筹学、教育、分子生物学、物理及天文、政治、体育、社会政策和管理。
巴斯大学管理学院在欧洲与全世界都处于领先地位,巴斯毕业生在毕业三年后工资增长达68%; 该校图书馆24小时开放,这在英国仅此一家;与工商业界联系密切,毕业生为许多顶级企业看好,就业率为全英首列;拥有高规格的体育设施,是为在英国的海外运动员设立体育奖学金方案的第一所大学;口译笔译研究所是联合国最受推崇的三大同声翻译班之一,特别为原专业为英语专业或英语特别优秀的学生设计,课程期限仅为一年,该专业为欧洲议会特别拨款给巴斯大学所设立,志为联合国和欧洲议会输送优秀翻译人员。
大学经办一系列饮食场所,销售冷热食、膳食与小吃。The Pit Stop在白天出售按顾客要求新鲜制作的厚面包三明治,晚间则卖如牛肉饼和薯条这样的快餐。The Melting Pot 咖啡店设有100个座位,提供现煮现卖早餐、简单的午餐、甜食、饮料与小吃。这里每天都有口味不同的特殊家常菜,而且总有素食。其他就餐场所有Oriental Expre(东方式咖喱和旺火煸炒的菜肴,配上米饭和其他佐食);Pizza Guta(卖各种新鲜烤制的比萨饼和煮的意大利面食,可堂食或外卖);Tradition(一系列正宗英国菜肴、汤和传统的热甜食,再加按顾客要求烹煮的牛肉饼与煎蛋饼);Market Place(各种新鲜色拉、肉食、鱼类和素食);Expre Zone(冷热饮,甜食和开胃小吃)和Stroller(热法式棍子面包和热饮)。运动咖啡店提供小吃和有儿童餐在内的午餐、素食,并有带酒牌的酒吧。
托福 230分(计算机测试)
雅思 6.5分
托福 580分(试卷测试)
托福 237分(计算机测试)
雅思 7.0分
托福 600 (试卷测试)
托福 250分(计算机测试)
Economics (L100) ()
Applied Economics with Banking and Financial Markets MSc (应用经济学:银行业与金融市场)
Automotive Engineering with Business Management MSc (汽车工程和商务管理)
MSc Engineering Business Management (工程商务管理)
Entrepreneurship and Management MSc (创业与管理)
Finance MSc (金融学)
Finance with Banking MSc (金融与银行)
Finance with Risk Management MSc (金融与风险管理)
Marketing MSc (市场营销)
MSc in Human Resource Management and Consulting (人力资源管理与顾问)
MSc in Sustainability and Management (可持续性与管理)
MSc in Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
MSc in International Management (国际管理)
MSc Economics & Finance (经济学与金融)
MSc Applied Economics (应用经济学)
MSc Applied Economics with Banking & Financial Markets (应用经济学与银行金融市场)
BSc (Hons) in International Management - 4 years including year abroad (国际管理)
Economics for Business Intelligence and Systems MSc ()
Politics with Economics ()
Economics and Finance MSc (经济与金融)
Economics MSc (经济学)
Engineering Business Management MSc (工程商务管理)
Finance MSc (internship) (金融学(实习))
Innovation and Technology Management MSc (创新与技术管理)
Management MSc (管理)
MBA (工商管理学硕士)
Sustainability and Management MSc (可持续性与管理)
MSc in Management (管理)
MSc in Finance with Banking (金融与银行)
MSc in Marketing (市场营销)
BSc (Hons) in International Management and Modern Languages Spanish (国际管理与现代西语语言)
BSc (Hons) in Management with Marketing (管理与市场营销)
MSc in Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (运营 物流 与供应链管理)
Human Resource Management MSc (人力资源管理)
International Development with Economics MSc ()
Automotive Technology with Business Management MSc (汽车技术和商务管理)
Finance MSc (dissertation ) (金融学(论文))
Financial Mathematics with Data Science MSc (金融数学和数据科学)
MSc in Management with Marketing (市场营销管理)
MSc in Management with Operations (运营管理)
MSc in Management with Finance (金融学管理)
The Bath MBA (工商管理)
BSc (Hons) in Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
MSc in Business Analytics (商务分析)
MSc Business Analytics ()
Applied Psychology and Economics Behavior MSc ()
BSc (Hons) Economics and Mathematics (经济学与数学)
BSc (Hons) in International Management and Modern Languages French - 4 years including year abroad (国际管理与现代法语语言)
University of Bath International Foundation Year (本科预科)
Business (with professional placements) (N100) ()
Applied Economics MSc (应用经济学)
Business Analytics MSc (商业分析)
Economics MRes (经济学(研究型))
International Management MSc (国际管理)
Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc (运营、物流与供应链管理)
Strategic Retailing MSc (战略零售管理)
MSc in Finance (金融)
MSc in Finance with Risk Management (金融与风险管理)
MSc in Innovation & Technology Management (创新与技术管理)
BSc (Hons) in Management (管理)
MSc in Entrepreneurship and Management (企业家精神与管理)
BSc (Hons) in International Management and Modern Languages German (国际管理与现代德语语言)
BSc Mathematics and Statistics (数学和统计学)
Applied Economics with Banking and Financial Markets MSc ()
Architecture MArch ()
Mechanical Engineering MEng (Hons) ()
Aerospace Engineering (航空航天工程)
Civil Engineering MSc (土木工程)
MSc in Innovation and Technology Management (创新与技术管理)
BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering ()
BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering with Space Science Technology - 4 years including placement year (电子工程与空间技术工程)
MEng (Hons) Integrated Mechanical and Electrical Engineering - 5 years including placement year (整合性机械与电子工程)
Automotive Engineering with Business Management MSc ()
MSc Automotive Technology ()
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering and Design (工程与设计人工智能)
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering and Design, 2 years with professional placement (工程与设计人工智能(含实习))
MSc Mechatronics (机电一体化)
Machine Learning and Autonomous Systems MSc (机器学习和自动化系统)
MSc Automotive Engineering with Electric Propulsion (汽车工程)
Chemical Engineering (化学工程)
Automotive Engineering with Electric Propulsion MSc (汽车工程和电力推进)
Automotive Technology MSc (汽车技术)
Environmental Engineering MSc (环境工程)
BEng (Hons) Electrical Power Engineering - 4 years including placement year (电力工程)
BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering with Space Science Technology (电子工程与空间技术工程)
MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering - 5 years including placement year (机械工程)
MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering with Manufacturing and Management - 5 years including placement year (机械工程与制造与管理)
Modern Building Design MSc (现代建筑设计 ( 含实习 ))
BEng (Hons) Computer Systems Engineering (计算机系统工程)
MEng (Hons) Computer Systems Engineering (计算机系统工程)
MEng (Hons) Computer Systems Engineering - 5 years including placement year (计算机系统工程)
MEng (Hons) Electrical Power Engineering - 5 years including placement year (电力工程)
MSc Electrical Power Systems (电力工程系统)
MSc Engineering Design (工程设计)
BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering (电子电气工程)
BEng (Hons) Electrical Power Engineering (电力工程)
MEng (Hons) Aerospace Engineering - 5 years including placement year (航空航天工程)
MEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering - 5 years including placement year (电子电气工程)
MEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering with Space Science Technology - 5 years including placement year (电子工程与空间技术工程)
MEng (Hons) Mechanical with Automotive Engineering - 5 years including placement year (机械与汽车工程)
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering and Design MSc ()
PhD programme in Architecture (full-time) ()
MSc in Modern Building Design (现代建筑设计)
MSc in Civil Engineering: Innovative Structural Materials (土木工程:创新结构)
MSc Conservation of Historic Buildings (历史建筑保护)
MSc Architectural Engineering: Environmental Design (建筑工程:环境设计)
Architecture BSc (Hons) (建筑学)
BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering — 4 years including placement year (土木工程)
MEng (Hons) Civil and Architectural Engineering - 5 years including placement year (土木与建筑工程)
Architecture BSc (Hons) with Placement (建筑学 (含实习))
MEng (Hons) Civil Engineering - 5 years including placement year (土木工程)
Architectural Engineering: Environmental Design MSc (建筑工程: 环境设计)
Conservation of Historic Buildings (历史建筑保护)
BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering (土木工程)
MEng (Hons) Civil and Architectural Engineering (土木与建筑工程)
Modern Building Design MSc (现代建筑设计)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA ()
Pre-sessional course (语言课程)
Doctor of Education EdD ()
BA (Hons) Education with Psychology LX5H (教育与心理学)
MA International Education and Globalisation (国际教育与全球化)
MA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (MA TESOL) (对外英语教学)
Education PhD ()
Education MRes (教育学(研究型))
International Education and Globalisation MA (国际教育与全球化)
Education MRes (教育学)
MA Education (教育学)
MComp (Hons) Computer Science and Mathematics (计算机科学与数学)
MComp (Hons) Computer Science and Mathematics - 5 years including placement year (计算机科学与数学)
MComp (Hons) Computer Science and Mathematics - 5 years including study year abroad (计算机科学与数学)
Mathematics with Data Science for Industry MSc ()
Computer Science MSc (计算机科学)
Robotics and Autonomous Systems MSc (机器人和自动系统)
MSc Software Systems (软件系统)
BSc (Hons) Computer Science - 4 years including study year abroad (计算机科学)
BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Mathematics - 4 years including placement year (计算机科学与数学)
Robotics and Autonomous Systems MSc, 15 months including three-month placement (机器人和自动系统 (含实习))
MSc Computer Science (计算机科学)
BSc (Hons) Computer Science (计算机科学)
Data Science MSc (数据科学)
MSC Artificial Intelligence ()
MComp (Hons) Computer Science - 5 years including placement year (计算机科学)
MComp (Hons) Computer Science - 5 years including study year abroad (计算机科学)
MSc Human Computer Interaction (人机交互)
Robotics and Autonomous Systems MSc (机器人与自动系统)
BSc (Hons) Computer Science and Mathematics (计算机科学与数学)
BSc (Hons) Computer Science - 4 years including placement year (计算机科学)
PhD in Computer Science ()
Interpreting and Translating MA (French and Russian) (口译与翻译(法语和俄语))
Interpreting and Translating MA (French and Spanish) (口译与翻译(法语和西班牙语))
Interpreting and Translating MA (German and Spanish) (口译与翻译(德语和西班牙语))
Interpreting and Translating MA (Italian and German) (口译与翻译(意大利语和德语))
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA (对外英语教学)
Translation with Business Interpreting (Chinese) MA (翻译与商务口译(中文))
Translation and Professional Language Skills MA (French) (翻译与专业语言技能(法语))
Translation and Professional Language Skills MA (French and German) (翻译与专业语言技能(法语和德语))
Translation and Professional Language Skills MA (Italian) (翻译与专业语言技能(意大利语))
Translation and Professional Language Skills MA (Italian and German) (翻译与专业语言技能(意大利语和德语))
Translation and Professional Language Skills MA (Italian and Spanish) (翻译与专业语言技能(意大利语和西班牙语))
Contemporary European Studies MA, 2 years with Transatlantic Track (Euromasters) (现代欧洲研究(跨大西洋方向))
Interpreting and Translating MA (French and German) (口译与翻译(法语和德语))
Interpreting and Translating MA (Italian and Spanish) (口译与翻译(意大利语和西班牙语))
Interpreting and Translating MA (Russian and German) (口译与翻译(俄语和德语))
Translation and Professional Language Skills MA (German and Spanish) (翻译与专业语言技能(德语和西班牙语))
Translation and Professional Language Skills MA (Russian) (翻译与专业语言技能(俄语))
Translation and Professional Language Skills MA (Russian and Italian) (翻译与专业语言技能(俄语和意大利语))
MA International Relations and European Politics (国际关系与欧洲政治)
Contemporary European Studies MA, 2 years Politics, Policy and Society (Euromasters) (现代欧洲研究(政治、政策与社会))
Interpreting and Translating MA (Chinese) (口译与翻译(中文))
Interpreting and Translating MA (Russian and Italian) (口译与翻译(俄语和意大利语))
Interpreting and Translating MA (French and Italian) (口译与翻译(法语和意大利语))
Translation and Professional Language Skills MA (French and Italian) (翻译与专业语言技能(法语和意大利语))
Translation and Professional Language Skills MA (French and Russian) (翻译与专业语言技能(法语和俄语))
Translation and Professional Language Skills MA (French and Spanish) (翻译与专业语言技能(法语和西班牙语))
Translation and Professional Language Skills MA (Spanish) (翻译与专业语言技能(西班牙语))
Interpreting and Translating MA (Russian) (口译与翻译(俄语))
Interpreting and Translating MA (Russian and Spanish) (口译与翻译(俄语和西班牙语))
Translation and Professional Language Skills MA (German) (翻译与专业语言技能(德语))
Translation and Professional Language Skills MA (Russian and German) (翻译与专业语言技能(俄语和德语))
Translation and Professional Language Skills MA (Russian and Spanish) (翻译与专业语言技能(俄语和西班牙语))
Applied Psychology and Economic Behaviour MSc (应用心理学与经济行为学)
Biotechnology (Healthcare Technologies) MSc (生物技术(健康护理技术))
Data Science MSc, 2 years with professional placement (数据科学(含实习))
Global Challenges: Geopolitics, Inequalities and Mobilities MRes (全球挑战: 地缘政治、不平等和流动性)
Molecular Biosciences (Bioinformatics) MSc, 2 years with professional placement (分子生物科学(生物信息 含实习))
Psychology MRes (心理学(研究型))
BSc (Hons) Chemistry for Drug Discovery (化学药物探索)
BSc (Hons) Chemistry for Drug Discovery - 4 years including placement year (化学药物探索)
BSc (Hons) Natural Sciences - 4 years including placement year (自然科学)
BSc (Hons) Natural Sciences - 4 years including study year abroad (自然科学)
BSc (Hons) Natural Sciences (自然科学)
BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics - 4 years including study year abroad (物理与天文物理学)
MChem (Hons) Chemistry for Drug Discovery - 4 years including placement year (化学药物探索)
MEng (Hons) Chemical Engineering - 5 years including placement year (化学工程)
MPharm Pharmacy (药剂学)
MPhys (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics (物理与天文物理学)
MPhys (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics - 5 years including placement year and research placement (物理与天文物理学)
MPhys (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics - 5 years including placement year (物理与天文物理学)
MPhys (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics - 5 years including study year abroad (物理与天文物理学)
Modern Applications of Mathematics MSc (现代数学应用)
Data Science and Statistics MSc (数据科学和统计学)
Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science ()
Biotechnology (with Entrepreneurship) MSc (生物技术(含创业))
Data Science and Statistics MSc (数据科学与统计)
Data Science and Statistics MSc, 2 years with professional placement (数据科学与统计(含实习))
Health Psychology MSc (健康心理学)
Molecular Biosciences (Bioinformatics) MSc (分子生物科学(生物信息))
Molecular Biosciences (Medical Biosciences) MSc, 2 years with professional placement (分子生物科学(医学生物科学 含实习))
Molecular Biosciences (Microbiology) MSc, 2 years with professional placement (分子生物科学(微生物学 含实习))
Biotechnology (Healthcare Technologies) MSc, 2 years with professional placement (生物技术(健康护理技术 含实习))
Biotechnology (Sustainable Biotechnologies) MSc, 2 years with professional placement (生物技术(可持续性生物技术 含实习))
Climate Change, Sustainability and Society MRes (气候变化、可持续性与社会)
Data Science and Statistics (Health) MSc, 2 years with professional placement (数据科学与统计(健康 实习))
Decarbonisation MSc (去碳化)
Decarbonisation PG Cert (去碳化)
Decarbonisation PG Dip (去碳化)
Advanced Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences MRes (社会科学高级定量法(研究型))
BSc (Hons) Chemistry with Management (化学与管理)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Statistics (数学与统计)
BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics (物理与天文物理学)
BSc (Hons) Physics - 4 years including study year abroad (物理)
MChem (Hons) Chemistry - 4 years including study year abroad (化学)
MMath (Hons) Mathematics - 4 years including study year abroad (数学)
MPharmacol (Hons) Pharmacology - 4 years including integrated placement year (药理学)
MPhys (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics - 4 years including research placement (物理与天文物理学)
MPhys (Hons) Physics - 5 years including study year abroad (物理)
MSci (Hons) Mathematics and Physics - 5 years including study year abroad (数学与物理)
Sport Management MSc (运动管理)
MSc Health Psychology (健康心理学)
BSc (Hons) Biochemistry - 4 years including placement year (生物化学)
BSc (Hons) Biochemistry (生物化学)
BSc (Hons)Chemistry with Management - 4 years including study year abroad (化学与管理)
MSci (Hons) Natural Sciences - 5 years including placement year (自然科学)
Financial Mathematics with Data Science MSc (金融数学与数据科学)
BSc (Hons) Mathematical Sciences - 4 years including placement year (数学科学)
BSc (Hons) Mathematical Sciences (数学科学)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Physics - 4 years including placement year (数学与物理)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics - 4 years including placement year (数学)
BSc (Hons) Physics (物理)
BSc (Hons) Statistics (统计)
MChem (Hons) Chemistry - 4 years including placement year (化学)
MPhys (Hons) Physics - 5 years including placement year and research placement (物理)
MPhys (Hons) Physics - 5 years including placement year (物理)
MPhys (Hons) Physics - 4 years including research placement (物理)
MSci (Hons) Psychology (心理学)
MSc Modern Applications of Mathematics (现代数学应用)
Biotechnology (Sustainable Biotechnologies) MSc (生物技术(可持续性生物技术))
Data Science and Statistics (Health) MSc (数据科学与统计(健康))
Drug Discovery MSc (药物开发)
Mathematics with Data Science for Industry MSc (数学和产业数学科学)
Mathematics with Data Science for Industry MSc, 2 years with professional placement (数学和产业数学科学(含实习))
Molecular Biosciences (Medical Biosciences) MSc (分子生物科学(医学生物科学))
Molecular Biosciences (Microbiology) MSc (分子生物科学(微生物学))
Statistics and Data Science MSc ()
MSc Applied Clinical Psychology (应用临床心理学)
MSc Molecular Biosciences (Medical Biosciences) (分子生物科学 (医药生物科学))
BSc (Hons) Biology (生物)
MChem (Hons) Chemistry for Drug Discovery - 4 years including study year abroad (化学药物探索)
BSc (Hons) Chemistry (化学)
BSc (Hons) Chemistry with Management - 4 years including placement year (化学与管理)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Physics (数学与物理)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Statistics - 4 years including study year abroad (数学与统计)
BSc (Hons) Mathematics (数学)
BSc (Hons) Pharmacology (药理学)
BSc (Hons) Physics with Astrophysics - 4 years including placement year (物理与天文物理学)
BSc (Hons) Physics - 4 years including placement year (物理)
BSc (Hons) Psychology - 4 years including placement year (心理学)
BSc (Hons) Statistics - 4 years including placement year (统计)
MMath (Hons) Mathematics (数学)
MPhys (Hons) Physics (物理)
MSci (Hons) Chemistry with Management - 5 years including placement year (化学与管理)
MSci (Hons) Mathematics and Physics (数学与物理)
MSci (Hons) Natural Sciences - 5 years including study year abroad (自然科学)
MSc Drug Discovery (药物探索)
Sport Management and Coaching BSc (Hons) ()
Global Public Health and Policy MSc (全球公共卫生与政策)
MSci (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science (体育与运动科学)
Sport Management MSc ()
Health and Wellbeing MRes ()
Health and Exercise Science BSc (Hons) (健康与运动科学)
BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science - 4 years including placement (体育与运动科学)
Health, Wellbeing and Society MRes (健康、福祉与社)
BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science (体育与运动科学)
MSc Sports Management ()
MRes Advanced Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences (社会科学中的高级定量方法)
Gender and Politics MA (性别与政治)
Politics and International Studies MRes (政治与国际研究(研究型))
Social Policy MRes (社会政策(研究型))
Social Work MRes (社会工作(研究型))
MSc Economics (经济学)
BSc (Hons) Social Sciences - 4 years including placement year (社会科学)
BSc (Hons) Social Work and Applied Social Studies (社会工作与应用社会研究)
BSc (Hons) Sociology and Social Policy - 4 years including placement year (社会学与社会政策)
BSc (Hons) Sociology and Social Policy (社会学与社会政策)
Criminology MSc (犯罪学)
European Social Policy MRes (欧洲社会政策(研究型))
International Development MRes (国际发展学(研究型))
International Development with Economics MSc (国际发展与经济学)
MSc International Development (国际发展)
MA Interpreting & Translating (口译与翻译)
contemporary European studies of policy and society(Euromasters) ()
International Development MSc (国际发展学)
International Relations MA (国际关系)
Psychology MRes (心理学)
BA (Hons) Modern Languages - 4 years including year abroad (现代语言)
BSc (Hons)International Development with Economics - 4 years including placement year (国际发展与经济学)
BSc (Hons) International Management and Modern Languages - German - 4 years including year abroad (国际管理与现代语言 - 德语)
BSc (Hons) Social Policy - 4 years including placement year (社会政策)
BSc (Hons) Sociology (社会学)
Sociology MRes (社会学(研究型))
Sociotechnical Futures and Digital Methods MRes (未来社会技术与数字方法)
MA Translation with Business Interpreting (Chinese) (翻译与商务口译(中文))
MA International Security (国际安全)
Bsc (Honor) Psychology ()
English as a Medium of Instruction MA (英语教学)
Social Policy MRes (社会政策)
Global Political Economy MRes ()
BSc (Hons) Economics - 4 years including placement year (经济学)
BSc (Hons) International Management and Modern Languages - Spanish - 4 years including year abroad (国际管理与现代语言 - 西语)
BSc (Hons) Politics and International Relations - 4 years including placement year (政治与国际关系)
BSc (Hons) Politics with Economics - 4 years including placement year (政治与经济)
BSc (Hons)Politics with Economics - 4 years including placement year (经济学与政治)
MSc International Development, Social Justice and Sustainability (国际发展、社会正义和可持续性)
MRes Sociology ()
Contemporary European Studies MA ()
International Development with Conflict and Humanitarian Action MSc (国际发展:冲突和人道主义行动)
International Development, Social Justice and Sustainability MSc (国际发展、社会正义与可持续性)
International Security MA (国际安全)
MA International Relations (国际关系)
BSc (Hons) International Development with Economics (国际发展与经济学)
BSc (Hons) Social Policy (社会政策)
BSc (Hons) Social Sciences (社会科学)
MSc International Development with Conflict and Humanitarian Action (国际发展与冲突和人道主义行动)
Sociology MRes ()
Applied Forensic Psychology with Placement MSc (应用法医心理学(含实习))
Applied Clinical Psychology MSc (应用临床心理学)
Molecular Biosciences (Biotechnology) MSc ()
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