University of the West of England
大学拥有四个校园,分别位于布里斯托尔的市内和四周。学校设有9个系,开设各个专业的大约300个学位课程。学校在格洛斯特郡设有一所分院,在巴斯、格洛斯特郡及斯温顿设有地区中心。西英格兰大学位于英国西部,距离首都伦敦只有1个小时车程,现有5个校园,1所分校,共12个学院,3 个教学中心,学生22,000余人,来自世界各国。英格兰西南部城市布里斯托,人口380615。伦敦(111英里),卡的夫(29英里),伯明翰(77英里),牛津(75英里)。
文科类:艺术与文化 电影研究 法律 社会学 政治 语言翻译 教育 历史
工程类:航空工程 电子工程、环境工程、机械工程
生物类:生物医学 公共卫生
艺术与设计(17),商业研究(47),交流与媒体研究(10),经济学,教育(23 ),英语,地产与物业管理,法律,生物学,护理(26),药剂学与药理学,心理学(64),社会学与 社会政策,城镇规划。
西英格兰大学位于英国西部,距离首都伦敦只有1个小时车程,现有5个校园,1所分校,共12个学院,3 个教学中心,学生22,000余人,来自世界各国。英格兰西南部城市布里斯托,人口380615。伦敦(111英 里),卡的夫(29英里),伯明翰(77英里),牛津(75英里)。
布里斯托市位于英格兰西部,大家普遍认为它是集悠久历史、新兴城区、滨海风景和开阔绿地、商店、运动设施、艺术和其它娱乐设施于一身的宜人的城市。布里斯托市最新的娱乐场所是 @Britol。这个独特的三位一体的展览馆坐落于港口附近,有一个 IMAX 电影院, 一个可以漫步其中的植物房和有助于了解人体知识的吸引人的多种动手设施。
布里斯托市内不少多屏幕的电影院,都有十四个或以上的屏幕,在国王广场上还有一个独立的艺术中心电影院。从历史悠久的布里斯托皇家剧院(Old Vic)到较小的QEH 、Redgrave、New Vic和众多非正规化的酒吧剧院,各种剧院比比皆是。Hippodrome剧院则上演伦敦西区的音乐剧和哑剧, 它也是歌剧和芭蕾舞的主要表演地。此外,当地还有一些乐队和音乐家。英国著名的乐队和艺术家如Portihead、Tricky and Maive Attack,都是从布里斯托市发迹的。每年,布里斯托市都主办庆祝黑人音乐和文化的St Paul节,以及Hotwell狂欢节(一个规模较小的游行和街头娱乐活动)和布里斯托小区音乐节(持续两天、有著名乐队参加表演的乡村、爵士、古典和流行音乐和舞蹈表演)。
西英格兰大学 布里斯托市历史韵味和现代气息相融合,有优美的海滨景色、开阔的绿地、购物和体育设施以及艺术和其它娱乐设施。学生住宿服务处保证向留学生提供合适的住所。目前,西英格兰大学有许多校方管理的宿舍,位于受欢迎的学生居住区,紧邻各校园,步行可以到达。
布里斯托留学生中心每周都组织聚会。中心的代表经常来Frenchay校园向留学生介绍各种社交活动的安排。中心热情欢迎布里斯托的所有留学生。在Frenchay 校园的Octagon,每周都组织供留学生聚会的非正式茶会。
学校提供的宿舍包括自助伙食公寓、单人房间公寓和单人套间公寓三种。其中单人房间需与他人共用厨房和卫生间。 所有公寓均有暖气、烟尘报警器、防火家具和24小时紧急事件服务。
本科:TOEFL 570 雅思6.0
研究生:TOEFL 600 雅思6.5
International business management top up BA (Hons) (国际商业管理)
MSc Business with Digital Management ()
MSc Events Management (活动管理)
Postgraduate Diploma Finance and Investment (金融与投资)
MSc Financial Technology (FinTech) (金融科技)
MSc Human Resource Management (International) (人力资源管理(国际))
MSc International Management (国际管理)
MSc International Management-Global Marketing (国际管理-全球营销)
MSc International Management-International Project Management (国际管理-国际项目管理)
MSc Marketing (市场营销)
Postgraduate Certificate Marketing (市场营销)
MBA Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Full-time) (工商管理)
MSc Real Estate Management (房地产管理)
Foundation Certificate for Business, Law and Social Sciences ()
MSc Finance and Investment (金融与投资)
Postgraduate Diploma Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
Postgraduate Certificate Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
Postgraduate Diploma Human Resource Management (International) (人力资源管理(国际))
Postgraduate Certificate Human Resource Management (International) (人力资源管理(国际))
MSc International Management-Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise (国际管理-创新、创意与企业)
MSc International Management-Management Consultancy (国际管理-管理咨询)
Postgraduate Diploma Events Management (活动管理)
Postgraduate Certificate Events Management (活动管理)
Postgraduate Diploma International Management (国际管理)
Postgraduate Certificate International Management (国际管理)
MSc International Management-Leadership (国际管理-领导力)
MSc Accounting and Financial Management (会计与金融管理)
MSc Events Management (事件管理)
MSc Finance (金融)
MSc Innovation and Applied Entrepreneurship (创新与应用创业)
MA Leadership and Media Production Management (领导与媒体产品管理)
MSc Business with Supply Chain Management (供应链管理商业硕士)
BA(Hons)Business and Management ()
Postgraduate Certificate Finance and Investment (金融与投资)
MSc Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
MSc International Management-Digital Business Information Systems (国际管理-数字商业信息系统)
MSc International Management-Global Supply Chain Management (国际管理-全球供应链管理)
Postgraduate Diploma Marketing (市场营销)
MSc Risk Management and Insurance (风险管理与保险)
BA(Hons) Accounting and Business Management ()
MSc Business Management (商务管理)
BA(Hons) Business Management with Accounting and Finance (商务管理与会计及金融)
BA(Hons) Business Management with Marketing (商务管理与市场营销)
FdA Business with Management (商务与管理)
MSc Marketing Communications (营销传播)
BA(Hons) Accounting and Finance (会计与金融)
BA(Hons) Business Management and Leadership (商务管理与领导)
BA(Hons) Business Management with Economics (商务管理与经济学)
BA(Hons) Economics (经济学)
BA(Hons) Banking and Finance (银行与金融)
BA(Hons) Business and Events Management (商务与事件管理)
BA(Hons) Business and Human Resource Management (人力资源管理)
BA(Hons) Business and Management (商务与管理)
BA(Hons) Business (Team Entrepreneurship) (商业(团队创业))
BA(Hons) Marketing (市场营销)
BA(Hons) Marketing Communications (营销传播)
BA(Hons) International Business (国际商务)
BSc(Hons) Accounting ()
Pre-sessional English (语言课程)
International Year One in Business ()
BA(Hons) Business Management with Marketing (Top Up) (工商管理与市场营销)
Postgraduate Diploma Accounting and Finance (会计与财务)
BA(Hons) International Business Management (国际商务管理)
Msc Business Psychology ()
BA (Hons) Business and Management (with Foundation Year) (商务管理预科)
BA(Hons) Business and Management (Top Up) (商务管理 top-up)
MSc in digital marketing (数字营销硕士)
Postgraduate Certificate Accounting and Finance (会计与财务)
MSc Business Psychology (商业心理学)
MSc Digital Marketing (数字营销)
MSc Business with Digital Management (商业与数字管理)
MSc Business with Supply Chain Management (商业与供应链管理)
MSc Construction Project Management (施工项目管理)
BSc Accounting and Management ()
Pre-Master's for Business, Law and Social Sciences ()
BA(Hons) Business Management with Accounting and Finance (Top Up) (商务管理与会计及金融 专升本)
MSc Accounting and Finance (会计与财务)
MSc Business Management (企业管理)
International Year One-Engineering ()
BSc(Hons) Architecture (with Foundation Year) ()
MEng Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies ()
Foundation Certificate for Science and Engineering ()
BEng. Civil Engineering (土木工程)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (电气和电子工程)
MSc Civil Engineering (土木工程)
MSc Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Design Construction and Operations (设计、施工和运营中的建筑信息模型)
MSc Engineering Management (工程管理)
MSc Project Management (项目管理)
MArch Architecture (建筑)
MSc Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Design Construction and Operations (建筑信息模型(BIM)在设计、建设和运营)
MSc Facade Engineering (幕墙工程学)
MSc Urban Planning (城市规划)
MSc Quantity Surveying (工料测量)
MSc Real Estate Finance and Investment (房地产金融与投资)
MSc Transport Engineering and Planning (交通工程与规划)
MSc Building Surveying (建筑测量)
BSc(Hons) Architectural Technology and Design (建筑科技与设计)
BEng(Hons) Architecture and Environmental Engineering (建筑与环境工程)
BSc(Hons) Construction Project Management (HND top-up) (建筑项目管理)
MSc Quantity Surveying (数量调查)
BSc(Hons) Architecture (建筑)
BA(Hons) Architecture and Planning (建筑与规划)
BSc(Hons) Creative Product Design (创意产品设计)
MSc Construction Project Management (建筑项目管理)
MSc Real Estate Finance and Investment (不动产金融与投资)
MSc Real Estate Management (不动产管理)
BSc(Hons) Building Surveying (建筑调查)
BSc(Hons) Construction Project Management (建筑项目管理)
MPlan Property Development and Planning (产权发展与规划)
BSc(Hons) Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management (数量调查与商业管理)
BSc(Hons) Real Estate (不动产)
BA(Hons) Property Development and Planning (产权发展与规划)
BA(Hons) Interior Architecture (室内建筑)
BSc(Hons) Product Design Technology (产品设计技术)
BA(Hons) Interior Architecture (with Foundation Year) (室内建筑)
BSc(Hons) Creative Product Design (with Foundation Year) (创意产品设计)
MArch Architecture (建筑学)
MSc Computational Architecture (计算建筑学)
BA(Hons) Education (文学学士(荣誉)教育)
PGCE with QTS Secondary History (中学历史)
PGCE with QTS Secondary Physical Education (中学体育教育)
BA(Hons) Early Years Education (Top up) ()
PGCE with QTS Primary (5-11) (小学(5-11 年级)专业教育证书)
PGCE with QTS Secondary Art and Design (中学艺术与设计)
PGCE with QTS Secondary Biology with Science (中学生物与科学)
PGCE with QTS Secondary Business (中学商务)
PGCE with QTS Secondary Chemistry with Science (中学化学与科学)
PGCE with QTS Secondary Mathematics (中学数学)
PGCE with QTS Secondary Modern Languages (中学现代语言)
PGCE with QTS Secondary Physics with Science (中学物理与科学)
PGCE with QTS Primary Early Years (3-7) (小学(3-7 年级)专业教育证书)
PGCE with QTS Secondary Geography (中学地理)
PGCE Physical Education with EBacc (体育教育)
BA(Hons) Early Childhood (幼教)
BA(Hons) Education in Professional Practice (教育专业实践)
PGCE with QTS Secondary Computer Science (中学计算机科学)
PGCE with QTS Secondary English (中学英语)
FdA Inclusive Practice (包容性实践)
BA(Hons) Primary Education (ITE) (小学教育)
Primary Early Years (3-7) * - PGCE with QTS - UWE Bristol: Courses ()
Pre-master's in Computing (硕预)
MSc Artificial Intelligence (人工智能)
MSc Information Technology (信息技术)
MA Virtual and Extended Realities (虚拟与扩展现实)
BSc(Hons) Business Computing ()
Cyber Security MSc (网络安全)
MSc Information Technology (信息科技)
BSc(Hons) Creative Music Technology (创意音乐科技)
BSc(Hons) Digital Media (数字媒体)
MSc Information Management (信息管理)
MSc Software Engineering (软件工程)
BSc(Hons) Audio and Music Technology (音频与音乐科技)
BSc(Hons) Applied Computing (应用计算)
FdSc Applied Computing (应用计算)
BSc(Hons) Broadcast Audio and Music Technology (广播音频与音乐科技)
BSc(Hons) Computer Science (计算机科学)
BSc(Hons) Computer Systems Integration (计算机系统集成)
BSc(Hons) Computing (计算)
BSc(Hons) Information Technology Management for Business (ITMB) (商务信息科技管理)
BSc(Hons) Software Development for Business (软件发展与商务)
BSc(Hons) Games Technology (游戏科技)
BSc(Hons) Information Technology (信息科技)
BSc(Hons) Mobile Technology (移动科技)
MSc Data Science ()
MSc Data Science (数据科学)
MSc Cyber Security (网络安全)
MA Design (设计)
MSc Science Communication (科学传播)
MA Documentary Production (纪录片制作)
Postgraduate Diploma Science Communication (科学传播)
MA Journalism (新闻学)
MA Animation (动画)
MA Wildlife Filmmaking (野生动物电影制作)
BA(Hons) Animation (动漫)
BA(Hons) Drama (戏剧)
BA(Hons) Drama and Acting (戏剧与表演)
BA(Hons) Drama with Creative Writing (戏剧与创意写作)
BA(Hons) Filmmaking (制片)
BA(Hons) Journalism and Public Relations (新闻学与公共关系)
BA(Hons) Photography (摄影)
BA(Hons) Journalism (新闻学)
BA(Hons) Media and Journalism (媒体与新闻学)
MA Graphic Arts (平面艺术)
MA Curating (策展)
MA Fine Art (美术)
MA Journalism (Special Features) (新闻学(特辑))
MA Journalism (Audio, Docs and Podcast) (新闻学(音频、文档和播客))
MA Multi-Disciplinary Printmaking (多学科版画)
MA Photography (摄影)
MFA Curating (策展)
MA Multi-Disciplinary Printmaking (多科学版画)
MPhil Master of Philosophy - MPhil (哲学)
MSc Advanced Wildlife Conservation in Practice (高级野生动物保护实践)
BEng(Hons) Civil Engineering (with Foundation Year) ()
MSc Project Management (理学硕士项目管理)
MSc Robotics (机器人学)
MSc Advanced Forensic Analysis (高级法医分析)
MSc Biomedical Science (生物医学科学)
MSc Embedded Systems and Wireless Networks (嵌入式系统与无线网络)
MSc Psychology (Conversion) (心理学(转换))
MSc Automation and Computer Vision (自动化与计算机视觉)
MSc Science Communication (科学通信)
MSc Sustainable Development in Practice (可持续发展实践)
MEng Aerospace Engineering (航空工程)
FdSc Aerospace Engineering Manufacturing (航空工程制造)
FdSc Animal Management (动物管理)
BSc(Hons) Animal Science (动物科学)
Master of Science (Integrated Masters) Biological Sciences (生物科学)
Master of Science (Integrated Masters) Biomedical Science (生物医学科学)
BEng(Hons) Civil and Environmental Engineering (水土与环境工程)
BA(Hons) English and English Language (语言与英国语言)
BA(Hons) English with Writing (英语与写作)
BSc(Hons) Equestrian Sports Therapy (马术运动疗法)
FdSc Equine Management (马术管理)
FdSc Equine Veterinary Nursing Scienc (马术)
BA(Hons) Fashion Communication (时尚传播)
Master of Science (Integrated Masters) Forensic Science * (法医科学)
FdSc Games and Animation Production (游戏与动画产品)
MSc Environmental Consultancy (环境咨询)
MSc Environmental Management (环境管理)
MSc Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
MSc Transport Engineering and Planning (运输工程与规划)
BEng(Hons) Aerospace Engineering (航空工程)
MEng Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies (航空工程与飞行员研究)
BSc(Hons) Animal Behaviour and Welfare (动物行为与福利)
BSc(Hons) Animal Management (动物管理)
BSc(Hons) Biological Sciences (生物科学)
BSc(Hons) Biomedical Science (生物医学科学)
BSc(Hons) Bioveterinary Science (生物兽医学)
BA(Hons) Creative Media Design (创意媒体设计)
BSc(Hons) Diagnostic Imaging (诊断性影像学)
BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering (电子工程)
BA(Hons) English and History (英语与历史)
BSc(Hons) Environmental Resource Management (环境资源管理)
BSc(Hons) Equestrian Sports Science (马术运动科学)
BA(Hons) Equine Business Management (马术商务管理)
BSc(Hons) Equine Veterinary Nursing Science - Top Up (马受益护理科学)
BEng(Hons) Aerospace Engineering with Pilot Studies (航空工程与飞行员研究)
FdSc Agriculture (农业)
BSc(Hons) Agriculture, Conservation and Sustainable Management (农业、保护与可持续管理)
FdSc Animal Behaviour and Welfare (动物行为与福利)
MEng Automotive Engineering (汽车工程)
BEng(Hons) Automotive Engineering (汽车工程)
MEng Electronic Engineering (电子工程)
BSc(Hons) Engineering (工程)
BA(Hons) English (英语)
MSc Transport Planning (运输规划)
FdSc Animal Science and Management (动物管理)
BA(Hons) Drawing and Print (绘画与打印)
BSc(Hons) Environmental Science (环境科学)
BSc(Hons) Environmental Science with placement year (环境科学(含企业实习))
Master of Science (Integrated Masters) Environmental Science (环境科学)
BSc(Hons) Equestrian Sports Coaching (马术运动教练)
BA(Hons) Fine Arts (美术)
BSc(Hons) Forensic Science (法医科学)
FdSc Forensic Science (法医科学)
BSc(Hons) Healthcare Science (Physiological Sciences) (健康护理科学(生理科学))
BA(Hons) History (历史)
BA(Hons) History with Heritage (历史与遗产)
BA(Hons) Illustration (插图)
BA(Hons) Literature and Film Studies (文学与电影研究)
BSc(Hons) Occupational Therapy (职业疗法)
BSc(Hons) Paramedic Science (辅助科学)
BSc(Hons) Healthcare Science (Life Science) (健康护理科学(生命科学))
MSci Integrated Masters in Sports Coaching (体育教练)
BEng(Hons) Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
BSc(Hons) Physical Education and School Sport (物理教育与学校运动)
BA(Hons) Professional and Creative Writing (职业与创意写作)
BA(Hons) Sports Business Management (体育商务管理)
BSc(Hons) Sports Coaching (运动教练)
BA(Hons) Uniformed and Public Services (穿制服与公共服务)
BSc(Hons) Urban Planning/Master of Planning (城市规划/规划)
Master of Science (Integrated Masters) Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Science (野生动物生态与保护科学)
Postgraduate Diploma Applied Wildlife Conservation (应用野生动物保护)
Postgraduate Diploma Biomedical Science (生物医学)
Masters in Research (MRes) Applied Sciences-Biological Science (应用科学-生物科学)
BA(Hons) Fashion (时尚)
BSc(Hons) Geography (地理)
FdSc Healthcare Science (健康护理科学)
MSci Integrated Masters in Equine Science (马术科学)
BSc(Hons) Mathematics (数学)
BSc(Hons) Mathematics and Statistics (数学与数据)
BSc(Hons) Physical Activity and Community Health (身体活动与社区卫生)
BSc(Hons) Physiotherapy (物理疗法)
BSc(Hons) Radiotherapy and Oncology (放射线疗法与肿瘤学)
FdA Sports Business Management (体育商务管理)
FdSc Sports Coaching (运动教练)
FdA Uniformed and Public Services (穿制服与公共服务)
Postgraduate Certificate Applied Wildlife Conservation (应用野生动物保护)
Masters in Research (MRes) Applied Sciences (应用科学)
Masters in Research (MRes) Applied Sciences-Biomedical Science (应用科学-生物医学科学)
MSc Applied Wildlife Conservation (应用野生动物保护)
BA(Hons) English Language and Linguistics (英国语言与语言学)
BSc(Hons) Equine Management (马术管理)
FdSc Equine Performance (马术表演)
BSc(Hons) Equine Science (马术科学)
FdSc Equine Science and Management (马术科学与管理)
BA(Hons) Geography (地理)
BA(Hons) of Planning Geography and Planning/Geography (地理与规划/地理)
Master of Planning Geography and Planning/Geography (地理与规划/地理)
BA(Hons) Graphic Design (平面设计)
FdSc Integrated Wildlife Conservation (野生动物保护)
BA(Hons) Interior Design (室内设计)
FdSc Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
MEng Mechanical Engineering (机械工程)
BA(Hons) Media Culture and Practice (媒体文化与实践)
Certificate of Higher Education Premedical Sciences (高等教育医学预科科学)
FdSc River and Coastal Engineering (河流海岸工程)
BEng(Hons) Robotics (机器人学)
BSc(Hons) Sports Conditioning and Injury Management (体育训练与伤害管理)
BSc(Hons) Sports Performance (运动表演)
BSc(Hons) Sports Studies (运动研究)
FdSc Sports Studies (运动研究)
BSc(Hons) Sports Therapy (体育疗法)
Masters in Research (MRes) Applied Sciences-Conservation and Environment Forensic Sciences (应用科学-保护与环境法医学)
MSc Applied Transfusion and Transplantation Science (应用输血和移植科学)
MSc Biomedical Science (生物医学)
MSc Biomedical Science-Cellular Pathology and Oncology (生物医学-细胞病理学与肿瘤学)
MSc Conservation Leadership (保护领导力)
MSc Biomedical Science-Haematology (生物医学-血液学)
FdSc Sport Performance (运动表演)
BSc(Hons) Sport Rehabilitation (运动康复学)
BSc(Hons) Sport and Exercise Nutrition (运动与体育营养学)
BSc(Hons) Sport and Exercise Sciences (运动与体育科学)
MPlan Urban Planning/Master of Planning (城市规划/规划)
FdSc Veterinary Nursing Science (兽医护理科学)
BSc(Hons) Veterinary Nursing Science (兽医护理科学)
BSc(Hons) Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Science (野生动物生态与保护科学)
Masters in Research (MRes) Applied Sciences-Biomedical Engineering (应用科学-生物医学工程)
Masters in Research (MRes) Applied Sciences-Bio-Sensing Technology (应用科学-生物传感技术)
Masters in Research (MRes) Applied Sciences-Forensic Science (应用科学-法医学)
Masters in Research (MRes) Applied Sciences-Physiology (应用科学-生理学)
Masters in Research (MRes) Applied Sciences-Science Communication (应用科学-科学传播)
MSc Biomedical Science-Applied Immunology (生物医学-应用免疫学)
MSc Biomedical Science-Clinical Biochemistry (生物医学-临床生物化学)
MSc Biomedical Science-Medical Genetics (生物医学-医学遗传学)
MSc Biomedical Science-Medical Microbiology (生物医学-医学微生物学)
Postgraduate Certificate Health Psychology (健康心理学)
MSc Health Technology (卫生技术)
MSc Public Health (公共健康)
Postgraduate Certificate Public Health (公共健康)
MSc Sport and Exercise Psychology (体育与运动心理学)
BSc Health and Social Care ()
MSc Occupational Psychology (职业心理学)
Postgraduate Diploma Public Health (公共健康)
MSc Environmental Health (环境健康)
Postgraduate Diploma Occupational Psychology (职业心理学)
Postgraduate Certificate Occupational Psychology (职业心理学)
BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography ()
Postgraduate Diploma Environmental Health (环境健康)
MSc Health Psychology (健康心理学)
Postgraduate Diploma Health Psychology (健康心理学)
BSc(Hons) Criminology with Psychology (犯罪学与心理学)
MSc Professional Development (Environmental Health) (专业发展(环境卫生))
BA(Hons) Criminology and Sociology (犯罪学与社会学)
Masters in Research (MRes) Social Research (Health and Wellbeing) (社会研究(健康与福利))
MSc Environmental Health (环境卫生)
BA(Hons) Criminology (犯罪学)
FdA Criminology and Criminal Justice (犯罪学与犯罪司法)
BA(Hons) Sociology (社会学)
MSc Health Technology (健康科技)
BA(Hons) Professional Development (Social Work) (专业发展(社会工作))
FdSc Public and Environmental Health (公共环境卫生)
BSc(Hons) Sociology with Psychology (社会学与心理学)
FdA Therapeutic Work with Children and Young People (儿童与年轻人治疗工作)
BA(Hons) Politics and International Relations (政治与国际关系)
BSc(Hons) Social Work (社会工作)
BA(Hons) Philosophy (哲学)
BSc(Hons) Psychology (心理学)
BSc(Hons) Psychology with Criminology (心理学与犯罪学)
BSc(Hons) Psychology with Law (心理学与法律)
BSc(Hons) Psychology with Sociology (心理学与社会学)
BSc Public and Environmental Health (公共环境卫生)
MSc Sustainable Food Systems (可持续食品系统)
Masters in Research (MRes) Social Research (Sustainable Futures) (社会研究(可持续未来))
MSc Risk Management and Insurance ()
MSc Forensic Science (法医学)
MSc Physician Associate Studies (医生助理研究)
MRes Health and Care Research (健康与护理研究)
FdSc Health and Social Care Practice (健康与社会保健实践)
FdSc Care Management in the Community (社区护理管理)
MSc Radiotherapy and Oncology (放射线疗法与肿瘤学)
BSc(Hons)/BSc Nursing (Mental Health) (护理(精神健康))
BSc(Hons) Midwifery (助产)
BSc(Hons)/BSc Nursing (Adult Nursing) (护理(成人护理))
BSc(Hons)/BSc Nursing (Learning Disabilities) (护理(学习障碍))
BSc(Hons) Nursing (Children's) (护理(儿童))
BSc(Hons) Specialist Practice (专家实践)
LLM Commercial Law (商业法)
LLM International Law (国际法)
LLM International Law and Security (国际法与安全)
PGDip Solicitors Training Course (SQE Prep) (律师培训课程)
PGCert Solicitors Training Course (SQE Prep) (律师培训课程)
LLM Solicitors Training Course (SQE Prep) (律师培训)
LLM International Banking and Finance Law (国际银行与金融法)
LLM Global Business and Finance Law (全球商业与金融法)
LLM International Trade and Economic Law (国际贸易与经济法)
LLB(Hons) European and International Law (欧洲与国际法)
LLB(Hons) Commercial Law (商业法)
LLM Environmental Law and Sustainable Development (环境法与可持续发展)
LLM International Trade and Economic Law (国际管理)
BA(Hons) Business and Law (商务与法律)
BA(Hons) Criminology and Law (犯罪学与法律)
LLB(Hons) Law with Psychology (法律与心理学)
LLB(Hons) Law (法律)
LLB(Hons) Law (with Foundation Year) (法学)
PGDip Bar Training Course (律师培训课程)
LLM Bar Training Course (律师培训课程)
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