Kingston University London
古老而美丽的泰晤士河流经这座位于金斯顿市的大学,河岸边亨利8世曾住的王宫风采依然。河两岸商店、酒吧、饭店密集,您既可以去Richmond公园和Hampton Court享受美丽的乡村自然风景,也可以在此追溯盎格鲁-撒克逊时代的悠久历史。距离伦敦市中心也只需乘坐25分钟的火车。 Penryhn Road校园:(金斯顿大学 Kington Univerity 金斯顿大学有四个校园。)Penryhn Road校园是学生会总部所在地,中央设施如体育馆和健身中心也在这里,所以来自四个校园的学生会聚在这个较大校园内。校园建筑群围绕四层的主楼展开,主楼中有许多重要活动区域,如学生主餐馆、图书馆以及教室和阶梯教室。一座耗资五百万英镑的新建筑中增添了理科实验室、开放计算机房和图书馆设施。 Knight Park校园:是金斯顿设计专业学生的大本营,它的规模和位置比其它较大校园的环境更为舒适宜人。本校的Stanley Picker艺术画廊和数码技术的Whitepace Studio也位于Knight Park校园。校园坐落在Hogmill河河畔,学生餐馆和酒吧门就开向河边。计划于2002年开始动工的一个新建项目将提供一个新阶梯教室,扩展学习资源中心和研究生中心,也给残疾学生的出入提供方便。 Kington Hill校园:是一个离金斯顿镇中心三英里远、草木茂盛的山坡校园。该校园有些地方很陡峭,还保留一些风景园林和面积较大的维多利亚式房屋,这些房屋曾经是这里乡村庄园的中心。1997年,一座耗资数百万英镑的获奖建筑在Kington Hill校园投入使用,它由一个300个座位的阶梯教室、新教学空间和扩展的学习资源中心构成。除了教室和计算机房外,Kington Hill校园还有戏剧工作室、体育馆、音乐工作室酒吧、咖啡馆和餐馆。Kington Hill校园的新学习资源中心可供学生使用商业、教育、法律、音乐和保健科学印刷和电子形式的专业资源,同时还有计算机和媒体设施。 Roehampton Vale校园:拥有教室和一系列实验室,可供大约700名工科学生使用。该校园拥有大型风洞和其它几件大型设备,包括金斯顿大学的飞行仿真器。该校园位于金斯顿镇郊区,离金斯顿镇中心三英里半,靠近Richmond公园。
学校共有21,300名学生,其中留学生3,121人,分布在商学系、设计系、人文科学系、自然科学系、工程技术系、计算机数学系和健康科学系等7个不同院系。学校共有2,128名富有实际经验的教职员工。金斯顿大学的学术环境和设备在英国基金委员会的有关评估中定位优异,由于其学习资料的时新和丰富受到评估者的高度赞赏。 学校有权颁发如下证书:大学预科;结业证书;毕业证书;学士学位证书;复合专业学士学位证书;双学士学位证书;硕士学位证书;博士学位证书和MBA学位证书。 综合排名: 2015年QS世界大学排名 第501名 2015年1月韦伯麦特里克斯网全球院校12000强排名 第1093名 2015年韦伯麦特里克斯网英国大学排名 第72名 2015年《泰晤士报》英国大学综合排名 第117名 2015年《完全大学指南》英国大学综合排名 第107名 2015年《卫报》英国大学综合排名 第98名
图书馆:每个校区都有独立图书馆,每个图书馆根据校区所授专业的不同而拥有不同的专业书目。LRC除了提供上千本图书之外,还提供计算机、DVD或无线电图书馆、杂志期刊和安静的学习环境。 信息技术和计算机:学校拥有广泛的IT设备,大多数RM计算机都使用及时更新的微软xp操作系统和专业的Office 2007系统。图书馆提供许多计算机和适用于笔记本上网的无线网络。学校拥有覆盖面极为广泛的高速网络连接。 医疗:Penrhyn Road校区有一个医疗健康中心,提供医生门诊、咨询和种类繁多的印度针灸药物。 商店在Kingston Hill和Penryhn Road两个校区设有Student union商店。Knights Park校区还有一家出售艺术和设计工具的商店。 银行:Kingston Hill校区的Hannafords里有RBS现金提取中心,Penrhyn Road校区有Natwest提款机。而在金斯顿市中心的银行包括Lloyds, HSBC, Barclays, Abbey, RBS, Nationwide, Halifax, NAT West等。 兼职打工:金斯顿大学通过网上jobshop公告栏提供充足的兼职打工机会。同样,在学生会也可获得兼职信息。您可以在学生报纸和学生酒吧打工工作。另外,您也可以申请成为学生大使,参与学校各种活动的工作,比如HE事物、开放日活动和对当地学校的访问等等。
Seething wells, Clayhill, Walkden (east/west), Chancellors, Middle Mill, Kingston Bridge House, IQ Wave设有学生公寓。二年级和三年级的学生可以向Headed Tenancy申请私人公寓。当地也有不少房地产服务中心为学生提供私人住宿服务。通过BBS,学生还能了解学生用品清单。
Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons) ()
International Year One Business and Management (商务与管理专业国际大一)
Finance(Corporate Finance)MSc (金融(公司金融))
Marketing and Brand Management MSc (市场营销与品牌管理)
Business and Accounting BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (商务与会计(含预科))
Business Management and Digital Innovation BSc (Hons) (商业管理与数字创新)
Business Management and Digital Innovation BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (商业管理与数字创新(含预科))
Project Management for Creative Practitioners (创意项目管理)
International Business BSc (国际商务)
BSc (Hons) Business Management with Business Experience (商业管理)
Business and Accounting BSc (Hons)-including professional placement (商务与会计(含实习))
Business Management and Entrepreneurship BSc (Hons) (商业管理与创业)
Business Management and Digital Innovation BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (商业管理与数字创新(含实习))
Accounting and Finance MSc(2 years including professional placement) (会计与金融(含实习))
Art Business MA (艺术商务)
Art Business MA(2 years including professional placement) (艺术商务(含实习))
Banking and Finance MSc (银行与金融)
Finance MSc(2 years including professional placement) (金融(含实习))
Financial and Business Management MSc (金融和商业管理)
International Business Management with Project Management MSc (国际商务管理与项目管理)
Marketing Communications and Advertising MSc (营销传播与广告)
Marketing Communications and Advertising MSc(2 years including professional placement) (营销传播与广告(含实习))
Master of Business Administration (MBA) (工商管理)
MBA including professional placement (工商管理含实习)
Occupational and Business Psychology MSc(2 years including professional placement) (职业和商业心理学(含实习))
Accounting & Finance with Business Experience BSc (Hons) (会计和金融)
Managing in the Creative Economy Masters MA ()
Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship MSc (创意管理&创业)
Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons)-4 years full time including sandwich year (会计与金融(含实习))
Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons)-4 years full time including foundation year (会计与金融(含预科))
Business Economics BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (商务经济学(含预科))
Business Economics BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (商务经济学(含实习))
Business Management BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (商务管理(含实习))
Business Management BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (商务管理(含预科))
Business Management and Marketing BSc (Hons) (企业管理与市场营销)
Creative and Cultural Industries: Design Marketing BA (Hons)-with study abroad (创意与文化产业:设计营销(含国外学习))
International Business Management MSc (with pathways) (国际商务管理)
Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons) (会计与金融)
Business Management and Entrepreneurship BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (商业管理与创业(含预科))
Business Management and Entrepreneurship BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (商业管理与创业(含实习))
Business Management and Marketing BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (企业管理与市场营销(含实习))
Business Management and Marketing BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (企业管理与市场营销(含预科))
Business Psychology BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (商务心理学(含实习))
Financial and Business Management MSc(2 years including professional placement) (金融和商业管理(含实习))
Global Human Resource Management MSc(2 years including professional placement) (国际人力资源管理(含实习))
Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship MSc (policy) (2 years including professional placement) (创新管理与创业(政策)(含实习))
International Business Management with Marketing MSc (国际商务与市场营销)
International Business Management with Project Management MSc(2 years including professional placement) (国际商务管理与项目管理(含实习))
Occupational and Business Psychology MSc (职业和商业心理学)
Project Management for Creative Practitioners MSc(2 years including professional placement) (创意从业项目管理(含实习))
Banking and Finance MSc(2 years including professional placement) (银行与金融(含实习))
Global Human Resource Management MSc (国际人力资源管理)
Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship (MSc) (2 years including professional placement) (创新管理与创业(含实习))
International Business Management with Marketing MSc(2 years including professional placement) (国际商务与市场营销(含实习))
Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc(2 years including professional placement) (物流与供应链管理(含实习))
Public Relations and Corporate Communications MA(2 years including professional placement) (公共关系与企业沟通(含实习))
Finance MSc (金融)
International Business Management MSc (国际商务管理)
International Business Management MSc(2 years including professional placement) (国际商务管理(含实习))
International Business Management with Entrepreneurship MSc (国际商务管理与创业)
International Business Management with Entrepreneurship MSc(2 years including professional placement) (国际商务管理与创业(含实习))
Investment and Financial Risk Management MSc (投资与金融风险管理)
Investment and Financial Risk Management MSc(2 years including professional placement) (投资与金融风险管理(含实习))
Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc (物流与供应链管理)
Marketing and Brand Management MSc(2 years including professional placement) (市场营销与品牌管理(含实习))
Public Relations and Corporate Communications MA (公共关系与企业沟通)
Real Estate MSc (房地产)
Real Estate MSc(2 years including professional placement) (房地产(含实习))
Project Management for Creative Practitioners MSc (创意从业项目管理)
Accounting & Finance BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (会计与金融(含实习))
Accounting & Finance BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (会计与金融(含预科))
Business Management BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (商务管理(含实习))
Business Management BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (商务管理(含预科))
Accounting & Finance BSc (Hons) (会计与金融)
Business Economics BSc (Hons) (商务经济学)
Business Economics BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (商务经济学(含实习))
Business Economics BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (商务经济学(含预科))
Business Management BSc (Hons) (商务管理)
Business HND (商务)
Business Psychology BSc (Hons) (商务心理学)
Business Psychology BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (商务心理学(含实习))
Business Psychology BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (商务心理学(含预科))
International Business BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (国际商务(含实习))
International Business BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year ) (国际商务(含预科))
Economics BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (经济学(含预科))
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management BSc (Hons) (创业与创新管理)
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (创业与创新管理(含实习))
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year ) (创业与创新管理(含预科))
Real Estate Management BSc (Hons) (房地产管理)
Real Estate Management BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (房地产管理(含实习))
Real Estate Management BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (房地产管理(含预科))
Business and Accounting BSc (Hons) (商务与会计)
Business and Accounting BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (商务与会计(含预科))
International Business BSc (Hons) (国际商务)
Economics BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (经济学(含实习))
Financial Economics BSc (Hons) (金融经济学)
Financial Economics BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (金融经济学(含预科))
International Year One in Business Management (商务管理国际大一)
Marketing & Advertising BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (营销与广告(含实习))
Creative and Cultural Industries: Design Marketing BA (Hons) (创意与文化产业:设计营销)
Business and Accounting BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including professional placement) (商务与会计(含实习))
Economics BSc (Hons) (经济学)
Financial Economics BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (金融经济学(含实习))
International Foundation Year in International Business, Economics and Accounting (商务、经济学与会计专业本科预科)
Marketing & Advertising BSc (Hons) (营销与广告)
Fashion Promotion and Communications BA (Hons) (时尚推广与传播)
Marketing & Advertising BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (营销与广告(含预科))
Accounting and Finance MSc(including professional placement)(January) (会计与金融(包括专业实习))
Global Human Resource Management MSc(January) (国际人力资源管理)
Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc(including professional placement) (物流与供应链管理(含专业实习))
International Business Management MSc(January) (国际商务管理)
Master of Business Administration (MBA): Cyber for Business Leaders(including professional placement) (工商管理: 商业领袖网络(含专业实习))
Marketing and Brand Management MSc(January) (市场营销与品牌管理)
Occupational and Business Psychology MSc(January) (职业和商业心理学)
Business and Management Pre-Master's (商务与管理)
Accounting and Finance MSc(January) (会计与金融)
Global Human Resource Management MSc(including professional placement)(January) (国际人力资源管理(含专业实习))
Marketing and Brand Management MSc(including professional placement)(January) (市场营销与品牌管理(含专业实习))
Accounting and Finance Masters (MSc) (会计与金融)
Financial and Business Management Masters (MSc) (金融管理与商务管理)
Finance Masters (MSc) (金融)
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Masters (MSc) (物流与供应链管理)
Master of Business Administration MBA (工商管理)
Marketing Communications and Advertising Masters (MSc) (市场营销沟通与广告)
IT & Strategic Innovation Masters (MSc) (IT与战略创新)
Business Economics BSc(Hons) (商务经济学)
Occupational and Business Psychology Masters (MSc) (职业心理学与商务心理学)
International Business Management MSc(including professional placement)(January) (国际商务管理(含专业实习))
Master of Business Administration (MBA): Cyber for Business Leaders (工商管理: 商业领袖网络)
Occupational and Business Psychology MSc(including professional placement)(January) (职业和商业心理学(含专业实习))
Art Market Appraisal (Professional Practice) MA (艺术市场估价(专业实践))
Business BA/BSc(Hons) (商务)
Human Resource Management MSc (人力资源管理)
Investment and Financial Risk Management Masters (MSc) (投资与金融风险管理)
Economics BSc(Hons) (经济学)
Financial Economics BSc(Hons) (金融经济学)
Banking and Finance Masters (MSc) (银行与金融)
International Human Resource Management MSc (国际人力资源管理)
Marketing & Brand Management Masters (MSc) (市场营销与品牌管理)
Business Management Practice BA(Hons) top-up (商务管理实践(专升本))
Business PhD(Doctor of Philosophy) -marketing (商学博士(哲学博士)-市场营销)
Foundation Year in Business(International Business) (商务预科(国际商务方向))
Foundation Year in Business(Real Estate Management) (商务预科(房地产管理方向))
Foundation Year in Social Sciences(Business Psychology) (社会科学预科(商业心理学方向))
International Business BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (国际商务(含预科))
Fashion Promotion and Communications BA (Hons)-including sandwich year (时尚推广与传播(含实习))
Financial Economics BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (金融经济学(含预科))
Financial Economics BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (金融经济学(含实习))
Foundation Year in Business(Business and Accounting) (商务预科(商业与会计方向))
Foundation Year in Business(Business Management) (商务预科(商业管理方向))
Foundation Year in Social Sciences(Business Economics) (社会科学预科(商业经济学方向))
Foundation Year in Social Sciences(Economics) (社会科学预科(经济学方向))
Foundation Year in Social Sciences(Financial Economics) (社会科学预科(金融经济学方向))
Marketing BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (市场营销(含实习))
Marketing and Advertising BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (市场营销与广告(含预科))
Real Estate Management BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (房地产管理(含实习))
Banking and Finance MSc-including professional placement (银行与金融(含实习))
Marketing BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (市场营销(含预科))
Accounting and Finance MSc (会计与金融)
Accounting and Finance MSc-including professional placement (会计与金融(含实习))
Financial Technology MSc-including professional placement (金融技术(含实习))
Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship MSc (policy)-including professional placement (创新管理与创业(政策)- 含实习)
International Business Management with Project Management MSc-including professional placement (国际商务管理与项目管理(含实习))
Marketing and Brand Management MSc-including professional placement (市场营销与品牌管理(含实习))
Occupational and Business Psychology MSc-including professional placement (职业和商业心理学(含实习))
Foundation Year in Business(Business Management and Entrepreneurship) (商务预科(商业管理与创业方向))
Foundation Year in Business(Marketing and Advertising) (商务预科(营销和广告方向))
Economics BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (经济学(含预科))
Economics BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (经济学(含实习))
Financial Technology MSc (金融技术)
Global Human Resource Management MSc-including professional placement (国际人力资源管理(含实习))
Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (MSc) (创新管理与创业)
Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship MSc (policy) (创新管理与创业(政策))
International Business Management MSc-including professional placement (国际商务管理(含实习))
International Business Management with Entrepreneurship MSc-including professional placement (国际商务管理与创业(含实习))
Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc-including professional placement (物流与供应链管理(含实习))
Marketing Communications and Advertising MSc-including professional placement (营销传播与广告(含实习))
Pre-Masters Programme in Business and Management (硕士预科课程-商业与管理)
Public Relations and Corporate Communications MA-including professional placement (公共关系与企业沟通(含实习))
International Business BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (国际商务(含实习))
Marketing and Advertising BSc (Hons) (市场营销与广告)
Marketing BSc (Hons) (市场营销)
Real Estate Management BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (房地产管理(含预科))
Foundation Year in Business(Accounting and Finance) (商务预科(会计与财务方向))
Marketing and Advertising BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (市场营销与广告(含实习))
Art Business MA-including professional placement (艺术商务(含实习))
Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (MSc)-including professional placement (创新管理与创业(含实习))
International Business Management with Marketing MSc (国际商务管理与市场营销)
International Business Management with Marketing MSc-including professional placement (国际商务管理与市场营销(含实习))
Investment and Financial Risk Management MSc-including professional placement (投资与金融风险管理(含实习))
Accounting and Finance MSc(including professional placement) (会计与金融(包括专业实习))
Project Management for Creative Practitioners MSc-including professional placement (创意从业项目管理(含实习))
Real Estate MSc-including professional placement (房地产(含实习))
Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship MSc (policy) (创新管理与创业理学硕士(政策))
Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship MSc (policy)-including professional placement (创新管理与创业理学硕士(政策)(含专业实习))
Finance MSc(including professional placement) (金融(含专业实习))
Financial Technology MSc(including professional placement) (金融技术(含专业实习))
Global Human Resource Management MSc(including professional placement) (国际人力资源管理(含专业实习))
International Business Management MSc(including professional placement) (国际商务管理(含专业实习))
Occupational and Business Psychology MSc(including professional placement) (职业和商业心理学(含专业实习))
Finance MSc-including professional placement (金融(含实习))
Financial and Business Management MSc-including professional placement (金融和商业管理(含实习))
Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (MSc)-including professional placement (创新管理与创业(含专业实习))
Marketing and Brand Management MSc(including professional placement) (市场营销与品牌管理(含专业实习))
Real Estate MSc(including professional placement) (房地产(含专业实习))
Investment and Financial Risk Management MSc(including professional placement) (投资与金融风险管理(含专业实习))
Marketing Communications and Advertising MSc(including professional placement) (营销传播与广告(含专业实习))
Art Business MA(including professional placement) (艺术商务(含专业实习))
Banking and Finance MSc(including professional placement) (银行与金融(含专业实习))
Master of Business Administration (MBA)-including professional placement (工商管理(含专业实习))
Project Management for Creative Practitioners MSc(including professional placement) (创意从业项目管理(含专业实习))
Public Relations and Corporate Communications MA(including professional placement) (公共关系与企业沟通(含专业实习))
Aerospace Engineering MEng-5 years full time including sandwich year (航空航天工程 本硕连读-含实习)
Civil Engineering BEng (Hons)-including foundation year (土木工程(含预科))
Aerospace Engineering (Space Technology) MEng-5 years full time including sandwich year (航空航天工程(空间技术) 本硕连读-含实习)
Aviation Operations with Commercial Pilot Training BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (航空运营与商业飞行员培训(含实习))
Civil Engineering BEng (Hons)-including sandwich year (土木工程(含实习))
Aerospace Engineering MSc (航空航天工程)
Aerospace Engineering (Space Technology) BEng(Hons)-4 years full time including sandwich year (航空航天工程(空间技术)-含实习)
Aerospace Engineering (Space Technology) BEng(Hons)-4 years full time including foundation year (航空航天工程(空间技术)-含预科)
Civil Engineering BEng (Hons) (土木工程)
Advanced Product Design Engineering & Manufacturing (MSc) (高级产品设计工程和制造)
Aerospace Engineering BEng (Hons)-4 years full time including sandwich year (航空航天工程(含实习))
Aerospace Engineering BEng (Hons)-4 years full time including foundation year (航空航天工程(含预科))
Aircraft Engineering BEng (Hons) top-up (飞机工程 专升本)
Aviation Engineering BEng (Hons)-4 years full time including sandwich year (航空工程(含实习))
Civil Engineering MEng (Hons) (土木工程-本硕连读)
Civil Engineering MEng (Hons)-including professional placement (土木工程-本硕连读(含实习))
Aerospace Engineering MSc(2 years including professional placement) (航空航天工程(含实习))
Mechanical Engineering MSc (机械工程)
Mechatronic Systems MSc(2 years including professional placement) (机械电子系统(含实习))
Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng/BEng (Hons) ()
Advanced Product Design Engineering & Manufacturing MSc(2 years including professional placement) (高级产品设计工程与制造(含实习))
Advanced Product Design Engineering & Manufacturing MSc (高级产品设计工程与制造)
Structural Design and Construction Management with Sustainability MSc(2 years including professional placement) (结构设计和施工管理与可持续性(含实习))
Engineering Projects & Systems Management MSc (工程项目与系统管理)
Renewable Energy Engineering MSc (可再生能源工程)
Software Engineering MSc(2 years including professional placement) (软件工程(含实习))
Engineering Projects & Systems Management MSc(2 years including professional placement) (工程项目与系统管理(含实习))
Environmental Management MSc (环境管理)
Environmental Management MSc(2 years including professional placement) (环境管理(含实习))
Management in Construction (Civil Engineering) MSc(2 years including professional placement) (建筑管理(土木工程)(含实习))
Renewable Energy Engineering MSc(2 years including professional placement) (可再生能源工程(含实习))
Structural Design and Construction Management MSc (结构设计与施工管理)
Structural Design and Construction Management with Sustainability MSc (结构设计和施工管理与可持续性)
Management in Construction (Civil Engineering) MSc (建筑管理(土木工程))
Mechanical Engineering MSc(2 years including professional placement) (机械工程(含实习))
Mechatronic Systems MSc (机械电子系统)
Quantity Surveying MSc(2 years including professional placement) (工料测量(含实习))
Software Engineering with Management Studies MSc(2 years including professional placement) (软件工程含管理研究(含实习))
Structural Design and Construction Management MSc(2 years including professional placement) (结构设计与施工管理(含实习))
International Foundation Year in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (理学、科技、工程与数学专业本科预科)
Aerospace Engineering MEng(5 years full time including sandwich year ) (航空航天工程 本硕连读(含实习))
Aviation Engineering BEng (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (航空工程(含实习))
Aviation Operations with Commercial Pilot Training BSc (Hons) (航空运营与商业飞行员培训)
Civil and Infrastructure Engineering BEng (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (土木和基础设施工程(含实习))
Aerospace Engineering (Space Technology) MEng(5 years full time including sandwich year ) (航空航天工程(空间技术) 本硕连读(含实习))
Aerospace Engineering (Space Technology) BEng(Hons) (航空航天工程(空间技术))
Aircraft Engineering BEng (Hons) (飞机工程)
Aviation Engineering BEng (Hons) (航空工程)
Construction Engineering Management BSc (Hons) (建筑工程管理)
Mechanical Engineering BEng(Hons)(4 years full time including professional placement) (机械工程(含实习))
Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Engineering) MEng (机械工程(汽车工程) 本硕连读)
Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Engineering) BEng(Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (机械工程(汽车工程)(含预科))
Aerospace Engineering MEng (航空航天工程 本硕连读)
Aerospace Engineering (Space Technology) MEng (航空航天工程(空间技术) 本硕连读)
Aerospace Engineering BEng (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (航空航天工程(含预科))
Aerospace Engineering (Space Technology) BEng(Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (航空航天工程(空间技术)(含实习))
Aerospace Engineering (Space Technology) BEng(Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (航空航天工程(空间技术)(含预科))
Mechanical Engineering MEng (机械工程 本硕连读)
Mechanical Engineering MEng(5 years full time including professional placement) (机械工程 本硕连读(含实习))
Mechanical Engineering BEng(Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (机械工程(含预科))
Quantity Surveying Consultancy BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (工料测量咨询(含实习))
Aerospace Engineering BEng (Hons) (航空航天工程)
Aerospace Engineering BEng (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (航空航天工程(含实习))
Aviation Operations with Commercial Pilot Training BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (航空运营与商业飞行员培训(含实习))
Construction Engineering Management BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (建筑工程管理(含实习))
Civil and Infrastructure Engineering BEng (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (土木和基础设施工程(含预科))
Advanced Product Design Engineering & Manufacturing MSc(January) (高级产品设计工程与制造)
Aerospace Engineering MSc(January) (航空航天工程)
Engineering Projects & Systems Management MSc(including professional placement)(January) (工程项目与系统管理(含专业实习))
Mechanical Engineering MSc(including professional placement)(January) (机械工程(含专业实习))
Renewable Energy Engineering MSc(including professional placement)(January) (可再生能源工程(含专业实习))
Advanced Product Design Engineering & Manufacturing MSc(including professional placement)(January) (高级产品设计工程与制造(含专业实习))
Engineering Projects & Systems Management MSc(January) (工程项目与系统管理)
Mechanical Engineering MSc(January) (机械工程)
Mechatronic Systems MSc(January) (机械电子系统)
Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Engineering) MEng with Professional Placement (机械工程(汽车工程)本硕连读含实习)
Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Engineering) BEng(Hons) (机械工程(汽车工程))
Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Engineering) BEng(Hons)(4 years full time including professional placement) (机械工程(汽车工程)(含实习))
Aerospace Engineering MSc(including professional placement)(January) (航空航天工程(含专业实习))
Management in Construction (Civil Engineering) MSc(January) (建筑管理(土木工程))
Management in Construction (Civil Engineering) MSc(including professional placement)(January) (建筑管理(土木工程)(含专业实习))
Mechatronic Systems MSc(including professional placement)(January) (机械电子系统(含专业实习))
Structural Design and Construction Management MSc(including professional placement) (结构设计与施工管理(含专业实习))
Structural Design and Construction Management with Sustainability MSc(January) (结构设计和施工管理与可持续性)
Structural Design and Construction Management with Sustainability MSc(including professional placement)(January) (结构设计和施工管理与可持续性(含专业实习))
Aerospace Engineering Masters (MSc) (航空航天工程)
Mechanical Engineering Masters (MSc) (机械工程)
Management in Construction (Civil Engineering) Masters (MSc) (建设管理(土木工程))
Pharmaceutical Science with Management Studies MSc (制药科学含管理研究)
Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics & Space Technology MEng (航空航天工程、航天学与空间技术)
Mechanical Engineering BEng(Hons) (机械工程)
Science foundation year (理学方向基础学年)
Renewable Energy Engineering MSc(January) (可再生能源工程)
Engineering Projects & Systems Management Masters (MSc) (工程项目与系统管理)
Mechatronic Systems Masters (MSc) (机电一体化)
Renewable Energy Engineering Masters (MSc) (可再生能源工程)
Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics & Space Technology BEng(Hons) (航空航天工程、航天学与空间技术)
Pharmaceutical Analysis MSc(including professional placement)(January) (制药分析(含专业实习))
Pharmaceutical Analysis MSc(January) (制药分析)
Pharmaceutical Analysis MSc (制药分析)
Structural Design & Construction Management with Sustainability Masters (MSc) (结构设计与建造管理含可持续性)
Structural Design & Construction Management Masters (MSc) (结构设计与建造管理)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons)-including sandwich year (电气与电子工程(含实习))
Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng-including sandwich year (电气与电子工程-本硕连读(含实习))
Engineering Foundation with pathways in Civil (工程学预科,土木工程方向)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons) (电气与电子工程)
Engineering Foundation with pathways in Mechanical (Automotive Engineering) (工程学预科,机械(汽车工程)方向)
Robotic Engineering and Artificial Intelligence BEng (Hons) (机器人工程与人工智能)
Advanced Product Design Engineering & Manufacturing MSc-including professional placement (高级产品设计工程与制造(含实习))
Mechanical Engineering MEng-with Professional Placement (机械工程 本硕连读(含实习))
Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Engineering) MEng-with Professional Placement (机械工程(汽车工程) 本硕连读(含实习))
Environmental Management (Energy) MSc-including professional placement (环境管理(能源)- 含实习)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering MEng (电气与电子工程-本硕连读)
Electronic Products Engineering BEng (Hons) (电子产品工程)
Engineering Foundation with pathways in Mechanical (工程学预科,机械专业方向)
Management in Construction Masters (MSc) (建设管理)
Quantity Surveying MSc (工料测量)
Aerospace Engineering BSc(Hons) (航空航天工程)
Aircraft Engineering BSc(Hons) top-up (飞行器工程专升本)
Electronic Products Engineering MEng (电子产品工程-本硕连读)
Electronic Products Engineering BEng (Hons)-including sandwich year (电子产品工程(含实习))
Electronic Products Engineering MEng-including sandwich year (电子产品工程-本硕连读(含实习))
Engineering Foundation with pathways in Aerospace (工程学预科,航空航天方向)
Engineering Foundation with pathways in Aerospace (Space Technology) (工程学预科,航空航天(空间技术)方向)
Environmental Management MSc-including professional placement (环境管理(含实习))
Environmental Management (Energy) MSc (环境管理(能源))
Management in Construction (Civil Engineering) MSc-including professional placement (建筑管理(土木工程)(含实习))
Aerospace Engineering MSc(including professional placement) (航空航天工程(含专业实习))
Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons) (工料测量)
Robotic Engineering and Artificial Intelligence BEng (Hons)-including sandwich year (机器人工程与人工智能(含实习))
Mechanical Engineering BEng(Hons)-with Professional Placement (机械工程(含实习))
Mechanical Engineering BEng(Hons)-including foundation year (机械工程(含预科))
Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Engineering) BEng(Hons)-with Professional Placement (机械工程(汽车工程)- 含实习)
Mechanical Engineering (Automotive Engineering) BEng(Hons)-including foundation year (机械工程(汽车工程)- 含预科)
Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons)-4 years (工料测量(含实习))
Robotic Engineering and Artificial Intelligence MEng (机器人工程与人工智能(本硕连读))
Robotic Engineering and Artificial Intelligence MEng-including sandwich year (机器人工程与人工智能(本硕连读)- 含实习)
Aerospace Engineering MSc-including professional placement (航空航天工程(含实习))
Mechanical Engineering MSc-including professional placement (机械工程(含实习))
Pharmaceutical Analysis MSc-including professional placement (制药分析(含实习))
Quantity Surveying MSc-including professional placement (工料测量(含实习))
Advanced Product Design Engineering & Manufacturing MSc(including professional placement) (高级产品设计工程与制造(含专业实习))
Environmental Management (Energy) MSc(including professional placement) (环境管理(能源)(含专业实习))
Structural Design and Construction Management MSc-including professional placement (结构设计与施工管理(含实习))
Management in Construction (Civil Engineering) MSc-including professional placement (建筑管理(土木工程)(含专业实习))
Mechatronic Systems MSc(including professional placement) (机械电子系统(含专业实习))
Renewable Energy Engineering MSc(including professional placement) (可再生能源工程(含专业实习))
Engineering Projects & Systems Management MSc-including professional placement (工程项目与系统管理(含实习))
Mechanical Engineering MSc(including professional placement) (机械工程(含专业实习))
Pharmaceutical Analysis MSc(including professional placement) (制药分析(含专业实习))
Pharmaceutical Analysis with Management Studies MSc(including professional placement) (制药分析与管理研究(含专业实习))
Quantity Surveying MSc(including professional placement) (工料测量(含专业实习))
Software Engineering with Management Studies MSc (软件工程与管理学)
Mechatronic Systems MSc-including professional placement (机械电子系统(含实习))
Renewable Energy Engineering MSc-including professional placement (可再生能源工程(含实习))
Structural Design and Construction Management with Sustainability MSc-including professional placement (结构设计和施工管理与可持续性(含实习))
Engineering Projects & Systems Management MSc(including professional placement) (工程项目与系统管理(含专业实习))
Environmental Management MSc(including professional placement) (环境管理(含专业实习))
Structural Design and Construction Management with Sustainability MSc(including professional placement) (结构设计和施工管理与可持续性(含专业实习))
Civil and Infrastructure Engineering BEng (Hons) (土木和基础设施工程)
Building Surveying BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (建筑测量学(含实习))
Construction Project Management BSc (Hons) (建筑项目管理)
Construction Project Management BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (建筑项目管理(含实习))
Architechture (ARB/RIBA Part 2) ()
Architecture BA (Hons) (建筑学)
Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 2) MArch (建筑)
Interior Design MA (室内设计)
Management in Construction MSc(2 years including professional placement) (建筑管理(含实习))
Building Surveying MSc(2 years including professional placement) (建筑勘察(含实习))
Management in Construction MSc (建筑管理)
Building Surveying BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (建筑测量学(含实习))
Historic Building Conservation FdSc (历史建筑保护)
Building Surveying BSc (Hons) (建筑测量学)
Management in Construction MSc(January) (建筑管理)
Landscape and Urbanism MA (景观与城市化)
Architecture BA(Hons) (建筑)
Sustainable Design MA (可持续性设计)
Interior Design BA(Hons) (室内设计)
Construction Management BSc(Hons) (建设管理)
Building Surveying MSc (建筑勘察)
Management in Construction MSc(including professional placement)(January) (建筑管理(含专业实习))
Landscape Architecture MLA (景观建筑)
Historic Building Conservation MSc (历史建筑保护)
Management in Construction MSc-including professional placement (建筑管理(含实习))
Historic Building Conservation FdSc and BSc(Hons) top-up (历史建筑保护)
Building Surveying BSc(Hons) (建筑勘察)
Building Surveying MSc(including professional placement) (建筑勘察(含专业实习))
Historic Building Conservation BSc (Hons) top-up (历史建筑保护 专升本)
Building Surveying MSc-including professional placement (建筑勘察(含实习))
Interior Design MA(including professional placement) (室内设计(含专业实习))
Management in Construction MSc(including professional placement) (建筑管理(含专业实习))
Sustainable Design MA(including professional placement) (可持续性设计(含专业实习))
Sustainable Design MA-including professional placement (可持续性设计(含实习))
NCUK-Masters Preparation (硕预)
Music Education MA(2 years including professional placement) (音乐教育(含实习))
Primary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE(Primary (3-7 years)) (小学教育(初等教育3-7岁))
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Science (Chemistry) (中学教育:化学)
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Physical Education (中学教育:体育)
Music Education MA (音乐教育)
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Citizenship with Social Science (中学教育:公民与社会科学)
Primary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE(General Primary (with Mathematics)) (小学教育(普通初等教育含数学))
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Science (Physics) (中学教育:物理)
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Mathematics (中学教育:数学)
Primary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE(General Primary) (小学教育(普通初等教育))
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: English (中学教育:英语)
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Science (Biology) (中学教育:生物)
Early Years: Teaching & Learning BA (Hons) top-up (早期教育:教学与学习 专升本)
Early Years: Education and Leadership in Practice BA(Hons) top-up (早期:实践的教育与领导)
Early Years Foundation Degree FdA-Kingston College (幼儿教育)
Early Years Foundation Degree FdA-Letta Trust (East London) (幼儿教育)
Early Years: Teaching and Learning BA(Hons) top-up (早期:教育与学习专升本)
Early Years Foundation Degree FdA-West Thames College (Isleworth Campus) (幼儿教育)
Early Years Foundation Degree FdA-Whitefield Academy Trust (Walthamstow) (幼儿教育)
Early Years (with Early Years Educator) FdA-Letta Trust (East London) (幼儿教育(含幼儿教育师))
Early Years (with Early Years Educator) FdA-West Thames College (Isleworth Campus) (幼儿教育(含幼儿教育师))
Early Years Foundation Degree FdA-Brooklands College – Weybridge campus (幼儿教育)
Early Years: Education & Leadership in Practice BA (Hons) top-up (幼儿教育: 实践教育与领导 专升本)
Early Years (with Early Years Educator) FdA-Brooklands College – Weybridge campus (幼儿教育(含幼儿教育师))
Special Educational Needs & Inclusive Practice BA (Hons) top-up (特殊教育需求与全纳实践 专升本)
Primary Education (QTS) BA (Hons) (小学教育)
Special Educational Needs & Inclusive Practice Foundation Degree FdA (特殊教育需求与全纳实践)
Special Educational Needs & Inclusive Practice Foundation Degree FdA-Reach Academy Feltham (特殊教育需求与全纳实践)
Music Education MA-including professional placement (音乐教育(含实习))
Early Years Foundation Degree FdA-Reach Academy Feltham (幼儿教育)
Early Years Foundation Degree FdA-Richmond upon Thames College (幼儿教育)
Early Years (with Early Years Educator) FdA-Richmond upon Thames College (幼儿教育(含幼儿教育师))
Early Years (with Early Years Educator) FdA-Whitefield Academy Trust (Walthamstow) (幼儿教育(含幼儿教育师))
Early Years: Teaching & Learning BA (Hons) top-up (幼儿教育: 教学与学习 专升本)
Early Years: Leadership and Management Foundation Degree FdA (早期:领导与管理)
Early Years Foundation Degree FdA-Morley College – North Kensington Campus (幼儿教育)
Early Years (with Early Years Educator) FdA-Morley College – North Kensington Campus (幼儿教育(含幼儿教育师))
Early Years (with Early Years Educator) FdA-Kingston College (幼儿教育(含幼儿教育师))
Early Years (with Early Years Educator) FdA-Reach Academy Feltham (幼儿教育(含幼儿教育师))
Primary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE- Primary (3-7 years) (小学教育-初等教育(3-7 岁))
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Science(Chemistry) (中学教育:科学(化学))
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Physical Education (中学教育:体育教育)
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Physical Education at Gladesmore Community School (School Direct) (中学教育:格莱德斯莫尔社区学校(直属学校)的体育课)
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Physical Education with EBacc (中学教育:体育教育(含 EBacc))
Primary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE - General Primary (with Mathematics) (小学教育 - 普通初等教育(含数学))
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Science (Biology) (中学教育:科学(生物))
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Science(Physics) (中学教育:科学(物理))
Music Education MA(including professional placement) (音乐教育(含专业实习))
Primary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE--Primary (3-7 years) (小学教学,获得合格教师资格(QTS)--小学(3-7 年))
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Science(Biology) (中学教育:科学(生物学))
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Physical Education with EBacc (中学教育:体育教育与 EBacc)
Primary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE--General Primary (with Mathematics) (小学教学,获得合格教师资格(QTS)--普通小学(含数学))
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Science(Physics) (中学教育:科学(物理学))
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Mathematics (中学教育: 数学)
Secondary Teaching leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) PGCE: Physical Education (中学教育: 体育教育)
Computer Science BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (计算机科学(含实习))
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons) (计算机科学与人工智能)
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (计算机科学与人工智能(含预科))
Digital Media Technology BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (数字媒体科技(含实习))
BSc (Hons) Computer Games Programming with Foundation (电脑游戏编程)
Cyber Security & Computer Forensics BSc (Hons) (网络安全与计算机取证)
Computer Science BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (计算机科学(含预科))
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (计算机科学与人工智能(含实习))
Digital Media Technology BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (数字媒体科技(含预科))
Game Development (Programming) MSc(2 years including professional placement) (游戏开发(编程)(含实习))
Mobile Networks and Media Streaming MSc (移动网络和媒体流)
Network & Information Security MSc(2 years including professional placement) (网络与信息安全(含实习))
Network & Information Security with Management Studies MSc (网络与信息安全与管理研究)
Networking & Data Communications MSc(2 years including professional placement) (网络与数据通信(含实习))
Cyber Security & Digital Forensics BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (网络安全与数字法证(含实习))
Cyber Security & Digital Forensics BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (网络安全与数字法证(含预科))
Computer Animation MA (计算机动画)
Information Systems MSc (信息系统)
MSc Networking & Data Communications with Management Studies (网络与数据通信与管理研究)
Computer Animation MA(2 years including professional placement) (计算机动画(含实习))
User Experience Design MSc(2 years including professional placement) (用户体验设计(含实习))
Game Development (Design) MA(2 years including professional placement) (游戏开发(设计)(含实习))
Information Systems MSc(2 years including professional placement) (信息系统(含实习))
Mobile Networks and Media Streaming MSc(2 years including professional placement) (移动网络和媒体流(含实习))
Network & Information Security MSc (网络与信息安全)
Network & Information Security with Management Studies MSc(2 years including professional placement) (网络与信息安全与管理研究(含实习))
MSc Networking & Data Communications with Management Studies(2 years including professional placement) (网络与数据通信与管理研究(含实习))
Digital Media Technology BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (数字媒体科技(含实习))
Digital Media Technology BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (数字媒体科技(含预科))
Computer Science BSc (Hons) (计算机科学)
Computer Science BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year ) (计算机科学(含实习))
Computer Science BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (计算机科学(含预科))
Cyber Security & Digital Forensics BSc (Hons) (网络安全与数字法证)
Cyber Security & Digital Forensics BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (网络安全与数字法证(含实习))
Cyber Security & Digital Forensics BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (网络安全与数字法证(含预科))
Digital Media Technology BSc (Hons) (数字媒体科技)
Computer Games Programming BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (电脑游戏编程(含实习))
Computer Games Programming BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (电脑游戏编程(含预科))
Computer Animation MA(including professional placement)(January) (计算机动画(含专业实习))
Computer Animation MA(January) (计算机动画)
Game Development (Design) MA(including professional placement)(January) (游戏开发(设计)(含专业实习))
Game Development (Programming) MSc(January) (游戏开发(编程))
Game Development (Programming) MSc-including professional placemen(January) (游戏开发(编程)(含专业实习))
Artificial Intelligence MSc(January) (人工智能)
Information Systems MSc(January) (信息系统)
Networking & Data Communications MSc(January) (网络与数据通信)
User Experience Design MSc(January) (用户体验设计)
Artificial Intelligence MSc(including professional placement)(January) (人工智能(含专业实习))
Game Development (Design) MA(January) (游戏开发(设计))
Information Systems MSc(including professional placement)(January) (信息系统(含专业实习))
Network & Information Security MSc(including professional placement)(January) (网络与信息安全(含专业实习))
Mobile Networks and Media Streaming MSc(including professional placement)(January) (移动网络和媒体流(含专业实习))
Mobile Networks and Media Streaming MSc(January) (移动网络和媒体流)
Network & Information Security MSc(January) (网络与信息安全)
Software Engineering MSc(including professional placement)(January) (软件工程(含专业实习))
Computer Science BSc(Hons) (计算机科学)
Networking & Data Communications MSc(including professional placement)(January) (网络与数据通信(含专业实习))
Software Engineering MSc(January) (软件工程)
User Experience Design MSc(including professional placement)(January) (用户体验设计(含专业实习))
Software Engineering with Management Studies MSc (软件工程含管理研究)
User Experience Design MSc (用户体验设计)
Electronics and Robotics MSc(including professional placement)(January) (电子与机器人(含专业实习))
Electronics and Robotics MSc(January) (电子与机器人)
Networking & Data Communications MSc (网络与数据通信)
Networking & Data Communications with Management Studies MSc (网络与数据通信含管理研究)
Software Engineering MSc (软件工程)
Computing and Mathematics foundation year - Cyber Security & Computer Forensics (计算机与数学预科年 - 网络安全与电脑取证方向)
Computing and Mathematics foundation year - Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (计算机与数学预科年 - 计算机科学与人工智能方向)
Science foundation year - Biological Science (科学预科年 - 生物科学方向)
Science foundation year - Environmental Science (科学预科年 - 环境科学方向)
Science foundation year - Geography (科学预科年 - 地理学方向)
Science foundation year - Nutrition (Human Nutrition) (科学预科年 - 营养学(人类营养学)方向)
Science foundation year - Pharmaceutical Science (科学预科年 - 制药科学方向)
Science foundation year - Pharmacology (科学预科年 - 药理学方向)
Science foundation year - Sports Science (Coaching) (科学预科年 - 运动科学(教练)方向)
Science foundation year - Sports Science (科学预科年 - 运动科学方向)
Electronics and Robotics MSc-including professional placement (电子与机器人(含实习))
Electronics and Robotics MSc (电子与机器人)
Network & Information Security with Management Studies MSc-including professional placement (网络与信息安全管理学(含实习))
MSc Networking & Data Communications with Management Studies (网络与数据通信管理学)
Computing and Mathematics foundation year - Computer Science (计算机与数学预科年 - 计算机科学方向)
Computing and Mathematics foundation year - Digital Media Technology (计算机与数学预科年 - 数字媒体技术方向)
Game Development (Programming) MSc (游戏开发(编程))
Game Development (Design) MA (游戏开发(设计))
Information Systems Masters (MSc) (信息系统)
Computing and Mathematics foundation year - Computer Games Programming (计算机与数学预科年 - 计算机游戏编程方向)
Game Development (Design) MA-including professional placement (游戏开发(设计)- 含实习)
Game Development (Programming) MSc-including professional placement (游戏开发(编程)- 含实习)
Network & Information Security MSc-including professional placement (网络与信息安全(含实习))
Network & Information Security with Management Studies MSc (网络与信息安全管理学)
Software Engineering MSc-including professional placement (软件工程(含实习))
Software Engineering with Management Studies MSc-including professional placement (软件工程与管理学(含实习))
Electronics and Robotics MSc(including professional placement) (电子与机器人(含专业实习))
Game Development (Design) MA-including professional placement (游戏开发(设计)(含专业实习))
Game Development (Programming) MSc-including professional placement (游戏开发(编程)(含专业实习))
Science foundation year - Chemistry (科学预科年 - 化学方向)
Science foundation year - Environmental Science with Hazards & Disasters (科学预科年 - 环境科学与危害和灾害方向)
Science foundation year - Forensic Science (科学预科年 - 法医科学方向)
Science foundation year - Nutrition (Exercise & Health) (科学预科年 - 营养(运动与健康)方向)
Science foundation year - Biochemistry (科学预科年 - 生物化学方向)
Science foundation year - Biomedical Science (科学预科年 - 生物医学科学方向)
Computer Animation MA-including professional placement (计算机动画(含实习))
MSc Networking & Data Communications with Management Studies-including professional placement (网络与数据通信管理学(含实习))
Artificial Intelligence MSc (人工智能)
Networking & Data Communications MSc(including professional placement) (网络与数据通信(含专业实习))
MSc Networking & Data Communications with Management Studies(including professional placement) (网络与数据通信管理学(含专业实习))
Software Engineering MSc(including professional placement) (软件工程(含专业实习))
Information Systems MSc-including professional placement (信息系统(含实习))
Information Systems MSc(including professional placement) (信息系统(含专业实习))
Mobile Networks and Media Streaming MSc(including professional placement) (移动网络和媒体流(含专业实习))
Network & Information Security with Management Studies MSc(including professional placement) (网络与信息安全管理学(含专业实习))
User Experience Design MSc(including professional placement) (用户体验设计(含专业实习))
Software Engineering with Management Studies MSc(including professional placement) (软件工程与管理学(含专业实习))
Mobile Networks and Media Streaming MSc-including professional placement (移动网络和媒体流(含实习))
Networking & Data Communications MSc-including professional placement (网络与数据通信(含实习))
User Experience Design MSc-including professional placement (用户体验设计(含实习))
Artificial Intelligence MSc(including professional placement) (人工智能(含专业实习))
Computer Animation MA(including professional placement) (计算机动画(含专业实习))
Creative and Cultural Industries: Design Marketing (创意文化产业:设计营销)
Graphic Design BA(Hons) (平面设计)
MA Interior Design (室内设计)
Curating Contemporary Design MA (in partnership with The Design Museum) (2 years including professional placement) (策展当代设计(含实习))
Fashion MA (时装)
Graphic Design MA (平面设计)
Product & Furniture Design BA(Hons) (产品及家具设计)
Illustration Animation BA Hons (插画动画)
Fashion BA (Hons) (时尚)
Landscape Architecture MLA (LI accredited) (景观设计(LI认证))
Fashion MA(2 years including professional placement) (时装(含实习))
Graphic Design MA(2 years including professional placement) (平面设计(含实习))
Illustration MA(2 years including professional placement) (插画(含实习))
Product & Furniture Design MA(2 years including professional placement) (产品与家具设计(含实习))
Sustainable Design MA(2 years including professional placement) (可持续性设计(含实习))
Fashion BA (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (时尚(含实习))
Foundation Diploma in Art, Design & Media Practice (艺术、设计与媒体预科文凭)
Product & Furniture Design BA (Hons) (产品与家具设计)
Graphic Design BA (Hons) (平面设计)
Illustration Animation BA (Hons) (插图动画)
Interior Design BA (Hons) (室内设计)
MA in Graphic Design (平面设计)
Product & Furniture Design MA (产品与家具设计)
Communication Design: Illustration MA (传播设计:插画)
Foundation Diploma in Art and Design (艺术与设计基础学年)
Fashion BA (Hons)-including sandwich year (时尚(含实习))
Graphic Design MA-including professional placement (平面设计(含实习))
Product & Furniture Design MA-including professional placement (产品与家具设计(含实习))
Curating Contemporary Design MA (in partnership with The Design Museum) (策展当代设计硕士学位(与设计博物馆合作))
Curating Contemporary Design MA (in partnership with The Design Museum)-including professional placement (策展当代设计硕士学位(与设计博物馆合作)(含专业实习))
Fashion MA(including professional placement) (时装(含专业实习))
Curating Contemporary Design MA (in partnership with The Design Museum)-including professional placement (策展当代设计(含实习))
Fashion MA-including professional placement (时装(含实习))
Graphic Design MA(including professional placement) (平面设计(含专业实习))
Product & Furniture Design MA(including professional placement) (产品与家具设计(含专业实习))
Digital Media Technology BSc ()
Graduate Diploma in Creative Practice (创新实践研究生文凭)
Film Making MA (电影制作)
Magazine Journalism MA (杂志新闻学)
Journalism MA(2 years including professional placement) (新闻学(含实习))
Film Studies MA (电影研究)
Magazine Journalism MA(2 years including professional placement) (杂志新闻学(含实习))
Media and Communication MA (媒体与传播)
Media and Communication MA(2 years including professional placement) (媒体与传播(含实习))
Journalism PgDip (新闻学)
Journalism MA (新闻学)
Publishing MA (出版)
Creative Writing and Film Cultures BA (Hons) (创意写作和电影文化)
Filmmaking BA (Hons) (电影制作)
Media Skills BA (Hons) top-up (媒体技巧 专升本)
Media & Communication BA (Hons) (媒体与传播)
Journalism and Media BA (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (新闻与媒体(含预科))
Journalism BA (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (新闻学(含预科))
Media & Communication BA (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (媒体与传播(含预科))
Journalism and Media BA (Hons) (新闻与媒体)
Journalism and Media BA (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (新闻与媒体(含实习))
Filmmaking BA(Hons) (电影制作)
Journalism MFA (新闻学)
Media & Communication BA(Hons) (媒体与沟通)
Animation MA (动画)
Foundation Year Humanities and Arts(Media and Communication) (人文与艺术预科(媒体与传播方向))
Journalism and Media BA (Hons)-including sandwich year (新闻与媒体(含实习))
Journalism and Media BA (Hons)-including foundation year (新闻与媒体(含预科))
Journalism MA-including professional placement (新闻学(含实习))
Foundation Year Humanities and Arts(Journalism and Media) (人文与艺术预科(新闻与媒体方向))
Magazine Journalism MA-including professional placement (杂志新闻学(含实习))
Media & Communication BA (Hons)-including foundation year (媒体与传播(含预科))
Journalism PgDip-including professional placement (新闻学(含实习))
Publishing MA-including professional placement (出版(含实习))
Media and Communication MA(including professional placement) (媒体与传播(含专业实习))
Journalism MA(including professional placement) (新闻学(含专业实习))
Media and Communication MA-including professional placement (媒体与传播(含实习))
Journalism PgDip(including professional placement) (新闻学(含专业实习))
Publishing MA(including professional placement) (出版(含专业实习))
Creative and Cultural Industries: Art Direction BA (Hons)-with study abroad (创意与文化产业:艺术指导(含国外学习))
Dance and Drama BA (Hons)-with study abroad (舞蹈与戏剧(含国外学习))
Drama BA (Hons)-including foundation year (戏剧(含预科))
Aesthetics and Art Theory MA (美学与艺术论)
Composing for Film and Television MMus (电影电视作曲)
Fashion ()
Creative and Cultural Industries: Events and Experiences Design BA (Hons) (创意与文化产业: 活动与体验设计)
Creative and Cultural Industries: Events and Experiences Design BA (Hons)-with study abroad (创意与文化产业: 活动与体验设计(含国外学习))
Fine Art MFA (美术)
Museum and Gallery Studies MA(2 years including professional placement) (博物馆与美术馆研究(含实习))
Music MA (音乐)
Music Performance MMus (音乐表演)
Sustainable Fashion: Business and Practices MA (可持续时尚:商业和实践硕士)
Dance BA (Hons)-with study abroad (舞蹈(含国外学习))
Communication Design: Graphic Design MA (传播设计:平面设计)
Aesthetics and Art Theory MA(2 years including professional placement) (美学与艺术论(含实习))
Museum and Gallery Studies MA (博物馆与美术馆研究)
Dance BA (Hons) (舞蹈)
Creative and Cultural Industries: Art Direction BA (Hons) (创意与文化产业:艺术指导)
Drama and Creative Writing BA (Hons) (戏剧与创意写作)
Drama and Creative Writing BA (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year ) (戏剧与创意写作(含预科))
Drama BA (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (戏剧(含预科))
Drama and English BA (Hons) (戏剧与英语)
Fine Art BA (Hons) (美术)
Fine Art & Art History BA (Hons) (美术与艺术史)
Photography BA (Hons) (摄影)
Dance and Drama BA (Hons) (舞蹈与戏剧)
Drama and English BA (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (戏剧与英语(含预科))
Drama BA (Hons) (戏剧)
Music Technology BA (Hons) (音乐技术)
Photography MA (摄影)
PhD Music ()
Photography BA(Hons) (摄影)
MA Performance Making (表演制作)
MA Performance & Culture: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (表演与文化:跨学科视角)
Fine Art BA(Hons) (美术)
Foundation in Art, Design, Media practice ()
Hand Embroidery BA (Hons) (手工刺绣)
Animation MA-including professional placement (动画(含实习))
Foundation Year Humanities and Arts(Creative Writing) (人文与艺术预科(创意写作方向))
Arts& Design PhD ()
Illustration MA (插画)
Foundation Year Humanities and Arts(Drama) (人文与艺术预科(戏剧方向))
Museum and Gallery Studies MA-including professional placement (博物馆与美术馆研究(含实习))
Creative and Cultural Industries: Fashion Promotion and Communications ()
Graduate Diploma Creative Practice(Interior & Product Design) (创意实践(室内与产品设计)研究生文凭)
Foundation Year Humanities and Arts(English) (人文与艺术预科(英语方向))
Foundation Year Humanities and Arts(Journalism) (人文与艺术预科(新闻学方向))
Illustration MA-including professional placement (插画(含实习))
Graduate Diploma Creative Practice (创意实践)
Graduate Diploma Creative Practice(Illustration Animation) (创意实践(插图动画)研究生文凭)
Illustration MA(including professional placement) (插画(含专业实习))
Graduate Diploma Creative Practice(Fashion) (创意实践(时尚)研究生文凭)
Graduate Diploma Creative Practice(Graphic Design) (创意实践(平面设计)研究生文凭)
Museum and Gallery Studies MA(including professional placement) (博物馆与美术馆研究(含专业实习))
Aesthetics and Art Theory MA-including professional placement (美学与艺术论(含实习))
MA Design: Expanded Practice (设计硕士:扩展实践)
Aesthetics and Art Theory MA(including professional placement) (美学与艺术论(含专业实习))
Animation MA(including professional placement) (动画(含专业实习))
English Literature MA (英国文学)
Creative and Professional Writing BA (Hons) (创意及专业写作)
Creative Writing BA (Hons)-including sandwich year (创意写作(含实习))
Creative Writing BA (Hons)-including foundation year (创意写作(含预科))
Creative Writing and Publishing MA(2 years including professional placement) (创意写作与出版(含实习))
Journalism PgDip(2 years including professional placement) (新闻学(含实习))
Philosophy and Contemporary Critical Theory MA (哲学与批判理论)
Creative Writing MA (创意写作)
Creative Writing MFA (创意写作)
English Literature MA(2 years including professional placement) (英国文学(含实习))
Creative Writing and Publishing MA (创意写作与出版)
Creative Writing MA(2 years including professional placement) (创意写作(含实习))
Creative Writing BA (Hons) (创意写作)
Creative Writing BA (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (创意写作(含实习))
Creative Writing BA (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (创意写作(含预科))
English BA (Hons) (英语)
English BA (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year ) (英语(含预科))
Journalism BA (Hons) (新闻学)
English Literature BA(Hons) (英语文学)
Journalism BA (Hons)-including foundation year (新闻学(含预科))
Creative Writing and Publishing MA-including professional placement (创意写作与出版(含实习))
English BA (Hons)-including foundation year (英语(含预科))
Creative Writing MA-including professional placement (创意写作(含实习))
Philosophy and Contemporary Critical Theory MA-including professional placement (哲学与批判理论(含实习))
Creative Writing MA(including professional placement) (创意写作(含专业实习))
English Literature MA-including professional placement (英国文学(含实习))
Philosophy and Contemporary Critical Theory MA(including professional placement) (哲学与批判理论(含专业实习))
Creative Writing and Publishing MA(including professional placement) (创意写作与出版(含专业实习))
English Literature MA(including professional placement) (英国文学(含专业实习))
Environmental Science BSc (Hons) (环境科学)
Biological Sciences BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (生物科学(含实习))
Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (生物医学科学(含预科))
Chemistry BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (化学(含实习))
Computer Games Programming BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (电脑游戏编程(含实习))
Geography BSc (Hons) (地理)
Biological Sciences BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (生物科学(含预科))
Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (生物医学科学(含实习))
Chemistry BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (化学(含预科))
Computer Games Programming BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (电脑游戏编程(含预科))
Clinical Applications of Psychology MSc (心理学临床应用)
Biochemistry BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (生物化学(含实习))
Biochemistry BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (生物化学(含预科))
Computer Games Programming BSc (Hons) (电脑游戏编程)
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry MChem (Hons)-including professional placement (化学与药物化学 本硕连读(含实习))
Biomedical Science with Management Studies MSc (生物医学与管理研究)
Cancer Biology MSc (癌症生物学)
Data Science MSc (数据科学)
Forensic Science MSc (法证科学)
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry MChem (Hons) (化学与药物化学(本硕连读))
Analytical Chemistry MSc(2 years including professional placement) (分析化学(含实习))
Forensic Psychology MSc (法医心理学)
Psychology MSc (心理学)
Pharmaceutical Science MSc(2 years including professional placement) (制药科学(含实习))
Pharmaceutical Science with Management Studies MSc(2 years including professional placement) (制药科学含管理研究(含实习))
Biomedical Science (Haematology/Medical Microbiology) MSc(2 years including professional placement) (生物医学科学(血液学/医学微生物学)(含实习))
Data Science MSc(2 years including professional placement) (数据科学(含实习))
Forensic Science MSc(2 years including professional placement) (法证科学(含实习))
Medicinal Chemistry MSc (药物化学)
Medicinal Chemistry MSc(2 years including professional placement) (药物化学(含实习))
Medicinal Chemistry with Management Studies MSc (药物化学与管理研究)
Medicinal Chemistry with Management Studies MSc(2 years including professional placement) (药物化学与管理研究(含实习))
Biomedical Science with Management Studies MSc(2 years including professional placement) (生物医学与管理研究(含实习))
Cancer Biology MSc(2 years including professional placement) (癌症生物学(含实习))
Pharmaceutical Analysis MSc(2 years including professional placement) (制药分析(含实习))
Pharmaceutical Analysis with Management Studies MSc(2 years including professional placement) (制药分析含管理研究(含实习))
Biological Sciences BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (生物科学(含预科))
Biomedical Science BSc (Hons) (生物医学科学)
Chemistry BSc (Hons) (化学)
Biochemistry BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (生物化学(含预科))
Biological Sciences BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (生物科学(含实习))
Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (生物医学科学(含预科))
Chemistry BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (化学(含预科))
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry MChem (Hons) (5 years full time including professional placement) (化学与药物化学 本硕连读(含实习))
Environmental Science with Hazards and Disasters BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (危害与灾害环境科学(含预科))
Pharmaceutical Science BSc (Hons) (制药科学)
Pharmaceutical Science BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (制药科学(含实习))
Pharmaceutical Science BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (制药科学(含预科))
Sport Science BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (运动科学(含预科))
Biochemistry BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year ) (生物化学(含实习))
Biological Sciences BSc (Hons) (生物科学)
Biomedical Science BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (生物医学科学(含实习))
Chemistry BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (化学(含实习))
Pharmaceutical Science MPharmSci (Hons) (制药科学 本硕连读)
Pharmacy MPharm (Hons)(5 years full time including foundation year) (药学 本硕连读(含预科))
Sport Science BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year ) (运动科学(含实习))
Biochemistry BSc (Hons) (生物化学)
Chemistry MChem (Hons) (化学 本硕连读)
Environmental Science BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (环境科学(含实习))
Environmental Science BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (环境科学(含预科))
Forensic Science BSc (Hons) (法证科学)
Forensic Science BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (法证科学(含预科))
Geography BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (地理(含实习))
Geography BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (地理(含预科))
Pharmacology BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (药理学(含实习))
Pharmacology BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (药理学(含预科))
Pharmacy MPharm (Hons) (药学 本硕连读)
Biomedical Science: Haematology with Management Studies MSc(January) (生物医学科学: 血液学与管理学)
Sport Science (Coaching) BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (运动科学(教练)(含预科))
Biomedical Science: Haematology MSc(January) (生物医学科学: 血液学)
Biomedical Science: Medical Microbiology MSc(including professional placement)(January) (生物医学科学: 医学微生物学(含专业实习))
Cancer Biology MSc(including professional placement)(January) (癌症生物学(含专业实习))
Pharmaceutical Science MSc(including professional placement)(January) (制药科学(含专业实习))
Sport Science (Coaching) BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (运动科学(教练)(含实习))
Biomedical Science: Haematology MSc(including professional placement)(January) (生物医学科学: 血液学(含专业实习))
Biomedical Science: Haematology with Management Studies MSc(including professional placement)(January) (生物医学科学: 血液学与管理学(含专业实习))
Biomedical Science: Medical Microbiology MSc(January) (生物医学科学: 医学微生物学)
Cancer Biology MSc(January) (癌症生物学)
Environmental Science with Hazards and Disasters BSc (Hons) (危害与灾害环境科学)
Environmental Science with Hazards and Disasters BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (危害与灾害环境科学(含实习))
Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences Foundation Degree (Pre-Pharmacy) (制药和化学科学)
Pharmaceutical Science with Regulatory Affairs BSc (Hons) (制药科学与监管事务)
Pharmaceutical Science with Regulatory Affairs BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (制药科学与监管事务(含实习))
Pharmacology BSc (Hons) (药理学)
Sport Science (Coaching) BSc (Hons) (运动科学(教练))
Analytical Chemistry MSc(including professional placement)(January) (分析化学(含专业实习))
Analytical Chemistry MSc(January) (分析化学)
Biomedical Science: Medical Microbiology with Management Studies MSc(including professional placement)(January) (生物医学科学: 医学微生物学与管理学(含专业实习))
Biomedical Science: Medical Microbiology with Management Studies MSc(January) (生物医学科学: 医学微生物学与管理学)
Data Science MSc(including professional placement)(January) (数据科学(含专业实习))
Financial Economics MA (金融经济学)
Forensic Psychology BSc(Hons) (法医心理学)
Forensic Analysis Masters (MSc) (法医分析)
Biochemistry BSc(Hons) (生物化学)
Chemistry MChem(Hons) (化学)
Cancer Biology Masters (MSc) (癌症生物学)
Data Science MSc(January) (数据科学)
Pharmaceutical Science MSc (制药科学)
Analytical Chemistry MSc (分析化学)
Biomedical Science (Haematology/Medical Microbiology) Masters (MSc) (生物医学科学(血液学/医学微生物学))
Biomedical Science with Management Studies Masters (MSc) (生物医学科学含管理研究)
Pharmaceutical Analysis with Management Studies MSc (制药分析含管理研究)
Biological Sciences BSc(Hons) (生物科学)
Environmental Hazards and Disaster Management BSc(Hons) (环境危机与灾害管理)
Forensic Science BSc(Hons) (法医学)
Pharmacology BSc(Hons) (药剂学)
Environmental Science with Hazards and Disasters BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (危害与灾害环境科学(含预科))
Foundation Year in Social Sciences(Criminology and Forensic Psychology) (社会科学预科(犯罪学和法医心理学方向))
Foundation Year in Social Sciences(Psychology with Sociology) (社会科学预科(心理学与社会学方向))
Foundation Year in Social Sciences(Forensic Psychology) (社会科学预科(法医心理学方向))
Foundation Year in Social Sciences(Psychology) (社会科学预科(心理学方向))
Sport Science (Coaching) BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (运动科学(教练)- 含实习)
Analytical Chemistry MSc-including professional placement (分析化学(含实习))
Biomedical Science: Medical Microbiology with Management Studies MSc-including professional placement (生物医学科学: 医学微生物学与管理学(含实习))
Pharmaceutical Science with Regulatory Affairs BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (制药科学与监管事务(含实习))
Biomedical Science: Haematology MSc (生物医学科学: 血液学)
Cancer Biology MSc-including professional placement (癌症生物学(含实习))
Forensic Science MSc-including professional placement (法证科学(含实习))
Medicinal Chemistry with Management Studies MSc (药物化学与管理学)
Environmental Science BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (环境科学(含预科))
Environmental Science with Hazards and Disasters BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (危害与灾害环境科学(含实习))
Biomedical Science BSc(Hons) (生物医学科学)
Environmental Science BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (环境科学(含实习))
Forensic Science BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (法证科学(含预科))
Medicinal Chemistry MSc-including professional placement (药物化学(含实习))
Pharmaceutical Analysis with Management Studies MSc (制药分析与管理研究)
Pharmaceutical Analysis with Management Studies MSc-including professional placement (制药分析与管理研究(含实习))
Pharmaceutical Science MSc-including professional placement (制药科学(含实习))
Pharmaceutical Science with Management Studies MSc-including professional placement (制药科学与管理学(含实习))
Biomedical Science: Medical Microbiology with Management Studies MSc(including professional placement) (生物医学科学: 医学微生物学与管理学(含专业实习))
Cancer Biology MSc(including professional placement) (癌症生物学(含专业实习))
Foundation Year in Social Sciences(Psychology with Criminology) (社会科学预科(心理学与犯罪学方向))
Geography BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (地理(含预科))
Pharmaceutical Science BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (制药科学(含预科))
Geography BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (地理(含实习))
Pharmaceutical Science BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (制药科学(含实习))
Pharmacology BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (药理学(含实习))
Pharmacology BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (药理学(含预科))
Pharmacy MPharm (Hons)-including foundation year (药学 本硕连读(含预科))
Biomedical Science: Haematology MSc-including professional placement (生物医学科学: 血液学(含实习))
Biomedical Science: Medical Microbiology MSc-including professional placement (生物医学科学: 医学微生物学(含实习))
Medicinal Chemistry with Management Studies MSc-including professional placement (药物化学与管理学(含实习))
Biomedical Science: Haematology with Management Studies MSc(including professional placement) (生物医学科学: 血液学与管理学(含专业实习))
Biomedical Science: Medical Microbiology MSc(including professional placement) (生物医学科学: 医学微生物学(含专业实习))
Data Science MSc(including professional placement) (数据科学(含专业实习))
Pharmaceutical Science with Management Studies MSc (制药科学与管理学)
Biomedical Science: Haematology MSc(including professional placement) (生物医学科学: 血液学(含专业实习))
Forensic Science MSc(including professional placement) (法证科学(含专业实习))
Sport Science (Coaching) BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (运动科学(教练)- 含预科)
Biomedical Science: Haematology with Management Studies MSc (生物医学科学: 血液学与管理学)
Biomedical Science: Haematology with Management Studies MSc-including professional placement (生物医学科学: 血液学与管理学(含实习))
Biomedical Science: Medical Microbiology MSc (生物医学科学: 医学微生物学)
Biomedical Science: Medical Microbiology with Management Studies MSc (生物医学科学: 医学微生物学与管理学)
Data Science MSc-including professional placement (数据科学(含实习))
Pharmaceutical Science MSc(including professional placement) (制药科学(含专业实习))
Analytical Chemistry MSc(including professional placement) (分析化学(含专业实习))
Pharmaceutical Science with Management Studies MSc(including professional placement) (制药科学与管理学(含专业实习))
Child Psychology MSc (儿童心理学)
Clinical Leadership MSc (临床领导力)
Adult Nursing MSc (成人护理学)
Children's Nursing MSc (儿童护理)
Midwifery with Registered Midwife for Registered Nurses (Adult) MMid (助产学(成人))
Midwifery with Registered Midwife MMid (助产学)
Mental Health Nursing MSc (心理健康护理)
Learning Disabilities Nursing MSc (学习障碍护理学)
Psychology BSc (Hons) (心理学)
Psychology BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (心理学(含实习))
Psychology BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (心理学(含预科))
Learning Disabilities Nursing BSc (Hons) (学习障碍护理学)
Mental Health Nursing BSc (Hons) (心理健康护理学)
Midwifery with Registered Midwife BMid (Hons) (助产学)
Midwifery with Registered Midwife BMid (Hons) for Registered Nurses (Adult) (助产学(成人))
Early Years and Children's Services: Leadership & Management Foundation Degree FdA (幼儿和儿童服务:领导与管理)
Nutrition (Exercise and Health) BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (营养学(运动与健康)(含实习))
Children's Nursing BSc (Hons) (儿童护理学)
Nutrition (Exercise and Health) BSc (Hons) (营养学(运动与健康))
Nutrition (Exercise and Health) BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (营养学(运动与健康)(含预科))
Adult Nursing BSc (Hons) (成人护理学)
Sport Science BSc (Hons) (运动科学)
Nutrition (Human Nutrition) BSc (Hons) (营养学(人类营养学))
Nutrition (Human Nutrition) BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (营养学(人类营养学)(含实习))
Nutrition (Human Nutrition) BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (营养学(人类营养学)(含预科))
Social Work MSW (社会工作)
Children's Nursing BSc(Hons) (儿童护理)
Nutrition (Exercise and Health) BSc (Hons)-including professional placement (营养学(运动与健康)- 含实习)
Nutrition (Human Nutrition) BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (营养学(人类营养学)- 含预科)
Psychology with Counselling BSc (Hons)-including professional placement (心理学与咨询(含实习))
Sport Science BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (运动科学(含预科))
Psychology BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (心理学(含实习))
Psychology BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (心理学(含预科))
Psychology with Counselling BSc (Hons) (心理学与咨询)
Sport Science BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (运动科学(含实习))
Nutrition (Exercise and Health) BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (营养学(运动与健康)- 含预科)
Nutrition (Human Nutrition) BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (营养学(人类营养学)- 含实习)
Psychology with Counselling BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (心理学与咨询(含预科))
Criminology and Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (犯罪学与法证心理学(含预科))
Criminal Justice BSc (Hons)-including professional placement (刑事司法(含实习))
Criminology and Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (犯罪学与法证心理学(含实习))
Criminology BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (犯罪学(含预科))
Criminal Justice BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (刑事司法(含预科))
Criminal Justice BSc (Hons)-with study exchange (刑事司法(含学习交流))
Medium Pre-sessional ()
Criminal Justice BSc (Hons) (刑事司法)
Criminology BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (犯罪学(含实习))
Criminology MA (犯罪学)
Human Rights MA (人权)
Philosophy MPhilStud (哲学)
Modern European Philosophy MA(2 years including professional placement) (现代欧洲哲学(含实习))
Publishing MA(2 years including professional placement) (出版(含实习))
Criminology and Sociology BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (犯罪学与社会学(含实习))
Criminology and Sociology BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (犯罪学与社会学(含预科))
Behavioural Decision Science MSc (行为判决科学)
Criminology with Forensic Psychology MA (犯罪学与法证心理学)
International Relations MSc (国际关系)
Modern European Philosophy MA (现代欧洲哲学)
Master of Social Work (MSW) (社会工作)
Philosophy and Contemporary Critical Theory MA(2 years including professional placement) (哲学与批判理论(含实习))
Criminology and Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons) (犯罪学与法证心理学)
Psychology with Criminology BSc (Hons) (心理学与犯罪学)
Criminology BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (犯罪学(含预科))
Psychology with Criminology BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (心理学与犯罪学(含实习))
Psychology with Sociology BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (心理学与社会学(含预科))
Sociology BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including sandwich year) (社会学(含实习))
Criminology and Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (犯罪学与法证心理学(含实习))
Criminology and Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (犯罪学与法证心理学(含预科))
Criminology BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (犯罪学(含实习))
Criminology and Sociology BSc (Hons) (犯罪学与社会学)
Criminology and Sociology BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (犯罪学与社会学(含实习))
Criminology and Sociology BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (犯罪学与社会学(含预科))
Criminology BSc (Hons) (犯罪学)
Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons) (法证心理学)
Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (法证心理学(含实习))
Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (法证心理学(含预科))
Social Work BA (Hons) (社会工作)
International Foundation Year in Law and Social Sciences (法学、社会科学专业本科预科)
Psychology with Criminology BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including foundation year) (心理学与犯罪学(含预科))
Psychology with Sociology BSc (Hons) (心理学与社会学)
Psychology with Sociology BSc (Hons) (4 years full time including sandwich year) (心理学与社会学(含实习))
Sociology BSc (Hons) (社会学)
Sociology BSc (Hons)(4 years full time including foundation year) (社会学(含预科))
Working with Children & Young People: Social Pedagogy BA (Hons) (儿童和青少年工作:社会教育学)
Terrorism and Political Violence MSc (恐怖主义与政治暴力)
Politics and International Relations BA(Hons) (政治与国际关系)
Development and International Economics MA (发展与国际经济学)
International Politics and Economics MA (国际政策与经济)
Criminology BSc(Hons) (犯罪学)
Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (法证心理学(含实习))
Psychology with Criminology BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (心理学与犯罪学(含预科))
Sociology BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (社会学(含预科))
Modern European Philosophy MA-including professional placement (现代欧洲哲学(含实习))
Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (法证心理学(含预科))
Foundation Year in Social Sciences(Criminology and Sociology) (社会科学预科(犯罪学和社会学方向))
Foundation Year in Social Sciences(Criminology) (社会科学预科(犯罪学方向))
Foundation Year in Social Sciences(Sociology) (社会科学预科(社会学方向))
Psychology with Criminology BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (心理学与犯罪学(含实习))
Psychology with Sociology BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (心理学与社会学(含实习))
Psychology with Sociology BSc (Hons)-including foundation year (心理学与社会学(含预科))
Sociology BSc (Hons)-including sandwich year (社会学(含实习))
Modern European Philosophy MA(including professional placement) (现代欧洲哲学(含专业实习))
Radiography: Medical Imaging MSc (X线摄影术:医学影像)
General Law LLM (通用法)
International Law with professional experience LLB (Hons) (国际法含专业实践)
Law with professional experience LLB (Hons)(4 years full time with study exchange) (法学含专业实践(含交换学习))
International Law with professional experience LLB (Hons) (4 years full time with study exchange) (国际法含专业实践(含交换学习))
Law with professional experience LLB (Hons) (法学含专业实践)
Law and Criminal Justice LLB (Hons) (法律与刑事司法)
Law and Criminal Justice LLB (Hons)-including professional placement (法律与刑事司法(含实习))
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