The University of Buckingham
英国白金汉大学(The Univerity of Buckingham)是全英唯一一所私立(独立大学),1976年以白金汉大学学院的名字创立。
英国白金汉大学The Univerity of Buckingham
英国白金汉大学(The Univerity of Buckingham)是全英唯一一所非营利性的私立(独立大学),1976年以白金汉大学学院的名字创立,1980年获得英国女王的特许壮后正式升格为 大学.现任名誉校长为英国前首相,马格丽特.撒切尔女男爵.作为皇家宪章的持有者,大学有权颁授学位,其学历国际认可,与中国教育部实现中英学历互认。
在2010年9月《The Sunday Time》公布的“2011 大学指南”统计数据中,白金汉大学毕业生就业率为95.8%,排全英第4位。
在2010年英国《The Guardian》的单科专业排名中,白金汉大学的商科为第2位,英文专业第6位,法学第24位。
《独立报》同时撰文指出,白金汉大学皇室特许的独立性使得大学没有任何政府资金来源,因而不在政府学术研究体系之内,在该排名的学术研究因无法参考而不 计分。尽管如此,白金汉大学仍以极强的实力进入前20名。另外,白金汉大学在三项评比中名列前茅:学生满意度,师生比和就业前景。
作为英国唯一皇室特许的独立性大学,白金汉大学在专业上提供高品质的两年制本科教育。由于合理地利用暑期安排教学,一般需要攻读三年才能取得的本科学 位在白金汉大学仅需两年时间。相对于其他英国大学而言,既节省了一年的时间和在英国的开销,又保障了课时数。白金汉大学的学历国际认可,是中国教育部学历 互认的大学之一。
英国白金汉大学(The Univerity of Buckingham)是全英唯一一所私立(独立大学),1976年以白金汉大学学院的名字创立,1980年获得英国女王的特许妆后正式升格为大学。现任名誉校长为英国前首相马格丽特·撒切尔女男爵。
大 学提供的课程有:(本科方面)BUSINESS STUDIES, PSYCHOLOGY等。学校采取一年四学期的学制,一般需要三到四年完成的本科学业在此两年即可完成。大学每年的一月开始新的学年,每年分为四个学期。 一般需要攻读三年才能够取得的荣誉学位在白金汉大学仅需两年时间即可完成。攻读硕士生课程的学生可以用三年时间取得本科学位以及硕士学位。 法律(包括法学学生学位,法学硕士学位),商学(包括工商管理硕士),会计学,市场学,服务管理,心理学,生物信息技术,英语语言和文学,国际关系,计算 机,商务信息学,历史,政治,英语教学(TESOL and TEFL)等。
中国学生可以申请白金汉大学的开放奖学金(Open Scholarhip)。它包括本科和硕士在内的6类奖学金,每年至少18个名额。
全体一年级学生均可住宿,许多学生可以一直住到二年级。大多数学生住在校内专门建造的 宿舍里。每座宿舍楼均有一位住宿助理进行管理。校方将指定一些学生负责保障住宿生的福利。这些学生负责欢迎新生,帮助新生在宿舍中安顿妥当。
福利与教导制度至关重要,学生将能够获得个别辅导员的帮助,学生顾问以及福利工作人员将随时提供帮助。 图书馆与计算机服务部的规模不断扩大,为课程教学提供支持服务,以及各种印刷出版的资料与电子信息。遍布整个校园的计算机网络为学生使用国际互联网以及电 子邮件提供了便利 。学生可以在校内参加各种体育活动,来自不同国家的外国留学生成立了名目繁多的外国留 学生俱乐部,全年举办各种文化盛会。学生自助食堂的膳食供应品种多样,能够满足各国留学生的需要。在当地还有多处就餐与聚会的地点。
BSc (Hons) Business Management with Applied Computing (2-year degree) (应用计算机商务管理)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Business Management (2-year degree) (心理学与商业管理)
MSc Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
LLM International and Commercial Law (国际法和商法)
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance with integrated Foundation (3-year degree) (会计与金融(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Business Management with integrated Foundation (商务管理(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Computing with Accounting and Finance (2-year degree) (计算机与会计和金融)
BSc (Hons) Computing with Business Management (2-year degree) (计算机与商业管理)
BSc (Hons) Economics (Single) (2-year degree) (经济学(单科))
LLM International and Commercial Law (9 Months) (国际法和商法)
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance (3-year degree) (会计与金融)
BSc (Hons) Business Economics (2-year degree) (商业经济学)
BSc (Hons) Business Enterprise (BBE) with integrated Foundation (3-year degree) (商业企业(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Business Economics with integrated Foundation (3-year degree) (商业经济学(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Business Management (2-year degree) (商业管理)
BSc (Hons) Business Management with Entrepreneurship with integrated Foundation (3-year-degree) (企业管理与创业(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Digital Marketing (2-year degree) (数字营销)
BA (Hons) History with Economics (2-year degree) (历史与经济学)
MSc Finance and Investment (金融与投资)
MSc Financial Fraud Investigation and Intelligence (金融欺诈调查与情报)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) (工商管理)
BSc Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
MSc Management in a Global Service Economy (全球服务经济管理)
BSc (Hons) Accounting with Spanish (会计与西班牙语)
BSc (Hons) Business and Management with Applied Computing (商务管理与应用计算)
BSc (Hons) Business and Management with Communication Studies (商务管理与沟通研究)
MSc Financial Service Management (金融服务管理)
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Financial Management (3 year) (会计与金融管理)
BSc (Hons) Accounting with Communication Studies (EFL) (会计与沟通研究)
BSc (Hons) Accounting with French (会计与法语)
BSc (Hons) Business and Management with French (商务管理与法语)
BSc (Hons) Business and Management with Spanish (商务管理与西班牙语)
BSc (Hons) Computing with Business and Management (商务管理计算)
Foundation Pathway(Psychology) (预科课程(心理学))
BSc (Econ) (Hons) Business Economics (商务经济学)
BSc (Hons) Business and Management (商务与管理)
BSc (Hons) Business and Management (3 year) (商务与管理)
BSc (Hons) Marketing with Media Communications (市场营销与媒体沟通)
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance (2-year degree) (会计与金融)
BSc (Hons) Business Management (3-year degree) (商业管理)
BSc (Hons) Business Management with Entrepreneurship (企业管理与创业)
BSc (Hons) Computing with Accounting and Finance with integrated Foundation (3-year degree) (计算机与会计和金融(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Computing with Business Management with integrated Foundation (3-year degree) (计算机与商务管理(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Economics with integrated Foundation (经济学(含预科))
LLB (Hons) Law with Business Management (2-year degree) (商业管理法学)
BSc (Hons) Marketing with Media Communications (2-year degree) (市场营销与媒体传播)
BSc (Hons) Marketing with Psychology (市场营销与心理学)
BSc (Hons) Marketing with Spanish (市场营销与西班牙语)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Marketing (心理学与市场营销)
Business Management ()
BSc (Hons) Business Economics (商业经济学)
BSc (Hons) Business Enterprise (BBE) (商务企业)
BSc (Hons) Business Management with Entrepreneurship with integrated Foundation (商业管理与创业(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Business Management with integrated Foundation (商业管理(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Computing with Business Management with integrated Foundation (计算机与商业管理(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Computing with Business Management (计算机与商业管理)
BSc (Hons) Economics, Business and Law (经济学、商务与法律)
Master of Business Administration (MBA) (工商管理硕士(MBA))
BSc (Hons) Business Enterprise (BBE) with integrated Foundation (商务企业(含预科))
BA (Hons) Digital News and Media (Single) (数字新闻与媒体 (单门))
Postgraduate Diploma in International and Commercial Law (国际商法)
Postgraduate Diploma in International and Commercial Law (国际法和商法)
MSc Strategic Marketing & Customer Experience Management (战略营销与客户体验管理)
Foundation Pathway(Business / Economics) (预科课程(商业/经济学))
Masters of Business Administration (MBA) (工商管理)
BSc (Hons) Computing with Accounting and Finance (会计与金融计算)
BSc (Hons) Business Enterprise (商务企业)
BSc (Hons) Business and Management with Communication Studies (EFL) (商务管理与沟通研究)
BSc (Hons) Marketing with French (市场营销与法语)
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
BSc (Hons) Business Economics with integrated Foundation (商业经济学(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Business Management (商务管理)
BSc (Hons) Business Management with Entrepreneurship (商业管理与创业)
BSc (Hons) Business Management with Applied Computing (商业管理与应用计算学)
MSc Strategic Marketing & Customer Experience Management (战略营销与消费者体验管理)
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance with integrated Foundation (会计与金融(含预科))
MSc Management in a Digital Service Economy (数字服务经济管理)
MSc in Money, Banking and Wealth Management (货币、银行和财富管理)
MA Decorative Arts and Historic Interiors (装饰艺术与历史室内装饰)
MA in the History of Western Architecture (by Research) (西方建筑史(研究方向))
MEd in Educational Leadership (教育领导力)
BA (Hons) English Studies for Teaching (EFL) (教学英语研究)
Graduate Diploma in Computing (计算机)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Applied Computing (2-year degree) (心理学与应用计算机)
BSc (Hons) Computing (2-year degree) (计算机)
BSc (Hons) Computing (Artificial Intelligence and Robotics) (计算机(人工智能与机器人))
BSc (Hons) Computing with integrated Foundation (3-year degree) (计算机(含预科))
BA (Hons) Security, Intelligence and Cyber (安全、情报与网络)
MSc Applied Data Science (应用数据科学)
MSc Innovative Computing (创新计算机)
BA (Hons) Security, Intelligence and Cyber (2 Years) (安全、情报与网络)
BSc (Hons) Computing and Software Entrepreneurship (计算与软件企业)
MSc Computing (by Research) (计算机硕士(研究类))
BSc (Hons) Computing with Economics (计算与经济学)
BSc Computing (2-year degree) ()
Graduate Certificate in Computing (计算)
Graduate Diploma in Computing (计算)
MSc Applied Computing (应用计算)
BSc (Hons) Computing (3-year degree) (计算机)
BSc (Hons) Computing (Cyber Security) (计算机(网络安全))
BA (Hons) Security, Intelligence and Cyber with integrated Foundation (3-year degree) (安全、情报和网络(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Computing (计算机)
BSc (Hons) Computing with integrated Foundation (计算机(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Computing with Accounting and Finance with integrated Foundation (会计与金融计算(含预科))
MSc Applied Computing (应用计算机)
Access to Computing (计算机预科课程)
BA (Hons) Content Creation, Digital Media and Journalism (2-year degree) (内容创作、数字媒体与新闻)
BA (Hons) Content Creation, Digital Media and Journalism with integrated Foundation (3-year degree) (内容创作、数字媒体和新闻学(含预科))
MA by Professional Practice in Digital News and Media (数字新闻与媒体专业实践)
BA (Hons) Journalism with Communication Studies (新闻与媒体沟通)
MA by Research in Digital News and Media (数字新闻与媒体研究)
BA (Hons) Communication (EFL) and Media Studies (通信与媒体研究)
BA (Hons) Communication, Media and Journalism (沟通、媒体与新闻)
BA (Hons) Journalism with French (新闻与法语)
Journalism with International Relations (新闻与国际关系)
Journalism with Politics (新闻与政治)
BA (Hons) Journalism with Spanish (新闻与西班牙语)
MA The Art Market and the History of Collecting by Research (艺术市场与收藏史研究)
MA History of Art: Renaissance to Modernism by Research (6 Months) (艺术史硕士: 文艺复兴到现代主义研究)
BA (Hons) History of Art (Flexible) (艺术史(灵活))
MA History of Art: Renaissance to Modernism by Research (艺术史硕士: 文艺复兴到现代主义研究)
BA (Hons) History of Art (final-year transfer option) (艺术史)
BA (Hons) English Literature (Single) (2-year degree) (英国文学(单科))
BA (Hons) English Literature (Single) (3-year degree) (英国文学(单科))
BA (Hons) History with Economics (3-year degree) (历史与经济学)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with English Literature (2-year degree) (心理学与英国文学)
BA (Hons) History (Flexible) (2-year degree) (历史(弹性课程))
BA (Hons) History with Politics (2-year degree) (历史与政治)
BA (Hons) Liberal Arts (2-year degree) (文科)
BA (Hons) History with English Literature (2-year degree) (历史与英国文学)
BA (Hons) in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (3-year degree) (哲学、政治学和经济学)
BA (Hons) Philosophy, Politics and Economics (2-year degree) (哲学、政治学和经济学)
MA 20th-Century British History by Research (6 Months) (20 世纪英国史)
MA Research Biography (研究简历)
MA in the History of Art: Renaissance to Modernism (文学史:文艺复兴与现代主义)
BA (Hons) English Studies with Media Communications (英语研究与媒体沟通)
BA (Hons) English Language and Communication Studies (EFL) (英语语言与沟通研究)
BA (Hons) English Literature (英国文学)
BA (Hons) English Literature with French (英语语言与法语)
BA (Hons) English Literature with Journalism (英国文学与新闻)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with English Literature (心理学与英国文学)
BA (Hons) English Studies (EFL) (英语研究)
BA (Hons) International Relations with French (国际关系与法语)
BA (Hons) English Literature 3 Years (英国文学)
BA (Hons) Art History with English Literature (文学史与英国文学)
BA (Hons) English Literature with English Language Studies (英国文学与英语语言研究)
BA (Hons) English Literature with English Language Studies (EFL) (英国文学与英语语言研究)
BA (Hons) English Studies with Journalism (英语研究与新闻学)
BA (Hons) International Relations with English Language Studies (国际关系与英语语言研究)
BA (Hons) International Studies with English Language Studies (国际研究与英语语言研究)
BA (Hons) English Literature with Psychology (英国文学与心理学)
BA (Hons) English Literature with Spanish (英国文学与西班牙语)
BA (Hons) History with English Literature (历史与英国文学)
BA (Hons) Journalism with English Literature (新闻与英国文学)
BA (Hons) International Studies with French (国际研究与法语)
BA (Hons) History with English Literature (3-year degree) (历史与英国文学)
BA (Hons) History with Politics (3-year degree) (历史与政治)
MA 20th-Century British History by Research (20 世纪英国史)
MA English Literature by Research (英国文学研究)
MA Modern War Studies and Contemporary Military History (现代战争研究与当代军事史)
MA Modern War Studies and Contemporary Military History (6 Months) (现代战争研究与当代军事史)
MA in Biography (档案)
BA (Hons) English Literature (Flexible) (英国文学(灵活))
BA (Hons) English Literature (Single) (英国文学(单门))
BA (Hons) English Literature with History (英国文学与历史)
BA (Hons) English Literature with Journalism 3 Years (英国文学与新闻)
BA (Hons) Journalism with English Literature 3 Years (新闻与英国文学)
BA (Hons) English Studies (英语研究)
BA (Hons) English Studies for Teaching (教学英语研究)
BA (Hons) Art History with French (文学史与法语)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with integrated Foundation (3-year degree) (心理学(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Psychology (2-year degree) (心理学)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with French (市场营销与法语)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Applied Computing (心理学与应用计算)
MSc by Research in Biomedical Science (生物医学科学研究)
MSc Psychology by Research (研究心理学)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Business and Management (商务管理与心理学)
MSc Mathematics (by Research) (数学(研究方向))
BSc Human Biosciences (人类生物科学)
BSc (Hons) Computing with Communication Studies (计算与通信研究)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Media Communications (市场营销与媒体沟通)
BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences (2-year degree) (生物医学科学)
BSc (Hons) Psychology (心理学)
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Spanish (心理学与西班牙语)
BA (Hons) International Relations (国际关系)
BA (Hons) International Relations-2 Years (国际关系)
BA (Hons) International Relations with integrated Foundation (国际关系(含预科))
MA Security, Intelligence and Diplomacy (安全、情报与外交)
MSc in Money, Banking and Wealth Management (货币、银行与财富管理)
MA Security and Intelligence Studies (安全与情报研究)
MA Dickens Studies by Research (狄更斯研究)
MA Garden History (园林历史)
MA Garden History (6 Months) (园林历史)
MA Military History by Research (6 Months) (军事历史研究)
BA (Hons) Liberal Arts with integrated Foundation (文科(含预科))
MSc Money, Banking and Central Banking (货币、银行和中央银行)
MA in Law Enforcement, Security and Intelligence (执法、安全与情报)
BA (Hons) Art History with History (文学史与历史)
BSc (Econ) (Hons) Economics (经济学)
BSc (Hons) Economics with English Language Studies (经济学与英语语言研究)
BSc (Hons) Economics with French (经济学与法语)
BA (Hons) Politics and Economics (政治与经济学)
BA (Hons) Art History and Heritage Management (文学史与遗产管理)
BA (Hons) International Relations with Journalism (国际关系与新闻)
BA (Hons) International Studies with English Language Studies (EFL) (国际关系与英语语言研究)
BA (Hons) Politics with Spanish (政治与西班牙语)
MA Military History by Research (军事历史研究)
MA in War Studies and Contemporary Military History for Staff Colleges Graduates (为参谋学院毕业生开设的战争研究与当代军事史)
BA (Hons) History with Economics (历史与经济学)
BA (Hons) International Relations with Economics (国际关系与经济学)
BA (Hons) Politics with Economics (政治与经济学)
MA United Nations and Diplomatic Studies (联合国与外交研究)
MA in Country House Studies by Research (6 Months) (乡村别墅研究)
MA Dickens Studies by Research (6 Months) (狄更斯研究)
Foundation Pathway(Humanities) (预科课程(人文科学))
Foundation Pathway(International Studies) (预科课程(国际研究))
BA (Hons) Art History with Spanish (文学史与西班牙语)
BSc (Hons) Economics with Journalism (经济学与新闻)
BSc (Hons) Economics with Politics (经济学与政治)
BSc (Hons) Economics with Spanish (经济学与西班牙语)
BA (Hons) History with Politics (历史与政治)
BA (Hons) History and Politics (历史与政治)
BA (Hons) International Studies (国际研究)
BA (Hons) International Studies 3 Years (国际研究)
BA (Hons) Politics with English Language Studies (政治与英语语言研究)
BSc (Hons) Economics (Flexible) (经济学 (灵活))
BSc (Hons) Economics (Single) (经济学(单门))
BA (Hons) History and Heritage Management (历史及文物管理)
BA (Hons) Digital News and Media with integrated Foundation (Single) (数字新闻与媒体(含预科)(单门))
BA (Hons) History (Flexible) (历史学(灵活))
BA (Hons) International Relations(Flexible) (国际关系(灵活))
BA (Hons) Modern Languages (Flexible) (现代语言学(灵活))
BA (Hons) Security, Intelligence and Cyber with integrated Foundation (安全、情报和网络(含预科))
MA Decorative Arts and Historic Interiors (装饰艺术及历史室内设计)
Postgraduate Certificate, Money, Banking and Central Banking (货币,银行和中央银行,研究生证书)
MA in Country House Studies by Research (乡村别墅研究)
MA Philosophy by Research (研究哲学)
MA Tudor and Stuart History by Research (都铎和斯图亚特历史研究)
MA in Decorative Arts and Historic Interiors (金融服务管理)
BA (Hons) Art History with Journalism (文学史与新闻)
BSc (Econ) (Hons) Economics 3 Years (经济学)
BA (Hons) Politics with French (政治与法语)
BA (Hons) Journalism with International Studies (新闻与国际研究)
BA (Hons) International Studies with Spanish (国际研究与西班牙语)
LLB (Hons) Law and Criminology (法律与犯罪学)
LLB (Hons) Law with Business Management (法律和商业管理)
LLB (Hons) Law with integrated Foundation (法学(含预科))
BSc (Hons) Psychology with integrated Foundation (心理学(含预科))
MSc Health Psychology (健康心理学)
BSc (Hons) Economics with Applied Computing (经济学与应用计算)
BSc (Hons) Economics with English Language Studies (EFL) (经济学与英语语言研究)
BSc (Hons) Economics with History (经济学与历史)
BA (Hons) History and Economics (历史与经济学)
BA (Hons) Politics, Economics and Law (政治、经济学与法律)
BA (Hons) History with Journalism (历史与新闻)
BA (Hons) International Relations with Applied Computing (国际关系与应用计算)
BA (Hons) International Relations with Spanish (国际关系与西班牙语)
BA (Hons) International Studies with Journalism (国际研究与新闻)
BA (Hons) Politics with Journalism (政治与新闻)
BSc (Hons) Economics (经济学)
BA (Hons) Digital News and Media (Flexible) (数字新闻与媒体 (灵活))
BA (Hons) Digital News and Media with integrated Foundation (Flexible) (数字新闻与媒体(含预科)(灵活))
BA (Hons) International Studies with integrated foundation (国际学研究(含预科))
BA (Hons) Philosophy, Politics and Economics (哲学、政治和经济)
BA (Hons) Security, Intelligence and Cyber (安全、情报和网络)
MA Biography (传记)
MSc Money, Banking and Central Banking (货币,银行及中央银行)
PhD Philosophy (哲学)
CertHE Medical Sciences Pre-Med (9-months) (医学科学)
Master of Medicine (MMed) (医学)
Clinical MD in General Internal Medicine (普通内科)
MB ChB Medicine (4.5-year degree) (医学)
Master of Medicine (MMed) (医学硕士)
Master of Surgery (MSurg) (外科硕士)
BSc Biomedical Sciences (生物医学)
BSc Biomedical Sciences with integrated Foundation (生物医学(含预科))
Master of Surgery (MSurg) (外科)
MB ChB Medicine (医学)
CertHE Medical Sciences Pre-Med (医学预科)
LLB (Hons) Law with Economics (法律与经济学)
LLB (Hons) Law (2-year degree) (法学)
LLB (Hons) Law (法律)
LLB (Hons) Law with Politics (法律与政治)
LLB (Hons) Law and Criminology (2-year degree) (法律与犯罪学)
LLB (Hons) Law with integrated Foundation (3-year degree) (法学(含预科))
LLM Law by Research (研究型法学)
LLB (Hons) Law with English Language Studies (法律与英语语言研究)
Foundation Pathway(Law) (预科课程(法律))
LLB (Hons) Law with Business Finance (法律与商务金融)
LLB (Hons) Law with French (法律与法语)
LLB (Hons) Law with English Language Studies (EFL) (法律与英语语言研究)
LLB (Hons) Law with integrated Foundation (33 Months) (法学(含预科))
Postgraduate Certificate in Law Enforcement, Security and Intelligence (by distance learning) (执法、保安及情报(以远程教育方式))
LLM International and Commercial Law (国际法与商法)
LLB Law (3 year) (法律)
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