University of Greater Manchester
英国波尔顿大学是一所立足英伦,面向国际的综合型院校。其前身为1824年成立的机械研究所,2005年正式更名为大学。该校坐落在英国经济文化中心城市曼彻斯特郊区,具有学士、硕士以及博士学位授予权。博尔顿大学是英联邦大学协会(Association of Common wealth Universities即ACU)会员大学之一,得到英国及国际上认可。波尔顿大学具有浓厚的学术氛围,下设有艺术媒体与教育学院、环境工程学院、商学院、计算机技术学院和健康与社会科学学院5个学院和2个研究中心,以商科和计算机专业为优势学科。学校教师素质高,教学环境好,学习设施齐全,曾在英国教育质量评估测评中获得最高分,学生满意度高。 波尔顿大学以教学严谨,课程灵活而闻名英伦。其教学质量在最近的英国教育质量评估委员会(QAA)评测中总评得最高分(24/24)。 由于其教学灵活,注重实际,学生就业率在英国高校中名列前茅。
英国博尔顿大学(University of Bolton) (曾用名“波尔顿大学”)地处英格兰西北部,毗邻港口城市利物浦和国际都市曼彻斯特,是一所公立性质的大学。 学校前身可追溯到1824年,现有教职工600余人,学生11000多人,其中百分之八十的学生来自博尔顿市和英格兰西北地区,另有来自七十多个国家的国际学生。 博尔顿大学非常自豪其优异的学术, 以及其将学生才能和现实结合的教学特色。
图书馆:图书馆每周开放6天,夜间开放时间和节假日开放时间可以参照图书馆公告栏或者网站。配备打印和复印设施,咨询处的工作人员能为您提供必要的帮助。 信息技术和计算机:学校的任何地方都有网络设备。无线网络覆盖整个学校,只要学生有电脑或笔记本,就能在宿舍里上网了。 福利:学校为您提供多方面的支持服务。您能在找到学生咨询办公室,您也可以去student union获得多种帮助。 医疗:学校的student union为学生提供健康问题的关心和帮助。另外,社会新投入的3千万英镑也将用于紧急救助设施的建设,为社会大众提供医疗服务。 商店:波尔顿是英国最大的城镇之一,拥有2个购物市场,其中一个刚刚翻新。如果您想光顾更大的商场,则可以去附近的曼彻斯特和利物浦,或者到Trafford购物中心去。 银行:学校里面没有银行,但市中心有几乎所有银行的分行。 兼职打工:学校有job shop,如果您想找兼职工作,可以去哪儿询问有没有职位空缺。Chancellors Mall的学生咨询办公室也会给您提供关于job shop的更多信息。
BSc (Hons) Business Management (Finance) top-up (工商管理(财政)top-up)
BSc (Hons) Business Management (商业管理)
BSc (Hons) Business Management with foundation year (商业管理)
BSc (Hons) Business Management (Retail)-Regent College London (商业管理(零售))
BSc (Hons) Business Management (Supply Chain)-Regent College London (商业管理(供应链))
MBA Business Administration (工商管理)
BSc (Hons) Business Management (Supply Chain) top-up (商业管理(供应链)( top-up))
BSc (Hons) Business Management (top-up) (商业管理( top-up))
MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management (物流与供应链管理)
BA (Hons) Accountancy (会计学)
BSc (Hons) Business Management (Marketing) top-up (商业管理(市场营销)(top-up))
BSc (Hons) Business Management (Retail) top-up (商业管理(零售)( top-up))
BSc (Hons) Business Management (Marketing)-Regent College London (商业管理(市场营销))
BSc (Hons) Business Management ()
MSc Accountancy and Financial Management (会计与金融管理)
BA (Hons) Accountancy with foundation year (会计学)
BSc (Hons) Business Management (Enterprise) (top-up) (商业管理(企业)( top-up))
BSc (Hons) Business Management (People Management) top-up (商业管理(人员管理)( top-up))
BSc (Hons) Business Management (Finance)-Regent College London (商业管理(财政))
BSc (Hons) Business Management (People Management)-Regent College London (商业管理(人员管理))
MBA (Global Healthcare Management) top-up (全球医疗保健管理top-up)
MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management: January Start (物流与供应链管理)
MBA Masters in Business Administration:18 months (工商管理)
MBA Master of Business Administration (top-up) (工商管理硕士top-up)
MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Extended (创业与革新)
MSc International Management (国际管理)
MSc International Management (https://courses.bolton.ac.uk/course/BAM055-P-MIL-MX/2019-20/)
BSc (Hons) Business Management (Marketing) top-up (商务管理(市场营销))
MBA (Global Healthcare Management) (MBA(全球医疗保健管理))
MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation (创业与革新)
MSc International Management: 18 months (国际管理)
BEng (Hons) Software Engineering - HE6 top-up (软件工程)
BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering with Foundation Year (土木工程)
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering with foundation year (机械工程)
BEng (Hons) Automotive Performance Engineering (Motorsport) (汽车性能工程(赛车运动))
MSc Electrical and Electronic Engineering (电气与电子工程)
BEng (Hons) Software Engineering With Foundation Year (软件工程)
BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronics Engineering (电气与电子工程)
BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronics Engineering with foundation year (电气与电子工程)
HND BTEC Engineering (Electrical Engineering) (电气工程)
BSc (Hons) Mechatronics (top-up) (机电一体化)
MSc in Motorsport Engineering (赛车工程)
BEng (Hons) Biomedical Engineering (生物医学工程)
BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering (电气与电子工程)
BEng (Hons) Automotive Performance Engineering (Motorsport) with foundation year (汽车性能工程(赛车运动))
BEng (Hons) Software Engineering (软件工程)
BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering (土木工程)
BSc (Hons) Motorsport Technology (赛车运动技术)
BSc (Hons) Motorsport Technology with foundation year (赛车运动技术)
BEng (Hons) Biomedical Engineering with foundation year (生物医学工程)
MSc Civil Engineering: January Start (土木工程)
MRes Engineering Management (工程管理)
MSc Electric Vehicle Technology (电动汽车技术)
MSc Electric Vehicle Technology: January Start (电动汽车技术)
MSc Electrical and Electronic Engineering: January Start (电气与电子工程)
MSc Robotics, Autonomous Systems and Telecommunications (机器人,自主系统和电信)
MSc Data Analytics and Technologies (数据分析与技术)
MSc Data Analytics and Technologies: Extended (数据分析与技术:拓展)
MSc Software Engineering (软件工程)
MSc Software Engineering: 18 months (软件工程)
MSc Systems Engineering (Mechatronics) and Engineering Management (系统工程(机电一体化)与工程管理)
MSc Engineering Management (工程管理)
MSc Motorsport Engineering (赛车工程)
MSc Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)
MSc Cloud and Network Security (云计算与网络安全)
MSc Construction Project Management (建筑项目管理)
MSc Civil Engineering (土木工程)
MSc Mechanical Engineering: January Start (机械工程)
MSc Systems Engineering (Mechanical) and Engineering Management (系统工程(机械)与工程管理)
MSc Biomedical Engineering (生物医学工程)
MSc Systems Engineering (Electronic) and Engineering Management (系统工程(电子)与工程管理硕士)
MSc Artificial Intelligence: Extended (人工智能:拓展)
MSc Cloud and Network Security: 18 months (云计算与网络安全)
MA Games Development (游戏开发)
MSc Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
MSc Biomedical Engineering: January Start (生物医学工程)
MSc Robotics, Autonomous Systems and Telecommunications: January Start (机器人、自主系统和电信)
BA (Hons) Early Years Childhood Studies (幼儿研究)
BA (Hons) Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Professional Practice (top-up) (专业实践中的学习、教学和评估(top-up))
BA (Hons) Early Years Childhood Studies (top-up) (幼儿教育(top-up))
BA (Hons) Education and Learning (教育与学习)
BSc (Hons) Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience (心理学和认知神经科学)
BSc (Hons) Criminological and Forensic Psychology (犯罪学和司法心理学)
MA Educational Leadership (教育领导力)
MA Early Childhood Studies (幼儿教育)
MA Teaching and Learning in Higher and Professional Education (Advanced Standing) (高等及专业教育硕士教与学(高级学位))
MA Inclusive Education (融合教育)
MA Early Childhood Studies (早期儿童研究)
MA Global Educational Leadership (全球教育领导力)
MEd Professional Development in Education (教育专业发展)
BSc (Hons) Computing (top-up) (计算机 (top-up))
BSc (Hons) Computing with foundation year-Regent College London (计算机)
BEng (Hons) Software Engineering with foundation year-Regent College London (软件工程)
BSc (Hons) Games Design (游戏设计)
BSc (Hons) Games Programming (游戏编程)
BSc (Hons) Games Design with foundation year (游戏设计)
BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
BSc (Hons) Computer Science (计算机科学)
BSc (Hons) Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)
BSc (Hons) Computing (Application Development) (计算机(应用开发))
BSc (Hons) Computing (Cyber Security) (计算机(网络安全))
BSc (Hons) Computing (Data Analyst) (计算机(数据分析))
BSc (Hons) Computing with foundation year (计算机)
BSc (Hons) Games Programming with foundation year (游戏编程)
BDes (Hons) Special Effects for Film and Television with foundation year (电影和电视特效)
BSc (Hons) Computing (计算机)
BSc (Hons) Artificial Intelligence with Foundation Year (人工智能)
BSc (Hons) Computing (Cyber Security) with foundation year (计算机(网络安全))
BSc (Hons) Computing-Regent College London (计算机)
BEng (Hons) Software Engineering-Regent College London (软件工程)
BSc (Hons) Cyber Security (网络安全)
BSc (Hons) Computer Networks and Security (计算机网络与安全)
BSc (Hons) Computer Networks and Security - HE6 top-up (计算机网络和安全-HE6 top-up)
BA (Hons) Games Art (游戏艺术)
BDes (Hons) Special Effects for Film and Television (电影和电视特效)
MRes Environmental Management (环境管理)
BA (Hons) Textiles and Surface Design (纺织与表面设计)
BDes (Hons) Special Make-up Effects for Film and TV with foundation year (电影和电视特别化妆效果)
BDes (Hons) Special Effects Modelmaking for Film and Television with foundation year (电影和电视特效模型制作)
BA (Hons) Photography (摄影)
BA (Hons) Photojournalism and Documentary Photography (新闻摄影和纪实摄影)
BA (Hons) Film and Media Production top-up (电影与媒体制作)
BA (Hons) Film and Media Production (电影与媒体制作)
BA (Hons) Photography with foundation year (摄影)
BA (Hons) Digital Content Creation with foundation year (数字内容创作)
BA (Hons) Film and Media Production top-up (电影和媒体制作 top-up)
BDes (Hons) Special Make-up Effects for Film and TV (电影和电视特别化妆效果)
BSc (Hons) Visual Effects and Animation (视觉效果与动画)
BA (Hons) Textiles and Surface Design with foundation year (纺织及表面设计)
BA (Hons) Fashion (HE6 top-up) (时尚(HE6 top-up))
BA (Hons) Graphic Design (平面设计)
BA (Hons) Animation and Illustration with foundation year (动画与插画)
BA (Hons) Fine Art (美术)
BA (Hons) Fashion (时尚)
BA (Hons) Fashion Photography (时尚摄影)
BA (Hons) Animation and Illustration (动画与插画)
BA (Hons) Fine Art with foundation year (美术)
BA (Hons) Creative Writing (创意写作)
BA (Hons) Fashion with foundation year (时尚)
BA (Hons) Digital Content Creation (数字内容创作)
MA Arts Management (艺术管理)
BA (Hons) Graphic Design with foundation year (平面设计)
BSc (Hons) Digital Management and Marketing (数字管理与市场营销)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with foundation year (心理学)
BSc (Hons) Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counselling with foundation year (心理学、心理治疗和咨询)
Bsc Hons Business Management (商业管理荣誉学士)
BSc (Hons) Criminological and Forensic Psychology with foundation year (犯罪学和司法心理学)
BSc (Hons) Mental Health, Wellbeing and Counselling with Foundation Year (心理健康、福利和咨询)
BSc (Hons) Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience with foundation year (心理学和认知神经科学)
BSc (Hons) Psychology (心理学)
BSc (Hons) Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counselling (心理学、心理治疗和咨询)
BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care (HE6 top-up) (卫生与社会护理(HE6 top-up))
BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care-Regent College London (卫生与社会护理)
BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care with foundation year-Regent College London (卫生与社会护理)
BSc (Hons) Dental Technology (top-up) (牙科技术(top-up))
BA (Hons) Community Development and Youth Work (endorsed route) (社区发展及青年工作(认可路线))
BA (Hons) Community Development and Youth Studies (top-up) (社区发展及青年研究(top-up))
BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care with foundation year (卫生与社会护理)
HND Health and Social Care (卫生和社会保健)
BA (Hons) Social Work (社会工作)
BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care (卫生与社会护理)
BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care Final Year top-up (卫生与社会护理(top-up))
BSc (Hons) Dental Technology (牙科技术)
MSc Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology (应用运动与运动心理学)
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science (生物医学科学)
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science with foundation year (生物医学技术)
BSc (Hons) Medical Biology (医学生物学)
BSc (Hons) Medical Biology with foundation year (生物医学)
MSc Counselling and Positive Psychology (咨询与积极心理学)
BSc (Hons) Sport Rehabilitation with foundation year (运动康复)
MSc Physician Associate Studies (医师助理研究)
MSc Strength and Conditioning: January Start (力量与调理)
MSc Positive Psychology (积极心理学)
MSc Psychology (心理学)
MSc Psychology (Conversion): January Start (心理学(转化))
MSc Social Neuroscience (社会神经科学)
BSc (Hons) Sport Rehabilitation (体育康复)
MSc Strength and Conditioning (力量与调理)
MSc Psychology (Conversion) (心理学(转化))
BDes (Hons) Special Effects Modelmaking for Film and Television (电影和电视特效模型制作)
MSc Social Care, Health and Wellbeing (社会护理、健康与福利)
MA Social Work (社会工作)
BA (Hons) English (英文)
MSc Human Society (with specialism): Extended (人类社会(含专业))
MA (Specialist Title) via Creative Practice (创意实践(专家头衔))
MA Applied and Community Arts (with Specialism) (应用及社区艺术(带专业))
BA (Hons) English and Creative Writing (英语与创意写作)
MSc Human Society (with specialism) (人类社会(含专业))
MA Community Development and Youth Studies (社区发展与青年研究)
MSc social care, Health and wellbeing ()
BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult) [Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust] (护理学(成人))
MSc Digital Dental Technology (数码牙科技术)
BA (Hons) Crime and Criminal Justice (犯罪与刑事司法)
LLB (Hons) Law with foundation year (法律)
LLB (Hons) Law (法学)
BA (Hons) Crime and Criminal Justice (HE6 top-up) (犯罪与刑事司法 (HE6 top-up))
LLM International Business Law (国际商法)
PgDip Solicitors Qualifying Examination (律师资格考试)
LLM Law (Legal Practice) top-up (法学硕士(法律实务 )top-up)
LLM with Solicitors Qualifying Examination (法学硕士,包括律师资格考试)
LLM Law (法学)
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