Coventry University
英文名称:Conventry Univerity
地址:nternational Office , Coventry Univerity ,Priory Street , Coventry CV1 5FB ,United Kingdom
考文垂大学(Coventry Univerity)是一所具有远见卓识的大学,能够提供地区性教育、全国性教育和国际教育,并为学生提供良好的学习环境,同时继承了提供高等教育和多学科研究的优良传统。
考文垂大学具有从预科、本科,硕士至博士的系列培养体系,设有以下 5个院系:
在中国,考文垂大学非常重视和多个高质量的大学和教育机构建立紧密的学术联系。与考文垂大学建立了友好的关系中国高等院校包括: 广东外语外贸大学, 南京理工大学,浙江传媒大学等。
有着近千年悠久历史的考文垂,最早是1043年,Earl of Leofric奥弗里克伯爵夫妇建立的一座修道院,后逐步形成了英格兰历史上第四大繁荣的贸易城镇。14世纪末期迅速崛起,以纺织业,皮革业,钟表业,建筑,电子电机,汽车重工和军火工业等驰名于世。
考文垂自史以来就是英国杰出的工程中心,1896年,英国第1辆汽车也诞生于此。作为当之无愧的汽车之城,考文垂是许多知名汽车厂商的技术研发和生产基地,如劳斯莱斯,捷豹,标致等,伦敦著名的黑色出租车Black Cab也是由位于考文垂市的伦敦国际出租车公司制造。
该城市也以丰厚的人文底蕴著称,在Straford-upon-Avon,距离市中心15分钟车程的一个小镇,诞生了伟大的天才诗人莎士比亚,世界享有盛誉的皇家莎士比亚剧院也建于此。考文垂也拥有着英国著名的城堡庄园,Warwick catle, Kenilworth catle和Stoneleigh Abbey每年都接待数以万计的来自各个国家的游客。
在英国足球产业中,考文垂市同样也有着重要的地位及意义。Ricoh Arena球场将在2012年伦敦奥林匹克运动会中,承办足球比赛的项目,届时世界的目光将投射在英国的&lquo;凤凰之城&rquo;,共同迎接这一体育盛事。
兰开斯特图书馆藏书逾300000册,期刊达2600多种,馆 内建立有一系列电脑工作站。提供UNIX服务、个人电脑N局域网以及五座高性能NXT工作站为基础的电脑服务为学生进行学习与研究提供了多种便利。
图书馆各楼层皆有影印机、及工作人员提供询问及解答。研读Art and Deign的同学则另有专门的楼层提供相关领域书籍。馆内亦设有媒体中心 (media centre) 提供录影带、CD、微缩影片设备给不同需求的同学使用。
Art & Deign 艺术与设计学院
MA Autoutomotive Deign 汽车设计
MA Automotive Deign Reearch 汽车设计研究
MA Communication, Culture and Media 传播, 文化 与多媒体
Applied Communication 应用传播- International Media and Communication 国际多媒体与传播
Cultural Analyi 文化分析
Viual Culture 视觉文化
MA Deign and Digital Media 设计与数位多媒体
MA Fine Art 艺术
MA Reearch Method in Deign 设计研究方法
Buine School 商业学院
MBA Executive Mater of Buine Adminitration 执行企业管理
MBA Mater of Buine Adminitration in International Buine 国际企业管理
MBA Mater of Buine Adminitration in Marketing 行销企管
MBA Mater of Buine Adminitration in Finance 财金企管
MA Management 管理
MA Marketing 行销
MA Human Reource Management 人力资源
MSc Local and Regional Economic Development 地区经济发展
MA Town Planning 都市规划
PgCert Potgraduate Certificate in Partnerhip Working with the Community 传播合作伙伴
PgDip Potgraduate Diploma in Peronnel Management 人事管理
PgCPM Potgraduate Certificate in Peronnel Management 人事管理
PgDip Diploma of Profeional Development in Management 专业发展管理
PgCert Potgraduate Certificate in Management (by work-baed learning) 管理(以工作基础学习)
PgDip Potgraduate Diploma in Management (by work-baed learning)管理(以工作基础学习)
Engineering 工程学院
MSc Potgraduate Engineering Programme 工程
Automotive Engineering 汽车工程
Engineering Buine Management 工程企业管理
Engineering and Manufacturing Management 工程与制作管理
Automotive and Automotive Component Manufacture 汽车与汽车元件制作
MBA Engineering Management 工程管理
MSc Operational Telecommunication 操作电信学
MBA Manufacturing Management 工业制造管理
PgDip Manufacturing Management 工业制造管理
Health & Social Science 健康与社会科学学院
MA Diability and Social Jutice 残障与社会公平
Clinical Pychology Doctorate 临床心理学博士
MA Community Care 社区关怀
MSc Health Pychology 健康心理学
MSc Health Studie 健康研究
MSc Manipulative Therapy 推拿疗法
MSc Nuring 护士
MSc Occupational Therapy 职业疗法
MSc Phyiotherapy 物理疗法
MSc Cardiorepiratory Phyiotherapy 心肺物理疗法
MSc Neurological Phyiotherapy 神经学物理疗法
MSc Acupuncture针灸疗法
International Studie & Law
MA Diplomacy, Law and Global Change 外交, 法律与全球变化
MA Peace and Reconciliation Studie 和平与协调研究
MA European Studie 欧洲研究
MA Third World Studie 第三世界研究
MBA Buine Law 商事法律
LM Human Right and Criminal Jutice 人权与刑事执法
LLB Law: Senior Statu 法律:老年
Mathematical & Information Science
MSc Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation 数学模型与电脑模拟
MSc Information Technology for Management 资讯科技管理
MSc E-commerce 电子商务
MSc Software Development 软体发展
MSc Control Engineering 控制工程
Sc Informatic and Control 资讯学与管理
MBA Mater of Buine Adminitration (Information Technology) 企管学(资讯科技)
MSc Multimedia Computing 电脑多媒体
MSc Computing 电脑
MSc Computer Science 电脑科学
School of Science & Environment
MSc European Contruction 欧洲建筑
MSc Environmental Monitoring and Aement 环境监控与评估
MSc Rural Change 田园改变
MSc Integrated Catchment Management 整合排水管理
MSc Environmental Management 环境管理
学校的宿舍有颇多选择,各宿舍的详细资料可直接到学校的Accommodation Office索取。大抵可分为Catered及Self-Catering两种,但大多为Self-Catering。宿舍多离学校不远,步行距离即可抵达校区。但也有离学校3 mile处需搭乘公车或自备交通工具的en-uite room。学校会保证第一年的学生一定有宿舍住,但是一般来说愈早申请,愈能住到自己理想中的宿舍。
学校附近租赁的房东通常会在学校的Accommodation Office登记空房间 (或房屋),因此学生可在那里拿到lit以了解有哪些房屋在出租。住宿费约为每学年2500英镑上下,视宿舍种类不同而有差异。
2002 年,考文垂大学商学院、国际研究与法学院合并成立考文垂商学院。该学院是目前欧洲最大的商学院之一,共有各类学生 4000 多人,设有从预科到博士的各层次课程,并提供从全日制面授到 100% 网上教学的各种教学方式,设有商务、管理、法律、语言、经济、历史、国际关系等一系列学科专业。考文垂商学院是一所国际性学院,她的学生来自 40 多个国家。该学院还同当地工商界保持密切关系,并有专为满足当地社会需要而设置的一系列课程,其研究与咨询服务对当地劳务市场有很强的针对性。学院重视教学与实践相结合,许多学生通过在当地工商企业实习而得到丰富的经验。 考文垂商学院的教学环境不愧其国际声誉,校园位于考文垂市中心,拥有威廉莫里斯和乔治艾略特两座教学楼,有先进的电脑设施和优质的教学空间。威廉莫里斯教学楼设有商务、经济 、管理、金融以及体育、休闲和旅游等专业的教学。乔治艾略特教学楼有一个语言中心,是语言、法律、历史、国际关系与政治等专业的教学楼。所有学生,无论是否在校园里,都可得到学院网上学习环境的支持,该网上学习环境融合了英美两国最新的网络科技,可于任何时间任何地点提供先进的网上教学。
考文垂商学院同一些大型的英国及国际机构保持极好的关系,其中包括福特、大东电讯、美洲豹、诺基亚、标致、国家医疗服务组织 (NHS) 及一些大银行等。该学院同世界上主要的大学也有密切联系,学生不仅有到国外学习或工作的良好机会,也可通过同来自不同国家与文化背景的工作人员和学生一起学习工作、一起解决问题而丰富其学习经验。
该学院现有 2700 多学生,是英国最大的工程学院之一,因此在专业领域保持有很强的实力,并能据此开拓创新式的跨学科专业以满足实业需要。
该学院同 Jaguar 、 Aton Martin 、 Land Rover 、 Mitubihi Ralliart 、 Cable and Wirele Plc. 以及汽车工业研究协会等公司与机构有密切的合作关系,这保证了其课程的质量。
考虑到雇主们对交际、团队工作、解决问题和领导能力等实际工作能力的重视,学院优先注重培养学生的这些能力。 根据统计资料,工程学院的毕业生在结束学业几个月之内就可以找到工作或得到深造的机会。
考文垂艺术和设计学院成立于 1843年,拥有悠久的历史和良好的学术传统。现在更是以严谨的治学态度和学术水平以及高科技水平的教学设备而闻名。
工业设计专业因为在消费者产品设计和汽车设计上的优势而享有国际声誉。汽车设计课程在英国是首家开设的, 25年来一直保持着独特性。课程在本科和研究生层次上进行了多样化设计以适应竞争形势的需要。这样不仅满足了学生学习的需求,而且适应了工业和市场形势的变化。
通讯、传媒和文化专业的授课地点是在重新装修的 Ellen Terry办公楼内,这里的教学设施包括摄影、音像和广播工作室。每个教室、研讨室和教师办公室都配有编辑设备和广播设备,这些完善的一流的教学设施可以为你提供一流的学习环境。根据目前官方排名,媒体研究专业课程在获得满分10分的情况下,又获得了附加分5.25分,从而位居全英第一。
视觉艺术课程的授课地点是在 Graham Sutherland 教学楼,计算机室,凸版印刷、平板印刷、绢印艺术工作间,制陶室、木刻室、金属铸造工作室,绘画室一应俱全。还有装备精良的IT 设施包括CAD实验室,图形多媒体实验室,学生在这里可以获得专业人士提供的指导和培训。我们还有一个专业的商店提供以现价提供设计所需的各种原材料。在兰切斯特和中央大街 展览馆,会经常举办一些关于知名艺术家作品的展览和研讨。
预科班的基本要求: 高中毕业,另要求 TOEFL 550分,IELTS 6.0分或同等水平。
申请硕士以及以上学位可直接与国际办公室联系。每份申请将个案处理,工作经历列入考虑范围。通常要求申请者有中国或国外大学的良好本科学位,另要求 TOEFL 600分, IELTS 6.5分,或同等水平。
本科生 6900 英镑
研究生 7500 英镑,实验室为主类课程8000英镑
MBA课程 8000英镑
九十年代以来,考文垂大学与中国的关系得到了迅速的发展。 通过许多教师对中国的访问,考文垂大学与中国的一些知名学府, 如清华大学、同济大学、南京大学等学校建立了密切的联系, 其合作范围包括高层次的研究和商务合作。 考文垂大学为在本校就读的来自中国的本科生、研究生感到自豪, 并热忱欢迎更多高质量的、严肃认真的海外学生来考文垂大学学习深造。
Global Business MBA - London Campus (全球商务)
Global Financial Trading MSc ()
Global Financial Services MBA - London Campus (全球金融服务)
International Events Management MSc ()
BA Management and Leadership Top Up ()
BA (Honours) Accounting and Finance ()
Accountancy BSc (Hons)-4 years (会计学)
Business and Marketing BA (Hons)-4 years (商业和市场营销)
Economics BSc (Hons)-4 years (经济学)
MSc International Marketing Managemen (国际市场管理)
MSc Accounting and Finance ()
Advertising and Digital Marketing BA (Hons) (广告和数字营销文学士(荣誉))
Business Administration BBA (Hons)-4 years (工商管理学)
Business and Finance BSc (Hons)-4 years (商业和金融)
Business and Human Resource Management BA (Hons)-4 years (商业和人力资源管理)
Banking and Finance BSc (Hons)-4 years (银行与金融)
Commercial Law LLB (Hons) (商业法)
Commercial Law LLB (Hons)-4 years (商业法)
Master’s Qualifying Programme (硕士预科)
International Fashion Management MBA ()
Master of Business Administration MBA (Global) (国际商务管理)
Management MSc (管理硕士)
Accounting and Finance for International Business BSc (Hons) top-up (国际商务会计与金融)
Accountancy BSc (Hons) (会计学)
Advertising and Digital Marketing BA (Hons)-4 years (广告和数字营销文学士(荣誉))
Business Economics BSc (Hons)-4 years (商业经济学)
Business Management BA (Hons)-4 years (商务管理)
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship BA (Hons)-4 years (企业与创业精神)
Engineering Business Management BEng (Hons) top-up (工程商业管理 top-up)
Finance and Investment BSc (Hons)-4 years (经济与投资)
Financial Economics BSc (Hons)-4 years (金融经济学)
Business Enterprise and Innovation Management BA (Hons) top-up (商业企业与创新管理 top-up)
International Business BA (Hons) top-up (国际商务 top-up)
Real Estate and Property Management BSc (Hons) (房地产及物业管理)
Event Management BA (Hons)-4 years (会展管理)
Accounting and Finance for International Business BSc (Hons) top-up (国际商务会计与金融 top-up)
Global Financial Planning BSc (Hons) (全球财务规划)
International Marketing BA (Hons) top-up (国际市场营销 top-up)
International Digital Marketing BA (Hons) top-up (国际数字市场营销(Top up))
International Fashion Business BA (Hons)-4 years (国际时尚商务管理)
Brand Management MA (with professional experience) (品牌管理)
Accounting and Financial Management MSc-Sandwich (会计与金融管理)
Air Transport Management MSc-Sandwich (航空运输管理)
Applied Innovation Leadership MA (应用创新领导力)
Engineering Management MSc-Sandwich (工程管理)
International Foundation Year - Accounting and Finance (国际预科年--会计和金融)
International Foundation Year - Accounting and Finance-36 weeks (国际预科年--会计和金融)
International Foundation Year - Accounting and Finance-24 weeks (国际预科年--会计和金融)
International Foundation Year - Accounting and Finance-36 weeks-CU London (Greenwich, London) (国际预科年--会计和金融)
International Foundation Year - Business-24 weeks-CU London (Greenwich, London) (国际预科年--商业)
International Foundation Year - Business-36 weeks-CU London (Greenwich, London) (国际预科年--商业)
Global Financial Planning BSc (Hons)-4 years (全球财务规划)
International Business Management BSc (Hons)-4 years (国际商务管理)
International Business BA (Hons) top-up (2 years) (国际商务 top-up)
International Event and Hospitality Management BA (Hons) top-up (国际会展与酒店管理 top-up)
Journalism BA (Hons)-4 years (新闻学)
Marketing BA (Hons)-4 years (市场营销)
Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management BSc (Hons)-4 years (工料测量和商业管理)
Real Estate and Property Management BSc (Hons)-4 years (房地产及物业管理)
Career Development and Management MA (职业发展和管理)
Air Transport Management MSc (航空运输管理)
FinTech MSc (with professional experience) (金融科技)
Games Studio Development MA (游戏工作室开发)
Games Studio Development MA-Sandwich (游戏工作室开发)
International Foundation Year - Business-CU London (Greenwich, London) (国际预科年--商业)
Finance MSc-Sandwich (金融)
International Business Management MSc-with professional experience (国际商务管理)
International Foundation Year - Accounting and Finance-24 weeks-CU London (Greenwich, London) (国际预科年--会计和金融)
International Foundation Year - Business (国际预科年--商业)
International Foundation Year - Business-30 weeks (国际预科年--商业)
International Foundation Year - Business-36 weeks (国际预科年--商业)
International Pre-Master’s - Business-30 weeks (国际硕士预科课程--商业)
International Year One - Accounting and Finance-CU London (Greenwich, London) (国际一年级--会计和金融)
Sustainable Finance MSc PGDip (可持续金融)
Global Marketing BSc (Hons) (全球营销)
International Hospitality and Tourism Management BA (Hons)-Sandwich (国际酒店与旅游管理)
Digital Marketing with Data Analytics MSc (数字营销与数据分析)
Global Finance MSc (with Extended Professional Practice) (国际金融)
International Project Management MSc (with Professional Practice) (国际项目管理)
Business Management and Leadership BA (Hons) (商业管理与领导力)
Business Management and Leadership-HND (商业管理与领导力)
Business Management and Leadership with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (商业管理和领导力(包含预科年))
Financial Management and Accounting with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-Sandwich (财务管理和会计(包含预科年))
Marketing and Public Relations-HNC (市场营销和公共关系)
Marketing and Public Relations with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-Sandwich (市场营销和公共关系(包含预科年))
International Pre-Master’s - Business-CU London (Greenwich, London) (国际硕士预科课程--商业)
International Pre-Master’s - Business-24 weeks-CU London (Greenwich, London) (国际硕士预科课程--商业)
International Pre-Master’s - Business-30 weeks-CU London (Greenwich, London) (国际硕士预科课程--商业)
International Year One - Business Management (国际一年级--商业管理)
International Year One - Business Management-CU London (Greenwich, London) (国际一年级--商业管理)
Financial Economics and Banking BSc (Hons)-Sandwich (金融经济与银行学)
Global Business Management BA (Hons)-Sandwich (全球商务管理)
International Fashion PR and Communication BA (Hons) top-up (国际时尚公关与传播 top-up)
Marketing Management BA (Hons) top-up (市场营销管理 top-up)
Economics, Banking and Finance MSc (经济学、银行和金融)
Economics, Banking and Finance MSc with Extended Professional Practice (经济学、银行和金融)
Enterprise and Innovation MSc with Extended Professional Practice (企业与创新)
Global Financial Trading MSc (with Extended Professional Practice) (全球金融贸易)
International Fashion Marketing MSc (with Professional Practice) (国际时尚市场营销)
International Hospitality and Tourism Management MSc (with Extended Professional Practice) (国际酒店与旅游管理)
International Hospitality and Tourism Management MSc (with Advanced Standing) (国际酒店与旅游管理)
MBA International Marketing (国际市场营销)
Career Development and Management PGDip (职业发展和管理)
Events and Experience Management MSc (with professional experience) (会展和体验管理)
International Foundation Year - Accounting and Finance-30 weeks (国际预科年--会计和金融)
International Foundation Year - Accounting and Finance-30 weeks-CU London (Greenwich, London) (国际预科年--会计和金融)
International Foundation Year - Accounting and Finance-CU London (Greenwich, London) (国际预科年--会计和金融)
International Foundation Year - Business-24 weeks (国际预科年--商业)
International Foundation Year - Business-30 weeks-CU London (Greenwich, London) (国际预科年--商业)
International Pre-Master’s - Business (国际硕士预科课程--商业)
International Pre-Master’s - Business-24 weeks (国际硕士预科课程--商业)
Economics and Finance Foundation Year (经济和金融)
Business Management and Leadership with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-CU London-sandwich (商业管理和领导力(包含预科年)-伦敦校区)
Sport Management MSc- with professional experience (体育管理)
Accounting and Finance for International Business BA (Hons) Top Up (国际商务会计与金融 Top Up)
Global Business top up BA (Hons) (全球商务 top up)
International Fashion Management and Marketing BA (Hons) (国际时尚管理和营销)
International Fashion Management and Marketing BA (Hons)-sandwich (国际时尚管理和营销)
International Fashion Management and Marketing BA (Hons)-2.5 years (国际时尚管理和营销)
Professional Accounting MSc (with Professional Practice) (专业会计)
Management MSc (with prof. practice) (管理学)
Financial Management and Accounting BA (Hons) (财务管理和会计)
Financial Management and Accounting BA (Hons)-HND (财务管理和会计)
Financial Management and Accounting BA (Hons)-HNC (财务管理和会计)
Financial Management and Accounting with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (财务管理和会计(包含预科年))
Professional Accounting with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-sandwich (专业会计(包含预科年))
Business Foundation Year-CU London (Dagenham, London) (商科-伦敦达格纳姆校区)
Business Foundation Year-CU London (Greenwich, London) (商科-伦敦格林威治分校)
Business Management & Leadership-HND (商业管理与领导力)
Business Management & Leadership-HNC (商业管理与领导力)
Professional Accounting BA (Hons)-Sandwich-CU London (Dagenham London) (专业会计-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Professional Accounting BA (Hons)-HND-CU London (Dagenham London) (专业会计-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Professional Accounting BA (Hons)-HNC-CU London (Dagenham London) (专业会计-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Business Management and Leadership BA (Hons)- CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (商业管理与领导力-士嘉堡分校)
International Year One - Accounting and Finance (国际一年级--会计和金融)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) (工商管理)
Supply Chain Management and Logistics MSc-Sandwich (物理流管理和统计学)
Sustainable Finance MSc PGCert (可持续金融)
Global Events Management BSc (Hons)-sandwich (全球会展管理)
Global Marketing BSc (Hons)-Sandwich (全球营销)
International Finance and Accounting BA (Hons)-Sandwich (国际金融与会计)
International Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness Management top-up BA (Hons) (国际酒店、旅游和健康管理 top-up)
Digital Marketing with Data Analytics MSc with Extended Professional Practice (数字营销与数据分析)
Financial Technology (FinTech) MSc (with Professional Practice) (金融科技)
Business Management and Leadership-HNC (商业管理与领导力)
Business Management and Leadership with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-Sandwich (商业管理和领导力(包含预科年))
Marketing and Public Relations-HND (市场营销和公共关系)
Marketing and Public Relations with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (市场营销和公共关系(包含预科年))
Professional Accounting with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (专业会计(包含预科年))
International Marketing Management MSc (国际营销管理)
Sport Management MSc (体育管理)
Sustainable Finance MSc (可持续金融)
Sustainable Finance MSc(Islamic Portfolio Management and Islamic Sustainable Finance) (可持续金融理学硕士(伊斯兰投资组合管理和伊斯兰可持续金融))
Economics, Banking and Finance MSc (经济学、银行与金融)
Finance MBA (金融)
International Fashion Marketing MSc (国际时尚营销)
Management MSc (管理学)
Global Finance MSc (with Extended Professional Practice) (国际金融(含专业实践))
Professional Accounting MSc (with Professional Practice) (专业会计(含专业实践))
Digital Marketing with Data Analytics PGDip (数字营销与数据分析)
Events and Experience Management MSc (会展和体验管理)
Management and Professional Accounting HNC (管理与专业会计)
Tourism and Hospitality Management with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (旅游和酒店管理(包含预科年))
Tourism and Hospitality Management with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-Sandwich (旅游和酒店管理(包含预科年))
Business Management and Leadership BA (Hons)-CU London (Greenwich, London) (商业管理与领导力-伦敦格林威治校区)
Business Management & Leadership BA (Hons)-Sandwich (商业管理与领导力)
Business Management and Leadership with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-CU London (商业管理和领导力(包含预科年)-伦敦校区)
Business Management and Leadership BA (Hons)-Sandwich (商业管理与领导力)
Business Management and Leadership-HNC-CU London (Greenwich, London) (商业管理与领导力-伦敦格林威治校区)
Business Management and Leadership-HND-CU London (Greenwich, London) (商业管理与领导力-伦敦格林威治校区)
Business Management & Leadership BA (Hons) (商业管理与领导力)
Business Management and Leadership-HNC- CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (商业管理与领导力-士嘉堡分校)
Business Management and Leadership with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (商业管理和领导力(包含预科年)-士嘉堡分校)
PHD- Business Fintech ()
Business and Organisational Psychology MSc (商业与组织心理学)
Digital Marketing Management MSc (数字营销管理)
International Commercial Law LLM (国际商法)
Supply Chain Management and Logistics MSc (供应链管理与物流)
Business Management and Leadership with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-Sandwich-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (商业管理和领导力(包含预科年)-士嘉堡分校)
Business Administration BA (Hons) (商务管理)
Strategic Tourism and Hospitality Management BA (Hons) Degree (战略旅游业与酒店管理)
International Economics and Trade BA (Hons) (国际经济学与贸易)
Management and Leadership HNC (Hons) Degree (管理与领导)
International Fashion Management and Marketing BA (Hons) (国际时装管理与营销)
Management and Leadership HNC (管理与领导)
Financial Services HND (金融服务)
Marketing BA (Hons) (市场营销)
Business Management BA (Hons) (商务管理)
Sport Marketing BA (Hons) (体育管理)
European Business Management BA (Hons) (欧洲商务管理)
Enterprise and Innovation MSc (with Extended Professional Practice) (企业与创新(含实习))
Financial Technology (FinTech) MSc (金融科技(FinTech))
Global Business MBA (全球商业)
International Hospitality and Tourism Management PGDip (国际酒店与旅游管理)
International Hospitality and Tourism Management PGCert (国际酒店与旅游管理)
Professional Accounting MSc (专业会计)
International Fashion Marketing MSc (with Extended Professional Practice) (国际时尚营销(含专业实践))
International Hospitality and Tourism Management MSc (with Extended Professional Practice) (国际酒店与旅游管理(含专业实践))
International Project Management MSc (with Professional Practice) (国际项目管理(含专业实践))
Digital Marketing MA (数字营销)
Human Resource Management MA (人力资源管理)
Strategic Marketing MSc (战略市场营销)
Advertising and Marketing BA (Hons) (广告与市场营销)
Business Analytics MSc (商业分析)
International Entrepreneurship MSc (国际创业)
Project Management MSc (项目管理)
Sustainable Finance MSc(Socially Responsible Investment and Carbon Reporting) (可持续金融理学硕士(社会责任投资与碳报告))
Enterprise and Innovation MSc (企业与创新)
International Fashion Management MBA (国际时尚管理)
International Marketing MBA (国际营销)
International Project Management MSc (国际项目管理)
Financial Technology (FinTech) MSc (with Professional Practice) (金融科技(FinTech)(含专业实践))
Global Financial Trading MSc (with Extended Professional Practice) (全球金融交易(含专业实践))
Accounting and Financial Management MSc-with professional experience (会计与金融管理-含实习)
Banking and Finance MSc (银行与金融)
Global Entrepreneurship MA (全球企业)
BA (Hons) International Hospitality and Tourism Management (国际酒店和旅游管理)
Tourism and Hospitality Management HNC/HND/BA (Hons) ()
Finance MBus ()
Marketing Management MA (市场营销管理)
International Year One(IY1) (国际大一)
Pre-Master's Programme (硕士预科)
Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons) (会计学和金融)
Business Administration BBA (Hons) (工商管理学)
Business Management & Leadership BA (Hons)-Coventry University Wrocław (Poland) (商业管理与领导力-弗罗茨瓦夫分校)
Global Financial Trading MSc (全球金融交易)
Global Healthcare Management and Leadership MBA (全球医疗管理和领导力)
Digital Marketing with Data Analytics(with Extended Professional Practice) (数字营销与数据分析(含专业实践))
Economics, Banking and Finance MSc (with Extended Professional Practice) (经济学、银行与金融(含专业实践))
Environmental Management MSc (环境管理)
Investment Management MSc (投资管理)
Accountancy BA (Hons) (会计)
International Finance and Accounting BA (Hons) (国际金融与会计)
Strategic Sales and Marketing HND (战略销售与营销)
Strategic Sales and Marketing BA (Hons) Degree (战略销售与营销)
Business and Finance BA (Hons) (商务与金融)
Business and Human Resource Management BA (Hons) (商务与人力资源管理)
International Fashion Management and Marketing BA (Hons) Top Up (国际时装管理与营销专升本)
International Hospitality and Tourism Management BA (Hons) Top Up (国际酒店与旅游管理专升本)
Management and Leadership BA (Hons) Degree (管理与领导)
Finance and Investment BA (Hons) (金融与投资)
Management and Leadership HND (管理与领导)
International Marketing BA (Hons) Top Up (国际市场营销专升本)
International Business Management BA (Hons) (国际商务管理)
Marketing Management top up BA ()
Business Enterprise and Innovation Management BA (Hons) Top Up ()
International Foundation Year (本科预科)
Sport Marketing MA (体育营销)
Accounting and Finance BA (Hons) (会计与金融)
Strategic Sales and Marketing HNC (战略销售与营销)
Strategic Sales and Marketing Management BA (Hons) Degree (战略销售与市场营销管理)
English and Journalism BA (Hons) (英语与新闻学)
Business and Law BA (Hons) Degree (法律与商务)
Management and Leadership HND (Hons) Degree (管理与领导)
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship BA (Hons) (企业与企业学)
Financial Services HNC (金融服务)
Financial Services BA (Hons) Degree (金融服务)
Business Economics BA (Hons) (商务经济学)
Global Business BA (Hons) Top Up (全球商务)
International Business MSc (国际商务)
Law LLM (法律)
Economics BSc (Hons) (经济学)
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship BA (Hons) (企业与创业精神)
Financial Economics and Banking BSc (Hons) (金融经济与银行学)
Global Business Management BA (Hons) (全球商务管理)
Global Events Management BSc (Hons) (全球会展管理)
International Law Studies LLB (Hons) top-up (国际法研究 专升本)
Business Management & Leadership-HNC-CU London (Dagenham London) (商业管理与领导力-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Marketing and Public Relations BA (Hons) (市场营销和公共关系)
Digital Marketing BA (Hons) (数字营销)
Global Marketing BA (Hons) Top Up (全球市场营销专升本)
Financial Economics BA (Hons) (金融经济学)
Economics BA (Hons) (经济学)
Finance BSc (Hons) (金融)
Master’s Qualifying Programme (Business) (商科)
Business and Marketing BA (Hons) (商业和市场营销)
Business Management & Leadership BA (Hons)-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (商业管理与领导力-士嘉堡校区)
International Year One (国际大一)
Banking and Finance BSc (Hons) (银行与金融)
Business and Finance BSc (Hons) (商业和金融)
Business and Human Resource Management BA (Hons) (商业和人力资源管理)
Business Economics BSc (Hons) (商业经济学)
Finance MBus (金融(本硕连读))
Financial Economics BSc (Hons) (金融经济学)
Business Management & Leadership BA (Hons)-CU London (Greenwich London) (商业管理与领导力-伦敦格林威治分校)
Information Technology for Business BSc (Hons) (商业信息技术)
Journalism BA (Hons) (新闻学)
Business Management & Leadership-HNC-CU London (Greenwich London) (商业管理与领导力-伦敦格林威治分校)
International Foundation Programme-Business, Economics, Finance and Management (本科预科-商务、经济、金融与管理)
Event Management BA (Hons) (会展管理)
Tourism & Hospitality Management BA (Hons)--CU London (Dagenham London) (旅游与酒店管理--伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Tourism & Hospitality Management- HND--CU London (Dagenham London) (旅游与酒店管理--伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Master of Business Administration (Healthcare Sector) (工商管理(医疗保健))
Business Management & Leadership-HND-CU London (Greenwich London) (商业管理与领导力-伦敦格林威治分校)
Marketing and Public Relations BA (Hons)--CU London (Dagenham London) (市场营销和公共关系-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Business Management & Leadership BA (Hons)-CU London (Dagenham London) (商业管理与领导力-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Marketing and Public Relations--HND--CU London (Dagenham London) (市场营销和公共关系-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Professional Accounting--HNC-CU London (Dagenham London) (专业会计-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management BSc (Hons) (工料测量和商业管理)
International Fashion Business BA (Hons) (国际时尚商务管理)
International Hospitality and Tourism Management BA (Hons) (国际酒店与旅游管理)
Business Management & Leadership-HNC-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (商业管理与领导力-士嘉堡校区)
Professional Accounting- HND (专业会计)
Professional Accounting- HNC (专业会计)
Professional Accounting BA (Hons)-CU London (Dagenham London) (专业会计-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Business Foundation Year--CU London (Dagenham, London) (商科--伦敦达格纳姆分校)
International Business BA (Hons) Top-Up (国际商务)
Global Marketing BSc (Hons) ()
International Event and Hospitality Management BA (国际活动酒店管理)
International Business Management BSc (Hons) (国际商务管理)
Financial Services BA (Hons) (金融服务)
Global Marketing top up BA (Hons) (全球市场营销 专升本)
International Business BA (Hons) Top Up (国际商务 专升本)
Business Management & Leadership-HND-CU London (Dagenham London) (商业管理与领导力-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Professional Accounting BA (Hons) (专业会计)
Professional Accounting--HND-CU London (Dagenham London) (专业会计-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Brand Management MA (品牌管理)
Accounting and Financial Management MSc (会计与金融管理)
Advertising and Marketing MA (广告与市场营销)
Engineering Management MSc (工程管理)
FinTech MSc (金融科技)
Global Business MBA (全球商务)
International Business MBus top-up (国际商务(本硕连读))
International Finance and Banking BSc (Hons) top-up (国际金融与银行 专升本)
Business Foundation Year--CU London (Greenwich London) (商科--伦敦格林威治分校)
International Project Management MSc ()
MBA with Marketing specialism (mba)
Financial Technology (FinTech) MSc (金融科技)
International Entrepreneurship MSc (国际企业家)
Master of Business Administration (Marketing) (工商管理(市场营销))
Master of Business Administration (Sustainable Tourism) (工商管理(可持续旅游))
Digital Marketing Management MSc (数字化营销管理)
Global Financial Trading MSc (全球金融贸易)
International Marketing Management MSc (国际市场营销管理)
Master of Business Administration (Artificial Intelligence) (工商管理(人工智能))
Supply Chain Management and Logistics MSc (物理流管理和统计学)
Business Foundation Year (商科)
International Fashion Business BA (Hons) ()
Finance and Investment BSc (Hons) (经济与投资)
Economics, Banking and Finance PGCert (经济学、银行和金融)
Enterprise and Innovation PGCert (企业与创新)
Financial Technology (FinTech) MSc (with Professional Practice) (金融科技(含实习))
Financial Technology (FinTech) PGCert (金融科技)
Global Finance MSc (with Extended Professional Practice) (国际金融(含实习))
Global Financial Trading PGDip (全球金融贸易)
International Business Economics MSc (国际商务经济学)
International Business Management MSc (国际商务管理)
Management PGDip (管理学)
Advanced International Business MSc ()
BSc Business Management & Leadership ()
Financial Risk Management MSc ()
International Digital Marketing BA (Hons) ()
International Marketing Management MSc (国际市场管理)
International Year One - Business Management (工商管理)
Accounting and Financial Management MSc with professional experience (会计与财务管理(含实习))
Professional Accounting MSc (with Professional Practice) (专业会计(含实习))
Professional Accounting PGCert (专业会计)
Sustainable Finance PGCert (可持续金融)
Business Foundation Year--CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (商科--士嘉堡分校)
Accounting and Finance Foundation Year (会计和金融)
International Fashion Marketing MSc (国际时尚市场营销)
BA International Business (国际商务)
Professional Accountancy MSc ()
Professional Accounting MSc(London campus) ()
BSC (Honours) International Finance and Banking (Top-up) ()
International Event and Hospitality Management BA (Hons) Top Up (国际酒店管理)
Digital Technology for Business MSc (数字技术商务硕士)
Public International Law LLM (公共国际法)
Risk Management MSc (风险管理)
Energy Resources Management BSc (Hons) (能源管理)
Professional Creative Writing MA ()
BA (Hons) International Marketing Top Up ()
Digital Marketing with Data Analytics MSc with Extended Professional Practice (数字营销与数据分析(含实习))
Digital Marketing with Data Analytics PGCert (数字营销与数据分析)
Enterprise and Innovation PGDip (企业与创新)
Events and Experience Management MSc (with professional experience) (会展和体验管理(含实习))
FinTech MSc (with professional experience) (金融科技(含实习))
Global Finance PGDip (国际金融)
Global Finance PGCert (国际金融)
International Business Economics MSc (with professional experience) (国际商务经济学(含实习))
International Hospitality and Tourism Management MSc (国际酒店与旅游管理)
International Human Resource Management MBA (国际人力资源管理)
Brand Management MA (with professional experience) (品牌管理(含实习))
Economics, Banking and Finance MSc (with Extended Professional Practice) (经济学、银行和金融(含实习))
Finance MSc (with professional experience) (金融(含实习))
Finance MSc (金融)
Global Finance MSc (国际金融)
Global Financial Trading PGCert (全球金融贸易)
Economics, Banking and Finance PGDip (经济学、银行和金融)
Global Financial Trading MSc (with Extended Professional Practice) (全球金融贸易(含实习))
International Hospitality and Tourism Management MSc (with Extended Professional Practice) (国际酒店与旅游管理(含实习))
International Human Resource Management MSc (国际人力资源管理)
Financial Technology (FinTech) PGDip (金融科技)
Management MSc (with prof. practice) (管理学(含实习))
International Commercial Law LLM (with professional experience) (国际商法(含实习))
International Fashion Marketing MSc (with Extended Professional Practice) (国际时尚市场营销(含实习))
International Fashion Marketing PGDip (国际时尚市场营销)
International Fashion Marketing PGCert (国际时尚市场营销)
International Marketing MBA (国际市场营销)
International Project Management MSc (with Professional Practice) (国际项目管理(含实习))
International Project Management PGDip (国际项目管理)
International Project Management PGCert (国际项目管理)
Management PGCert (管理学)
Sport Management MSc (with professional experience) (体育管理(含实习))
Professional Accounting PGDip (专业会计)
Supply Chain Management and Logistics MSc-sandwich (物理流管理和统计学(含实习))
Sustainable Finance PGDip (可持续金融)
Software Engineering BSc (Hons)-4 years (软件工程)
Aerospace Systems Engineering BEng (Hons)-4 years (航空航天系统工程(荣誉))
Aerospace Systems Engineering MEng-5 years (航空航天系统工程(本硕连读))
Aviation Management BSc (Hons)-4 years (飞行管理)
Civil Engineering BSc (Hons)-4 years (土木工程)
Civil Engineering MEng (土木工程(本硕连读))
Computer Systems Engineering MEng-5 years (计算机系统工程(本硕连读))
Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng (电气和电子工程(本硕连读))
Electronics and Communication Engineering MEng (电子与通信工程(本硕连读))
Electronics and Communication Engineering BEng (Hons) (电子与通信工程)
Aerospace Technology BEng (Hons)-4 years (航空技术工程)
Automotive Engineering BEng (Hons)-4 years (汽车工程)
Automotive Engineering MEng (汽车工程(本硕连读))
Automotive Engineering MEng-5 years (汽车工程(本硕连读))
Building Surveying BSc (Hons)-4 years (建筑勘察)
Civil and Environmental Engineering BEng (Hons)-4 years (土木与环境工程)
Computer Systems Engineering MEng (计算机系统工程(本硕连读))
Disaster and Emergency Management BSc (Hons)-4 years (灾害与应急管理)
Electronics and Communication Engineering BEng (Hons)-4 years (电子与通信工程)
Architectural Technology BSc (Hons)-4 years (建筑技术)
Civil Engineering BEng(Hons) (土木工程)
Civil Engineering BEng(Hons)-4 years (土木工程)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng-5 years (电气和电子工程(本硕连读))
Aerospace Systems Engineering MEng (航空航天系统工程(本硕连读))
Civil and Environmental Engineering BEng (Hons) (土木与环境工程)
Civil Engineering MEng-5 years (土木工程(本硕连读))
Computer Systems Engineering BEng (Hons) (计算机系统工程工程)
Computer Systems Engineering BEng (Hons)-4 years (计算机系统工程工程)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons)-4 years (电子和电气工程)
Electronics and Communication Engineering MEng-5 years (电子与通信工程(本硕连读))
Mechanical Engineering MEng (机械工程(本硕连读))
Renewable Energy BSc (Hons)-4 years (可再生能源)
Manufacturing Engineering MEng (制造工程(本硕连读))
Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)-4 years (机械工程)
Motorsport Engineering MEng (赛车工程(本硕连读))
Applied Mechanical Engineering BSc (Hons) top-up (应用机械工程(top-up))
Manufacturing Engineering MEng-5 years (制造工程(本硕连读))
Manufacturing Engineering BEng (Hons)-4 years (制造工程)
Motorsport Engineering BEng (Hons)-4 years (赛车工程)
Civil Engineering Project Management MSc-Sandwich (土木工程项目管理)
Construction Management with BIM MSc-Sandwich (建筑管理与BIM)
Engineering Project Management MSc-Sandwich (工程项目管理)
Electrical Automotive Engineering MSc-Sandwich (电动汽车工程)
International Foundation Year - Engineering (国际预科年--工程)
International Foundation Year - Engineering-30 weeks (国际预科年--工程)
Mechanical Engineering MEng-5 years (机械工程(本硕连读))
Motorsport Engineering MEng-5 years (赛车工程(本硕连读))
Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc-Sandwich (高级机械工程)
Civil Engineering (Technical Route) MSc-Sandwich (土木工程(技术路线))
Control, Automation and Artificial Intelligence MSc-Sandwich (控制、自动化和人工智能)
Aerospace Engineering MSc-Sandwich (航空航天工程)
Automotive Engineering MSc-Sandwich (汽车工程)
Civil Engineering MSc-Sandwich (土木工程)
Construction Project and Cost Management MSc-sandwich (建设工程项目与成本管理)
International Foundation Year - Engineering-36 weeks (国际预科年--工程)
International Pre-Master’s - Engineering Management (国际硕士预科课程--工程管理)
International Pre-Master’s - Engineering Management-24 weeks (国际硕士预科课程--工程管理)
International Pre-Master’s - Engineering Management-30 weeks (国际硕士预科课程--工程管理)
International Pre-Master’s - Engineering-24 weeks (国际硕士预科课程--工程)
Oil and Gas Management MSc-Sandwich (石油天然气管理)
Renewable Energy Engineering MSc-Sandwich (可再生能源工程)
Structural Engineering MSc-Sandwich (结构工程)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year BEng (Hons) (机电工程(包含预科年))
Electro-Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year BEng (Hons)-Sandwich (机电工程(包含预科年))
Renewable Energy Management MSc-Sandwich (可再生能源管理)
Embedded Systems Engineering MSc-Sandwich (嵌入式系统工程)
International Foundation Year - Engineering-24 weeks (国际预科年--工程)
International Pre-Master’s - Engineering (国际硕士预科课程--工程)
International Pre-Master’s - Engineering-30 weeks (国际硕士预科课程--工程)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year BEng (Hons)-Sandwich-CU London (Dagenham, London) (机电工程(包含预科年)-伦敦达格纳姆校区)
Energy Management-HND (能源管理)
Engineering Foundation Year-CU London (Dagenham, London) (工程-伦敦达格纳姆校区)
Production Engineering and Operations Management MSc-Sandwich (生产工程和运营管理)
MSc Engineering Project Management ()
Virtual and Augmented Reality MA (with professional experience) (虚拟和增强现实技术)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering-HND (机电工程)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering-HNC (机电工程)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)-CU London (Dagenham, London) (机电工程-伦敦达格纳姆校区)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)-Sandwich (机电工程)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering-HND-CU London (Dagenham, London) (机电工程-伦敦达格纳姆校区)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering-HNC-CU London (Dagenham, London) (机电工程-伦敦达格纳姆校区)
Oil and Gas Engineering MSc-Sandwich (石油天然气工程)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons) (机电工程)
Renewable Energy Engineering MSc (可再生能源工程)
Sustainability and Environmental Management MSc (可持续性与环境管理)
Aerospace Engineering MSc-2 years sandwich (航空航天工程(含实习))
Supply Chain Management MSc (供应链管理)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year BEng (Hons)-CU London (Dagenham, London) (机电工程(包含预科年)-伦敦达格纳姆校区)
Energy Management-HNC (能源管理)
Energy Management BSc (Hons) (能源管理)
Energy Management BSc (Hons)-Sandwich (能源管理)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering-HND-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (机电工程-士嘉堡分校)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering-HNC-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (机电工程-士嘉堡分校)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year BEng (Hons)- CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (机电工程(包含预科年)-士嘉堡分校)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year BEng (Hons)-Sandwich-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (机电工程(包含预科年)-士嘉堡分校)
Engineering Foundation Year-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (工程-士嘉堡分校)
Civil Engineering Project Management MSc (土木工程项目管理)
Disaster Management and Resilience MSc (灾害管理与抗灾能力)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering MSc (电气与电子工程)
Oil and Gas Engineering MSc (石油与天然气工程)
Structural Engineering MSc (结构工程)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (机电工程-士嘉堡分校)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng (Hons) (电子电气工程)
Mathematics and Statistics BSc (Hons) (数学与统计)
Civil Engineering BEng (Hons) (土木工程)
Information Technology MSc (信息技术)
Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc (高级机械工程)
Production Engineering and Operations Management MSc (生产工程与运营管理)
Production Engineering and Operations Management MSc (产品工程与运营管理)
Aerospace Systems Engineering BEng (Hons) (航空航天系统工程)
Civil Engineering (Technical Route) MSc (土木工程(技术路线))
Air Transport Management MSc-2 years sandwich (航空运输管理(含实习))
Engineering and Management MSc (工程与管理)
Civil and Structural Engineering MSc (土木与结构工程)
Embedded Microelectronics and Wireless Systems MSc (植入式微电子与无线系统)
Mechanical Engineering MSc (机械工程)
Systems and Control MSc (系统与控制)
Software Engineering BSc (Hons) (软件工程)
International Foundation Programme-Engineering & Sciences (本科预科-工程与科学)
Aerospace Systems Engineering BEng (Hons) (航空航天系统工程(荣誉))
Architectural Technology BSc (Hons) (建筑技术)
Automotive Engineering BEng (Hons) (汽车工程)
Aviation Management BSc (Hons)-Coventry University Wrocław (Poland) (飞行管理-弗罗茨瓦夫分校)
Engineering Business Management MSc (工程商务管理)
Control Engineering MSc (控制工程)
Automotive Engineering MEng (汽车工程)
Mechanical Engineering MEng (机械工程)
Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons) (机械工程)
Manufacturing Engineering MEng (制造工程)
Disaster Management BSc (Hons) (灾害管理)
Combined Engineering BSc (Hons) Degree (混合工程)
Civil Engineering BSc (Hons) (土木工程)
Disaster Management and Emergency Planning BSc (Hons) (灾害管理与紧急规划)
Oil, Gas and Energy Management BSc (Hons) (石油天然气与能源管理)
Manufacturing Engineering BEng (Hons) (制造工程)
Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons) (电子工程)
Geography BSc (Hons) (地理)
Oil and Gas Management MBA - London Campus (石油天然气管理)
Energy Management-HNC- CU London (Greenwich London) (能源管理-伦敦格林威治分校)
Energy Management-HND- CU London (Greenwich London) (能源管理-伦敦格林威治分校)
Motorsport Engineering BEng (Hons) (赛车工程)
Engineering Business Management BEng (Hons) Top Up (工程商务管理专升本)
Building Surveying BSc (Hons) (建筑勘察)
Aerospace Technology BEng (Hons) (航空技术工程)
Aviation Management BSc (Hons) (飞行管理)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons) (电子和电气工程)
Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons) (电气工程)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)-CU London (Dagenham London) (机电工程-伦敦分校)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering-HNC-CU London (Dagenham London) (机电工程-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Civil and Environmental Engineering BEng(Hons) (土木与环境工程)
Construction Management BSc (Hons) (建造管理)
Civil and Environmental Engineering MEng(Hons) (土木与环境工程(本硕连读))
Disaster and Emergency Management BSc (Hons) (灾害与应急管理)
Electronic Engineering MEng (Hons) (电气和电子工程)
Civil Engineering MSc (土木工程)
Construction Project and Cost Management MSc (建设工程项目与成本管理)
Control, Automation and Artificial Intelligence MSc (控制、自动化和人工智能)
Emergency and Incident Management PG Cert (紧急情况和事件管理)
Engineering Project Management MSc (工程项目管理)
Electro-Mechanical Engineering-HND-CU London (Dagenham London) (机电工程-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Renewable Energy BSc (Hons) (可再生能源)
Artificial Intelligence and Human Factors MSc (人工智能和人类因素)
Automotive Engineering MSc (汽车工程)
Aerospace Technology BEng (Hons) (航空科技)
Civil and Environmental Engineering MEng (土木与环境工程)
Electrical Automotive Engineering MSc (电动汽车工程)
Emergency Management and Resilience MSc (应急管理和应变能力)
Management of Information Systems and Technology MSc (信息系统与技术管理硕士)
Aerospace Engineering MSc (航空航天工程)
Agroecology, Water and Food Sovereignty MSc (生态农业、水和食物主权)
Civil Engineering (Technical Route) MSc-2 years sandwich (土木工程(技术路线)(含实习))
Construction Management with BIM MSc-2 years sandwich (建筑管理(含 BIM)(含实习))
Control, Automation and Artificial Intelligence MSc-2 years sandwich (控制、自动化和人工智能(含实习))
Disaster Risk and Resilience PG Cert (灾害管理和抗灾能力)
Oil and Gas Management MSc (石油天然气管理)
Renewable Energy Management MSc (可再生能源管理)
Virtual and Augmented Reality MA (虚拟和增强现实技术)
Engineering Foundation Year (工程)
Construction Management with BIM MSc (建筑管理与BIM)
Disaster Management and Resilience MSc (灾害管理和抗灾能力)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering MSc (电子与电气工程)
Emergency Preparedness and Management PG Cert (应急准备和管理)
Oil and Gas Engineering MSc (石油天然气工程)
Crisis, Security and Resilience PG Cert (危机、安全和复原力)
Crowded Places and Public Safety Management MSc (拥挤场所和公共安全)
Embedded Systems Engineering MSc (嵌入式系统工程)
Petroleum and Environmental Technology MSc (石油与环境技术)
Production Engineering and Operations Management MSc (生产工程和运营管理)
Engineering Foundation Year--CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (工程--士嘉堡分校)
Applied Mechanicial Engineering BS (应用机械工程)
Embedded Systems Engineering MSc-2 years sandwich (嵌入式系统工程(含实习))
Architecture MArch (建筑学)
Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc-2 years sandwich (高级机械工程(含实习))
Production Engineering and Operations Management MSc-sandwich (生产工程和运营管理)
Engineering Foundation Year--CU London (Dagenham, London) (工程--伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons) top-up ()
Agroecology, Water and Food Sovereignty MSc-2 years sandwich (生态农业、水和食物主权(含实习))
Civil Engineering MSc-2 years sandwich (土木工程(含实习))
Electrical Automotive Engineering MSc-2 years sandwich (电动汽车工程(含实习))
Engineering Project Management MSc-2 years sandwich (工程项目管理(含实习))
Automotive Engineering MSc-2 years sandwich (汽车工程(含实习))
Civil Engineering Project Management MSc-2 years sandwich (土木工程项目管理(含实习))
Construction Management with BIM MSc (建筑管理(含 BIM))
Crowded Places and Public Safety Management PGCert (拥挤场所和公共安全)
Engineering Management MSc-2 years sandwich (工程管理(含实习))
Oil and Gas Management MSc-sandwich (石油天然气管理)
Oil and Gas Engineering MSc-sandwich (石油天然气工程)
Structural Engineering MSc-sandwich (结构工程(含实习))
Renewable Energy Engineering MSc-sandwich (可再生能源工程(含实习))
Renewable Energy Management MSc-sandwich (可再生能源管理(含实习))
Architecture BSc (Hons)-4 years (建筑)
Architectural Design and Technology MSci (建筑设计与技术(本硕连读))
Architectural Engineering BEng (Hons) (建筑工程)
Architectural Engineering BEng (Hons)-4 years (建筑工程)
Construction Project Management BSc (Hons) (建设项目管理)
Construction Project Management BSc (Hons)-4 years (建设项目管理)
Architecture BSc (Hons) (建筑)
Architectural Design and Technology MSci-5 years (建筑设计与技术(本硕连读))
International Foundation Programme-Art and Design (本科预科-艺术与设计)
Architectural BSc (Hons) (建筑)
English and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) BA (Hons) (英语与对外英语教学)
English and Education Management BA (Hons) top-up (英语和教育管理)
English and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) BA (Hons)-4 years (英语与对外英语教学)
English and Education Management BA (Hons) top-up (英语和教育管理 top-up)
English and Education Management MA (with professional experience) (英语与教育管理)
English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics MA (with professional experience) (英语语言教学与应用语言学)
Primary Education and Teaching Studies BA (Hons)-Sandwich (初级教育和教学研究)
Primary Education and Teaching Studies-HNC (初级教育和教学研究)
Primary Education and Teaching Studies with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (初级教育和教学研究(包含预科年))
Primary Education and Teaching Studies with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-Sandwich (初级教育和教学研究(包含预科年))
Primary Education and Teaching Studies-HND-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (初级教育和教学研究-士嘉堡分校)
Primary Education and Teaching Studies BA (Hons) (初级教育和教学研究)
Primary Education and Teaching Studies-HND (初级教育和教学研究)
Primary Education and Teaching Studies BA (Hons)-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (初级教育和教学研究-士嘉堡分校)
Languages for International Business BA (Hons) (国际商务语言)
Primary Education and Teaching Studies-HNC-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (初级教育和教学研究-士嘉堡分校)
Primary Education and Teaching Studies with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (初级教育和教学研究(包含预科年)-士嘉堡分校)
Primary Education and Teaching Studies with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-Sandwich-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (初级教育和教学研究(包含预科年)-士嘉堡分校)
English and Education Management MA (英语和教育管理)
English and Teaching English as a Foreign Language BA (Hons) (英语与对外英语教学)
Primary Education & Teaching Studies--HND--CU London (Dagenham London) (小学教育与教学研究--伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Academic Writing Development and Research MA ()
English Language and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) BA (Hons) (英语语言和对外英语教学(TEFL))
International Foundation Programme-Humanities & Social Sciences (本科预科-人文社会科学)
Primary Education & Teaching Studies--HNC--CU London (Dagenham London) (小学教育与教学研究--伦敦达格纳姆分校)
English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics MA (英语语言教学与应用语言学)
Primary Education & Teaching Studies BA (Hons)--CU London (Dagenham London) (小学教育与教学研究--伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Primary Education & Teaching Studies--HNC--CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (小学教育与教学研究--士嘉堡分校)
Primary Education & Teaching Studies--BA (Hons)--CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (小学教育与教学研究--士嘉堡分校)
Teacher training in international schools(PGCE) ()
Postgraduate Certificate in Education with QTS (QTS教育研究生证书)
English and Education Management MA (英语与教育管理)
Computer Science BSc (Hons)-4 years (计算机科学)
Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons)-4 years (计算机科学与人工智能)
Computer Science MSci (计算机科学(本硕连读))
Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence MSci-5 years (计算机科学与人工智能(本硕连读))
Data Science MSci-5 years (数据科学(本硕连读))
Data Science BSc (Hons)-4 years (数据科学)
Computer Science MSci-5 years (计算机科学(本硕连读))
Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence MSci (计算机科学与人工智能(本硕连读))
Data Science MSci (数据科学(本硕连读))
Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security MSci (道德黑客与网络安全(本硕连读))
Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons) top-up (人工智能(top-up))
Games Technology BSc (Hons)-4 years (游戏技术)
Games Technology BSc MSci-5 years (游戏技术(本硕连读))
Information Technology Management BSc (Hons) (信息技术管理)
Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security MSci-5 years (道德黑客与网络安全(本硕连读))
Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security BSc (Hons) (道德黑客与网络安全)
Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security BSc (Hons)-4 years (道德黑客与网络安全)
Informatics BSc (Hons) top-up (信息学 top-up)
Games Technology BSc MSci (游戏技术(本硕连读))
Information Technology Management BSc (Hons)-4 years (信息技术管理)
Interactive Media and Web Technologies BSc (Hons)-4 years (交互式媒体和网络技术)
Computer Science MSc-Sandwich (计算机科学)
Cyber Security MSc-Sandwich (网络安全)
International Foundation Year - Computing (国际预科年--计算机)
Games Technology BSc (Hons) (游戏技术)
Data Science and Computational Intelligence MSc-Sandwich (数据科学和计算智能)
International Foundation Year - Computing-24 weeks (国际预科年--计算机)
International Foundation Year - Computing-30 weeks (国际预科年--计算机)
International Foundation Year - Computing-36 weeks (国际预科年--计算机)
Management of Information Systems and Technology MSc-Sandwich (信息系统和技术管理)
Software Development MSc-Sandwich (软件开发)
Cloud Computing BSc (Hons)-Sandwich (云计算)
Computing Science BSc (Hons)-Sandwich (计算机科学)
Computing Science-HNC (计算机科学)
Cyber Security BSc (Hons) (网络安全)
Cyber Security-HND (网络安全)
Computing Science BSc (Hons)-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (计算机科学-士嘉堡分校)
Computing Science BSc (Hons) (计算机科学)
Computing Science BSc (Hons)-HNC-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (计算机科学-士嘉堡分校)
Cyber Security-HND-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (网络安全-士嘉堡分校)
Data Science and Computational Intelligence MSc (数据科学与计算智能)
Management Information Systems MSc (管理信息系统)
Cloud Computing BSc (Hons) (云计算)
Computing Science-HND (计算机科学)
Cyber Security BSc (Hons)-Sandwich (网络安全)
Cyber Security-HNC (网络安全)
Cyber Security BSc (Hons)- CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (网络安全-士嘉堡分校)
Virtual and Augmented Reality MA (虚拟和增强现实)
Computing Science BSc (Hons)-HND-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (计算机科学-士嘉堡分校)
Ethical Hacking and Network Security BSc (Hons) (道德黑客与网络安全)
Information Technology Practitioner BSc (Hons) Degree (信息技术从业者)
Information Technology (IT) HND (信息技术)
Computer Science MSci (计算机科学)
Cyber Security MSc (网络安全)
Data Science MSc (数据科学)
Management of Information Technology MSc (管理信息技术)
Forensic Computing MSc (计算机取证)
Network Computing MSc (网络计算)
Computer Hardware and Software Engineering BEng (Hons) (计算机硬件软件工程)
Computing BSc (Hons) (计算)
Computer Science BSc (Hons) (计算机科学)
Multimedia Computing BSc (Hons) (多媒体计算)
Information Technology (IT) HNC (信息技术)
Information Technology (IT) BSc (Hons) Degree (信息技术)
Cyber Security BSc (Hons)-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (网络安全-士嘉堡分校)
Cyber Security-HNC-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (网络安全-士嘉堡分校)
Information Technology Practitioner HNC (信息技术从业者)
Information Technology Practitioner HND (信息技术从业者)
Computer Science MSci (Hons) (计算机科学)
Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons) (计算机科学与人工智能)
Cyber Security BSc (Hons)-Coventry University Wrocław (Poland) (网络安全-弗罗茨瓦夫分校)
Interactive Media and Web Technologies BSc (Hons) (交互式媒体和网络技术)
Computing Science-HNC-CU London (Dagenham London) (计算机科学-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Computer Hardware and Software Engineering BEng (Hons) (计算机硬件和软件工程)
Computing Science BSc (Hons)-CU London (Dagenham London) (计算机科学-伦敦校区)
Data Science BSc (Hons) (数据科学)
Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity BSc (Hons) (道德黑客和网络安全)
Ethical Hacking and Cybersecurity MSci (Hons) (道德黑客和网络安全(本硕连读))
Connected Autonomous Vehicle Systems MSc (互联自动驾驶汽车系统)
Management of Information Systems and Technology MSc (信息系统和技术管理)
MBA (Cyber Security Management) (MBA(网络安全管理))
Computing Science-HND-CU London (Dagenham London) (计算机科学-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Connected Autonomous Vehicles Engineering MSc (互联自动驾驶汽车工程)
Cyber Security-HNC-CU London (Dagenham London) (网络安全-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Cyber Security-HND-CU London (Dagenham London) (网络安全-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence MSci/BSc (Hons) (计算机科学与人工智能)
Software Development MSc (软件开发)
Computer Science MSc (计算机科学)
Data Science and Computational Intelligence MSc (数据科学和计算智能)
Post-Digital Humanities MA (后数字人文文学)
Software Development MSc-sandwich (软件开发(含实习))
Digital Technologies Foundation Year (数字技术)
Informatics BSc (Hons) Top Up (信息科学)
Computer Science MSc-2 years sandwich (计算机科学(含实习))
Cyber Security MSc-2 years sandwich (网络安全(含实习))
Data Science and Computational Intelligence MSc-2 years sandwich (数据科学和计算智能(含实习))
Games Studio Development MA (with professional experience) (游戏工作室开发(含实习))
Management of Information Systems and Technology MSc-sandwich (信息系统和技术管理)
Virtual and Augmented Reality MA (with professional experience) (虚拟和增强现实技术(含实习))
Automotive and Transport Design BA (Hons) (汽车与运输设计)
Art, Design and Media Practice Foundation (艺术、设计和媒体实践)
Fashion BA (Hons)-4 years (时装)
Fashion Brand and Communication BA (Hons) (时尚品牌与传播)
Automotive and Transport Design BA (Hons)-4 years (汽车与运输设计)
Fashion Brand and Communication BA (Hons)-4 years (时尚品牌与传播)
Games Design and Development BA (Hons) (游戏设计与开发)
Games Design and Development BA (Hons)-4 years (游戏设计与开发)
Product Design BA (Hons)-4 years (产品设计)
Graphic Design BA (Hons)-4 years (平面设计)
Interior Architecture and Design BA (Hons)-4 years (室内建筑与设计)
Design Management MA (with professional experience) (设计管理)
International Foundation Year - Art, Design and Media (国际预科年--艺术、设计和媒体)
International Foundation Year - Art, Design and Media-24 weeks (国际预科年--艺术、设计和媒体)
International Foundation Year - Art, Design and Media-30 weeks (国际预科年--艺术、设计和媒体)
Product Design Innovation MA (with professional experience) (产品设计创新)
Graphic Design MA (with professional experience) (平面设计)
Interior Design MA (with professional experience) (室内设计)
International Foundation Year - Art, Design and Media-36 weeks (国际预科年--艺术、设计和媒体)
Graphic Design MA (平面设计)
Automotive Design MA (汽车设计)
Industrial Product Design MSc (工业产品设计)
Design Management MA (设计管理)
Interior Design MDes (室内设计)
Design and Transport MSc (设计与运输)
Product Design MDes (Hons) (产品设计)
Automotive and Transport Design MDes (Hons) (汽车与运输设计)
Interior Design BA (Hons) (室内设计)
Fashion BA (Hons) (时装)
Interior Architecture and Design BA (Hons) (室内建筑与设计)
Product Design BA (Hons) (产品设计)
Automotive and Transport Design MA (汽车与运输工具设计)
Graphic Design BA (Hons) (平面设计)
Product Design Innovation MA (产品设计创新)
Interior Design MA (室内设计)
Design Management MA (with professional experience) (设计管理(含实习))
Graphic Design MA (with professional experience) (平面设计(含实习))
Product Design Innovation MA (with professional experience) (产品设计创新(含实习))
Interior Design MA (with professional experience) (室内设计(含实习))
Media BA (Hons) Top Up ()
Media Production BA (Hons)-4 years (媒体制作)
Media BA (Hons) top-up (媒体 top-up)
Communication, Culture and Media MA (with professional experience) (通信、文化与媒体)
Media and Communications BA (Hons)-4 years (媒体与通信)
Film and Media Production MA-Sandwich (电影和媒体制作)
Global Journalism and Public Relations MA (with professional experience) (全球新闻与公共关系)
Media Management MA-Sandwich (媒体管理)
Sports Journalism MA (体育新闻学)
Automotive Journalism MA(with professional experience) (汽车新闻)
Automotive Journalism MA (汽车新闻)
Film and Media Production MA (电影与媒体制作)
Media Management MA (媒体管理)
21st Century Media Practice MA (21世纪媒体实践)
Global Journalism MA (全球新闻学)
Global Journalism and Public Relations MA (全球新闻与公共关系)
Sports Journalism MA (体育新闻)
Digital Media BA (Hons) (数字媒体)
Media and Communications BA (Hons) (媒体与通信)
Media Production BA (Hons) (媒体产品)
Film and Media Production MA (电影和媒体制作)
Communication, Culture and Media MA (通信、文化与媒体)
Media Production BA (Hons) (媒体制作)
BA (Hons) Global Media and Journalism ()
Journalism and Media BA (Hons) (新闻与媒体)
Film and Media Production MA (with professional experience) (电影和媒体制作(含实习))
Communication, Culture and Media MA (with professional experience) (通信、文化与媒体(含实习))
Photography MA (摄影)
Journalism BA (Hons) (新闻业)
Global Media and Communications MA (全球媒体与通信)
Automotive Journalism MA (with professional experience) (汽车新闻(含实习))
Global Journalism and Public Relations MA (with professional experience) (全球新闻与公共关系(含实习))
Illustration and Animation MA (with professional experience) (插画与动画(含实习))
Media Management MA (with professional experience) (媒体管理(含实习))
Music Production MA (音乐制作)
Music Production MA (with professional experience) (音乐制作(含实习))
Acting for Stage and Screen BA (Hons)-4 years (表演舞台和银幕文学士(荣誉))
Animation BA (Hons)-4 years (动画)
Digital Media BA (Hons)-4 years (数字媒体)
International Fashion Marketing MSc ()
Acting for Stage and Screen BA (Hons) (表演舞台和银幕文学士(荣誉))
Fine Art BA (Hons)-4 years (美术)
Games Art BA (Hons)-4 years (游戏艺术)
Film Production BA (Hons)-4 years (电影制作)
Music and Audio Production BSc (Hons) (音乐和音频制作)
Games Art BA (Hons) (游戏艺术)
Photography BA (Hons)-4 years (摄影)
Illustration and Animation MA (with professional experience) (插画与动画)
Illustration BA (Hons)-4 years (插画)
Music and Audio Production BSc (Hons)-4 years (音乐和音频制作)
Popular Music Performance and Songwriting BA (Hons)-4 years (流行音乐表演与歌曲制作)
Music Production MA-with professional experience (音乐制作)
Popular Music MA (流行音乐)
Popular Music MA-with professional experience (流行音乐)
Painting MA (with professional experience) (绘画)
Acting-HND (表演)
Acting-HNC (表演)
Contemporary Arts Practice MA (当代艺术实践)
Fine Art and Illustration BA (Hons) (美术与插画)
Dance BA (Hons) (舞蹈)
Media Practice MA ()
International Fashion PR and Communication top up BA (Hons) ()
Acting (Stage and Screen) BA (Hons) (表演(舞台和银幕))
Music Composition BA (Hons) (音乐作曲)
Photography MA ()
Interior Architecture and Design BA (Hons) ()
Illustration and Animation BA (Hons) (插画与动画)
Illustration and Graphics BA (Hons) (插画与图形)
Music Performance BA (Hons) (音乐表演)
Music BA (Hons) (音乐)
Animation BA (Hons) (动画)
Fine Art BA (Hons) (美术)
Illustration BA (Hons) (插画)
Acting BA (Hons) (表演)
Photography BA (Hons) (摄影)
Popular Music Performance and Songwriting BA (Hons) (流行音乐表演与歌曲制作)
Film Production BA (Hons) (电影制作)
Music Technology BSc (Hons) (音乐技术)
Painting MA (绘画)
Illustration and Animation MA (插画与动画)
Foundation Art, Design and Media Practice (艺术、设计和媒体实践)
Illustration BA (Hons) ()
Construction Project and Cost Management MSc-2 years sandwich (建设工程项目与成本管理(含实习))
Popular Music MA (with professional experience) (流行音乐(含实习))
English and Creative Writing BA (Hons)-4 years (英语与创意写作)
English Language and Literature BA (Hons)-4 years (英语语言文学)
English Language and Literature BA (Hons) (英语语言文学)
English Literature BA (Hons)-4 years (英国文学)
Philosophy BA (Hons)-4 years (哲学)
Philosophy BA (Hons) (哲学)
English Literature MA (with professional experience) (英语文学)
History MA (with professional experience) (历史)
English and Writing for Creative Industries MA (创意产业英语与写作)
French BA (Hons) (法语)
English Literature MA (英国文学)
Theatre and Professional Practice BA (Hons) (戏剧与专业实践)
English BA (Hons) (英语)
English and Creative Writing BA (Hons) (英语与创意写作)
English Literature BA (Hons) (英国文学)
History MA (历史)
English Literature MA (英语文学)
English and Education Management MA (with professional experience) (英语与教育管理(含实习))
Languages for Global Communication BA (全球交流语言)
Creative Writing BA (Hons) (创意写作)
English and Writing for Creative Industries MA (with professional experience) (创意产业英语与写作(含实习))
English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics MA (with professional experience) (英语语言教学与应用语言学(含实习))
History MA (with professional experience) (历史(含实习))
Adult Nursing (pre-registration) BSc (Hons)- Coventry University (Coventry) (成人护理(预注册)- 考文垂校区)
Adult Nursing (pre-registration) BSc (Hons)- CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (成人护理(预注册)- 士嘉堡校区)
Forensic Science BSc (Hons)-4 years (法医学)
Forensic Science BSc (Hons) (法医学)
Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons) (法医心理学)
Sport and Exercise Psychology BSc (Hons)-4 years (运动心理学)
Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons)-4 years (法医心理学)
Geography BSc (Hons)-4 years (地理)
Human Biosciences BSc (Hons)-4 years (人类生物科学)
Mathematics and Statistics BSc (Hons)-4 years (数学与统计)
Mathematics BSc (Hons)-4 years (数学)
Physics and Mathematics BSc (Hons) (物理与数学)
Biotechnology MSc-with professional experience (生物技术)
International Foundation Year - Biosciences (国际预科年--生物科学)
International Foundation Year - Biosciences-30 weeks (国际预科年--生物科学)
Physics and Mathematics BSc (Hons)-4 years (物理与数学)
Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons)-4 years (运动科学)
Biomedical Science MSc-with professional experience (生物医学科学)
Agroecology, Water and Food Sovereignty MSc-Sandwich (生态农业、水和食物主权)
International Foundation Year - Biosciences-24 weeks (国际预科年--生物科学)
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy MSc-MACP pathway (肌肉骨骼物理治疗)
Pharmacology and Drug Discovery MSc (with professional experience) (药理学和药物发现)
International Foundation Year - Biosciences-36 weeks (国际预科年--生物科学)
Applied Biosciences-HNC-CU London (Dagenham, London) (应用生物科学-伦敦达格纳姆校区)
Applied Biosciences Foundation Year-CU London (Dagenham, London) (应用生物科学-伦敦达格纳姆校区)
Applied Psychology with Foundation Year BSc (Hons)-Sandwich (应用心理学(包含预科年))
Applied Psychology BSc (Hons)-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (应用心理学-士嘉堡分校)
Applied Psychology BSc (Hons) (应用心理学)
Applied Biosciences BSc (Hons)-Sandwich (应用生物科学)
Applied Psychology-HND (应用心理学)
Applied Psychology-HNC (应用心理学)
Molecular Biology MSc (with professional experience) (分子生物学)
Emergency and Incident Management PGCert (应急与事件管理)
Oil and Gas Management MSc (石油与天然气管理)
Applied Biosciences BSc (Hons)-CU London (Dagenham, London) (应用生物科学-伦敦达格纳姆校区)
Applied Biosciences-HND-CU London (Dagenham, London) (应用生物科学-伦敦达格纳姆校区)
Applied Psychology with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) (应用心理学(包含预科年))
Applied Psychology-HNC-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (应用心理学-士嘉堡分校)
Applied Psychology with Foundation Year BSc (Hons)-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (应用心理学(包含预科年)-士嘉堡分校)
Disaster Risk and Resilience PGCert (灾害风险与抗灾能力)
Emergency Management and Resilience MSc (应急管理与复原力)
Applied Psychology-HND-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (应用心理学-士嘉堡分校)
Applied Psychology with Foundation Year BSc (Hons)-Sandwich-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (应用心理学(包含预科年)-士嘉堡分校)
Biological and Chemical Sciences BSc (Hons) Degree (生物与化学科学)
International Disaster Management BSc (Hons) Top Up (国际灾害管理)
Health Studies MSc (健康研究)
Occupational Psychology MSc (职业心理学)
Biotechnology MSc (生物技术)
Disaster Management MSc (灾害管理)
Emergency Preparedness and Management PGCert (应急准备与管理)
Forensic Psychology MSc (法医心理学)
Biological and Chemical Sciences HNC (Hons) Degree (生物与化学科学)
Biological and Chemical Sciences HND (Hons) Degree (生物与化学科学)
Environmental Management BSc (Hons) Top Up (环境管理)
Manual Therapy MSc (手法治疗)
Pharmacology and Drug Discovery MSc (药理学与药物发现)
Diagnostic Radiography BSc (放射诊断学)
Applied Psychology-HNC-CU London (Dagenham London) (应用心理学-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Applied Biosciences BSc (Hons)- CU London (Dagenham London) (应用生物科学-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Physics MPhys (物理(本硕连读))
Mathematics BSc (Hons) (数学)
Applied Biosciences BSc (Hons) (应用生物科学)
Diagnostic Radiography MSci (放射诊断学(本硕连读))
Dietetics BSc (Hons) (膳食学)
Adult Nursing BSc (Hons) -CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (成人护理-士嘉堡校区)
Biological and Forensic Sciences BSc (Hons) (生物技术与法医科学)
Biomedical Science/Applied Biomedical Science BSc (Hons) (生物医药科学/应用生物医药科学)
Applied Biosciences-HND (应用生物科学)
Physics BSc (Hons) (物理)
Biomedical Science MSc (生物医学科学)
Food Safety, Inspection and Control BSc (Hons) (食品安全、检验与控制)
Geography and Natural Hazards BSc (Hons) (地理与自然灾害)
Applied Biosciences-HND-CU London (Dagenham London) (应用生物科学-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Mathematics and Physics BSc (Hons) (数学与物理)
Paramedic Science BSc (Hons) (辅助医疗科学)
Pharmacology and Drug Discovery MSc (药理学和药物发现)
Applied Biosciences Foundation Year (应用生物科学)
Mental Health Nursing BSc (Hons)-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (心理健康护理-士嘉堡分校)
Human Biosciences BSc (Hons) (人类生物科学)
Applied Biosciences-HNC (应用生物科学)
Applied Biosciences-HNC-CU London (Dagenham London) (应用生物科学-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Applied Psychology-HND-CU London (Dagenham London) (应用心理学-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Learning Disabilities Nursing BSc (Hons) -CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (学习障碍护理学-士嘉堡校区)
Learning Disabilities Nursing BSc (Hons) (学习障碍护理学)
Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons) (运动科学)
Health Psychology MSc (健康心理学)
Molecular Biology MSc (分子生物学)
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy MSc (肌肉骨骼物理治疗)
Nursing MSc (护理学)
Applied Biosciences Foundation Year-CU London (Dagenham London) (应用生物科学- 伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Sport Performance & Coaching Foundation Year (运动表现与教练)
Sport and Exercise Psychology BSc (Hons) (运动心理学)
Sports and Exercise Nutrition MSc (运动营养学)
Public Health Nutrition MSc (全球公共营养)
Mental Health Nursing BSc (Hons) (心理健康护理)
BSc physiotherapy year 1 (理疗)
Molecular Biology MSc (with professional experience) (分子生物学(含实习))
Sustainability and Environmental Management MSc (可持续发展和环境管理)
Advancing Physiotherapy Practice MSc (高级物理疗法实践)
Forensic Psychology and Mental Health MSc (法医心理学与心理健康)
Biotechnology MSc (with professional experience) (生物技术(含实习))
Physiotherapy and Leadership (pre-registration) MSc (物理治疗与领导力(注册前))
Psychology MSc (心理学)
Food Control CertHE (食品控制证书)
Food Science BSc (Hons)-4 years (食物科学)
Nursing Studies BSc (Hons) top-up (护理研究 top-up)
Nutrition and Health BSc (Hons) (营养与健康)
Food Science BSc (Hons) (食物科学)
Operating Department Practice BSc (Hons) (手术部实践)
Operating Department Practice DipHE (手术部实践)
Psychology BSc (Hons)-4 years (心理学)
Sport Management BA (Hons)-4 years (运动管理)
Sports and Exercise Therapy BSc (Hons)-4 years (体育和运动疗法)
Antimicrobial Resistance MSc (抗菌素耐药性)
Applied Psychology MSc-with professional experience (应用心理学)
International Foundation Year - Public Health-24 weeks (国际预科年--公共卫生)
International Foundation Year - Public Health-36 weeks (国际预科年--公共卫生)
Nutrition and Health BSc (Hons)-4 years (营养与健康)
Sports Coaching BSc (Hons)-4 years (体育教练)
Antimicrobial Resistance MSc with prof experience (抗菌素耐药性)
Antimicrobial Resistance PGCert (抗菌素耐药性)
International Foundation Year - Sports Science (国际预科年--体育科学)
International Foundation Year - Sports Science-24 weeks (国际预科年--体育科学)
International Foundation Year - Sports Science-30 weeks (国际预科年--体育科学)
International Foundation Year - Sports Science-36 weeks (国际预科年--体育科学)
Health and Wellbeing Practice BA (Hons)-HND (健康和福祉实践)
Global Healthcare Management MSc (全球医疗管理)
International Foundation Year - Public Health (国际预科年--公共卫生)
International Foundation Year - Public Health-30 weeks (国际预科年--公共卫生)
Public Health and Community Studies-HNC (公共卫生和社区研究)
Health and Social Care Foundation Year (健康和社会护理)
Health and Social Care with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-Sandwich (健康和社会护理(包含预科年))
Public Health & Community Studies BA (Hons)-Sandwich (公共卫生和社区研究)
Strength and Conditioning MSc (力量与调整)
Health and Wellbeing Practice with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (健康和福祉实践(包含预科年))
Public Health and Community Studies-HND (公共卫生和社区研究)
Health and Wellbeing Practice BA (Hons) (健康和福祉实践)
Health and Wellbeing Practice BA (Hons)-HNC (健康和福祉实践)
Health and Wellbeing Practice with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-Sandwich (健康和福祉实践(包含预科年))
Nursing and Allied Health Professions Foundation Year-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (护理和联合健康-士嘉堡分校)
Sport and Leisure Management with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (体育和休闲管理(包含预科年))
Sport Performance & Coaching-HNC (运动表现和教练)
Sport Performance and Coaching with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) (运动表现和教练(包含预科年))
Applied Psychology MSc (with professional experience) (应用心理学(含实习))
Biomedical Science MSc-Cellular and Molecular Pathology pathway (生物医学科学-细胞和分子病理学途径)
Biomedical Science MSc-Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology pathway with Professional Experience (生物医学科学-临床生物化学与免疫学专业途径(含实习))
Nursing Studies MSc (护理研究)
Public Health and Community Studies BA (Hons) (公共卫生和社区研究)
Public Health and Community Studies with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (公共卫生和社区研究(包含预科年))
Public Health and Community Studies with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-Sandwich (公共卫生和社区研究(包含预科年))
Health and Social Care Foundation (健康和社会护理)
Health and Social Care with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (健康和社会护理(包含预科年))
Nursing and Allied Health Professions Foundation Year-CU London (护理和联合健康-伦敦校区)
Public Health & Community Studies-HNC (公共卫生和社区研究)
Public Health and Community Studies with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-CU London (Dagenham, London) (公共卫生和社区研究(包含预科年)-伦敦达格纳姆校区)
Public Health and Community Studies with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-Sandwich-CU London (Dagenham, London) (公共卫生和社区研究(包含预科年)-伦敦达格纳姆校区)
Health and Social Care with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (健康和社会护理(包含预科年)-士嘉堡分校)
Health and Social Care with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-Sandwich-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (健康和社会护理(包含预科年)-士嘉堡分校)
Nursing Associate Foundation Degree ()
Public Health & Community Studies BA (Hons) (公共卫生和社区研究)
Public Health & Community Studies-HND (公共卫生和社区研究)
Health and Social Care Foundation Year-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (健康和社会护理-士嘉堡分校)
Public Health and Community Studies with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-Sandwich-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (公共卫生和社区研究(包含预科年)-士嘉堡校区)
Sport and Leisure Management with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-Sandwich (体育和休闲管理(包含预科年))
Sport Performance & Coaching BSc (Hons) (运动表现和教练)
Sport Performance & Coaching-HND (运动表现和教练)
Sport Performance and Coaching with Foundation Year BSc (Hons)-Sandwich (运动表现和教练(包含预科年))
Criminology and Psychology BA (Hons) (犯罪学与心理学)
Food and Nutrition BSc (Hons) (食品与营养学)
Sport Psychology BSc (Hons) (运动心理学)
Public Health & Community Studies BA (Hons)-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (公共卫生和社区研究-士嘉堡校区)
Public Health & Community Studies-HND-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (公共卫生和社区研究-士嘉堡校区)
Public Health & Community Studies-HNC-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (公共卫生和社区研究-士嘉堡校区)
Public Health and Community Studies with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (公共卫生和社区研究(包含预科年)-士嘉堡校区)
Sport Performance and Coaching Foundation Year (运动表现和教练)
Global Public Health MSc (全球公共卫生)
Public Health Nutrition MSc (公共健康营养学)
Biomedical Science MSc-Haematology and Blood Transfusion Sciences pathway (生物医学科学-血液学和输血科学方向)
Biomedical Science MSc-Haematology and Blood Transfusion Sciences pathway with Professional Experience (生物医学科学-血液学和输血科学方向(含实习))
Biomedical Science MSc-Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology pathway (生物医学科学-临床生化与免疫学途径)
Biomedical Science MSc-Infection Science pathway (生物医学科学-感染科学路径)
Applied Sport and Exercise Science MSc (应用体育锻炼科学)
Analytical Chemistry and Forensic Science BSc (Hons) (分析化学与鉴别科学)
Biomedical Science MSc-Infection Science pathway with Professional Experience (生物医学科学-感染科学方向(含实习))
Sport and Leisure Management BA (Hons) (运动与休闲管理)
Nutrition and Health BSc (Hons) (营养学与健康)
Children and Young People's Nursing (Pre-registration) MSc (儿童和青少年护理(预注册))
Children and Young People's Nursing BSc (Hons) (儿童和青少年护理学)
Biomedical Science MSc-Cellular and Molecular Pathology pathway with Professional Experience (生物医学科学-细胞和分子病理学方向(含实习))
Mental health Nursing ()
Early Childhood Development and Learning HNC (Hons) Degree (儿童早期发展与学习)
Psychology and Criminology BSc (Hons) (心理学与犯罪学)
International Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care BA (Hons) (健康社会保险国际领导与管理)
Childhood and Youth Studies BA (Hons) (儿童与青年研究)
Forensic Investigations BSc (Hons) (鉴证调查)
Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons) (运动与健康管理)
Public Health HNC (公共健康)
Public Health HND (公共健康)
International Foundation Programme-Life Sciences (本科预科-生命科学)
Psychology BSc (Hons) (心理学)
Public Health & Community Studies BA (Hons)-- CU London (Dagenham London) (公共健康与社区研究--伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Public Health & Community Studies - HNC (公共健康与社区研究)
Sport & Leisure Management BA (Hons)--CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (体育与休闲管理-士嘉堡校区)
Occupational Therapy BSc (Hons) (职业疗法)
Sport Management BA (Hons) (运动管理)
Sports and Exercise Therapy BSc (Hons) (体育和运动疗法)
Public Health & Community Studies BA (Hons)-- CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (公共健康与社区研究--士嘉堡分校)
Health, Education and Wellbeing Foundation Year (健康、教育和福利)
Nursing and Allied Health Professions Foundation Year-CU London (Greenwich London) (护理和联合健康-伦敦格林威治分校)
Health & Social Care Foundation Year--CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (健康和社会护理-士嘉堡分校)
Public Health & Community Studies--HND-- CU London (Dagenham London) (公共健康与社区研究--伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Public Health & Community Studies--HNC-- CU London (Dagenham London) (公共健康与社区研究--伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Public Health & Community Studies- HND (公共健康与社区研究)
Sport & Leisure Management - HNC--CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (体育与休闲管理-士嘉堡校区)
Antimicrobial Resistance with Professional Experience MSc (抗菌素耐药性(含实习))
Applied Psychology MSc (应用心理学)
Biomedical Science MSc-Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology pathway with Professional Experience (生物医学科学-临床生物化学和免疫学(含实习))
Biomedical Science MSc-Haematology and Blood Transfusion Sciences pathway with Professional Experience (生物医学科学-血液学与输血科学(含实习))
Nursing and Allied Health Professions Foundation Year-CU London (Dagenham London) (护理和联合健康-伦敦达格纳姆分校)
Public Health & Community Studies BA (Hons) (公共健康与社区研究)
Public Health & Community Studies- HNC-- CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (公共健康与社区研究--士嘉堡分校)
Public Health BSc (Hons) (公共健康)
Sport Performance & Coaching BSc (Hons)--HNC--CU Scarborough (Scarborough) (运动表现和教育-士嘉堡校区)
Sports Coaching BSc (Hons) (体育教练)
Global Health Care Management MSc (全球卫生保健管理)
Nursing and Allied Health Professions Foundation Year (护理和联合健康)
Global Pharmaceutical and Biotech Management MSc (全球制药与生物技术管理)
Health and Social Care BA (Hons) ()
Biomedical Science MSc-Infection Science pathway (生物医学科学-感染学)
Biomedical Science MSc-Infection Science pathway with Professional Experience (生物医学科学-感染学(含实习))
Biomedical Science MSc-Cellular and Molecular Pathology pathway (生物医学科学-细胞与分子病理学)
Biomedical Science MSc-Cellular and Molecular Pathology pathway with Professional Experience (生物医学科学-细胞与分子病理学(含实习))
Health and Social Care Foundation--CU London (Greenwich London) (健康和社会护理--伦敦格林威治分校)
Biomedical Science MSc-with professional experience (生物医学科学(含实习))
Antimicrobial Resistance in Healthcare PGCert (抗菌素耐药性)
Biomedical Science MSc-Haematology and Blood Transfusion Sciences pathway (生物医学科学-血液学和输血科学)
Biomedical Science MSc-Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology pathway (生物医学科学-临床生物化学和免疫学)
Global Pharmaceutical and Biotech Management PgC (全球制药与生物技术管理)
Global Pharmaceutical and Biotech Management PgD (全球制药与生物技术管理)
Sport Psychology MSc (运动心理学)
Criminology and Law BA (Hons)-4 years (犯罪学与法律)
Criminal Law and Justice LLB (Hons)-4 years (刑法与司法)
Criminology BA (Hons)-4 years (犯罪学)
Childhood, Youth and Education Studies BA (Hons)-4 years (儿童、青年和教育研究)
Criminology and Psychology BA (Hons)-4 years (犯罪学与心理学)
PHD Data, Organisations and Society (数据、组织和社会专业博士)
Criminal Law and Justice LLB (Hons) (刑法与司法)
Forensic Investigations BSc (Hons) (法医调查)
Forensic Investigations BSc (Hons)-4 years (法医调查)
History BA (Hons) (历史)
International Relations BA (Hons)-4 years (国际关系)
Politics BA (Hons)-4 years (政治)
Geography BA (Hons)-4 years (地理)
Sociology and Criminology BA (Hons)-4 years (社会学与犯罪学)
Criminology PGDip (犯罪学)
Geography and Environmental Hazards BSc (Hons) (地理和环境危害)
Geography and Environmental Hazards BSc (Hons)-4 years (地理和环境危害)
Geography BA (Hons) (地理)
History and Politics BA (Hons)-4 years (历史与政治)
History BA (Hons)-4 years (历史)
Politics and International Relations BA (Hons)-4 years (政治和国际关系)
Sociology BA (Hons)-4 years (社会学)
Politics MA (政治学)
Early Childhood Development and Learning BA (Hons) (儿童早期发展与学习)
Early Childhood Development and Learning-HNC (儿童早期发展与学习)
Early Childhood Development and Learning with Foundation Year BA (Hons)-Sandwich (儿童早期发展与学习(包含预科年))
Diplomacy, Law and Global Change MA (with professional experience) (外交、法律与全球变革)
Applied Biosciences with Foundation Year BSc (Hons)-Sandwich-CU London (Dagenham, London) (应用生物科学(包含预科年)-伦敦达格纳姆校区)
Health & Social Care BA (Hons)-Sandwich-CU London (Greenwich, London) (健康和社会关怀-伦敦格林威治校区)
Terrorism, International Crime and Global Security MA (with professional experience) (恐怖主义、国际犯罪与安全)
Applied Biosciences with Foundation Year BSc (Hons)-Sandwich (应用生物科学(包含预科年))
Professional Policing-HND (专业治安学)
Professional Policing-HNC (专业治安学)
Health & Social Care BA (Hons)-CU London (Greenwich, London) (健康和社会关怀-伦敦格林威治校区)
Health & Social Care BA (Hons)-Sandwich (健康和社会关怀)
Health & Social Care BA (Hons)-HNC-CU London (Greenwich, London) (健康和社会关怀-伦敦格林威治校区)
Politics MA (with professional experience) (政治学)
Applied Biosciences with Foundation Year BSc (Hons) (应用生物科学(包含预科年))
Early Childhood Development and Learning-HND (儿童早期发展与学习)
Early Childhood Development and Learning with Foundation Year BA (Hons) (儿童早期发展与学习(包含预科年))