University of Essex
埃塞克斯大学(Univerity of Eex)是英国顶尖的院校之一,主要以的研究和探索为学术的重点并因此而闻名全国,在1965年获颁英国皇家勋章。学校下设4个学院,共16个学系。在一直以来的官方的调查中,埃塞克斯大学一直因为其研究领域的杰出成就而在英国官方大学RAE(Reearch Aement Exercie)排名中名列前10。
学校有专门为学生提供的现代化的住宿,其中百分之八十八的住宿在校园里。国际学生只要在截止日之前申请,都会在他们的学习过程中保证有学校的宿舍提供。学生来自世界120多个国家。学校的主校园实际上是一座大学城,所以这里既有教学楼、学生宿舍,也有商店、银行、一座美术馆、湖滨剧院、酒吧、咖啡馆与体育设施。校园在200多英亩的绿地之上,大部分始建于18世纪,环境安全而优美。主校园距英国有记载的最古老的镇科尔切斯特仅两英里,该镇也是英国的第一个首都。从科尔切斯特乘火车到伦敦不到一小时。从这里到伦敦斯坦斯特德机场与轮渡港口哈里奇(Harwich)的交通异常便利,位于拉夫顿的“东15(Eat 15)”表演学院不在主校园内,距离伦敦更近。学院已经在Southend修建一个新的市区校园。
2010诺贝尔经济学奖获得者:Chritopher A. Piaride 克里斯托弗·皮萨里德斯(本科硕士均就读于埃塞克斯大学),领域:劳动力经济学。
1987年诺贝尔和平奖获得者:Oacute;car Aria博士,前哥斯达黎加总统。
大部份课程开设一年授课式的硕士课程及研究式的博士课程。该校的研究课程,在近年三次大学评审中都名列前十。在近年的英国教育界科研质量考核中,艾塞克斯大学因其杰出的科研成果跻身于全英十二所最佳大学,同时它的许多系也达到了国际优秀水平。 银行与金融理学士课程点
大学预科:高中毕业生,17周岁以上;商科预科:雅思 5.5或托福530;理工科:雅思5.0。
本 科:大一或大学预科毕业;雅思:6.5或托福580。
大学预科 (International Foundation)
BA Economics (Including Placement Year) (经济学(含实习))
BA Economics (Including Year Abroad) (经济学(含海外学习))
BA Economics with Psychology (Including Year Abroad) (经济学与心理学(含海外学习))
BA Economics with Psychology (Including Placement Year) (经济学与心理学(含实习))
BA Management Economics (Including Placement Year) (管理经济学*(含实习))
BA Management Economics (Including Year Abroad) (管理经济学(含海外学习))
BSc Economics (Including Placement Year) (经济学(含实习))
BSc Economics with Psychology (Including Placement Year) (经济学与心理学(含实习))
BSc Financial Economics (Including Placement Year) (金融经济(含实习))
BSc Financial Economics (Including Year Abroad) (金融经济(含海外学习))
Integrated Master in Economics: Financial Economics (Including Year Abroad) (金融经济学(本硕连读,含海外学习))
Integrated Master in Economics: International Economics (Including Placement Year) (国际经济学(本硕连读,含实习))
Integrated Master in Economics: International Economics (Including Year Abroad) (国际经济学(本硕连读,含海外学习))
BSc Politics with Business (Including Placement Year) (政治与商务(含实习))
BSc Politics with Business (including Year Abroad) (政治与商务(含海外学习))
BA Economic Analysis for Public Policy (Including Year Abroad) (公共政策的经济分析(含国外一年))
BA Economics (4 Years Including Foundation Year) (经济学(含预科学年))
BA Financial Economics (4 Years Including Foundation Year) (金融经济学(含预科学年))
BA Management Economics (管理经济学)
BA Management Economics (including year abroad) (管理经济学(含国外一年))
BSc Accounting and Finance (Including Year Abroad) (会计与金融(含海外学习))
BSc Accounting with Economics (Including Year Abroad) (会计经济学(含海外学习))
BSc Accounting with Economics (Including Placement Year) (会计经济学(含实习))
BSc Accounting and Management (Including Placement Year) (会计与管理(含实习))
BSc International Business and Entrepreneurship (Including Year Abroad) (国际商务和创业(含海外学习))
BSc International Business and Entrepreneurship (Including Placement Year) (国际商务和创业(含实习))
BSc Management and Marketing (Including Foundation Year) (管理与市场营销(含预科))
BSc International Business and Finance (Including Foundation Year) (国际商务和金融)
BSc International Business and Entrepreneurship (Including Foundation Year) (国际商业和创业(含预科))
BSc Finance and Mathematics (Including Foundation Year) (金融与数学(含预科))
BSc Finance and Management (Including Foundation Year) (金融与管理(含预科))
BA Economic Analysis for Public Policy (公共政策的经济分析)
BA Financial Economics and Accounting (including year abroad) (金融经济与会计(含国外一年))
BA International Economics (国际经济学)
BA International Economics (4 Years Including Foundation Year) (国际经济学(含预科学年))
BA Management Economics (4 Years Including Foundation Year) (管理经济学(含预科学年))
BA Events Management (活动策划)
BSc Accounting and Finance (including Year Abroad) (会计与金融(含国外一年))
BSc Accounting and Management (including Year Abroad) (会计与管理(含国外一年))
Bsc Economics (4 Years Including Foundation Year) (经济学(含预科学年))
BSc Accounting (including Year Abroad) (会计(含国外一年))
BSc Economics (including year abroad) (经济学(含国外一年))
BSc Finance with a Modern Language (four-year course including year abroad) (金融与现代语言学(四年制课程含留学交换))
BSc Financial Economics (including year abroad) (金融经济(含国外一年))
BSc Financial Management (including Year Abroad) (金融管理(含国外一年))
BSc International Economics (国际经济学)
BSc Business Administration and Supply Chain Management (including Foundation Year) (工商管理与供应链管理(含预科))
MSc Mathematics and Finance (数学与金融)
MSc Algorithmic Trading (算法交易)
BSc Economics with Mathematics (including year abroad) (金融与数学(含国外一年))
BSc Finance (with foundation year) (金融(含预科学年))
BSc Finance with Mandarin (four-year course including year abroad) (金融与普通话(四年制课程含留学交换))
BSc Financial Economics (4 Years Including Foundation Year) (金融经济学(含预科学年))
BSc Financial Management (with foundation year) (金融管理(含预科学年))
BSc Management Economics (管理经济学)
FdA Hotel Management (酒店管理)
MSc Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation (创业与创新)
MSc Finance (金融)
MSc Financial Engineering and Risk Management (金融工程与风险管理)
Politics and International Relations (undergraduate) ()
MSc Accounting and Financial Management (会计与金融管理)
MSc Finance and Data Analytics (金融与数据分析)
MSc Finance and Investment (金融与投资)
MSc International Business and Entrepreneurship (国际商务与创业)
MSc International Marketing and Entrepreneurship (国际市场营销与创业)
Master of Business Administration: The Essex MBA (工商管理)
BA Business Economics (Including Placement Year) (商业经济学(含实习))
BA Financial Economics (Including Placement Year) (金融经济(含实习))
BA International Economics (Including Placement Year) (国际经济学(含实习))
BSc Economics with Computing (Including Placement Year) (计算经济学(含实习))
BSc International Economics (Including Placement Year) (国际经济学(含实习))
Integrated Master in Economics: Financial Economics (Including Placement Year) (金融经济学(本硕连读,含实习))
Integrated Master in Economics: Management Economics (Including Year Abroad) (管理经济学(本硕连读,含海外学习))
LLB Law with Business (法律与商务)
LLB Law with Business (Including Year Abroad) (法律与商务(含海外年))
MSc (by Dissertation) Computational Finance (计算金融)
MSc Financial Technology (Computer Science) (金融技术 (计算机科学))
BA History and Economics (历史与经济学)
BA Financial Economics and Accounting (Including Placement Year) (金融经济与会计(含实习))
BA Financial Economics and Accounting (Including Year Abroad) (金融经济与会计(含海外学习))
BA History and Economics (Including Placement Year) (历史与经济学(含实习))
BSc Economics with Mathematics (Including Placement Year) (金融与数学(含实习))
BSc Economics with Mathematics (Including Year Abroad) (金融与数学(含海外学习))
BSc Management Economics (Including Placement Year) (管理经济学(含实习))
BSc Management Economics (Including Year Abroad) (管理经济学(含海外学习))
Integrated Master in Economics: Economics (Including Placement Year) (经济学(本硕连读,含实习))
Integrated Master in Economics: Economics (Including Year Abroad) (经济学(本硕连读,含海外学习))
BSc Economics and Politics (Including Year Abroad) (经济学和政治学(含海外学习))
BSc Economics and Politics (Including Placement Year) (经济学和政治学(含实习))
BA Hospitality Management (酒店管理)
MSc Applied Economics and Data Analysis (高级经济与数据分析)
BA Economics with a Modern Language (经济学与现代语言)
Integrated Master in Economics: Financial Economics (金融经济学(本硕连读))
MA International Development (国际发展)
MA International Economics (国际经济学)
MRes Economics (经济学)
BSc Accounting (会计)
BSc Business Administration and Supply Chain Management (工商管理和供应链管理)
Master of Business Administration: The Essex Executive MBA (Modular Study) (在职MBA)
Master of Business Management MBM (商业管理硕士)
MRes Political Economy (政治经济学)
BSc Finance and Management (Including Placement Year) (金融与管理(含实习))
BSc Business Management (Including Year Abroad) (商务管理(含海外学习))
BSc Business Management (Including Placement Year) (商务管理(含实习))
BSc Business Administration and Supply Chain Management (Including Placement Year) (工商管理和供应链管理(含实习))
Integrated Master in Management: Marketing and Management (Including Placement Year) (市场营销与管理(本硕连读,含实习))
Integrated Master in Management: Marketing and Management (Including Year Abroad) (市场营销与管理(本硕连读,含海外学习))
BSc Marketing (Including Foundation Year) (市场营销(含预科))
BSc Finance (Including Foundation Year) (金融学(含预科))
BSc Business Management (Including Foundation Year) (商务管理(含预科))
BSc Accounting (Including Placement Year) (会计(含实习))
BSc Accounting and Management (Including Year Abroad) (会计与管理(含海外学习))
Integrated Master in Accounting: Accounting and Finance (Including Year Abroad) (会计与金融(本硕连读,含海外学习))
BBA Business Administration (Including Year Abroad) (商务管理(含海外学习))
BSc Management and Marketing (Including Placement Year) (管理与营销(含实习))
BSc International Business and Finance (Including Year Abroad) (国际商务与金融(含海外学习))
BSc Marketing (Including Placement Year) (市场营销(含实习))
BA Business Economics (Including Foundation Year) (商业经济学(含预科))
BA Philosophy with Business Management (Including Foundation Year) (哲学与商业管理(含预科))
BBA Business Administration (Including Foundation Year) (商务管理(含预科))
BSc Accounting (Including Foundation Year) (会计学(含预科学年))
BSc Accounting with Economics (Including Foundation Year) (会计与经济学(含预科))
BSc Finance and Mathematics (财政与数学)
BSc Psychology with Economics (心理学与经济学)
Integrated Master in Science: Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience (Including Year Abroad) (心理学与认知神经科学(本硕连读)(含海外年))
BA Global Studies with Business Management(Including Year Abroad) (全球研究与商业管理(含海外年))
BA Philosophy with Business Management (Including Year Abroad) (哲学与商务管理(含海外学习))
BA Global Studies with Business Management (全球研究与商业管理)
Integrated Master in Science: Psychology with Advanced Research Methods (心理学与先进的研究方法(本硕连读))
Integrated Master in Science: Psychology with Advanced Research Methods (Including Year Abroad) (心理学与先进的研究方法(本硕连读)(含海外年))
LLB Law with Philosophy (法律与哲学)
Integrated Master in Law: Law (法律(本硕连读))
BA Financial Economics (Including Foundation Year) (金融经济学(含预科))
BSc Psychology with Economics (Including Foundation Year) (心理学与经济学(含预科))
BA Hospitality Management (Including Year Abroad) (酒店管理(含海外年))
LLB Law with Philosophy (Including Placement Year) (法律与哲学(含实习))
Integrated Master in Law: Law (Including Year Abroad) (法律(本硕连读)(含海外年))
BSc Economics (Including Year Abroad) (经济学(含海外年))
BA Financial Economics (财政经济学)
BA Financial Economics (Including Placement Year) (财政经济学(含实习))
BA Financial Economics (Including Year Abroad) (财政经济学(含海外年))
BA International Economics (Including Year Abroad) (国际经济学(含海外年))
BSc Economics with Psychology (经济学与心理学)
BSc Economics with Psychology (Including Year Abroad) (经济学与心理学(含海外年))
BSc Finance and Mathematics (Including Foundation Year) (金融与数学(含预科))
BSc Psychology with Economics (Including Year Abroad) (心理学与经济学(含海外年))
BSc Psychology with Economics (Including Placement Year) (心理学与经济学(含实习))
BSc Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience (心理学与认知神经科学)
MSc International Hospitality Management-Oct (国际酒店管理)
BA Economics (经济学)
BA Management Economics (Including Placement Year) (管理经济学(含实习))
BSc Economics with Mathematics (金融与数学)
BSc Economics with Data Science (经济学与数据科学)
BSc Economics with Data Science (Including Year Abroad) (经济学与数据科学(含海外年))
BSc Economics with Data Science (Including Placement Year) (经济学与数据科学(含实习))
BSc Marketing (Including Year Abroad) (市场营销(含海外年))
FdA Events Management (展会管理)
BA Hotel Management (酒店管理)
BA Events Management (Including Year Abroad) (活动管理(含海外年))
BA Hotel Management-January (酒店管理)
BA Events Management with Hospitality (活动管理与酒店)
BSc Finance and Mathematics (Including Placement Year) (财政与数学(含实习))
BSc Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience (Including Year Abroad) (心理学与认知神经科学(含海外年))
MSc International Economics (国际经济学)
MSc Quantitative International Development (量化国际发展)
MSc Financial and Business Economics (金融与商业经济学)
MSc Management (Social Economy) (管理 (社会经济))
MSc Marketing (市场营销)
MSc Digital Marketing and Analytics (数字营销与分析)
MSc Financial Technology (Finance) (金融科技(金融))
Master of Business Management MBM (工商管理)
MA Political Economy (政治经济学)
BA Economic Analysis for Public Policy (Including PLacement Year) (公共政策的经济分析(含实习年))
BSc Finance and Management (财务与管理)
BSc Finance and Management (Including Year Abroad) (财务与管理(含海外年))
BSc Finance and Management (Including Placement Year) (财务与管理(含实习))
BSc Accounting with Economics (Including Year Abroad) (会计学与经济学(含海外年))
BSc Business Administration and Supply Chain Management (Including Placement Year) (工商管理与供应链管理(含实习))
BSc Business Administration and Supply Chain Management (Including Year Abroad) (工商管理与供应链管理(含海外年))
Integrated Master in Accounting: Accounting and Finance (会计与金融(本硕连读))
Integrated Master in Management: Marketing and Management (Including Year Abroad) (市场营销与管理(本硕连读)(含海外年))
Integrated Master in Economics: Economics (Including Placement Year) (经济学(本硕连读)(含实习))
Integrated Master in Economics: International Economics (Including Year Abroad) (国际经济学(本硕连读)(含海外年))
Integrated Master in Economics: Management Economics (管理经济学(本硕连读))
BSc Finance (金融学)
BBA Business Administration (Including Placement Year) (工商管理(含实习))
BSc Business Management (商务管理)
BSc Banking and Finance (Including Placement Year) (银行与金融(含实习))
BSc Banking and Finance (Including Year Abroad) (银行与金融(含海外年))
BSc Accounting and Finance (会计与财务)
BSc Accounting and Finance (Including Placement Year) (会计与财务(含实习))
BSc Accounting and Finance (Including Year Abroad) (会计与财务(含海外年))
BSc Management and Marketing (管理与市场营销)
BSc Accounting with Economics (会计学与经济学)
Integrated Master in Science: Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience (心理学与认知神经科学(本硕连读))
BA Financial Economics and Accounting (金融经济与会计)
BA International Economics (including year abroad) (国际经济学(含国外一年))
BSc Accounting and Management (Including Placement Year) (会计与管理(含实习))
BSc Accounting and Management (Including Year Abroad) (会计与管理(含海外年))
BSc Business and Human Resource Management (商业与人力资源管理)
BSc International Business and Finance (Including Year Abroad) (国际商业与金融(含海外年))
BSc International Business and Entrepreneurship (国际商业与创业)
BSc International Business and Entrepreneurship (Including Year Abroad) (国际商业与创业(含海外年))
BSc International Business and Entrepreneurship (Including Placement Year) (国际商业与创业(含实习))
BA Economics (Including Year Abroad) (经济学(含海外年))
BSc Financial Economics (财政经济学)
BSc Financial Economics (Including Year Abroad) (财政经济学(含海外年))
BA Business Economics (Including Year Abroad) (商业经济学(含海外年))
BA Management Economics (Including Year Abroad) (管理经济学(含海外年))
BSc International Economics (Including Placement Year) (国际经济学(含实习))
BSc Economics with Mathematics (Including Year Abroad) (金融与数学(含海外年))
BA Economics with Psychology (Including Year Abroad) (经济学与心理学(含海外年))
BA History and Economics (Including Year Abroad) (历史与经济学(含海外年))
BA Economics with a Modern Language (经济学与现代语言学)
BA Financial Economics and Accounting (金融经济学与会计学)
BA Financial Economics and Accounting (Including Year Abroad) (金融经济学与会计学(含海外年))
BSc Accounting with Economics (including Year Abroad) (会计经济学(含国外一年))
BSc Banking and Finance (including Year Abroad) (银行与金融(含国外一年))
BSc Economics (including placement year) (经济学(含实习年))
BSc Finance and Modern Languages (four-year course including year abroad) (金融与现代语言学(四年制课程含留学交换))
BSc Financial Management (金融管理)
BSc International Economics (4 Years Including Foundation Year) (国际经济学(含预科学年))
BSc Management Economics (4 Years Including Foundation Year) (管理经济学(含预科学年))
BSc Management Economics (including year abroad) (管理经济学(含国外一年))
BSc Accounting and Finance (Including Foundation Year) (会计与财务(含预科))
Integrated Master in Economics: Economics (Including Year Abroad) (经济学(本硕连读)(含海外年))
Integrated Master in Economics: Financial Economics (Including Year Abroad) (金融经济学(本硕连读)(含海外年))
BSc Finance (Including Placement Year) (金融学(含实习))
BBA Business Administration (Including Year Abroad) (工商管理(含海外年))
BSc Banking and Finance (银行与金融)
BSc Management and Marketing (Including Year Abroad) (管理与市场营销(含海外年))
BSc Accounting with Economics (Including Placement Year) (会计学与经济学(含实习))
BSc Business and Human Resource Management (including Placement Year) (商业与人力资源管理(含实习))
BA Business Management with Language Studies (商业管理及语言研究)
BA Business Management with a Modern Language (商业管理与现代语言)
BSc International Business and Finance (Including Placement Year) (国际商业与金融(含实习))
BSc Business Administration and Supply Chain Management (工商管理与供应链管理)
MSc Accounting (会计)
MSc Banking and Finance (银行与金融)
MSc Business Analytics (商务分析)
MSc Finance and Global Trading (金融与全球贸易)
MSc Finance and Management (金融与管理)
MSc Global Project Management (全球项目管理)
MSc Management (管理)
BA Business Economics (Including Year Abroad) (商业经济学(含海外学习))
BA Financial Economics (Including Year Abroad) (金融经济(含海外学习))
BA History and Economics (Including Year Abroad) (历史与经济学(含海外学习))
BA International Economics (Including Year Abroad) (国际经济学(含海外学习))
BSc Economics (Including Year Abroad) (经济学(含海外学习))
BSc Economics with Computing (Including Year Abroad) (计算经济学(含海外学习))
BSc Economics with Psychology (Including Year Abroad) (经济学与心理学(含海外学习))
BSc International Economics (Including Year Abroad) (国际经济学(含海外学习))
Integrated Master in Economics: Management Economics (Including Placement Year) (管理经济学(本硕连读,含实习))
BA Philosophy with Business Management (哲学与商务管理)
FdA Events Management (活动策划)
FdA Hospitality Management (酒店管理)
BSc Accounting (Including Year Abroad) (会计(含海外学习))
BSc Accounting and Finance (Including Placement Year) (会计与金融(含实习))
Integrated Master in Accounting: Accounting and Finance (Including Placement Year) (会计与金融(本硕连读, 含实习))
BSc Finance and Management (Including Year Abroad) (金融与管理(含海外学习))
BSc Business Administration and Supply Chain Management (Including Year Abroad) (工商管理和供应链管理(含海外学习))
BBA Business Administration (Including Placement Year) (商务管理(含实习))
BSc Management and Marketing (Including Year Abroad) (管理与营销(含海外学习))
Integrated Master in Accounting: Accounting and Finance (Including Placement Year) (会计与金融(本硕连读)(含实习))
Integrated Master in Management: Marketing and Management (市场营销与管理(本硕连读))
Integrated Master in Management: Marketing and Management (Including Placement Year) (市场营销与管理(本硕连读)(含实习))
BSc Accounting and Management (Including Foundation Year) (会计与管理(含预科))
BSc International Business and Finance (Including Placement Year) (国际商务与金融(含实习))
BSc Marketing (Including Year Abroad) (市场营销(含海外学习))
Graduate Diploma Economics (经济学)
BA Financial Economics and Accounting (Including Foundation Year) (金融经济与会计 (含预科))
BA Global Studies with Business Management (Including Foundation Year) (全球研究与商业管理(含预科))
BSc Accounting and Finance (Including Foundation Year) (会计与金融(含预科))
BSc Banking and Finance (Including Foundation Year) (银行与金融(含预科))
BA Economics (including placement year) (经济学(含实习年))
BA Economics (including year abroad) (经济学(含国外一年))
BA Financial Economics (金融经济)
MPhil Computational Finance (计算金融)
BSc Banking and Finance (Including Foundation Year) (银行与金融(含预科))
BSc Accounting (Including Foundation Year) (会计学(含预科))
MSc Investment and Wealth Management ()
BA Global Studies with Business Management(Including Placement Year) (全球研究与商业管理(含实习年))
LLB Law with Business (Including Placement Year) (法律与商务(含实习))
LLB Law with Philosophy (Including Year Abroad) (法律与哲学(含海外年))
MA Economics (经济学)
MSc Financial Econometrics (金融计量)
MSc Financial Economics and Econometrics (金融经济学与计量经济学)
BA Economics with Language Studies (经济学与语言研究)
BA Economics with Psychology (经济学与心理学)
BSc Economics with Computing (计算经济学)
Integrated Master in Economics: Economics (经济学(本硕连读))
BSc Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
BSc Accounting and Management (会计与管理)
BA Business Management and Modern Languages (商业管理和现代语言)
BBA Business Administration (商务管理)
BSc International Business and Entrepreneurship (国际商务和创业)
BA Business Management and Language Studies (商业管理和语言研究)
MSc International Hospitality Management (国际酒店管理)
BA Events Management with Hospitality (活动管理与接待)
BSc Economics and Politics (经济学和政治学)
BSc Politics with Business (政治与商务)
BSc Banking and Finance with a Modern Language (four-year course including year abroad) (银行与金融与现代语言学(四年制课程含留学交换))
BSc Banking, Finance and Modern Languages (four-year course including year abroad) (银行、金融与现代语言学(四年制课程含留学交换))
BSc Economics (经济学)
BSc Finance (including Year Abroad) (金融(含国外一年))
BSc Financial Economics (金融经济)
BSc International Economics (including year abroad) (国际经济学(含国外一年))
BA Global Studies with Business Management (Including Placement Year) (全球研究与商务管理(含实习))
BA Global Studies with Business Management (Including Year Abroad) (全球研究与商务管理(含海外学习))
BA Events Management (Including Year Abroad) (活动策划(含海外学习))
BA Hospitality Management (Including Year Abroad) (酒店管理(含海外学习))
BA Events Management (活动管理)
BA Events Management with Hospitality-January (酒店管理)
BSc Psychology with Economics (Including Year Abroad) (经济学心理学(含海外学习))
BSc Psychology with Economics (Including Placement Year) (经济学心理学(含实习))
MSc Behavioural Economics (行为经济学)
MSc Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
MSc Marketing and Brand Management (市场营销与品牌管理)
Master of Business Administration (工商管理学硕士)
BA Financial Economics (Including Foundation Year) (金融经济(含基础学年))
MSc Financial Technology ()
BSc Accounting with Economics (Including Foundation Year) (会计学与经济学(含预科))
BSc Finance and Mathematics (Including Year Abroad) (财政与数学(含海外年))
BSc Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience (Including Placement Year) (心理学与认知神经科学(含实习))
Integrated Master in Science: Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience (Including Placement Year) (心理学与认知神经科学(本硕连读)(含实习))
BSc Management Economics (Including Foundation Year) (管理经济学(含预科))
MA Economics with Public Policy (经济学与公共政策)
MSc Economics (经济学)
MSc Financial and Business Economics (金融与商务经济学)
MSc Financial Economics (金融经济学)
MSc Money and Banking (货币与银行学)
MA Management Economics (管理经济学)
BSc Accounting with Economics (会计经济学)
BSc Finance and Management (金融与管理)
MSc International Accounting and Banking (国际会计和银行)
BSc Management and Marketing (管理与营销)
BSc International Business and Finance (国际商务与金融)
Master of Business Administration: The Essex Executive MBA (在职MBA)
MRes Management and Organisation (管理和组织)
BSc Marketing (市场营销)
MRes Finance (金融学)
LLB Law with Finance (法律与金融)
BSc Financial Economics (Including Placement Year) (财政经济学(含实习))
BA Business Economics (商业经济学)
BA Global Studies with Business Management (全球研究与商务管理)
LLM International Human Rights and Economic Law (国际人权与经济法)
LLM Corporate Responsibility and Business Law (企业责任与商业法)
MSc Economics of Business and Management (商业与管理经济)
MSc Economics and Econometrics (经济学与计量经济学)
MSc Financial Technology (Economics) (金融科技硕士 (经济学))
MRes Management Research (管理研究)
MSc Management (Marketing) (管理学(市场营销))
BSc Management Economics (Including Year Abroad) (管理经济学(含海外年))
BSc International Economics (Including Year Abroad) (国际经济学(含海外年))
BSc Economics with Mathematics (Including Placement Year) (金融与数学(含实习))
BA Financial Economics and Accounting (Including Placement Year) (金融经济学与会计学(含实习))
Integrated Master in Economics: Economics (经济学(本硕连读))
Integrated Master in Economics: Financial Economics (金融经济学(本硕连读))
Integrated Master in Economics: Financial Economics (Including Placement Year) (金融经济学(本硕连读)(含实习))
Integrated Master in Economics: International Economics (国际经济学(本硕连读))
Integrated Master in Economics: International Economics (Including Placement Year) (国际经济学(本硕连读)(含实习))
BSc Finance (Including Year Abroad) (金融学(含海外年))
BA Philosophy with Business Management (Including Placement Year) (哲学与商务管理(含实习))
BSc Accounting (Including Year Abroad) (会计(含海外年))
BBA Business Administration (工商管理)
BSc Business Management (Including Year Abroad) (商务管理(含海外年))
BSc Management and Marketing (Including Placement Year) (管理与市场营销(含实习))
BSc Business and Human Resource Management (including Year Abroad) (商业与人力资源管理(含海外年))
BSc International Business and Finance (国际商业与金融)
Integrated Master in Accounting: Accounting and Finance (Including Year Abroad) (会计与金融(本硕连读)(含海外年))
BSc Psychology with Economics (经济学心理学)
MSc Management (International) (国际管理学)
Master of Business Administration: The Essex MBA (工商管理硕士:埃塞克斯工商管理硕士)
Certificate of HE International Year One in Business (国际大一文凭-商务方向)
International Foundation Programme (国际预科课程)
Master of Business Management (商业管理)
BA (Hons) Business and Management ()
MSc Management (Marketing) (管理学-市场营销)
MSc Management (International) (国际管理)
MSC Management (Leadership) ()
BA (Hons) Business and Management (Top-up) (商业与管理)
MSc Management Economics (管理经济学)
MRes Accounting (会计学)
MSc Management (Social Economy) (管理(社会经济))
MSc Professional Accounting (专业会计)
MSc Organisational Change Management (组织变革管理)
MSc Investment and Wealth Management (投资与财富管理)
MSc Financial Economics and Accounting (会计与金融经济学)
Integrated Master in Economics: International Economics (国际经济学(本硕连读))
Integrated Master in Economics: Management Economics (管理经济学(本硕连读))
MA Financial Economics (金融经济学)
MSc Economics with Data Analytics (经济学与数据分析)
MSc Financial Technology (Economics) (金融技术 (经济学))
BSc Economics with Data Science (Including Foundation Year) (经济学与数据科学(含预科))
BA Philosophy and Art History (Including Foundation Year) (哲学和艺术史(含预科))
BSc Business and Human Resource Management (including Foundation Year) (商业与人力资源管理(含预科))
MSc Economics with Professional Placement (专业安置经济学硕士)
Business Administration ()
Hospitality Management ()
BA Business Economics ()
MRes Accounting (会计)
BSc Finance (金融)
MA Financial Economics (财政经济学)
MSc Economics with Data Analytics (数据分析经济学)
MSc Finance (金融学)
MSc Behavioural and Experimental Economics (行为与实验经济学)
MSc Applied Economics and Data Analysis (应用经济学和数据分析)
MSc International Accounting and Banking (国际会计与银行理学)
MSc Political Economy (政治经济学)
Foundation Certificate for Social Sciences ()
LLB Law with Finance (Including Placement Year) (法律与金融(含实习))
LLB Law with Finance (Including Year Abroad) (法律与金融(含海外学习))
Master of Public Policy ()
MSc Financial Econometrics (金融计量学)
MA Economics with Public Policy (公共政策经济学)
MSc Financial Technology (Finance) (金融科技(金融))
BSc International Business and Finance (Including Foundation Year) (国际商业与金融(含预科))
BA Management Economics (Including Foundation Year) (管理经济学(含预科))
BEng Communications Engineering (Including Foundation Year) (通信工程(含预科))
BA Financial Economics and Accounting (Including Foundation Year) (金融经济学与会计学(含预科))
LLM International Trade Law (国际贸易法)
BSc Tourism Management ()
MSc Management (Marketing) (管理(市场营销))
MSc International Logistics and Supply Chain Management (国际物流与供应链管理)
MSc Advanced Computer Science (高级计算机科学)
MSc Global Communication Systems (全球通信系统)
MPhil Computing and Electronic Systems (计算机和电子系统)
BEng Electronic Engineering (Including Placement Year) (电子工程(含实习))
BSc Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)
BSc Artificial Intelligence (including Placement Year) (人工智能(含实习))
BSc Artificial Intelligence (including Year Abroad) (人工智能(含海外年))
BEng Computers with Electronics (计算机与电子)
BEng Computers with Electronics (Including Year Abroad) (计算机与电子(含海外年))
BEng Computers with Electronics (Including Placement Year) (计算机与电子(含实习))
BEng Computer Systems Engineering (计算机系统工程)
Integrated Master in Engineering: Electronic Engineering (Integrated Masters, Including Placement Year) (电子工程(本硕连读)(含实习))
Integrated Master in Engineering: Electronic Engineering (电子工程(本硕连读))
BEng Mechatronic Systems (Including Placement Year) (机械电子系统(含实习))
BEng Neural Engineering with Psychology (including Year Abroad) (神经工程学与心理学(含海外学习))
Integrated Master in Engineering: Electronic Engineering (Integrated Masters, Including Placement Year) (电子工程(本硕连读,含实习))
BEng Robotic Engineering (机器人工程)
BEng Robotic Engineering (Including Year Abroad) (机器人工程(含海外年))
BEng Robotic Engineering (Including Placement Year) (机器人工程(含实习))
BEng Computer Networks (计算机网络)
BEng Computer Networks (Including Year Abroad) (计算机网络(含海外年))
BEng Electronic Engineering (电子工程)
BEng Communications Engineering (Including Year Abroad) (通信工程(含海外年))
BEng Computer Systems Engineering (Including Year Abroad) (计算机系统工程(含海外年))
BEng Neural Engineering with Psychology (神经工程与心理学)
Eng Neural Engineering with Psychology (including Year Abroad) (神经工程与心理学(含海外年))
Integrated Master in Science: Computer Science (Integrated Masters, Including Placement Year) (计算机科学(本硕连读)(含实习))
MSc Electronic Engineering (电子工程)
Integrated Master in Engineering: Communications Engineering (通信工程(本硕连读))
MPhil Electronic Systems Engineering (电子系统工程)
MSc Big Data and Text Analytics (大数据与文本分析)
BEng Computer Networks (Including Placement Year) (计算机网络(含实习))
BEng Electronic Engineering (Including Year Abroad) (电子工程(含海外年))
BEng Electronic Engineering (Including Foundation Year) (电子工程(含预科))
BEng Computer Systems Engineering (Including Foundation Year) (计算机系统工程(含预科))
BEng Communications Engineering (通信工程)
BEng Communications Engineering (Including Placement Year) (通信工程(含实习))
BEng Computer Systems Engineering (Including Placement Year) (计算机系统工程(含实习))
BEng Neural Engineering with Psychology (including Placement Year) (神经工程与心理学(含实习))
Integrated Master in Science: Computer Science (计算机科学(本硕连读))
BEng Mechatronic Systems (机械电子系统)
BEng Neural Engineering with Psychology (神经工程学与心理学)
BEng Mechatronic Systems (Including Year Abroad) (机械电子系统(含海外学习))
BEng Neural Engineering with Psychology (including Placement Year) (神经工程学与心理学(含实习))
BEng Robotic Engineering (Including Year Abroad) (机器人工程(含海外学习))
BEng Mechatronic Systems (Including Foundation Year) (机电系统(含预科))
MSc Computer Engineering (计算机工程)
BEng Communications Engineering (Including Year Abroad) (通信工程(含海外学习))
Master of Education (教育学硕士)
BA Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) (Including Year Abroad) (英语二语教学(含海外学习))
BA Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) (Including Placement Year) (英语二语教学(含实习))
BA Modern Languages and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (现代语言学与对外英语教学)
BA Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) (英语二语教学)
MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (英语二语教学)
BA Language Studies and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (语言研究和英语二语教学)
BEng Computer Systems Engineering (including Placement Year) (计算机系统工程(含实习年))
BEng Computer Systems Engineering (including Year Abroad) (计算机系统工程(含国外一年))
BEng Computers with Electronics (计算机与电子工程)
BEng Electronic Engineering (with foundation year) (电子工程(含预科学年))
BSc Computer Games (电脑游戏)
BSc Computer Science (including Foundation Year) (计算机科学(含预科学年))
BSc Computer Science (including Placement Year) (计算机科学(含实习年))
BSc Computer Science (including Year Abroad) (计算机科学(含国外一年))
BEng Computer Networks (including Year Abroad) (计算机网络(含国外一年))
BEng Computers with Electronics (including Year Abroad) (计算机与电子工程(含国外一年))
BEng Telecommunication Engineering (including Year Abroad) (通信工程(含国外一年))
BSc Computer Games (including Placement Year) (电脑游戏(含实习年))
BSc Computer Science (计算机科学)
BSc Data Science and Analytics (including Placement Year) (数据科学与分析(含实习年))
BSc Data Science and Analytics (数据科学与分析)
BSc Mathematics with Computing (数学与计算机)
MSc Computer Networks and Security (计算机网络与安全)
MEng Electronic Engineering (including Placement Year) (电子工程(含实习年))
MSci Computer Science (including Placement Year) (计算机科学(含实习年))
MSc Intelligent Systems and Robotics (智能系统与机器人)
BSc Data Science and Analytics (Including Placement Year) (数据科学与分析(含实习))
BSc Computer Games (Including Placement Year) (电脑游戏(含实习))
BEng Mechatronic Systems (机电系统)
BEng Computer Systems Engineering (Including Year Abroad) (计算机系统工程(含海外学习))
BEng Computers with Electronics (Including Year Abroad) (计算机与电子工程(含海外学习))
BSc Computer Science (Including Year Abroad) (计算机科学(含海外学习))
BEng Computers with Electronics (Including Foundation Year) (计算机与电子学(含预科))
BSc Computer Games (Including Year Abroad) (电脑游戏(含海外年))
BEng Mechatronic Systems (Including Year Abroad) (机电系统(含海外年))
BSc Computer Science (Including Placement Year) (计算机科学(含实习))
BEng Computer Networks (including Placement Year) (计算机网络(含实习年))
BEng Computers with Electronics (including Foundation Year) (计算机与电子工程(含预科学年))
BEng Computers with Electronics (including Placement Year) (计算机与电子工程(含实习年))
BEng Telecommunication Engineering (with foundation year) (通信工程(含预科学年))
BSc Computer Games (including Year Abroad) (电脑游戏(含国外一年))
BSc Data Science and Analytics (including Year Abroad) (数据科学与分析(含国外一年))
MEng Electronic Engineering (电子工程)
BEng Computer Networks (Including Foundation Year) (计算机网络(含预科))
BEng Electronic Engineering (including Placement Year) (电子工程(含实习年))
BEng Electronic Engineering (including Year Abroad) (电子工程(含国外一年))
BEng Telecommunication Engineering (通信工程)
BEng Telecommunication Engineering (including Placement Year) (通信工程(含实习年))
BSc Information and Communication Technology (信息与通信技术)
BSc Information and Communication Technology (including Placement Year) (信息与通信技术(含实习年))
BSc Information and Communication Technology (including Year Abroad) (信息与通信技术(含国外一年))
BSc Data Science and Analytics (Including Year Abroad) (数据科学与分析(含海外学习))
BEng Electronic Engineering (Including Year Abroad) (电子工程(含海外学习))
Integrated Master in Science: Computer Science (Integrated Masters, Including Placement Year) (计算机科学(本硕连读,含实习))
MPhil Computer Science (计算机科学)
MSc Internet of Things (物联网)
MSci Computer Science (计算机科学)
MSc Artificial Intelligence and its Applications (人工智能与应用)
BEng Mechatronic Systems (Including Placement Year) (机电系统(含实习))
BSc Computer Science (Including Year Abroad) (计算机科学(含海外年))
MSc Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)
MSc Computer Games (电脑游戏)
MSc 5G and Emerging Communication Systems (5G和新兴通信系统)
BSc Mathematics with Computing (Including Year Abroad) (数学与计算机(含海外学习))
BEng Computers with Electronics (Including Placement Year) (计算机与电子工程(含实习))
BSc Computer Games (Including Placement Year) (电脑游戏(含实习))
MSc Financial Technology (Computer Science) (金融科技(计算机科学))
BSc Computer Science (Including Foundation Year) (计算机科学(含预科))
MSc Computational Finance (计算金融)
BSc Mathematics with Computing (Including Placement Year) (数学与计算机(含实习))
MSc Data Science and its Applications ()
BEng Computer Networks (Including Year Abroad) (计算机网络(含海外学习))
BSc Artificial Intelligence (including Year Abroad) (人工智能(含海外学习))
BSc Computer Games (Including Year Abroad) (电脑游戏(含海外学习))
MSc Artificial Intelligence in Finance (金融人工智能)
BA Journalism and Film (新闻学与电影)
MPhil Journalism (新闻学)
BA Journalism and English Language (Including Placement Year) (新闻学和英语(含实习))
BA Journalism and English Language (Including Year Abroad) (新闻学和英语(含海外学习))
BA History with Film Studies (历史与电影研究)
BA Journalism and Film (including Placement Year) (新闻学与电影(含实习))
BA Journalism and Literature (Including Placement Year) (新闻学与文学(含实习))
BA Journalism and Sociology (Including Year Abroad) (新闻学与社会学(含海外学习))
BA Journalism with Human Rights (Including Placement Year) (新闻学与人权(含实习))
MA Advertising, Marketing and the Media (广告、市场营销与媒体)
BA English Language with Media Communication (Including Year Abroad) (英语与媒体传播(含海外学习))
BA Linguistics with Data Science (Including Placement Year) (语言学与数据科学(含实习))
BA Film Studies (Including Year Abroad) (电影研究(含海外年))
BA Film Studies (Including Placement Year) (电影研究(含实习))
BA Film and Journalis (including Year Abroad) (电影与新闻(含海外年))
BA Drama and Literature (戏剧与文学)
BA Literature and Sociology (文学与社会学)
BA Literature and Creative Writing (Including Year Abroad) (文学与创意写作(含海外年))
BA Literature and Creative Writing (Including Placement Year) (文学与创意写作(含实习))
BA Journalism with Human Rights (新闻学与人权)
BA Journalism with Human Rights(Including Year Abroad) (新闻学与人权(含海外年))
BA History with Film Studies (Including Year Abroad) (历史与电影研究(含海外年))
BA Multimedia Journalism (多媒体新闻学)
BA Multimedia Journalism (Including Year Abroad) (多媒体新闻学(含海外年))
BA Film and Drama (Including Year Abroad) (电影与戏剧(含海外年))
BA Film and Drama (Including Placement Year) (电影与戏剧(含实习))
BA Journalism and Sociology (新闻学与社会学)
BA Journalism and Literature (新闻与文学)
BA Journalism and Literature (Including Placement Year) (新闻与文学(含实习))
BA Journalism and Literature (Including Year Abroad) (新闻与文学(含海外年))
BA Journalism and Criminology (Including Year Abroad) (新闻学与犯罪学(含海外年))
BA Film and Creative Writing (电影与创意写作)
BA Film and Creative Writing (Including Placement Year) (电影与创意写作(含实习))
BA Film and Creative Writing (Including Year Abroad) (电影与创意写作(含海外年))
Integrated Master in Literature: Literature (文学(本硕连读))
BA English and Comparative Literature (Including Year Abroad) (英语与比较文学(含海外年))
BA English and Comparative Literature (Including Placement Year) (英语与比较文学(含实习))
BA Drama (Including Placement Year) (戏剧(含实习))
BA Multimedia Journalism (Including Placement Year) (多媒体新闻学(含实习))
BA Journalism and Sociology (Including Year Abroad) (新闻学与社会学(含海外年))
BA Film and Journalism (including Placement Year) (电影与新闻(含实习))
MA Film Studies (电影研究)
MA Film and Literature (电影文学)
MA Modern and Contemporary Literature (现代和当代文学)
BA Drama and Literature (Including Year Abroad) (戏剧与文学(含海外年))
BA Journalism and Politics (Including Placement Year) (新闻学与政治学(含实习))
BA Literature and Sociology (Including Year Abroad) (文学与社会学(含海外年))
BA Journalism and Criminology (新闻学与犯罪学)
BA Drama and Creative Writing (including Placement Year) (戏剧与创意写作(含实习))
BA Literature and Creative Writing (文学与创意写作)
BA Journalism with Human Rights(Including Placement Year) (新闻学与人权(含实习))
BA Film Studies and Literature (Including Year Abroad) (电影研究与文学(含海外年))
BA Communications and Digital Culture ()
BA English Language with Media Communication (Including Placement Year) (英语与媒体传播(含实习))
BA Linguistics with Data Science (Including Year Abroad) (语言学与数据科学(含海外学习))
BA Journalism and Literature (Including Year Abroad) (新闻学与文学(含海外学习))
BA Journalism and Sociology (Including Placement Year) (新闻学与社会学(含实习))
BA History with Film Studies (Including Placement Year) (历史与电影研究(含实习))
BA Journalism and Criminology (新闻学和犯罪学)
BA Journalism and Literature (新闻学与文学)
BA English Language with Media Communication (英语与媒体传播)
BA Drama (戏剧)
BA Drama (Including Year Abroad) (戏剧(含海外年))
BA Film Studies (电影研究)
BA Film and Drama (电影与戏剧)
BA Film and Journalism (电影与新闻)
BA Drama and Literature (Including Placement Year) (戏剧与文学(含实习))
BA Journalism and Politics (新闻学与政治学)
BA Journalism and Politics (Including Year Abroad) (新闻学与政治学(含海外年))
BA Literature and Sociology (Including Placement Year) (文学与社会学(含实习))
BA Journalism and Criminology (Including Placement Year) (新闻学与犯罪学(含实习))
BA Drama and Creative Writing (戏剧与创意写作)
BA Drama and Creative Writing (including Year Abroad) (戏剧与创意写作(含海外年))
BA Film Studies and Literature (电影研究与文学)
BA Journalism and Criminology (Including Year Abroad) (新闻学和犯罪学(含海外学习))
BA Journalism and Film (including Year Abroad) (新闻学与电影(含海外学习))
BA Film Studies and Literature (Including Placement Year) (电影研究与文学(含实习))
BA English and Comparative Literature (英语与比较文学)
BA Journalism with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad) (新闻学与人权(含实习))
MSc (by Dissertation) Journalism (新闻学(以论文形式))
BA Linguistics with Data Science (语言学与数据科学)
BA Journalism and Criminology (Including Placement Year) (新闻学和犯罪学(含实习))
MA American Literatures (电影研究)
MA Literature and Creative Writing (文学与创意写作)
MA Scriptwriting (Theatre and Digital Media) (编剧 (戏剧及数码媒体))
BA Journalism and English Language (新闻学和英语)
BA Journalism and Modern Languages (新闻与现代语言)
MA International Journalism (国际新闻学)
BA World Performance (世界表演)
BA Creative Producing (Theatre and Short Film) (创意制作(戏剧与电影短片))
MA Advanced Professional Theatre Practice (高级专业戏剧实践)
MA Theatre Practice (戏剧练习)
MPhil Film Studies (电影研究)
MA (by Dissertation) Film Studies (电影研究(以论文形式))
MA (by Dissertation) Theatre Studies (戏剧研究(以论文形式))
Graduate Diploma Art History and Theory (艺术史与理论)
BA Creative Writing (including Year Abroad) (创意写作(含国外一年))
BA Art History with Modern Languages (艺术史与现代语言)
BA Art History, Visual Culture and Media Studies (艺术史、视觉文化和媒体研究)
BA Literature and Art History (文学与艺术史)
BA History and Drama (including Year Abroad) (历史与戏剧(含海外学习))
BA Drama (Including Year Abroad) (戏剧(含海外学习))
BA Film and Drama (Including Year Abroad) (电影与戏剧(含海外学习))
MA Acting (表演)
MA Acting (International) (表演(国际))
MFA Acting (International) (表演(国际))
BA Art History, Heritage and Museum Studies (including Placement Year) (艺术史、文物和博物馆研究(含实习))
BA Curating (including Placement Year) (策展(含实习))
BA Curating with History (including Year Abroad) (策展与历史(含海外学习))
BA Literature and Art History (including Year Abroad) (文学与艺术史(含海外学习))
Integrated Master in Art History: Art History (Including Placement Year) (艺术史(本硕连读,含实习))
BA Global Studies and Modern Languages (Including Year Abroad) (艺术史和语言研究(含海外年))
BA English Literature (英语文学)
BA English Literature (Including Placement Year) (英语文学(含实习))
BA Drama and Literature (including Year Abroad) (戏剧与文学(含国外一年))
BA Physical Theatre (形体戏剧)
BA Acting and Stage Combat (表演和舞台搏斗)
BA Acting and Physical Theatre (表演与形体戏剧)
BA Acting and Contemporary Theatre (表演与当代戏剧)
BA Film and Drama (Including Foundation Year) (电影及戏剧(含预科))
BA Acting (表演)
BA Acting (International) (表演(国际))
BA Acting and Community Theatre (表演与社区戏剧)
BA Acting and Physical Theatre (表演和形体剧)
MA Acting for Digital Media (数字媒体表演)
BA History and Drama (历史与戏剧)
MPhil Art History and Theory (艺术史与理论)
Integrated Master in Art History: Art History (艺术史(本硕连读))
BA Drama and Literature (Including Year Abroad) (戏剧与文学(含海外学习))
BA Journalism and Politics (Including Year Abroad) (新闻学与政治学(含实习))
BA Stage and Production Management (舞台与制作管理)
BA Stage and Production Management (舞台和制作管理)
MAF Acting for Digital Media (数字媒体表演)
MPhil Film Studies (Creative Practice) (电影研究 (创意实践))
BA Art History and Language Studies (艺术史和语言研究)
MA Art History and Theory (艺术史与理论)
BA Curating (策展)
BA Film Studies and Art History (电影研究与艺术史)
BA Art History and Language Studies (艺术史与语言研究)
BA Art History, Heritage and Museum Studies (艺术史、文物和博物馆研究)
BA English Literature (Including Year Abroad) (英语文学(含海外年))
BA Curating (Including Year Abroad) (策展(含海外学习))
BA History and Drama (including Placement Year) (历史与戏剧(含实习))
BA Drama and Creative Writing (including Year Abroad) (戏剧与创意写作(含海外学习))
BA Film Studies (Including Year Abroad) (电影研究(含海外学习))
BA Film Studies and Literature (Including Year Abroad) (电影研究与文学(含海外学习))
MFA Theatre Directing (戏剧导演)
MA Theatre Directing (戏剧导演)
MA Acting for Digital Media (数字媒体代理)
Certificate of HE Theatre Arts (戏剧艺术高等教育证书)
MPhil Theatre Studies (戏剧研究)
MPhil Theatre Studies (Playwriting) (戏剧研究 (剧本创作))
BA Art History and Modern Languages (艺术史和现代语言)
BA Curating with History (策展与历史)
BA Curating with History (including Placement Year) (策展与历史(含实习))
BA Curating with Politics (including Placement Year) (策展与政治学(含实习))
BA Art History with Language Studies (艺术史与语言研究)
BA Curating with Politics (策展与政治学)
BA Curating, Heritage and Human Rights (策展、遗产和人权)
BA Film and Creative Writing (Including Year Abroad) (电影与创意写作(含海外学习))
BA Literature and Art History (Including Placement Year) (文学与艺术史(含实习))
Integrated Master in Art History: Art History (Including Year Abroad) (艺术史(本硕连读,含海外学习))
BA Film Studies and Literature (Including Placement Year) (电影研究与文学(含实习))
BA Film Studies and Art History (Including Placement Year) (电影研究与艺术史(含实习))
BA Film Studies and Art History (Including Year Abroad) (电影研究与艺术史(含海外学习))
BA Multimedia Journalism (Including Year Abroad) (多媒体新闻学(含海外学习))
BA Multimedia Journalism (Including Placement Year) (多媒体新闻学*(含实习))
BA Creative Producing (Theatre and Short Film) (创意制作 (戏剧及短片))
MA Curating (策展)
MFA Acting for Digital Media (代理数字媒体)
MA Scriptwriting (Theatre and Digital Media) (剧本创作 (戏剧与数字媒体))
MA Creative Writing (创意写作)
BA Art History, Heritage and Museum Studies (including Year Abroad) (艺术史、文物和博物馆研究(含海外学习))
BA Art History, Visual Culture and Media Studies (including Year Abroad) (艺术史、视觉文化和媒体研究(含海外学习))
BA Art History, Visual Culture and Media Studies (including Placement Year) (艺术史、视觉文化和媒体研究(含实习))
BA Curating with Politics (including Year Abroad) (策展与政治学(含海外学习))
BA Curating, Heritage and Human Rights (Including Year Abroad) (策展、遗产和人权(含海外学习))
BA Curating, Heritage and Human Rights (Including Placement Year) (策展、遗产和人权(含实习))
MA Theatre Practice-Applied theatre (戏剧练习-应用戏剧)
MA Theatre Practice-Directing (戏剧练习-导演)
MA Wild Writing: Literature, Landscape and the Environment (野性写作: 文学、景观与环境)
MA Theatre Practice-Acting (戏剧练习-表演)
MA Theatre Practice-Devising (戏剧练习-设计)
MA Documentary Film (纪录片)
MA Theatre Practice-Playwriting/dramaturgy (戏剧练习-剧本创作/剧作)
BA International Relations (Including Placement Year) (国际关系(含实习))
BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Including Placement Year) (哲学、政治与经济学(含实习))
BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Including Year Abroad) (哲学、政治与经济学(含海外学习))
BA Politics with Business (including Year Abroad) (政治与商务(含海外学习))
BA History and Criminology (历史与犯罪学)
MA History (历史)
Postgraduate Certificate History (历史)
MA (by Dissertation) History (历史(以论文形式))
MA History, Power, and Identity (硕士历史、权力和身份)
BA Creative Writing (创意写作)
MA Wild Writing: Literature, Landscape and the Environment (野外写作:文学,景观与环境)
BA European Studies with French (欧洲研究与法语)
BA European Studies with Italian (欧洲研究意大利语)
BA Philosophy and Politics (哲学与政治学)
BA Curatorial Studies (including year abroad) (策展研究(含国外一年))
BA Economics and Politics (Including Placement Year) (经济与政治学(含实习年))
BA Economics with Spanish (including Year Abroad) (经济学与西班牙语(含国外一年))
BA English Language (Including Year Abroad) (英语(含国外一年))
BA English Language, Language Acquisition and Language Disorders (英语、语言习得与语言障碍)
BA English Language, Language Acquisition and Language Disorders (Including Year Abroad) (英语、语言习得与语言障碍(含国外一年))
BA German Studies and Modern Languages (four-year course including year abroad) (德语研究与现代语言学(四年制课程含国外一年))
BA Global History (全球历史)
BA Global History (including Year Abroad) (全球历史(含国外一年))
BA History (including Year Abroad) (历史(含国外一年))
BA History and Sociology (历史与社会学)
BA History and Sociology (including Year Abroad) (历史与社会学(含国外一年))
BA International Relations (Including Placement Year) (国际关系(含实习年))
BA International Relations (Including Year Abroad) (国际关系(含国外一年))
BA Literature and Modern Languages (four-year course including year abroad) (文学与现代语言学(四年制课程含国外一年))
BA Literature and Sociology (including Year Abroad) (文学与社会学(含国外一年))
BA Linguistics (Including Year Abroad) (语言学(含海外学习))
BA Economics and Politics (Including Year Abroad) (经济与政治学(含国外一年))
BA Economics with French (经济学与法语)
BA Economics with Italian (including Year Abroad) (经济学与意大利语(含国外一年))
BA Economics with Portuguese (including Year Abroad) (经济学与葡萄牙语(含国外一年))
BA Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (Including Year Abroad) (选举、民意与党派(含国外一年))
BA English Language (英语)
BA English Language and Linguistics (Including Year Abroad) (英语与语言学(含国外一年))
BA History (历史)
BA History and Economics (including Year Abroad) (历史与经济学(含国外一年))
BA History and Literature (including foundation year) (历史与文学(含预科学年学年))
BA Linguistics (Including Year Abroad) (语言学(含国外一年))
BA Literature and Art History (including Year Abroad) (文学与艺术史(含国外一年))
BA Philosophy (with foundation year) (哲学(含预科学年))
BA Philosophy and Modern Languages (four-year course including year abroad) (哲学与现代语言学(四年制课程含国外一年))
BA Philosophy and Politics (Including Year Abroad) (哲学与政治学(含国外一年))
BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Including Placement Year) (哲学、政治与经济学(含配售年))
BA Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (哲学、宗教与伦理)
BA Political Economics (Including Placement Year) (政治经济学(含配售年))
BA American Studies (United States) (美国研究)
BA European Studies with Politics (欧洲研究与政治)
BA History and Criminology (Including Placement Year) (历史与犯罪学(含实习))
BA History and Heritage (including Year Abroad) (历史与遗迹(含海外学习))
BA History with Film Studies (Including Year Abroad) (历史与电影研究(含海外学习))
BA Modern History and International Relations (Including Placement Year) (近代历史与国际关系(含实习))
Integrated Master in History: History (Including Placement Year) (历史(本硕连读,含实习))
BA Modern History (近代史)
BA Modern History (including Year Abroad) (近代史(含国外一年))
BA Philosophy and Art History (including placement year) (哲学与艺术史(含实习年))
BA Philosophy and Art History (including year abroad) (哲学与艺术史(含国外一年))
BA Philosophy and Literature (including Year Abroad) (哲学与文学(含国外一年))
BA Political Economics (政治经济学)
BA Politics with Human Rights (政治学与人权)
BA Politics with Human Rights (Including Placement Year) (政治学与人权(含实习年))
BA Politics with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad) (政治学与人权(含国外一年))
BA Portuguese Studies and Modern Languages (four-year course including year abroad) (葡萄牙语研究与现代语言学(四年制课程含国外一年))
BA Politics (Including Year Abroad) (政治学(含国外一年))
BA Politics (with foundation year) (政治学(含预科学年))
BA Politics and Modern Languages (Including Year Abroad) (政治学与现代语言学(含国外一年))
BA Social and Cultural History (Including Year Abroad) (社会与文化历史(含国外一年))
BA Sociology and Politics (社会学与政治学)
BA English and United States Literature (Including Year Abroad) (英美文学(含海外学习))
MA American Literatures (美国文学)
MA Applied Linguistics (高级语言学)
MA English Language and Linguistics (英语语言与语言学)
MA Sociological Research Methods (社会研究)
MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (对外英语教学)
BA Global Politics (including Year Abroad) (全球政治学(含海外学习))
BA International Development (Including Placement Year) (国际发展(含实习))
BA Global Politics (including Placement Year) (全球政治学(含实习))
BA Politics and International Relations (Including Placement Year) (政治和国际关系(含实习))
BA Politics with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad) (政治学与人权(含海外学习))
BA English Language and Linguistics (Including Placement Year) (英语与语言学(含实习))
BA English Language and Linguistics (Including Year Abroad) (英语与语言学(含海外学习))
Integrated Master in Linguistics: English Language and Linguistics (Including Year Abroad) (英语语言和语言学(本硕连读,含海外学习))
BA Politics (Including Year Abroad) (政治学(含海外学习))
BA Politics and International Relations (Including Year Abroad) (政治和国际关系(含海外学习))
BA BA Politics with Criminology (Including Year Abroad) (政治学与犯罪学(含海外学习))
BA English Language and Literature (Including Year Abroad) (英语与文学(含海外学习))
BA English and United States Literature (Including Year Abroad) (英美文学(含海外年))
BA English and United States Literature (Including Placement Year) (英美文学(含实习))
Integrated Master in Literature: Creative Writing (创意写作(本硕连读))
Graduate Diploma Politics (政治)
MA Global and Comparative Politics (全球与比较政治学)
MSc Political Science (政治科学)
BA International Development (国际发展)
BA Politics with Business (政治与商务)
BA English Language and Literature (英语与文学)
BA French Studies and Modern Languages (法语研究与现代语言学)
BA International Relations and Modern Languages (国际关系与现代语言学)
BA Linguistics (语言学)
BA Modern Languages and Linguistics (现代语言学与语言学)
Integrated Master in Linguistics: English Language and Lingistics (Including Placement Year) (英语语言和语言学(本硕连读,含实习))
BA International Relations and Language Studies (国际关系和语言研究)
BA Language Studies with Latin American Studies (拉丁美洲研究与语言研究)
Integrated Master in Modern Languages: Modern Languages (Translation) (现代语言 - 翻译(本硕连读))
MPhil Analysing Language Use (分析语言使用)
MA Advanced Interpreting with Specialised Translation (Chinese-English) (高级口译和专业翻译 (中英对照))
MA Chinese-English Translation and Professional Practice (汉英翻译与专业实践)
MA Translation and Professional Practice (翻译和专业实践)
Postgraduate Diploma Chinese-English Translation and Interpreting (中英笔译与口译)
LLB Law with History (Including Placement Year) (法律与历史(含实习))
LLB Law with Literature (Including Year Abroad) (法律与文学(含海外学习))
BA American Studies (United States) (including Placement Year) (美国研究(含实习))
BA American Studies (United States) with Film (Including Placement Year) (美国电影研究(含实习))
BA Art History (Including Placement Year) (艺术史(含实习))
BA Art History and History (Including Placement Year) (艺术史与历史(含实习))
BA European Studies with Spanish (欧洲研究与西班牙语)
BA Liberal Arts (Including Placement Year) (博雅教育(含海外学习))
BA Philosophy and Law (Including Placement Year) (哲学与法律(含实习))
BA Philosophy and Literature (Including Placement Year) (哲学与文学(含实习))
BA Philosophy and Sociology (Including Year Abroad) (哲学与社会学(含海外学习))
BA Philosophy and Law (Including Year Abroad) (哲学与法律(含海外年))
BA Creative Writing (Including Year Abroad) (创意写作(含海外年))
BA Creative Writing (Including Placement Year) (创意写作(含实习))
BA English and United States Literature (英美文学)
MA Literature (文学)
Integrated Master in Literature: Drama and Scriptwriting (戏剧与编剧(本硕连读))
BA Economics and Politics (经济与政治学)
BA Economics with Portuguese (经济学与葡萄牙语)
BA Economics with Spanish (经济学与西班牙语)
BA Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (选举、民意与党派)
BA English Language and History (英语与历史)
BA English Language and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (Including Year Abroad) (对外英语(含国外一年))
BA Film Studies and Art History (including Year Abroad) (电影研究与艺术史(含国外一年))
BA Film Studies and Literature (including Year Abroad) (电影研究与文学(含国外一年))
BA International Relations (with foundation year) (国际关系(含预科学年))
BA Literature with Modern Languages (four-year course including year abroad) (文学与现代语言学(四年制课程含国外一年))
BA Philosophy (including year abroad) (哲学(含一年国外))
BA Philosophy and History (including foundation year) (哲学与历史(含预科学年学年))
BA Philosophy and History (including Year Abroad) (哲学与历史(含国外一年))
BA Philosophy and Literature (with foundation year) (哲学与文学(含预科学年))
BA Philosophy with Modern Languages (four-year course including year abroad) (哲学与现代语言学(四年制课程含国外一年))
BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Including Year Abroad) (哲学、政治与经济学(含国外一年))
BA Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (including year abroad) (哲学、宗教与伦理(含国外一年))
BA Political Economics (Including Year Abroad) (政治经济学(含国外一年))
BA Politics (政治学)
BA Politics (Including Placement Year) (政治(含实习年))
BA Social and Cultural History (社会与文化历史)
BA Sociology and Politics (Including Year Abroad) (社会学与政治学(含国外一年))
Modern Languages with Film Production and Editing Skills (four-year course including year abroad) (现代语言学与电影制作与编辑技巧(四年制课程含国外一年))
MA Linguistic Studies (语言学研究)
MA Psycholinguistics (心理语言学)
BA History and Heritage (历史与遗迹)
BA History and Law (历史与法律)
BA International Development (Including Year Abroad) (国际发展(含海外学习))
BA International Relations (Including Year Abroad) (国际关系(含海外学习))
BA Politics (Including Placement Year) (政治学(含实习))
BA Politics with Business (Including Placement Year) (政治与商务(含实习))
BA BA Politics with Criminology (Including Placement Year) (政治学与犯罪学(含实习))
MA Scriptwriting (Theatre and Digital Media) (编剧(戏剧与数字媒体))
MPhil Creative Writing (创意写作)
MA Philosophy (哲学)
MPhil Philosophy (哲学)
BA Philosophy and Art History (哲学与艺术史)
BA Philosophy and Law (哲学与法律)
BA Philosophy and Literature (哲学与文学)
BA Philosophy with Human Rights (哲学与人权)
BA European Studies and Language Studies (欧洲研究和语言研究)
BA Politics with Human Rights (Including Placement Year) (政治学与人权(含实习))
BA English Language and Literature (Including Placement Year) (英语与文学(含实习))
BA Linguistics (Including Placement Year) (语言学(含实习))
BA History with Human Rights (Including Placement Year) (历史与人权(含实习))
BA Modern History (Including Placement Year) (近代史(含实习))
BA Modern History (Including Year Abroad) (近代史(含海外学习))
BA English and Comparative Literature (Including Year Abroad) (英语与比较文学(含海外学习))
BA English and Comparative Literature (Including Placement Year) (英语与比较文学(含海外学习))
BA Economics with French (including Year Abroad) (经济学与法语(含国外一年))
BA Economics with German (经济学与德语)
BA Economics with German (including Year Abroad) (经济学与德语(含国外一年))
BA Economics with Italian (经济学与意大利语)
BA Elections, Public Opinion and Parties (Including Placement Year) (选举、民意与党派(含实习年))
BA English Language and History (including Year Abroad) (英语与历史(含国外一年))
BA English Language and Literature (Including Year Abroad) (英语与文学(含国外一年))
BA English Language and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (对外英语)
BA English Literature (including Year Abroad) (英国文学(含国外一年))
BA English Literature (with foundation year) (英国文学(含预科学年))
BA Film and Creative Writing (including Year Abroad) (电影创意写作(含国外一年))
BA History (including foundation year) (历史(含预科学年学年))
BA History and Literature (历史与文学)
BA History and Literature (including Year Abroad) (历史与文学(含国外一年))
BA Linguistics and Sociology (语言学与社会学)
BA Linguistics and Sociology (Including Year Abroad) (语言学与社会学(含国外一年))
BA Literature and Art History (with foundation year) (文学与艺术史(含预科学年))
BA Media, Culture and Society (with foundation year) (媒体、文化与社会(含预科学年))
BA Modern History (including foundation year) (近代史(含预科学年学年))
BA Modern History and International Relations (Including Year Abroad) (近代历史与国际关系(含国外一年))
BA Modern History and Politics (Including Year Abroad) (近代历史与政治学(含国外一年))
BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics (哲学、政治与经济学)
BA Political Theory and Public Policy (政治理论与公共政策)
BA Political Theory and Public Policy (Including Placement Year) (政治理论与公共政策(含实习年))
BA Political Theory and Public Policy (Including Year Abroad) (政治理论与公共政策(含国外一年))
MA Social Work (社会工作)
Integrated Master in History: History (历史(本硕连读))
MA (by Dissertation) Literature (文学(以论文形式))
BA International Relations (国际关系)
MA Conflict Resolution (冲突解决)
MA Political Science (政治科学)
BA Art History (艺术史)
BA Art History and History (艺术史与历史)
BA European Studies with German (欧洲研究与德语)
BA Liberal Arts (博雅教育)
BA Philosophy (哲学)
BA Philosophy and History (哲学与历史)
BA Philosophy and Sociology (哲学与社会学)
BA European Studies (Including Year Abroad) (欧洲研究(含海外学习))
BA Politics with Criminology (政治学与犯罪学)
BA English Language and Linguistics (英语与语言学)
BA Italian Studies and Modern Languages (意大利语研究与现代语言学)
BA Spanish Studies and Modern Languages (西班牙语研究与现代语言学)
MPhil Applied Linguistics (应用语言学)
MPhil Linguistics (语言学)
MPhil Psycholinguistics (心理语言学)
LLB Law with Literature (Including Placement Year) (法律与文学(含实习))
BA Spanish Studies with Latin American Studies (four-year course including year abroad) (西班牙语研究、拉丁美洲研究(四年制课程含国外一年))
BA Global Studies and Latin American Studies (including Year Abroad) (全球研究和拉丁美洲研究 (含海外学习))
BA Philosophy (including Placement Year) (哲学(含实习))
BA Philosophy and Art History (Including Placement Year) (哲学与艺术史(含实习))
BA Philosophy and Art History (Including Year Abroad) (哲学与艺术史(含海外学习))
BA Philosophy and History (Including Placement Year) (哲学与历史(含实习))
BA Philosophy with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad) (哲学与人权(含海外学习))
BA History and Criminology (including Year Abroad) (历史与犯罪学(含国外一年))
BA History and Heritage (including Placement Year) (历史与遗迹(含实习))
BA History and Law (including Placement Year) (历史与法律(含实习))
BA History with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad) (历史与人权(含海外学习))
BA Modern History and International Relations (Including Year Abroad) (近代历史与国际关系(含海外学习))
Integrated Master in History: History (Including Year Abroad) (历史(本硕连读,含海外学习))
Integrated Master in Literature: Literature and Creative Writing (文学与创意写作(本硕连读))
BA Literature and Creative Writing (Including Year Abroad) (文学与创意写作(含海外学习))
MA Film and Literature (电影与文学)
MA Linguistics (语言学)
MA Sociology (社会学)
MA Translation, Interpreting and Subtitling (笔译、口译与字幕)
MA Conference Interpreting and Translation ()
MA Human Rights and Cultural Diversity (人权与文化多样性)
BA American (United States) Studies with Film (美国电影研究(含国外一年))
MA Wild Writing: Literature, Landscape and the Environment (野性写作:文学、景观与环境)
MA Political Theory (政治学理论)
MA Politics (政治)
MSc Conflict Resolution (冲突解决)
MSc Global and Comparative Politics (全球与比较政治学)
BA Politics and International Relations (政治和国际关系)
BA Modern History and Politics (近代历史与政治学)
BA Modern History and International Relations (近代历史与国际关系)
MA War, Culture and Society (战争、文化和社会)
MPhil History (历史)
MPhil Literature (文学)
MA (by Dissertation) Creative Writing (创意写作(以论文形式))
LLB Law with History (法律与历史)
LLB Law with Literature (法律与文学)
BA American Studies (United States) with Film (美国电影研究)
BA European Studies and Modern Languages (欧洲研究与现代语言)
BA Language Studies (语言研究)
BA Modern Languages (现代语言学)
BA Modern Languages and English Language (现代语言学与英语)
Integrated Master in Linguistics: English Language and Linguistics (英语语言和语言学(本硕连读))
Integrated Master in Modern Languages: European Languages and Translation (欧洲语言与翻译(本硕连读))
MA (by Dissertation) Applied Linguistics (应用语言学)
MA Conference Interpreting and Translation (Chinese-English) (会议口译和笔译 (中英对照))
LLB Law with History (Including Year Abroad) (法律与历史(含海外学习))
BA American Studies (United States) (Including Year Abroad) (美国研究(含海外学习))
BA Art History (Including Year Abroad) (艺术史(含海外学习))
BA Art History and History (Including Year Abroad) (艺术史与历史(含海外学习))
BA Global Studies and Latin American Studies (including Placement Year) (全球研究和拉丁美洲研究 (含实习))
BA Global Studies and Modern Languages (Including Year Abroad) (全球研究与现代语言(含海外学习))
BA History (Including Placement Year) (历史(含实习))
BA History and Law (including Year Abroad) (历史与法律(含海外学习))
BA History and Literature (Including Placement Year) (历史与文学(含实习))
BA History and Sociology (Including Placement Year) (历史与社会学(含实习))
BA Modern History and Politics (Including Placement Year) (近代历史与政治学(含实习))
BA Modern History and Politics (Including Year Abroad) (近代历史与政治学(含海外学习))
BA Creative Writing (Including Year Abroad) (创意写作(含海外学习))
BA English Literature (Including Year Abroad) (英语文学(含海外学习))
BA European Studies (Including Placement Year) (欧洲研究(含实习))
BA Philosophy (Including Year Abroad) (哲学(含海外学习))
BA Philosophy and History (Including Year Abroad) (哲学与历史(含海外学习))
BA Philosophy and Law (Including Year Abroad) (哲学与法律(含海外学习))
BA Philosophy and Literature (Including Year Abroad) (哲学与文学(含海外学习))
BA Philosophy and Sociology (Including Placement Year) (哲学与社会学(含实习))
BA Philosophy with Human Rights (Including Placement Year) (哲学与人权(含实习))
BA Literature and Sociology (Including Year Abroad) (文学与社会学(含海外学习))
BA Film Studies and Literature (Including Foundation Year) (电影研究与文学(含预科))
MA Curating with Professional Placement (策展(含实习))
MA Social and Political Thought (社会与政治思想)
MA Western Marxism and Translation (西方马克思主义与翻译)
MA Ideology and Discourse Analysis (意识形态与话语分析)
MA International Relations (国际关系)
MA Public Opinion and Political Behaviour (民意与政治行为)
MSc International Relations (国际关系)
MSc Public Opinion and Political Behaviour (民意与政治行为)
BA Global Politics (全球政治学)
BA Modern Languages with Latin American Studies (现代语言学与拉美研究)
BA Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian Studies (西班牙语、葡萄牙语与巴西研究)
MA Audiovisual and Literary Translation (视听和文学翻译)
BA Language Studies and Linguistics (语言研究和语言学)
MRes Linguistics (语言学)
MA Applied Linguistics (应用语言学)
MA Audiovisual and Literary Translation-Arabic (视听与文学翻译-阿拉伯语)
MA Audiovisual and Literary Translation-German (视听与文学翻译-德语)
MA (by Dissertation) Linguistics (语言学)
MRes Analysing Language Use (分析语言使用)
MRes Experimental Linguistics (实验语言学)
BA American Studies (United States) with Film (Including Year Abroad) (美国电影研究(含海外学习))
BA Liberal Arts (Including Year Abroad) (博雅教育(含海外学习))
BA Philosophy and Politics (Including Year Abroad) (哲学与政治学(含海外学习))
BA Philosophy and Politics (Including Placement Year) (哲学与政治学(含实习))
BA Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (Including Placement Year) (哲学、宗教与伦理(含实习))
BA Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (Including Year Abroad) (哲学、宗教与伦理(含海外学习))
MA Environment, Society and Culture (环境、社会和文化)
MA Western Marxism (西方马克思主义)
BA Film Studies (including Foundation Year) (电影研究(含国外一年))
MA Audiovisual and Literary Translation (视听与文学翻译)
MA Audiovisual and Literary Translation-French (视听与文学翻译-法语)
MA Audiovisual and Literary Translation-Italian (视听与文学翻译-意大利语)
MA Conference Interpreting and Translation (Chinese-English) (会议口译和笔译(中-英))
MA Heritage and Museum Studies (文物和博物馆研究)
Graduate Diploma Philosophy (哲学)
BA Literature and Creative Writing (Including Foundation Year) (文学与创意写作(含预科))
BA English and United States Literature (Including Foundation Year) (英国和美国文学(含预科))
MA Western Marxism and Translation (西方马克思主义与翻译硕士)
BA English and United States Literature (including Year Abroad) (英国与美国文学(含国外一年))
MA Audiovisual and Literary Translation-Portuguese (视听与文学翻译-葡萄牙语)
MA Audiovisual and Literary Translation-Spanish (视听与文学翻译-西班牙语)
MA Translation, Interpreting and Subtitling (翻译,口译和字幕)
MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (对外英语教学)
MA Advanced Interpreting with Specialised Translation (Chinese-English) (高级口译专业翻译 (中-英))
BSc Biochemistry (生物化学)
BSc Applied Biomedical Science (应用医药科学)
Integrated Master in Science: Biochemistry and Biotechnology (生物化学和生物技术(本硕连读))
Integrated Master in Science: Biomedical Science (生物医学科学(本硕连读))
MPhil Cell and Molecular Biology (细胞和分子生物学)
MPhil Environmental Biology (环境生物学)
MSc (by Dissertation) Biochemistry (生物化学)
MSc (by Dissertation) Cell and Molecular Biology (细胞和分子生物学)
MSc (by Dissertation) Environmental Sciences (环境科学)
MSc (by Dissertation) Microbiology (微生物学)
BSc Biochemistry (including Placement Year) (生物化学(含实习年))
BSc Biochemistry (including Year Abroad) (生物化学(含国外一年))
BSc Biomedical Science (including Year Abroad (生物医学科学)
BSc Actuarial Science (精算科学)
BSc Actuarial Science (including Placement Year) (精算科学(含实习年))
BSc Genetics (including Year Abroad) (遗传学(含国外一年))
BSc Mathematics (including Placement Year) (数学(含实习年))
BSc Sports and Exercise Science (including Year Abroad) (体育与运动科学(含国外一年))
Graduate Diploma Mathematics (数学)
MSc Data Science (数据科学)
Integrated Master in Mathematics: Mathematics (数学(本硕连读))
MPhil Data Science (数据科学)
MSc (by Dissertation) Bio-Statistics (生物统计学)
Postgraduate Diploma Actuarial Science (精算学)
BSc Mathematics (including Year Abroad) (数学(含国外一年))
BSc Mathematics and Statistics (理学士数学与统计)
BSc Mathematics and Statistics (including Placement Year) (数学与统计学(含实习年))
BSc Mathematics and Statistics (including Year Abroad) (数学与统计学(含国外一年))
FdSc Health Science (Care of the Adult) (健康科学(成人护理))
MSc Statistics and Operational Research (统计学与运筹学研究)
PhD Psychology ()
BSc Sports Therapy (Including Year Abroad) (运动治疗(含国外一年))
BSc Nursing (Mental Health) (心理健康护理)
BSc Nursing (Mental Health) (Including Year Abroad) (心理健康护理(含海外学习))
FdSc Oral Health Science (口腔健康预科)
BSc Sports and Exercise Science (体育与运动科学)
MSc Sport and Exercise Science (体育与训练)
MSc (by Dissertation) Sport and Exercise Psychology (体育和运动心理学)
MPhil Sport and Exercise Psychology (体育和运动心理学)
BSc Genetics (Including Placement Year) (遗传学(含实习))
Graduate Diploma Psychodynamic Approaches (心理动力学方法)